




[ 2008-8-16 14:07:00 | By: 李怡 ]






本课是《新目标英语》八年级上册“Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister.Section A”。本课要分两课时完成。内容是谈论两

个人/物的相同点和不同点,重点学习形容词比较级的运用。这是在对形容词进行了一年的学习之后,学生已经掌握形容词的使用之后进行 的语言技能的提高。也是学习本册书第十二单元最高级的基础。

2、教学目标的确立及依据: 1)、语言知识与技能目标:





3、教学重点与难点: 1)、重点及突破方法:

用both表达相同点的用法及用形容词的比较级表达不同点的用法是本课的学习重点。突破方法是分类练习、归纳总结,使学生在头脑中形成 清晰的脉络。












本课重点是学会表达人物外貌和性格的相同点和不同点,因此,事先总结有关人物外貌和性格的形容词是很必要的。所以,我以What does he / she look like? What is he / she like? 展开词汇归类的角逐,继而导入新课。



①、借助多媒体呈现成对人物,并出现We both,引导学生自主发挥,用“both+动词”表述共有的外貌特征。之后,拓展提高,要求学生 介绍两位较相似的人,巩固提高以上所学。

②、借助多媒体呈现成对人物,并出现They are both,引导学生自主发挥,用“系动词+both”表述共有的外貌特征和性格特点,之后,拓 展提高,要求学生介绍两个人物的相同点,巩固提高以上所学。2)、不同点的学习:


③、实践应用:播放视频,引导学生感知比较级的运用。之后,比较特异双胞胎,比较秀兰·邓波的儿童照和成年照(这一步的设计也是为 第九单元的学习打下基础)。

④、拓展与提高比较班内的两个同学,找出两者外貌和性格的不同点。由于初中阶段英语的书面表达是以仿写为主,所以我呈现了表达的 套用形式供学生参考。


运用猜谜的方式:先把全班学生的人名分别写在条上,让参加的学生抽条,之后说出条上学生与自己的相同点与不同点,其他人在他说的过 程中进行猜测,直至猜中为止。




从相同点和不同点两个方面完成书面表达: “My Best Friend and I”。词数:60~80词。




首先,通过学习,学生对表述人物外貌和性格的形容词进行了较为全面的总结。其次,由于引入时是分类引入的,学生对知识点的掌握也就在一开始就进入了分类状态,所以在之后的综合表达环节出现的混淆现象比预计 的要少。

最后,语言学习是一个循序渐进熟练的过程。因此,还应在以后的教学之中反复出现、反复练习,最后达到完全掌握,从而真正提高学生综 合语言运用的能力。


授课时间:2014-11-21 星期五 第1节



授课内容:Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.1a-1c I.TEACHING MATERIAL 1a-1c,Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science, from Grade 8 English book

II.TEACHING GOALS 1.Language goals(1)Learn some useful job words and phrases:cook;driver;doctor;pilot;engineer;pianist;violinist;scientist;computer programmer;grow up;be going to.(2)Sentence structures:-What do you want to be when you grow up?-I want to be a computer programmer.-How are you going to do that?-I’m going to study computer science.(3)Try to understand the important phrase ” be going to” 2.Ability goals(1)Let Ss master the pronunciation and Chinese meanings of the job words and useful phrase.(2)Make sure Ss can talk what their dream jobs are and how they are going to do that(3)Ss can try to use the phrase “be going to ” to talk about things in future

(4)Train Ss’listening and speaking abilities.3.Emotional goals Help Ss to have a dream job and encourage them to try their best to make their dreams come true, and help them to understand that dreams will come true if they study hard.III.TEACHING IMPORTANT POINTS AND DIFFICULT POINTS.1.Important points(1)Ss can master the pronunciation and Chinese meanings of the job words and the phrases ”grow up” ”be going to”

(2)Ss can use what question and how question to talk about dream jobs and how they are going to make dreams come true.(3)Try to understand “be going to do ”.2.Difficult points(1)The pronunciation of some longer job words and the long sentence “what do you want to be when you grow up”.(2)Ss may not remember the sentence structure with book or any prompts.(3)Ss may have problems making the comprehensive speech

IV.TEACHING METHODS Situation approach;game approach;task-based approach;communicative approach

V.TEACHING AIDS PPT;computer;screen;tape recorder;chalk;blackboard

VI.TEACHING PROCEDURES Step 1 Lead-in Step 2 New words ①For the first time, T teaches new words slowly and help Ss understand the Chinese meaning of each word one by one.②For the second time, Ss read after T.③Ss read the word with Chinese.④Test Ss’memory about the words to make sure most Ss can read them ⑤Play a game to help Ss to have a further understanding of job words.Step 3 Talk about dream jobs.T:Do you want to be a pianist? What do you want to be? I want to know when you grow up what do you want to be.(teach the phrase “grow up”)

①Ask and answer to make sure they understand the what question in this unit.②Remember the sentence structure and have a PK between 2 Ss.Step 4 Presentation of ”be going to”

①help student understand that “be going to” is used to talk about future ②Use “be going to ” to talk about how to make dream come true.Step 5 Listening ①For the first time, Ss fill in the blanks and match the phrases.②For the second time, Ss read after tape recorder one by one.Step 6 Pair Work ①Input the two sentence structures by remembering them.②Ss make dialogues with the form.Step 7 Funny Time Ss may feel tired after so many activities.T makes them relaxed by guessing the photo of the singer PSY, and enjoy the funny song and dance.Step8 Emotional Education “If you have a dream, study hard and work hard, and your dream will come true one day.Because nothing is impossible”(teach the saying”Nothing is impossible”)Step9 Homework 1.仿造P41 1c编对话



指导专家:何闽娥 (厦门市思明区英语教研员)

陈榆 (厦门双十中学思明分校英语教研组长)

本堂课是人教版《新目标英语》八年级下册Unit 6 Laughter is good for you的词汇课, 授课对象为初中二年级 (新初三) 学生。


本堂课着重关注混合式教学在课堂面授层面的操作, 旨在探索如何借助信息化成就一堂高效的英语课。首先, 以我国经典的传统故事导入, 激活学生已有的经验和知识, 并设置情景、布置任务, 让学生在相对真实的情境下, 使用英语完成任务。其次, 在听力练习中训练学生抓关键词的技能, 听力练习在翼课网智能化同步教学平台上完成, 以便快速、直观地反馈数据;学生根据听力内容讲故事, 并在图片和关键词的辅助下记忆故事。最后, 通过记忆抢答游戏增强趣味性, 加深学生对故事的印象。另外, 讲授第二段听力材料 (第二段听力材料讲述了故事的剩余部分) 。首先, 学生根据听力内容对四幅图片进行排序, 以此检测学生对故事的理解程度, 这个环节可以借助翼课网智能化同步教学平台完成, 实现对学生回答情况的个性化反馈。其次, 学生根据录音填空, 完成对四幅图片的描述, 就其中的人物特点展开思考, 并表达自己的观点。最后, 创设真实的情境, 鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动;学生用英语讲述愚公移山的故事, 高效实现课堂生成。


讲故事的能力是初中阶段学生英语学习的一个难点。在本堂课中, 笔者设立了三个基本教学目标:

By the end of the class, students will be able to:

目标一:complete part of the story by filling in the key words in the blanks in the i Pad while listening;

目标二:comprehend the story listened by putting the pictures in the right order in the i Pad;

目标三:retell the story with the help of the pictures and some key words.


对于大部分中国学生而言, 用英文讲故事是一个难点。学生很容易理解故事内容, 但用英文讲故事却有一定难度, 需要教师提供一些“支架”。本课堂有两个重难点需要突破: (1) to comprehend the story by filling in the key words and ordering the pictures; (2) to retell the story with the help of the pictures and key words.


Step 1:Lead-in (2 min)

1. Ss talk about the Chinese traditional stories they know.

(1a) Ss match the story titles with the pictures (a—d) .

Step 2:Task-introduction (2 min)

1.Ss tell the story of“Yu Gong Moves the Mountains”based on their existing knowledge.

2. T introduces her friend in America.She wants to know the story of Yu Gong.T assigns the final task of telling the story to her friend.

Step 3:Listening (5 min)

1.Ss listen to the conversation and answer the questions.

(1) When does the story happen? (Once upon a time, there was an old man, Yu Gong.)

(2) Where does it happen? (There were two mountains near Yu Gong’s house.)

(3) Besides Yu Gong, who else do you know in the story?

2.Ss listen to the conversation again, and find out Yu Gong’s plan to move the mountains.

Step 4:Practice—Tell the story (7 min)

Ss tell this part of the story based on the pictures and key words.

(1) Picture 1:Background of the story

Once upon a time, there was an old man, Yu Gong.

(2) Picture 2:The reason for moving the mountains

He wanted to move the mountains because it took a long time to walk to the other side.

(3) Picture 3:How to move the mountains

Yu Gong and his family decided to put the earth and stone into the sea.

Bridge:What’s the rest of the story?

Step 5:Listening (5 min)

1.Ss listen to the recording and put the pictures (A—D) in the right order. (2a)

2.Ss listen to the recording again and complete the stories by filling in the blanks.

Keys:move the earth and stone;old and weak, continue to move;kept on digging;sent two gods, take the mountains away

Step 6:Practice (6 min)

1.学生跟读, 然后自由练习和记忆。

2.游戏: (Chain Game) 学生根据图片和关键词, 一人一图接龙完成故事, 最快完成的小组获胜。

Step 7:Discussion (3 min)

What do you think of Yu Gong? (brave, wise)

What do you learn from the story?

Ss:I think Yu Gong is______________because__________________.

In my opinion, ___________________

Step 8:Final Task (13 min)

Group Work:Retell the story of Yu Gong.

S1:Tell the first part of the story:picture

S2:Tell the second part of the story:2 pictures

S3:Tell the last part of the story:2 pictures

S4:What you learn from the story?/What you think of Yu Gong?


首先, 在备课过程中, 笔者曾经设计了一个使用翼课网智能化同步教学平台做课前预习的环节, 但因为内容相关性不高, 就将其删掉了。针对课前预习, 笔者认为, 倘若能够使用数字化在线教学平台培养学生课前自主学习的能力, 同时在预习的基础上进行课堂教学, 就能够提高课堂有效性。例如, 结合单元整体教学的设计, 教师既可以在单元前将学习的进度和安排通过学习平台发布, 让学生做到心中有数, 又可以将相关话题的课前讨论题、词汇等内容提前发布, 并在课前收集本班学生的学习数据, 进行有针对性的教学, 提高教与学的效率。

另外, 教师可利用翼课网智能化同步教学平台实现了对学生学习进度、正确率等情况的快速知悉。笔者从中受到启发, 认为互联网时代教师需要提升分析数据的能力。例如, 如何在课堂实践中有效地应对和解决数据反映出来的问题, 而不是笼统地由教师单方面进行分析;对于那些学习有困难的学生, 如何将小组学习与信息技术有效结合, 尽可能地实现个性化学习……这些问题都将促使笔者不断提高自身使用信息技术的能力。

其次, 笔者认为, 课堂是师生共同成长的地方。让“学习”真正在课堂中发生, 是教学的关键。无论是对于学习暂时领先还是暂时落后的学生, 笔者都期待一个让他们的“学习”变得更有效的课堂。在本堂课中, 每一个听力问题的呈现都有一个快捷的界面, 学生的答题、提交进度等情况一目了然。借着数据的收集和分析, 笔者及时给予学生反馈, 这在以往的课堂中是无法实现的。这次混合式教学的尝试也引发了笔者的反思。正如新疆维吾尔自治区教科所英语教研员张鲲老师所说, “先进的技术手段不仅仅是使用了就可以的, 而是要真正融合进教学, 切实提高教学效率”。本堂课中, 笔者并没有真正利用技术手段达到分层化教学和个性化教学, 还只停留在使用技术的层面。在今后的教学中, 笔者要多反思、多实践, 真正让学生受益。

再次, 正如刘兆义老师所说, “教育信息技术的融入, 为学生的学习增添了一个新的中介, 从而使学生、课程、教师三大要素所构成的教育生态发生了变革”。在本次研修班中, 刘兆义老师在指导授课教师时常说, “我们是pioneer, 要勇于探索和尝试”。教育信息化一定是未来英语教学的发展趋势, 我们无法抗拒。因此, 保持一种勇于学习和反思的态度尤为重要。在探索的过程中, 每一堂课不应只是教师个体的单打独斗, 而应是一个团队的成果。本次研讨课的呈现就是一个团队共同努力下的成果。从专家的面对面指导, 到区教研员、学校教研组教师共同的出谋划策, 以及整个技术团队的沟通协调, 再到现场展示, 这其中凝聚了太多人的思考和努力。笔者认为, 未来的英语教学将是逐步融合信息技术的教学, 是高效的教学。


混合式教学 (blending learning) 包括三个部分, 即自主学习、网络化学习以及我们今天所看到的课堂面授。周思思老师在教育信息化背景下的面授课堂给我们带来了很好的借鉴。她的这堂听说课有两大亮点:一是她的个人专业素养非常好, 清晰、流畅的课堂语言, 端庄的教态以及积极热情的课堂活动组织都值得肯定;二是她对课型的把握非常到位。

听前既有情景的设置, 又有对学生生活、知识经验的激活, 还有丰富多样的听说活动, 由易到难, 层层递进。每一个听力问题在呈现的时候都能够看到一个非常方便快捷的界面的浏览, 这样的界面有播报, 有问题的解析, 还有对学生答题情况、提交进度等情况的反馈, 一目了然。在教育信息化背景下, 翼课网为我们搭建了一个教学平台, 为教师开展混合式教学提供了有力保障。但是, 要想把先进的技术手段真正融合进教学, 提高教学效率, 还需要广大教师在使用过程中不断思考与探索。


1. Pedro is much ____ than Paul.

A. tallB. tallerC. shortD. thin

2. Liu Li enjoys ____ to parties.

A. to goB. goC. goingD. goes

3. Tara is as ____ as Tina.

A. calmB. calmerC. calmestD. more calm

4. Sam talks ____ than Tom.

A. manyB. a fewC. muchD. more

5. Mary and James look ____ because they are twins.

A. sameB. the sameC. differentD. difference

6. Maria is good ____ her lessons.

A. forB. withC. atD. on

7. Holly is as ____ as Ruth.

A. popularB. more popularC. most popularD. popularer

8. Taking more exercise ____ you strong and healthy.

A. takesB. putsC. letsD. makes

9. Jane went on doing her schoolwork ____ it was late.

A. butB. thoughC. becauseD. if

10. ____ Tom ____ Sam like showing talent at the Art Festival.

A. Either, orB. Neither, nor

C. Both, andD. Not only, but also


Many people think some students are __1__ and rude. But teachers have __2__ views. Some kids run away from school on weekdays. It means that they are __3__ and aren’t interested in their lessons. They don’t know the importance of knowledge. They aren’t good __4__ their lessons.

Some kids like sports very much and don’t want to have other lessons. It means that they want to keep healthy and strong. They want to be __5__ than their parents. They like watching TV and playing computer games. It means they want to __6__ up with the modern science and technology. And they can learn a lot from them. Watching and playing too much are bad for health. Kids can do them __7__ two hours a day.

Some kids like __8__ friends and having birthday parties. It can improve their abilities of social intercourse. Birthday party will __9__ money. It isn’t a good habit. Parents should encourage kids to camp in the fields. They can know __10__ many wild animals and plants. And they can fit themselves to the nature.

1. A. politeB. wild C. goodD. nice

2. A. sameB. interestingC. oppositeD. important

3. A. outgoingB. calm C. funnyD. heavy

4. A. forB. withC. onD. at

5. A. tall B. tallerC. tallestD. the tallest

6. A. lookB. comeC. catchD. put

7. A. less than B. longerC. more thanD. shorter

8. A. makeB. making C. to makeD. made

9. A. take B. payC. spendD. cost

10. A. tooB. both C. elseD. neither



You can make friends with all kinds of kids. If your friend is good at his lessons, he will discuss some questions with you. It will make you study hard so that you can catch up with your friend.

If your friend likes sports, he will ask you to take exercise with him. You will be tall, strong and healthy.

If your friend likes talking, you can have a conversation in English with him every day. It will improve your English. You can take part in all kinds of speech contests. Maybe you will be a speaker.

If your friend is outgoing, he will take you to some interesting places and parties. You can meet many new friends. You will be not shy any longer. You will be a warm, brave and lively kid.

If your friend is calm, you can sit together with him. You can think about your lessons, your school and other things. In a quiet place with a quiet friend will make you clear-headed and happy. It will help you a lot in the future.


1. A kid who is good at his lessons likes talking ____.

A. moviesB. musicC. lessonsD. TV plays

2. The friends who like sports will play ____ with you.

A. ballsB. the piano

C. computer gamesD. /

3. You can have a ____ with your friend who likes talking.

A. restB. talkC. coldD. shower

4. Your ____ friend will make you brave and lively.

A. tallB. interestingC. thinD. outgoing

5. A calm friend means he likes ____.

A. reading and writing B. keeping quiet

C. playing the violin D. staying at home


Dear Paul,

I have made a new friend who is an Australian boy. The boy named Pedro came to my school last month. His father works in a big company in China and his mother teaches us English.

He is different from me. He is a little taller than me. He is more athletic than me and much more outgoing than me. He likes sports very much. I’m not as good at sports as him. We both enjoy going to the parks on weekends. Sometimes I invite him to have Chinese food. He said that Chinese food is the best food in the world.

Of course Pedro is good at English and I’m good at Chinese. I often help him with his Chinese. Now he can speak Chinese well. He tries his best to talk with us in Chinese. He makes progress every day.

Please write to me soon. Welcome to my town on vacation.


Huang Lei


6. Where does Pedro come from?


7. What does Pedro’s mother do?


8. What does Pedro look like?


9. Where does Pedro like going on Saturday and Sunday?


10. What language can Pedro speak now?




1. Liu Ying is more a____ than her sister Liu Li.

2. Tina doesn’t like sports. She is a c____ girl.

3. Don’t l____ at the people who are in trouble.

4. He doesn’t want to receive the o____ view.

5. Ping-pong is very p____ in the world.


6. Lin Ping is ____(interest) in English.

7. What Pedro said makes me ____(laugh) all the time.

8. Sam isn’t good at ____(play) basketball.

9. Tara is two centimeters ____(short) than me.

10. Tom and Tim are ____(twin) brothers.



1. My car is not the same as yours.

My car is ____ ____ yours.

2. Sam is fatter than Tom.

Sam is not as ____ ____ Tom.

3. Tara does well in Chinese.

Tara is ____ ____ Chinese.

4. Paul always helps me study math.

Paul always ____ me ____ my math.

5. He has shorter hair than Pedro.

His hair ____ ____ than Pedro’s.



A. Would you like to make friends with him?

B. Dave is the same as me.

C. What does he look like?

D. Is Dave tall or short?

E. Is he an outgoing boy?

F. I think he likes sports very much.

G. What is it?

A: Wait a minute, Lin Ping. I have something exciting to tell you.

B: __1__

A: I made a new friend today. His name is Dave. He comes from


B: That’s great!__2__

A: He is a tall, thin boy. But he looks strong.

B: __3__

A: He is as tall as me. But he is more athletic than me.

B: __4__

A: You are right. He said he would teach me how to play baseball

and I would help him with his lessons. __5__

B: I’d love to. Thank you.




2.情态动词could /should 的用法。

3.Why don’t you … ?结构表建议的运用。



Important and difficult points (教学重难点)

1.should /could 情态动词的用法。


教具: a tape recorder5 , cards .





Teaching procedures(教学步骤) (教学过程)

Step 1 Leading in(导入话题,激活背景知识)

1. Greetings and free talk .

2. Check the Homework(家庭作业) .

Step 2 Pre-task(任务前活动)

T: I want to buy a new guitar but I don’t have enough money .What should I do ?

Ss think it over ,and try to give his/her advice .

Write their advice on the Bb .

1. Borrow one . 2. Buy a second-hand guitar .

3. Get a part-time job . 4. Don’t buy a guitar .

5. Wait until next year .

Practice reading the advice by the Ss .

导入: In this unit we are going to talk about problems people have and learn how to give these people advice –to tell people what we think they should do .

Step 3 While-task(任务中活动)SB Page 10 , 1a .

1. Read the instructions to the Ss . 2. Read the problems by the Ss .

3. Ask Ss to write the problems in the “Serious” or “Not serious” columns .

4.Explain . 5. Talk about the answers with the class .Practice reading .

SB Page 10 , 1b .

Make sure the Ss understand what should they do .Play the tape twice .Ss circle the problems they hear .Play the tape a third time .Check the answers .

Step 4 Post-task(任务后活动)SB Page 10 , 1c .

Look at the problems in activity 1a and make conversations .

Step 5 While-task(任务中活动)SB Page 11 , 2a .

1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what should they do .

2. Point to the sentences below .

3. Play the tape the first time .Ss only listen .Pay attention to Peter’s friend’s advice .

4. Play the tape again .Ss circle “could” or “should” .

5. Correct the answers .

SB Page 11 , 2b .

Read the instructions .Pay attention to Peter’s answers .Play the tape again .Check the answers .

Step 7 Post-task(任务后活动)

Make conversations with peter and his friend with the help of 2a & 2b .

Step 8 Grammar Focus

Review the grammar box .Ss say the questions and the responses .Explain the differences between could/should .


1. Go over the words .

2. My clothes are out of style ,what should I do ? Please give the advice .


1、grow up 长大

2、every day 每天

3、be sure about 对某事确信

4、make sure 确信/有把握


6、be able to 能/能够

7、the meaning of …...的意思/含义

8、different kinds of 不同种类的

9、have …..in common 有…共同点

10、at the beginning of 在…开始的时候

11、write down 写下/记下

12、have to do with 与….有关系

13、take up 开始从事/着手处理/接受

14、hardly ever 几乎不



1a-----1c 教学目的:Be able to master the comparative degree of adjectives 教学重点:1.How to change adjectives into comparative degree

2.How to use them 教学难点:Make conversations using comparative degree frequently 教学用具:A tape recorder 主体板书:

Unit6 I’m more outgoing than my sister


比较级 short

shorter late

later red

redder angry



more beautiful 比较级基本句型结构:A+谓语动词+形容词比较级+than+B 教学过程设计:

Step1 Greetings and lead in Show students two different apples, ask students to tell out the differences between them, thus introduce the comparative degree of adjectives.Step2 Presentation 1.Show several adjectives and comparative degree of these adjectives 2.Ask students to conclude how to change them and write down.3.Recite the rules Step3 Practice 1.show students three sentences of comparative degree on page 31, ask students to conclude the sentence structure A+谓语动词+形容词比较级+than+B 2.practice some sentences(1)Miss Black


Mr Black


Mr Black is taller than Miss Black(2)horse


elephant(bigger)(3)Liu Yifei

(long hair)

Lu Yu(short hair)(4)John



(more outgoing)Step4 Consolidation 1.Listen to the tape and finish 1b 2.Ask two students to read 1c 3.Ask students to make sentences and conversations 4.Compare students using the sentence structure 比较同班同学的相同点与不同点,练习所学比较级的句子


单元:Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains


(一) 教材分析

本单元围绕“传说和故事”这个话题, 谈论过去发生的事情, 重点训练“讲故事”这个语言功能项目。通过学习, 要求学生掌握如何用过去时态讲述一个故事, 描述古老的传说和有趣的故事, 激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 理解并体会传说和故事的教育意义。在了解目标语言的基础上, 要求学生能理解优美的传说和有趣的故事, 掌握故事的基本结构, 讲述自己喜爱的故事。

(二) 学生分析

在多媒体教室利用课件上英语课, 学生视听感受明显, 表现出极大兴趣, 学生在欣赏和享受中学习, 学习热情高涨, 学习效果会很明显。

(三) 教学目标

1.知识与技能:让学生学会用英语讲述一个故事, 并学会unless, as soon as, so...that等词的用法。

2.过程与方法:通过复述故事, 让学生学会掌握一个故事的细节和人物, 并能利用目标语言讲述一个传说或故事。

3.情感、态度与价值观:We can’t always have good luck, when we meet difficulties, we should face them with a smile, we should learn the spirit of Yu Gong.We should try our best to solve our problems.Never give up!


5.教学难点:学习本课时的目标语言, 能用自己的语言讲述一个故事。


教师准备:Recorder and tape, PPT.

学生准备:预习本课生词和课文, 标注疑难点。

三、教学过程 (定向导学·互动展示·当堂反馈)

(一) 自研自探环节


Step 1:词汇大冲关

Let’s have a word test.Fill in the blanks in Step 1.

Step 2:短语大盘点

Translate the phrases into English in Step 2 andchoose two phrases to make sentences (注意人称和时态) .

Step 3:语法大梳理


Step 4:话题大回顾

通过本节课的学习, 你一定学会用英语讲故事了吧。请回顾总结一下, 试着用英语讲一下Yu Gong Move s a Mountain吧。

(二) 合作探究环节




2.对子间互相检查随堂笔记处Step 1的成果, 用红笔核对并补充修改。



小组长主持, 组内就Step 2的短语翻译进行核对, 并互相讨论编写的句子。然后讲解并核对Step3的答案。


在大组长的带领下, 根据本组抽到的展示任务进行明确分工, 带领组员在组内进行预展。

(提示:3人完成板书, 另外几名组员在组内进行口头检测单词和短语。)

(三) 展示提升·质疑评价环节


Please show the grammar on the blackboard.



谈论愚公移山和其他故事, 并发表自己的见解。

(小组各选一个故事进行谈论) (组员齐上台, 一个接一个, 做到声音清晰洪亮, 接力顺畅, 台下复述准确无遗漏)

展示单元三:话剧表演———Yu Gong Moves a Mountain)


展示单元四:辩论赛———Yu Gong Moves a Mountain


Step 1:词汇大冲关







Step 2:短语大盘点










Step 3:语法大梳理

so...that..., unless, as soon as

1.My elder brother will watch TV______he comes back.

2.The box is___heavy____I can’t move it.

3.You won’t get into a good college____you study harder.











1.I think the problem is a little____ (difficulty) .

2.I will come up with a good way____ (solve) the problems.

3.We should exercise instead of____ (play) games.

4.He must stop____ (practice) ____ (swim) .

5.Smoking is bad for my health.I decide____ (give) it up.

6.We all know we live in a place____ (call) Xi’an.

7.We should keep____ (practice) ____ (speak) English every day.

8.We should have the best way____ (solve) the question.

9.It took him three hours____ (finish) (read) this interesting story.




They’re ____________the milk shake.

2.很久以前, 村子前面有棵大树。

____________, there was a big tree in front of the village.

3.一直尝试, 并且不放弃。

____________and don’t____________


She is____________ shy.

5.例如, 他能移山。

____________he could____________ the mountain____________.


This story ____________my childhood.


Could you please____________ Tom up tonight?


Tell the story Y u Gong Moves a Mountain in English to your parents.

【自主反思】 (日反思) ____________





新课程改革倡导学生自主学习, 强调课程要促进每个学生身心健康的发展, 培养学生良好的品质和终身学习的能力, 新课改倡导建设性学习, 注重科学探究的学习, 关注体验性学习, 提倡交流与合作、自主创新学习。以下是笔者对本节课的一些反思:

反思一:好的导入是一堂课的首要环节, 能让学生有极大的兴趣听下去。笔者先让学生一块唱了一首《愚公移山》, 既活跃了课堂气氛, 又自然地引出主题。

反思二:教学过程中, 笔者设置了4个学生自主学习展示环节:语法梳理、口语、听力挑战、话剧表演:Yu Gong Moves a Mountain、辩论赛, 让学生在快乐中展示学习。

反思三:课堂的教学目标以及重难点可谓是一堂课的基本骨架, 教学目标可以说是学生在一堂英语课堂中智力发展的终极目标, 重点和难点便是一堂课应该了解和解决在实践中遇到的实际问题。因此, 笔者确立本节课的重难点是学会讲述故事中的人物和相关细节, 能用自己的语言讲述一个故事, 并在实际操作中得到了练习。

