




姓名_ 成绩_

Part 1 Listening Comprehension(听力部分)30% I.Listen and choose(听录音,选出听到的单词)5%()1.A.shoes B.socks C.shoe()2.A.door B.doll C.dolls()3.A.tree B.three C.sweet()4.A.glass B.grass C.glasses()5.A.tigers B.pandas C.lions II.Listen and choose(听录音,选出听到的句子或对话)5%()1.A.Taste the pineapple.It’s sweet.B.Smell the pineapple.It’s nice.C.Touch the pineapple.It’s hard.()2.A.---What can you see ?---He can see an aeroplane.B.---What can Peter hear ?---He can hear an aeroplane.C.---Can Peter hear an aeroplane ? No, he can’t hear an aeroplane.()3.A.Ten Moon yuan, please ? B.Five Moon yuan, please ? C.Two Moon yuan, please ?()4.A.I don’t like cars.B.I don’t like cats.C.I don’t like robots.()5.A.What are these in English ? B.What is this in English ? C.What are those in English ? III.Listen and choose the opposite word(听录音,选出听到的单词的反义词)5%

()1.A.tall B.short C.long()2.A.smooth B.hard C.soft()3.A.hot B.white C.old()4.A.rough B.smooth C.clean()5.A.salt B.sweet C.nice IV.Listen and choose(听录音,选出正确的问答句)5%()1.A.Those are shirts.B.Yes, they’re shirts.C.They’re shirts.()2.A.What can you see ? B.What can you smell? C.What can you hear?()3.A.Yes, it’s your rubber.B.No, it’s her rubber.C.Yes, it’s her rubber.()4.A.Yes, he can.B.No, he isn’t.C.Yes, he does.()5.A.It’s bitter.B.It’s big.C.Yes, it is.V.Listen and judge(听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F ”表示)5%()1.It’s a cloudy day.()2.There are many toys in the toy shop.()3.Mary doesn’t like toy animals.She likes bicycles.()4.Danny likes the super robots.()5.They are angry.VI.Listen and fill in the blanks.(听录音,填入所缺的单词)5% 1.I can ride a ___________.It’s fun.2.Look at the _____________.They are __________.3.What colour are the _________ ? 4.I can read the English word for ‘ __ ’.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(词汇语法)40% I.Read and copy(正确抄写句子,注意大小写及标点)6% how does the cake taste its sweet is today the of june first----------------------------II.Read and choose(判断下列每组划线部分的字母发音是否相同,相同的用T表示,不同的用F表示)3%

1.chair ship()2.cake panda()3.classroom bus()4.whale who()5.fat hand()6.mother some()III.Choose the best answer(选出最恰当的答案)13%()1.How _________ the desk feel? Hard.A.does B.do C.are()2.They’re animals.They’re long.They have no legs or arms.They’re ______.A.trees B.snakes C.monkeys()3.Look at the monkey._________ tail is long.A.It’s C.Its B.It C.Its

()4.Do you like lemons ? No, they’re _______.A.small B.sweet C.sour()5.I have a pair of _____________.A.trouser B.trousers C.sock B.trousers C.sock C.sock()6.Listen _____ the cat on the roof.A.on B.to C.in()7.How many _________? Three.A.toy bears B.toys bears C.toy bear()8.I ______ a cat and she _______ a dog.A.has„ have

B.have„ has C.have„ have

()9.The pair of socks _______ white.The shoes ______blue.A.are „is B.are„ are C.is„ are()10 _____do you like? We like orange.A.What B.Who C.What colour()11 I can smell with my ________.A.nose B.hand C.eye()12 _______ are they ? Ten yuan.A.How many B.How much C.How old()13.He can not _a paper aeroplane A.make B,making C.makeing IV.Read and fill in the blanks(用所给的单词的适当形式填空)8% 1.Look!This is _______________(aeroplane).It’s white.2.Do you like it ? No, it’s so ____________(salt).3.Alice and I _______(be)pupils.Alice _______(have)a big bag.But I ______(have)a small bag.4.How _______(do)the sweets taste ? They’re nice.5.What are




_____________(butterfly).6.It ______(be)cold in winter.I ____________(not like)winter.7.I ______ a cat and she _______ a dog.(have)

8.The pair of socks _______ white.The shoes ______blue.(be)V.Read and fill in the blanks(用所给的单词的适当形式填空)10%

1.Look!These are _______________(scarf).They are blue.2.Do you like it ? No, it’s so ____________(salt).3.Alice and I _______(be)pupils.Alice _______(have)a big bag.But I ______(have)a small bag.4.How _______(do)the sweets taste ? They’re nice.5.What are _______(it)? They are _____________(butterfly).6.It ______(be)cold in winter.I ____________(not like)winter.Part 3 Reading and Writing(阅读写作)30% I.Read and match.(问答配对)5%

()1.Is this your ruler ? A.He’s Jack.()2.What else can you hear ? B.No , it’s Jack’s ruler.()3.How does the lemon taste? C.It’s sour.()4.Close your eyes.Can you see ? D.I can hear a baby.()5.Who is that tall boy ? E.No, I can’t.II.Rewrite the sentences(按要求改变句子)10% 1.It is a toy train.(改成一般疑问句)_______ ________ a toy train ? 2.I like dogs.(对划线部分提问)What ________ you _________ ? 3.Are these hats big and nice?(肯定句)These ________ _______ big and nice.4.I can see a car in the toy shop.(对划线部分提问)What _________ you ______ in the toy shop ? 5.Those are old jackets.(改成单数句)

_________ ________ an old jacket.III.Read and choose.(阅读短文,选择正确的答案)5% I’m Peter.I have a friend.Her name is Alice.She is eleven years old.She is thin

and tall.She has long hair.Her eyes are big.She can sing English songs.She likes to eat cakes very much.Because(因为)the cakes are soft and sweet.Alice and I are

in the same(相同的)class.We are good friends.()1.How old is Alice ? She is _______.A.nine B.eleven C.ten()2.Her hair is ________ A.long C.Its B.big C.black()3.What can she do ? She can ________.A.read B.draw C.sing()4.How do the cakes feel ? It’s __________.A.hard and sweet C.sock B.soft and sweet C.nice and soft()5.We are ________.A.girls C.sock B.Boys C.friends IV.Read and choose(阅读判断, 正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示)5%

Today is Sunday.It’s a fine day.Candy and Eric are in Zhongshan Park.The park is beautiful.They can see many flowers in the park.Some are red, some are purpleand some are pink.Candy can see a dog on the grass.It’s brown.But Eric can’t see it.He can hear a bird in the tree.It’s red and yellow.It’s lovely.They are happy today.()1.Today is fine.()2.They’re in the zoo.()3.The flowers are colourful.()4.Eric can see a dog on the grass.()5.They are happy.V.Writing(写一种你最喜欢的动物, 用3种以上句型,至少5句话)5% My favourite animal ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______


城桥中学 高春雷



短对话部分和以往没有太大的变化,仍以考察捕捉信息为主,例如第一题中说到“The line is busy”, 另一人则说“Why not order through the

Internet”, 这时的关键信息Internet与选项C中的online正好吻合;第二,三两题是听力短对话中的常见提问“what king of person” 以及 “where”,这两题需抓住几个关键词“race”, “finishing line”, “mail”,“delivery”等词。第四,九题则更多考察对个别句子的理解。比如“It’s up to you”, “forget about it if it doesn’t clear up”.第五题是需一点逻辑推断的,说到“I was about to take a shower when the telephone rang”, 那么再联系“the floor is wet”, 可以推出没关水就去接电话了。第六题则更侧重语气,“You can’t be serious!”, 体现了不顾考试去参加party是荒唐的。第七题也出得比较巧妙,几个干扰项似乎都提到了,但其中的D项只是音似,“lawyer”与“loyal”容易混淆, 在剩余的三项中要选定正确答案,则必须听懂整个对话的来龙去脉---打算参观loyal garden,而这是在leaflet上被推荐的。第八题是偏向于虚拟语气的测试,“You should have come earlier.”


两篇passage, 分别以叙述性和正反议论性的文体出现,应该说这两种形式是学生最熟悉的,从平时的练习看,新闻类题材是学生所最薄弱的,一方面是由于背景知识的缺乏,另一方面是专业词汇较多,语速也快些,所以此次没有新闻报道出现,可以说是降低了一些难度。在这六道题中,14题可能不是很容易解答。文中涉及了zoo几方面的advantage, 可是这题却提问哪个是最重要的,其实原文中有above all 这个词给了我们提示。

最后两篇长对话也比较简单,第一篇是填写一张租车信息表,仍将重点放在与实际生活密切相关的场景中,每一空都清晰读出,而且所填单词比较简短,难度不高。第二篇讲到mixed school, 碰巧这个topic 在我们之前的阅读练习中出现过,而且当时是详细分析了那篇阅读,所以这个主题背景学生是不陌生的,这样就有利于他们对整个对话的理解。另外,所需填写的confident, positive, influence 等也是我们平时拼写较多的。





31.A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _____all four people on board.A.killedB.killingC.killsD.to kill



33.With the government’s aid, those _____ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.A.affectB.affectingC.affectedD.were affected


【解析】考查非谓语的用法。Those与affect之间是被动和完成的关系,所以用过去分词作定语。39.David threatenedhis neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid.A.to be reportedB.reporting

C.to reportD.having reported


【解析】考查非谓语的用法。threaten to do sth.威胁要做某事。因为该句是主动关系所以答案为:C。

34.Mozart’s birthplace and the house ______ he composed ‘The Magic Flute’ are both museums now



【解析】考查定语从句的用法。Where引导了定语从句,并且在定语从句中做状语,先行词为Mozart’s birthplace and the house。

37.It is immediately clear ____ the financial crisis will soon be over.A.sinceB.whatC.whenD.whether

【答案】考查主语从句的用法。该句的意思时:经济危机是否会很快结束是很明显的事情。是否用whether表示,不能选when是因为从句中由soon这一实践状语。40.As a new diplomat, he often thinks ofhe can react more appropriately on such occasions.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.how




英语考试结束,就有学生反映选词部分有难度。在平时模拟练习中我们其实一直对学生强调这个大题不能花太多时间,否则会影响到后面阅读的质量。但据了解还是有同学花了近20分钟。等我自己拿到题目看过之后,的确发现方框中所给定的十个单词中个别单词学生可能比较生疏,例如registered, typical, contents 与contracts,可能就是那么个别单词却影响了学生的整体选择。其实这个练习我们还是强调通读全文,了解大意,先词义再词性,最后上下文推断。紧紧抓住这一解题原则,那么就可做到既快又对。


connections;No limits;Be someone else!这样一来,学生的思路不会太乱。至于每一小题,我们应该采用不同的方法将之逐一破解。例如,50,54,56,58,59,62,63这几题都是考察对上下文的理解;51,52,55,61,64 则是一些固定短语;53,57 属于词汇的理解;60 这一题比较巧妙,学生也容易出错,可能

会出现看不明白的情况,其实此处的for example并非连接逗号前后,而是一个插入成分,真正连接的是59这一句。


命题思路与往年基本一致,全面考查考生的理解、分析、比较、概括和解决问题的能力。阅读理解的语篇选材覆盖面广,保持了题材、体裁的多样性。选材语言地道,文体特征鲜明。试题难易适当,有合理的梯度,将细节判断、理解判断和推理判断融会贯通。四篇阅读的题材类型有记叙文(A篇),说明文(B.C 篇),议论文(D篇)。题目的设置上还是以细节判断题,细节理解判断题,细节推理判断题,句意理解题居多,所以只要认认真真读懂就问题不大。其余还涉及一些推理判断题,主旨大意题,写作意图题等。做阅读理解,我们还是应仅靠文章主题,因为较好的出题都是那些与主题相关性大的题目,而非那些细枝末节的题目。如果我们从出题者的这种意向出发来解题的话,可能正确率更高。





“as valuable as” 结构应该是初中就掌握的了,此句关键在于“他们的”实际上是省略了宾语“建议”,因此必须翻成“theirs”


此句得抓住句子主干成分中的两个点,第一,主语是“只喝一杯咖啡”,从中文角度来说这是动词结构,但现在充当主语,所以必须转换为名词形式,那么就需使用动名词。第二,谓语“使我。。”,有学生习惯使用make, 而这句中keep已给出,那么应该想到keep sb awake 这一结构。


此句把握好两个短语,in memory of 和 make a film.5.过了三天她才想起把雨衣忘在语言试验室了。(remember)

本句的关键是中英文的差异,“把雨衣忘在。。”中文中“忘”肯定想到forget,而这一结构英语中通常有leave sth behind与之对应。

















社会的价值并不被所有的人等同接受“人云亦云”并不等于自我的人生价值人生价值包括:经济价值、权力价值、回馈价值、审美价值、理论价 值。
























现阶段高一教师讲评试卷的方法大多是两类:一是教师批改试卷后凭借模糊的记忆对自认为“错误率”高的及从教师角度认为学生容易出错的习题草草讲解;二是上课时“征求”学生意见,即教师问“1—5题哪道题需要讲”,学生纷纷发表“意见”。 我想这样的场景大家都不陌生。 但我认为两种方式都存在弊端:一是教师没有准确的正答率的统计,因此不能对学生错误率高的习题有全面而准确的把握,所以教师对习题的讲解未必具有针对性;二是学生存在差异,内向的学生或许在习题中存在诸多问题,但不善于表达,而活泼的学生则发言积极,但所说的问题有可能是书上能查阅到的基础知识,只是他做错了的同时又没有反思和订正而已,这样的习题不存在讲解的“价值”,这样的“征求”意见不仅不能反映学生在习题及知识掌握中存在的真实问题,还有可能浪费有限时间。

高一历史教学重在培养学生学习兴趣及对基础知识的掌握,基础知识不论在何时都是最具生命力的话题,学生只有掌握牢固的基础知识, 才有可能在此基础上进行有效的知识迁移及积极的思维和思辨活动。 鉴于此及以上教学中存在的习题讲评的问题,我进行思考和尝试。 首先,我对整张试卷的习题对应教材章节进行梳理,然后按照知识点进行归类讲解。 在此过程中对难度不大的习题点到即可, 难度大的要讲解。 同时,除题目考查的知识点以外,还对和此知识点相关的问题进行系统复习。 如习题:“天子建国,诸侯立家,卿置侧室,大夫有贰宗,士有隶子弟,庶人工商各有分亲,皆有等衰。 ”该材料反映的西周时期的政治制度信息包括:1分封制;2等级制,3君主专制,4宗法制。 此答案涉及分封制、等级制和宗法制,我们可就此对第一课知识点进行全面复习———分封制的目的、内容、分封主体、分封制下诸侯的权利和义务,宗法制的目的、原则及与分封制之间的关系等。 同时,教师复习这些知识点时可以将涉及这些知识点的其他习题“对号入座”、“一网打尽”。这样不仅重点突出、 线索清晰, 而且处理习题的速度大大加快,节省时间。 除此之外,我在习题讲评过程中还按照章节顺序把每课基础知识点进行简要板书, 使试卷讲评课上完后还能留下清晰的知识线索和脉络, 有利于帮助学生再次对课标要求的基础知识有全面系统的认识, 同时有助于引导学生构建基本知识框架和体系。 这样的习题讲评不仅跳出就题讲题的窠臼,而且知识点覆盖全面,有利于高一学生对基础知识的全面复习和掌握, 并教会学生掌握复习基本方法,提升复习基本技能,同时教会学生揣摩命题人的意图及试题考查方向,更有利于学生对知识点进行全面认识和理解及对知识融会贯通,而且这种方法省时高效,更重要的是提高学生自信心,让他们发现习题是“万变不离其宗”,高于教材但都源于教材。

我在习题讲评问题上的这些尝试取得较好的教学效果,得到学生的认可。 在我任教的七个班共365名学生中我进行了初步调查统计———提供给学生习题讲评的三个方法供大家选择:1.逐题讲解;2.上课征求大家意见,有错就讲;3.按知识点归类讲解。 其中认为第一种方法较好的有58人(多数学生认为这种方法浪费时间,没有必要每道题都讲),认为第二种方法较好的有59人,认为第三种方法较好的有248人,占总人数的近68﹪。 同时,在与学生的交流中大多数学生认为按知识点归类讲解让他们的学习更高效和更有针对性, 让他们对章节基础知识点有更清晰和全面的认识。

除了上述按知识点归类讲评习题外,还有按错因归类、按题型归类等方法。 我认为后两种方法更适合高二、高三学生,对高一学生而言, 按知识点归类更符合学生自身情况及高一历史教学对学生掌握基础知识的要求, 同时更符合高中历史教学课时紧张的实际情况。




1. oceanA. pleasantB. pleasureC. pressureD. professor

2. existA. excellentB. example

C. expression D. explain

3. courageA. shoulderB. pronounce

C. southernD. anxious

4. thusA. arothmeticB. thread

C. mathematicsD. mouths

5. magazineA. seizeB. realC. medicine D. build


1. I’d appreciate ____ if you could lend me a hand with my homework.

A. soB. itC. thatD. you

2. Mary is a top student in the class. You cannot speak ____ highly of


A. veryB. wellC. muchD. too

3. ——Would you care for tea or coffee?

——Neither, ____. I’ve just had some tea.

A. thank youB. of course, please

C. yesD. no, please

4. His father ____ a soldier in World War Ⅱ, didn’t he?

A. wasB. would beC. must beD. used to be

5. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation ____ it got


A. untilB. whenC. beforeD. as

6. He is such a great scientist ____ all the people in the world show

respect for.

A. thatB. asC. soD. who

7. I hate ____ when someone calls me up in the middle of night.

A. oneB. thatC. itD. which

8. ____ either of your parents come to see you in the last two weeks?

A. HasB. HaveC. HadD. Will

9. You can’t imagine that rats eat 40 to 50 times ____.

A. in weightB. by weightC. of weightD. their weight

10. Jane had a high fever. Tom felt ____ his duty to look after her.

A. thatB. itC. thisD. /

11. The kidnapper threatened ____ his only son if Tom didn’t manage to

send him one million dollars in a week.

A. to killB. killing

C. and killedD. to have killed

12. It was midnight ____ I finished ____ the book.

A. when, to readB. that, reading

C. at which, readingD. when, reading

13. We reached the seaside at 6, ____ the sun began to set.

A. whereB. whenC. tillD. from which

14. ——What’s wrong with the man?

——____ from school for nothing has made him mad.

A. His son is absentB. His son being absent

C. His son’s being absentD. His son’s being absence

15. The boy was caught ____ in the examination room and he was later

punished for doing so.

A. cheatB. cheatedC. cheatingD. to cheat


Mr. Gray travelled a lot on business. He sold machines of different kinds to farmers.

He had a big car, and usually __1__ driving it long distances, but he was quite satisfied to go by __2__ sometimes too, especially when the __3__ was bad.He was a little afraid of driving in rain or snow, and it was __4__ tiring to sit comfortably in a train and looked out of the window without being worried about how __5__ was going to get to the next place.

One of Mr. Gray’s problems was often __6__ to stay when he reached some small place in the country. He did not __7__ great comfort and wonderful food, but he found it annoying(使恼火) when he was given a cold room, and there was no hot water or food after a long and __8__ day.

Late __9__ winter evening, Mr. Gray arrived at a small railway station. The __10__ by train that day had not been at all interesting, and Mr. Gray was cold and tired and __11__. He was looking forward to a simple __12__ satisfying meal by a brightly burning fire. And then a hot bath and comfortable bed.

__13__ he was walking to the taxi rank, he said to a local man who was also __14__ there. “As this is my first visit to this __15__ of the country and I was in too much of a hurry to __16__ about hotels before I left home, I would very much like to know __17__ you have here.”

The local man answered, “We have __18__.”

“And which would you __19__ me to go to?” Mr. Gray asked him.

The local man thought for a while and then answered, “Well, it’s like this: Whichever one you go to, you’ll be __20__ you didn’t go to the other.”

1. A. consideredB. practisedC. imaginedD. enjoyed

2. A. trainB. carC. himselfD. plane

3. A. businessB. conditionC. roadD. weather

4. A. leastB. mostC. lessD. more

5. A. ifB. oneC. thatD. she

6. A. whereB. howC. whatD. when

7. A. knowB. needC. expectD. like

8. A. comfortableB. tiringC. niceD. special

9. A. thatB. oneC. theD. a

10. A. journeyB. experienceC. travelD. distance

11. A. unhappyB. sleepyC. angryD. hungry

12. A. butB. andC. orD. however

13. A. UntilB. AfterC. BeforeD. While

14. A. walkingB. looking onC. waitingD. visiting

15. A. townB. stationC. landD. part

16. A. talkB. thinkC. moveD. find out

17. A. whatB. which oneC. how manyD. how

18. A. threeB. oneC. noneD. two

19. A. wantB. allowC. adviseD. expect

20.A. sorryB. satisfiedC. amusedD. comfortable



A good teacher is many things to many people. In my own experience, the people I respect the most and think about the most are the teachers who demanded(要求) the most discipline(纪律) from their students.

I miss one teacher in particular that I had in high school. I think she was a good teacher because she was a very strict person. I remember very vividly (清晰地) a sign over her classroom door. It was a simple sign that said, “Laboratory—in this room the first five letters of the word was emphasized(强调), not the last seven.” In other words, I guess, labor for her was more important than oratory, which means making speeches.

She prepared her work very carefully and demanded us to do the same. We got lots of homework from her. Once she had broken her arm, and everybody in the class thought that maybe the homework load would be reduced, but it continued just the same. She checked our work by stamping her name at the bottom of the papers to show that she had read them.

I think sometimes teachers who demand the most are liked the least. But as time goes by, this discipline really seems to benefit(有益于) the students.

1. Which of the following is considered a good teacher by the writer?


A. A patient teacherB. An honest teacher



Li Ao, a famous Taiwan writer, TV commentator, historian and lawmaker, arrived in Beijing for his first visit to the mainland in 56 years.

Li, 70, said he was driven not by nostalgia(怀旧) but by curiosity, insisting he did not come to see the old China he had lived in, but rather “to see the new China”.

During a 12-day visit, he will speak to students at three top universities---Peking University tomorrow, Tsing Hua University on Friday and Shanghai’s Fudan University next Monday.

He will meet schoolmates of his former primary school in Beijing, visit the Palace Museum and participate in TV programmes and online chats.

Waving his new passport before departing Monday from Taipei, Li said he was eager to make his first trip since his family left the mainland in 1949.

After visiting Beijing, he will head to Shanghai, where he will give a lecture at Fudan University. After that he will visit Hong Kong and then return to Taiwan on September 30.

Last week, at a conference organized by Hong Kong-based Phoenix Satellite Television, Li said he hoped the trip would promote cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits.

Li was born in the city of Harbin in Northeast China and grew up in Beijing. At the age of 14, he moved with his family to Shanghai and from there to Taiwan in 1949.

He is well-known by mainland intellectuals(知识分子) for his satire, sharp commentaries and criticism.

He is also honored as a loyal advocate(拥护者)of China’s reunification(重新统一), which he believes is “irresistible”, and has maintained that the sooner reunification comes, the more beneficial it will be for Taiwan.

In a related development, Peking University authorities say Li will be permitted to read some ancient books, which are rarely shown to the public.

Beijing’s No. 4 Middle School, where Li once studied, also says it plans to give him his student card as a gift. Li published his autobiography(自传) in 20xx. His novels include “Mountaintop Love”.

1.What’s the purpose of Li Ao’s visit to the mainland?

A.To drop in on his relatives and friends.

B.To come to see the old China he had lived in.

C.To have a peaceful talk with Chinese government.

D.To see the new China and promote cultural exchanges across the Taiwan Straits.

2.According to the passage, Li Ao will visit the following EXCEPT _______.

A.Nanjing UniversityB.Fudan University

C.Tsinghua UniversityD.Peking University

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Li Ao moved to Taiwan at the age of 14 from Shanghai.

B.after visiting Shanghai. Li Ao will also visit Hong Kong.

C.Li Ao’s visit to Beijing begins on September 20.

D.Beijing’s No. 4 Middle School is Li Ao’s mother school.

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.Famous writer arrives on mainlandB.Li Ao, a famous writer

C.Li Ao’s speech to the college studentsD.A peaceful trip to mainland

Dear Students,

I am delighted to be your guest.

I would like to tell you about myself. I have been a news reporter for the past fifteen years. I chose this job so I could travel the world, but the job has taught me many unforgettable lessons. The work is sometimes difficult. I have seenfamines, wars, earthquakes, poverty and death. But I have also seen courage, hope and happiness.

In India, I visited a city where there were many homeless children. Some were as young as four years old. They lived in the streets and survived by begging or stealing. But then a wonderful lady called Rosa opened a home for them. Within one year, she was looking after two hundred children. She clothed them, fed them, and taught them. She gave them hope.

Another time, I was in Turkey after a terrible earthquake, in one place. I found an old lady whose house was in ruins, her son was missing and rescue workers said there was no chance that he was still alive. But the old lady did not give up hope. For four days, she moved heavy stones one at a time by herself. She did not stop until she found her son. He was alive.

Here in China, I met a young boy with a serious condition. He had undergone twenty operations and spent nearly his whole life in hospital. I thought he would be sad, but when I met him, his smile was so warm and welcoming.

In life, we need role models that we can admire and learn from. When my life is difficult, I try to remember the courage and goodness of these three people.

1.The speaker is giving a speech to students in __________.


2.The underlined word “ famine ” in Paragraph 2 means __________.

A.extreme lack of foodB.joyC.luckD.pleasure

3.What can we learn about Rosa?

A.She’s a rich lady and she likes to help the homeless children.

B.She’s a great mother and she looks after the homeless children.

C.She’s a kind-hearted woman and she provides houses for the homeless children.

D.She’s a good teacher and she teaches the homeless children.

4.For what does the speaker admire the Turkish woman and the Chinese boy?

A.Their bravery.B.Their luck.C.Their age.D.Their strong mind.

A JETLINER slammed into a crowded neighborhood in Medan, Indonesia’s third largest city on Monday. It burst into flames and killed at least 149 people, many of whom were on the ground. Up to 15 passengers survived the crash. Two Chinese business people from Fujian Province were among the dead. The black box has been found and will be the basis for further investigations .The plane belonged to low-cost carrier Mandela Airlines. Indonesia has at least 22 low-cost carriers. Many of them have been forced to cut spending to keep low fares amid intense competition.

EXPERTS from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan gathered on Monday to discuss the feasibility of building an underwater tunnel across the Taiwan Straits. This is the fifth time talks have been held since about constructing the world’s longest underwater tunnel. In January 20xx, the Ministry of Communications announced China’s highway network construction plans for the next 20 years. They include a highway from Beijing to Taipei. The construction of the cross-Straits tunnel has been formally listed in the country’s communications development plan.

PRODUCTION of small cars will be encouraged to cut oil consumption, clean smoggy city skies and reduce traffic jams , an official from the National Development and Reform Commission said on Monday . Many big cities in China had previously banned small cars from expressway. However, with international oil prices consistently rising and pressure from China’s oil consumption growing, the bans do not match the national situation.

1.Which of the following can be the key words of the three paragraphs?

A.Air crash, Tunnel, Small cars

B.Air competition, Network construction, Traffic jams

C.Indonesian plane, Taiwan Straits, Oil consumption

D.Crash investigations, Communications, Car development

2.The writer agrees ?????? .

A.to stop using small cars in citiesB.not to ban small cars in cities

C.not to reduce consumption of oilD.to have none of international situation

3.The conclusion of the crash cause will be drawn mainly from ??????? .

A.the pilotsB.the two Chinese

C.15 survivorsD.the black box

4.Which is the right space order of the things mentioned in the three paragraphs ?

A.On land , under the sea, in the air .B.In the air, on land, under the sea.

C.Under the sea , in the air, on land .D.In the air, under the sea, on land.

Farmer Ed Rawlings smiles as he looks at his orange trees. The young oranges are growing well in Florida’s weather. Warm sunshine and gentle rains, along with Ed Rawlings’ expert care , will produce a good crop of oranges this year.

But Ed has to fight against Florida’s changeable winter weather. In January and February, temperatures can destroy Ed’s entire orange crops. Having farmed in Florida for the past 35 years, Ed Rawlings is prepared for the frosts(霜). When temperatures drop below freezing, Ed tries to save his crop by watering his orange trees. The water freezes and forms a thin layer of ice on the trees. Strange as it may sound, this thin layer of ice actually keeps the fruit warm.

What happens is simple. When the trees are watered, the water loses heat and becomes ice. The warmth of the heat it loses is sucked in by the fruit and keeps its temperature at a safe level. Ed Rawlings has effectively used this method to save many orange crops.

But Ed still faces some difficulties. The trees should be watered at the exact moment the temperature drops to the freezing point. Also just the right quantity of water must be used. Too much water can form a thick layer of ice that will break the trees’ branches. Another difficulty is that wind blows away the heat. So Ed has to worry about not only when but also how often his trees should be watered, and how much water should be used.

Computer technology may help Ed Rawlings with some of these worries. With equipment, air and soil temperatures and wind speed can be measured. The information is fed into a computer which can tell when temperatures drop to freezing. The computer can correctly decide the quantity of water to be used and how frequently the trees should be watered. Ed Rawlings will find looking after his orange trees a lot easier with the help of a computer, and we’ll all have the benefits(or advantages) of computer C age oranges.

1.The passage is mainly about????????? .

A.a farmer’s expert care for his orange trees

B.the different uses of computers

C.growing oranges in Florida’s changeable weather

D.different ways of frost protection

2.In the writer’s eyes, computers????????? .

A.are too expensive for small farmers

B.can be a valuable tool for the farmer

C.can be used to help oranges grow bigger

D.cannot take the place of the farmer’s experience and judgment

3.Which of the following is NOT NECESSARY for Ed Rawlings to do?

A.He should water the orange trees as soon as the temperature drops to the freezing point.

B.He should decide the quantity of water for the orange trees.

C.He has to water the orange trees more often in January and February.

D.He has to judge how often he should water the orange trees.



1.The answer is that the government needs money for many things, for example to pay its army, to build public facilities and to buy goods from abroad, and only the people of the country can supply the money.

2.That is, a person pays according to the amount of his income. Whether he is a merchant, a doctor, a lawyer, a shopkeeper, a miner, or anything else, he must pay tax if his income is more than a certain amount. This is called a “direct” tax, because it is paid in money direct to the government.

Another tax is paid on goods such as watches, jewelry, tobacco, wine, etc. When they are brought into a country, such a tax is paid as part of the price of these goods if they are later sold in shops.3.

People usually complain about having to pay taxes, but they forget that the money is spent on things that they and their families need. We need policemen to catch thieves, and they must be paid what they earn; children need education and there must be schools and teachers; we want our streets to be kept clean, and the wages of men who do this kind of work have to be paid.4.And we cannot have an army without paying for it.

5.We have no real cause to complain when we are asked to pay taxes for the good of ourselves and for our fellow citizens.

A.Why must we pay taxes?

B.Why do people often complain?

C.Taxes, therefore, cannot be avoided.

D.Taxes, however, should be cancelled.

E. One of the most important taxes is income tax.

F. We call it “indirect” tax, because it is paid indirectly through the shopkeeper.

G. Above all, the country must always be ready to defend itself against attacking enemies.




Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang.He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was just eight.“You need_______,”his father said.“But if you don’t work hard,no fortune will come.”

What made him sad was_______his piano teacher in Beijing didn’t like him.“You have no talent(天赋).You will never be a pianist.”___________________________He decided that he didn’t want to be a_______any more.For the next two weeks he didn’t touch the piano_______,his father didn’t push,but waited.

Luckily,the day came when his teacher asked him to_______some holiday songs.He didn’t want to,but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys,he_______that he could show others that he had talent_______That day he told his father_______he had been waiting to hear―that he wanted to study with a new teacher________that point on,everything turned around.

He started________competitions(比赛).In the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition,when it was________that Lang Lang had won,he was too________to hold back his tears.Soon________was clear that he couldn’t stay in China forever―he had to play on the world’s big________In Lang Lang________again,this time to Philadelphia,U.S.There he spent two years practising,and by he had worked hard enough for fortune to take over.After his________performance at Chicago’s Ravinia Festival,gigs(特邀演出) in Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall started______________________________________发现) him,and lets him________









9.A.in allB.above allC.after allD.at all














There are various kinds of theme parks, 1.a different park for almost everything. Disney Land can2.(find) in several parts of the world. It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true,3.you are travelling through space, 4.(visit) a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale. Dollywood is5.of the most unique theme parks in the world. Although Dollywood has 6.(ride), the park’s main attraction is7.culture. England’s Camelot Park is a theme park8.you can experience the ancient clays and great deeds of English knights and ladies. Every area of the park is modeled9.life in the days of King Arthur. So whichever and 10.(what) you like, there is a theme park for you.











Dear Steven__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






试题比较客观地反映了本校学生的实际情况,从中可以看出学生在学习过程中所存在的问题:班平均最高为73分,最低为65分,拉开档次较大。在七部分中,听力、完成句子和作文得分较高,单项选择完型填空和阅读理解失分较多。现以达校平均的班级作以下分析。 [[image1]]


1. 听力听力部分着重考查了学生的听力理解力、敏捷的反应力和准确的推断判断能力。基本没有生词,语音清晰,语速中等偏上。总体适中,得分较好。但有些题目学生在解题过程中,受干扰项影响,判断能力较弱,容易选错。如第7、8小题,材料中谈论了 “plans for the weekend”的方式,提及“I canrsquo;t afford the train ticket” 同时又提及“driving to London ”。学生先如为主,选择了B。由于第7小题 “by train”的错选,导致第8小题的判断失误,马上选B。第7段材料的内容为plan ,学生又受干扰项“visit a museum,”“have a meeting ”。又如独白,材料体裁为新闻,语速较快,信息量大。在第14小题中,学生对文章中的信息获取模糊,因其提及A、C选项部分内容,导致判断失误。

2. 单项选择:单项选择体现了高一着重词汇、基本句型的精神,考查了冠词、动词、动词词组辨析和本学期学习的语法内容:现在分词的作用、情态动词、主谓一致和强调句型。有些题目由于与教材联系密切,甚至是原句模仿,学生得分较高。但第16小题失分较大,本题考查了冠词的用法,抽象名词“space, nature”前不用冠词,在平常练习中多次出现,学生灵活运用能力不够。第18小题“before”用法,因是期中考试前内容,学生遗忘,加上平时掌握不到位,得分率相当低。低26小题是典型的考题,学生对于“fun”的词性掌握错误,认为是形容词,结果误选C。第29小题考查了“of +抽象名词”的用法。学生对A、B选项产生迷惑。

3. 完形填空:完型填空尽管涉及了学生们所熟悉的travelling 主题,但从学生解题中可以看出许多学生并未通读全文,上下文信息的关联性不够,导致有些题目得分并不高。完型填空是综合语篇阅读和知识点考查,是对知识点的灵活运用。从本篇第32小题看出,许多同学对contain 和include两个动词辨析不清。第35小题4个形容词的选择,学生不会从上下文语境中判断出多修饰的`名词需要填入“令人愉悦的”含义,失分大。36小题考查了as 和like的用法。37、41小题缺少语境判断及动词和代词辨析能力。44小题考查了yet, either, too 的区分。在49小题中,又考查了学生平时误用较多的四“结束”。

4. 阅读理解:本试卷中的阅读理解都属应用文体,这是学生平时相对头痛的内容。B、C篇难度较大,因此失分相对来说比较大。第一篇是学生较熟悉的pets,第二篇是world Carnival 第三篇介绍了有关人们与radio 情况。总体来说词汇量不大,有的已给出汉语解释。但学生对于这些文章的感觉是看得懂,下手难,对于语篇中的细节搜寻和综合判断能力较差。如 A篇中第52题,4个选项文中都涉及,但学生缺乏对第三段的概括能力及对选项的排除能力,导致误选。 B篇中第56、58小题得分率低,特别是57小题,学生对文章的主题判断清晰,能从文中推断出world carnival is very successful now,由此选A, 而未能从其它提供信息 I think it can serve as part of the Olympic celebrations 中进一步推断出A答案。56小题为细节搜寻。58小题为猜词,学生缺乏上下文语境推断能力。 C篇得分最低,除59小题考查主题句概括能力外,后几个小题基本能从文中找到。但学生在作题时排斥应用文体,没有耐心仔细观察,搜寻细节,导致得分率不高。

5. 单词:单词拼写都为给汉语形式,学生心理上比较接受,觉得容易,导致疏忽,有的动词拼写正确,但缺少在句中的正确形式判断。69小题surrounding用作后置定语,及vary的第三人称单数,其它precious 和variety、fortunately也为平时容易错的单词。该大题的得分率仅为63。32%,可见学生在词汇的掌握方面问题较大。

6. 完成句子:本类题考查了学生一些动词词组的掌握程度。失分较多的为72小题,be based on 语态错误,76小题of high quality 中of漏掉,平时虽默写多遍,但由此可见学生掌握不到位。

7. 作文本篇作文要求介绍一个城市,它的地理位置、历史、人口、地势、气候、名胜。该主题与教材中Unit 18 New Zealand 相似,比较容易得分。学生在写作中,要点齐全。但有些句子出现时态、语态、表达错误。其中最多的时“地区地势平坦,西部多丘陵”。


1. 认真研究新大纲、新教材及高考说明,在日常教学中,注重充分调动学生的学习积极性,探索学生主动学习的方式。

2. 不断改进课堂教学,提高质量,增大容量。同时筛选好资料,用好各类练习。

3. 继续加强对学生听力能力的培养,选好材料,力求原汁原味,针对学生较薄弱的对白、新闻等材料,加强策略指导,开设好听力课或搞好听力阶段训练。另外,要提高学生研读题目,预测听力内容的解题技巧。

4. 扎实作好词汇、重点句型、段落的背诵工作,加强督促检查,训练到位,积累知识,同时注重灵活运用。词汇教学,要特别重视原于教材和考纲,但词义有引伸这类的“熟词新义”的用法,如单项选择题20小题中的make up 的用法就属于这类情况。

5. 在平时教学中,经常向学生提供一些精读或泛读的英语文章,加大语言输入量,开设阅读课,指导学生阅读技巧,逐步提高阅读速度。
