




suffer的用法2:suffer既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,常接表示不吉利的名词(如痛苦、失败、惩罚等)作宾语。作“忍受,承受”解时,一般用于否定句或疑问句; 作“容许,允许”解时,通常只用作宾补动词,接动词不定式充当宾语补足语,可用于被动结构。

suffer的用法3:suffer用作不及物动词时,常与介词from, for, by等连用,表示“因…而受罚〔苦、损〕”。

suffer的用法4:suffer from和suffer在新闻记者的笔下是没有区别的,可以互换。有些语法学家认为suffer from a disease中的from不可少,但在当代英语中,我们会经常看到suffer后直接接病的种类作宾语的例子。


过去分词: suffered

现在分词: suffering



suffer的用法2:suffer既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,常接表示不吉利的名词(如痛苦、失败、惩罚等)作宾语。作“忍受,承受”解时,一般用于否定句或疑问句; 作“容许,允许”解时,通常只用作宾补动词,接动词不定式充当宾语补足语,可用于被动结构。

suffer的用法3:suffer用作不及物动词时,常与介词from, for, by等连用,表示“因…而受罚〔苦、损〕”。


“作”和“做”都是动词, 读音也相同, 可是用起来却十分棘手。用它们来组词还比较好办, 例如:“作法”与“做法”、“作人”与“做人”、“作主”与“做主”、“作为”与“做为”, 等等, 拿不准时只要翻翻字典, 一般就能够解决;但“作贡献”与“做贡献”, “作调查”与“做调查”, “作报告”与“做报告”, “作文章”与“做文章”等等, 要考虑哪个对就举棋不定, 字典、词典上一般也未列出或未列尽, 这就很难办。

根据国家语委厉兵先生写的一份材料所称:后面的宾语是动词名词, 就用“作”;宾语是名词, 就用“做”。例如:贡献、调查、分析、比较、介绍、证明、实 (试) 验、报告、修改等动名词做宾语, 前面的动词就用“作”;文章、事情、学问、功课、手术、结论等一般名词做宾语, 前面的动词就用“做”。这样一来, 问题的关键就变成如何判断某个词是动名词还是一般名词。判别方法是:拿到一个词, 看它能不能带宾语或状语, 能, 就是动词;再看它能不能做宾语或带定语, 能, 就是名词。例如:“贡献”, 能说“贡献力量”, 或者能说“积极贡献”, 所以它必是动词;能说“有贡献”, 也能说“突出贡献”, 所以它是名词。总起来, “贡献”是动名词, 所以, 可以说“作贡献”。“文章”不能带宾语, 它是一般名词, 可以说“做文章”。


介词but表示“除……外”,与except,other than或not including的意思相近。主要出现在以下场合:

① 与no,no one,none,nobody,nothing,nowhere等词连用。例如:

No one can do it but him. 只有他才能担当此任。

None but him knows this plant. 只有他认识这种植物。

I heard nothing but the wind. 除了风声,我什么也没听到。

② 与all,anything,anywhere,every,everybody,everyone等词连用。例如:

We were all here but Tom. 除汤姆以外,我们来了。

Everybody arrived on time but yourself. 大家都按时到达,就是你自己没有。

Have you ever been to anywhere else but Beijing?除了北京之外你还去过别的什么地方吗?

③ 与who,what,where及形容词最高级等连用。例如:

Who but a fool would do such a thing?除傻瓜外,谁还会干这样的事情?

What is she but my wife?她不是我的妻子还会是别的什么人?

He is the thinnest man in our school but Mr He. 除何先生外,他是我们学校里最瘦的人。

④ but后面常跟名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、介词短语或名词性从句作宾语。例如:

None but his dog saved him. 除了他的狗以外,谁也救不了他。

I have written all my letters but one. 我只差一封信就写完了。

He felt all but dead with fatigue. 他感到累得要死。

She was anything but mad. 她一点也不疯。

I remember I put it nowhere but in desk. 我记得我只是把它放在书桌里了。

I believe all but what he said. 我根本不相信他说的话。

⑤ but后面常跟带to的动词不定式作宾语。例如:

She had no choice but to wait. 除了等待,她别无选择。

⑥ but前的谓语动词是do时,其后跟省略“to”的动词不定式作宾语。例如:

He did nothing but read a novel yesterday. 除了看小说,他昨天什么也没干。

What can you do but take back what you said. 除了收回你的话外,你还能做什么呢?

⑦ but前面的非谓语动词是to do或doing时,but后面动词不定式的符号“to”可以省略也可以不省略。例如:

I had nothing to do but (to) watch TV yesterday evening. 除了看电视,昨晚我无事可做。

There was nothing left to do but (to) take a rest. 没有什么事情要做,只好休息了。

⑧ but前面的谓语动词或短语动词后要求接动名词时,在but后面应接动名词。例如:

He thinks of nothing but making money. 除了赚钱,他什么也不想。

That official was afraid of nothing but eating pork. 那位官员只是怕吃猪肉。

He could bear anything but hearing such bad news. 他听到这样的坏消息确实会忍受不了的。

⑨ but不能置于句首,也不能与other连用。例如:

Everyone but me was tired. (= Except for me,everyone was tired.) 除了我,大家都累了。

Mr An has no girl-friends but her. (= Mr An has no other girl-friend besides/except her.) 除了她外,安先生没有别的女朋友。

⑩ but后面的代词,可用主格也可用宾格;但处于主语位置时,用主格代词显得更自然,谓语动词的形式应与but前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。例如:

No one but we (us) is able to do it. 只有我们能当此任。

Nobody but we (us) knows of it. 除了我们外,没有人知道这件事。

You are all wrong but I (me). 除我以外,你们都错了。

I told her that I had never loved anyone but her. 我告诉她,除她以外我没有爱过任何人。


1. all but除……外全都;几乎

All but mother in my family can speak English. 除母亲外,我一家人都会说英语。

They have all but finished the task. 他们几乎完成了任务。

You are all but a doctor. 你简直是个博士。

His theory is all but correct. 他的理论几乎是正确的。

2. anything but不见得;决不

He is anything but a good headmaster. 他不见得是个好校长。

His composition is anything but correct. 他的作文错误百出。

I was anything but angry. 我一点也不生气。

This car is anything but beautiful. 这小汽车根本不漂亮。

3. but for除……外;要不是

The purse is empty but for a few coins. 除了几枚硬币外,钱包里面是空空的。

She could have remarried but for her little daughter. 要不是因为她的小女儿,她早就再婚了。

4. but now刚刚,适才

I saw him in the office but now. 我刚刚看见他在办公室里。

I heard the commander talk about you but now. 适才我听得司令讲到您。

5. but that要不是,若非

But that I saw it,I could not have believed it. 要不是我亲眼所见,我决不会相信这件事。

But that you helped us,we could not have been rich. 要不是你的帮助,我们不会富裕起来。

6. can (or could) but只能,只好

His father can but know a few letters. 他的父亲只能认识几个字母。

The old lady could but walk slowly with a stick. 那位老太太只能拄着拐杖慢慢地走。

7. can (or could) not but不得不,忍不住

I could not but tell him about it. 我不得不告诉他这件事。

She could not help but leave there. 她只好离开那里。

Seeing her husband’s funny face,she could not but laugh. 看见丈夫的滑稽面孔,她忍不住笑了。

8. cannot (or could) choose but不得不,必须

They could not choose but obey. 他们除了服从外别无选择。

9. cannot (or couldn’t) help but不能不,不得不

I cannot help but be sorry. 我不能不感到遗憾。

10. first but one (two ...) 顺数第二 (三……)

In the brothers Mr Kong was the first but one. 孔先生在众弟兄中排行老二。

11. last but one (two ...) 倒数第二(三……)

We sat in the last row but four. 我们坐在倒数第五排。

12. never ... but每当……就……

He never sees Miss Wo but he thinks of his friend,Xiao Ya. 每当见到沃女士时,他就想起他的朋友小雅来。

Her brother never comes,but he asks her for money. 她兄弟来时,总是向她要钱。

13. next but one再下一个

They used to live in the next house but one to me. 他们住在我隔壁的隔壁。

14. no one but除了……外,谁也不

No one but a bedlamite would say such words. 除了疯子,谁也不会说这样的话。

15. not ... but不(是)……而(是)……

They were not the bones of an animal,but of a human being! 他们不是动物的骨头,而是人的骨头。

We do not study Russian but English. 我们不学俄语,而学英语。

16. not (no such a) so ... but不是如此……以至于不……

There is no such a fool but he can see it. 没有愚蠢到连这都看不懂的人。

His English is not so bad but he can make himself understood. 他的英语还不至于差到不能把自己的意思讲清楚的地步。

17. nothing but只不过,仅仅(不以为然,厌烦之语气)

She is nothing but a housewife. 她只不过是个家庭主妇。

There is nothing but water in the bottle. 那瓶子里只有水。

His theory is nothing but correct. 他的理论只是不错而已。

18. nothing ... but除非


research的用法2:research的复数形式可用于特指对某个具体问题的研究,但其前不能加数词或者many, several等词。









content的用法2:content表示“内容”时用单数和复数的意思不同,用复数表示具体的内容,而用单数则表示与形式相对应比较抽象的“要旨,内含”; 在表示“含量,容量”时只能用单数; 表示“所容纳之物,所含之物”时多用复数。



content的用法5:content常用于content oneself with结构,表示“满足于…”。





leave off=stop, make out=understand, ring up=telephone, arrive at=reach

2. 动词短语的构成:

(1)“动词+副词”,这种结构在英语中使用十分广泛,如果后面接代词作宾语时,只能放在动词和副词之间;如果接名词,可以放在动词和副词之间,也可以放在他们的后面。常见的有:put up, call up, set up, fix up, get up, stand up, look up, make up, pick up, take up, clean up, cheer up, come on, go on, put on, turn on, be on, take off, turn off, put off, give out, work out, find out, run out, break out, give away, run away等等。例如:

Please put up the picture on the wall. 请把画贴在墙上。

He put on the coat, turned off the light and went to see a movie.


(2)“动词+介词”,其后可以跟名词、代词、动名词等。常见的有:look after,take after, care for, look for, look at, arrive at, come into, break into, listen to等。例如:

She is a volunteer. She is looking after the sick kid in the hospital.


Some robbers broke into a store and took away all the money.


(3)“动词+副词+介词”,常见的有:look down upon, put up with, do away with, look forward to等。例如:

How do you do away with the bad habits? 你怎样改掉坏习惯的?

They look forward to visiting Paris. 他们盼望访问参观巴黎。

(4)“动词+名词+介词”,常见的有:take care of, pay attention to, put an end to, give rise to, have a look at等。例如:

Please take care of my dog when I leave for Beijing.


Pay attention to your pronunciation, please. 请注意你的发音。

(5)“be+形容词+介词”,常见的有:be fond of, be used to, be angry with, be strict with, be good at, be afraid of, be ready to等。例如:

He is quite used to hard work. 他颇习惯于艰苦的工作。

Parents should be very strict with their children.



2. They have the usual quota of human weaknesses, no doubt.


3. Instead of moving at his usual stately pace, he was almost running.


4. It is a neighborhood beset by all the usual inner-city problems.


5. It is usual to tip waiters, porters, guides and drivers.


6. With medication, life at home goes on as usual.


7. Tommy Tune gives the choreography his usual class and zip.


8. The Queen was determined to show it was business as usual.


9. I was rigged out in my usual green suit.


10. Jose, as usual, had climbed a tree to keep watch.


11. Today, as usual, he was wearing a three-piece suit.


12. “I wish I did,” said Phil Jordan, relapsing into his usual gloom.


13. There was all the usual humbug and obligatory compliments from ministers.


14. The next day, rain or no rain, it was business as usual.


15. The police say they met the usual wall of silence.





resign的用法5:resign用作不及物动词时,后接介词as表示“辞去某职”; 后接介词from表示“从…中退出”。


at will

任意,随意wherever, whenever, etc. one wishes


1. how用作疑问副词,引起特殊疑问句。例如:

How can I get to the airport?到机场我该怎样走?

How is the word spelt?这个单词怎么拼写?


How are your parents?你父母身体好吗?

How are you feeling?你身体(感觉)怎样?

2. how用作连接副词,引导宾语从句。例如:

Tell me how you could escape being burt in the accident. 告诉我在这次事故中你怎么没有受伤。


How nice of you to come! 你能来,太好了!

How pleased they were to see us! 他们见到我们有多高兴啊!

How kind you are! 你多么客气啊!

How well you look! 你看来多么健康啊!


1. how much可以用来询问不可数名词的数量,也可用来询问物品的价格或总钱数。例如:

How much rice do you want?你想要多少米饭?

How much does this TV set cost?这台电视机卖(值)多少钱?

How much are these things?这些东西一共多少钱?

2. how old可以用来对年龄提问。例如:

How old are you?你多大岁数了?

3. how long意为“多长时间”,可以用来对一段时间提问; how long意为“多长”,可以用来对长度提问。例如:

How long will he stay here?他在这儿要呆多久?

How long is the Great Wall?长城有多长?

4. how soon意为“多久之后”,常用来对“in + 段时间”进行提问。例如:

How soon will he come?他要多久才能来?

How soon will you visit Tokyo?你多久之后去东京?

5. how far意为“多远”,用来对距离进行提问。例如:

How far is it from Jiayuguan to Shanhaiguan?从嘉峪关到山海关有多远?

How far did you walk?你们走了多远?

6. how many意为“多少”,用来对可数名词的数量提问。例如:

How many apples are there in the box?箱子里有多少苹果?

How many pens have you got?你有多少支钢笔?

7. how heavy意为“多重”,用来对重量进行提问。例如:

—How heavy is the stone?这块石头有多重?

—Two kilos. 两公斤。

8. how tall/high意为“多高”,用来对人、物的高度进行提问。 tall指人、树木、建筑物等与宽度相比高度特别突出的物体。 high指其他物体的高度。例如:

How tall is the building?那栋楼有多高?

How high is the wall?这堵墙有多高?

9. how big/large意为“多大,多少”,用来对人或物之“大”进行提问。例如:

How big is the photo?那张照片有多大?

How large is the country in area?这个国家的面积有多大?

10. how often意为“多久一次”,可以用来对动作发生的频率/频度进行提问。例如:

How often do you visit your grandfather?你多长时间去看一次你爷爷?

How often do the buses run?公共汽车多久有一班?

11. How about意为“……怎么样,……怎么办”,相当于What about,用来征求对方的意思或打听消息。例如:

How/What about a drink?喝杯酒怎么样(好吗)?

How about going to France for our holidays?我们到法国去度假如何?


1.____ is he?他有多大年纪了?

2.____ do you go there?你多久去那里一次?

3.____ computers are there in your school?你们学校有多少台电脑?

4.____ water do you want?你要多少水?

5.____ dirty the house is! 这房屋多么脏啊!

6.____ is your grandmother?你祖母身体好吗?

7.____ going for a walk?去散散步怎么样?

8.____ do you find your new job?你觉得你的新工作怎样?

9. —____ will the film last?这部电影要放多长时间?

—It is an hour long. 有一个钟头之久。

10.____ are these tomatoes?这些西红柿有多重?

11.____ is it from your house to the school?从你家到学校有多远?

12.____ will you be back?你多久之后回来?

13.____ is the room?这个房间有多大?

14.____ is Li Ping?李平个子有多高?

15.____ is Mt Qomolangma?珠穆朗玛峰有多高?


1. How old 2. How often 3. How many 4. How much 5. How__

6. How 7. How about 8. How 9. How long 10. How heavy





respect的用法5:respect作“敬意”“问候”解需要用复数形式,常与give, send或pay连用。

respect的用法6:respect作“方面,点; 细节”解时,一般用于短语in every〔many,some,no,one〕 respect(s)。



consider to do还是consider doing


appearance的用法1:appearance的基本意思是“出现”,可指人的突然出现或出席某宴会,也可指演员等登台亮相或在电视、电影中露面,还可指疾病等到了最后阶段所显现出的一些症状,常与动词make, put搭配。也可作“外表”“外观”解,常指经常性的总体印象,指人时,可指人的容貌或着装,既可用单数形式也可用复数形式; 指物时,可指建筑物的整体外观。




短语展播:look for寻找;look after照顾;look over查看;look forward to渴望,向往,to为介词,后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语;look at看着;look up抬头看,在……查找;look up to尊敬;look down upon瞧不起;look like看起来像;look as if/though看起来好像;look through透过……看;look into调查;look out当心;look out of往……外看。


1. ——What are you doing, Cathy?

——I’m ____ my cat. I can’t find it.(07北京)

A. looking forB. looking atC. looking upD. looking after

析:A。由I can’t find it.可以反推该空表示“寻找”,因此应填looking for。

2. Kate didn’t go to the movie last night because she had to ____ her sick dog at home. (07陕西)

A. look atB. look upC. look forD. look after

析:D。sick暗示该空表示“照顾”,因此应填look after。

3. The doctor ____ the crying baby, but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with it.(06安徽)

A. looked overB. looked afterC. looked forD. looked out

析:A。由couldn’t find out what was wrong with it可以推出该空表示“查看”,因此应填looked over。

4. ——Do you like sports?

——Sure, I’m looking forward to ____ Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.(06呼和浩特)

A. watchedB. watchesC. watchD. watching

析:D。look forward to中to为介词,后面应接动名词作宾语。

5. ____ the word in the dictionary, and you’ll get the meaning by your-selves.(06泰州)

A. Look atB. Look upC. Look forD. Look over

析:B。由the word in the dictionary与get the meaning之间的逻辑关系可以推出该空表示“在……查找”,因此应填Look up。


短语展播:put off推迟,put on穿上;上演;put away把……暂时收起来,储存……备用;put up举起,建造,张贴;put out扑灭;put down写下;put aside把……搁在一边;put back放回。


1. A lot of meetings were ____ because of the dangerous disease.


A. turned offB. set offC. put offD. taken off

析:C。the dangerous disease暗示该空表示“推迟”,因此应填put off。

2. ——Tom, it’s cold outside. ____ your coat when you go out.

——OK, Mom. (07安徽)

A. Take offB. Take awayC. Put awayD. Put on

析:D。cold暗示该空表示“穿上”,因此应填Put on。

3. Tina, ____ your books and get ready for dinner.(07佛山)

A. put awayB. throw awayC. put down

析:A。get ready for dinner暗示该空表示“把……暂时收起来”,因此应填put away。

4. ——Great changes have taken place in this city.

——Right. Many modern tall buildings have been ____ these years.


A. turned upB. put upC. shown upD. fixed up

析:B。由常识可知,高楼大厦是被建起来的,因此该空应填put up。


短语展播:turn off关掉;turn down把音量开小一点;拒绝;turn up把音量开大一点;出现;turn on打开; turn round/around回头;turn over翻开;翻转;turn to朝向;变成;求助于;turn…into…把……变成……;turn into变成;turn out结果证明是;turn away把脸转过去。


1. Remember to ____ the lights when you leave your classroom.


A. turn onB. turn offC. turn upD. turn down

析:B。leave暗示该空表示“关掉”,因此应填turn off。

2. ——Nancy, you may listen to the radio. But would you mind ____?

Your father is sleeping.

——I’m sorry. I’ll do it right now.(07咸宁)

A. turning it downB. turning it up

C. turning it onD. turning it off

析:A。由may listen to the radio与is sleeping之间的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“把它的音量开小一点”,因此应填turning it down。

3. Would you mind ____ the music? I can’t hear it clearly.(06厦门)

A. turning upB. turning downC. turning on

析:A。can’t hear it clearly暗示该空表示“把音量开大一点”,因此应填turning up。


短语展播:call at拜访,后接地点;call on拜访,后接被拜访的对象;号召;call back回电话;call in 叫来;call up打电话,使回忆起;call for叫某人同往某处,要求;call off取消。


——Where did you go after we left the library yesterday?

——I went downtown and ____ my aunt’s on my way home.(07武汉)

A. played withB. called atC. waited forD. looked after

析:B。该空表示“拜访”,且后接地点名词,因此应填called at。


短语展播:be friendly/kind to对……友好;be fed up with对……厌烦;be different from与……不同;be afraid of害怕;be popular with受……欢迎;be fond of喜欢,爱好;be curious about对……感到好奇;be interested in对……感兴趣;be surprised at对……惊讶;be satisfied/content/pleased with对……满意;be proud of对……感到自豪;be terrified at因……而害怕;be clear about对……清楚; be strict with对某人严格;be strict in 对某事严格;be patient with对某人有耐心;be polite/impolite to对某人有礼貌/不礼貌;be rude to 对某人粗鲁;be thankful/grateful to对某人感激;be good to对……有好处;be good at擅长于……; be sure of/about对……有把握;be joined to/connected with和……连在一起;be separated from和……分开;be divided into被分成;be made up of由……构成;be angry with对某人生气;be busy with忙于;be lost/absorbed/deep in沉溺于;be crowded with挤满了;be full of/filled with装满了;be late for……迟到;be covered with覆盖着;be covered by被……覆盖;be tied to被系在……;be crazy about对……狂热;be familiar with对……熟悉;be familiar to对某人来说是熟悉的;be similar to和……类似;be famous/known for因……著名;be famous/known as作为……有名;be cruel to对……残忍;be clever at 在……乖巧;be expert at 精通。


1. ——How are you getting along with your classmates?

——Very well. They are all ____ me.(07福州)

A. afraid ofB. angry withC. tired ofD. friendly to

析:D。Very well暗示该空表示“对……友好”,因此应填friendly to。

2. The villagers are ____ the factory. They keep complaining about the noise.(07大连)

A. pleased withB. fed up with C. surprised at D. worried about

析:B。keep complaining about the noise暗示该空表示“对……厌烦”,因此应填be fed up with。

3. Most of my classmates don’t like to talk to their parents, but I am ____ them.(07青海)

A. different fromB. surprised atC. the same as

析:A。由but的转折性语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“与……不同”,因此应填different from。

4. He is ____ dogs, so he never keeps any of them at home.(06青海)

A. interested inB. afraid ofC. worried about

析:B。never keeps any of them at home暗示该空表示“对……害怕”,因此应填afraid of。


短语展播:get on/along (well) with与某人相处(融洽),在……进展(顺利);get up起床;get on上车(船、飞机、马);get off下车(船、飞机、马); get back回去;get back to回到;get away离开,逃脱;get down下来;get home到家;get into进入,陷入;get out (of) (从……)出去;get to到达;get together聚会。


1. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll ____ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them. (07济南)

A. catch up withB. agree with

C. get on well withD. make friend with

析:C。kind and friendly to them暗示该空表示“与某人相处融洽”,因此应填get on well with。

2. Wake up, Nick. It’s time to ____, or you’ll be late for school.


A. get upB. get backC. get awayD. get off

析:A。Wake up与or you’ll be late for school暗示该空表示“起床”,因此应填get up。

3. Don’t ____ while the bus is moving, or you may hurt yourself and even someone outside.(07南通)

A. get onB. get upC. get offD. get in

析:C。由is moving, hurt yourself and even someone outside之间的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“下车”,因此应填get off。

4. When my mum ____, she realized she had left her bag on the bus.


A. got on a busB. got home

C. got alongD. got in the way

析:B。由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“到家”,因此应填got home。


短语展播:take off(飞机)起飞,脱掉(衣服);take in吸收,上当;take away拿走;take out取出;take on雇佣,呈现;take down取下;take up占据时间、空间,开始从事,拿起。


——You’d better hurry, or we’ll be late for the plane.

——Don’t worry. The plane will ____ in two hours.(07南京)

A. take inB. take awayC. take offD. take out

析:C。be late for the plane暗示该空表示“起飞”,因此应填take off。


短语展播:sell out卖光,售完;sell sb. sth., sell sth. to sb. 把……卖给某人。


——Do you have this kind of MP4?

——Sorry, we ____ yesterday. You can come next week.(07南宁)

A. wrote them down B. tried them on

C. took them off D. sold them out

析:D。You can come next week.暗示该空表示“此物已卖光了”,因此应填sold them out。


短语展播:agree with同意(意见、想法、分析、解释);agree to同意(计划、办法);agree on协商一件事;agree to do sth.同意做某事。


——Teachers are the most hard-working people. Do you think so?

——Yes, I ____ you. (07贵阳)

A. catch up with B. agree withC. help with

析:B。Yes暗示该空表示“同意”,因此应填agree with。


短语展播:pick up拾起,捡起,拿起,收听,用车接送客人、货物,收拾、整理;pick out挑选。


He ____ a piece of waste paper, and put it into the rubbish bag.


A. picked upB. threw awayC. looked for D. handed in

析:A。and put it into the rubbish bag暗示该空表示“捡起”,因此应填picked up。


短语展播:care for关心,愿意,喜欢,照顾;care about在乎,介意;take care of照顾。


Lots of people in our city ____ the old and they usually offer their seats to the old on buses.(07河南)

A. agree with B. worry about

C. laugh atD. care for

析:D。usually offer their seats to the old暗示该空表示“关心”,因此应填care for。


短语展播:go over温习,复习;go swimming/skating/shopping/dancing/fishing/hunting/camping去游泳/溜冰/购物/跳舞/钓鱼/打猎/野营;go into走进……;go off爆炸;go out出去,熄灭;go ahead继续向前走;go against违背;go away走开;go back回去,回顾;go by时间流逝,从旁经过;go down下降,下沉;go for为……而去;go in进入;go on(时间)过去,继续,持续,发生;go round绕路;go through经历;go together一起去;go up上升,攀登;go without没有。


1. ——What did the English teacher talk to you last Friday?(07芜湖)

——She told me to ____ my lessons carefully before the exam.

A. look upB. go overC. look afterD. go on

析:B。before the exam暗示该空表示“复习”,因此应填go over。

2. ——What a hot day!

——Yes. Let’s ____. (07乌鲁木齐)

A. go shoppingB. go swimming C. go dancing D. go fishing

析:B。hot暗示该空表示“去游泳”,因此应填go swimming。


短语展播:come along一道来;come in进来;come into进入;come out出来,出版;come down倒塌,降下来;come from来自;come back回来;come across偶然遇到;come over过来;come home回家;come to an end结束;come to oneself苏醒过来;come up长出,发芽;come into use开始使用;come round绕道而来;come at扑向;come on(表示劝说、激动、不耐烦等)快!得啦;跟着来;来临。


Hi, Helen. We’re going to the concert tonight. Would you like to ____?(07大连)

A. carry onB. try outC. give upD. come along

析:D。We’re going to the concert tonight.暗示该空表示“邀请对方或希望对方怎样”,因此应填come along。


短语展播:give up放弃;give off放出、发出(气体、气味、烟雾、光、水、热等);give out精疲力竭、累倒,耗尽、用完;give away泄露,赠送;give in屈服,让步,投降。


As a young boy, he had to work in his spare time to pay for school, but he never ____.(07乐山)

A. gave upB. gave awayC. gave outD. gave back

析:A。由but的转折性语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“放弃”,因此应填gave up。


短语展播:make a decision作出决定;make sb. do sth.让某人做某事;make a mistake犯错误;make progress取得进步;make a face做鬼脸;make friends with与……交朋友;make from用……材料做成,制成品中看不出原材料;make of用……材料制成,制成品中看得出原材料;make out辨认;make one’s way克服困难前进;make up编造,虚构,打扮,弥补,构成,讲和。


1. I’d like to go to Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, but I haven’t made a final ____ yet.(06佳木斯)

A. mistakeB. decisionC. progress


2. Don’t make me ____ this or that. I’m too busy!(06徐州)

A. to doB. doC. doingD. done


用作动词 (v.)

major in (v.+prep.)

