




一、My new teacher 我的新老师

My new teacher I have a new teacher.She is Miss Wang.She teaches us English.She is about 30 years old.She is tall.She has long hair and big eyes.She can sing very well.She often sings English songs in her class.Miss Wang is very kind to us.We all love her.我有一个新老师。她是王老师。她教我们英语。她大约35岁。她长得高。她有长发和大眼睛。她能唱得很好。她经常在课上唱英文歌。王老师对我们很和蔼。我们都喜欢她。

二、My day我的一天

My day Hello, I am Anne.I get up at 6:00a.m.every day.I have breakfast at 6:30.Then I go to school at 7:00.I have English lesson at 8:30a.m..I have lunch at 11:00.I have my computer lesson at 2:00p.m..I go home at 5:00p.m.Then I do my homework.I have dinner at 7:30.p.m.I go to bed at 9:00p.m.I have a good time today.大家好,我是安妮。我每天早上六点起床。我在六点半吃早餐。然后我7点去学校。我八点半上英语课。我11点吃午餐。我两点有电脑课。我在下午五点回家。然后我做作业。


三、My hobby 我的爱好

My hobby I like English very much.I read English every morning and write a diary after school.I often listen to the radio to study English.I often listen to English songs, too.Do you like English? 我非常喜欢英语。我每天早晨读英语,放学后写日记。我经常听广播学习英语。我也经常听英文歌曲。你喜欢英语吗?

四、手工课上明明发现他自己忘记带剪刀(scissors)和胶水(glue)了。于是他向玲玲借剪刀和胶水。发挥你的想象力,写一篇小对话。要求:条理清楚,语句连贯,不得少于5句话。Mingming: Excuse me.Lingling: Yes? Mingming:.Can I use your glue, please? Lingling: Yes, here you are.Mingming: Can I use your scissors, please? Lingling: Yes.Mingming: Thank you.Lingling: You’re welcome.Mingming, where are your things? Mingming: They are in my schoolbag.Lingling: Where is your schoolbag? Mingming: At home.


Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn the words & phrase: wake up/ make the bed/ wave/ I’m late. 2. Canuse the words always/ often/ usually/ never to describe the activities. Teaching methods: games, reading, action, etc. Period I Content of courses: textbook P6 Part B Teaching aims and demands: 1. Be able to master the words & phrase: wake up/ make the bed/ wave/ I’m late. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, and word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1. Greeting.. 2. Let’s play: Look and guess: What is it? Step 2 Presentation & drill 1. Learn to say: swing T draws a swing on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T 2. Learn to say: wave T waves the arm and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the word after T. Learn to say: wake up/ make the bed/ I’m late. in the same way. 3. Drill.⑴T shows the pictures and Ss say the words. ⑵T shows the pictures quickly and Ss say the words. ⑶A guessing game. 4. Open the books at Page 6, listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3.Practice 1. Practice in four. Ss play the cards. 2. Listen & act. Step 4.Consolidation Period II Content of courses: textbook Part A Part C Teaching aims and demands: 1.Be able to understand and tell the story. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1.Exchange greetings. 2.Sing a song we’ve learned last term together. Step 2 Presentation & drill 1. Lead-in. T shows the picture of Part A. T says, ”This is Katie’s Day. Listen to the tape. What dose she do?” T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 2. Ss talk about the picture. 3. Drill. ⑴T shows the pictures and Ss rearrange them. ⑵T shows the pictures and Ss tell the story. ⑶A guessing game. 4. Open the books at Page 5, listen to the tape and read after it. Step 3.Practice 1. Put a tick if the sentences are correct or a cross if they are wrong. ( ) Katie always gets up at six o’clock.. ( ) Katie always watches her face at 6:15 am. ( ) Katie’s family often has breakfast at 6:45 am. ( )Sally always goes to the breakfast table on time. ( ) Katie’s father usually waves them goodbye. 2.Ss practice in four. 3.A game——A competition among groups. Step 4.Consolidation 1.Draw your favorite things and talk about them. Period III Content of courses: textbook P3 Part D&E Teaching aims and demands: 1. read and write the sentence with correct words: always/ often/ usually/ never. Educational affiliations: textbook, tape, tape-recorder, word cards. Teaching-learning process: Step 1 Warm-up activity 1.Exchange greetings. 2.Sing a song we’ve learned last term together. Step 2 Practice 1. Lead-in. T shows the chart of Part D. T says, “Look at the chart. Take turns to tell each other about Peter’s activities.” 2. Pair work. Look at chart. Describe Peter’s activities. 3. Make sentences about own activities.. 4. T writes the sentence on Bb and help Ss understand the meaning. Read the sentence after T. 5. Open the books at Page 3, Ss write the sentences on the book 6. Look and write. Mrs LI is a busy housewife. Look at the chart of her activities below. Then write suitable answers in the blanks. Step 4.Consolidation


经济全球化和信息技术的发展使世界各国间的交往日益频繁, 政治、经济、文化等领域的交流都达到了一种空前的深度和广度。语言, 作为其相互交流的工具, 重要性不言而喻。然而, 语言与文化是相互依赖和影响的, 也就是说, “一方面, 语言作为人类密不可分的一部分, 渗入了他的思想和世界观, 既表达了文化现实, 也体现了文化现实。另一方面, 语言作为文化的产物, 也有助于文化的恒定, 而且, 语言运用中的变体也反过来反映了文化的变化。”[1]学习语言不仅是学习单词、语法, 同时也应学习语言中包含的文化, 只有在了解文化的基础上将语言运用于跨文化交际的实践中, 才算是真正掌握了一门语言。

我国《基础教育课程改革纲要 (试行) 》规定, 2001年秋季小学开始设置英语课程, 起始一般为三年级, 各省可结合实际, 确定本地区小学开设英语课程的计划。虽然《小学英语新课程标准 (试行) 》 (2001) 已实施多年, 但许多小学生的英语文化意识比较欠缺, 口语交际能力非常有限。教材作为教师和学生学习语言文化的重要媒介, 其中的文化内容是直接影响学生跨文化交际能力的重要因素。基于此, 笔者选取湘少版小学英语教材中的文化内容作为分析对象, 以《义务教育英语课程标准》 (2011年版) (以下简称《标准》) 中对小学毕业时学生应达到的文化意识二级标准为评估标准, 从文化地域和文化类别两方面对其做统计分析, 由此探讨湘少版小学英语教材中文化内容的选定问题。


湘少版小学英语教材是由湖南少年儿童出版社及文达出版 (香港) 有限公司合作编写的, 自小学三年级起始用, 共八册。2003年据教育部课程标准立项编写, 2007年照教育部颁发的《标准》进行修订, 修订后的教材于2012年秋季投入使用, 后逐学期更新。除在湖南全省范围内广泛使用外, 还被贵州等其他省市地区的小学采用, 具有实际分析必要性。


Cortazzi&Jin (1999) 从文化所在地域将文化分为三类:目的语文化即主要英语国家文化;本土语文化即中国文化和国际文化即世界范围内各种英语及非英语为目的语国家的文化。按照这个分类, 笔者对湘少版小学英语教材中的文化内容进行统计, 结果如表1所示:

基于Allen和Valette (1977) 以及Ovando和Collier (1985) 的思想提出的“文化分为两类, 一类称之为大C, 也就是包括哲学、艺术文学、建筑、科技、制度等集中反映人类文明的各个方面;另一类称之为小c, 包括人类的生活方式、行为规范、传统风俗、心理素质、社会组织等等。”[2]以及H.H.Stern (1992:208) 根据文化结构和范畴把文化分为广义即大写的文化 (Culture with a big C) 和狭义即小写的文化 (Culture with a small c) 的划分, 结合表1对湘少版小学英语教材中的文化内容统计如表2所示 (文化类型中重合部分总计为1次) :


第一, 从文化地域的角度来看, 本套教材以目的语文化为导向, 注重本土语文化渗透。通过统计, 目的语、本土语和国际文化所占的比例分别为52.6%、44.8、2.6%。目的语文化内容共出现61次, 包括如英国、美国、澳大利亚、法国等国家, 响应《标准》中“在起始阶段应使学生对主要英语国家文化有粗略的了解, 教学中涉及的英语国家文化知识, 应与学生身边的日常生活密切相关并能激发学生学习英语的兴趣”[3]。本土语文化内容52次中, 特别花两个单元的篇幅介绍了中国的传统节日——春节和中秋节;世界故事部分, 有如四川金丝猴, 中国“年”的传说, 愚公移山等介绍, 这样的安排有利于小学生注重中华传统文化的传承和发扬。然而, 相比目的语和本土语文化, 国际文化的内容太少。整套教材中仅韩国、泰国人民的身体语言及新加坡吃虫植物的图片。其实, 适量增加如印度、马来西亚、日本、韩国等非主要英语国且与我国文化相近国家的文化内容, 有利于学生以一种世界的、平等的眼光去看待文化的交流, 对我国以及学生个人的未来会更有实际意义上的帮助。

第二, 从文化类型的角度来看, 教材中涉及的文化类型广泛, 但二级文化意识要求的“知道国际上最重要的文娱活动和体育活动”和“知道英语国家中最常见的饮料和食品的名称”这两项内容少且零散。从各个文化类型细分中可以发现, 大C文化下历史地理和小c文化下风俗习惯这两项所占比重最大, 分别为25% (24次) 、11.5% (11次) 。重要标志物如英国的大本钟, 美国的自由女神像, 澳大利亚的悉尼歌剧院等;重要的节假日如圣诞节、万圣节、圣帕特里克节等;单元话题涵盖尊老爱幼、节约用水、爱护生态环境等培养小学生的人文素养。文化是每一个时期人类活动的产物, 它具有较强的时代特征。[4]教材中经典如京剧、皮影戏、纽约百老汇等, 现代如美国的汽车影院, 英国的Bed&Breakfast (提供住宿和早餐的民宿或者小旅馆) 和深圳大购物中心等体现了文化的时代特征。


小学生以直观形象思维为主, 容易被具体、生动、形象的事物感染, 对此, 教师应通过文化渗透策略, 把教材中的文化内容及其隐含的文化价值有意识地渗透于课堂教学中去。点到点, 面到面, 学习的永远是客观表面上的骨架, 只有通过文化的经脉, 潜心地加上鲜活的策略才能让学生更自如得体地用英语进行交流。在课堂教学中, 老师应激活教材的文化内容, 为每个学生提供参与课堂教学的机会, 并把竞争、奖励机制合理地安插在教学始终, 激发学生对英语学习的热情, 为他们将来的英语学习和跨文化交际夯实基础。


[1]戴炜栋, 何兆熊.新编简明英语语言学教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

[2]康志鹏.高中英语文化素材分析及教学策略[J].基础英语教育, 2009 (2) :41.









(1)基本掌握核心词汇When, birthday, autumn, spring, March, September, October,及短语happy birthday. 能说,能简单运用。


When is your birthday?It’s March 12th.

How old are you?I’m eight years old.







Step1 Greetings and warm-up

Step2 Set the scene

(1)T: Today is my friend’s birthday. I have a gift for her.

(Ss review and read the word: gift.) Here is a birthday gift. 引入课题,板书课题: birthday.(Ss read and practice the pronunciations).

Let’s sing it!

Ss: Sing a birthday song together, and say “happy birthday” to the friend.


Watch the flash and think about the question: Whose birthday is it? (It’s Mocky’s birthday.)

(3)Read the story one sentence by one sentence.

Show the pictures of the four seasons and a calendar, learn spring, autumn, October, September, and October.

(4)Read the story again, and repeat: Today is Mocky’s birthday.

T: When is Mocky’s birthday? How old is Mocky?

Write down the dialogue and read.

(5)Then do the exercise: T or F.

Step3 Paper work:

(1)Show table 1 and fill Mocky’s birthday and age.

Then read the story again and complete the table 1 in groups.

Check the answers.

(2)Show a calendar again, and ask Ss to answer:

When is your birthday? How old are you?(Point at the right picture and talk about it.)

Ask 3 friends about their birthdays, and complete the table 2.

Ask 2-3 to show their table and read the sentences.

Step4 小结: 新单词和句型.

T:Today we learned five new words…

Ss: Spring, autumn, March, September, October.

T: And how to ask and answer your friends’ birthday and age?

Ss: How old are you? I’m … . When is your birthday? It’s … .

Step5 Say Goodbye.


Unit 4 Mocky’s birthday

When is Ken’s birthday? How old is Ken?

It’s March 12th.

He’s 10 years old.

New words:





1.Read the story.

2.Tell your parents your birthday in English.


“Mocky’s birthday”是小学英语北师大版第九册第四单元的内容。本单元的重点是关于询问及介绍生日,年龄的句型,以及十二个月份的学习。本堂课的教学选择了第一课时,关于课文教学。课文由Mocky看到桌上的礼物,猜测是谁过生日,由此引入关于询问和介绍自己生日和年龄的对话。







1.熟悉学生,树立老师的威信 2.复习Part A.3.通过有趣的课堂,让学生喜欢英语课

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:树立老师威信,对学生要求严格到位,同时也做到严中有爱 难点:特别树立在男生中的威信,找到恰当控班的方法。

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1.老师的自我介绍(严厉,讲明英语课的规矩)2.教会学生口令 3.sing a song.(活跃气氛)Step2:Revision 1.看嘴型说句子(can you hear me?)复习I like sweets.Which one do you like?a hard one or a soft one? 2.黑板上的认读(指对认错,陷阱)3.课本认读(黑猫警长、上下左右)

Step3:带学生做练习P25 布置家作:P23 Period 2 一. 教学目标

1. 能掌握新单词lollipops,nuts,jelly 2. 能用“What do you like?Which one do you like?询问他人的喜好,及用”I like.don’t like…表达个人的喜好。

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:熟练的运用句型I like.don’t like表达个人的喜好 难点:顺利完成课文C、D部分的调查。

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1.口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位)2.sing song 3.Greetings Step2:Presentation and drill 1.导入教学

(设置情境,T为assitant。输入 I like.don’t like的句型。带读单词,声音好听玩爬楼梯的游戏)

(Cake,drink,dumplings,water,nut,jelly,lollipop,sweets)实物可作奖品 2.句子教学

What do you like?I like nuts,jelly ….(游戏一口气)课本PartB C D 的认读(游戏黑毛警长)3.反义词复习

Soft-hard thin-thick old-new old-young tall-short(作业P25)4.歌曲教学 输入(抢椅子)

Period 3 一. 教学目标

1.复习Unit 6的内容,带学生做完练习2.观看英语电影

二. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1.口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位)2.sing song 3.Greetings Step2:Revision 1.课本认读 2.练习

Step3:Film show 作业:试卷

Period 4 8单元 一. 教学目标

1.能听懂、会说新单词和短语hobby,roller-blading,a sticker album,collecting stickers,reading stories.2.能运用Do you have any hobbies?询问他人的兴趣爱好,及对该询问做出回应。

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:掌握新单词;运用句型I like doing…”表达个人的喜好。难点:动名词的用法

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 4.口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位)5.sing song 6.Greetings Step2:Presentation and drill 1.导入教学

T 做动作S猜 T输入I like doing的句型(sing.dance,read,collect stickers,run,roller-blading,fly)3.操练重点单词

roller-blading,a sticker album,collecting stickers,reading stories.在句型中操练(左右手,魔法手指,炸弹)4.问句学习5.见文字 6.课本认读A。B

Unit 7.Do you have any hobbies? Period 1 一. 教学目标

1.复习六单元.2.新授Unit 7的PartA.B 二. 教学重点及难点

1.能听懂、会说新单词和短语hobby,roller-blading,a sticker album,collecting stickers,reading stories.2.能运用Do you have any hobbies?询问他人的兴趣爱好,及对该询问做出回应。

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1.课前准备 2.口令组织课堂教学

3.sing a song.(活跃气氛)《Edilwess> 4.Greetings.Step2:Revision 1.看嘴型说句子(can you hear me?)复习I like sweets.Which one do you like?a hard one or a soft one? 2.课本认读(黑猫警长、上下左右)P21 Step3:Presengation and drill.(七单元PartA.B)1.导入教学

Boys and girls ,please look at the window.What’s the weather like today?(简笔画)What’s your habby on this day?Do you know hobby?通过肢体动作(play computer games,sing,dance,reading,swimming,drawing Eating,roller-blading,collecting stickers)引导S理解hobby的意思。引出重点句型Do you have any hobbies?可以让学生用中文回答,T则不停输入重点句型Do you have any hobbies? 2.正音操练

Reading,Eating,roller-blading,collecting stickers(上下左右,左右手,魔法手指)(在句子中操练I like…)3.TS问答。教Schant.Hobbies hobbies,what hobbies do you have?I like reading,I like eating, I like roller-blading.I like collecting,collecting stickers(动作)4.见文字

5.课本认读(黑猫警长)Step4:Check homework.P29,听写UNIT 6 words.Period 2 一. 教学目标

1.能掌握新单词hobby,collecting stickers,roller-blading,story,a sticker album 2.能用“Do you have any hobbies?询问他人的爱好,及用”I like.表达个人的爱好。

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:熟练的运用句型I like.表达个人的爱好 难点:顺利完成课文C、A.B部分的熟练掌握。

三. 教学准备


四. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 7.口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位)8.sing song 9.Greetings Step2:Revision 1.通过chant 复习Hobbies hobbies,what hobbies do you have?I like reading,I like eating, I like roller-blading.I like collecting,collecting stickers(动作)2.Review key words.黑板认读(陷阱)

Step3:Presentation and drill 1.导入教学

(通过书本认读让S熟练掌握Part A,针对Part A让S掌握三人称的说法:He likes/She likes)在熟练的基础上,注意学生点上的检查,大组-小组)P27-28 2.chant教学 输入(抢椅子)3.PPT练习

让S熟练掌握PartA-E 4.check homework 听写六单元单词 抄写七单元单词上作业本 练习册

Period 3 一.教学目标

1.复习Unit 7的内容,带学生做完练习2.观看英语电影

二. 教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 1.口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位)2.sing song 3.Greetings Step2:Revision 5.课本认读 6.练习

Step3:Film show 作业:试卷

Period 4 八单元 一.教学目标

1.能听懂、会说新单词和短语get up have breakfast go to school have class come home能运用Do you have any hobbies? 2.复习时间的说法

二. 教学重点及难点

重点:掌握新单词;运用句型What time do you…询问时间 难点:时间的说法



4.教学步骤 Step1:Warming up 10.口令组织课堂教学(严厉、快速、到位)11.sing song 12.Greetings Step2:Revision TSchant,T ask Sanswer,review I like reading stories,I like eating,I like roller-blading,Ilike collecting stickers.Step3:Presentation and drill 1.导入教学

Free talk.clock(复习时间说法,板书或画画)输入What time do you get up?What time do you have breakfast?What time do you go to school?What time do you have class?What time do you come home? 2.正音操练






C.that D.there()2.A.sports B.plates C.grapes D.that’s()3.A.vase



D.father()4.A.puppy B.brush C.music D.puzzle()5.A.show

B.flower C.brown D.down()6.A.red






D.milk()8.A.home B.go




1.I ______ a new coat.My brother ________ a new pet.(have)2.There are some ___________ on the table.(glass)3.Do you have ___________ story book?(some)4.He’s ______________ the windows and doors.(clean)5.Anne and I don’t like _______________.(swim)6.Look!Miss Gao has some tins of _____________.(fish)7.The ___________ are at the parkt.(child)

8.They are in the big tree.Let’s go and help _________.(they)

三、翻译下列词组。(10分)1.喜欢看书____________________ 2.玩电脑游戏__________________ 3.请勿钓鱼______________________ 4.上一节音乐课________________ 5.七点半________________ 6.弹钢琴______________________ 7.在海边____________________ 8.整理床铺 __________________ 9.一块蛋糕____________________ 10.长发_______________________


()1.—You have a nice coat.--________.A.Yes, it’s nice.B.Thank you.C.OK.D.You’re right.()2.--_______ he like music?

--Yes,he _________.A.Do;do B.Does;do C.Does;does D.Do;does

()3.—How much are these things?--_____________.A.Forty—five yuan B.Yes,they are.C.Here you are.D.No , they aren’t.()4.—Where’s Anne?

--She __________ under the tree.A.standing B.is sitting C.sits D.has()5.Let’s buy some cards ______ our friends.A.for B.to C.of D.at()6.--_____ in your box?

--Some apples.A.Who’s B.Where’s C.What’s D.Which is()7.I have some ______ in the bottle.A.pineapple B.oranges C.grapes D.pears()8.—What’s your mother ?

--She’s __________.A.tall B.forty C.a driver D.fat()9.—What shape is the box?

--It’s ____________.A.a heart B.yours C.red D.nice

()10._______ any newspapers in the reading room?

A.Is there B.There is C.Are there D.There are




__________ _______you _________, Peter? I can ____________.2.我父母星期天不上班。

My ________ _________ work ________ ________.3.你家附近有什么?


__________ _________ your ____________?

__________ ________many ____________ and a school.4.谁有尺子?


Who _______ a __________? I _________ one.5.体育活动房在一楼。

The ________ hall is on the __________ __________.6.明天你有空吗?

_______ you __________ ________?



__________ ________ you like? I like _______________.六、七、阅读理解。(10分)

Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子), Mrs Brown.From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house.He is free on Saturdays and Sundays.He has a nice garden beside his house.He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays.The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much.She often helps Mr Brown.()1.Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife.A.a city B.a small town C.a big town

()2.He works_________ days a week in his office.A.four B.five C.six

()3.He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays.A.free B.busy C.happy

()4.He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays.A.working in his garden B.walking in his gardon C.looking at his garden


the first period

一、teaching aims:

1.to help the students to understand these new words: yesterday/ today/ weekdays/ sick/ railway/ station;

2.to help the students to understand the part a;

3.to help the students to use the new sentences: “where were you?” “i was… ”, and help the students how to response it.

二、difficult points and key points:

difficult points:

to help the students understand these new words and sentences.

key points:

lets the students act part a out.

三、teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder.

2.some pictures.

3.some word cards.

四、teaching steps:

step 1 warming up.

the teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.

t:“good morning, boys and girls.”

s:“good morning, teacher.”

t:“how are you?”

s:“i’m fine. thank you. and you?”

t:“i’m fine, too.”

and then sing the english song: days of the week.

step 2 presentation and drill.

1.t: what day is it today? / how many days are there in a week? what are they?


t:the day from monday to friday is weekdays. saturday and sunday are weekdays. today is…and yesterday was…

the teacher uses the calendar to show the new words for the students, and write these new words down.

2.put some pictures under the weekdays words.

t: today is … and i’m at school. yesterday was … and i’m at the library / sick and in the hospital / … where were you?

s: …

encourage the students to answer this question.

3.listen to the tape recorder and understand the part a to answer these questions:

where was mingming on saturday?

4.the teacher use the body language to teach these new words: during / hand in / in bed / visit / meet / finish

5.let the students to listen to the tape recorder and read after the tape recorder.

step 3 practices

game: chain game.

divide the whole class into four groups. and give each group some place cards.

s1: today is…yesterday was …and i was… where were you yesterday?

s2:…(answer it according the cards.)

step 4 consolidations

act the part a.

step 5 homework

unit 4 where were you, mingming?

the second period

一、teaching aims:

1.make the students to understand the part d and answer the questions after the text.

2.make the students to make up the part d according the key words and some pictures.

3.let the students feel the feeling of love their homeland.

4.let the students to know some past word.

二、difficult points and key points:

difficult points:

ask the students to repeat the part d is so difficulty.

key points:

to help the students to understand the part d and can answer the questions after the text.

三、teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder.

2.some pictures.

3.word cards.

四、teaching steps:

step 1 warming up.

1.the teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.

t:“good afternoon, boys and girls.”

s:“good afternoon, teacher.”

t:“how are you?”

s:“i’m fine. thank you. and you?”

t:“i’m fine, too.”

2. let the students sing the english song: row your boat.

3. let the students to show their homework to the whole class. and give best one a sticker.

step 2 presentation and drill.

1.t: hello, boys and girls. i like traveling very much. i’ve been to many places, shanghai, beijing, and guangzhou… there are many beautiful sights in these places. i took many pictures. then divide the pictures to the students, and write some words on the blackboard to teach the students the new words.

2.let the students to read the part d and answer the question after the text:

where was tim last week?

3.to teach the new words about the text: cousin / valley / lake / cave / crystal cave and so on.

4.then let the students to listen to the tape recorder and read after the tape recorder.

step 3 practices

1.ask the students to make a talk freely.

2.filling the blanks.



step 4 consolidations

according the blanks and some key words let the students to repeat the part d. and give the best student a sticker.

step 5 homework

unit 4 where were you, mingming?

the third period

一、teaching aims:

1.let the students can uses these sentences make a communication with each other.

2.to sing the english song: there are ten bottles on the table.

二、difficult points and key points:

difficult points:

it’s too difficult that to use the sentence have a talk freely

key points:

make the students to remember the sentence by their hearts.

三、teaching aids:

1.a tape recorder.

2.some pictures.

3.word cards.

四、teaching steps:

step 1 warming up.

1.the teacher and the students make a greeting with each other.

t:“good morning, boys and girls.”

s:“good morning, teacher.”

t:“how are you?”

s:“i’m fine. thank you. and you?”

t:“i’m fine, too.”

2. sing an english song: “there are ten green bottles standing on the wall.”

3. listen to the teacher to read the words and write down on the book.

4.show some pictures to the students about the part d and let the students to repeat the text again.

5.let the students to show their homework to the whole class.

step 2 presentation and drill.

1. let the students to listen the tape recorder and then answer the questions:

where was the little lady?

2. listen to the tape recorder again and let the students sing the song after the tape recorder.

step 3 practices

1.sing an english song change the words little lady, at home, sir into dear sir, at school, girl.

2.let the boys sing this song, then let the girls sing this song. give the best a sticker.

step 4 consolidations

play a game: travel in the dream.

the teacher let the students to listen some soft music. and give the students some place pictures, ask the students to sleep and make a dream. the students should use the pictures to make a communication with each other to describe their dream.

上一篇:浅谈兴趣在英语教学中的作用下一篇:北师大版小学数学知识点总结 (上册)