






1985-Present LEYNER CORPORATION,Lake Charles,LA

Industrial Engineer

Provide floor support engineering in printed wire assembly (PWA) and subsystem assembly

(SSA) areas.

Purchase capital equipment.Interface with vendors. Justify expenditures.

Design plant layout fixtures,and flow charts of material.

Program automatic equipment.

Write process sheets and rework procedures.

Recommend changes to product to allow ease of manufacture.

Implement design changes.Inititate methods and process improvements.

Troubleshoot problems.Effect disposition or rejection of material.

Provide assistance to all other departments.


Engineering Assistant

Conducted variety of tests including Tensile.Compression,and creep tests on molded parts.

Responsible for production of plastic test specimens,and mounting polishing,and

microscopic analysis.

Designed tools and fixtures for Instron machine.


Molding Room Attendant,1983

Operated and maintained machine producing epoxy preforms.

Maintained records on inventory,loss of material,and quality control.

Machine shop attendant,1982

Operated lathes,milling and grinding machines;monitored welding and heat treatments.

Read blueprints.


LOYOLA UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS,College of Engineering,New Orleans,LA

Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology,1985

Minor concentration in computer science.


Member,Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Leaner Management Club Certified

Manufacturing Technologist and Solderer.


Relevant Work experience is emphasized while other positions are de-emphasized.

Chronological format illustrates a clear career path



1985-Present LEYNER CORPORATION,Lake Charles,LA

Industrial Engineer

Provide floor support engineering in printed wire assembly (PWA) and subsystem assembly (SSA) areas.

Purchase capital equipment.Interface with vendors. Justify expenditures.

Design plant layout fixtures,and flow charts of material.

Program automatic equipment.

Write process sheets and rework procedures.

Recommend changes to product to allow ease of manufacture.

Implement design changes.Inititate methods and process improvements.

Troubleshoot problems.Effect disposition or rejection of material.

Provide assistance to all other departments.


Engineering Assistant

Conducted variety of tests including Tensile.Compression,and creep tests on molded parts.

Responsible for production of plastic test specimens,and mounting polishing,and microscopic analysis.

Designed tools and fixtures for Instron machine.


Molding Room Attendant,1983

Operated and maintained machine producing epoxy preforms.

Maintained records on inventory,loss of material,and quality control.

Machine shop attendant,1982

Operated lathes,milling and grinding machines;monitored welding and heat treatments.

Read blueprints.


LOYOLA UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS,College of Engineering,New Orleans,LA

Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology,1985

Minor concentration in computer science.


Member,Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Leaner Management Club Certified Manufacturing Technologist and Solderer.


Relevant Work experience is emphasized while other positions are de-emphasized.

Chronological format illustrates a clear career path.

★ 工业工程师英文版简历

★ 工业工程师个人英文求职信

★ 英文Resume的三种格式

★ Cashier Resume收银员简历

★ 工业工作总结范文

★ Resume accounts 会计行业英文

★ 简历(Resume)的写作格式及主要内容

★ 工业制造个人简历

★ 工业安全管理制度




简历是求职者向招聘单位推销自己的重要工具, 它也是打开面试大门的金钥匙。一份语言规范、得体的英语简历体现出求职者具备清晰的思路、良好的语言表达、较强的沟通交际能力, 而且体现出求职者所具备的专业特长、语言功力、综合文化修养等, 因此英语简历的写作显得尤为重要。


(一) “I”使用的错误

为了引起招聘方的注意, 在写作中, 应聘者主观地认为“I”的出现会加深招聘方的印象, 这样的写法适得其反。“I”的反复出现会另招聘方非常不舒服, 认为应聘者骄傲, 不顾及他人的感受。所以在写作中, 尽量少用“I”或“my”的句子。

如:As a result of my steady efforts in study, I can get good scores. (wrong) As a result of steady efforts in study, I can get good scores.

(二) 语法、句法错误

在简历的写作中, 恰当运用简单句, 避免使用复合句是书写句式时不错的选择。简单句虽然简单, 但招聘方阅读时倍感枯燥无味, 很难留下深刻印象。简洁中蕴含信息容量很大的语言是招聘方希望看到的。

如:As I have been in Japan for 4 years, I know Japanese well. (wrong) having been in Japan for 4 years, I know Japanese well. (right)

另外, 在时态的运用上学生也经常混淆和模棱两可, 对于过去时和现在时的运用常常错位, 例如, 在写作中, 描写相关经历用过去时, 介绍自己曾经获得的奖项用一般现在时。

(三) 词汇使用错误

在词汇的表达上学生经常使用中式英文。“三好学生” (excellent student instead of three good students.) “辅导员” (counselor instead of ideological tutor.) “班长” (class president instead of monitor.) 因语感较差, 导致中式英文的表达出现较多。

(四) 时间顺序错误

在英语简历的写作中, 学生在说明学历和工作经历时经常先写过去, 再写现在。而英文简历的写作要求采取倒叙的方式说明学历和工作经历, 先写现在的学习和工作经历, 然后再写过去。在写作上一定要注意规范化的写作, 而不要受到汉语习惯的影响。一定要写出地道、符合西方表达的句子。

(五) 版面格式不规范

在简历的写作中, 美观、大方的排版会给招聘方留下美好的印象。合乎规范的排版应是条目化, 符合西方人的阅读习惯和审美意识。在简历的写作中, 学生演常常根据自己的喜好来排版, 五花八门, 各式各样。简历的写作需要培养学生跨文化的交际意识, 培养学生具备规范化和正确性的意识。


(一) 书写特点

1. 大写。

大写标题可以迅速吸引读者的注意力, 读者在瞬间后捕捉到主题意思, 使得招聘方即刻理解了简历的主旨, 有效地引领招聘方逐步理解各项内容, 为求职者成功申请到面试打开了一条通路, 也为找到满意工作奠定了基础。


2. 粗体和黑体。

在简历的写作中, 单词粗体和黑体起到了强调的作用, 表明了作者的亮点所在, 优势得以展现, 希望以此吸引招聘方的注意力, 使得招聘方会着重阅读, 加深印象。

如:Education Background

3. 颜色。

简历书写者为了让招聘方清晰辨识到重点信息, 深刻领会简历书写者的意图, 有些文字用蓝颜色, 以此来表明重点, 增加更多的有力条件, 为成功面试铺垫基石。

4. 字号。

简历撰写者通过多种多样的方式来展现自己的优势以此来获得招聘方的青睐。字号的变化体现了求职者的心情。下面这个例子的标题字号为13.5, 正文字号为小五。简历撰写者希望读者多多关注并予以重视。

5. 标点。

英文简历是求职者成功取得面试资格的一个重要环节, 是打开就业渠道的一扇门。在简历中, 简历书写者陈述与招聘相关的工作、技能、特长等诸多事宜, 通常是陈述句, 句号运用多。

(二) 词汇特点

1. 名词。

在简历写作中, 简历书写者运用积极、乐观的词汇来陈述与招聘工作相关的事宜, 更为积极地展现简历书写者的资质, 招聘方会在阅读时感到愉悦舒服, 愿意录用阳光明媚的人士, 它会给公司的前景加砖加瓦, 同时增加了自信心, 有利于面试成功。

如:Creation, independence.

2. 动词。

在英语简历的写作中, 每个具体的动词描绘着简历书写者的学习、工作经历。因简历书写者的具体行为动词可以展现不同阶段所做的具体事情, 动词的生动运用可以把平时地相关事宜传递出来, 因此动词运用较多。

如:Demonstrate, design, communicate, purchase.

3. 形容词。

在简历写作中, 形容词的运用生动形象地展现了简历篇章美的韵味, 栩栩如生地勾画出求职者不同一般的经历和良好的社会阅历。

如:Active, energetic, modest, creative.

4. 词汇重复。

为了保证招聘方清晰读懂简历, 不产生任何误会和曲解, 简历书写者使用重复词汇来达到清清楚楚、明明白白的目的。努力做到简历清晰明了, 一目了然。

如:Work as a teacher.Work as a tutor.

5. 词语并列。

在简历写作中, 意思上相近的词并列排放, 准确无误地表达了每一个词的意思, 烦琐中显现简单, 招聘方进一步明晰此词的意思, 加深了印象。

如:Supervises and directed, questions and concerns.

(三) 句法特点

1. 主动语态。

在简历的写作中, 直截了当、简洁明了, 没有拐弯抹角。执行者和接收方一目了然, 主动语态的运用明晰了执行者和接收方。

如:I can make full use of my financial management knoewledge and skills.

2. 陈述句。

陈述句客观、真实地展现出简历书写者实事求是地写出了与应聘工作相关的经历和技能。陈述句在简历中的运用丰富了简历书写者所具备的各项能力, 没有任何虚构浮华之词, 真真切切。

如:An individual's resume usually includes personal data, job objectives, educational background, work experience or employment history and other information or references.

3. 过去分词短语。

在简历的写作中, 过去分词短语的使用丰富了句式结构, 使得句子结构紧密, 句意达到了言简意赅的效果。

4. 平行结构。

在简历的写作中, 平行结构运用较多, 它平衡和协调了前后的句子, 节奏分明, 保持了语言的连贯性。语言内容鲜明, 语言气势突显。

如:Guide and direct the large-scale events, manage and coordinate large-scale events.

(四) 语篇特点

1. 版面设计。

条目化、分项式的版面设计是英语简历语篇设计的特点。版面设计具有条理性, 会给招聘方留下美好的印象。版面设计美观、大方会另招聘方赏心悦目, 爱不释手。同时也增加了简历书写者的面试机会。


英语简历的书写重在“简”, 啰嗦繁杂的句式是避讳的。简简单单的句式干净利落, 令招聘方对大篇幅的内容一目了然。“and”在简历中使用较多, 它简化了复杂的句式关系。

如:Supervise general office activities and assist the executive vice-president such as writing and reports.

3. 词汇同现。

词汇同现联结了句与句之间的密切关系, 控制整个语篇的主题范围, 加强了语篇的衔接力, 语义连贯, 相互之间互为联系, 互为补充。在简历的写作中, 词汇同现的使用加强了语篇的粘合力。“Vice-president”是中心词, 与之工作有关的词汇依次使用。

如:Vice-president, Duke University, North Carolina, PA (2002-present) .


写好英文简历是求职成功的重要部分。简历中的书写、词汇、语句、语篇特点不但体现了简历书写者的逻辑思维能力, 而且也体现了语言文字表达的能力, 是一个人综合能力素质的体现。通过探讨写作策略, 希冀帮助求职者成功就业, 找到满意的工作, 为社会贡献自己的一份力量。


[1]陈鹏霞.英文求职信与求职面谈英语会话[M].世界图书出版公司/香港商贸出版社, 1991.

[2]丁往道, 等.英语写作手册[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1994.





1985-Present LEYNER CORPORATION,Lake Charles,LA

Industrial Engineer

Provide floor support engineering in printed wire assembly (PWA) and subsystem assembly (SSA) areas.

Purchase capital equipment.Interface with vendors. Justify expenditures.

Design plant layout fixtures,and flow charts of material.

Program automatic equipment.

Write process sheets and rework procedures.

Recommend changes to product to allow ease of manufacture.

Implement design changes.Inititate methods and process improvements.

Troubleshoot problems.Effect disposition or rejection of material.

Provide assistance to all other departments.


Engineering Assistant

Conducted variety of tests including Tensile.Compression,and creep tests on molded parts.

Responsible for production of plastic test specimens,and mounting polishing,and microscopic analysis.

Designed tools and fixtures for Instron machine.


Molding Room Attendant,1983

Operated and maintained machine producing epoxy preforms.

Maintained records on inventory,loss of material,and quality control.

Machine shop attendant,1982

Operated lathes,milling and grinding machines;monitored welding and heat treatments.

Read blueprints.


LOYOLA UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS,College of Engineering,New Orleans,LA

Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology,1985

Minor concentration in computer science.


Member,Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Leaner Management Club Certified Manufacturing Technologist and Solderer.


Relevant Work experience is emphasized while other positions are de-emphasized.

Chronological format illustrates a clear career path.






1985-Present LEYNER CORPORATION,Lake Charles,LA

Industrial Engineer

Provide floor support engineering in printed wire assembly (PWA) and subsystem assembly (SSA) areas.

Purchase capital equipment.Interface with vendors. Justify expenditures.

Design plant layout fixtures,and flow charts of material.

Program automatic equipment.

Write process sheets and rework procedures.

Recommend changes to product to allow ease of manufacture.

Implement design changes.Inititate methods and process improvements.

Troubleshoot problems.Effect disposition or rejection of material.

Provide assistance to all other departments.


Engineering Assistant

Conducted variety of tests including Tensile.Compression,and creep tests on molded parts.

Responsible for production of plastic test specimens,and mounting polishing,and microscopic analysis.

Designed tools and fixtures for Instron machine.


Molding Room Attendant,1983

Operated and maintained machine producing epoxy preforms.

Maintained records on inventory,loss of material,and quality control.

Machine shop attendant,1982

Operated lathes,milling and grinding machines;monitored welding and heat treatments.

Read blueprints.


LOYOLA UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS,College of Engineering,New Orleans,LA

Bachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology,1985

Minor concentration in computer science.


Member,Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Leaner Management Club Certified Manufacturing Technologist and Solderer.


Relevant Work experience is emphasized while other positions are de-emphasized.


Resume number:

Updating date:


Current Place:GuangzhouHeight/Weight:170 cm,60 kg
Marital Status:SingleAge:29 years
Career Objective and Work experience
Application type:Jobseeker
Preferred job title:

Working life:6Title:No title
Job type:Full timeExpected Start date:In two weeks
Expected salary:¥3,500--¥5,000Preferred working place:Guangzhou Dongguan
Work Experience :Companys name:Tung Yung Stationery Co., LTD.Begin and end date: 20xx-01-20xx-08Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: OthersJob Title:Purchasing SupervisorJob description:Oursourced department Purchasing Supervisor New vendor and new product development New vendor payment and cooperation relationwhip establishment Price negotiation Cost control ERP management Quality cooperation with quality department project schedule supervision Customer service Report Directly to: Merchandisingmanager Number of Subordinate: 1 Achievements: Good management for the quality and poroject lead time. Product development Quality issue and lead time handlingReasons for leaving:Companys name:OSMBegin and end date: 20xx-06-20xx-12Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: OthersJob Title:Project managerJob description:Interface with regions operational plan and shipment schedule, to ensure efficient demand/supply matching on weekly and monthly planning basis. Full knowledge of manufacturing sites’ capacity and capabilities in regard to machines, molds on hand, shifts, lead time, compounding and warehousing Work with other functional groups: Purchasing, Logistics, factories to resolve issues with product assigned Arrange/source corresponding material for sampling Monitor sample making in factory to ensure sample quality & measurement Inventory management, & product lifecycle management Optimize production process conditions and develop procedures to improve plant performance Factory environment, tooling, jig machine and process audit. Improve pruduct quality,reduce defect rate and cost, increase the production capacity. Usualy Q tools: CPK, D/P FMEA, etc. Usual Q doc: Quality standard, Control plan, CAR etc.Reasons for leaving:Companys name:Guangdong Trading and Technology Import and Export Co.,Begin and end date: 20xx-05-20xx-04Enterprise nature:Private enterprisesIndustry: OthersJob Title:sales mand and purchaserJob description:It is an Im&Ex Company, there I have joined the Conton Fair two times,in Conton Fair I met many customers from all over the world.I know what they want, I know how to service them.So I have got very valuable experience. The main customer is in Europe, and the main product is houseware which is seld in super markets. Achievements: Find customers in Conton Fair and good customer serviceReasons for leaving:Companys name:J B internationalBegin and end date: 20xx-06-20xx-04Enterprise nature:Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: OthersJob Title:purchaserJob description:I worked in an Indian trading company as a market purchaser and interpreter.I also participated in all kinds of fairs,accompanying foreign dealers and on behalf of company.I know the bag, shoes,leather,electronic,cosmetic,garment accessories,toy market and many markets very well in guangzhou. Achievements: Familiar with the daily-used product markets and good price negotiation skillReasons for leaving:
Educational Background
Name of School:Zhanjian Ocen University
Highest Degree:AssociateDate of Graduation:20xx-06-01
Name of Major 1:EnglishName of Major 2:

Education experience:Start dateEnd dateEducation organizationMajorsCertificateCertificate No20xx-09,20xx-06Zhanjian Ocean UniversityEnglishGraduate12346
Language Ability
Foreign Language:EnglishLevel:excellent
Chinese level:excellentCantonese Level:excellent
Relevant skills and abilities

Creative, with fashion trends research ability and product development mindset.

Proactive and able to work towards deadline.

Familiar with Plastic, hardward, silicone, rubber leather,and electronic products

Good communication skills with factory and clients in both English and Chinese.

Self-recommendation letter

Dear HR manager:

Thanks first for reviewing resume.I graduated from English Department of Zhanjiang Ocean University.

After school I worked in an Indian trading company as a market purchaser and interpreter.I also participate in guangzhou exchange fair for four times,accompanying foreign dealers and on behalf of company.I know the bag, shoes,leather,electronic,cosmetic,toy market and so on very well in guangzhou.

And then I was in an Im&Ex Company, there I have joined the Conton Fair two times,in Conton Fair I met many customers from all over the world.I know what they want, I know how to service them.So I have got very valuable experience.

And my last job was in a Sweden trading company, our customers are cell phone manufacturers such as Nokia, and we supply the cell phone gifts to them. And we mainly deal with the plastic, hardware, silicone and electronic products. I worked there as a project manager from product development to mass production, we need to supervise the whole project schedule. After three years there, I am very familiar with the product vendors, price , capacity, quality and engineering problem.

Hoping I am efficent enough to join your promising company.

Best regards


Work Tel:

Home Tel:

Mobile Phone:






英文简历有基本的格式要素与语言特色, 但是如何在英文简历中完美地体现自己的优势特色, 从而让招聘单位耳目一新, 对求职者留下好印象, 则需要认真的态度和一定的技巧。

(一) 基本要素

1) 个人信息。一份优秀且地道的英文简历一般只用写上姓名、地址、联系电话和电子邮箱就可以了。但在国际化进程日益推进的今天, 各国的文化交融, 跨国公司的建立等使得英文简历也越来越国际化, 有很多求职岗位有性别、年龄等方面的要求, 这时候就需要在简历中注明。2) 求职目标。通常求职者会在简历里简单地写上所应聘的职位, 例如:求职目标:translator。看似求职的职位已经很明确, 实则不然, translator是个很笼统的概念, 会让用人单位对你的求职定位产生歧义。翻译有很多种, 有随行口译, 会议笔译, 网站翻译, 各类单据合同的翻译等等。因此, 求职者最好能清晰地注明。3) 教育背景。在书写教育背景时, 应注意英文简历中的时间排列顺序与中文恰好相反, 要求求职者从最高学历写起, 最低的一般涉及高中学历。对于已参加工作多年的人来说, 用人单位重点考虑的是其工作经验, 学历只是参考因素, 因而只需注明就读的校系名称、始止时间和学位即可。而对于刚刚跨入社会的应届毕业生而言, 尤其是高职高专的毕业生, 他们的教学进程往往与工作实习相伴进行, 因此工作经验与教育经历显得一样重要。最好是在前者基础上, 再简单地列举主修的课程及成绩。4) 工作经历。同样还是采用倒叙的方式, 从目前的工作写起。但为了简洁, 一些不重要的工作经历往往需要被省略, 只留下与应聘职位有关的经历。求职者除了写清楚所服务单位的名称和自身的职位, 还需描述自身的工作内容和职责。若是专业的技术人员, 就更需要在简历中详细地描述其专业技能和项目经验。如果作为应届毕业生没有什么工作经验, 写上自己在学校期间参加的一些实践活动也是可取的。5) 所获奖励与成就。这一部分相对比较灵活。对于学生而言, 可以是他们曾受到的表彰, 得到的荣誉称号, 或赢得的奖项等。但切记一定要避免那些“又红又砖”的荣誉称号, 例如“三好学生”“优秀班干部”等, 这些称号即使写上, 外籍人士也不一定明白是怎么回事。你可以写上获得的技能证书或是做过的公益活动, 在许多发达的地方, 公司往往注重个人修养。

(二) 语言特色

大对数高职高专毕业生 (非英语专业) 的英文简历可能只是把中文简历直接翻译过来。由于中文与英文在用词、语法和习惯上有较大的不同, 直译过来的英文简历可能存在许多问题, 因此需要了解英语这门语言的特色。

1) 频用短语。英文简历很重要的一点就是要言简意赅, 简洁明了, 在撰写中一定要注意到一些语言特色与技巧。切忌长句, 而多采用一些行为动词短语的表达。因为在简历中, 行为动词让你听起来更有目的性, 更有活力。2) 调整语法。由于空间有限, 英文简历写作的标准只允许使用缩写句。可以省略句子的主语 (I, my manager) 、物主代词 (my/mine, his/hers) 有时甚至省略冠词 (the/a) 。如果要在一个句子中列出不只一项内容, 可以用"and"连接。3) 注重语体。英语言与汉语一样, 十分注重场合, 所表述的语言会因场合不同而变化。这在求职简历这类书面应用文中也有体现。比如一些格式、称谓要使用正式的文体, 能够体现求职者的重视与认真。切忌过多地使用口语甚至是俚语。


1) 过往经历。过往经历包括求职者的教育经历与工作实践经历。在教育经历上, 高职高专毕业生相对于本科生或是更高学历的毕业生, 在学历上学位上或许有所不及。但是, 本科生们注重的是理论, 而高职高专学生则更注重实践操作。作为高职高专的毕业生具备了专业的实践技能, 可以说是技能型人才。许多毕业生在就学期间就已经积累了在相关专业企业实习实践的经验。因此在英文简历中, 工作经历一栏, 可以为自己添上加分的一笔。2) 预期效果。当求职者完成了一份英文简历, 准备投给某家公司之前, 有必要预期一下这封简历的效果, 是石沉大海, 还是脱颖而出。但实际上许多求职者在第一步———英文简历中就被招聘单位淘汰了, 所以求职者应当谨记YRIS原则, 即Yourresumes isscanned, 招聘单位是在浏览 (scanned) 求职者的简历, 而不是阅读 (read) 。在投递之前, 再次检查英文简历的侧重点, 即关键字和行动词, 它们最能体现你的本质。而且在简历中对求职者的描述切记不可夸大, 但也不要把自己的缺点全都罗列上去, 可以选择写上自己擅长的, 而忽略一些不足。最重要的是要让招聘单位感到你对未来职业生涯的充分准备与活力。如果觉得英文简历在内容上已经能完美地展现自己, 还需要注重格式与页面的事项。在将你的英文简历投递给企业后, 需要保持自己的电话通畅与及时的电邮收发。3) 谋篇布局。作为一份英语简历, 最重要的职能就是在招聘单位进行浏览时, 能够一眼被吸引, 从而对你产生兴趣, 留下初步好印象, 以及进一步交流的意愿。所以英文简历的谋篇布局非常重要, 最好能达到让人眼前一亮的效果。

英语简历的基本格式是确定的, 需要在框定的格式之中寻求突破与新颖之处。英文简历上的内容大致可以分三点来写, 第一点是最能体现求职者能力的事迹, 例如之前所组织负责过 (参与过) 的重大活动或是担任过的职务等等;第二点是最能体现你专业技能的事例。作为高职高专的毕业生, 可能在学历上体现不出优势, 那就要把矛头调转到最关键的信息上———专业技术能力与社会实践 (工作) 经历。把自己擅长的一面简明扼要的强调出来, 可以是学术专业上的成就, 或是具有代表性的荣誉等等;第三点则是社会工作经历, 若是没什么工作经历, 参加过的能体现自我的社会实践活动也可。

同时一定要用积极的语言, 切忌用缺乏自信和消极的语言书写简历。要组织好英文简历的结构, 避免出现重复的内容, 让人感到条理清楚, 结构严谨。要使你的个人简历富有创造性, 让招聘单位产生想进一步了解你的兴趣。


Basic CV

Name: Chen xx Nationality: Chinese

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Chongqing is: 161 cm ? kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 24 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Hospital / medical / nursing care / beauty care categories: Make-up (modeling) Division Administrative / Personnel Assistant Class

Work Experience: 4 Title: No Title

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: 1500 - the hope that the Working Area: Guangzhou

Personal experience: .9-2003.12 jewelry company in the South China Sea sector chief assistant to help manage work and attendance reports

2004.1-2005.2 toy company in Foshan, Assistant General Manager to help access a single, business, corporate governance and account objects

2005.4-2006.12 joy in Panyu hotel so the Ministry of Personnel Administrative Assistant

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Shanghai Mao Geping Image Design Art School

Highest level of education: secondary school - -02-01

Studies by one: the image of the designer of the High Studies II:

By education and training experience: 2000.9-2003.6 have graduated from the School of Fine Arts in Chongqing professional Feng

.2-2007.6 color bar in Guangzhou to learn make-up

2007.9-2008.2 Geping Mao graduated from the Shanghai Art School High image design image design professional

Language ability

Foreign Language: English General

Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: Excellent

The ability to work and other expertise

Computer: Proficiency in computer applications to the basic operation.

Related skills:

In school, I study hard, willing to study, do not fear hardship, and often praised to be a teacher; successfully promoted the adoption of each test, that is the basis of make-up classes, modeling classes photo studio, fashion make-up classes, color classes of high fashion, fashion modeling classes; the last successful completion of their studies. During this period and often out of practice, that is, Manchurian tiger, the Tung Wah Group of Shanghai Institute of Clothing Technology, such as to show; After a year of hard study and master not only let me do the makeup and hair cosmetics modeling techniques, as well as the selection and promotion tool; also mastered the photo studio, graphic advertising, radio, film, color it, such as the operation of the process; to work with customers to easily exchange the natural harmony, the promotion of secondary consumption to “customer is always God”; moment the best mood and smile to greet each customer, every day. If you are able to receive me, I would like to give my greatest strength, and your hands to create brilliant!

Detailed personal autobiography

Self-evaluation: self-confidence, there is cheerful professionalism; honest, forthright nature; understand the customer first, others smiling.

Hobbies: like to dress himself and others, travel, friends, sports, shopping.


Name: Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 1981/01 Contact No:

Experience: 4 year(s) Hukou: Xiamen, Fujian


Email Address:

Job Target:

Current Industry Computer Software Senior Software Engineer

Target Industry Telecommunication (Equipment· Operation· Value-Added Service), Internet· e-Commerce, Computer Software, Computer Hardware· Network Equipment, IT service· system integration

Internet Software Engineer, Senior Software Engineer, R&D Engineer, System Analyst, Software Engineer

Working Experience:

2006/04-Present Longtop Development DBA

Company Profile: Longtop Group, established in 1996, is one of the leading China-based integrated IT service providers in the world. Longtop provides globally sourced strategic IT consulting, software development, enterprise application implementation and maintenance, and system integration services to Fortune 2000 companies across China and North America.

According to recent data from CCID Consulting, one of the leading market research firms in China, Longtop is one of the leading banking IT service providers in China and one of the top service providers in ATM and foreign exchange software.


2000/09-2004/06 Central South Forest University

Computer science technology Electronic Science and Technology Bachelor

2006/08/01 Oracle database advanced technology training(Guangzhou, )

Duration: 1 Week

2005/09/01 RUP software development training(FuZhou, )

Duration: 2 Weeks


English: Fluent

Grade of English: Not Passed





Name:yjbys Hukou:Shanghai
Residency:Shanghai Work Experience:>5 years
Current Salary:100,000-150,000/Year Tel:(Mobile)
Career Objective
Desired Industry: Computers, Software ,Telecom & Network Equipment, Telecom Operators/Service Providers ,Electronics/Semiconductor/IC,Computer Services
Desired Position: Computer, Software ,Communication Technology, Electronics/Wiring/Semiconductor/Instrument/Industry ,Customer Service and Technical Support
Desired address: Shanghai Desired Salary: ¥10,000-14,999/Month
Work Experience
2005/11—Present ***Company
  Industry: Electronics/Semiconductor/IC


Wireless Product Section,RD Senior Software Engineer

Senior SW engineer

/07—/01 OKI Software Technology (Jiangsu)Co. Ltd.


Image Processing and Communication Software Engineer


Application about Image Processing and Communication.

2000/07—2002/07 Changzhou Hongji SW Co. Ltd.


SW RD Software UI/ Designer Engineer

ERP Industry.

Project Experience
/05—Present Ralink Wireless Router
  Software Environment: Linux


Hardware Environment:Ralink 2880

Development Tools:C

Project Description:1.Three working mode included:bridge/gateway/converter 2.802.11b/g/a/n

Responsibility: Project Leader: 1.Development Environment building; 2.Cross-compile make; 3.Kernel and boot loader and driver porting; 4.Application; 5.User manual and release 6.Release Note

2008/02—2008/05 Moto High Power 11g AP
  Software Environment: Embedded Linux(c)


Hardware Environment: MIPS AR2315

Development Tools:c

Project Description:Just include Lan/Wan/Admin under two working mode (bridge/router).

Responsibility: Project Leader:1.Development building; 2.Cross-compile make; 3.Kernel and boot loader and driver porting; 4.Application; 5.User manual and release

/05—2008/02 CPE for WiMAX
  Software Environment: Embedded Linux


Hardware Environment: PowerPC(FressScale8313)

Development Tools:c and script

Project Description: Indoor/Outdoor CPE for WiMAX(802.16d)

Responsibility: Project Leader: 1.Development building; 2.Cross-compile make; 3.Kernel and boot loader and driver porting; 4.Application; 5.User manual and release

2006/12—2007/05 Wireless Router(11g)
  Software Environment: Embedded Linux


Hardware Environment: MIPS(AR2417)

Development Tools:c,Perl and script

Project Description: Wireless router based on 802.11g.

Responsibility: Application on web configuration.

2006/04—2006/12 Multimedia Server(uBeam)
  Software Environment: Embedded Linux


Hardware Environment: Sigma Design

Development Tools:C

Project Description: 1.Media Player. 2.File Mongering; 3.Metadata scan;

Responsibility: Application(File Monitor)

2005/11—2006/04 DMS(Digital Media Player)for Windows
  Software Environment:VC++,MFC


Hardware Environment:-

Development Tools:C/C++

Project Description:Multimedia Server; Client can get help

through UPnP

Responsibility:Application and release. EZI

Education and Training
2003/09—2006/04 HOHAI University Communication Engineering Master
1986/09—2000/07 HOHAI University Electronic and Automation Bachelor
2007/05—2007/05 Shanghai Black BeltExtention Training
Professional Skills
Language Skills: English:VERY GOOD



Computer Skills: PowerBuilder skilled 18Month


MFC/ATL skilled 30Month

Linux skilled 24Month

SQL Server understanding 24Month

Visual C++ skilled 24Month

Perl skilled 12Month

Embedded skilled 24Month

Project Manager skilled 15Month

Scripts skilled 12Month

Multimedia understanding 12Month

Kernels understanding 6Month

.NET understanding 6Month

C/C++ skilled 48Month

Win32 understanding 12Month

Certificate: 2000/03Nationwide Computer Level Test Band3A 68


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上一篇:英语复习教学计划下一篇:高中美术教案 木刻与漫画 雕塑