2024年七下UNIT5 Topic 1—3英语单词词组测试


2024年七下UNIT5 Topic 1—3英语单词词组测试(共2篇)

篇1:2024年七下UNIT5 Topic 1—3英语单词词组测试


大门____________按照____________地铁____________总是,一直____________ 快点儿,加油____________飞机____________火车____________

大船,舰____________小船,舟____________工作日____________早的,提早的____________ 鸟____________捉住,抓住____________软体虫____________有时____________ 很少____________步行____________从不____________骑____________

公园,停车____________观看,手表____________电视____________足球____________ 电影____________开始____________在学校,在上课____________在……后____________床____________篮球____________游泳(v.)____________听____________音乐___________图书馆____________星期,周____________一次,曾经____________两次,两倍____________伟大的,极好的____________墙_________生活,生命____________谈话____________ 美国的,美国人____________或者,否则____________更多的____________


词组:步行________________长城_____________________在校门口_____________________ 来学校_____________________去学校____________________起床_____________________ 在工作日_____________________步行去学校_____________________


做家庭作业_____________________在下午_________________在晚上___________________ 踢足球___________________打篮球_____________________看电影_____________________ 放学后___________________下课后_____________________晚饭后_____________________到家_____________________一会儿_____________________去睡觉_____________________ 去游泳___________________去钓鱼_____________________听音乐_____________________看电视____________________去公园____________________见朋友_____________________ 看书_____________________多经常___________________一周一次_____________________ 一年两次________________一天三次____________________很经常_____________________ 参观长城_____________________了解_____________________结束_____________________ 美国学生的校园生活____________________________________

在某人的空闲时间__________________________没有更多时间________________________ 很高兴与你交谈_______________________________


做,制作____________卡片,贺卡____________没趣的,无聊的____________很快_________ 教室____________操场____________实验室____________计算机____________跑_________ 房间,空间____________大厅,礼堂____________餐厅____________建筑物,楼房_________ 体育馆,健身房____________游泳(n.)____________水池,水塘____________ 使…干净v./干净的adj.____________跳舞____________借、借用____________

练习册____________过程,课程____________用,使用____________架子(单数)_________ 架子(复数)____________保存,保持____________必须___________归还,回来____________ 报纸____________钱_________钱包________到处,围绕____________很少,不多_________ 比赛,运动,游戏____________坐_________乒乓球____________课____________ 写__________黑板____________绘画,抽签v/抽奖n____________图片____________


词组:做卡片____________________再见____________________餐厅____________________打扫___________________电脑室____________________教师办公室____________________教学楼___________________游泳池___________________当然_____________________ 什么颜色___________________学生卡___________________领某人参观_________________寻找________________那边的那些女孩___________________准时,按时_________________失物招领处___________________看着___________________上课___________________ 英语报___________________擦黑板___________________在……后面___________________ 打乒乓球___________________举行足球比赛___________________写信_________________ 喝橙汁___________________唱歌___________________玩电脑___________________

上英语课___________________一些____________________看起来开心__________________ 有一天___________________


星期一____________星期二____________星期三____________星期四____________ 星期五____________星期六____________星期日____________体育______________ 美术,艺术____________数学____________历史____________科学______________

英语____________语文____________生物____________地理____________物理__________政治____________会议,会面____________容易的____________难的____________ 有趣的____________学习,学会____________哪一个,哪一些____________

学科,主题____________最好的/地____________学习,研究v/书房n____________ 户外的____________活动____________注意____________在……中间____________ 邮票n/跺脚v____________夜晚____________声音,听起来好像____________




在星期三___________________什么课程_________________上英语课___________________ 下一节课___________________谈论___________________在那天___________________ 电脑科学__________________班会____________________每一工作日___________________每周___________________在星期四的早晨___________________

有点困难________________互相帮助___________________了解历史___________________说英语_________________谈论中国地图_________________画画___________________ 做数学题___________________哪个科目___________________最喜欢_________________ 对某人友好_________________一些其他课程________________

户外运动__________________室内运动__________________学校图书馆_________________ 在A和B之间_________________邮票展_________________从…到…___________________ 不同种类的___________________校报___________________学校时间___________________ 今日科学_____________________喜欢做某事_____________________




花园___________卧室____________厨房____________餐厅____________美丽的__________ 客厅,起居室____________浴室____________院子____________楼层,地板____________ 第一____________第二____________在楼上____________灯____________钟____________椅子____________吉他____________窗户____________桌子,表格____________ 钥匙,关键____________门____________花____________模型,模特儿____________


在……(内部)前面_____________________在……(外部)前面_____________________左边____________右边____________在……左边___________在……右边___________ 中心____________在……中心_________________放____________离开adv____________ 将……收起____________照顾____________东西____________


篇2:2024年七下UNIT5 Topic 1—3英语单词词组测试



( )1.The Browns usually drive to the park on Sundays. But today they go to the park

_____ .

A.on feet B.on foot C.by foot

( )2.Bob often _____ his _____ after supper.

A.do; homework B.does; homework C.begin; homework

( )3.The boy likes playing _____ basketball very much.

A.a B.an C./

( )4.—_____ does he meet his friends?

—_____ a month.

A.How often; Twice B.How long; Twice C.When; Two

( )5.—What do you usually do _____ weekdays after school?

—I usually play football.

A.in B.at C.on

( )6.Mr. King sometimes _____ the subway home.

A.take B.taking C.takes

( )7.—What does Fang Yan do in her free time?

—She often goes _____.

A.swimming B.swim C.to swim

( )8.—What time do you usually go to bed?

—_____ about a quarter to ten.

A.For B.At C.In

( )9.Zhao Lin _____ toBeijingby train often. He usually goes by plane.

A.isn’t go B.doesn’t go C.doesn’t goes

( )10.Sam _____ walks to school. He always go to school by bike.

A.sometimes B.often C.never

( )11.We have _____ vegetables,but we have_____ bread. Let’s buy some bread.

A.few;a few B.a few;little C.a little ;few

( )12. _____ do you usually go to the post office?-----By bike.

A.Why B.How C.When

( )13.Kate always _____ a bus to school.

A.take B.takes C.by

( )14.It’s time _____ supper.

A.to B.for C.having

( )15.Your new shirt looks very nice .


A.The same to you B.That’s OK C. Thanks



A:Hi, Wang Li! What time do you usually get up on weekdays?

B:I always get up at about six o’clock.

A:16 How do you usually go to school?

B:17 But sometimes I go to school by bus.

A:By the way, where does your mother work?

B:She works in a factory. She makes shoes.


B:She usually goes to work by subway.

A:Where does she have lunch?

B:19 It takes her too much time to come back home for lunch.

A:Oh, it’s time for class. 20

B:Let’s go.

A. The early bird catches the worm.

B. How does she usually go to work?

C. By bike.

D. How often does she go to work?

E. She has lunch in the factory.

F. What about you?

G. Come on!


On Sundays, Li Lei gets up at six thirty. He has 21 at eight. Then he helps his mother

22 the housework. At ten he leaves 23 and goes shopping 24 . At about eleven o’clock he comes 25 home.

He likes 26 very much. He helps his mother with the cooking. They 27 lunch at twelve.

In the afternoon he often 28 games with his friends. They have 29 at six thirty. In the evening he does his homework. Sometimes, he 30 TV. He goes to bed at nine.

( )21. A.food B.breakfast C.lunch

( )22. A.in B.on C.with

( )23. A.home B.house C.room

( )24. A.by bike B.by a bike C.by the bike

( )25. A.for B.to C.back

( )26. A.cook B.cooking C.the cook

( )27. A.to have B.having C.have

( )28. A.plays B.is playing C.takes

( )29. A.work B.homework C.supper

( )30. A.sees B.looks C.watches



Hi, I’m Zhu Hua. I’m a junior high school student inBeijing. There are twenty-six boys and twenty-two girls in my class. Half of the students come to school by bike. Five boys and four girls come to school on foot. About a quarter of us come to school by bus. The rest come to school by subway. We’re all fromChina. We’re good friends.



By bike

By bus

By subway

On foot








What do you often do on weekends?Some people like to stay at home. Other people like to go out and play sports. My friend Jack works in a factory on weekdays. On weekends, he always does the same thing. On Saturdays he washes his car and on Sundays he goes to a village with his family by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a big one. But there’s always much work to do on the farm. The children run and play on the farm. Jack and his wife help their uncle in the field. At the end of the day, they have supper at his uncle’s home. And then they go home by car.


( )36.Nobody likes to stay at home on weekends.

( )37.Jack works in a factory every day.

( )38.Jack’s uncle has a very big farm.

( )39.On Sundays Jack often goes to his uncle’s farm with his family by car.

( )40.Jack goes home without supper.


Jeff and John are good friends. They are from different countries. They are now inChina. They are in the same class. Jeff is twelve, but John is eleven. Jeff is from theU.S.A.and John is fromEngland. They both speak English. Jeff usually goes to school on foot. John usually goes to school by subway. Mr.Yang is their Chinese teacher. Jeff is good at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very well. But John can’t. He can only speak a little Chinese. Mr.Yang and Jeff often help him with his Chinese.


41.Jeff is American, but John is English.(改为同义句)

Jeff and John _____ from different _____ .

42.Jeff usually goes to school on foot.(改为同义句)

Jeff usually _____ _____ school.

43.Who can speak Chinese very well, Jeff or John?


44.How does John usually go to school?


45.Do you think Mr.Yang is a good teacher?





46.In our school, very f_____ students go to school by car.

47.Jane s_____ goes to school on foot. She usually takes a bus to school.

48.Please wait for (等待) a little w_____. I have to put on my running shoes.

49.—How often does Jane go to the park?

—O_____ a week.

50.—Can you tell me something about your school l_____ inAmerica?



51.—What does Ellen usually do after school?

—She usually _____ (watch) TV.

52.—How do _____ (America) students usually go to school?

—Well, they usually walk or take a yellow school bus to school.

53.Betty writes to his father _____ (two) a week.

54.He usually goes ______ (swim) in his free time.

55.Yu Jing sometimes _____ (ride) a bike to school.


56.The old man usually walks to the shop.(改为同义句)

The old man usually goes to the shop _____ _____ .

57.Mike often goes to the zoo by bus.(改为同义句)

Mike often _____ a _____to the zoo.

58.Mrs.Read goes shopping three times a week.(对画线部分提问)

_____ _____ does Mrs.Read go shopping?

59.I usually read books on Sundays.(对画线部分提问)

_____ do you usually _____ on Sundays?

60.Maria often takes the subway home.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ Maria often _____ the subway home?


请根据下面日程表的活动内容,以”My School Day”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。




















My School Day

I get up at …








Unit 5Topic 1

第一部分 基础知识运用

Ⅰ.1.B2.B3.C4.A5.C 6.C7.A8.B9.B10.C11.B12. B 13. B 14.B15.C

Ⅱ.16.A17.C 18.B 19.E 20.G

Ⅲ.21.B22.C23.A24.A25.C26.B27.C28.A29.C 30.C


31).4832).24 33).12 34).3 35).9


36.F37.F 38.F39.T40.F

41.come/are; countries

42.walks to

43.Jeff.由Jeff is good at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very well.可知。

44.By subway.

45.Yes, I think so.


Ⅰ.(A)46.few 47.seldom 48.while 49.Once 50.life

(B)51.watches 52.American 53.twice 54.swimming 55.rides

Ⅱ.56.on foot 57.takes; bus 58.How often 59.What; do 60.Does; take


My School Day
