



七年级英语下Unit9 作文


Name :Li LeiAge :14

Likes :basketball, swimming, drawing, music

Favoritestar :Michael Jordan

Favoritefood: fish and chips

Appearance: short and straight hair , big eyes ,medium,height Wants: a basketball player

I have a good friend,


An old friend from California was going to spend a few days with me.He called me from the station to tell me that he had arrived.I wasn’t able to leave the office, but I had got ready for his visit.I told him where my new house was and that I had left the key under the doormat(门垫).Because I knew it would be very late before I could get home, I asked him to make himself at home and help himself to anything in the fridge.Two hours later, my friend phoned me from the house.At the moment he said he was listening to some music after a nice meal.He had found two fried eggs, and had helped himself to some cold chicken in the fridge.Now he said he was drinking a glass of orange and he wished me to go back soon.When I asked him if he had any trouble in finding the house, he answered he didn’t find the key under the doormat.But the window by the apple tree was open and he climbed in through the window.I listened to this in surprise.There was no apple tree outside my window at all.But there is one by the window of my next door neighbor’s house!

()1.The writer left the key under the doormat for ______.A.his uncleB.himselfC.his friendD.his children

()2.The writer told his friend to look after himself before he got home because _______.A.he would get home very late.B.his friend would stay with him for a few days.C.his friend would not mind that.D.he would not be able to return home that day.()3.His friend told him on the phone that _______.A.he found the house without any trouble.B.he enjoyed himself very much in the house.C.he found the key very easily.D.he liked his new house.()4.How did the writer’s friend come into the house?

A.He used the key to open the door.B.He got in easily because the door was open.C.He got in through the window.D.He knocked at the door.()5.Which of the followings is right?

A.The writer’s friend went into the wrong house.B.The writer’s friend liked the neighbor’s house.C.The writer’s house was easy to find.D.The window of the writer’s room was open.二、书面表达。


《英语课程标准》提出了新的学习方式:“自主学习、合作学习、探究学习。”英语学习方式的变革, 是实施新课程最为核心和最为关键的环节。课堂教学中应遵循“以学生为主体, 以教师为指导, 以学生自主探究为核心”。

1.运用“任务型”的教学途径, 培养学生综合语言运用能力;

2.突出交际性, 在用中学、在交际中学, 启发学生认识到学习英语的目的在于交流。


(一) 教学内容分析

本单元是以“邀请”为话题开展的教学活动, 学习如何正确使用can引导的句子表达邀请。

(Can for invitations)

1a-1c为本单元的导入部分, 主要通过邀请别人参加聚会的图文及听力活动导入单元话题, 要求学生掌握prepare for an exam, have the flu, help my parents, go to the doctor, meet my friend等短语, 学会使用Can you come to...?Sure, I’d love to./Sorry, I can’t.I have to/must...等句型进行有效交际。活动1a主要呈现话题词汇短语和基本句型, 1b通过听力练习加深学生对单元重点句型和词汇短语的认知, 1c则要求学生结合主题图内容展开问答活动, 完成简单的语言输出。

(二) 学生情况分析

学生已经学习过使用be going to do来谈论未来的计划和安排, 并已学习过have to作为“不得不”的表达法, 因此, 学生在讲述拒绝邀请的理由时遇到的困难不大。相对而言, 由于文化差异的因素, 学生在本单元中对英语语言中邀请以及接收、拒绝的交际用语的把握有一定的难度。

对于交际用语的使用, 笔者设置情景邀请学生参加乔迁派对, 并呈现接收和拒绝的表达方式;通过听力给学生提供真实的邀请交际模板, 让学生模仿交际以及语音语调。在此基础上让学生根据自己的实际情况邀请并回复各式各样的活动, 熟练运用目标语言, 并最终让学生能自如使用交际用语来书写邀请卡和邀请邮件。


(一) Knowledge goals

Words:exam, flu, invite, invitation

Phrases:prepare for an exam, go to the doctor, have the flu, meet friends, help parents.

Sentence structure:Can you come to my party?

Sure, I’d love to./Sure, I’d like to.

Sorry, I can’t.I have to...

(二) Ability goals

1.To make the students know how to make, accept and decline invitations.

2.Use have to, must to talk about obligations.


Teaching important points:How to make, accept and decline invitations.

Teaching difficult points:How to refuse others by using the phrases politely.


(一) lead in

Watch a video It’s party time! (如图1所示) , ask students to sing along with it.

Design statement:At the beginning of the class, the video can arouse the students’interests and their eager to learn English.

(二) Types of the party

What kind of parties do you know?What are they?

The students can learn birthday party, family party, wedding party, barbecue party, Halloween party according to the pictures (如图2-图6所示) .

Design statement:To get the students know the culture of foreign countries and to learn how to say different parties.

(三) Sentences

I have a new house.It’s beautiful.I’m going to have a housewarming party.I want to invite many people to my party, can you help me?

Ask the students:How to invite others?

Write the sentence patterns on the blackboard:

Can you come to my party?

Sure, I’d love to./I’d like to.,

Sorry, I can’t.I have to...

Sorry, I’m not free.I’m going to...

Ask students to go to the teacher’s party.Students can answer the question in real situations.

Design statement:The teacher provides the students with real situation to lead in the sentence structure.

(四) Phrases

If you can’t come to the party, you have to give a reason.I have asked my friends to come, but some of them refused, can you guess the reasons?

They are the real reasons. (如图7-图11所示)

Use the pictures to learn the phrases:have the flu, go to the doctor, meet friends, help parents, prepare for an exam.

Design statement:When we use pictures, it’s easy for students to know the meaning of the phrases and remember them.

(五) Practice on the book (1a, 1b)

Match the phrases with the pictures. (如图12所示)

Listen, Sun Ning is going to have a party, how many people can come to his party?Read the name lists:Ted, Tim, Kay, Wilson, Anna.

(六) Groupwork

There are some envelopes in my hand.In each of it, there is something special.For example, if you see a concert ticket, one of you in the group should ask, “Can you come to the concert with me?”The other students should answer it by using the sentences we have learnt today.

The things include:

movie tickets, plane ticket, swimming glasses, the paper-cut of the Chinese character“喜”, the baby’s bottle full of candies, a ping-pong ball and so on.

Ask students to perform their dialogues.

Design statement:In this way, the students have a chance to practice the language in real situations, and all of them can speak.

(七) Invitation e-mail

My families live far away from me.How can I invite them?I can send them an invitation e-mail.

I wrote an e-mail last night.Please have a look to see if it is good enough.

Design statement:It takes a long time if we ask the students to write an e-mail.So after the speaking, just ask them to fill in the blanks about an e-mail.They can write and use the words we have learnt today.

(八) Homework

Suppose you are having a weekend party, please write an invitation e-mail to invite all your classmates and teachers.

Design statement:After class, students can write down an e-mail by themselves like this.In this way, we can check how much they have learnt and mastered.


本堂课的课型是听说课, 笔者将教学重点放在引导、教授和对目标语言的运用上, 并在活动中创设较为真实的情景让学生运用目标语言。回顾反思, 本堂课的成功之处主要体现在以下几个方面:

(一) 整合教材内容, 合理设计教学

目前的教材内容丰富, 但在实际教学中, 并不一定需要每一个环节, 也不可能照顾到方方面面, 这就要求教师在备课的过程中整合教材, 合理取舍, 根据教学目标和教学重难点安排教学。本堂课的教学重难点突出, 设计合理。

(二) 教学设计思路清晰, 具有层次性, 高效性

将听说读写各教学环节落实到位。整堂课从引入、复习、教授、练习、听力、巩固到运用环节, 由易到难, 层层递进。每一步都关注了学生的配合状态, 随时对教学步骤进行调整, 是一堂真实的课堂。

(三) 创设了较多的情景, 能使学生在情境中运用所学知识

由于学生学习能力较强, 教师针对教学内容进行了拓展, 运用生活中普遍存在的事物, 让学生产生联想, 并运用目标语言组成对话, 小组合作。注重了对学生语言能力的培养和跨文化交际的理解。

(四) 师生互动、生生互动频繁


1. I think everyone enjoys ____ weekends.

A. theyB. theirsC. theirD. her

2. He is unhappy ____ he lost his son last week.

A. soB. becauseC. andD. but

3. I got up very early this morning and ____ to sit in my garden.

A. goesB. wentC. goingD. go

4. He didn’t take his eyes away from the tall tree, ____?

A. did heB. didn’t heC. does heD. doesn’t he

5. This weekend is a ____ of fun and work.

A. mixtureB. mixC. mixingD. mixed

6. I played computer games; two kids ____ played them happily.

A. tooB. eitherC. as well asD. also

7. ____ Saturday morning I did my homework.

A. InB. AtC. FromD. On

8. ——____ did she do last night? ——She cleaned her room.

A. WhyB. WhatC. WhenD. Where

9. ——Who ____ the pizza for me? ——Your aunt did.

A. didB. buysC. cookedD. gives

10. ——When did you go to the movies?


A. TomorrowB. In two days

C. Three days agoD. Next weekend


Now machines __1__ all over the world. Why are machines so im-portant and necessary __2__ us? Because they can help us do things faster and __3__.

A washing machine helps us to wash clothes. A printing machine helps us to print a lot of books, newspapers, magazines and many __4__ things __5__. Bicycles, cars, trains and planes are all machines. They help us to travel faster than __6__ foot.

The computer is a wonderful machine. It __7__ not long ago. It not only __8__ but also computes numbers millions of times as __9__ as a scientist does.

Let’s study hard and try to use all kinds of machines __10__ China into a modern country.

1. A. is used wideB. are widely used

C. is widely used D. are wide used

2. A. forB. of C. to D. with

3. A. good B. best C. well D. better

4. A. another B. other C. the other D. others

5. A. quick B. slowlyC. quickly D. faster

6. A. withB. inC. by D. on

7. A. inventedB. was invented C. is invented D. invents

8. A. store information B. stores informations

C. stores information D. store informations

9. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. quick

10. A. to building B. to be built

C. to be building D. to build



An American visiting Scotland met an old man with a beautiful sheep dog. The American offered $50 for the dog, but the old man re-fused, “I couldn’t part with Jack,” he said. Just then, an Englishman walked up and made the same offer. The old man agreed, pocketed the money and handed over the dog. The American was very angry, “You told me you wouldn’t sell the dog!” he cried. “No! No!” said the old man. “I said I couldn’t part with him. England’s not that far away and Jack will be back in two days.” “But he couldn’t swim across the At-lantic.” The American said angrily to the old man, “…”

1. In the end, did the old man sell his dog to the Englishman? ____.

A. Yes, he didB. No, he didn’tC. Yes, he hasD. I am not sure

2. Why didn’t the Scottish old man sell the dog to the American? ____.

A. Because he wasn’t pleased with the price

B. Because he did not like the American

C. Because America was too far away from Scotland and the dog couldn’t swim across the Atlantic back to his home again

D. Because the Englishman offered him more money

3. What did the American say to the old man at last? ____

A. I couldn’t part with the dog.

B. The dog wasn’t able to swim across the Atlantic.

C. Why did you sell the dog to the Englishman?

D. How clever you are!


Today is the first day of the week. It is in the afternoon. Mr. Read is driving his car(汽车) to his sister’s school. Now he is very near the school. But he doesn’t know the way to it. At this time, he sees a young woman. Mr. Read comes out of his car and goes over to her. “Excuse me. Where’s the school, please?” he asks. The young woman says, “It’s very near here. I want to go with you.”

Now the young woman is sitting in the car. Soon they come to a small house and she says, “Stop(停), please!” Mr. Read stops the car and says, “But this is not a school.” “No,” says the young woman, “this is my house. I want to get home early before supper time. Thanks for driving me home. The school is behind the factory. So go back to the factory and then turn right, you can find the school.”

1. What day is it today? It’s ____.

A. MondayB. SaturdayC. Tuesday D. Sunday

2. What is Mr. Read doing this afternoon? He is ____.

A. going to his sister’s factory

B. mending a car for the young woman

C. driving his car to his sister’s school

D. driving his car to see a young woman

3. What does the young woman want to do?She wants ____.

A. to go to the school with Mr. Read

B. to get home in Mr. Read’s car

C. Mr. Read to go to her house

D. to stop Mr. Read’s car

4. Where’s Mr. Read’s sister’s school? It’s ____.

A. behind the factoryB. near the young woman’s house

C. in front of her houseD. behind the woman’s house

5. Which of these is NOT right?____.

A. Mr. Read doesn’t know the way to the school

B. The young woman doesn’t get home before supper time

C. Mr. Read and the young woman aren’t friends

D. Mr. Read wants to find the school, so he must go back


1.We ____(visit) our grandparents next week.

2.——____ we ____(play) table-tennis this afternoon?


3.She ____ (do) some reading after she got home.

4.Don’t make any noise. Lee ____(listen) to the music.

5.——How ____(be) your weekend?

——It was fantastic.

6.——____ you ____(like) watching TV?

——Yes, I do.

7.Last night I ____(study) math for my exam.

8.——____ he ____(go) to the beach with you?

——No, he climbed mountains last week.

9.Last Sunday his cat ____(die) in a car accident.

10.——When ____(be) your birthday?

——Next Tuesday.


buy, lots of, not…until, open, work out,

write down, it, by ear, at work, have

1. He is very happy he has got ____ friends since he moved here.

2. The children ____ leave this village ____ their teacher catches up with them tomorrow morning.

3. ——Did you learn this music ____?

——Yes. I often listen to it.

4. Who taught you ____ this problem?

5. Everyone was ____ so there was no one to answer your call.

6. ——Can I help you?

——Yes. I want ____ a pair of sports shoes for my daughter.

7. After Beethoven went back home, he worked all night ____ the new piece of music.

8. ____ a nice weekend with your family.

9. I knocked at the door and it ____.

10. Shall we call ____ Mini Mouse?


A: Hi! Mr Smith, __1__ your hobby, please?

B: __2__ pictures. Look! This is a photo of my son __3__ is swimming in the river.

A: Oh, he __4__ swimming very well. __5__ taught him?

B: He learned it __6__ himself when he __7__ three years old.

A: __8__ you help him at that moment?

B: __9__. His mother did. This photo was taken by me. Here is __10__ picture of him. He was falling off his toy bike.

A: Very interesting.




it, snow, after, do one’s homework, make the snowman, use…as the snowman’s nose, many people, in the snow, play with…, happily


1、你最喜欢的科目是什么? 我最喜欢的科目是科学。

2、他最喜欢的科目是什么? 他最喜欢的科目是语文。

3、她最喜欢的科目是什么? 她最喜欢的科目是美术。

4、为什么Bob喜欢历史? 因为它有趣。

5、为什么Frank和Bob喜欢体育? 因为它使人快乐(有趣)。

6、你的音乐老师是谁? 我的音乐老师是谢女士。

7、你的地理课在什么时候? 星期一和星期五。

Page 50: 2d A:嗨,Bob.今天过得怎么样? B:还好.我喜欢周一因为我上体育课和历史课.它们是我最喜欢的科目.A:谁是你的体育老师? B:胡老师.他总是和我们玩游戏.A:太好了.但是为什么你喜欢历史?它很无聊呀.我认为历史很有意思.你最喜欢哪一天?

B:周五.A:为什么? B:因为第二天是星期六.A:哈哈,确实如此,我也喜欢周五.Page 53: 2b 亲爱的珍妮,我在星期五很忙碌。在八点我有数学课。它不是有趣的。数学老师说它是有帮助的,但是我认为它是困难的。然后在九点,我有科学课。它是困难的但是有趣的。在十点我有历史课。在这个之后,我有体育课在十一点。它是简单并且有趣的。午饭时间是12:00到1:00,在这个之后,我们有语文课。它是我最喜欢的学科。我们的语文王老师是个很有意思的人。在1:50,我的上课时间结束了,但是在这个之后我还有一节两个小时的美术课。它是非常令人放松的!

































































































































































Unit 9 Can you come to my party?

1.on Saturday afternoon 在星期六下午,在具体哪一天的是上午、下午或晚上用on,例如:on Sunday evening在星期天的晚上

2.have to 必须(后跟动词原形)He has to get up early.他必须早起。→(一般疑问句)Does he get up early? Yes,he does.No,he doesn’t.(否定句)He doesn’t have to get up early.他没有必要早起。3.How about +名词代词V•ing:


How about=What about I like apples,how about you?我喜欢苹果,你呢?(you为代词)

How about going shopping this afternoon?今天下午去购物怎么样?(go为动词)4.sth=want sth 想要某物Jim would like a new pen.吉姆香要一支钢笔。

Would like to do sth=want to do sth想做某事He’d like to watch TV.Would you like to do sth ? 你愿意做...?(用来提出建议或征求对方意见)

------would you like to go shopping with me ? 你想和我一起去买东西吗?

------Yes,I’d love to,but I’m doing my homework.我想去,但是我现在正在做家庭作业。

(=Sorry, I’m doing my homework.非常抱歉,我正在做家庭作业。)5.prepare for sth为„做准备

They are preparing for the work.他们正在为这项工作做准备。

6.go to the doctor去看病have the flu 患流感help my parents给父母帮忙 7.too much+不可数名词:许多,很多He has too much homework to do.他有很多家庭作业要做。

too many+可数名词复数:许多,很多They bought too many books yesterday.昨天他买了很多书。

much too+形容词副词:太„,非常„ His father is much too busy.他爸爸非常忙。

8.have an exam考试 9.until 的用法: <1>若动词为延续性动词则用肯定句式

He studied until 21:00pm.他一直学习到晚上九点。

<2>若动词为非延续性动词,则用not„.until„.(直到。。才。。)He didn’t go to bed until his father came back.他一直到他爸爸回来才上床睡觉。10.study for a math test为数学考试做准备go to the party参加聚会 11.What’s today?今天几号?Its Monday,the 14th.今天星期一,十四号。

what day is it today?今天星期几?

it’s Monday今天星期一。

What’s the date today?今天几月几日? It’s October 20th.今天10月20日。

12.go to the doctor去看病 have a piano lesson上钢琴课

13.look after 照看,照料 = take care of

She is old to look after his brother她足够大了能够照看她的弟弟。take good care of =look after„well好好照顾,好好照料 We should take good care of the children.= We should look after the children well.我们应该好好照料儿童。14.accept an invitation 接受邀请 make an invitation发出邀请

turn down an invitation拒绝邀请 15.感叹句的类型:

⑴ What a∕an+adj+可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)!

What +adj+可数名词复数∕不可数名词(+主语+谓语)!

What a fine day(it is)!多么好的天啊!(day为可数名词单数)

What an interesting book it is!多么有趣的一本书啊!(book为可数名词单数)

What beautiful flowers they are!多么漂亮的花啊!(flowers为可数名词复数)

What bad weather it is!多么糟糕的天气啊!(weather为不可数名词)⑵ How +adj +主语+(谓语中的)系动词!How +adv +主语+(谓语中的)实义动词!

How happy I am!我多麽高兴啊!(happy为adj,am为系动词)

How hard they are working!他们工作多么努力啊!(hard为adv,work为实义动词)

点拨:陈述句改为感叹句,可以采用“一判、二定、三移”。一判:是判断出陈述句谓语动词后的中心词的词性(adj∕adv∕n); 二定:是根据判断出来的结果来确定引导词(中心词为名词用What;中心词为形容词或副词用How;)


注意:在感叹句中,不得出现so,very,very much等表示程度的单词。

例如:①Our school is beautiful.一判:beautiful为形容词;二定:beautiful为形容词,用How 来引导;三移:把Our school is移到How beautiful后面,即为感叹句How beautiful our school is!

②He is a clever boy.一判:boy为名词;二定:boy为名词,用What来引导;三移:把He is移到What a clever boy 后面,即为感叹句What a clever boy he is!③He studies English well.一判:well为副词;二定:well为副词,用How 来引导;三移:把He studies移到How well后面,即为感叹句How well he studies!练习:将下列句子变为感叹句。① The room is very bright._________________________________________________ ② We live a happy life today._________________________________________________ ③ ③It is a nice present._________________________________________________ ④ This is difficult problem._________________________________________________ ⑤ She played the piano wonderfully._________________________________________________ 答案:

①How bright the room is!

②What a happy life we live today.③What a nice present it is!④What a difficult problem this is!⑤How wonderfully she played the piano!

16.the(best)way to do sth:做某事的(最好)方法 The best way to learn English学习英语的最好方法 17.thanks for+名词V•ing:为什么而感谢

Thanks for your invitation.谢谢你的邀请。(invitation为名词)Thanks for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。(help为动词)

18.take a trip参加郊游,at the end of this month在本月底 19.go back to+地点:回到某地

He will go back to Beijing in 2 days.两天后他将回北京。20.have a surprise party for sb为某人举办一个惊喜的晚会 21.without+名词代词 V•ing:没有„

He can’t finish the work without our help.没有我们的帮助,他不能够完成这项工作。(help为名词)

He went to school without having breakfast.他没有吃早饭就去上学。(have为动词)23.so that作“为了”时,引导目的状语从句,从句常出现情态动词。如:She got up early so that she could catch the bus.为了能赶上车,她起得很早。24.look forward to +名词代词V.ing:期待,盼望

I’m looking forward to buying a new car.我盼望着买辆新车。(buy为动词)

The students are looking forward to an English party.学生们正盼望着一个英语晚会。

25.hear from sb.收到某人的来信 = receive a letter from sb.He often hears from his brother他经常收到他弟弟的来信。26.make it 在约定的时间内到达,能够来 = arrive in time;

I’m glad you could make it.我非常高兴你能够按时来。27.the opening of„ :开幕/开业


in the morning在早晨 on Sunday morning在星期天的早晨 29.invite sb to +地点:邀请某人去某地(invite--invitation)We invited a scientist to our school last week.上周我们邀请一位科学家到我们学校。

invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事I invited him to sing.我邀请去唱歌。30.reply in writing 写回信
