高一 Unit 8 Sports (新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)


高一 Unit 8 Sports (新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)(精选6篇)

篇1:高一 Unit 8 Sports (新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

第一章 重点词汇

第一节 动词

Ignore(1-1朋友) Upset(1-1朋友) Trust(1-1朋友) suffer(1-1朋友) communicate (1-1朋友) Include(1-2英语) Recognize(1-2英语) request (1-2英语) persuade(1-3游记) determine(1-3游记) Destroyed(1-4地震) shake(1-4地震) organize(1-4地震) burst(1-4地震) Attract(1-5英雄) accept(1-5英雄) advise(1-5英雄) shine(shone) (2-1古迹) Compete(2-1古迹) survive(2-1古迹) remain(2-1古迹) remove(2-1古迹) consider(2-1古迹) admit(2-2奥运) create(2-3电脑) arise(arose, arisen) (2-3电脑)wander(2-3电脑) Attack(2-4生物)apply (2-4生物) bite(bit, bitten) (2-4生物) protect(2-4生物) contain (2-4生物) perform(2-5音乐)

1. A cultural relic is something that survived for a long time. (2-1古迹) The buildings survived the earthquake. (1-4地震)

2. The candles lit the room. (2-1古迹)

3. What upsets you most about the project? (2-2奥运) Children will not be allowed to make a noise and upset the competitors. (2-2奥运) I do not want to upset my friends. (2-4生物)

4. What amazes you most about the modern Olympics? (2-2奥运)

5. The chair began to rise. (2-4生物) We hope the number of panda will soon rise. (2-4生物) Their number has grown rapidly. (2-4生物)

6. Don’t endanger wild animals any more. (2-4生物)

7. Rubbing protects me from mosquitoes. (2-4生物)

8. The insect contains a powerful drug. (2-4生物)

9. The drug affects mosquitoes. (2-4生物) What he did affects the wildlife in his area. (2-4生物)

10. No one could recognize me. (2-3电脑)Even when he wore sunglasses people recognize him. (2-5音乐)

11. Pretend that you are a judge. (2-1古迹) Close your eyes and pretend you are Coco Li. (2-5音乐) They pretended to sing the song. (2-5音乐)

12. No one will be pardoned. (2-2奥运)

13. Make a poster to advertise a sporting event. (2-2奥运)

14. They will be given time to tour Beijing. (2-2奥运)

15. The olive wreath has been replaced. (2-2奥运)

16. We can work together to create an even better system. (2-3电脑)

17. A new situation arises. (2-3电脑)

18. My mind wanders. (2-3电脑)

19. I’d like to explore ideas about this sport. (2-3电脑)

20. They set the number of animals to be hunted. (2-4生物)

21. A bear is about to approach a boy. (1-2英语)

22. An outline will prepare you to write a better story. (1-4地震)

23. The village can’t afford to build a school. (1-3游记)

24. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights. (1-5英雄)

第二节 动词或名词

block(1-2英语) Share(1-1朋友) concern (1-1朋友) shock(1-4地震) rescue(1-4地震) trap(1-4地震) honor(1-4地震) rise(1-4地震) design(2-1古迹) interview(2-1古迹) heat(2-1古迹) doubt(2-1古迹) promise(2-2奥运) Roll(2-5音乐) form(2-5音乐) Reward(2-1古迹) (1-5英雄) injure (1-4地震)

1. Write a short reply to the letter. (2-1古迹)

2. The earthquake hit Alaska. (1-4地震) a big hit(2-5音乐)

3. The number was small before concern. (2-4生物)

4. The search for the relic continued. (2-1古迹)

5. It’s a great honor. (2-2奥运) I had the honor to be chosen again. (2-3电脑) They compete against each other for the honor of winning. (2-2奥运) The park was built to honor those who helped the survivors. (1-4地震) I am honored that you would ask me for advice. (2-5音乐)

6. I have a good shot for a goal. (2-3电脑)

7. Do this several times until everyone has had a go. (1-5英雄)

8. Go straight for two blocks. (1-2英语)

9. The job was a reward for what I had done for the boss.(1-5英雄)

第三节 名词

editor(1-1朋友) series(1-1朋友) advice(1-1朋友)situation (1-1朋友) disaster(1-4地震) shelter(1-4地震) position(1-5英雄) degree(1-5英雄) Criminal(1-5英雄) Culture(1-2英语) Dialect(1-2英语) Identity(1-2英语) Transport(1-3游记) journal(1-3游记) congratulations(1-4地震) (2-5音乐) principle(1-5英雄) Quality(1-5英雄) stage(1-5英雄) cruelty(1-5英雄) Gift(2-1古迹) visitor(2-1古迹) Object(2-1古迹) Treasure(2-1古迹) style(2-1古迹) reception(2-1古迹) opinion(2-1古迹) athlete(2-2奥运) revolution(2-3电脑) intelligence(2-3电脑) Notebook(2-3电脑) calculator(2-3电脑) Advantage (2-3电脑) disadvantage(2-3电脑) Competitor(2-2奥运) competition (2-2奥运) prize (2-2奥运) beliefs(2-2奥运) Message(2-2奥运) 体育项目名称(badminton, shot-put, weight-lifting等) (2-2奥运) Network(2-3电脑) birth(2-3电脑) enemy(2-4生物)loss (2-4生物)species (2-4生物)effect (2-4生物) ability(2-5音乐) orchestra(2-5音乐) musician(2-5音乐) passers-by(2-5音乐) instrument(2-5音乐) Reputation(2-5音乐)

1. What an experience! (2-4生物)

2. They left home for safety. (1-4地震)

3. A passbook is a book that shows your identity. (1-5英雄) He wrote a new dictionary, giving American English its own identity. (1-2英语)

第四节 形容词

familiar(1-3游记) stubborn(1-3游记) fresh(1-4地震) essential(1-4地震) proper(1-3游记) equal(1-5英雄) peaceful(1-5英雄)描述人的形容词(selfish, gentle, athletic, adventurous, brave, boring, caring, cheerful, dangerous, easygoing, enthusiastic, funny, friendly, generous(1-5英雄), humorous, happy, honest, interesting, jealous (1-5英雄), unkind, loyal, lazy, mean, naughty, optimistic, open, patient, quiet, rude, sociable, smart, stupid, ugly, upset, versatile, wise, weird, thoughtful, responsible) (1-1朋友) popular (2-1古迹) Grateful(2-1古迹) Ancient(2-1古迹) modern (2-1古迹) Foolish(2-2奥运) enjoyable(2-2奥运) honest(2-2奥运) magical(2-2奥运) physical(2-2奥运) golden(2-2奥运) Simple-minded(2-3电脑)Common (2-3电脑)simple(2-3电脑) universal(2-3电脑) artificial(2-3电脑) Attractive (2-5音乐) unknown(2-5音乐)

Excellent(2-4生物) fierce(2-4生物) unkind(2-4生物) lazy(2-4生物)powerful (2-4生物) modern(2-2奥运) (2-5音乐)Attractive(2-5音乐) extra(2-5音乐)

1. A fragile head(2-3电脑)

2. It is time-consuming. (2-1古迹)

3. Well designed buildings(2-1古迹)

4. It is a rare Ming Dynasty vase. (2-1古迹) A rare new species of dinosaur (2-4生物)

5. What a lovely autumn day! (1-2英语)

第五节 副词

exactly(1-1朋友) entirely(1-1朋友) Actually(1-2英语) properly(1-3游记) sincerely(1-5英雄) besides(2-2奥运) truly(2-3电脑) totally(2-3电脑) unluckily(2-3电脑)personally(2-3电脑) Afterwards(2-5音乐)

1. They had truly become stars. (2-5音乐) I have truly been built to serve people. (2-3电脑)

2. If you don’t catch the ball, you are out.(2-2奥运)

3. The competition centres will be placed close to each other. (2-2奥运)When the bike gets too close to something it rings the bell. (2-3电脑)I landed close to the finishing line. (2-3电脑) People who are not close enough to each other(2-3电脑) Then English became closer to the language you are learning now. (1-2英语)

4. Personally, I think the other team cheated. (2-3电脑)

5. From the dictionary you will know how to use the word properly. (2-4生物)

6. It died out more recently.(2-4生物)

第二章 短语搭配

第一节 动词性

I. Be动词短语

1. I am crazy about everything to do with nature. (1-1朋友)

2. Be familiar to me(1-3游记)

3. Be proud of(1-4地震)

4. Be grateful to (1-1朋友) He is very grateful to you for the help(2-5音乐)

5. The city is known as the “Brave City of China” (1-4地震) They are known as Bikers for the Blind. (1-4地震)

6. His friends are dear to him. (2-1古迹)

7. I am expert at high flying exercises. (2-3电脑)

8. It was ready for the people to celebrate the 300th birthday of the city. (2-1古迹)

9. Be careful with your money. (2-1古迹)

10. They were very serious about their work. (2-5音乐)

11. Be honest with yourself. (2-5音乐)

12. He was very confident about his singing. (2-5音乐)

13. He is active in school activities. (1-5英雄)

14. Cambodia is in many ways similar to Laos. (1-3游记)

15. Tell him that you are concerned about him. (1-1朋友) I believe you are concerned about animals disappearing. (2-4生物) I am really concerned about the wildlife in the rain forest. (2-4生物)

16. We were tired from the long bike trip. (1-3游记)

17. His mother was worried about his health. (1-5英雄)

18. English was based on German(1-2英语) Their music is based loosely on their school life. (2-5音乐)

19. Are you willing to do public services without pay? (1-5英雄)He was willing to continue to fight. (1-5英雄)

20. Be sure to give an example(2-1古迹)

21. Be ready to(1-1朋友)

22. When the parachute was about to open there was a shout from the people. (2-3电脑)

23. Some objects in the home are the most likely to hurt us. (1-4地震)

24. The Games are about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw further. (2-2奥运)I was better educated. (1-5英雄)

25. The house is well repaired. (1-4地震)

26. Be hidden(2-1古迹)

27. It is worth spending the money. (2-1古迹) All the exercise and training was worth it. (2-2奥运) A tour of the place is well worth your time.(1-3游记)

28. The programme was over. (2-5音乐)

II. 动词+名词

1. Walk the dog(1-1朋友)

2. Avoid his company(1-1朋友)

3. Raise money. (1-4地震)

4. take a bicycle trip(1-3游记)

5. Change his mind(1-3游记) Change his mind(2-2奥运)

6. Take some measures(2-1古迹)

7. Take photos(2-1古迹)

8. Tell the difference(2-1古迹)

9. Sign the book(2-1古迹)

10. Spoil the chances. (2-1古迹)

11. Host the Olympic Games(2-2奥运)

12. Reach the standard(2-2奥运)

13. Do the dishes(2-3电脑)

14. Mop the floors(2-3电脑)

15. Develop a program(2-3电脑)

16. Make progress(2-4生物)

17. Solve a math problem(2-3电脑)

18. Build a good relationship(2-4生物)

19. Make your choice(2-3电脑)

20. Make a better environment(2-4生物)

21. Make an effort to change the situation. (1-1朋友)

22. Make a decision(2-3电脑)

23. Lay eggs(2-4生物)

24. Take my picture(2-4生物)

25. Leave a note(2-5音乐)

26. Pay bills(2-5音乐)

27. I do a lot of exercise. (2-1古迹)

28. Produce a record(2-5音乐)

29. Have the flu(2-5音乐)

30. Form a band(2-5音乐)

31. Copy others’ performance(2-5音乐)

32. Earn some extra money(2-5音乐)

33. The computer can operate the bike(2-3电脑)

34. I follow instructions with cards with holes. (2-3电脑) More people follow what he does. (2-1古迹) If others follow him, so much the better. (2-1古迹)

35. Give commands(1-2英语)

36. Give some performances(1-3游记) Give a performance to a camera. (2-5音乐)

37. Music lessons will let you develop your sense of rhythm.(2-5音乐)

38. They hope to collect 1 million yuan to help the blind in Tibet. (1-4地震)

39. Spread the secrets far and wide(1-1朋友)

40. See you later(2-5音乐)

41. Support the star fiercely(2-5音乐) Support the project(2-4生物)

42. English plays a very important role. (1-2英语) Geography plays a part in making dialects. (1-2英语) Women play a very important role. (2-2奥运)

43. Ask direction(1-2英语) Give us directions(1-3游记) Give sb. the directions(2-5音乐)

44. Try to have fun with English. (1-2英语) Have fun(2-5音乐)

45. Push your way to the door(1-2英语)

46. He doesn’t easily lose heart when he is in trouble. (1-5英雄)

47. His friends offer him help when he needed it most. (2-1古迹) Offer the children free education(2-3电脑) Offer help(2-4生物)

III. 动词+名词+介词

1. Make a list of(1-2英语)

2. Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary. (1-2英语) To be a good learner, you must make full use of the library books. (2-3电脑)

3. Someone will take care of you on the river. (1-3游记) We need to take care of things properly before the earthquake comes. (1-4地震)

4. Take tourists around the place(1-5英雄)

5. We learned a lot about being a band. (2-5音乐)

6. She has a strong love for cultural relics(2-1古迹)

7. He searched the city for all of his friends. (2-1古迹)

8. Add more details to the design(2-1古迹)

9. People didn’t pay attention to cultural relics in the old days. (2-1古迹) He told all the people present to pay more attention to education. (2-5音乐) You should pay closer attention to the rain forest. (2-4生物) She paid attention to all the information she can collect. (2-4生物) The good news is that great attention is being paid to wildlife protection. (2-4生物)

10. Offer presents to the God(2-1古迹)

11. Join the computer to the Internet(2-3电脑)

12. Take the place of(2-2奥运)

13. Have a lot in common(2-3电脑)

14. Share information with others(2-3电脑)

15. All of us get equal turns in talking to the class. (2-2奥运)

16. Play jokes on sb. (2-5音乐)

17. Put an advertisement in the newspaper(2-5音乐)

18. Celebrate their time as a real band(2-5音乐)

19. Pop music has the same effect on your life. (2-5音乐)

20. The Village will be turned into a residential area. (2-2奥运)

21. The athletes will be provided with apartments in the Olympic village. (2-2奥运) The information has been provided for visitors. (2-1古迹)

22. The printer has been connected to the computer. (2-3电脑)

23. The band was formed of these musicians. (2-5音乐)

24. Be admitted to the Games(2-2奥运) He was admitted into the skating club in . (2-2奥运)Athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitors. (2-2奥运)

25. I am treated like a real person. (2-3电脑)

26. Some animals are killed for food. (2-4生物)

IV. 动词+介词/副/形+名词

1. Fall in love(1-1朋友)

2. Live in peace(1-1朋友)

3. The large city lay in ruins. (1-4地震)

4. The building had fallen in ruins(1-4地震)

5. Fill in the form(2-3电脑)

6. We had to change from our trousers into shorts. (1-3游记)

7. Look into the report. (2-1古迹)

8. It happened long before humans came into being. (2-4生物)

9. Deal with information(2-3电脑)

10. They came up with a name for their band. (2-5音乐)

11. Stay with what is true in your heart(2-5音乐)

12. Communicate with(1-1朋友) (1-2英语) Communicate with each other(2-3电脑)

13. People found it hard to do with the ruins. (1-4地震)

14. I am getting along well with a boy in my class. (1-1朋友) Do you get on well with your classmates(1-5英雄)

15. At last he came to himself. (2-3电脑)

16. Look up to the sky(2-1古迹)

17. What she said doesn’t relate to the facts. (2-2奥运)The words are related to each other in meaning. (2-2奥运)

18. Come to power(1-5英雄)

19. They can be tied to the tables or stuck to them so they won’t easily move around. (1-4地震) Make a special time for practicing and stick to it. (2-5音乐) You will be fine as long as you stick to the rules.(2-5音乐)

20. She decided to apply for some money. (2-4生物) She decided to apply for some money. As a result, a special butterfly became protected. (2-4生物) The companies applied to be allowed to hunt some of the elephants for a fee. (2-4生物)

21. Be sentenced to prison for life. (1-5英雄)

22. Be offered a ticket to the concert(1-1朋友)

23. People can find hope for a brighter future even after a bad earthquake. (1-4地震) Let’s hope for greater success(2-3电脑)

24. Ask for help from sb(2-2奥运)

25. Search for the room(2-1古迹)

26. Feel sorry for(1-1朋友)

27. The Milu deer is being well cared for in the center. (2-4生物)

28. He asked for the way to the theatre. (2-5音乐)

29. This made me feel good about myself. (1-5英雄)

30. The Russian didn’t care about the Amber room. (2-1古迹) She doesn’t care about details. (1-3游记)He cares less about himself. (2-1古迹)

31. If you are careful, you don’t need to worry about losing them. (2-1古迹)

32. Put up out tents. (1-3游记) Put up shelters for the homeless(1-4地震)

33. Pick up the apple (2-2奥运)

34. Set up a company (1-5英雄)

35. Blow up buildings(1-5英雄)

36. Make up a story(1-4地震) Make up new moves(2-3电脑)

37. Clean it up(2-4生物)

38. I had to pack up my things very quickly. (1-1朋友)

39. Hang up the phone(2-5音乐)

40. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people? (2-5音乐)Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people, with everyone clapping? (2-5音乐)I used to dream of being famous. (2-5音乐) dream about(1-3游记) Realize our dream of making all races equal(1-5英雄)

41. They thought little of the events. (1-4地震) Think highly of(2-1古迹) They thought very highly of our design. (2-5音乐)

42. They compete against each other for the honor of winning. (2-2奥运) He will compete with other athletes from foreign countries. (2-2奥运) No one can compete with his software. (1-5英雄) Do you compete for money too? (2-2奥运)

43. The Chinese fought against Japanese invaders during World War II. (1-5英雄) He fought for his countries to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. (1-5英雄)

44. The cultural relics are well looked after. (2-1古迹) Animals have to look after themselves. (2-4生物) Looking after the forest helps with wildlife protection. (2-4生物)

45. No one could escape from the prison. (1-5英雄) Escape from technology(2-3电脑)

46. I began as a simple machine. (2-3电脑) The band began as a TV show. (2-5音乐)

47. The room served as a small reception hall. (2-1古迹)

48. She went to the stadium dressed as a man reporter. (2-2奥运)

49. What does the robot look like? (2-3电脑)

50. Their friendship has gone through tests of life and death. (1-1朋友)

51. Stay overnight(2-1古迹)

52. Watch over the child(2-3电脑)

53. Go on a picnic(1-1朋友)

54. Work on the dictionary(1-2英语) He began to work on an engine in 1918. (1-5英雄)

V. 动词词组

1. If you happen to have some cultural relics, will you give them to the government? (2-1古迹)

2. They promise to play fairly(2-2奥运)

3. Write a letter to encourage others to help save the cultural relics. (2-1古迹) Athletes are encouraged to do their best. (2-2奥运) He encouraged me to have music lessons(2-5音乐) They do not encourage violence(1-5英雄) He encouraged his children with good stories. (1-5英雄) The hanging boxes will encourage birds to visit the area. (2-4生物)

4. I intend to hide it in the cave. (2-4生物)

5. Even if I lost something, I wouldn’t expect to get it back(2-1古迹) He expects his son to get high scores for his college entrance exams. (1-2英语) Those who report the news were expected to speak excellent English. (1-2英语)

6. Some rivers are considered to be wonders of the world. (2-1古迹)

7. The building was designed to look like both a traditional and western hotel. (2-1古迹)

8. Be allowed to(1-5英雄)

9. Decide not to do(2-1古迹) tell sb not to do(2-1古迹)

10. I don’t know which to believe and which not to believe(2-1古迹)

11. You had better play in a band. (2-5音乐)

12. She made as many men as she should share her pain. (2-2奥运)

13. I would rather not tell you. (2-4生物)

14. I feel like attacking the animal. (2-4生物) I know what it feels like to be an android. (2-3电脑)

15. The athletes enjoy competing in winter. (2-2奥运)

16. You must stop your parents from eating more whale meat. (2-4生物) My heart stopped beating. (2-3电脑) We should not be stopped from studying. (1-5英雄)

17. What should you do if you are kept waiting. (2-4生物) It can keep your bicycles running into other bikes. (2-3电脑) How can we keep buildings from falling down? (1-4地震) I kept asking her. (1-3游记)

18. He spent all of their lives trying to collect words for the dictionary. (1-2英语)

19. Enjoy being famous(2-5音乐)

20. He found Alice sitting in the corner(2-5音乐)

21. Die out(2-4生物)

22. Take apart(2-1古迹)

23. We get together to play a football game. (2-3电脑) Get together(1-3游记)

24. A competition is coming on(2-3电脑)

25. The band broke up in about 1970. (2-5音乐)

26. A program that is called “top of the pops” (2-5音乐)

27. The water in the wells rose and fell(1-4地震)

第二节 名词性

I. 名词词串

1. National Natural Protection Zone(2-4生物)

2. Nature reserve(2-4生物)

3. The best quality wool sweater(2-4生物)

4. Wildlife protection(2-4生物)

5. A good environment(2-4生物)

6. A powerless drug(2-4生物)

7. Friendship and understanding. (2-4生物)

8. Classical music (2-5音乐)

9. folk music(2-5音乐)

10. country music(2-5音乐)

11. Study tour(2-5音乐)

12. A rock band(2-5音乐)

13. Musical ability(2-5音乐)

14. Solo piano concert(2-5音乐)

15. Terror and fear(1-5英雄)

16. Field trip(1-3游记)

17. The school speaking competition(1-4地震)

18. Shuttle bus(2-1古迹)

19. Rights and progress(1-5英雄)

20. The present day English(1-2英语) The present day Olympics(2-2奥运)

21. School fees and bus fare(1-5英雄) Train fair(1-3游记)

22. A sporting robot(2-3电脑)

23. Information technology(2-3电脑)

24. The starting place(2-3电脑)

25. Wooden boxes(2-1古迹)

26. Sweetest memories(2-1古迹)

27. Physical exercise(2-2奥运)

28. Healthy food(2-1古迹)

29. neighboring town(1-2英语)

30. Unexpected disaster. (1-4地震)

31. Applied physics(1-5英雄)

32. We ate an early supper. (1-3游记)

33. Artificial intelligence(2-3电脑)

34. A technological revolution(2-3电脑)

35. Electronic brain(2-3电脑)

36. A spoilt child(2-3电脑)

37. The moon gave far too much light. (1-1朋友) Too much hunting(2-4生物)

38. Free computer training(2-3电脑) free education(2-3电脑)

39. Everyday English conversation(2-5音乐)

40. Endangered wildlife(2-4生物)

41. Lively musicians(2-5音乐)

42. A Chinese saying(2-2奥运)

43. Just the thought of food made him feel sick. (1-1朋友) The sound of the name of Robben Island made us afraid. (1-5英雄) I was excited at the thought of meeting Yang Liwei. (2-3电脑)

44. China has tens of thousands of cultural relics. (2-1古迹) Tens of millions of years ago. (2-4生物)Billions of people(2-3电脑) Tens of thousands of, hundreds of thousands of(1-4地震)

45. Loss of bamboo growing areas(2-4生物)

46. A piece of music(2-5音乐)

47. A waste of time(2-5音乐)

48. Try many different style of music(2-5音乐)

49. A difficult period of life(1-5英雄)

50. A set of sentences(1-5英雄)

51. A sign of friendship(1-1朋友)

52. The rest of his life(1-5英雄)

53. the spirit of the Olympics(2-2奥运)

54. A sport of your choice(2-1古迹)

55. Two sets of Games(2-2奥运)

56. Less than two hours(2-1古迹)

57. Exercise to the music(2-2奥运)

58. gold medal for the event(2-2奥运) I won a silver medal for my performance. (2-3电脑)

59. The ticket for the concert(2-5音乐)

60. Each one has its own standard. (2-2奥运)

61. The threats to the environment(2-4生物)

62. Every four years(2-2奥运)

63. The pictures above(2-3电脑)

64. The other day(2-5音乐)

65. Read page after page of a book(2-1古迹)

66. She threw the apples one after another. (2-2奥运)

67. Sooner or later(2-5音乐)

68. A year or so(2-5音乐)

69. The dead (1-4地震)

II. 介词+名词搭配

1. In a short period of time(1-5英雄)

2. In a light rain(1-3游记)

3. In the 1600s(1-2英语) In the mid-1980s(2-5音乐) In the early 1960s(2-3电脑)

4. In the open air(1-4地震)

5. In the wild(2-4生物)

6. In peace(2-4生物)

7. In my opinion(1-5英雄) (2-3电脑)

8. In the thick rain forest(2-4生物)

9. In your free time(2-5音乐)

10. I shout in computer language. (2-3电脑)

11. Write down your ideas in any order. (1-5英雄)

12. He was not in good health(1-5英雄)

13. We ran in that direction. (1-4地震) The winds blew upon the city from every direction. (1-4地震) Go away in different directions(2-5音乐)

14. They are in danger of disappearing. (2-4生物)

15. In return, the Czar gave the king a gift of friendship. (2-1古迹)

16. The Dutch went to the island in search of supplies. (2-1古迹)

They tried to break the law in a peaceful way(1-5英雄) Our band was formed in an unusual way. (2-5音乐) In a way, my programmer is like my coach. (2-3电脑) There was one band that started in a different way. (2-5音乐) In some ways they are different from one another. (1-2英语) This will help the wildlife in one way or another. (2-4生物) Ask for advice from your teacher. In this way you will become more confident. (2-2奥运) That way he got a large part of the software market. (1-5英雄)

17. Cut the mountains into two halves(1-3游记)

18. The amber can be made into any shape. (2-1古迹)At an altitude of(1-3游记)

19. A trip into the countryside(1-2英语) (1-3游记) (1-4地震)

20. Often he would work by candlelight into the evening. (1-2英语)

21. On purpose(1-1朋友)

22. On a magical journey(2-2奥运)

23. Doctors will be on call 24 hours a day. (2-2奥运)

24. On the football team(2-3电脑)

25. There are many books on the Internet. (2-3电脑) Find the song on the Internet(2-5音乐)

26. With the help of(2-3电脑)

27. Go round the corner on your left-hand side. (1-2英语)

28. Think about the problem on your own. (2-4生物)

29. They visited Britain on a tour. (2-5音乐)

30. At about the same time(2-3电脑)He traveled to Europe to see the great buildings for himself. (2-1古迹) We have to speak for ourselves. (2-4生物)

31. During lunch breaks(1-5英雄)

32. To the north of the city(1-4地震)

33. I was worried about whether I would be out of work. (1-5英雄)

34. From his point of view(1-5英雄)

35. English changed over time. (1-2英语)

36. They moved from one place to another. (1-2英语)

37. The water went all over the floor. (1-4地震)

38. For a short while(1-2英语)

39. For health reasons(1-4地震)

40. As a matter of fact(1-5英雄) As a matter of fact, every country wants to host the Games. (2-2奥运)

41. Be at meal, be at work, be at war, be at play, be at dinner(2-1古迹)

42. At the edge of the area(2-4生物)

43. It seemed that the world was at an end. (1-4地震)

44. Go past by chance(2-5音乐) I have to admit that we won first place by chance.(2-5音乐)

45. By the Internet(2-3电脑)

46. By her bed(2-4生物)

47. Under repair, under discussion, under research, under consideration, under development(2-4生物)

III. 复合介词或副词

1. right away(1-4地震) Right away he showed an interest in mathematics. (1-5英雄)

2. They went to bed as usual that night. (1-4地震) Everything was going as usual. (1-4地震)

3. Say flat instead of apartment in Britain. (1-2英语) Sand now filled the wells instead of water. (1-4地震) She persuaded us to cycle to work instead of taking the bus. (1-3游记) Instead of flying softly to earth I began to fall faster. (2-3电脑)

4. According to me, it is necessary. (1-1朋友)

5. The largest English dictionary is Oxford English Dictionary, or OED for short. (1-2英语)

6. The information must be facts rather than opinions(2-1古迹)

7. No one knows for certain how the islanders transported the statue. (2-1古迹) Nobody knows for sure. (2-4生物)

8. Above all(2-5音乐)

9. Next to(2-1古迹)

10. They played jokes on each other as well as played music. (2-5音乐) A gym as well as seats(2-2奥运) A huge park will be planned as well. (2-2奥运)

11. Not long ago(2-1古迹) Not long ago a new species was discovered. (2-4生物) Not long ago there was a girl called Daisy. (2-4生物) Birds sing cheerfully in the forest, calling out the names from long ago. (1-3游记)

12. If others follow him, so much the better. (2-1古迹)

13. Athletes from all over the world(2-2奥运) Fans from all over China(2-3电脑) Help is given to the pandas from all over the world. (2-4生物)

14. From under their stomachs. (2-4生物)

第三章 常见句型

第一节 基本结构

I. The way句式

1. You will hear the difference in the way people speak. (1-2英语)

2. Listen carefully to the way the boy is talking. (1-2英语)

3. I don’t understand the way that the word is used. (1-2英语)

4. The room was completed the way she wanted it. (2-1古迹)

5. The computer will change the way we do things(2-3电脑)

6. I decide to change the way I work. (2-3电脑)

7. They have built a PC the way we wanted. (2-3电脑)

8. They could tell this from the way the bones were joined together. (2-4生物)

II. With+宾语+宾补

1. It has wide streets with trees in rows. (1-3游记)

2. We went to see the temple with floors made of silver. (1-3游记)

3. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people, with everyone clapping? (2-5音乐)

4. She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her. (2-4生物)

III. 强调结构

1. It is because I haven’t been outdoors for so long that I’ve grow so crazy. (1-1朋友)

2. It was my sister who had the idea to cycle along the river. (1-3游记)

3. It is only when we understand English that we can have a conversation with Americans. (1-4地震)

4. We did sleep in clean beds that night. (1-1朋友)

5. I do want to change the situation. (1-1朋友)

6. They were not clever but they did pass the exams. (1-5英雄)

7. Although they rebuilt the street, they did save the old buildings. (2-1古迹)

IV. Ing分词句型

1. He wrote a new dictionary, giving American English its own identity. (1-2英语)

2. Make a list of what you see, only keeping those details(1-3游记)

3. The other side doesn’t agree, saying, “No, we should not save cultural relics. ” (2-1古迹)

4. Birds sing cheerfully in the forest, calling out the names from long ago. (1-3游记)

5. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. (1-4地震)

6. Following old photos, the room has been made to look much like the old one. (2-1古迹)

7. Living in peace, Hawaiians have developed a close relationship with nature. (1-1朋友)

8. I hate others gossiping. (1-1朋友)

9. He was standing waiting. (2-2奥运)

10. I was so lonely standing there alone(2-3电脑)

11. We learn to talk to humans using basic. (2-3电脑)

12. He fell turning over and over(2-3电脑)

V. 倒装句式

1. Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. (1-4地震)

2. Never in the city’s history were people so kind. (1-4地震)

3. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence(1-5英雄)

4. I think it should not be returned. Nor do I think it should be given to the government(2-1古迹)

5. No other country could join in, nor could slaves. (2-2奥运)

VI. Time句型

1. There was a time when a deep sky couldn’t keep me spellbound. (1-1朋友)

2. There were times when my size was totally changed. (2-3电脑)

3. This was a time when one had got to have a passbook. (1-5英雄)

4. This was the time when drought hit the area. (1-5英雄)

5. This was a time when two countries were at war. (2-1古迹)

6. I felt bad the first time I talked to him(1-5英雄)

7. It was the first time that I had seen the night face to face. (1-1朋友)

VII. 句子副词

1. We can keep it because the search cost us a lot of money. Besides, any person who find something can keep it. (2-1古迹)

2. He has a big heart. In other words, he is very kind. (2-1古迹)

3. I can make up new moves. After all, intelligence is what I am all about. (2-3电脑)

4. I didn’t know they were talking about. Anyway, let’s go back to my history. (2-3电脑)

5. I am as big as a human. In fact, I look like one, too. (2-3电脑)

6. The animals have enemies that kill and eat them. As a result, many of them have died out. (2-4生物)

7. The number of the deer in Britain increased year by year. As a result, Britain was able to help China. (2-4生物)

8. As a result of the terrorists’ attack, tourism has been greatly affected.(2-5音乐)

VIII. So…that…

1. He liked the Milu deer so much that he took it to Britain. (2-4生物)

2. She was so angry that she decided not to get married. (2-2奥运)

3. My memory became so large that I couldn’t believe it. (2-3电脑)

4. There are so many of the Milu deer that a new park has been opened for them. (2-4生物)

5. The chair flew away so fast that he couldn’t see it. (2-4生物)

6. I was so excited that could hardly speak to him(2-5音乐)

7. It was so quiet in the mountains that there was almost no wind. (1-3游记)

IX. 比较句式

1. The fish is about the size of a house. (1-2英语)

2. Then I was the size of a large room. (2-3电脑)

3. I am as big as a human. (2-3电脑)

4. It is just as much a competition to host the Games as to win an Olympic medal. (2-2奥运)

5. Vietnam has almost seven times the population of Cambodia. (1-3游记)

6. It has twice the population. (1-3游记)

X. Those who

1. Those who report the news were expected to speak excellent English. (1-2英语)

2. Those who ruled England at that time spoke French. (1-2英语)

3. The park was built to honor those who helped the survivors. (1-4地震)

4. Those who do well in the Olympics can win medals. (2-2奥运)

5. There are seats for those who watch the games(2-2奥运)

XI. 同位结构

1. Jiuquxi, a river in the shape of a snake, is green and clear. (1-3游记)

2. He won first prize, a gold medal for the long jump. (2-2奥运)

3. Here is the story about the dodo, an animal that has disappeared from the earth. (2-4生物)

4. Milu deer, a species with large horns, used to be common in China. (2-4生物)

XII. leave句型

1. They are left in peace with no hunting(2-4生物)

2. Animals should be left in gardens. (2-2奥运)

3. Many children were left without parents. (1-4地震)

4. There are only 70000 antelopes left. (2-4生物)

5. Nothing is left of the city. (1-4地震)

XIII. it结构

1. It is said that this university is a center of culture in this town. (1-2英语)

2. It is not surprising that native speakers don’t know grammar very well. (1-2英语) It is not surprising that the panda sign of the WWF has been world famous. (2-4生物)

3. It has been decided that those who do not do their homework will have to return to school on Saturday. (2-3电脑)

4. It is hoped that one day it will be returned to nature. (2-4生物)

5. It occurred to me that he has grown up. (2-5音乐)

XIV. While句型

While a diary writer tries to record how he feels, a journal writer record what he sees on a journey. (1-3游记)

Other musicians sing the songs for the programme while the band pretend to sing them.(2-5音乐)

XV. 省略句型

It easily melts when heated. (2-1古迹)

第二节 其他句式

1. I stay awake in order to have a good look at the moon. (1-1朋友) We have a heart-to-heart talk in order to solve our problems. (1-1朋友) What do you think the Chinese team will do in order to win more medals? (2-2奥运)

2. They do what they can to make their company bigger. (1-5英雄) He did what he can to stop other competitors(1-5英雄)

3. Those countries speak English either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.(1-2英语) We were put in a position in which we had either to accept the fact or fight the government. (1-5英雄)

4. As time went by, I realize my idea was totally wrong(2-3电脑) As the years have gone by, I was made smaller and smaller. (2-3电脑)

5. I have got to go to school on Saturdays. (1-1朋友)

6. For one thing, a journal isn’t as personal as a diary. For another, it has a different purpose. (1-3游记)

7. The spelling of English is more of a problem in the days before a dictionary. (1-2英语)

8. There is no doubt that it was moved to Germany. (2-1古迹)

9. The design was of the fancy style. (2-1古迹)

10. There are events like ice skating. That is why they are called the Winter Olympics(2-2奥运) This is why I am writing to you. (2-3电脑) I don’t wish to share my secret thoughts with others. That’s why I thought my diary a good friend of mine. (1-1朋友)

11. It is too high a price to pay. (2-4生物) The earth got too hot to live on(2-4生物) The pigs were too nervous to eat. (1-4地震)

12. They must leave Britain before it was too painful for them. (2-5音乐) Before the Nazis could get to the Palace, the Russians were only able to remove the furniture. (2-1古迹)

13. I ask for help by writing a letter. (2-4生物) She was able to replace her usual afternoon’s work by watching some exciting sports. (2-2奥运) He became rich by being a computer bully. (1-5英雄)

14. People didn’t know him but talked as if they were friends. (2-5音乐)

15. He wanted to be famous more than anything else. (2-5音乐) Music is more than just sound. It is a way of thinking. (2-5音乐)

16. The more you speak English, the better your English will become. (2-2奥运)

17. The past is not only for us to enjoy but also for the children of the future. (2-1古迹)

第三节 上佳表达

1. I wish your well on your journey. (1-3游记)

2. It is better to be safe than sorry. (1-4地震)

3. It is always calm before a storm. (1-4地震)

4. Only time will tell. (1-2英语)

5. It seems you can’t win. (1-2英语)

6. We can hardly wait to see them. (1-3游记)

7. Thank you for your time. (1-3游记)

8. Good luck on your journey. (1-3游记)

9. It was great fun. (1-3游记)

10. Sorry, I can’t follow you. (1-2英语)

11. That can’t be true. (2-1古迹)

12. That’s good news. Thank you for your time. (2-2奥运)

13. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (2-2奥运)

14. Thank you and good luck. (2-2奥运)

15. Intelligence is what I am all about. (2-3电脑) This is what wildlife protection is about. (2-4生物)

16. I had the honor to be chosen again. (2-3电脑)

17. It was very nice of you but I can’t accept it. (2-4生物)

18. Well done! (2-4生物)

19. I didn’t know that. (2-4生物)

20. The good news is that great attention is being paid to wildlife protection. (2-4生物)

21. Without music, life is a journey through a desert. (2-5音乐)

22. My son turned ten the other day. (2-5音乐)

第四章 知识点滴

第一节 高频知识


1. He came to school very upset. (1-1朋友)

2. Your dream will come true. (2-5音乐) Something would come true. (2-5音乐) The dream had finally come true. (1-3游记)

3. He fits his new software free in very computer. (1-5英雄)

4. Let your imagination run wild(2-3电脑)

5. Then things went wrong. (2-5音乐)

6. I grew crazy. (1-1朋友)

7. Stay awake(1-1朋友) (1-3游记)

8. Languages do not always stay the same. (1-2英语)

9. Our legs felt heavy. (1-3游记)

10. The fruit goes bad easily. (1-4地震)

11. It feels as hard as a stone. (2-1古迹)

12. It felt strange. (2-5音乐)

13. It sounds very simple. (2-3电脑)

14. Fall ill(2-3电脑)


1. Anne was very upset that her family had to move. (1-1朋友) Everyone was very upset. (2-2奥运)

2. We were tired but also very excited. (1-3游记) An excited elephant(2-4生物) He was an excited supporter of Coco Li(2-5音乐)

3. She gave me a determined look. (1-3游记)

4. She was amazed when they heard of the rules. (2-2奥运) Daisy was amazed. (2-4生物)

5. She will be relaxed. (2-2奥运)

6. It was painful for me and I felt frightened. (2-3电脑) I saw many frightened cows rush up Market Street. (1-4地震)

7. The waterfall is even more exciting to see. (1-3游记) She was able to replace her usual afternoon’s work by watching some exciting sports. (2-2奥运)It was so exciting when my letter became neat and tidy. (2-3电脑) A most exciting experience(2-5音乐)

8. The word is confusing to me(1-2英语)

9. Your tour sounds interesting. (1-3游记)

10. It was a frightening night. (1-4地震)

11. All his music was written for God and some of it is very moving.(2-5音乐)

三.a number of; the number of

1. English has a large number of speakers(1-2英语)

2. Such a great number of people died. (1-4地震)

3. Inside the earth there are a number of plates. (1-4地震)

4. A number of people think God moved the statues. (2-1古迹)

5. The number of English speakers is increasing rapidly. (1-2英语)

6. China has the fastest growing number of English speakers. (1-2英语)

7. The large number of English speakers(1-2英语)

8. The number of people who were killed reached more than 400. (1-4地震)

四.Used to; be used to

1. I used to write about the Games years ago. (2-2奥运)

2. Farmers used to hunt the elephants. (2-4生物)

3. Money used to go to big companies. (2-4生物)

4. I love being used to connect people(2-3电脑)

5. A keyboard is used to keep data into a computer. (2-3电脑)

6. The antelope fur is being used to make sweaters. (2-4生物)

7. Seven thousand tons of amber were used to make the room. (2-1古迹)

五. get的用法

1. Wang Wei got them interested in cycling. (1-3游记)

2. The dog got loose. (1-1朋友)

3. Have you got everything ready? (1-3游记)

4. He made speeches to get others to help him. (2-1古迹)

5. He hurried to get dressed.(2-4生物)

6. How do people get to form a band? (2-5音乐)


1. She insisted that we find the source of the river. (1-3游记)

2. We advised the parents that the child should not be taught too much. (1-5英雄)

3. He advised poor people on their problems. (1-5英雄)

4. Give some advice. (1-1朋友) Give us some advice(2-5音乐)

5. He insists that it belongs to his family. (2-1古迹)

6. I’d like to help as the WWF suggests. (2-4生物)

7. Some people even suggest we should do more. (2-4生物)

8. Read the plan and suggest ways to make it better. (2-1古迹)

9. She tried to persuade him not to fight the government. (1-5英雄) She persuaded me to buy one(1-3游记). He persuaded the government to buy some land in the center of the city. (2-1古迹)

七. Be+hard+主动不定式

1. Earthquakes are very difficult to predict. (1-4地震)

2. Water and food was hard to get. (1-4地震)

3. The air is hard to breathe(1-3游记)

4. It is difficult to prove. (2-1古迹)

5. The amber room was not easy to make. (2-1古迹)

八.参加join; take part

1. I joined the ANC Youth League as soon as I could. (1-5英雄)

2. The prison guards also joined us. (1-5英雄)

3. Dao Wei will join us there. (1-3游记)

4. Join in discussion(1-1朋友)

5. Women were not allowed to join in. (2-2奥运)

6. He sang his latest hit and joined in. (2-5音乐)

7. take part in the Olympics (2-2奥运)

8. All countries can take part. (2-2奥运)


1. He has given up many things in his life to help others. (1-5英雄)

2. He gave up a rich life for his ideas. (1-5英雄)

3. I have to give up a lot of things to win gold medals. (2-2奥运)

4. I had to give in. (1-3游记)

十.感官动词+sb+ doing sth

I often hear my grandfather talk about cultural relics. (2-1古迹)

If you find someone smuggling cultural relics, what can you do? (2-1古迹)

The man saw some Germans taking apart the room. (2-1古迹)

十一. remain

1. It remained when the rest has been destroyed. (2-1古迹)

2. The part of ancient walls remain as good as before. (2-1古迹)

3. What happened to the city remained a mystery. (2-1古迹)


I didn’t dare open the window. (1-1朋友)

I know I didn’t need to encourage her. (1-3游记)

十三. agree

1. I do not agree with your opinion. (2-1古迹)

2. I don’t agree with the writer. (2-1古迹)

3. I don’t agree that it should be returned. (2-1古迹)

4. All members have to agree with what music to play. (2-5音乐)

十四. Gone, missing, lost

1. All hope was not lost. (1-4地震)

2. San Francisco was gone. (1-4地震)

3. Two minutes later, everything was gone. (2-4生物)

4. It is now missing. (2-1古迹)

十五. include

1. Horse riding is not included in the winter games. (2-2奥运)

2. All these men and young boys came from different parts of Greece, including Athens. (2-2奥运)

3. Others went to work with Murray, including his two daughters. (1-2英语)

第二节 零散知识

1. She was able to travel far because of the flying chair. (2-4生物) They speak English because of foreign rule. (1-2英语)

2. He belongs to a trade union. (2-1古迹) The earth belongs to the living. (2-1古迹) I found the person to whom it belonged. (2-1古迹) The computer company belonged to Wang An. (1-5英雄)

3. They were seated near the bowling area. (2-2奥运)

4. The bag of food should last you 3 days. (1-4地震) People began to wonder how long the disaster would last. (1-4地震)

5. The search has cost a lot of time. (2-1古迹)

6. They decided to pass a law that all trainers must be men. (2-2奥运)

7. He died for his ideas. (1-5英雄) He died from a piece of falling furniture. (1-4地震)

8. He believed in three principles. (1-5英雄)

9. He was in prison for thirty years. (1-5英雄)

10. He entered university in 1937. (1-5英雄) The river’s delta enters the South China Sea. (1-3游记)

11. We felt very happy to have studied in college. (1-3游记)

12. The teacher asked him when he went to bed the night before. (1-1朋友)

13. They can’t understand everything(1-2英语) She didn’t like everything about the relic. (2-1古迹)

14. English speaking world(1-2英语)

15. They looked at you a little strangely. (1-2英语)

16. It doesn’t matter what English you learn. (1-2英语)

17. There is no such thing as standard English. (1-2英语)

18. You can’t meet a better man than Bill Gates. (1-5英雄)

19. They try their best to make the capital a special place. (2-1古迹)

20. They don’t believe it even though they are given a lot of evidence(2-1古迹) They understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. (1-2英语) They didn’t want to protect us even though tourists love to see us. (2-4生物)

21. The information is called evidence. (2-1古迹)

22. He can’t prove that he is right. (2-1古迹) It can be proved that China has more people than any other country. (2-1古迹) A fact is anything that can be proved. (2-1古迹) This mother proved that women trainers can be better than men trainers. (2-2奥运)

23. It must be expensive. (2-2奥运) You must be very proud. (2-2奥运)

24. People doubt that they were dragged over land. (2-1古迹)

25. Use the computer every day. (2-3电脑)

26. I am part of a football team. (2-3电脑) On this island, friendship is part of the aloha spirit. (1-1朋友) The amber room was part of the winter palace. (2-1古迹)

27. Our team got second place. (2-3电脑)

28. A special village to live in(2-2奥运)

29. How often(2-2奥运)

30. Many more things(2-3电脑)

31. In three years they may all be gone. (2-4生物)

32. Show me some place where there is some wildlife protection. (2-4生物)

33. No matter what happens, we will pay more attention to wildlife protection from now on. (2-4生物)

34. Up till now, the organization has collected millions of dollars. (2-4生物) We have written a lot of e-mails on the computer in the past year. (2-3电脑)

35. He felt very lonely(2-5音乐)

36. He couldn’t go out without being followed everywhere. (2-5音乐)

37. even more popular(2-5音乐)

38. It was the biggest work of amber art ever made. (2-1古迹)

39. The Queen had the room moved outside the city. (2-1古迹)

40. Serve the human race(2-3电脑) Food is served between 12:00 and 14:00 every day. (2-2奥运)

41. She wants to marry a king or a princess. (2-2奥运)I will be married to a man who can run faster than me. (2-2奥运)

42. He received a place to study mathematics in the university. (1-5英雄)

43. They write about their travels in what is called a travel journey. (1-3游记)I live in what you call Ancient Greece. (2-2奥运)

第五章 语法重点





篇2:高一 Unit 8 Sports (新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

1. 知识目标


interrupt apologize introduce culture manner manners impression behave cloth custom course raise advice drink to start with leave our stare at make jokes about sb


1. He apologizes for losing it by saying …

2. Having good table manners means knowing, for example, how to use…

3. When drinking to someone’s health, you raise your glasses, but…

4. They make me think of the happy days we spent together.


定语从句( the Attributive Clause )

1. 能够用英语描述人物、事件、时间、地点、原因等-- 使用限制性定语从句:

I spent the whole afternoon with the teacher who was very helpful.

2. 能够用英语对特定的人物、事件、时间、地点、原因等作补充说明--使用非限制性定语从句:

I spent the whole afternoon with the teacher, who was helpful.

道歉与致谢( Apologizing & Expressing thanks)

Excuse me. Forgive me.

I’m (very/so/terribly) sorry.

That’s all right. /That’s OK. /No problem.

I apologize for …Oh, well, that’s life.

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to …

Oops. Sorry about that.

Thank you. It’s beautiful.


1. To teach the students how to behave well and write thank-you letter correctly.

2. To develop the students’ ability of expressing themselves and thinking in English.


1. To get the students to understand the differences between Chinese and western table manners and learn how to self-discipline in social activities.

2. To make the students know the importance of being polite and how to make themselves behave properly in communication with others.

Period 1 Listening

Teaching aims:

1. To improve the students’ listening ability by listening to the information on the usage of informal and formal ways of apologizing.

2. To improve the students’ listening ability by listening to the given listening passage.

Suggestions for teaching:

1. Important and difficult points:

1. Getting the most important information of the dialogue on the topic of apologizing.

2. Getting the general idea of the given listening passage.

2. Suggested teaching methods:

Activity 1 Lead-in

The topic is to talk about good manners in our daily life. The teacher may begin this activity with these words: In our daily life, it is very important to be polite in communicating with others. Whether in China or in foreign countries, we should pay attention to our manners. But what are good manners in your opinion?

Encourage the students to express themselves freely in class.

Activity 2 Free talk

Collect the students’ opinions about good manners in different situations. The teacher may design some situations previously for the students to practise what they should do or say to show their politeness. First make some pairs act our their dialogues in class and then discuss in class whether they have good manners or not.

Suggested situations:

1. How to ask the way when you come to a new place?

2. What can you say if you want to interrupt others when they are talking?

3. You want to join a party that has begun.

Activity 3 Warming up

The teacher may begin this activity with picture description. Ask the students to look at the pictures carefully and complete the dialogues given. Give the students chances to discuss and act out the dialogues in class.

Activity 4 Listening

This activity may be performed this way:

1. Play the tape for the students to listen and let the students make sure what has happened in the dialogue.

2. Play the tape once again. This time ask the students to pay attention to how Bill made apologies to Cliff and how Cliff answered.

Activity 5 Role-play

This activity is a productive one. Suppose one student is Bill and the other is Cliff. Give the students chances to express themselves in the same situation. Encourage the students to act out their dialogues in class after a few minutes’ preparation.

Activity 6 Discussion

Topic for discussion: What are good manners in this situation?

This is productive work. The students should be encouraged to express themselves freely in class. At the same time discuss what are good manners at school?


1. 预习课文。

2. 背诵生词



Period 2 Speaking

Teaching aims:

1. To improve the students’ speaking ability by talking about how to practise making apologies in different situations.

2. To make the students learn to express themselves correctly and freely, using the polite expressions, such as , “I’m sorry”, “Thank you”, “Excuse me, but…” and so on.

Suggestions for teaching:

1. Important and difficult points:

1. Understanding the ways of making apologies by performing speaking activities.

2. Learning to use proper expressions for making apologies freely.

2. Suggested teaching methods:

Activity 1 Discussion

Topic for discussion: What are good manners or bad manners in our daily life?

The teacher may begin this way: We often say or hear “He is a good boy because he has good manners. / She is a girl with good manners so everyone likes her.” What do you think good manners are? Please give some examples of good manners in your life.

Hints: behavior at school; greeting; talking with parents; eating at table; etc.

Activity 2 Discussion

Ask the students to practice useful expressions of making apologies.

Hints for teachers: This activity should be a free activity. The purpose is to revise what we have learned in Period 1. Encourage the students to express themselves freely in class. No given situations this time

Activity 3 Language study

It is a summary to Activity 2. Make sure the students grasp the basic usage of the following expressions.

Ways of making apologies Forgive me. I’m very sorry.

I apologize for…

I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…

Oops. Sorry about that.

Possible answers Oh, that’s all right.

Oh, well, that’s life.

It’s OK.

No problem.

Collect other ways of making apologies and possible answers from the students.

Activity 4 Role play

This activity is a controlled one. The students are encouraged to make up their own dialogues based on the given situations. Before practicing, make sure the students are quite clear about each situation. In situation 1, three persons are required to get involved.

Activity 5 Extension

This is productive work. The students can create and practice their own dialogues. They may design any other situations in which they may use the words of making apologies in their daily life or studies, especially the situations that may take place at other parties. Encourage some pairs to act out their dialogues in class.





Period 3 Part one Reading comprehension

Table manners at a dinner party

Teaching aims:

1. To get the students to understand and compare the differences of table manners between China and Western countries after reading the passage Table manners at a dinner party.

2. To improve the students’ ability of reading comprehension through reading activities and grasp the spirit of the reading passage.

Background knowledge:

China dining custom &Table manners

The main difference between Chinese and Western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best to show their hospitality.

And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign on politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat whatever it is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.

Eating No-no’s

Don’t stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. Instead, lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when someone dies, the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright in it. So if you stick your chopsticks in the rice bowl, it looks like the shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!

Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.

Don’t tap on your bowl with your chopsticks. Beggars tap their bowls, so this is not polite. Also, when the food is coming too slow in a restaurant, people will tap theirs bowls. If your are in someone’s home, it is like insulting the cook.


Gan Bei !(Cheers!)

Alcohol is a big part of eating in Beijing. Especially when dining with Chinese hosts, you can expect the beer to flow freely and many beis to be ganed. (Gan Bei literally means “dry the glass”.) Besides beer, the official Chinese alcoholic beverage is bai jiu, high-proof Chinese liquor made from assorted grains. There are varying degrees of bai jiu, and some are quite good. The Beijing favorites is called Er Guo Tou, which is a whopping 56% alcohol. More expensive and less formidable are Maotai and Wuliangye, which go far about 300-400 yuan per bottle. In comparison, Er Guo Tou costs a modest 4 or 5 yuan per bottle. If you are not a drinker, or don’t feel up to the challenge, just say “wo bu hui he jiu”(I don’t drink.) It is generally acceptable to use coke or tea as an alcohol substitute.

Suggestions for teaching:

1. Important and difficult points:

To enlarge the students’ knowledge about politeness and impoliteness at table.

2. Suggested teaching methods:

A. Pre-reading

Activity 1: Lead in

Revise how to make apologies in different situations. Make the students know how to use

polite expressions properly.

Activity 2: Discussion

Discuss how to be polite in the following situations in Chinese culture:

Greeting your teacher /Receiving a birthday present /Paying a visit to a friend’s house

Discuss how to be polite at a dinner party.

During the discussion, encourage the students to express themselves freely in class. In the second part of this activity, the teacher may lead the students to say out how to talk to others, how to eat, how to get the food he or she wants to eat , and so on.

B .Reading

Activity 1 Skimming

Ask the students to skim the text to find the main idea of each paragraph.

Para. 1: What are included in table manners in Western countries.

Para. 2: How people start their dinner party.

Para. 3: Information about the main course.

Para. 4: How to communicate with others at the party.

Para. 5: The way of drinking.

Para. 6: The importance of table manners.

Activity 2: Scanning

Ask the students to read the text carefully and do questions and answers. This time they should pay more attention to details.


1. What are the devices for eating at a Western dinner party mentioned in the passage?

Knives, forks, napkins, glasses, bread roll and spoons.

2. Where do we put the napkin?

On the lap.

3. What does the dinner start with?


4. Is it good manners to eat before others start eating?

No, it isn’t.

5. How much soup can we drink after the starter?

One bowl, no more.

6. What is considered to be the best part of the main course in Western countries?

Chicken breast with its tender white flesh.

7. How much shall we eat at a dinner party?

Not more than we need.

8. What’s the difference of toasting in China and in Western countries?

In Western countries people sip each time, while in some parts of China people finish the whole drink each time.

9. Do we have to follow these rules whiles dining with family members of friends?

No, we don’t have to. We can be more causal.

Activity 3: Quiz

Decide which of the following behaviors are polite or impolite at a Western dinner party. Put “P” or “I” in the brackets.

( )1.Use the knife with your right hand.

( )2.Put your napkin on your lap.

( )3.Start eating as soon as your food is served in front of you.

( )4.Ask for a second bowl of soup.

( )5.Use your fingers when eating chicken.

( )6.Finish eating everything on your plate.

( )7.Talk loudly while eating.

( )8.Make other people drink more than they can take.

C. Post-reading

The teacher may design the following activity for consolidation:

Activity 1: Retelling (Individual work)

Ask the students to retell the basic table manners in the Western countries, especially how to place and use knives and forks.

Activity 2: Discussion

Questions: In what order will the following dishes be served at a Western dinner party? Put the proper number in the box.

dessert drink main course starter soup

Make the students to number them according to what they have learned in the text: 4-5-3-1-2

Activity 3 Consolidation

Ask the students to give examples of how Chinese table manners change over time. Mainly let them talk about the local table manners at the present time. If possible, compare table manners in different parts of China.

Part two Structure analysis

体裁: 说明文


Western dinner party Chinese dinner party

Things napkin, glasses, two pairs of knives and forks,

plates a hot damp cloth, chopsticks, bowl, cup, plate

Serving order starter-soup-main course cold dishes-soup-main course

Drink white or red; take a sip alcohol; finish at once

Rules (not) 1. Ask for a second soup

2. Touch meat on bones

3. Take more food than need

4. Laugh all the time

5. Touch each other’s glasses

6. Drink too much





1. 环环相扣,中心明确


2. 由浅入深,通俗易懂

课文以教人们认识最基本的西餐 “table manners” 为目的,以简洁的文字、直接的表述向人们展示了东西方餐桌文化的区别。文章从最基本的餐具摆放开始,接着介绍了进餐的顺序,中间穿插着相关的餐桌礼仪,还说明了进餐中对言行举止的要求,如:举杯、饮酒等。最后宽慰人们 “table manners”在与时俱进,不断变化。如不懂,没关系,直接模仿主人好了。


1. 复述课文。

2. 准备默写


Period 4 Language learning

Teaching aims:

Encourage the students to use these language points both orally and in written form.

Important and difficult points:

1.Word study

1).impression 名词,在句中作“印象”解,也可表示按压所留下的“印痕、痕迹”

如:What is your impression of our city?

First impressions are half the battle. (最初的印象最深)

常见词组:make a good impression 留下好印象

give sb. a good impression 给某人以好印象

give one’s impressions of 陈述自己对……的印象

make an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象

make no impression on sb. 对……无影响

2). unfold 由表示否定的前缀un+fold 组成。表示否定意义的前缀还有:

dis- (disappear, discourage, disappoint)

in-, il-, im-, ir- (independent, informal, illegal, impolite, impatient, irregular)

un- (unknown, unlock, unhappy, unfair)

mis-(mistake, misunderstand, misspell)

non-(nonsmoker, nonstop)


如:She’s finished practicing the piano for today.

类似的有: mind, miss, enjoy, practice, excuse, dislike, suggest, consider, keep, avoid, allow, risk, resist, finish, imaging 等。

如:We suggested having a picnic in Xuanwu Lake this Sunday.


如:The students followed the professor into the classroom.

Spring follows winter.

He came into the office, following the boss.

He came into the office, followed by the teacher.


如:You’d better follow the teacher’s advice.

Follow the instruction on the bottle.

The football team will be as follows: Smith…

5).not all/both/every 表示部分否定。其意思为“并不都是”“并不是所有的”

如:Not all birds can fly. 并不是所有的鸟都能飞。

Not both of the answers are right. 并不是两个答案都对。

Not everyone likes the film. 并不是所有的人都喜欢这部电硬。

在部分电影否定句中,not 的位置并不影响句意。如上句也可说成:

Everyone doesn’t like the film.

若表示全部否定要用 none, neither, no 等表示。

如:None of the birds can fly. 这些鸟都不能飞。

Neither of the answers is right. 两个答案都不对。


beside 为介词,意思为“在……的旁边”,等于at/by the side of.而besides作介词时意思为“除了……之外”或作副词用,意思是“此外还有。”

如:Put the case beside mine when they are ready.

I have quite a few friends besides you.

It’s too late to go out now, besides, it’s starting to rain.


manners 是名词,当作为“礼貌、规矩、礼节”解时,应该用复数形式。

如:Remember your manners; thank your friend when you leave the party.

It is good manners to say hello to each other when we meet.


It is no use talking about it in this manner.

Nobody likes to talk to him; because he has a very rude manner.


如:Americans are busy; they have no time to be polite.

8).mean to do /mean doing

mean to do 为“打算干某事”

mean doing 的意思则是“意味着、意思是(做某事)”

mean sb to do sth

如:I mean to have a good talk with you about it.

Smoking means buying death with money.

I don’t mean you to punish him this way.

Means 意思是“方法、手段”单复数同形。


by this means = in this way = with this method

by means of 用……的方法

by no means 决不, 一点也不

by all means = of course = certainly

9).drink to /drink a toast “为……干杯、为……祝酒”,其中to为介词。

如:Let’s drink to your success.

Let’s drink to the happiness of the new couple.

drink a toast 的意思为“祝酒、敬酒”等于动词toast

如:Let’s drink a toast to your health! = Let’s toast to your health.

10).start/start with

start & begin 用法相同,start doing sth = start to do sth

如:He started learning / to learn English when he was only three.

但在下列三种情况下只能用start to do sth.

(1) 当主语是物而不是人时;

(2) 当start后面的非谓语动词表示心理状态时;

(3) 当start 用于进行时态时

如:The water started to boil.

She started to wonder who it would be.

She is starting to prepare for the party.

start with表示“从……开始”

如:A Western dinner usually starts with a small dish called a starter.

We can’t go. To start with, it is too cold. Besides, we don’t have enough time.

2.Analysis of difficult sentences

1. There are two pairs of knives and forks on the table, forks on the left and knives on the right of the plate.

该句是由 “there be + n.”构成的句型,表示“某地有某物”。其用法具有以下两个特点:

1. 谓语动词的单复数形式是根据离其最近的主语的单复数而定。

2. 常用句型有:

There is no need /reason /time to do sth

2. In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the custom in Western countries.

该句中的however 是副词,表示转折,需要用逗号将其和句子隔开。

如:I feel a bit tired. However, it’s probably just the weather.


如:However late it is, his mother will wait for him.

However rich people are, they always want more.


1.Complete the following sentences:

1).The speech _______ _______ _______ _______ on the House.

2.)My home _______ _______ _______ our school.

3).I feel _______ _______ _______tired.

4).His illness _______ _______ a slight cough.

5).He ________ ________ at the meeting yesterday.

6).He _______ me _________help.

7).They were ________ ________when we called.

8).I looked all over the house for that letter, and it was in my pocket _______ _______ _______, while I was searching.

9).Let’s _______ _______ your success.

10).Don’t eat _______ _______, or you’ll get fat.

2.Translate the following sentences into English:







Suggested answers:

1. The impression he made on me was that he was not telling the truth.

2. People generally think that smoking is a bad habit.

3. That class started with a well-known pop song.

4. They are at the table playing cards.

5. Let’s drink to each other’s health.’

6. This car belongs to Smith, and he has two others besides.





Period 5 Language study

Teaching aims:

1. To review the words and expressions learned in the reading to make sure the students master them.

2. To get the students to master the word formation rules of changing the meaning of a word to its opposite by learning some negative prefixes.

3. To understand the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.]

Suggestions for teaching:

1. Important and difficult points:

1. Mastering the word formation rules to improve the students’ ability to enlarge their vocabulary.

2. Mastering the Restrictive Attributive Clause and the Non-restrictive Clause.

2.Suggested teaching methods:

1)Word study

Activity 1 Questions and answers

This activity is used as a revision to the reading passage. Tell the students that one of their classmates wants to go abroad to study. Before he leaves, he has some questions to ask us in order to make his stay in a foreign country comfortable.


1. When drinking, is it proper to look over or into the cup or glass?

When drinking, look into, not over, your cup or glass.

2. Is it acceptable to smoke at the dining table?

It is unacceptable to smoke before or during a meal.

3. Should I blow on my soup when it is too hot?

Don’t blow on food that is hot. Wait until it cools.

4. Is there a proper way to cut meat?

Stroke the knife toward yourself while cutting meat.

5. Should I use my fingers when I’m eating beef or other meat on bones?

Never use your fingers unless you are eating chicken or other birds.

6. What is appropriate when the meal is finished?

Place your fork and knife parallel diagonally across your plate and don’t push your plate away from you.

When performing this activity, the students are asked to close their books. Collect the answers from the students. If necessary, the teacher may give some hints.

Activity 2 Lead-in

Learn rules of word formation by adding a prefix to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word that changes the meaning of the word. The prefixes in-, im-, non-,and un- mean “not” or “the opposite of.’

e.g. Informal means “not formal” and unfair means “not fair”.

Activity 3 Practice

1. Learn the word formation rules first and then finish the exercise below.

Suggested answers:

nonstop; unfold; incorrect; unlucky; impossible

2. Read the passage in the second part about table manners in China and fill in the blanks.

Suggested answers:

damp; custom; dishes; middle; noodles; breast; tender; chopsticks; bones; spoon; spirits; toast

2).Grammar: the Restrictive Attributive Clause and Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

Activity 1 Game-playing

This activity is used as a revision to the attributive clause learned before. When performing this activity, students are asked to close their books. Ask the students to practice attributive clauses in oral.

e.g. A: Please give me the book.

B: Which book?

Make sure that every student gets involved in this activity. Encourage some pairs to act it in class.

Activity 2 Sentence analyzing

Write the two sentences on the blackboard:

1. The man who greeted me is my teacher.

2. John, who greeted me, is my teacher.,

Let the students find out the differences between the two sentences. The teacher may tell the students what restrictive clauses they are in the two sentences.

Activity 3.Grammar teaching

Brainstorm question:

What is the restrictive attributive clause and what is a non-restrictive attributive clause?


Restrictive Attributive Clause: The information is necessary to identify which person or something is being described or talked about.

Non-restrictive Attributive Clause: The information isn’t necessary to identify which person or something is being described or talked about. It is extra information that is added to the sentence. Commas are used before and after a non-restrictive attributive clause.

1. Analyze the sentences and information in the part of grammar.

2. Practice the sentence below the form. Remind the students to add commas to sentences with non-restrictive attributive clause.

Suggested answers:

1. I read five pages in the book which is about how to study English every evening.

2. The car which my uncle bought two weeks ago was stolen.

3. Paula, whose parents have gone abroad, lives alone on the fourth floor?

4. My sister Ellen, who is warm-hearted, is a nurse.

5. This morning, Andrew, whose old teacher retired, told me about his new teacher.

6. The meeting will be held in the dining hall, where we often have parties at weekends.

7. My father works for a company which produces computers in a big city.

8. Lisa will always remember her childhood, when she stayed with her grandparents.

Activity 4 Consolidation

1. Practice

Underline all the attributive clauses in the reading passage

2. Summary

Repeat the differences between the restrictive attributive clause and the non-restrictive clause in oral.




如:Her brother who is now a soldier always encourages her to go to college.

All the books that have pictures in them are well written.


如:Her bother, who is now a soldier, always encourages her to go to college.

All the books, which have pictures in them, are well written.


1. 在限制性定语从句中做宾语时可以省略,而在非限制性定语从句中则不可省略;

2. 在限制性定语从句中可用that, 而在非限制性定语从句中不可用that;

3. 在限制性定语从句中可用who代替whom,而在非限制性定语从句中不可用who代替whom;


1. 将下列各组句子改写成一个含定义从句的复合句.

1. The car belonged to Paul. It crashed into me.

2. We are moving to Manchester. Manchester is in the northwest.

3. The woman is very friendly. She lives next door.

4. She was engaged to a soldier. She had met him at Dartmouth.

5. We have only told the people. Their work is relevant to this project.

6. This happened in 1977. I was still a baby at that time.

2. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. 他是个对什么都不在乎的人。

2. 她就是卖花的那位姑娘吗?

3. 这是我第一次上学迟到。

4. 你随便什么时候来都行。

5. 我们后来搬到巴黎,在那儿住了六年。

6. 他们邀请我到他们家,这使我非常感谢。

Suggested answers:

1. The car that/which crashed into me belonged to Paul.

2. We are moving to Manchester, which is in the northwest.

3. The woman who/that lives next door is very friendly.

4. She was engaged to a soldier, whom she had met at Dartmouth.

5. We have only told the people whose work is relevant to this project.

6. This happened in 1977, when I was still a baby.

1. He is a man who doesn’t care about anything.

2. Is she the girl who/that sells flowers?

3. This was the first time I had been late for school.

4. Come any time you like.

5. We then moved to Paris, where we lived for six years.

6. They have invited me to visit their home, which is very kind of them.





Period 6 Integrating skills (Reading and writing)

Teaching aims:

1. To get the students to master what they have learned in this unit.

2. To enable the students to learn how to write thank-you letters.

Suggestions for teaching:

1. Important and difficult points:

1. To know about how to express gratitude by writing thank-you letters.

2. To enable the students to improve their reading and writing abilities.

2. Suggested teaching methods:

A. Reading

Activity 1 Brainstorm

Talk about good manners in Chinese culture. Collect the students’ opinions about good manners in China.

Some basic ones:

1. Get up and give your seat to older people on the bus.

2. Don’t laugh at, stare at or make jokes about disabled people.

3. Don’t start smoking before a dinner is finished.

4. Speak politely, say “please” when you ask for something and “thank you” when you are given something.

5. Say hello to your teachers when you meet your teachers.

Collect more from the students.

Activity 2 Lead-in

Talk about what good manners are if one has enjoyed oneself at a dinner party.

Question: You were invited to a dinner party by David and his wife. You enjoyed yourself very much at the party. What shall you do the next day or some time later?

Collect answers from the students.

Suggested answer:

Remind the student that writing a thank-you letter is a more formal way to express one’s thankfulness from the bottom of one’s heart.

Activity 3 Reading

1.Ask the students to read the text to find out what kind of letter it is and what it is about.

3. Read the text again to find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Para 1: The reason why Amy Zhang should thank them.

Para 2: Amy Zhang’s present situation.

Para,3: Inquiring Sam and Jenny’s present situation and inviting them.

Activity 4 Post reading

The teacher may design the following activities for consolidation:


This activity is a summary to the text and preparation for writing. Divide the students into pairs. Discuss the structure of a thank-you letter.

A thank-you letter is usually a short letter with three paragraphs. The topic of each paragraph is as follows:

Para 1 Thank the people for what they have done for you with some details you like.

Para 2 Tell the people about yourself and what you are doing now.

Para 3 Ask the people for some details about themselves and invite them to your place. Close the letter by expressing your thanks again.

Activity 5 Language points

1. They make me think of the happy days we spent together.

这是一个含有定语从句的主从复合句。We spent together 是定语从句,修饰the happy days. 关系代词that/which 在从句中作宾语而被省略。

尽管先行词days是表示时间的名词,但关系词仍然使用了that/which 而不是when. 也就是说, 如果先行词为时间名词或地点名词时,引导词可用when/where, 也可用that/which. 关键要分清先行词在从句中作的成分。

如:Do you still remember the days that/which we spent together in the country?

I’ll never forget the days when we worked together in the country.

2. At this moment I am very busy with my studies.

be busy with/about/at/over

e.g. He is busy with/about/over his work.

3. Thank again and I wish you all the best.


I wish you success.

I wish you good luck /lucky.

Wish you a happy new year..

Best wishes to you!

With best wishes!

Give my best wishes to your parents.


The students are asked to write a thank-you letter based on what they have discussed above, using the tips given in the textbook. Of the four topics given, they may choose one.


一、认清差异, 注重衔接

初高中英语在教材、教法、学法等方面存在着较大的差异。如:初中英语教材文章简短, 词汇量小, 句子结构简单, 语法内容少;而高中英语教材文章较长, 词汇量大, 句子结构复杂, 语法内容较多。因而要求高中教师教法要灵活有效, 高中生学习要更加积极主动。

因此, 在一开学教师就应通过摸底, 了解学生水平, 以便对症下药, 查漏补缺。同时, 利用半个月的时间, 从语音、词汇、语法等方面让学生进行复习, 使他们具备读单词、分析句子结构等自学能力。此外, 要求学生准备好牛津或朗文词典, 以便查阅。

二、激发兴趣, 培养信心

兴趣是最好的老师。正如《论语》中孔子所提到的:知之者不如好之者, 好之者不如乐之者。在教学中应充分利用各种多媒体设备, 充分调动学生的各种器官, 并把教学内容与热点时事、历史地理、风土人情等结合起来。同时开辟好第二课堂, 开展如讲故事、戏剧表演、竞赛、听讲座、英语角等活动。

在激发学生的兴趣时, 应极力培养好学生的信心。在课堂上, 应针对不同层次的学生, 给予不同难度的问题, 使各类学生都有表现自己的机会。同时应不断寻找每位学生的闪光点、进步之处, 不断给予鼓励、表扬, 使他们尝到甜头, 找到乐趣, 树立信心。

三、认真钻研, 集思广益

教师在上课前应认真钻研教材教法, 吃透课本重点难点, 找到突破点, 分析班情学情, 然后进行集体备课。集体备课应做到定时间、定地点、定内容、定主讲人。主讲人事先应认真地研究教材教法、重点难点、突破点, 设计好几种教案, 然后在会上提出来, 供大家讨论参考。各位教师在集体备课时应认真听取主讲人的见解, 并各抒己见, 质疑问难, 完善补充, 做到集思广益。

四、以生为本, 合作探究

生本教育是以学生为主体, 一切从学生出发, 为了学生学好的素质教育。这要求我们变以往的以教师为主体的灌输式教学为现在的以学生为主体的启发式教学。生本教学充分调动学生主动性、积极性, 以学生为“演员”, 教师为“导演”, 充分发挥学生自主学习、合作探究的能力。“先学后教”、“先做后学”是生本教育的基本原则, 例如:课前让学生进行演讲、表演;课上让学生自主探究学习;课后及时布置适量探究性练习等。

五、复习巩固, 检查监督

对刚教过的内容, 一定要布置适量的难易适中的相关练习, 让学生进行复习巩固, 并提升为能力。同时应加大检查、监督力度。否则, 无论你多会上课, 其效果均会大打折扣。子曰:温故而知新。只有让学生及时复习, 反复操练, 才能收到以旧带新、举一反三的效果。只有加大检查监督力度, 方能保质保量完成教学任务。

六、激情洋溢, 幽默风趣

激情洋溢是教师上课时满腔热情、积极向上、关爱学生、热爱教学的精神状态, 是对教学的全身心投入。它对于顺利完成教学任务、达成教学目标十分重要。如果教师精神饱满、激情洋溢, 课堂气氛就会活跃, 教学效果就会显著。反之, 如果没有激情的话, 再好的教学手段也没用, 再好的学习内容也没有感染力。教师在课堂上运用幽默风趣的语言表现形式, 可以激发学生的学习兴趣、引起注意、调节情绪、愉悦精神、活跃思维, 从而有效改善教学效果。

七、扩大阅读, 狠抓词汇

词汇是英语的基础。从某种意义上说, 英语词汇量大小反映出一个人英语水平的高低, 因此应高度重视词汇, 狠抓词汇教学。在开学初就应教学生熟读音标、熟悉音节划分规律 (辅音一归后、二分手) , 以便他们能自己认读生词, 能按音节来记单词。同时应坚持词不离句、句不离篇的原则, 扩大学生的阅读量。除教材内容外, 应让学生多读一些英文报刊、世界名著等, 并要求学生每天坚持做一篇完形填空、两篇阅读理解练习, 让他们在阅读中熟悉词汇的用法。



中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2014)18-109-01




























篇5:高一 Unit 8 Sports (新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

Step 1 Review words

Step 2 Can you list some names of sports?

(weightlifting gymnastics shooting sailing horse –riding volleyball badminton shot put judo golf hockey marathon long-distance softball skiing gymnastics ring side-horse men-single rowing throwing boxing rugby )

Step 3 You know so many kinds of sports. I’m sure you also know a lot of players from China and from other countries.

Step 4 We have talked a lot of sports and players and do you know the important sports events ?

(a; Asian Games ; the 14th Asian Games opened in South Korea city of Busan. . The 16-day Games are the biggest sports event in Asia. A total of 686athletes took part in it . China use the Asian Games as good learning experience before their next Olympic Games in Athens , Greece in . the Asian Games started from Sep29th to Oct15th . The Chinese team got the first prize. And have won about 150 gold medals . the second is Korea and the third is Japan .

b; the World Cup ; The 2002 FIFA World Cp was held in Korea and Japan from May 31st to June 30th .There are eight groups. And China is in Group C with Turkey, Costarica, and Brazil . The German team got the first prize .

c; the Olympic Games are the most important event in the world . the Games are held every four years . The motto is swifter , higher , and stronger . )

Step 5 Among these events , which is the most important? Of course it is the Olympic Games . So now we will learn a passage about it .

(a; listen to the passage and answer the question .

b; listen again and give some explanation .

c according to the key words , try to retell the whole passage ;

Step 6 Yes, in order to hold the Olympic Games , the country should spend a lot of money to prepare . But it is a rich prize for a country . And the Olympic Games have been held in a lot of countries . Can you tell me in which countries ?

(in 1992, the Olympic Games were held in Barcelona, Spain. In the Olympic Games were held in Atlanta , USA. In , the Olympic Games were held in Sydney, Australia. In 2004, the Olympic Games was held in Athens , Greece . and in , the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing , China .On July 13th in Moscow , When the president of the international Olympic Committee announced that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing , everyone was excited . We cheered , and celebrated the Great moment .)

Step 7 Can you tell me why can Beijing win the bid for hosting the Games ?Discuss.

(a; China is a peaceful society .

b; The economy has developed in China .

c; The political situation is stable .

d; China is playing a more and more important part in the international affairs .

e; We have promise that we can host a “Green Olympic,” a “hi-tech Olympic ’’and a “people’Olympic ”.

f; All of the people in China support the bid.)

Step 8 Now Beijing is preparing for Olympic Games . Can you tell me what should be done ? discuss.

( a; we should build the Olympic village , the Olympic park , the Olympic Green , hotels , stadiums and so on .

b; we should improve our traffic and build roads, railways , subways and airports .

c; we should improve the system of telecom.

D; we should improve our air quality . )

Step 9 Although the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing just for 16 days , it can bring a long-term benefit for China . Can you say something about the influence ?

( a; We can earn a lot of money from the tourism .

b; Beijing residents’ living standard will be improved.

c; It is a good opportunity to spread the Olympic spirit to Chinese young generation .

d; China will be known to the World .

e; It can bring a lot of job chances.

F; It can improve the relationship between other countries.

Step 10 Now it is 2004, you are in Grade 1, after three years you will have the college entrance examination ., you will be in the university in 2008. So in that summer what will do? Maybe some students will stay at home to watch the Olympic Games , and some will go to Beijing to Watch the Games , and some will go to Beijing to serve for the Games . That means some will be the volunteers. It is an honourable job.

Let’s wish the Beijing Olympic Games a great success.

Step 11 Homework

篇6:高一 Unit 8 Sports (新课标版高一英语上册教案教学设计)

Listening & Speaking

Teaching aims:

1. To get students to know about some expressions of apology.

2. To study the language points concerned with the dialogue.

Key and difficult points:

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 ------ Leading in (warming up)

1. Ask students to review how to apologize.

(1) Ask students when they do something wrong, what they should say.

(2) Ask students to make a list of the expressions of apology.

A. Excuse me.

B. I’m sorry.

2. Ask students to finish exercise on page 36.

Step 2 ------ Listening

1. Ask students to listen to the tape for main idea and answer the following


(1) Bill took Cliff’s bike without asking.

(2) Bill was sorry to lose Cliff’s bike.

2. Ask students to read exercise and listen to the tape as a second time.

3. Listen to the tape for the third time and check the answer.

Step 3 ------ Speaking

1. Ask students when Bill was sorry for his behavior, what did he say.

(1) I’m sorry.

(2) I really have to apologize.

(3) I’m really sorry about the bike.

2. Ask students when Cliff heard Bill’s apology, what did Cliff response?

(1) That’s OK.

(2) That’s all right.

(3) Forget it.

3. Learn more functional sentences.

A. When someone wants to apologize for what he has done.

(1) I’m sorry.

(2) I really have to apologize.

(3) I’m really/so/very/terribly sorry about/of …

(4) Forgive me (for sth).

(5) I apologize for …

(6) Please accept my apologies for …

(7) I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to …

(8) Oops. Sorry about that.

B. If someone heard one’s apologies, how to response.

(1) That’s OK.

(2) It’s OK.

(3) That’s all right.

(4) Forget it.

(5) Oh, well, that’s life.

(6) No problem.

(7) It doesn’t matter.

(8) Never mind.

4. Give students some situation to make a dialogue.

(1) An apology dialogue between students in our school cafeteria. One accidentally knocks over your noodles and spills some on your shirt.

(2) The final exam is upon you. You borrow your classmate’s notebook, but unluckily you lost it. And this note book is very important for your classmate. You have stayed out late with some friends. As soon as you return to

(3) You have stayed out late with some friends. As soon as you return to the dormitory, you realize that you have left your keys in your room and are locked out. You know your roommate goes to bed early every night. You knock at the door several times and he or she finally answers. He or she sounds sleepy and angry.

Homework ------

Preview new lesson
