








Let those in need ______ that we will go all out to help them.(2013陕西)

A.to understandB.understand


解析:介词短语in need修饰those,将其去掉,句子变为Let those ______ that we will go all out to help them.不难看出本题考查let sb do sth结构,故答案为B。


“Never for a second,” the boy says, “ ______ that my father would come to my rescue.”(2013江苏)

A.I doubtedB.do I doubt

C.I have doubtedD.did I doubt

解析:将the boy says去掉,句子变为Never for a second ______ that my father would come to my rescue。可以看出本题考查倒装结构,再根据宾语从句中的时态可知应选D项。




There are some health problems that, when ______ in time, can become bigger ones later on.(2013浙江)

A.not treated

B.not being treated

C.not to be treated

D.not having been treated

解析:题干中省略了主语和be动词,如果把省略部分补全,句子应为:There are some health problems that, when they are ______ in time,can become bigger ones later on.答案为A。


高考命题常以复杂的句型来增加考题的难度,有意给学生造成理解和判断上的困难。面对这种题型,考生要能透过复杂的语言环境,结合语法结构,还原出“庐山真面目”, 这样题



Among the crises that face humans ______ the lack of natural resources.(2013上海)


C.is thereD.are there

解析: 如果把题干中的倒装句改为正常语序,句子表达为:The lack of natural resources ______ among the crises that face humans.我们可以看出此题是对主谓一致的考查,答案为A。




—Do you think Mom and Dad ______ late?

—No.Swiss Air is usually on time.(2013北京)

A.wereB.will be

C.would beD.have been

解析: 句意:——你认为爸爸和妈妈会晚到吗?——不会的,瑞士航空一向准时。根据语境可知“爸爸和妈妈的飞机还未到”,应该用一般将来时,故选B项。




Butterflies ______ a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.(2013湖北)

A.carry onB.feed on

C.put onD.focus on

解析:该题考查“动词+on”构成的短语动词辨析。carry on继续;feed on以……为食;put on穿上,上演;focus on集中于。句意:蝴蝶以花蜜为食,这些花蜜是蜜蜂和其它昆虫采集的。根据句意选B。




Eye doctors recommend that a child’s first eye exam ______ at the age of six months old.(2013浙江)




I’m calling about the apartment you ______ the other day.Could you tell me more about it?(2013安徽)A.advertisedB.had advertised

C.are advertising D.will advertise

解析:此题的关键信息是the other day,通常与一般过去时连用,故选A。




He may win the competition, ______ he is likely to get into the national team.(2013辽宁)

A.in which caseB.in that case

C.in what caseD.in whose case

解析:分析句子结构可知:He may win the competition是主句,______ he is likely to get into the national team是定语从句。答案为A。此题如果不分析句子结构,很容易误选B项;如果选B项,句子应为:He may win the competition, and in that case he is likely to get into the national team.八、注意固定搭配(固定句型)



Tony can hardly boil an egg, still ______ cook dinner.(2013全国Ⅰ)




【考例】I stopped the car ______ a short break as I was feeling tired.(2013山东)

A.takeB.takingC.to takeD.taken C.muchD.more解析:still less为固定搭配,表示“更不用说,何况”,前面常与否定词连用。答案为A。

解析:若不注意分析该句含义,可能会误认为考查stop…(from)doing sth结构而选B,但根据句意“因为感觉疲惫,我停车以便做短暂休息”可知此处用不定式作目的状语,故选C。



[作者]  孙锋



考试中倍受青睐也是不可缺少 的题型之一。高考英语NMET单项填空B部分为

20个小题,内容涉及到中学英语课本(初中6册,高中3册)许许多 多方面的


干的意思,弄清命题 者要考查我们哪些方面的知识,切忌不认真读题干就盲目

地拿起来不加思索地选;其次要注意做题方法,要特 别注意空格前后词与词之


与联 系,逐一比较排斥;最后注意做完后要认真复查核对,将所选的一项放到



即:语法题、习语及惯用法搭 配题、词语辨析题和情景交际题。下面笔者就分



的考查,也可能对语法结构形 式上进行考查。从近几年的高考试题来看,单一

考查语法的题越来越少,而是将语法考查放在一定的语境中考 查,而且在同一



掌握正确的应对方法是提高高考单项填空题得分的关键。这里我们介绍和分析几种解题技巧, 以帮助学生提高单项填空题的解题能力。


捕捉信息词汇, 分析语境, 明确考点。单项填空题一般都有一定的语境, 因此一定要细心读完题目, 结合信息词汇所给的提示, 弄清题目的意图, 找出解决问题的突破口。该法多适用于时态、词义辨析等类的题目。

【例1】I have to see the doctor because I ____a lot lately. (2010陕西)

A.have been coughing B.had coughed


解析:本题考查动词时态。由信息词lately可知此处表示现阶段一直在进行的动作或存在的状态, 且强调其持续性, 用现在完成进行时, 选A。

【例2】Some people eat with their eyes.They prefer to order what ____nice. (2010四川)

A.looks B.smells C.feels D.tastes

解析:本题考查系动词辨析。根据提示信息eat with their eyes, 后句应该意为他们喜欢点看起来很好吃的东西, 不难选出正确答案A。


有些单项填空题的句子结构复杂, 稍有疏忽, 便会受到干扰项的干扰, 这时要仔细分析, 弄清句子结构, 去掉插入语或附加的次要信息成分, 然后再对照所给的选项, 选出正确答案。该法多适用于复合句或固定句式等方面的题目。

【例3】____is known to us all is that the 2008Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.

A.It B.What C.As D.Which

解析:受思维定式的影响, 学生一看到有is known to us all就用It或As。实际上, 该题要根据题干的结构来作出判断。所填词应引导主语从句, 并作句子的主语, 故用What。答案为B。

【例4】John thinks it won’t be long ____he is ready for his new job. (2010陕西)

A.when B.after C.before D.since

解析:分析句子结构, 本题考查固定句式It (will) be+时间段+before从句, 意思是过多久才……选C。


非谓语动词类题目考查学生对逻辑关系的理解。正确理解非谓语动词与其逻辑主语之间存在主动关系还是被动关系是解题的关键。状语从句类题目需要学生正确分析从句与主句间存在什么样的逻辑关系, 把握好因果、条件、让步、目的等关系是解题的诀窍。

【例5】A great number of students____ said they were forced to practise the piano. (2010四川)

A.to question B.to be questioned


解析:question与students存在被动关系, question表示的动作也已完成, 故用过去分词。

【例6】____from the top of the tower, the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. (2010陕西)

A.Seen B.Seeing C.Having seen D.To see

解析:考查非谓语动词。此处是非谓语动词作状语, 逻辑主语是句子的主语, 非谓语动词与逻辑主语是被动关系, 用过去分词, 选A。

【例7】Tim is in good shape physically ____he doesn’t get much exercise. (2010湖南)

A.if B.even though C.unless D.as long as

解析:句意为“尽管Tim不经常锻炼, 但他身材很好”。前后是让步转折关系, 故选B项。



【例8】James took the magazines off the little table to make ____for the television. (2010天津)

A.room B.area C.field D.position

解析:make room for是固定搭配, 意思是“为……腾出空地”, 其中的room是不可数名词。

【例9】I had great difficulty ____the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.

A.find B.found C.to find D.finding

解析:本题考查固定结构have difficulty (in) doing sth, 故正确答案为D。


尽管高考题的考查由注重语言知识向注重语言运用转变, 但不少题目考查学生对知识的灵活运用能力, 巧用一些语法规则是解题的关键。

【例10】____in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum. (2010天津)

A.Anything B.Nothing

C.Everything D.Something

解析:根据语法规则, 形容词/副词的同级比较肯定形式用as+adj/adv as, 否定形式用not as/so+adj/adv+as。由句中so deeply as可知, 该选项应用表示否定意义的代词, 故答案为B。


对于考查定语从句和名词性从句等的题目, 考生应正确把握选项在从句中作什么成分, 若缺少了主语或宾语, 应从关系代词或连接代词中选择正确答案;反之, 选择关系副词或连接副词。

【例11】We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have____ we have here and treat food nicely. (2010福建)

A.that B.which C.what D.whether

解析:定语从句的谓语have缺少宾语, we have here在结构上也缺少宾语, 因此横线上需要填入一个双重代词, 具备该功能的词只有what。

【例12】We haven’t discussed yet____ we are going to place our new furniture. (2010全国Ⅰ)

A.that B.which C.what D.where

解析:此题考查从句。题干中空格位于动词discuss的后面, 因此考查宾语从句。根据句意, 在宾语从句中缺少地点状语, 因此选择D。


“突出语境, 强化语意, 强调运用”是近几年高考命题的趋向。语言知识题的考查是在一定的语境中进行的。做单项填空题时不能忽略上下文即语境。这类试题有两类:一类是考查日常交际用语;另一类是借助语境, 考查学生对动词时态、情态动词等基础知识的把握。

【例13】—Do you think you could do without help?

—____.This is not the first time for me. (2010山东)

A.Take care B.Hurry up

C.Not exactly D.Don’t worry

解析:根据后置语境“This is not the first time for me.”可知, 答语应表示“没问题, 别担心”之意, 所以D项符合语境。

【例14】You____ park here!It’s an emergency exit. (2010重庆)



解析:由后面的“这是一个紧急出口”可知, 该处是禁止停车的, 所以用mustn’t表示禁止某人做某事, 选D。


一、 单项填空题命题特点:


1. 进一步强化语境因素,增加了语法知识与语言环境的综合运用,体现了高考试题“注重语境,强调运用”的指导思想。

2. 涉及知识面广,涵盖了交际、时态、语态、冠词、形容词、副词、动词(词组)、非谓语动词、定语从句以及状语从句等。其中动词一直是单项填空题考查的重点。

3. 总体难度略有下降,基本剔除了以前的偏题、怪题。

4. 语境设置更为真实、自然、巧妙。词汇、语法知识越考越活。

5. 诱答性强。每道小题中的三个干扰项,常有一至二个选项难于排除,有可能诱导受试者选错答案。

二、 单项填空干扰项设计

干扰设计之一: 利用思维定势


1. Which do you enjoy_____your spare time, playing cards at home or taking a walk in the park?

A. spendingB. to spend

C. having spentD. to have spent


2. —English has large vocabulary, hasnt it?

—Yes,_____more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate. (2004上海卷)

A. knowB. knowing

C. to knowD. known

动词放在句首常见形式是分词或不定式,同学们很可能因为这定势思维选B或C, 其实正确选项是A,Do sth. and you will ... 也是一个常见句型。

3. The day we had been looking forward to_____at last.

A. comeB.came

C. comingD. to come

looking forward to sth. / doing sth.也是同学们记得很牢的一个固定搭配,故会不加思索地选C,其实空白处缺少的是谓语动词,应填B。此句可译为:我们一直盼望的那一天终于到来了!


英汉在表达习惯、思维方式等方面具有很多不同,命题者常利用汉英差异出题。如汉语的“参加”在许多情况下都适用,如参加会议、考试、解放军等,而在英语中则因不同的宾语用不同的动词,如take part in the ce-lebration, attend a meeting, join the army, take an exam, join in a discussion等。例如:

1. —Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now.

—OK._____. (2004全国卷)

A. Take it easyB. Go slowly

C. Stay longerD. See you


2. Mr. Smith used to smoke_____but he has given it up. (2004天津卷)

A. seriouslyB. heavily

C. badlyD. hardly


4. —Whats made Tommy so upset?

—_____the game. It shocked him so much.

A. For losingB. Lost

C. LosingD. Because of losing

按照汉语习惯,同学们可能要选A或D,而正确选项是C,因为what是对主语提问,回答部分也应该是名词性短语losing the game.



Few pleasures can equal_____of a cool drink on a hot day. (1999全国卷)

A. someB. anyC. thatD. those

此句的意思比较清楚:“没有什么快乐能比得上在大热天里喝上一杯冷饮那么惬意”,但同学们在选答时却往往会错选D,因为前面有复数名词pleasures,其实a cool drink是单数,指一件事,故正确选项是C。

2. —You havent been to Beijing, have you?

—. How I wish to go there!

A. Yes, I haveB. Yes, I havent

C. No, I haveD. No, I havent


3. —Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.


A. I dontB. I wont

C. I cannotD. I havent

因为前面有Dont forget ...,同学们受惯性影响在选答时会错选A,而正确选项是B,表“我不会的”。



1. The films made by Disney_____all over the world.

A. are used to show

B. are used to showing

C. used to be shown

D. used to show




The price_____, but I doubt whether it will remain so. (1999全国卷)

A. went downB. will go down

C. has gone downD. was going down

I doubt whether it will remain so.就是一个很巧妙的语境,说明情况已发生变化,但不知会不会持续下去,故答案是C。


1. 注意分析句子结构,确定选择方向


(1) George Orwell,was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. (2004北京)

A. the real name

B. what his real name

C. his real name

D. whose real name


(2)_____some of this juice—perhaps youll like it. (2000年北京春季)

A. TryingB. Try

C. To tryD. Have tried


(3) The largest collection ever found in England was one of about 200,000 silver pennies, all of_____over 600 years old.

A. themB. whichC. itD. that


2. 认真分析语境,准确理解和把握信息


(1) —You havent lost the ticket, have you?

—___________. I know its not easy to get another one at the moment. (2004江苏)

A. I hope notB. Yes, I have

C. I hope soD. Yes, Im afraid so


(2) Everyone was on time for the meeting —_____Chris, whos usually ten minutes late for everything.

A. butB. onlyC. evenD. yet

此题的关键是破折号,破折号后的内容是对前面的内容加以解释的。整句的意思是“人人都准时到会了——甚至连干什么事都迟到十分钟的克里斯也准时到会了。”所以要选C。若没有破折号就要选A,因为but作“除了”解时总是与表示全否定、全肯定的词或who连用,例如:Everyone has known it but you. 这样意思就不同了:除了克里斯人人都准时到会了,他干什么事都是迟到十分钟的。

3. 正确理解句意,避免定势思维


(1) Were going to_____with some friends for a picnic. Would you like to join us? (2004北京春季)

A. get inB. get over

C. get alongD. get together

考生很可能选择C项,get along with sb.“与……相处”。但根据句意,此处应为“欢聚”之意。故选D。

(2) —I cant find Mr. Smith. Where did you meet him this morning?

—It was in the hotel_____he stayed.

A. whereB. which

C. the oneD. that

此题最大的干扰项是D,考生很可能把它看作强调结构。但根据句意,它要表达的是“在他呆的宾馆里找到他的”。所以,实际上是在stayed后省略了that I found him,即全句可完整地表达为It was in the hotel where he stayed that I found him.。故选A。

4. 排除母语干扰,规范英语表达


(1) —Were all the three people in the car injured in the accident?

—No,_____only the two passengers who got hurt.

A. it wasB. there was

C. there wereD. there had

考生很可能误选C。因为考生想表达“不,只有两个人受伤”,很可能用There be结构表达自己的思想。但是,本句实际采用了强调结构,强调“only the two passengers”,故选A。

(2) —Excuse me,_____?

—Thats $35.76 altogether, madam.

A. how much is the meal weve had

B. but can I take your order

C. could I have the bill, please

D. would you please take the money


(3)_____, tears came to his eyes.

A. Reading the letter

B. He was reading the letter

C. When he was reading the letter

D. The letter was being read


5. 巧用逻辑情理法


(1) Im sorry I cant help_____the floor of the classroom.

A. sweepingB. swept

C. to sweepD. to sweeping

cant help doing是一个固定搭配,意为“禁不住做……”,同学们很可能因此选A。但是cant help (to) do也是可以的,意为“不能帮助做……”,根据句子的意思,此题应选C。

6. 牢记固定短语及句型还原法


(1) That was_____we had in London three years ago!

A. wonderful timeB. a wonderful time

C. wonderfulD. wonderfully

此句可还原为:We had a wonderful time in London three years ago.。该复合句中有一固定搭配had a wonderful time(玩得愉快),定语从句中省略了关系代词that,故答案为B。

(2) I am sorry for the trouble I have put you_____the problem.

A. to solveB. of solving

C. to of solvingD. to have solved

本题容易误选A。其实,只要能看出复合句中put sb. to the trouble of doing sth.,就可得出答案C。




这是解填空题的基本方法,它是直接从题设条件出发、利用定义、定理、性质、公式等知识,通过变形、推理、运算等过程,直接得到结果。它是解填空 题的最基本、最常用的方法。使用直接法解填空题,要善于通过现象看本质,熟练应用解方程和解不等式的方法,自觉地、有意识地采取灵活、简捷的解法。


当填空题的结论唯一或题设条件中提供的信息暗示答案是一个定值时,而已知条件中含有某些不确定的量,可以将题中变化的不定量选取一些符合条件的 恰当特殊值(或特殊函数,或特殊角,图形特殊位置,特殊点,特殊方程,特殊模型等)进行处理,从而得出探求的结论。这样可大大地简化推理、论证的过程。


“数缺形时少直观,形缺数时难入微。”数学中大量数的问题后面都隐含着形的信息,图形的特征上也体现着数的关系。我们要将抽象、复杂的数量关 系,通过形的形象、直观揭示出来,以达到“形帮数”的目的;同时我们又要运用数的规律、数值的计算,来寻找处理形的方法,来达到“数促形”的目的。对于一 些含有几何背景的填空题,若能数中思形,以形助数,则往往可以简捷地解决问题,得出正确的结果。

























一. 短文全文大意的帮助


二. 利用信号词来定位和定词


三. 空格前后的上下文的帮助


四. 语法知识的帮助




Homeopathy differs from conventional medicine in a number of ways. Conventional medicine views symptoms as an indication of something wrong in the body, whereas homeopathy sees them as signs that the body is attempting to (1) ______________. The uses of medication differ also. Many types of conventional medication (2) ______________ but if the medicine is taken away, the illness returns. The intention of homeopathy is to bring about a complete cure. Homeopathic remedies are (3) ___________ than conventional medicine and have fewer (4) ________________.

List of Words/Phrases

cheapercureheal itself

illnesstreatmentsgetting better

control symptomsmore expensiveside effects


(1)的空格从语法上判断必是动词原形,表中只有三个,cure、heal itself、control symptoms,而cure可以排除,因其如作及物动词,后面缺宾语;如作不及物动词,意思不通。control symptoms放在这里同样意思不对,因为之前的那个them就是指symptoms,这样句子的逻辑意义不对,因此只有heal itself才对。(2)的空格前是一名词性短语,很明显是作主语的,那么空格(2)就是谓语了,刚才三个动词已去掉两个,只剩下control symptoms,结合后面的but连接的句子来看,意思也对,所以空格(2)就填control symptoms了。空格(3)该是形容词比较级,从上下文来看,只有cheaper合适。最后(4)空格前面是fewer,说明这里肯定是个复数名词,表中只有side effects是正确的。






句子1:It seems that the viewer can sense the artists’ vision in paintings, even if they can’t explain why.


A. mostly favour works of art which they know well.

B.hold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.

C.are often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.

D.have the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.





题目:Angelina Hawley-Dolan’s findings indicate that people

A mostly favour works of art which they know well.

Bhold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.

Care often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.

Dhave the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.

原文出题点:Angelina Hawley-Dolan, of Boston College, Massachusettes, responded to this debate by asking volunteers to view pairs of paintings - either the creations of famous abstract artists or the doodles of infants, chimps and elephant. They then had to judge which they preferred. A third of the paintings were given no captions, while many were labelled incorrectly-volunteers might think they were viewing a chimp’s messy brushstrokes when they were actually seeing an acclaimed masterpiece. In each set of trials, volunteers generally preferred the work of renowned artists, even when they believed it was by an animal or a child. It seems that the viewer can sense the artist’s vision in paintings, even if they can’t explain why.


出题模式一和二一对比,大家就明白了,其实选择题,真正的难点在于:同学们往往不能准确定位出考官的出题点到底是哪一句子。烤鸭们一般可以大概定位到题目出题“面”--- 段落,但是,却不能准确定位“点”--出题的句子。所以,很多同学常常有需要读一整段或是两个段落来解一个选择题的错觉。





考查实验相关的题目,一般重点都是考实验的结果,重点直接去文中快速锁定实验的结果,一般表结果的关键词是:findings, ...found that..., It seems that..., it would seem that....

正常来说:当讲到某个实验的时候,文中的行文顺序:WHY该实验的背景/目的--HOW该实验如何进行--WHAT实验对象在实验做了什么或是如何表现的---Results/Findings。所以,当提到某个实验时,一般会有2-3句来讲实验的why, how和what,结果往往放在最后。解题时,直接快速跳到实验后边去看实验的结果。

如上题所示:题目问Angelina Hawley-Dolan’s findings indicate...(他的实验结果表明....), 文中,段落前几句描述的都是跟实验相关的内容,到最后一句It seems that..., 才是结果。考生们在做题前,如果能够非常清晰的了解这个特点的话,就可以高效准确的解题了。




如果题目提问中出现段落的,如果是问段落大意,就看段落主题句,快速把握段落主旨。出现段落,但不问主旨的,一定要先定好段落中具体细节,再解题。如: According to the eighth paragraph, how was the geography of the region significant? 题目中提到第8段,但是不能看一整个段落解题,还要定位到关键词geography 所在的句子,理解后再做题。

雅思阅读模拟题:Hormones in the Body

Hormones in the Body

Up to the beginning of the twentieth century, the nervous system was thought to control all communication within the body and the resulting integration of behavior. Scientists had determined that nerves ran, essentially, on electrical impulses. These impulses were thought to be the engine for thought, emotion, movement, and internal processes such as digestion. However, experiments by William Bayliss and Ernest Starling on the chemical secretin, which is produced in the small intestine when food enters the stomach, eventually challenged that view. From the small intestine, secretin travels through the bloodstream to the pancreas. There, it stimulates the release of digestive chemicals. In this fashion, the intestinal cells that produce secretin ultimately regulate the production of different chemicals in a different organ, the pancreas.

Such a coordination of processes had been thought to require control by the nervous system; Bayliss and Starling showed that it could occur through chemicals alone. This discovery spurred Starling to coin the term hormone to refer to secretin, taking it from the Greek word hormon, meaning “to excite” or “to set in motion.” A hormone is a chemical produced by one tissue to make things happen elsewhere.

As more hormones were discovered, they were categorized, primarily according to the process by which they operated on the body. Some glands (which make up the endocrine system) secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. Such glands include the thyroid and the pituitary. The exocrine system consists of organs and glands that produce substances that are used outside the bloodstream, primarily for digestion. The pancreas is one such organ, although it secretes some chemicals into the blood and thus is also part of the endocrine system.

Much has been learned about hormones since their discovery. Some play such key roles in regulating bodily processes or behavior that their absence would cause immediate death. The most abundant hormones have effects that are less obviously urgent but can be more far-reaching and difficult to track: They modify moods and affect human behavior, even some behavior we normally think of as voluntary. Hormonal systems are very intricate. Even minute amounts of the right chemicals can suppress appetite, calm aggression, and change the attitude of a parent toward a child. Certain hormones accelerate the development of the body, regulating growth and form; others may even define an individual’s personality characteristics. The quantities and proportions of hormones produced change with age, so scientists have given a great deal of study to shifts in the endocrine system over time in the hopes of alleviating ailments associated with aging.

In fact, some hormone therapies are already very common. A combination of estrogen and progesterone has been prescribed for decades to women who want to reduce mood swings, sudden changes in body temperature, and other discomforts caused by lower natural levels of those hormones as they enter middle age. Known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT), the treatment was also believed to prevent weakening of the bones. At least one study has linked HRT with a heightened risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. HRT may also increase the likelihood that blood clots—dangerous because they could travel through the bloodstream and block major blood vessels—will form. Some proponents of HRT have tempered their enthusiasm in the face of this new evidence, recommending it only to patients whose symptoms interfere with their abilities to live normal lives.

Human growth hormone may also be given to patients who are secreting abnormally low amounts on their own. Because of the complicated effects growth hormone has on the body, such treatments are generally restricted to children who would be pathologically small in stature without it. Growth hormone affects not just physical size but also the digestion of food and the aging process. Researchers and family physicians tend to agree that it is foolhardy to dispense it in cases in which the risks are not clearly outweighed by the benefits.

雅思阅读练习题:Is life miserable without passion?

The problem with following your passion


In a recent biography of Elon Musk, Bloomberg technology writer Ashlee Vance documents how the entrepreneur(企业家) transformed the electric car industry, launched rockets into space, developed solar technology and devised plans to colonize Mars. Vance emphasizes Musk’s diligence and unwavering(不动摇的) zeal(热情), not just his intelligence and eccentricities(奇思妙想,怪异). Like Steve Jobs, Musk is a mercurial(反复无常的)perfectionist, prone to moments of rage, spurred by passion. (与Steve Jobs一样,Musk也是一个追求完美的人,性格反复无常,容易着急上火,激情四溢。)

It’s tempting to read about someone like Elon Musk and conclude that passion is a prerequisite(前提)for success. And months from now, it’s likely that a suite of commencement(毕业典礼)speakers will stand in front of class after class of new graduates, remarking that “the only way to do great work is to love what you do,” as Steve Jobs told the Stanford class of .

But is passion really an essential condition for leading a successful life? That idea has come under attack in the last few years. Passion is increasingly labeled as mere post hoc(事后的) storytelling, an empty cliché(老生常谈)that makes for a good narrative(激情越来越被标签为事后归因的故事,是为了讲出好故事而说的空洞套话。). Cal Newport, an assistant professor at Georgetown University and author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You, insists the passion mantra(颂歌) is not just unoriginal but misleading. The goal shouldn’t be to find your passion—as if it has been there, undiscovered, from the beginning—but to create one.

Recently, a team of psychologists led by Patricia Chen, a graduate student at the University of Michigan, published research that gives us new insights into the relationship between passion and work. The team polled 794 people and found that about 70 percent believed passion is about matching an intrinsically(内在地)rewarding skill with a certain line of work—what Chen calls the fit theory.(该研究团队调查了794个人后发现,大约70%的人都相信,所谓激情就是一种内在的激励技能与某种工作相匹配了——陈将其称为“匹配理论”。Under this paradigm(模式), it’s easy to explain people like Musk and Jobs: They persevered because their work tapped(开发)into a fundamental joy of theirs.

The other 30 percent of participants in the study indicated that passion for work is developed and cultivated over time—what Chen calls the develop theory.(另外30%的受调查者认为,工作激情是在时间中培养出来的——陈将其称为“培养理论”。)According to this view, which is similar to what Newport endorses, we should think of our skills and proclivities(倾向)as malleable(可以塑造的)instead of fixed. Passion is the result of persistent and deliberate practice.

Across four studies, the psychologists found that those who think passion can be developed were just as likely to be satisfied with their job in the long run as those who searched for a perfect fit. (在所有4项研究中,心理学家们发现,那些认为激情是可以培养的人与那些寻求匹配的人,从长远看,同样可能从工作中获得满足。)These findings suggest, Chen and her team note, that people can “achieve similar levels of well-being at work by endorsing(赞同)either the fit or develop theory.”

This piece of research helps psychologists better understand the nature of passion, yet it still pivots off a very narrow definition, in which to be passionate about something is essentially to enjoy particular challenges that would otherwise be grueling(痛苦的). (这项研究帮助心理学家们更好地理解激情的性质,然而该研究仍基于一个非常狭窄的定义,即,对某事充满激情本质上就是喜欢某些原本令人痛苦的挑战。)Moreover, it assumes such passion is the basis for a rewarding professional life.

We’d like to introduce two more concepts to broaden what we mean when we talk about passion. Psychological research shows that life satisfaction correlates with the ability to assess something from multiple viewpoints. (心理学研究表明,人生的满足感与多角度评价事物的能力相关。)And so by widening the meaning of passion, we also allow ourselves more opportunities to find meaning and satisfaction in the lives we lead.

In German, the word for passion is Leidenschaft, which literally means the ability to endure adversity(不利情况,逆境). It is a much less rosy word, not the graduation bromide(溴化物;老套的安慰话) its English counterpart(对等物;对应物)has become. If you’re passionate about something in Germanic cultures, you don’t necessarily enjoy it. Leidenschaft is about knowing the pursuit will be unpleasant but tolerating it because the outcome is worth the cost. Critically, Germans can be passionate about an activity without feeling the need to pursue it as a profession or worry about higher ideals. From this view, work is a means to an end, enabling the pursuit of passion during non-work time.

In Eastern Europe, passion can also be understood as cierpienie (which roughly translates to “suffering” in Polish). It’s a word that describes having a calling, but without any implications of deriving pleasure. You have no choice but to endure it, even when the outcome is not necessarily positive.

A good example is Phil Hansen, an artist who developed permanent nerve damage in his hand from spending years practicing pointillism(点画派)—a drawing and painting technique in which small dots are used to create a larger image. Because of his jittery hand, Hansen could no longer draw straight lines; his previously round dots began to look like “tadpoles.” He eventually dropped out of art school and gave up art completely.

When his doctor suggested that he “embrace the shake,” Hansen decided to develop a new approach to art that relied on his handicap. The result was a new genre of creative work. Hansen made portraits out of matches, grease and food. He still used his hands to draw, but instead of creating images from perfect dots, he drew pictures composed entirely of squiggles.

In the American sense of the word, art is Hansen’s passion. But it’s more accurate to describe his life with cierpienie. He still experiences joint pain and he still can’t draw straight, so he has no choice but to endure his limitation. Despite his glowing TED Talk, the outcome is usually negative, as is the case with all creative work. The final product invariably results from dozens of failed ones.

Although it’s important to value work that is intrinsically fulfilling, let’s stop advertising the myopic(短视的)idea that life without passion—whether it is something to be found or created—is not worth living. Working adults aren’t either passionate and fulfilled or lifeless and miserable. That’s an overly simplified worldview, in which the dreary desk workers of the world are constantly pitted against the Elon Musks. (工作中的成年人并非只有“要么充满激情和成就,要么没有生机和痛苦”两种选择。那种世界观过于简单,这种观点长期让世界上那些枯燥的案头工作人员与Elon Musk们处于对立状态。)

Instead, we should recast our own American concept of passion to include other definitions that embrace a broader sense of what a meaningful life could look like. “Having too few constructs or insufficiently validated ones can create problems, particularly when life is moving quickly and you are trying to make sense of it,” Cambridge University psychologist Brian Little writes in his book Me, Myself and Us. “Your constructs can cage you in.” (“建构太少,或者你的建构得不到充分证实,这都会带来问题,尤其是当生命匆匆,你想从中找到意义的时候,”剑桥大学心理学家Brian Little在其《我,我自己和我们》中写道。“你的种.种建构可能将你自己困住。”)


Entrepreneur 企业家

Unwavering 不动摇的

Zeal 热情

Eccentricity 怪异性

Mercurial 水性杨花的;易变的

Prerequisite 前提

Commencement 毕业典礼;开始

Post hoc 事后的

Cliché 陈词滥调

Mantra 颂歌

Intrinsically 内在地

Paradigm 模式

Proclivity 倾向

Malleable 可以锻造的;可以改变的

Endorse 同意;签署

Grueling 痛苦的

Adversity 不利情况;敌人

Counterpart 对等物
