



初中英语八年级上册Unit 7

Will people have robots



(二)教学目标的确立 1.2.3.能学会重点词汇以及目标语言。



Step I.Warming-up and lead in Ask: What do the robots look like ? What can they do? Step II Fast reading Look at the questions.Read the article and match each paragraph with the question it discuss.2.Careful reading 1.Listen to the text and pay attention to the pronunciation, they can underline the topic sentences of each paragraph and the detail information that they interest.2.What can robots do in movies? They help with housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.3.Have students read the text aloud then compete the sentences below(1).Robots can build _cars___ in factories.(2).They can do __simple__ jobs many times and never get bored.(3).Some can __walk___ and _dance____.(4).Some can help __look for ___ people under _the buildings_____.4.Write T or F Scientists in Japan can make robots walk and dance.Some scientists believe it will be difficult for robots to look like a human James White thinks robots can talk like humans in the future.Step III.After-reading(1)About whether robots can think , do scientists have the same ideas?(2)What are the different ideas?(3)Which idea are you on? Say why.StepⅣ.Homework 1.Recite the new words and expressions in the article.2.Write a short paragraph.For example: I want to have a robot in the future.It will look like a ______.It will be able to_____, and it will also be able to help me ____________________________ ___________________....I think I will like it very much.3.Ask S to finish 2d-2e.四、教学反思


不足之处: 学生参与度不够广。


Unit7 Will people have robot? Section B 2a-2e Do you think you will have your own robot?

What are robots like in movies? What can robots do today? Will robots think like humans in the future? What will robots be like in the future?


Would you mind keeping your voice down?



“Would you mind keeping your voice down ?”是一篇有关礼节的阅读,是对整个单元的升华,在前几节课中,学生运用了Would you mind...? 有礼貌地对别人发出请求,本节课通过文章进一步加深对有礼貌请求句式的理解和在生活中的具体运用,同时通过对中西方礼节的对比和描述,使学生可以感受到在这个由“人”组成的社会中,每个人只有规范好自己的言行,讲究礼节,才能使整个社会处于一个“有序、和谐”的社会状态里,由此进一步提高学生的听、说、读写的综合能力。



a.词汇:voice, term, Asian, Europe, impolite, allow, public, cough, smoke, drop, litter, pick...up, behave.b.语法:理解“Would you mind doing...”的基本形式和表意功能。



3、学习策略目标: a.学习利用文章中的主题句快速理解文章大意; b.根据图片、上下文猜测、理解语篇中词语和句子;







给学生展示几幅在公共场合违反规则的图片,通过让学生回答What are they doing 和If that happens, what will you say? 这2个问题,共同讨论这些人的违规行为,由此引出本课的新单词drop, litter, spit, pick up, behave, cough等,同时也复习了前面学生已掌握的Would you mind(not)doing...? 句型,也激发了学生对本课的兴趣,我认为采用图片导入法,远比直接让学生翻书阅读更能激发学生的兴趣,使其由被动学习变为主动获取知识。

2、巩固与拓展 本节课是一节阅读课,重点是要训练学生怎样把握文章主旨,同时也复习了上个单元学习的阅读技能,即快速浏览找出细节,之后通过多媒体展示一篇关于礼节的短文,检验一下学生的掌握程度。

Step 1.Read the first sentence of each paragraph, tell the statements T or F.1.Etiquette is very common in English-speaking countries.2.Etiquette is always the same in Asia and Europe.3.When someone put his feet on the chair, we may shout at him, “Put down your feet.”

4.We’ll know some rules which are almost the same everywhere in the world.Step 2.Underline the topic sentences of each paragraph.Step 3.Finish part 3a

Step 4.Fast reading and tell the statements true or false.1.Etiquette is a normal and impolite social behaviors.2.Etiquette is the same in every culture or in every situation.3.Standing very close to the person you are talking with is common in European countries.4.Etiquette is the same in all situations in China.5.Talking loudly in a library is impolite.6.We should take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public.7.Dropping litter in other countries is allowed.Step5.Give them a short passage about etiquette and practice the reading skills.3、交流与合作




1.创设语境, 在综合运用中提高品词析句的能力, 在归纳阅读方法的基础上揣摩如何运用不同的语言形式来表情达意。

2.总结、规范答题方法, 培养良好的阅读习惯和答题习惯。


理解句子的深刻含义, 体会句子的表达效果;在具体的语境中综合运用多种方法提高品词析句的能力。


一、回顾欣赏, 积累导入

1.回顾课文, 欣赏发现。

师:在这学期的学习中, 很多句子让我们印象深刻。 (课件出示教材中的精彩语句并朗读) 想一想, 为什么这些句子会让大家难以忘怀?

2.揭示目标, 引出重点。

师:今天我们复习的重点就是理解含义深刻的句子, 体会其表达效果。

二、结合目标, 归纳方法

1.结合实例, 交流方法。

师:请结合平时的学习, 举例谈谈你是运用怎样的方法来理解句子含义的?

2.教师引导, 归纳板书。




三、指导完成, 强化方法

师:让我们走近《远去的背影》, 一起思考, 一起交流吧。



在我绝对未读过朱自清《背影》的年龄阶段, 就曾为您的背影而怦然心动过, 而且至今仍感到您还在那里走着。

那是我刚六岁多的时候, 在一天晚上, 您请别人吃过饭之后, 第二天牵着我去上学了。因为路远, 而且曲里拐弯很难记, 您牵一阵子, 背一阵子, 把我领上一条崭新的道路。在这以前, 无论自己玩, 还是背着抱着弟弟妹妹玩, 都不过是屋前屋后转来转去。

这是第一次您把我领出了家门, 让我走上一条很远很远的路, 路的那头, 正书香四溢, 诵读朗朗。

快进校门的时候, 您在嘱咐我之后, 向另一条道上走去, 走得很慢。边走边回头看我踟 (chí) 蹰 (chú) 不前的步履。时而用目光, 时而用手势, 鼓励我迈进学校大门。

就在这个时候, 我站住了, 怎么也迈不开步, 像有一种什么东西羁绊住, 扯也扯不断。于是, 您毅然地转过身向前走去。看不到您的目光, 听不到您的说话, 只见到您慢慢向前移动的背影, 闪过大树, 闪过屋宇, 然后在高高的土丘处渐渐消逝。

我刷刷地掉着眼泪, 直到看不见您的背影, 我才用小手背抹干眼泪向学堂走去。

您的背影我应该是见到的, 而且不止一次。为什么这一次给我留下极其深刻的印象呢?我想, 大约就缘于您突然转身的坚毅, 您在鼓励我自己走, 您在切盼一个六岁多的孩子走出门前屋后转的小天地, 您心中正腾起一个小小的稚气未脱的雄鹰。

如今, 这背影仍鲜明地印在我脑子里, 可是您已早早离我而去了。正如送我入学堂的那时, 您一步步默默地消逝。在那土丘后面。而我直到您去世后, 才从千里之遥, 赶到那土丘处向您跪拜。

1.回顾阅读程序, 归纳为:



(1) 快速默读短文, 整体把握内容。

(2) 捕捉信息, 明确考察重点 (理解含义深刻的句子) 。

(3) 找到重点词句, 深入思考。


在这以前, ……都不过是屋前屋后转来转去。

正如送我入学堂的那时, ……赶到那土丘处向您跪拜。

(4) 构想设问方式。

A.读一读文中画横线的句子, 从中你体会到了什么?这“第一次”对我将有怎样的影响?“父亲第一次把我领出了家门, 让我走上了一条很远很远的路”, 你认为这是一条什么样的路?路的那一头又有什么?

B.读一读文中画波浪线的句子, 想一想, 这句话是什么意思?如果去掉“您心中正腾起一个小小的稚气未脱的雄鹰”, 可以吗?为什么?

C.读了本文, 联系自己的生活, 谈一谈你从自己父亲的背影中感受到了什么?

D.读文中画线的句子, 联系上下文想一想, 假如你就是作者, 你会对父亲说些什么?

3.总结:在体会句子的表达效果时, 应先理解句子的表达形式, 再揣摩句子的思想感情。

四、独立完成, 实战演练




在一个偏僻遥远的山谷里, 有一个高达数千尺的断崖。不知道什么时候, 断崖边上长出了一株小小的百合。

百合刚刚诞生的时候, 长得和杂草一模一样。但是, 它心里知道自己不是一株野草。

它的内心深处, 有一个内在的纯洁的念头:“我是一株百合, 不是一株野草。唯一能证明我是百合的方法, 就是开出美丽的花朵。”

有了这个念头, 百合努力地吸收水分和阳光, 深深地扎根, 直直地挺着胸膛。

终于在一个春天的清晨, 百合的顶部结出了第一个花苞。

百合的心里很高兴, 附近的杂草却很不屑, 它们在私底下嘲笑着百合:“这家伙明明是一株草, 偏偏说自己是一株花, 还真以为自己是一株花, 我看它顶上结的不是花苞, 而是头脑长瘤了。”

公开场合, 它们则讥讽百合:“你不要做梦了, 即使你真的会开花, 在这荒郊野外, 你的价值还不是跟我们一样。”

偶尔也有飞过的蜂蝶鸟雀, 它们也会劝百合不用那么努力开花:“在这断崖边上, 纵然开出世界上最美的花, 也不会有人来欣赏呀!”

百合说:“我要开花, 是因为我知道自己有美丽的花;我要开花, 是为了完成作为一株花的庄严使命;我要开花, 是由于自己喜欢以花来证明自己的存在。不管有没有人欣赏, 不管你们怎么看我, 我都要开花!”

在野草和蜂蝶的鄙夷下, 野百合努力地释放内心的能量。有一天, 它终于开花了, 它那灵性的白和秀挺的风姿, 成为断崖上最美丽的颜色。

这时候, 野草与蜂蝶再也不敢嘲笑它了。

百合花一朵一朵地盛开着, 花朵上每天都有晶莹的水珠, 野草们以为那是昨夜的露水, 只有百合自己知道, 那是极深沉的欢喜所结的泪滴。

年年春天, 野百合努力地开花, 结籽。它的种子随着风, 落在山谷、草原和悬崖边上, 到处都开满洁白的野百合。

几十年后, 远在百里外的人, 从城市, 从乡村, 千里迢迢赶来欣赏百合开花。许多孩童跪下来, 闻嗅百合花的芬芳;许多情侣互相拥抱, 许下了“百年好合”的誓言;无数的人看到这从未见过的美, 感动得落泪, 触动内心那纯净温柔的一角。

那里, 被人称为“百合谷地”。

不管别人怎么欣赏, 满山的百合花都谨记着第一株百合的教导:“我们要全心全意默默地开花, 以花来证明自己的存在。”

1.快速默读, 教师巡视。 (注重培养学生的阅读品质, 对潜心阅读的学生提出表扬。)

2.实物投影, 交流以下问题。 (引导学生灵活运用多种表达方法, 增强综合能力, 养成良好的阅读和答题习惯。)

(1) 写出词语的近义词。


(2) 细读全文, 你认为百合花从“一株”发展到“满山”要克服哪些不利因素?

(3) 阅读画波浪线的句子, 想一想, 为什么这株百合是“断崖上最美丽的颜色”?

(4) 文中画横线的句子综合运用了____等修辞手法, 这样写是为了____。假如多年后, 又有一株不为人知的野百合生长在断崖边, 你会对它说:你要开花, 因为____;你要开花, 因为____;你要开花, 因为____;你要开花, 因为____。不管____, 不管____, 你都要开花。 (最后两个空, 可以作为选做题)

(5) 百合花的生长历程启示你在今后的人生道路上应该怎样去做?

五、课堂总结, 交流收获














小组分工:、2组为辽沈战役组,3、4组为淮海战役组,5、6组为平津战役组,各组组长担任“总指挥”,根据课本P93《三大战役示意图》完成三大战役情况表要求:()“总指挥”带领组员认真阅读课本P92—P95,对照要求,认真圈画(2)每组推选一名代表进行交流,声音洪亮(时间:3 分钟)

















要求:()组长带领组员,集体参与;(2)每组推选一名代表进行交流,声音洪亮(时间: 2 分钟)



The First Period

Teaching aims and demands:

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key vocabulary: robot, everything, paper, use, tree, building, pollution, fewer, less

2. Key structures:

1) Will there be less / fewer / more…?

No, there won’t. There will be more/less/fewer...

2) Kids won’t go to school.

3) They will study at home on computers.

Aims of abilities:

1. Be able to listen for specific information on what will happen in the future;

2. Be able to talk about what will happen in the future using the target language;

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

Encourage the students to work hard at their lessons preparing for their own future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Listening and speaking.

2. Communicative approach.

3. Task-based approach

Key Points:

1. Master the usage of the indefinite tense.

2. Talk about what will happen in the future.

3. Review the Simple Past Tense and the Simple Present Tense.


How to use correctly the simple past tense and the present progressive tense.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings;

2. Duty report

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw a time line on the blackboard and mark the line as the following:

5 years ago now 1 year from now 5 years from now

2. Introduce the indefinite future tense

1) Get the students to read aloud the sentences several times until they can say them correctly.

2) Prompt the students to say what they think the word will is used for.

Step 3 Practice (1a-1c)

1. Get the students to look at the picture and then talk about what they have seen in it. Teach the new word robot at the same time.

2. Ask the students how the world will be different 100 years from now. Check A or D to complete 1a.

3. Listen and circle the predictions you hear in 1a. Complete 1b.

4. Students read the conversation in 1c together.

5. Pair the students to practice making conversations about the predictions in 1a.

Step 4 Listening (2a-2b)

1. Have the students read the sentences in 2a first, teaching the new word pollution using a picture of a factory producing a lot of black smoke and make sure they know what they are asked to listen for.

2. Play the recording for the students to listen and circle the words they hear.

3. Deal with 2b in the same way.

Step 5 Practice (2c-2d)

1. Get one top student to co-operate with the teacher acting out the dialogue in the box in 2c.

2. Have the students work in groups of four.

3. Get some groups to act out the conversations they have made.

4. Role-play the conversation in 2d.


The Second Period

Teaching Aims and Demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key Structures: 1) Five years ago, Sally was …/ played 2) Today Sally is…/plays 3) In five years Sally will be…/ will play…

Aims of abilities:

Be able to use the three different tenses to depict the past, present and future actions or states.

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

Enable the class to get to know that one creates his own and that only by his hard work can he cherish a bright future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Task-based approach 2. Team work

Teaching Procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings2. Revise the formation of the past tense.

3. Revise the useful words.

1) Get the students to brainstorm the words and write on the blackboard.

2) Get the students to brainstorm the names of the animals.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Draw the time table on the blackboard.

5 years agonow 5 years from now

2. Show the pictures depicting the past, today and the future of your own and say:

Five years ago, I was a farmer. Now I am a teacher. In five years, I will be retired.

Five years ago, I played table tennis. Now I play the piano. In five years, I will play the violin.

3. Have the class read aloud the sentences after the teacher.

4. Encourage some to tell what they have found out about the use of the three tenses.

Step 3 Grammar focus

1. Have the class read through the sentences in the table and raise questions if they don’t understand any of the sentences.

2. Review the use of “more, fewer, less”. Make sure the students understand.

Step 4 Practice (3a)

1. Ask some students to complete the sentences. 2. Check the answers and explain.

Step 5 Pair work (3b)

1. Ask some students to complete the sentences. 2. The students practice the conversations again in pairs.

Step 6 Draw (3c)

1. Have the students look at the pictures they have prepared and write about them using the structures in 3c. The teacher walks about and offers a helping hand.

2. Put the students into groups of four, describe the future of the city..

Home assignment

The Third Period

Teaching aims and demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key and difficult vocabulary:

space, fly, moon, fall, fell, alone, pet, probably, dress, which, even, took, wrote

2. Key structures: I think I’ll be/do…

Aims of abilities:

1. Learn to talk about one’s life in future using the target language.

2. Be able to read for the information about future.

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

1. Help the students get to know their bright future is created by themselves not someone else.

2. Through the debate on one’s future, develop the friendship and the cooperative spirits among the students.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greeting. 2. Duty report – My home town in ten years

Step 2 Presentation (1a-1b)

1. Have the class read through the words in 1a and teach the new ones using pictures: astronaut, rocket, space, space station.

2. Get the students to read aloud the words after the teacher until they can say them correctly. 3. Think of other words and write them in the chart in 1a.

Step 3 Listening (1c-1e)

1. Play the recording again for them to listen for the details to fill in the blanks. Complete 1d.

4. After-listening: get some to tell the class what they have done and why. Refer the students to the listening materials and check the answers.

Step 4 Reading (2a-2d)

1. Ask some students to say what they know about robots.

2. Read the article carefully and march each paragraph with the questions it discusses.

3. Check answers in 2b.

4. Read again quickly and complete the sentences in 2c.

5. Check answers and read the article together.

6. Fill in the blanks in 2d and then check the answers.

Step 5 Writing (2e)

1. What kinds of animals might robots look like in the future? Ask some students.

2. What do you think these robots will be able to do?

3. Write your answers and discuss them with your partner.

Home assignment

The Fourth Period

Teaching aims and demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

1. Key vocabulary: the key words in this unit.2. Key structures: the key structures in this unit.

Aims of abilities:

1. Comprehensive use of what has been learned in this unit.2. Cooperative study

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

1. Cultivate the spirits of cooperation. 2. Encourage the students to work hard for their future.

Teaching Methods:

1. Elicitation method 2. Guided reading


Make the students understand that everything is possible if we put our heart into it.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings 2. Duty report – My parent’s/friend’s future life in ten years

Step 2 Revision

1. Revise the key words and structures in this unit and the use of the indefinite future tense.

Step 3 Reading (3a)

1. Read the article quick and then fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

2. Check answers and read together.

Step 4 Writing (3b-3c)

1. Complete the chart in 3b and please add more items.

2. Write about your life 20 years from now. Use 3a and 3b to help you.

Step 5 Discuss (4)

1. Discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future.

2. Discuss how you think a robot will help other people in the future.

3. Write down your group’s ideas and then show them to the class.

4. Draw a picture about your robot.

Home assignment

The Fifth Period

Teaching aims and demands.

Aims of basic knowledge:

Key vocabulary and structures: all in this Unit

Aims of abilities:

1. Be able to talk about future.2. Talk about them using the target language.

Aims of emotion and evaluation:

Through reading about the robot, help the students to understand that man can create their own future by their own efforts.

Teaching Methods:

1. Guided reading 2. task-based approach

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Warm up

1. Greetings 2. Duty report – My parent’s/friend’s life in ten years

Step 2 Presentation

1. The robot in my mind

1) Have the students think about the robots with the following questions in mind:

What does your robot look like? What can it do?

2) Put the students into groups of four and do brainstorming exercise and write a report on the result of the group work..

Step 3 Complete the chart

1. Read the words in the box.2. Put the words in the correct columns in the chart.

Step 4 Fill in the blanks

1.Complete the conversation.2.Read the conversation together.


AS we all know, AIDS is killing a lot of adults and children in the world every year.

It is considered to be one of the most serious social problems today, let’s have a close look at it today.

Step 1. before reading

A. Show some pictures of AIDS patients and give some explanation.

Ask Ss to use some words describing the sufferers.( miserable, defenceless, helpless, pitiful….)

Question : Are you afraid of AIDS?

Are you willing to make friends with AIDS?

B. Predict the title (What questions do you think will be answered in the text?)

What is AIDS?

What is HIV?

How do people get AIDS?

What happens to people who have AIDS?

What can be done to cure or help people who have AIDS?

Is the person able to live a normal life?

How and when did the person get AIDS?

Step2. Fast reading

A.Get the main idea of each paragraph(ppt.)

Parag 1.Xiaohua is a person living with Aids.

Parag 2. What is AIDS?

Parag 3. How do people get AIDS?

Parag 4. Many children become infected with AIDS.

Parag 5. What Xiaohua does as an young AIDS patient.

Parag 6. Xiaohua helps AIDS patients and try to change people’s attitude to them.

Parag 7. Xiaohua’s attitude toward life.

B.Fill in the two tables (about the information of Xiaohua and AIDS )

C. True or false

Step 3. Careful reading

Question 1. In what ways does AIDS spread?

Question 2. Why is AIDS a deadly disease?

=a disease that is next to impossible to cure

Question 3.Why do the young people suffer the most?

(a lack of proper health care, prevention and education)

Question 4. Is the desease the only thing that AIDS patients suffer from?

( other people’s fear, ignorance and misunderstanding)

Question 5. What’s Xiaohua’s attitude towards life?

(encouraged, cheer … up )

Question 6. What are Xiaohua’s wishes?

(I wish I could…….)

( ask Ss to give their understanding of the sentences and talk about subjunctive mood: as if , I wish, even though,if only….)

Step 4. tasks

Apart from Xiaohua, there are millions of children in the world who have been infected with AIDS. Let’s listen to their voice.

A boy called Jones gave a speech on the conference.(Talk about the red ribbon on him.)

Question: Do you think who can do something to improve the situation?

(anyone in this world)

Role- playing (group work, 3 minutes to prepare and give a speech.)

Group 1: if you were an Government official, what should you do ?

Group 2: if you were a specialist or doctor in AIDS field, what should you do?

Group 3: if you were a classmate of Xiaohua, what should you do?

Group 4: if you were Xiaohua, what should you do?

Activities (individual)

The WORLD AIDS DAY (1stDecember) is approaching, suppose that XIAO HUA were HERE in our class, what should you do?

If XIAO HUA were here now, I would give her a hug .


Step 5 Summary ( Teacher)

Thank you for everybody’s attention of AIDS. I think it very sinificant for us to talk about it here today, since tommorrow is the WORLD AIDS DAY. In this unit we learn so many things. We learn that AIDS is not as fritening as we thought it be. We learn that that how we protect ourselves from AIDS. We learn that AIDS patients are normal beings. And what is the most important I think, is that we should learn to treat AIDS patients properly. That’s all for today.



我为本课共设计了5个步骤。第一步,读前部分设计了预想,猜测课文可能会回答的问题。它旨在引导学生能够根据主题来判断文章可能阐述的内容,帮助学生理解文章的描述必须围绕主题进行。第二步,介绍爱滋病是怎么一回事、爱滋病的传播途径以及目前世界上青少年患爱滋病的情况,让学生对当今世界爱滋病的现状有一个更深入的了解。第三步,围绕课文叙述的内容提出6个问题,帮助学生在原有文章的基础上,进一步打开思路,以此培养学生分析主题、围绕主题阐述问题的能力。第四步,设置了与当前爱滋病局势有所关联的四个角色(政府官员、医生、患者周围的人以及患者本人),让学生通过对角色的扮演,懂得设身处地地为他人着想,倾听爱滋病人的心声,并最终转化为对爱滋病人的同情和关注,高度升华了本课的主题。最后,由教师进行总结,帮助学生完整地梳理课堂内容,让学生对课堂教学的内容有一个回顾,并最终真正掌握理解课程内容。教师以“Are you afraid of AIDS? Are you willing to make friends with AIDS patients?”两个问题贯穿整个课堂教学,让学生通过课堂教学,产生由课前畏惧到课后理解并同情的态度转变,取得知识教育与道德教育的双重成功。




()1.---__________ is the bridge?---It’s about 2,000 meters.A.How farB.How muchC.How longD.How wide

()2.---Which city has _____ population ,Beijing,Chengdu,Nanchong?---Of course Nanchong

A.the largestB.the smallestC.the mostD.the least

()3 Tom is good at English ______________ I know.A.as far asB.as well asC.as soon asD.as much as

()4.Welcome to our school,and free __________ around.A.lookB.to lookC.lookingD.looked


1.()The _____ of Li Feng encourages us to help others.A.workB.adviceC.spiritD.information

2.()---What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?---Oh, it’s one of ________ films I’ve ever seen.A.interestingB.more interestingC.most interestingD.the most interesting

3.()20 people went to his house for the birthday party,_________ me.A.includingB.includeC.includedD.to include

4.()Without hard work, you will never _______ your dream A.chooseB.come trueC.encourageD.achieve

5.()---I have great _____ in finishing the work by myself.---Could you help me? A.funB.success C.adviceD.difficulty

1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.D

1.()Mary is growing fast.She is even ______ than her mother.A.tallB.tallerC.tallestD.the tallest

2.()----Peter is ______ than you, right?---Yes, but he runs _______ in our class.A.heavier, fastestB.heavy, the fastestC.heavier, fasterD.heavy, faster

3.()---How are you today, Mike?---I am ______ now.I don’t think this medicine is good for me.A.badlyB.betterC.wellD.worse

4.()Ted was hard-working.His success made him work ____.A.harderB.hardestC.more quicklyD.most quickly

5.()---Who ran ____ of all in the sports meeting?---Victor did , I think.A.fastB.fasterC.fastestD.the fastest

6.()---Many boy students think math is ______ English.---I agree.I am weak in English.A.much difficult thanB.so difficult asC.less difficult thanD.more difficult than

7.()---It’s one of the ______ things in the world to stay with friends.A.worstB.happiestC.busiestD.hardest

1.B2.A3.D4.A5.D6.C 7.B

1.()Although I am falling deeply in love with the beautiful views here, I have to find a place _________first.A.to liveB.living inC.to live inD.live in

2.()When the huge earthquake was happening, there were a lot of people _______ outside.A.shoutB.shoutsC.to shoutD.shouting

3.()The trees are dead;we can cut ____ and plant some young ones.A.it down B.down itC.down them D.them down

4.()Don’t make so much noise.The tiger will probably be ________.A.wakeB.sleepC.awakeD.asleep

5.()The world’s population is growing _________ and there is _______ land and water for growing rice.A.larger;lessB.larger;fewerC.more;lessD.more;fewer

6.()When she is going to be 18 years old, she will be _____________.A.the more beautifulB.more and more beautifulC.more beautiful and beautifulD.beautifuler and beautifuler

7.()If there is _____ pollution, the air in our city will be ______ dirtier.A.less, moreB, more;muchC.less;lessD.more;more

8.()We have 2 ears and 1 mouth so that we can listen _____ we speak.A.as twice much as B.twice as much as C.as much as twice D.as much twice as


























































