



(一)I’m a middle school student.I’m______Class One Grade Seven._______weekdays, I get up_____six.I_______breakfast at six thirty and then I go to school.My home is near_______ school.Sometimes I go to school_______bike.I don’t like going to school by bus.I like walking.Classes begin at eight.I _____ hunch with my classmates.We play games after lunch sometimes.Then we______ some homework._______ are over at three forty.I go _____ at four.(二)

David is a middle school school student.He is thirteen years old.He loves p________ soccer very much.And he plays soccer in the Children’s Soccer Club(少年足球俱乐部)on Sundays.He usually gets up at a q______ to six.Then he goes running in his school from six to six fifty.It’s seven o’clock now.he is h________ breakfast with his parents.A_______ breakfast, he goes to school by bike.At school, he likes r______ and often b_______ some books from the school library.Danny, a friend of David’s, loves reading books, t______.So he often goes to the library w______David.(三)

Dear Steve,I’m very happy in my new school.I hope you’re enjoying it.The teachers and students here are f________ to me.We go to school five days a week.I get to school at seven thirty, and w_______ time do you get to school? We have s_______ classes every day, and how many classes do you have? On Monday and T_______, the first class is Chinese.We have Chinese, m_____,and English every morning.We have computer science, art, g_______ and biology twice a week, and we have h_____ three times a week.We have politics only o______ a week.My f_______ subject is art, and it’s on W_________and Friday.Which subject do you like best? How are you going with your lessons?


(四)Hi!My name is Shen Gang.I ______ a schoolboy.My _______ is far from(离。。远)my home.I must______ up early in the morning.I usually go to school by________.Every day it takes(花费)me about half an hour to get there.I have no ________ for breakfast at home.I often have some bread________ breakfast on my bike.I don’t _______ to be late for the morning exercises(早操)。I have lunch_______ school.Sometimes I _____ basketball with my classmates after school.I often get home ________ about 5:30.(五)

Bill Gray is an Australian boy.He studies at Darwin School.But now he is ______ in China.His father________in a big car factory.His ______ is a teacher.She ________English in a small town near their home.In her_____ there are about one hundred students.A few of them are______ China.The Chinese students _______ well in English.Bill says that he wants to be an English teacher,________.He would like to teache Chinese or Japanes _________, because he wants to learn Chinese or Japanese_______ them.


I am 1 girl. I am twelve. I am 2 school. 3 name is Zhang Hua. I am in 4 .I am 5 Row Five. Jim is 6 English boy. He is eleven. He and I 7 in the same class. He is my friend . We 8 good friends. 9 is my teacher, Miss Gao. 10 is a good teacher.

( )1.A. an B. the C. × D. a

( )2.A. at B. in C. and D. or

( )3.A. I B. My C. He D. You

( )4.A. Graed One, Class One B. grade one, class one.

C. Class One, Grade One D. class one , grade one

( )5.A. at B. or C. in D. and

( )6.A. an B. a C. the D. ×

( )7.A. is B. am C. be D. are

( )8.A. are B. am C. is D. be

( )9.A. What B. This C. He D. You

( )10.A.He B. I C. She D. You

Passage 2

Today we have 1 new students in 2 school. 3 are Chinese. 4 names are Liu Mei and Liu Fang. 5 twins. They 6 the same. 7 in Class One, Grade One. 8 is Liu Mei? 9 is Liu Fang? Oh, they are over 10 .

( )1.A. one B. two C. three D. four

( )2.A. my B. your C. our D. we

( )3.A. they B. we C. They D. We

( )4.A.They B. My C. His D. Their

( )5.A. They’re B. He’s C. We D. Their

( )6.A. see B. look C. is D. are

( )7.A. We B. Its C. They’re D. These

( )8.A. She B. That C. He D. Who

( )9.A.Who B. He C. She D. That

( )10.A. here B. at C. there D. in

Passage 3

Jim Green and I 1 twin brothers. We are 2 .Lucy King is 3 English girl . We’re in the same 4 . She is eleven. 5 are twelve. We’re good friends and 6 . Our Chinese 7 is Miss Gao. She’s a nice teacher. We all 8 her.

( )1.A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )2.A. America B. American C. America D. american

( )3.A. a B. an C. the D. ×

( )4.A. class B. classes C. Class D. Classes

( )5.A. I B. He C. They D. We

( )6.A. classmate B. a classmate C. classmates D. a classmates

( )7.A. teacher B. student C. teachers D. students

( )8.A. are B. love C. put D. see

Passage 4

I am 1 English boy. My 2 is Mike. I am twelve. My 3 name is Aun and we 4 students. My mother 5 a teacher. 6 a Chinese teacher. My brother’s name is 7 . He’s five. 8 father isn’t here. He’s 9 Xinjiang. I think my 10 is a good one.

( )1.A. a B. an C. the

( )2.A. school B. name C. home

( )3.A. sister B. sister’s C. sisters

( )4.A. are B. am C. is

( )5.A. am B. is C. are

( )6.A. Her B. Hers C. She’s

( )7.A. Sue B. Lily C. Jim

( )8.A. Our B. We C. Ours

( )9.A. on B. in C. at

( )10.A. class B. family C. home

Unit 2 Passage 1

This girl 1 twelve. 2 name is Kate. That boy 3 thirteen. 4 name is Tom. 5 teacher 6 a woman. 7 name is Wang Fen. 8 is a good teacher. Kate and Tom are good 9 . 10 are also good students.

( )1.A. be B. am C. is D. are

( )2.A. My B. Your C. His D. Her

( )3.A. be B. am C. is D. are

( )4.A. His B. Your C. My D. Her

( )5.A. They’s B. They’re C. They D. Their

( )6.A. am B. is C. are D. be

( )7.A. His B. Her C. She’s D. He’s

( )8.A. She’s B. He’s C. She D. He

( )9.A.friend’s B. friends C. friend D. friends’

( )10.A.They B. They’re C. their D. them

Passage 2

Li li, look 1 the picture. It’s 2 picture of our classroom. In the picture, you can see some desks 3 chairs. 4 the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats. A map is 5 the door. It’s a map 6 Beijing. Under the 7 desk is a ball, but you can’t see it. The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She is a new student. She is 8 English girl. She looks 9 Lucy . But they aren’t 10 .

( )1.A. in B. at C. to D. on

( )2.A.a B. an C. the D./

( )3.A.or B. but C. and D. there

( )4.A. In B. Of C. At D. On

( )5.A.at B. in C. under D. behind

( )6.A. of B. on C. in D. for

( )7.A. teacher B. teacher’s C. teachers’ D. of teacher

( )8.A. / B. the C. an D. a

( )9.A.at B. after C. like D. the same

( )10.A. boys B. girls C. twins D. students

Passage 3

Jim and Tom are 1 .They look 2 same. They are 3 . They’re twelve. They are in No. 14 Middle 4 . They’re in the same 5 .But they 6 in the same room. Jim is in 7 301 and Tom is in Room 302 . 8 classmates all look 9 them. Now they are good 10 .

( )1.A. twin sister B. twins sisters C. twin brothers D. twins brothers

( )2.A. a B. an C. the D. ×

( )3.A. new B. new student C. a new student D. a new

( )4.A. school B. School C. schools D. Schools

( )5.A. class B. Class C. classes D. Classes


然而, 在我们努力尝试“让学生自主学习”“把课堂还给学生”“把游戏活动引进英语课堂”的同时, 却发现我们一直十分重视的纪律却出了状况。由于各方面的原因, 课堂中出现了不少违纪现象。有时, 甚至会出现台上表演, 台下喧闹的场面。这种看似“活泼”“热闹”的英语课堂, 实际上与目前倡导的“形散而神不散”的新的课堂模式是背道而驰的。如果此种局面无法改变, 这将是我们课程改革的悲哀, 也将会是我们整个素质教育的悲哀。因此, 我们教师必须严格把好纪律关, 努力找出“解放学生思维”与“规范学生行为”的平衡点, 为英语刚入门或者还未入门的七年级孩子们创设一个良好的课堂环境。

要解决七年级英语课堂的纪律问题, 就必须找出问题的症结所在, 这样才能有的放矢地采取措施。结合教学实践, 我认为导致这样那样的违纪行为, 主要有以下三个方面的原因:


英语是一种语言, 语言是一门“说”的艺术。不说出来的语言是没有生命的。我们都不希望学生学的是“哑巴英语”。因此, 在英语课堂上, 我们鼓励学生们用英语大胆表达自己的想法。与此同时, “新课程改革强调以学生为主体, 在教学过程中, 要培养学生的合作、探究学习能力。”因此, 七年级的英语教材中, 出现了大量的pairwork (对话操练) 和groupwork (小组活动) , 旨在训练学生的思维, 提高学生的口语, 从而实现学生英语水平的整体提高。但是, 七年级的孩子们显然没有领悟到教材和教师的良苦用心。很多学生美其名曰“操练对话”或是“讨论”, 事实上是在聊自己的“闲话”。曾有一次, 我让学生操练对话, 看似热烈讨论的学生中, 竟有不少完全没有按照我的要求练习。正是由于教师和学生都没有很好地理解和处理如何“说话”, 才导致课堂纪律涣散, 教学任务难以完成。


从轻松自由的小学生到要面对考试压力的中学生, 很多孩子还没有完全适应这一角色转变, 或者说, 他们还未进入初中英语学习的状态。很多学生还表现出一些小学生的心理特点:好动, 自控力不强。我曾观察一名学生, 在45分钟的英语课中, 他一共捡了15次笔。另外, 七年级学生好说、爱表现, 但静心思考的能力不强。当教师抛出一个问题时, 他们往往不经思考就随意表达。好奇、易激动也是这一阶段学生的一大特点, 对课文中出现的新事物, 他们会无比好奇, 对课堂里发生的小状况, 他们会大惊小怪。与此同时, 七年级学生的学习目的性不强, 他们只对感兴趣的知识加以重视和学习, 而当教师讲解他们不感兴趣的内容时, 他们就会开小差或者聊天;还有一点不容忽视的是, 学生们已渐渐步入了青春叛逆期, 个别学生出现挑战教师, 甚至反抗教师的行为。

三、教师本身的素质不高, 也是影响课堂纪律的重要原因

尤其对于刚站上讲台的新教师而言, 对课堂的驾驭能力不强, 缺乏处理突发事件的经验。再者, 由于对新课程的研究不够深入, 对新学生的了解不够全面, 于是, 我们无法很好地把握课堂节奏, 教学重点不明确, 常常出现一堂课内容过多或过少的问题。所有的这一切, 成了我们解决纪律问题的“拦路虎”。

既然导致七年级英语课堂纪律问题的原因是复杂多样的, 那么, 我们在解决这一问题时, 也必须从各个方面进行考虑, “多管齐下”。我认为可以从以下三个方面努力:

(一) 课堂要立规矩, 培养学生良好的学习习惯

著名特级教师于永正曾说:“儿童的天性是好动、好说、好问, 有人一刻也坐不住, 低年级的儿童还不知道什么叫‘权威’, 什么叫‘民主’, 所以一定要给他们立规矩。是规矩, 就要和学生约法三章———上课应该怎样做, 不能怎样做;违反了, 老师要怎样处分等。”于老师的话不无道理, 尤其对于七年级英语课堂来说, “立规矩”是何等重要啊!在上文中我已提到, 七年级的学生因为不知道如何“说话”而产生了纪律问题。既然学生不知道该怎样“说话”, 教师就应该通过立规矩告诉他们应该如何“说话”。例如:在英语课堂中, 要尽量多说英语、朗读声音要响亮、回答问题必须先举手等等。当然, 规矩的制定必须切合实际, 必须人性化, 不过多过烦, 否则会引起学生的厌烦情绪。

当然, 对那些“以身试法”的学生, 教师还是要有心理准备。我认为适当的惩罚是必须的。“惩罚, 是教育的一个重要组成部分, 必要的惩罚, 是让一个人健康成长必不可少的营养剂。在孩子犯错的情况下, 对其进行适当的惩罚是必要的, 但一定要在尊重孩子人格, 维护孩子自尊心的前提下。” (赵国忠2007) 当然, 对于一些不十分严重的违纪行为, 教师也可采用眼神提醒或突然发问等方式提醒学生集中注意力。另外, 实践证明, 正面的教育和鼓励也有不错的效果。一次, 我让一位上课经常搞小动作的学生当他们讨论小组的组长。告诉他不但要自律, 还要负责管理周围同学。后来这个学生的进步很大, 不但改掉了坏毛病, 而且, 还能帮助我维持课堂纪律。

(二) 建立良好的师生关系

在新课程改革的要求下, 英语教师已不仅仅是知识的传授者、组织者和控制者, 而且还是一位合作者、引导者。教师和学生在人格上是平等的。所以教师一定要摆正姿态, 尊重学生, 只有这样才能得到学生的青睐, 让学生心服口服。特别对于逐渐进入叛逆期的学生来说, 他们敢于挑战教师的“权威”, 所以采用高压手段, 结果适得其反。反之, 如果我们处理得当, 效果就完全不一样。记得我第一堂课自我介绍时, 有一位学生突然打断我:“Are you a new teacher?” (你是一位新老师吗?) 此时, 周围不少学生开始偷笑, 甚至还有个别学生在起哄。我微笑着回答:“Yes, I’m new, just like you.So we are friends now, right?” (是的, 和你一样, 我是新来的。所以我们可以成为好朋友, 对吗?) 说着, 我友好地向那个学生伸出了手。学生握着我的手, 很惊讶, 也很感动, 周围起哄的学生也顿时安静下来。由此可见, 只要教师能放下身段, 主动亲近学生, 学生也会给予教师尊重, 自觉维护课堂纪律。

(三) 教师必须上好课, 这是最重要的一点

良好的课堂纪律是上好课的重要前提, 但从某种意义上说, 一堂精彩的课又何尝不是维护课堂纪律的有力保障呢?试问, 一堂条理清楚、节奏明快、人人积极思考、个个踊跃参与的英语课, 又怎么会出现这样那样的纪律问题呢?

要上好课, 必须先备好课。这里所说的备课不仅是指备教材, 更是指备学生。我们在熟悉教材的同时, 还要全面了解学生的知识水平和学习需要, 对教学内容进行合理的安排。选择七年级学生感兴趣的话题, 创设真实的语言环境, 这对于学习目的性不强的七年级学生而言是至关重要的。“兴趣是最好的老师”, 有了兴趣, 学生们自然会全神贯注。在课堂教学中, 教师要讲解清晰;特别是英语教学中的任务比较多, 在布置任务时, 教师要明确要求, 并且合理分组、明确分工, 让每一个学生都积极参与到课堂中来。同时, 在学生进行任务时, 教师作为“引导者”“帮助者”, 要密切关注学生动态, 帮助他们扫除障碍, 从而顺利完成语言任务。如在学生讨论时, 教师可以走下讲台, 仔细聆听学生们的讨论, 并提醒他们用英语交流, 鼓励每一个学生积极发言, 并帮助他们解决一些生词。如此一来, 我相信, 英语课堂将不会是喧闹和空洞, 而一定会是热烈又有内容。

综上所述, 教师要深刻理解初中英语新课程改革的要旨, 同时牢牢抓住七年级学生的心理特点。只要我们能摆正姿态、尊重学生, 用我们的人格魅力打动学生, 用我们的课堂魅力吸引学生, 不仅七年级英语课堂的纪律问题能迎刃而解, 而且学生也能在一个严谨而又和谐的课堂中快乐地学习英语!


卡罗尔·西蒙·温斯坦.2006.中学课堂管理[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社, (7) :26.


Unit 9

1. Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. The capital of Hawaii is ____.

A. WaikikiB. HonoluluC. NewquayD. Cape Town

2. ——Would you like to go to the movies with me this weekend?

——____, but there’s too much work to do.

A. With pleasureB. That depends

C. I’d love toD. That sounds well

3. ——May I go out and play tennis, Dad?

——Yes, but you ____ finish your homework first.

A. canB. couldC. mayD. must

4. Oh, you bought a secondhand car. How much did you ____ for it?

A. spendB. payC. takeD. use

5. ——When do you go shopping?

——I usually go shopping ____ Sunday morning.

A. on B. inC. atD. for

6. The rain makes people ____. They think the trees planted

yesterday can grow well.

A. happyB. annoyingC. sadD. terrifying

7. ——Do you believe ____ you read in the newspaper?

——No. I only believe some of them.

A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing

8. Sam enjoys ____ stamps. And now he has 226 of them.

A. to collectB. collectedC. collectsD. collecting

9. We’re looking forward to ____ the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

A. visiting B. watching C. looking D. see

10. Here’s my little cat. Please ____ it while I’m away.

A. look after B. look up C. look forD. look at

11. ——What about a glass of milk?

——____. I’d like a bottle of beer.

A. No, thanksB. OK C. I’d love toD. Sorry

12. ——Hi, Kate. You look tired. What’s the matter?

——I ____ well last night.

A. didn’t sleepB. don’t sleepC. haven’t sleptD. won’t sleep

13. ——I am sorry to tell you that you shouldn’t smoke here. Please look at the sign.

——Oh. I am sorry. I ____ it.

A. don’t noticeB. didn’t notice

C. will noticeD. haven’t noticed

14. Our English teacher ____ a good idea at the class meeting yesterday.

A. came up withB. comes up with

C. has come up withD. has been come up with

15. ——Where’s the cake I made this morning?

——We ____ it, Mom. Can you make another one for us?

A. ateB. eat C. will eatD. were eating

Unit 10

1. I think ____ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam ____ easy.

A. two, isB. second three, are

C. two thirds, are D. two third, are

2. ——Do you think it will be rainy this weekend?

——____. It has been too hot for a week.

A. I hope so B. I’m afraid soC. I’d like toD. Of course not

3. Henry is spending his holiday in Guangzhou.

A. on dutyB. on show C. on vacationD. on weekend

4. ——Would you like some salad?

——Yes, please. It’s my favorite. I think ____ is more delicious than salad.

A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything

5. Computers are very popular now and they are not as ____ as before.

A. expensiveB. more expensive

C. most expensive D. the most expensive

6. The little boy ____ his seat to the old lady on the crowded bus.

A. offered B. brought C. lent D. took

7. ——Computer is very useful.

——Yes, with the help of computers, news can ____ every corner of the world.

A. getB. returnC. arriveD. reach

8. I hope you will have fun during your visit to Paris.

A. get boredB. be funny

C. have a good timeD. have a rest

9. ——Shall we go shopping now?

——Sorry, I can’t. I ____ my shirts.

A. washB. washesC. washedD. am washing

10. Use your head, and you ____ a new way.

A. findB. will findC. foundD. are finding

11. ——Please don’t make any noise in the reading-room.


A. Sorry, I won’tB. Sorry, I can’tC. Yes, I will

12. What strong wind! It is said that it will go on and on for another three days.

A. lastsB. comesC. finishesD. starts

13. ——Have you ever been to Shanghai?

——Yes. I ____ there last winter.

A. goB. wentC. has beenD. has gone

14. I ____ a TV programme yesterday.

A. would watchB. watchedC. watchingD. could watch

15. The singer ____ famous last year.

A. becomesB. becameC. was becomingD. would become

16. ____ you ____ my watch just now?

A. Did, sawB. Did, seenC. Did, see D. Will, see

Unit 11

1. In the Sahara Desert, you could see ____ but sand.

A. anythingB. somethingC. nothingD. everything

2. ——Sally, could you go and help your father wash the car?

——Why ____? I’m busy now. Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing.

A. meB. IC. himD. her

3. I’ll have a meeting in Shanghai tomorrow. Would you mind ____ the time for all the flights to Shanghai for me?

A. looking forB. looking afterC. finding outD. finding

4. ——Why don’t you try the Hunan food?

——I can’t stand the capsicum(辣椒). I want to ____.

A. keep good health B. keep in good healthy

C. keep healthD. keep healthy

5. Li Yuchun is a super girl. We all like ____ very much.

A. sheB. herC. himD. he

6. ——Could you look after the pet while I’m away?


A. With pleasureB. Hold on, please

C. I agree with youD. That’s a good idea

7. ——You watched the fashion show last week, didn’t you?

——Yes, ____ I missed the beginning.

A. orB. soC. andD. but

8. ——What happened to you this morning?

——The teacher asked me for my ____ when I was late again.

A. meaningB. ideaC. excuseD. answer

9. Miss Smith, a man named John phoned you ____. He asked you to call him back.

A. now and thenB. just now

C. right nowD. from now on

10. ——Laura enjoys ____ story books.

——Me, too.

A. readB. readsC. to readD. reading

11. ——What do you think of the five Friendlies(福娃) for the 2008 Olympic Games?

——I love them. They’re ____.

A. generousB. creativeC. exoticD. personal

12. ——What do you think of Shanxi noodles?

——I think they’re very ____.

A. interestingB. wellC. deliciousD. happy

13. ——What do you think of the song?


A. I like music very muchB. I like it, too

C. With pleasureD. It sounds sweet

14. ——What’s the matter ____ the young man? He’s wet through.

——His car ran ____ the river.

A. with; intoB. for; inC. with; toD. to; at

15. China launched(发射) Shenzhou Ⅴ to circle the earth successfully ____ the morning of Oct. 15, 2003.

A. fromB. onC. atD. in

16. The boy ____ a white jacket is waiting at the bus stop.

A. on B. in C. ofD. for

Unit 12

1. All of the following are school rules except “____”.

A. No smokingB. Don’t fight

C. Slower than 80 km D. Save water

2. Depp and Bloom have to ____ some terrible men.

A. againstB. argueC. fightD. beat

3. It’s dark outside. You’d better ____ home.

A. leaveB. to leaveC. not leaveD. not to leave

4. ——Can I get you some Hainan noodles?

——____, I’m full now.

A. No, thanksB. Yes, please

C. With pleasureD. No, you don’t have to

5. ——Must I finish my homework?

——No, you ____. You ____ finish it tomorrow.

A. mustn’t; canB. needn’t; must

C. don’t have to; mayD. can’t; have to

6. This key ____ be Peter’s. His is still in the lock.

A. may notB. can’tC. mustn’tD. needn’t

7. ——Please give me a ____ when you arrive.

——OK. I’ll let you know as soon as I get there.

A. presentB. handC. ringD. ride

8. ——Shall I get something for you? What’s your favorite?

——It’s very kind of you! Please don’t waste ____ money. Special is the best choice.

A. manyB. too manyC. too muchD. much too

9. The shirt is nice, but it’s much too ____ for me. I like a smaller one.

A. smallB. bigC. heavyD. cheap

10. ——Did you use to read books in bed?

——No, I didn’t. That’s ____ for eyes.

A. goodB. badC. helpfulD. wonderful

11. ——Don’t make so much noise, Jack. Your grandpa is sleeping now.


A. No, I willB. Yes, I won’tC. Sorry, I won’tD. Yes, I will

12. ——Don’t be late again, Mike.


A. No, I don’tB. Don’t worryC. Sorry, I won’tD. I don’t know

13. Don’t worry about your broken pen. You can use ____.

A. myB. mineC. yoursD. your


A Now more and more Chinese children find life more difficult without their parents.They don’t know how(1)_______________(do)housework because their parents do almost everything for them at home.This is(2)_______________ big problem.Cindy is 14 years old.One day(3)_______________(she)parents went to work, so she had to stay at home alone.At first she(4)_______________(think)she would be happy.She could do everything she liked(5)_______________ her parents were not in.When it was six o’clock(6)______________ the afternoon, she felt hungry.“Oh, it’s time to have supper.Where can I get my food?” she said to herself.Later she found some food in the fridge, but she(7)_______________(not know)how to cook.At that moment, she missed her parents very much.At last she could only go to the super market(8)_______________(buy)some food to eat.Many(9)_______________(child)have the same problem as Cindy does.So I think they should learn some basic life skills, like cooking, cleaning their rooms or(10)_______________(dress)themselves.They shouldn’t depend too much on their parents.B

Do you like shopping? Do you know anything about the way of shopping in(1)_______________(west)countries? Most people like to go to the supermarkets(2)_______________ they can get almost everything in one supermarket.And the things in supermarkets are much(3)_______________(cheap).When they get into the supermarket, they carry a basket.Then they put the things they want in(4)_______________basket.After-getting everything they want, they pay for the things.Most people go to the supermarket(5)_______________(one)a week.But in America, most shoppers enjoy(6)______________(shop)in the shopping malls.A mall is a group of many shops.(7)_____________(usual), the mall is under one roof, so the shoppers don’t get cold(8)_____________ wet from rain, wind, or snow.After shopping, they may get(9)____________(tire).They can walk into the sitting rooms for a short rest.(10)____________ they go into the dining rooms in the malls, they can have a good meal.Now more and more Americans like to go shopping there.C

Will it matter if you don’t have your breakfast? Many people in the USA, aged from 12 to 83, took part(1)_______________ a test a short time ago.During the test, these people had different(2)_______________(kind)of breakfast, and sometimes they didn’t have breakfast at all.Scientists wanted(3)_______________(see)how well their bodies worked when they had different kinds of breakfast.It shows that if a person eats a good breakfast, he or she(4)_______________(work)better than those without breakfast.If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk before(5)_______________(go)to school, he or she will learn more quickly and listen more(6)_______________(careful)in class.Many people think that they can be thinner(7)_______________ they don’t have breakfast.But they are wrong.This(8)_______________(be)because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch.They will not lose weight(9)_______________ get weight.You will lose more weight if you reduce(减少)your other(10)_______________(meal).That is, if you don’t eat much for lunch or supper, you may lose weight.D

Mr Green works in New York.He(1)_______________(bring)his family to China last year.They visited many places of(2)_______________(interesting)and had a good time there.Before they left for New York, the Greens climbed the Great Wall.It was one of(3)_______________(great)buildings over two thousand years ago.They took a lot of(4)_______________(picture)there.Unluckily, it began to rain and they ran to the car.(5)_______________ they returned to the hotel, they couldn’t find their camera.They were all sorry for it.That evening they didn’t have supper.Mr Green hoped(6)_______________(make)others happy, so he said, “Let me tell you a story.(7)_______________ old man lived in a sixty-storey building.One day he fell down from it but he didn’t hurt himself.Do you know why?” Others waited(8)_______________ the answer.“Because he lived on the(9)_______________(one)floor.” They all began to laugh when two(10)______________(policeman)with a bag came in.They said a Chinese boy found the camera under a big tree.The Greens felt very happy.E

My name is Sam.I have(1)_______________ uncle.He is fifty-eight years old now.His eating habits(2)_______________(be)not good.He likes eating meat very much,(3)_______________ he doesn’t like eating any fruit.He doesn’t like(4)_______________(vegetable)as well.So he is very fat.He doesn’t like(5)_______________(play)sports.After work, he often sits on the sofa and(6)_______________(watch)TV.Today is his birthday.His son and daughter come and they buy some gifts for him.“Dad, I buy a soccer ball for you.If you like, you can play it(7)_______________ me on weekends,” his son Tom says.My uncle is very happy.Then his daughter says, “Dad, here is a pet dog for you.You can take it for a walk after dinner.It is good for(8)____________(you)health,” his daughter Cherry says.Hearing(听到)these(9)______________(word), my uncle is very happy.He(10)______________(real)wants to play some sports to keep healthy.语法填空专项训练(二)根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。

A People talk with words.Do you think you can talk(1)_______________ words? A smile on your face shows that you are happy and(2)_______________(friend).Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad.When you put up your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something(3)_______________ ask questions.You shake your head, and people know you are(4)_______________(say)“no”.Other(5)_______________(thing)can also give some information.For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus(6)_______________(take).A sign on the wall of your school helps you find the library.Signs on doors tell you(7)_______________ to go.People talk to each other in many other ways.An artist(8)_______________(use)his pictures to tell about the blue sea, the beautiful mountains and many other things.(9)_______________(write)write books to tell you about all wonderful things in the world and also about people and(10)_______________(they)ideas.They all help us know what is going on in the world.B

Mary is a very good student.She studies hard at school.She is good(1)_______________ all of her subjects.This morning, Mary’s class had(2)_______________ English test.After the test, the teacher checked the(3)_______________(student)papers and then she gave them back to the students in the afternoon.Mary looked at her paper.She wasn’t(4)_______________(happily)about her mark of 95.The answer to the third question in the paper(5)_______________(be)wrong.After class, all the students went out to play,(6)_______________ Mary didn’t.She wanted to stay in the classroom(7)_______________(work)on the third question again.After a short while, she got a new answer.Then she(8)__________(give)the new answer to the teacher.When the teacher saw the answer, she smiled.This time, Mary’s answer was right.When the(9)__________(other)got back, one of them asked Mary, “(10)_______________ did you do the exercise again? You know you can’t get a new mark.” “I don’t study for marks only!” Mary answered.C

Linda is a good girl.Her mother’s birthday is coming soon, so she buys a purple hat for her mum.It is the(1)__________(one)hat she buys for her mother.The hat is nice, and she(2)___________(take)it with 25 She puts it in(3)_______________ beautiful box and gets on the bus.(4)_______________ when she is ready to get off the bus, she can’t find it.It is lost.She begins(5)_______________(cry).The people on the bus ask her the reason, and she(6)_______________(tell)them.“Don’t worry.You can tell(7)_______________(we)your address(地址), and we’ll send it to you if we find it,” they say.The next day, her mum(8)_______________(be)very happy when Linda goes back home from school.“Thank you(9)_______________ your gift, Linda.But I don’t know why you buy so many hats for me.I get ten in different(10)_______________(colour)!” her mum says.D

I was very sleepy in the morning, so I didn’t go running as usual.(1)_______________ nine o’clock, Tom called me to join in a basketball game with him.He said that Jack and other(2)_____________(boy)would also be there.I(3)______________(finish)my homework and had nothing else to do, so I agreed.Tom told me(4)_______________(go)to the basketball club at ten o’clock.On the way there, I bought a little cake.When I got to the basketball club, I was(5)_____________(surprise)to see Tom and Jack fighting.Later on, I learnt that they fought because both of them wanted to start throwing the ball(6)_______________(one).I shouted to them to stop the fight,(7)_______________ they would not listen.Then two men came and stopped them from(8)_______________(fight).Then I asked them to go to the coffee shop for(9)_______________ drink.At the coffee shop, I brought out my little cake and it was good to see Tom and Jack sharing the cake and(10)_______________(laugh)again.E

Dear Peter, I’m glad you ask me for advice.It’s not easy for me to give you some good advice without(1)_______________(know)more about you.But(2)_______________(one), I am sure that you are wrong.You said that nobody would care if you left home.What about(3)_______________(you)parents? They always love you and worry about you.It seems that you are very sad.You’d better go to see a doctor or talk to your parents.They will be able(4)_______________(help)you.Second, I’m sure there(5)_______________(be)someone else in your class feeling lonely, too.You never know(6)_______________ other people feel.Try to make(7)_______________(friend)with your classmates.And you could also take part(8)_______________ club activities to meet new people and make friends.(9)_______________(final), you need to find happiness in yourself.So my last advice is to write(10)_______________ list(清单)of all the good things about yourself and learn to like yourself, and then others will like you, too.Yours, Cindy A.1.to do 4.thought 10.dressing B.1.western shopping 7.Usually 10.If C.1.in 4.will work 7.if

10.meals D.1.brought 2.interest 4.pictures 7.An 10.policemen E.1.an 4.vegetables 7.with 10.really

A.1.without 4.saying 7.where 2.friendly




6.to take 9.Writers 2.are 5.playing

3.but 6.watches


3.the greatest

9.first 5.When6.to make 8.is 2.kinds

3.to see


6.carefully 9.but




3.Cheaper 4.the






7.didn’t know 8.to buy 9.children 8.your 9.words 10.their B.1.at 4.happy 7.to work 10.Why C.1.first 4.But 7.us 8.is 2.takes


5.to cry

6.tells 9.for 2.an 3.students’

6.but 9.others


8.gave 10.colours D.1.At 4.to go 7.but 10.laughing E.1.knowing 4.to help 7.friends 10.a 2.boys 5.surprised 8.fighting

9.a 2.first 3.your 5.is

6.how 8.in 9.Finally


Unit 7 A卷

It’s Sunday m___1_____.It’s a little cold.Sandy gets up very early.She puts on her white T-___2____ and dark blue p___3___.She likes these two c__4____.She wants to go s___5______ with her mother because she w__6____ to buy some exercise b___7___.At 9:00, they are in a supermarket.There are a lot of p___8____ in the market.The c___9___(服务员)there are very f__10_____(友好的).B卷

Hi!Welcome to Star&Star c___1____ store.Do you like s___2___(购物)? We have good sweaters at a very good p___3___.Do you like p___4_____ sports(做运动)? We have different balls and rackets.For w__5______, we have very beautiful dresses and skirts.For m__6___, we have nice suits(套装)and ties(领带).We a___7____(也)have schoolbags for school c___8____(孩子们).They are $19 e___9____.And that’s not all.Come and have a look for yourself and your f___10_____.Unit 8 A卷

There are s__1____ students in my group.Sam’s birthday is in J___2____.It’s the first m__3____ of the year.Ruth’s birthday is in M__4____.It’s after Women’s Day.Jack was born on J__5___ 1.It’s also Children’s Day.Will and Tina were born in the t___6___ month---O____7_____.They are proud(自豪的)they have the same b___8____ as our country.My birthday is in the last month---D__9______.W__10___ is your birthday? Can you tell us? B卷

There are 12 m___1_____ in a year.In different months, we have different e___2_____.Our school’s birthday is S___3_____ 1.it’s the n__4____ month of the year.So we have School Day in that month.There are C___5____(圣诞节)and New Year’s Day in December.So we have Art F___6___ in the month.And we also have M___7____ Party.At the party we can listen to our f__8____ songs.W___9___ is our school trip? It’s in March or A___10.___.It’s spring.It’s warm.Unit 9


O___1___ Sundays, we like g____2___ to the movies.My f___3_____ movies are t___4___.Some people think they’re scary but I like t___5___ very much.I don’t like d____6_______ because they are boring.But some people like them because they learn about h___7____ and other things.I o__8___ go to movies w__9___ my classmates.But now I’m very busy I don’t have t__10____ to see movies.B卷

Hi!My name is Jack.I’m A___1_______.I’m from New York.Now I’m a s__2___ in China.I like Beijing O___3___ very much.I think I can l___4____ a lot about Chinese h___5____ from it.So I often go to watch it on w____6____with my Chinese friends.I f___7___in China young people don’t like it.I also like Chinese a___8__ movies, too.I r__9____ like the actor Jackie Chen.He is funny and he is also a very s___10_____actor in the world.Unit 10 A卷

I have four good f__1____.They’re Jennifer, Victor, Cindy and Leila.We are in the s__2____(相同的)class.So we’re c___3______(同班同学), too.Jennifer swims very well, she wants to join the s____4____ club.Then she can swim on S___5____or Sundays.Victor wants to join the art club because he is good at p___6______.Cindy is a pop music fan.She can sing a lot of s___7___.So she wants to join the s___8____ club.Leila wants to join the music club because she p__9____ the violin very well.And she wants to be a m___10____ when she grows up(长大).I like them.B卷

There are different c__1____(俱乐部)in our city.If you want to join them, you have to(必须)a___2___ for(申请)a form(表格)first.T__3___(然后)fill in the form w__4___ your personal information(个人信息)such as(例如)your name, your age and your a___5____(地址).Oh, don’t forget your t____6____ number.After you finish it, e__7____(发邮件)them and tell them w__8___ you can do at the same time.If you don’t have a computer, you c___9____ write a letter to them.But it’s a l__10____ slow(慢).You have to wait a long time.Unit 11


I’m a m___1____ school student.I go to school e__2____ morning except(除了)S__3_____ and Sundays.My home is n__4___ the school so I w__5____ to school..I have to g__6__ up early.School s__7____ at 4:30 pm.I u___8____ play basketball with my friends.I like it very much.I think Yao Min is the b__9___ player in China.I w__10___ I could be a good player like him.B卷

I have a dream(梦想).I hope I have an interesting j__1__(工作)when I g___2___ up(长大).I work very long and sometimes I work very l___3____ but I can make a lot of m__4____.I have my own house.It’s beautiful.There is a park a___5____.I can t__6____ a walk and get r____7____ there after work.When I go out for a trip, I stay in a good h__8____ like a VIP(贵宾室).I can l___9___ to music when I work.I don’t n__10___(需要)to do any homework.It’s so boring.What a funny dream!

Unit 12 A卷

Maria is a r__1___ star in our school.She runs very fast and she eats a lot of h__2____ food.For b__3_____, she has bread and milk.She eats meat, v___4____ and rice for lunch.For supper, she likes meat ,rice and soup(汤).She often has some f__5___ after meals.She likes apples best.She is very b__6___(忙的)every day b__78____ she has many things to do.All t___8____ like her.They think she is a good student.At home she is a good d___9____.She often helps her p__10____ do the housework.B卷

In China if you are seven, you have to go to school.At school you learn different s____1___.S___2____ is one of them.We have three science classes a w__3___.They are on Tuesday, W____4_____ and Friday.We can learn a l__5___ in science classes.Mr.Jin is our science teacher.He wasn’t born here.He is from another big c___6___ named Haikou.He is a b___7____(生物学)teacher before.He knows much about plants.For e__8______, when is the best time to water flowers.He is very s___9___(严格的)with us.After science classes, we are so t__10____(累的).新目标英语七年级上7-12单元短文填词练习答案

Unit 7 A卷










10.friendly B卷











Unit 8 A卷










10.When B卷











Unit 9 A卷










10.time B卷











Unit 10 A卷






















Unit 11 A卷






















Unit 12 A卷

1.running 8.teachers


1.subjects 8.example


3.breakfast 9.daughter

10.parents 2.Science

3.week 9.strict


4.vegetables 4.Wednesday




6.city 7.because
