






train, bus, subway, ride, bike, foot,walk.


① —How do you get to school? —I ride my bike.

② —How does Mary get to school? —She takes the subway.

2、Talk about how to get to places(谈论出行方式)

take the bus /subway /train /taxi,ride a bike /walk 。






—How do you get to school? —I take the …/ride …/ walk…

—How does Mary get to school?—She takes the subway.


(一)Warming-up and Lead in

学生和老师进行简单的问候并播放英文歌曲Over the mountains

Ss : Good morning,teacher.

T: Good morning,class

T: Listen to the song and answer my questions.

Q1:How many kinds of transportation can you see?

Q2:What are they?



bike, car, ship, train, taxi, boat, plane, bus.

2、A guessing game.

Listen to sound of the transportation and guess what kind of transportation it is.

(三)Free talk

How do you get to school?

Ss: I take the bus /plane/ boat / ship / car / taxi

I ride a bike / motorbike

T: Do you know any other way?

2、Teacher shows pictures on the big screen 。归纳出行方式和常用短语。

Ask some questions about how you get to…?


3、Show a picture about Part 1, on the screen.

Point at girls or boys in the picture.

Ask students to answer and write in the blanks.

S1 : How does he / she go to school?

S2 : He / She … …



ride a bike by bike骑自行车

walks on foot走路、步行

take the subway by subway乘坐地铁

take the train by train乘坐火车

take a car by car乘坐小车

take the plane by plane乘坐飞机

take the bus by bus乘坐公车

take a boat by boat乘坐船


T: Look at the picture on your book. Match the words with the picture.



1、Make sure the Ss know what to do. Give them an example if possible.

2、Read the names in the box.

3、Play the tape and check the answers.

(七)Pair work

Ask two students to read the dialogue in the speech bubbles to the class. Then ask students to work in pairs. Ask and answer how students get to school in the picture.

Finally ask some pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.

(八)A survey

Make a survery:How do your classmates get to school?

Classmates(同学)How to get to school?

BobBy bus


Let students do some exercise.


Write an article about how your families(家人)go to work.





















联系 人:李峰、战斌、张如柏





一、teaching content:

topic:Unit3 Our animal friends

grammar:using“have”/“has”to talk about“拥有”

二、teaching aims:

1.can talk about“have”.

2.can talk about“has”.

三、teaching key and difficult points:

how to use“have”and“has”correctly.

四、teaching methods:

task-based language teaching method

五、teaching procedures:


(1)T:What animal friends do we have?

Yes,We have...You have...They have...She has...He has...I has...


(2)Look and discuss with your partner:


2.Task2:Let’s fish

(1)he,they,my friends,Liu Tao,my mother,she,I,it,Bobby,the dog,I,we,you






3.Task3:Let’s practise


Nancy____two big eyes;They___no legs or arms;My cats___long tails;

His cousin___some toy cars;Liu Tao a nd Mike___two animal friends;It__four legs and a short tail.


4.Task4:Let’s share

(1)First share some animal pictures


...have/has an animal friend.

It is...It has...It can...What is it?


关键词:初中英语 语法 教案

中图分类号:G420 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2012)11(c)-0046-01


1 初中英语牛津版教材语法教学研究

1.1 教材分布及语法项目分析


1.2 语法内容与实践教学方式分析


2 初中英语教学语法教案实践策略

2.1 初中英语语法教案应科学呈现实践反思


2.2 明确针对性,优化教案设计


2.3 深入设计,体现创新性


3 结语





I.Teaching focus

1.Realize the damage caused to the world and figure out the reasons.2.Find ways to stop the earth from being polluted by discussing in groups.II.Teaching approaches Elicitation, Mutual Interaction

III.Teaching aid Interactive multimedia teaching

IV.Teaching process

Step 1

Revision 1.Check note-making

Earth: not enough rain, too many cattle, cutting down trees, strong winds Air: smoke from factories, power stations, cars, chemical rain, accidents at power stations and factories Water: waste from factories and cities

Step 2


1. Present a series of images depicting the natural beauty of the earth, then the pollution.Highlight the sharp contrast between them.Guide the students to the conclusion: The earth used to be much more beautiful than now;the earth is in danger due to the increasing pollution.2. Study the map on the textbook, then scan the passages to figure out where on the world atlas the damage has happened.Encourage the students to give out their point of view toward the pollution issue.Step 3

Audiovisual Learning

The students watch a video on the text, then do the following true or false questions.1.Many parts of the world with large population and plenty of crops have become deserts.T 2.Land may become poor if farmers do not limit the numbers of their cattle.T 3.Good soil is gradually lost these days as trees are being cut down.T 4.Air pollution and water pollution are the two causes of the problem that many parts of the world have become deserts.F 5.Chemicals in the smoke from power stations can travel hundreds of miles in the wind before falling down to the ground in the rain.F 6.After a bad accident at a nuclear power station, 50% of the trees in Germany were damaged.F 7.The writer to explain how water is polluted uses the examples of the accidents in both India and Russian.F 8.Once oceans are polluted, they are not able to clean themselves.F

Step 4

Intensive Reading Read the passages again for some detailed information 1.To say something about the damage that is caused to the world by pollution, using the information from the text.Try to present possible ways to help solve the problems.Phenomena Causes Suggestions

EARTH The area of desert is growing every year.Cattle eat grass.Limit the number of the cattle.Good soil is gradually lost.Trees being cut down;strong winds blowing the valuable soil away.Plant more trees and try to protect them.AIR

Air is being polluted.Factories, power stations and cars produce a lot of waste.A lot of things have to be done to reduce pollution.New laws should be passed and people should realize how serious the problem is.A lot of people died from polluted air in both Russia and India.There were serious accidents that polluted the air.Trees in the forest are destroyed and fish in the lakes are killed.Chemical rain.WATER In some places it’s no longer safe for swimming, nor is it safe to eat the fish.Factories and cities produce a lot of waste.Same as above.Lake Baikal, which used to be cleanest I the world, s now polluted.Waste produced from a chemical factory.2.to summarize the text by giving the main idea of each passage.Earth:

The area of desert is growing and good soil is gradually lost.Air:

Chemicals in the smoke cause a lot of damage and serious accidents took place from time to time.Water: Water pollution is caused by man’s waste.The waters of this great lake have been dirtied and 4800 square km of ocean were polluted by oil.Step 5

Discussion Appoint one student to host the discussion.The rest of the class fall into groups of 4, changing ideas on the following question.(1)What kind of pollution can you think of?(2)Why trees are important?(3)What are the causes of water pollution?(4)What can be done to stop land from becoming into desert?(5)What else do we know about the problems that the earth is facing?(6)What steps should we take to save the earth? Step

Role play

The students take turns to play the role of a newspaper reporter, making interviews with heads of factories(e.g.A papermaking factory)which are seriously polluting air and/or water.Record the interviews and compose a report.Step Assignment(1)Read the additional materials about pollution and do the reading comprehension exercises.(2)Finish the report.Thanks for attending this class!















Read and write down the new words Step 5:Blackboard design Unit 2 Last weekend Cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV Teaching reflection: 1.Some students are good in English class.2.The pronunciation of two students are not very good.3.Half students can finish exercise book in English class.Unit 2 last weekend Period 3 Teaching aims: 1.To learn the new phrases : read a book , watch TV,wash the clothes ,stay at home ,clean the room 2.To learn the key sentences.3.Student can make sentences use the key sentences.Important points Key sentences:How was your weekend?It’was good.What did you do?I stayed at home with your grandma.Was it interesting?Did you see a film?No,I had a cold.Difficult points : Make sentences Teaching aids :The word cards , a tape PPT Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings and warm-up.T:Hello,boys and girls!What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I...Go over new phrases:watch TV,wash the clothes,stay at home,clean the room Step 2:Revision Review the “Let’s talk ”

Let’s check 1.First , open your book and turn to page twenty 2.Listen and number 3.Listen again and number the phrases Let’s wrap it up Read and complete the sentences Step 3 Pair work Role play Answer the questions T: What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I did homework on the weekend.Ask and write Ask about your partner’s the same questions.To finish Practice 1.Recite the “ Let’s talk ”

2.Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves 3.Give enough time to read them Step 4 Homework

Read and write down the new words Step 5:Blackboard design Unit 2 Last weekend Cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV Teaching reflection:

Unit 2 last weekend Period 4 Teaching aims: 1.To learn the new phrases : read a book , watch TV,wash the clothes ,stay at home ,clean the room 2.To learn the key sentences.3.Student can make sentences use the key sentences.Important points Key sentences:How was your weekend?It’was good.What did you do?I stayed at home with your grandma.Was it interesting?Did you see a film?No,I had a cold.Difficult points : Make sentences Teaching aids :The word cards , a tape PPT Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings and warm-up.T:Hello,boys and girls!What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I...Go over new phrases:watch TV,wash the clothes,stay at home,clean the room Step 2:Revision Review the “Let’s talk ”

Let’s check 1.First , open your book and turn to page twenty 2.Listen and number 3.Listen again and number the phrases Let’s wrap it up Read and complete the sentences Step 3 Pair work Role play 3.Answer the questions T: What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I did homework on the weekend.4.Ask and write Ask about your partner’s the same questions.To finish Practice 1.Recite the “ Let’s talk ”

2.Read “ Let’s talk ” by themselves 3.Give enough time to read them Step 4 Homework

Read and write down the new words Step 5:Blackboard design Unit 2 Last weekend Cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV Teaching reflection:

Unit 2 last weekend Period 5 Teaching aims: 1.To learn the new phrases : read a book , watch TV,wash the clothes ,stay at home ,clean the room 2.To learn the key sentences.3.Student can make sentences use the key sentences.Important points Key sentences:How was your weekend?It’was good.What did you do?I stayed at home with your grandma.Was it interesting?Did you see a film?No,I had a cold.Difficult points : Make sentences Teaching aids :The word cards , a tape PPT Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greetings and warm-up.T:Hello,boys and girls!What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I...Go over new phrases:watch TV,wash the clothes,stay at home,clean the room Step 2:Revision Review the “Let’s talk ”

Let’s check 1.First , open your book and turn to page twenty 2.Listen and number 3.Listen again and number the phrases Let’s wrap it up Read and complete the sentences Step 3 Pair work Role play Story time Answer the questions T: What do you do on the weekend? Ss:I often do homework on the weekend.T:What did you do on the weekend? Ss:I did homework on the weekend.Ask and write Ask about your partner’s the same questions.To finish Practice 1.Recite the “ Let’s talk ”
