




1、表示“通过,穿过”:across, over, through

⑴ across:“横过”,强调从一边到另外一边。

He lay across the bed. 他横躺在床上。

One day Chuck is on a flight across the Pacific Ocean when suddenly his plane crashed.


⑵ over:强调在物体上方或覆盖表面。

They ran over the grass. 他们跑过草地。

They covered over 60 li yesterday. 昨天他们走过了六十里路。

⑶ through:强调通过一个空间,从物体之间穿过。

The sand ran through my fingers. 沙子从我的手指缝间漏了下去。

The sunlight was coming in through the window. 阳光透过窗户射进来。


1. The plane is flying ________ the Pacific Ocean.

2. I’m afraid he is too fat to go _________ the door.

3. As is known, the River Thames flows ________ London.

4. I often help spread tablecloth _______ the table.

5. You should be careful when you walk ________ the road.

答案:1. over 2. through 3. through 4. over 5. across

2、表示“向……,朝……”:to, towards, for

⑴ to同go, get, come, run, fly等连用,强调到达目的地。

They came to the village at night. 他们夜里来到了这个村庄。

He flew to Guangzhou yesterday. 他昨天飞往了广州。

⑵ towards表示“朝着,向着”,不强调到达目的地。

She walked towards the door. 她朝门走去。

He turned towards her. 他转向她。

⑶ for同leave, start, set out, sail等连用,表示所去的“方向,目标”。

They have set out for the town. 他们已动身去那座城了。

The ship sailed for the island. 船向那座岛驶去。


1. It is reported that the sand storm is moving ________ the south year after year.

2. After the soldiers got well prepared, they set off ________ the front.

3. The robber was sent ______ prison for five years.

4. This train is ______ Brighton only.

5. The plane is flying _______ the north, but it’s difficult to decide which area it’s flying _____.

答案:1. towards 2. for 3. for 4. for 5. towards; to


⑴ into意为“进入”,表示动作,必须同go, walk, run, fly等动态动词连用。

He came into the classroom. 他走进教室。

She jumped the water. 她跳进了水里。

⑵ inside 意为“在……内,入内”,表示状态或动作,可以同动态动词和静态动词连用。

She walked inside the room. 她进到教室里面。


The pen is into your box. (误,into不能表状态)

The pen is inside your box. (正,inside表示状态)


1、“在……时候”:at, on, in

⑴ at表示时间点,指“在……时刻”,“在……岁时”

He will come at 10:00 tomorrow. 他明天上午十点钟来。

At the end of the meeting, they sang the national anthem. 在会议结束时,他们唱了国歌。

⑵ on表示特定的某天或某个时间,指“在…..(星期几,某日,某日的早,午,晚,夜等)的时候”

I will attend the meeting on Monday. 我周一去开会。

His sister will come back from Canada on February 13th. 他姐姐2月13号从加拿大回来。

The construction of the building will be finished in 4 months.


The event happened in the 20th century. 这件事发生在20世纪。

注意:通常我们表示在早中晚用:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night。但如果表示早中晚等时间的词前后有表示时间的名词、表示特征的形容词或是定语从句修饰时,前面需用介词on。如:

We will hold a party on Christmas night. 我们会在圣诞节的晚上举行晚会。


1. The railway was opened to traffic ______ April 4, .

2. Early ________ morning of May 1, we started off for the mountain village.

3. Miss Li will come back _______ five o’clock this afternoon.

4. He left ______ a cool morning in autumn.

5. I go on holiday ______ summer.

6. I started work ______ the end of August.

答案:1. on 2. on 3. at 4. on 5. in 6. at

2、by, to和until表示“到……时间”

⑴ by表示时间时意为“截止到(过去或将来)某一时刻为止,在此之前”。

By the end of last month she had studied here for three years.


By the end of 2050 China will become an advanced country.


⑵ to常用于“from……to”中表示时间,也可用于计算时间。

They used to work from morning to night. 他们以前从早干到晚。

He will stay here to the end of the month. 他将在这里呆到月底。

⑶ until / till 意为“直到”,指执行的某件事一直延续到某一时刻未停止。

I waited for her until ten o’clock in the evening. 我等她一直到晚上十点。

Your passport will remain in operation until / till October. 你的护照在10月前有效。


1. It will be ready ______ (by, until) Thursday.

2. You will have to wait _______ (by, until) Thursday.

3. We ought to be there ________ (by, until) nine thirty.

4. ________ (by, until) the time you receive this letter I shall be back in Italy.

5. They worked ________ (by, until) ten and then went home.

6. It should have arrived ________ (by, until) now.

答案:1. by 2. until 3. by 4. by 5. until 6. by


⑴ by 表示“乘……(交通工具)”,“通过……(方法)”。

They often go to school by bus. 他们常坐公交车上学。

He makes a living by teaching. 他靠教书谋生。

⑵ with表示“以……工具,手段”,一般接具体的手段和工具。

Cut it with the scissors. 用剪刀把它剪开。

What will you buy with the money? 你准备用这笔钱买什么?

⑶ in后接语言名词或材料名词

Please pay it in cash. 请用现金支付。

Can you answer the questions in Chinese? 你能用中文回答这些问题吗?

⑷ through

We can study the stars through a telescope. 我们可以用望远镜来研究星星。

We can improve our English through reading. 我们可以通过阅读来提高英语水平。


1. We see ______ our eyes, hear _______ our ears.

2. The book is written ______ French.

3. The letter is written ______ ink.

4. He was attacked ______ a dog.

5. You can reserve the tickets _____ phone.

6. It was _______ John that they found out.

答案:1. with; with 2. in 3. in 4. by 5. by 6. through


1、at, in和on表示地点是怎样区别

⑴ at表示一个点上的位置,指小地点,

Who is the man at the gate? 大门口的那个人是谁?

He lives at 180 Nanjing Road. 他住在南京路180号。

at the top of the house 在房顶上

⑵ in表示在一个空间内,被人或物包围着。

I saw him in the library. 我看见他在图书馆。

We keep the money in the bank. 我们把钱存在银行。

⑶ on 指两者互相接触,强调在一条线上或一个平面上。

He left for Guangzhou on the train. 他乘火车去广州的。

You’ve got mud on your shoes. 你鞋上有泥。


1. Put the picture ______ the wall.

2. The new city is ______ the Changjiang River.

3. My parents live _______ 105 Beijing Road. Their room is ______ the sixth floor.

4. We’ll meet ______ the park.

5. Mr. White lived ________ Hong Kong for 20 years.

答案:1. on 2. on 3. at; on 4. in 5. in

2、to the south of, in the south of 和 on the south of

⑴ to the south of表示“在某范围外的南方”。

Japan lies to the east of China. 日本在中国的东方。

Guangdong is to the south of Hunan. 广东在湖南的南边。

⑵ in the south of表示“在某范围内的南部”。

Guangdong is in the southeast of China. 广东位于中国的东南部。

The library is in the north of our school. 图书馆位于学校北边。

⑶ on the south of表示“在……的南端”,指临近或接壤。

China faces the Pacific on the east. 中国东临太平洋。

Hubei is on the north of Hunan. 湖北在湖南的北边。


1. Shandong Province is ______ the east of China.

2. Mongolia lies ______ the north of China.

3. There are many islands _______ the northwest of Scotland, which is _______ the north of England.

答案:1.in 2. on 3. in, to

3、in, into和on, onto

⑴ in表示静态,指物体位置的静止状态,意为“在……里”,反义词是out 。

She is in the bathroom. 她在浴室里。

Put the plate in the cupboard. 把盘子放到橱柜里。

⑵ into表示动态,指动作的方向,意为“进……入”,反义词是out of。

The students went into the classroom one by one. 学生们一个接一个走进教室。

He changed into his uniform. 他换上了他的制服。

⑶ on表示静态,指“在……上面”;而onto表示动态。

There are some books on the desk. 桌子上有些书。

An apple fell onto the ground. 一只苹果掉到了地上


in, into, out of, on, onto, off, inside, outside

1. The workers lifted the cars _______ the train.

2. Ken fell _______ the ladder when he was changing the light bulb.

3. Andrew normally goes to school _______ the bus.

4. When I was ________ my hotel room, I started to take my clothes ______ my suitcase.

5. There’s a bus stop right ______ our house.

6. Sally came _____ the house, got ________ her motorbike and rode away.

7. My car broke down this morning so I went to work _______ a taxi.

答案:1. into 2. off 3. on 4. in/inside; out of 5. outside 6. out of; on/onto 7. in


about, on, of表示“关于”

⑴ about 侧重于与人或事物有关的实际或情况。

She feels very strongly about this. 她对此事态度非常坚决。

She told us about her experiences in America. 她跟我们讲了她在美国的经历。

⑵ on是较正式的用法,表示较强的专业性和学术性。

He will give us a talk on modern science. 他将给我们做一个关于现代科学的报告。


about和on都可以表示“关于……”的意思,但a book on lions (一本关于狮子的书)很可能比a book about lions更正式和更含科学意义,后者可能是一本给小孩看的故事书。


在speak, write, lecture, argue等后,可接about或on, 而在teach, learn, complain, read等后,可接about, 但不可接on。

⑶ of侧重于粗略涉及,而about设计的情况详细得多。


1. The Red Army man told us a story _________ Chairman Mao.

2. Who made the report ________ the situation in the Middle East.

3. – Do you know about that man over there? -- No, I know little ____ him.

4. I have some books ______ Chinese history.

5. They are talking ______ the happy holiday.

6. They complained _______ the injustice of he system.


1. about 2. on 3. of 4. on 5. about 6. about


1. The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism _______ the wildlife in the area.

A. in B. on C. at D. with

2. They had a pleasant chat _______ a cup of coffee.

A. for B. with C. during D. over

3. –What do you want _______ those old boxes?

--To put things in when I move to the new flat.

A. by B. for C. of D. with

4. Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain ________ an inch.

A. by B. at C. to D. from

5. The sunlight came in _______ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A. through B. across C. on D. over

6. –You are so lucky. –What do you mean ______ that?

A. for B. in C. of D. by

7. The home improvements have taken what little there is ______ my spare time.

A. from B. in C. of D. at

8. The number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 1,200. This means it has risen ______ 20 percent.

A. by B. at C. to D. with

9. I want two seats ________ Madame Curie for Friday night, so I rang the cinema to see if I could book two tickets.

A. of B. about C. to D. for

10. ________ production up by 60%, the company has had another excellent year.

A. As B. For C. With D. Through

11. The train leaves at 6:00 p.m. So I have to be at the station _______ 40p.m at the latest.

A. until B. after C. by D. around

12. – How long ahs this bookshop been in business? -- _______ 1982.

A. After B. In C. From D. Since

13. We offered him our congratulations ________his passing the college exams.

A. at B. on C. for D. of

14. The doctor will be free ________.

A. 10minutes later B. after 10 minutes C. in ten minutes D. 10 minutes after

15. He suddenly returned _________ a rainy night.

A. on B. at C. in D. during

答案:1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. C 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C


1. Please write in ink, not with pencil.

2. He shot the bird, but it flew away.

3. I heard that he left Changsha to Shanghai.

4. I prefer skiing than any other sport.

5. It is very important to learn to tell right with wrong.

6. This temple dates Roman times.

7. She had only a cold room to live.

8. The bus runs as 60 miles an hour.

9. In a cold winter, many wild animals may die from hunger.

10. This coat will be made your won measure.


1. with改为in 2. shot 后加at 3. to改为for 4. than改为to 5. with改为from 6. dates 后加from 7. live 后加in 8. as改为at 9. from改为of 10. as改为to


1. Don’t stand _______ the crossing ______ a long time.

2. A bridge is _______ the river. It was built _______ ourselves.

3. You are wanted ________ the phone.

4. There is a report _______ pictures ________ the newspaper.

5. ________ my great joy, the experiment has turned out to be a success.

6. The machine is ________ bad working condition.

7. I killed the pest _______ hitting it.

8. Don’t be late ________ class. You are_______ duty today.

9. He is working _______ a new novel.

10. I haven’t heard ___________ American country music.

11. What are you angry _______?

12. It is bad for your eyes to read ________ the very poor light.

13. He married his daughter _________ a foreigner.

14. They have kept ________ touch with each other for many years.

15. He works ________ a Chinese teacher in our school.


1. at; for 2. across; by 3. on 4. with; in

5. to 6. in 7. by 8. for; on

9. on 10. of 11. about 12. in

13. to 14. in 15. as



Stan Crowe hopes to run against James Boto of Kenya in a 1500 meters race in Paris _______ June 16th. Both men will want to break Cliff Holding’s world record. Holding ran the 1500 meters _______ 3 minutes 28 seconds last year. Holding will also be running in Seattle _______ June 14th, two days _______ the Paris meeting.

British fans have been hoping _______ several months to see Crowe win back his record. He last ran against Boto _______ April, when he fell and hurt himself ______ the race. He was just behind Boto ________ the time. The two men had not met ________ the last Olympic in Beijing. Crowe has had to rest ______ his accident, but he was back in action ________ seven o’clock ________ Saturday evening when he won a rather slow race in Edinburgh. He hopes to be fully fit _______ the end of this month at the latest. If he is not fit for Paris, he will have to wait ______ the Commonwealth Games. These games take place in Ottawa _______ August 14th _______ the 20th.


Farmer Jones was very lonely and very bored. He lived _______ himself _______ an old house _______ the edge _______ the village and rarely talked _______ anyone. The villagers thought that he ought to have a pet ________ company, but the only pet they could find was a dog ________ only one ear.

When the farmer saw it, he shouted “Get ______ _______ my house.” The dog, _______ his surprise, responded _______ doing exactly the opposite. It wagged its tail and went ________ the house.

The farmer started ______ the funny dog _______ a while and then said finally, “Well, you might as well stay, I suppose. Come and sit ______ ______ me.”

The dog wagged its tail, but walked ______ _______ the man, and went to sit ______ the other side ________ the room.

“Sit on the chair,” said the farmer. The one-eared dog promptly sat _______ it.

The farmer took the dog outside and pointed up the roads; the dog immediately turned round and went _____ the road!

“Why do you always do the opposite _______ what I tell you to do?” he asked. The dog just looked up ______ him ________ his head _____ one side, and his solitary ear sticking up ______ a radio aerial.

练习A:on, in, on, before, for, in, during, at, since, after/since, at, on, by, until/till, from, to/until/till

练习B:by, in, on, of, to, for, with, out, of, to, by, into, at, for, next, to, away, from, on, of, under, down, of, at, with, on, like



He goes to school at seven o’clock in the morning.他早晨七点上学。

Can you finish the work in two days.你能在两天内完成这个工作吗?

Linda was born on the second of May.琳达五月二日出生。


at five o’clock(五点),at down(黎明),at daybreak(天亮),at sunrise(日出),at noon(中午),at sunset(日落),at midnight(半夜),at the beginning of the month(月初), at that time(那时),at that moment(那会儿),at this time of day(在一天的这个时候)。


in 2006(2006年),in May,2004(2004年五月),in the morning(早晨/上午),in the afternoon(下午),in the evening(晚上),in the night(夜晚),in the daytime(白天),in the 21st century(21世纪),in three days(weeks/month)三天(周/个月),in a week(一周),in spring(春季)。


on Sunday(星期日),on a warm morning in April(四月的一个温暖的上午),on a December night(12月的一个夜晚),on that afternoon(那天下午),on the following night(下一个晚上),on Christmas afternoon(圣诞节下午),on October 1,1949(1949年10月1日),on New Year’s Day(新年),on New Year’s Eve(除夕),on the morning of the 15th(15日的早上)等。


1. 在某年、月、季节、早、晚用 in。如:

in 2000,in April,in spring,in the evening. . .

2. 在具体日期后要用on。如:

on July 3th,on December 25th

on the morning of the 20th of May五月二十日的早晨

3. 在午间、夜间,在开始、末尾等要用at。如:

at noon,at night,at the beginning,at the end,at the weekend,atChristmas( 注: 平安夜为on Christmas Eve)

4. 注意 in time( 及时) 与 on time( 准时) 的区别

1They caught the bus in time. 他们及时赶上了汽车。

2The plane took off on time. 飞机准时起飞。

3You will understand me in time. 你早晚会理解我的。

二、表示时间的 in 与 after


1I hope you will be back in a week. 我希望你一周后会回来。

2The doctor will come in a few minutes. 大夫几分钟后会回来。


1I will be back after one o’clock. 我在一点钟之后会回来。

2I came back after one o’clock. 我在一点钟之后回来了。

三、表示“一段时间”的 for 与 since


1She has been here for six hours. 她在这里六个小时了。

2 She has been here since six o’clock. 从六点钟开始,她一直在这里。

四、表示地点的 at,in 与 on

1. at 常指小地方,in 一般指较大的地方。如:

at the gate( 在门口)

in Shanghai( 在上海)

2. at 含义不太明确,可以是“在……里面”,也可是“在……附近”;in 含义明确,“在……里面”。

3. in 指“在……内部”,on 指“在……表面”。

1There is some important news in today’s newspaper. 今天的报纸有重要新闻。( 指在报纸内容上)

2Don’t put the food on the newspaper. 别把吃的放在报纸上。( 指在报纸表面上)

五、表示方位的 in,to,on

1China is in the east of Asia. 中国位于亚洲东部。( 指在同一范围内)

2Taiwan lies to the east of Fujian. 台湾在福建的东部。( 在该地区外)

3Shandong lies on the north of Henan. 山东在河南北部。( 与该地区接界,毗邻)

六、表示“用”的 with,through,by,in,on

1The people cut the trees down with the axe. 人们用斧子砍树。( with 表示使用工具、手段等)

2Some people learn a foreign language through /on TV. 一些人们通过电视学外语。( through /on 表示方法途径等)

3He became rich by writing novels. 他靠写小说致富。( by 强调方法手段)

4Please write it in red ink. 请用红墨水写。( in 主要表示用……材料、以……方式表示方式、手段等)

七、表示方向的 to 与 for

1. 表示来往行动的动词之后用 to。如:

go,come,walk,run,dash,rush,move,fly,return. . .

2. 表示“出发”“离开”“启程”的动词后用 for。如: leave,start,set off

3. 如果动词之后有 from. . . to. . . 这样的短语,第二类动词之后也不用 for。如:

A new ship set off from England to America on its first trip. 一艘新轮船开始了从英国到美国的首次航行。

八、besides( 除了……还有,包括后面的宾语) 与 except( 只有……除外,不包括后面的宾语)

1Besides Li Ping,the students also went to see the film. 除了李平,同学们也去看电影了。( 李平也去了)


He was educated at the local high school,__________he went on to Beijing University.(2007江苏)

A. after which B. after that

C. in which D. in that

本题把介词和定语从句的用法综合到一起。从句式看,可以先排除B和D。因为B项中的after是一个介词,不能连接两个句子,可以改为He was educated at the local high school, and after that he went on to Beijing University。B项如果引导的是定语从句,介词后面不能用that,表示事物可以用which。而D项in that作连词用意思是“因为”,很明显“他继续上北京大学”不是“他在当地中学读书”的原因。正确答案为A项。很多同学会误选C。错误的原因在于混淆了介词是表示时间还是表示地点。从语境看,本句表达的意思是“他在当地的中学读书,之后他继续上了北京大学。”因此这里的介词表示了时间的先后关系。如果使用in which则表示“他在当地的中学读书,期间他继续上了北京大学”或理解为“他在当地的中学读书,在当地中学他继续上了北京大学”,很显然不符合语义逻辑。


There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldn’t get __________.(2006全国)

A. betweenB. through

C. acrossD. beyond

本题考查了介词表示空间的用法。四个选项都可以表示地点。between强调“在两者之间”;through表示“从内部通过、穿过”;across强调“横穿”;beyond“在……的那一边”。题干表达的意思是“门口站着很多人,小女孩进不去(从门口进入)”。所以使用get through,答案为B。


一、 表示时间

1. 从时间的大小方面来区别。如:

(1) As is often the case, the Chinese New Year’s Eve Party that is held by CCTV starts at 8:00 and lasts more than four hours.


(2) The 2008 Chinese Spring Festival falls on February 7. 2008年春节是2月7日。

(3) Most of Senior One students were born in the 1990s. 大部分高一学生出生在二十世纪九十年代。

【辨析】at表示具体的时刻,也可以表示“在黎明、中午、夜间”。如:at dawn/at daybreak 在黎明时候;at noon 在中午;at night 在夜里;at midnight在半夜。on表示具体某一天,如星期几、某个特定节日。in则表示较长的时间,如世纪、朝代、年、季节、月份,也可以泛指上下午、晚上等。

2. 从时间的点和段方面来区别。如:

(1) My sister will graduate from high school in six months. 我姐姐六个月后高中毕业。

(2) My sister will graduate from high school after June. 我姐姐六月份以后高中毕业。

(3) I have learned English for 4 years. 我学英语已经四年了。

(4) I have learned English since 4 years ago. 从四年前开始我就学英语了。

【辨析】 in 和after都可以表示“在……之后”,用在一般将来时中,in 后面加表示段的时间(“六个月”是段的时间),after后面的时间表示时间点(“六月份”是时间点);for后面加上段的时间(“四年”是段的时间),since后面接的时间表示时间点(“四年前”是时间点)。

3. 从泛指和特指方面来区别。如:

(1) We usually read English aloud in the morning. 我们通常早上朗读英语。

(2) We attended the national flagraising ceremony on the morning of 1st January. 1月1日的早上我们参加了升旗仪式。

(3) I have a practice of having a rest at noon, but I had to finish my homework on the noon of last Monday. 我有午休的习惯,但是上周一中午我只好做作业。

【辨析】 表示泛指的“在上下午、晚上”用in,但特指在某天的上下午、晚上则使用on;表示泛指的“在黎明、中午、夜间”使用at,但是特指某天的黎明、中午、夜间则用on。

4. 从时间的先后方面来区别。如:

(1) His father attended a meeting in England at last May. 他父亲去年五月在伦敦参加了会议。

(2) His father had attended a meeting in England by last May. 去年五月前,他父亲已经在伦敦参加过会议了。

(3) His father has been attending a meeting in England since last May. 他父亲自去年五月以来一直在伦敦参加会议。

【辨析】 at表示就在某个时间点,by表示在某个时间之前,since表示从某个时间向后。在区别这几个介词时要注意根据句子的时态以及时间的先后来确定介词的使用。

二、 表示空间

1. 从空间的方位方面来区别。如:

(1) The horse jumped over the fence and ran across the field. Beyond the field flowed a river. 马跳过栅栏,横越田野。田野那边有一条河。

(2) Shanghai lies in the east of China. 上海位于中国的东部。(属于中国)

Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东边。(不接壤)

Korea lies on the east of China. 韩国位于中国的东边。(相邻接壤)

(3) Our school is opposite the park, between a hospital and a post office.

【辨析】 over表示“在上方越过”,across表示“横越”,beyond表示“在……的那一边”。in强调“在……内的某个方向”,to强调两个地点不相连,on强调两地接壤。opposite表示“在……对面”,between表示“在(两者)之间”。

2. 从所在空间的动态和静态方面来区别。如:

(1) When I came into the room, he was in the sofa. 我进入房间时,他在沙发上。

(2) Mr. Smith was walking along the coast when he found a beautiful cottage on the coast. 史密斯先生沿着海岸散步,这时他发现海岸上有一栋漂亮的小屋。

【辨析】 into是动态介词,强调由一处进入另一处,in是静态介词,表示处于某个位置。along常用作动态介词,和动词连用表示“沿着……”,on是静态介词,表示与线或面接触的地方。

3. 从空间的大小方面来区别。如:

(1) He lives at 128 Nanjing Road. 他住在南京路128号。

(2) He lives in Nanjing. 他住在南京。

【辨析】 at表示小地点,in表示大地点。



1. China’s first moon satellite, Chang’e I, was set off __________ the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre __________ 6:05 p.m., October 24, 2007.

A. at; onB. on; in

C. in; atD. through; at

2. __________ the end of June 2009 we’ll have graduated.

A. SinceB. At

C. UntilD. By

3. At last we got to the top of the mountain, __________ we enjoyed a beautiful view of the city.

A. from whichB. from that

C. after whichD. after that

4. Can you see the heavy smoke __________ the skyscraper? We are wondering what is happening over there.

A. throughB. beyond

C. onD. across

5. The village saw a murder __________ the night of last Sunday.

A. atB. in

C. fromD. on

6. We are living __________the information age and our life will become much better __________a few years.

A. in; afterB. at; in

C. in; inD. on; after

7. —__________when have you taken to(迷上) yoga?

—2004, I suppose.

A. Since B. In

C. FromD. After

8. Shandong lies __________ the north of Jiangsu, which is__________the east of China.

A. to; onB. on; in

C. in; inD. on; on

9. This latest article about popular science is __________ my comprehension. There are too many terms in it.

A. overB. within

C. beyondD. below

10. Optimism has a positive effect __________ physical and mental health, __________ which I’m very convinced.

A. on; ofB. to; in

C. at; atD. on; at


1. C “西昌卫星发射中心”是个大地点,“2007年10月24日下午6:05”是个具体的时刻。

2. D 根据句子的时态(将来完成时)说明时间是“到2009年6月底为止”。

3. A 本题要结合语义和句式来确定答案。根据语意,其表达的是“我们最后到了山顶,在山顶我们欣赏到了城市的美景。”此处的from表示地点,from which引导定语从句。

4. B beyond the skyscraper意思是“摩天大厦的那一边”。从下文的“我们想知道那一边发生什么了”可以推断。

5. D last Sunday限定the night,表示了具体某天的晚上。

6. C the information age(信息时代)是一个较长时间,a few years(几年)是一段时间,本句使用了一般将来时态。

7. A 可以将答句的时间带入问句来选择介词。即:I have taken to yoga __________ 2004. 很明显这里表示的时间是“自从2004年”。since,自……以来,以后。

8. B 考查方位介词的区别。山东和江苏接壤,江苏在中国范围内。

9. C 本题考查了介词表示程度的用法。beyond有“超出……范围”的意思。

10. A 考查介词短语。have an effect on “对……有影响”, be convinced of “对……相信”。

You bet

bet 是“下赌注”的意思。You bet.就是指You can bet money on that.(你可以把钱下注在上面),言下之意,就是说这件事百分之百正确。例如别人问你Is thisthe way to High Tower Museum?(这是往High Tower博物馆的路吗?)你就可以回答说,You bet.(一点也没错。)

Kind of

kind of的意思是:是有那么一点(还好啦)。




failing:in default of因缺少……;在缺少……时

following:after in time;as a sequel to在……以后

including:if we include如果包括我;……包括在内


regarding:about,concerning,in respect of

as twith regard to关于,至于

because of:on account of,by reason

but for:without the help or hindrane etc.of假如没有……(帮助或障碍等);要不是

by means of凭借……的方法

in view of:considering由于,鉴于

with a view twuth the hope or intention of指望,考虑到

near tto or at a short distance from(in space,time,condition,or resemnlance)

next talmost,virtually几乎

ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further advanced than sb/sth

except for:not including,other than除了

in accordance with:in conformity to一致;依据

in front of:ahead of ,in the presence of在前面;当着……的面

in place of:in exchange for,instead of作为……的交换

in spite of:notwithstanding不管,不顾


barring:except,not including除。。。外



failing:in default of因缺少。。。。;在缺少。。。时

following:after in time;as a sequel to在。。。以后

including:if we include如果包括我;。。。。。。包括在内


regarding:about,concerning,in respect of


according tas stated by/ in proportion根据。。。。。/依照。。。。。。。

ahead of:further forward in space or time sb/sth; ealier tan sb/sth; further advanced than sb/sth

along with:in addition to;together with另外,加之,还有

apart from:exceping,not considering; in addition to除。。。。外/且莫说;除。。。之外尚有

as for:with regard to至于

as from:on and after(a specified time)从一特定时间开始

as of=as from

as regards:about,concerning至于,就。。。而论
