




Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body.知识之于精神,一如健康之于肉体。

Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 胸中有知识,胜于手中有金钱。

The best horse needs breeding, and the aptest child needs teaching. 最好的马要驯,最伶俐的`孩子要教。

Sound in body, sound in mind. 有健全的身体才有健全的精神。

Seeing is believing. 百闻不如一见。

Reading makes a full man. 读书长见识。






动机是影响外语学习的关键因素之一, 其重要性已为国内外大量实证研究所证实 (如秦晓晴、文秋芳2002;吴一安等1993;D觟rnyei&Ushioda 2009;Gardner 1985等) 。过去几十年中, 二语学习动机研究多聚焦于对动机内部结构特征的探讨和理论模型的构建上 (秦晓晴、文秋芳2002;尤陈静2010) , 对教师和学习者如何在二语学习情境下采取相应策略激发和维系学习动机的研究相对不足 (Cheng&D觟rnyei 2007;Guilloteaux&D觟rnyei 2008) , 因此, 一些学者 (杨涛、李力2010;D觟rnyei 2001a) 指出二语动机策略 (L2 motivational strategies) 研究有可能成为未来应用语言学界新的研究领域。D觟rnyei (2001b, 2003) 认为二语动机策略不仅包括教师在语言教学中采取的直接激发、保护和维持学习者动机的教学策略, 还应包括学习者对自己的动机进行调控所使用的自我激励策略 (self-motivating strategies) 。国外教育心理学界研究表明, 学习者的自我激励能力是影响其学习成效的主要因素 (Cohen&D觟rnyei 2002) 。然而迄今为止, 国内外语教学领域关于学习者的自我激励策略研究仍较匮乏。本研究旨在通过案例调查, 对中国大学生在英语学习中使用自我激励策略的情况进行研究, 探讨自我激励策略对英语学习成绩的相关性。


自我激励策略指的是学习过程中学习者对自己的动机进行调控所使用的策略 (D觟rnyei 2001a) 。D觟rnyei发现, 尽管在不利的课堂情境和缺少教师帮助的情况下, 有些学习者仍然可以比其他学习者取得更大的成功, 达到既定目标。他们是怎样做到这一点的呢?D觟rnyei认为, 这些学习者运用了某种自我管理技能来克服环境和心理干扰, 即他们使用了自我激励策略来调控其学习动机。关于学习者具有自我激励能力的猜测在过去的二十多年间已得到证实。这方面研究的开拓Heckhausen和Kuhl (1985) 把动机过程划分为两个连续的心理状态:决定前状态为动机, 决定后状态为意志力 (volition) 。当人们做出决定之后, 动机则结束, 紧接着人们要靠意志力 (即自我激励) 来达到既定目标。Kuhl (1985) 提出六种意志力策略:积极的注意选择策略 (active attentional selectivity strategy) 、编码控制策略 (encoding control strategy) 、信息处理简约策略 (parsimony of information processing strategy) 、情绪控制策略 (emotion control strategy) 、动机控制策略 (motivation control strategy) 和环境控制策略 (environmental control strategy) 。前三种策略均与管理认知活动有关, 被统称为元认知控制策略 (metacognitive control strategy) 。Corno和Kanfer (1993) 将这六种意志力控制策略归为隐蔽和外显两大类, 其中元认知控制策略、情绪控制策略和动机控制策略属隐蔽类, 而外显类策略则包括情境控制策略, 细分为任务情境控制策略和在任务情境中控制他人的策略。

在Kuhl (1987) 及Corno和Kanfer (1993) 提出的关于意志力策略分类的基础上, D觟rnyei (2001a) 提出了二语学习过程中学习者可采用的五种自我激励策略:目标控制策略 (commitment control strategy) 、元认知控制策略、兴趣控制策略 (satiation control strategy) 、情绪控制策略和环境控制策略。目标控制策略指的是学习者为了保持或增强原始目标而运用的策略, 如想象成功后将获得的成果和奖励。元认知控制策略指的是学习者通过控制注意力来避免拖延完成学习任务而采取的策略, 如在学习过程中提醒自己集中注意力。兴趣控制策略指的是学习者用来提高任务兴趣度的策略, 如使任务更具挑战性。情绪控制策略指的是学习者为了避免消极情绪和引发自身积极情绪所采取的策略, 如自我鼓励或自我肯定。环境控制策略指的是学习者为了达到目标而主动消除环境干扰或创设有利环境所使用的策略, 如消除噪音或朋友的干扰。

到目前为止, 已有一些研究探讨教师如何激发学习者的学习动机 (如杜福兴2003;D觟rnyei 2001a) , 然而却鲜有研究探讨学习者如何在英语学习中使用各种自我激励策略来激发和调控自己的动机。国内有关学习者自我激励策略的研究尤为匮乏。尽管国内 (包括台湾地区) 也有些关于大学生动机调控的研究 (程炳林2002;李晓东等2006;李昆2009, 2011) , 但多数不是针对外语学习的。李昆 (2009) 对中国大学生英语学习动机调控策略类型进行了调查, 发现学生对八种动机调控策略的使用均达到中等及较高水平。该研究还发现女生对动机调控策略的使用频率高于男生, 而文理科学生在动机调控策略的使用上不存在差异。李昆 (2011) 探讨了动机调控策略对英语学习策略和学习成绩的影响。结果显示, 八种动机调控策略均与学习策略呈显著正相关, 动机调控策略可以预测学习策略的使用以及英语成绩。

李昆的研究填补了国内外语学习领域有关动机调控策略实证研究的空白, 然而该研究的调查对象仅为非英语专业大学生, 对英语专业大学生的情况我们仍一无所知。且该研究中的动机调控策略主要参照Wolters (1999) 的分类模式, 而Wolters的研究并非针对二语学习展开, 故一些调控策略未必可涵盖或适用于二语学习 (高越2012) 。D觟rnyei (2001a) 提出的自我激励策略是针对二语学习的, 故本研究采用他的分类法对中国英语专业和非英语专业大学生的自我激励策略使用情况进行探讨。

此外, 外语学习的过程和成效可能会受到学习者个体因素的影响, 比如学习策略的使用会受到学习者的年龄、性别、专业、语言水平等因素的影响 (Oxford&Nyikos1989) 。因此, 本文也将探索学习者的性别和年级对其自我激励策略使用的影响。

总之, 本文将回答以下研究问题:中国大学生在英语学习中使用自我激励策略的总体情况如何?英语专业和非英语专业学生在自我激励策略的使用上是否存在差异?不同性别, 不同年级的学习者在自我激励策略的使用上是否存在差异?自我激励策略的使用与英语成绩是否相关?


(一) 研究对象

参加问卷调查的是华南农业大学在校本科生, 发放问卷470份, 收回有效问卷457份。有效受试包含英语专业本科生190名, 非英语专业本科生267名 (来自农学、工程、艺术、理学、经济、管理和法学等专业) ;男生143名, 女生314名;大一学生94名, 大二109名, 大三126名, 大四128名。

(二) 研究工具

本研究所使用的问卷项目基于D觟rnyei (2001a) 所提出的五种自我激励策略, 问卷共包含26个题目, 其中目标控制策略2题, 元认知控制策略8题、兴趣控制策略2题, 情绪控制策略8题, 环境控制策略6题。研究者将原题目译成中文后进行了适当的修改, 使其更加针对英语学习。受试被要求在符合自己情况的选项代码前打钩。问卷采用李克特五级量表计分, 选项代码为该选项的分值, 1=从不, 2=很少, 3=偶尔, 4=经常, 5=总是。分值越高说明自我激励策略使用得越好。

(三) 数据分析



(一) 自我激励策略使用的总体情况


表1表明, 受试的自我激励策略总平均分为3.11分 (满分为5分) , 相当于百分制的62.2分。可见受试在英语学习过程中使用自我激励策略的频率不高。五种策略中使用频率相对较高的是目标控制策略, 如“关注原先英语学习目标不能达到的后果”。使用频率最低的是环境控制策略。受试较少甚至没有使用诸如“通过和别人讨论来明确学习目标、公开承诺不做影响学习的事情、请求朋友帮忙监督自己的学习”等环境控制策略。

外语学习过程中会出现许多干扰因素, 学习者的动机难免会出现波动。动机缺乏或降低是外语学习中一个明显的、经常性的现象 (D觟rnyei 2001b) 。在这种情况下, 学习者需要依赖一些自我激励策略对动机进行调控才可能坚持下去。Ushioda (1996) 也指出, 在语言学习中面临消极情感因素时, 知道如何去预防动机损伤并采取自我激励措施的学习者将具有很大的优势。自我激励能力对外语学习来说具有特殊的重要性。调查结果显示, 受试的自我激励能力仍需加强。

(二) 自我激励策略使用差异的分析

1. 自我激励策略使用的专业差异

采用独立样本t检验比较了不同专业本科生自我激励策略使用的差异情况, 结果见表2。

注:*表示p<0.05, **表示p<0.01;下同。

结果显示, 英语专业和非英语专业本科生在自我激励策略的使用上存在显著差异。为了详细了解两组受试五种策略的使用情况, 我们分别针对每一种策略进行了差异检测。结果发现, 两组受试在目标控制策略和情绪控制策略的使用上也存在显著差异。人们普遍认为英语专业学生的总体英语水平会高于非英语专业学生, 本研究证实了这与他们更懂得使用自我激励策略或许有一定关系。外语学习是“持续性深度学习” (sustained deep learning) (Schumann 1998, 转引自李昆2009) , 在长期艰难的学习过程中, 学习者必须善于运用一定的自我激励策略调控其动机才可能取得最终的成功。

相比之下, 英语对于英语专业学生而言更具重要性, 与他们今后的工作关系密切。这也许是英语专业和非英语专业本科生在目标控制策略的使用上存在差异的原因之一。英语专业的受试在平时的学习中可能更期望得到理想的英语成绩或老师的表扬, 也更关注原先英语学习目标不能达到的后果, 如有些毕业生会因未获得英语专业八级证书而找不到好工作。根据期望和价值理论 (Vroom 1964, 转引自秦晓晴2002) , 达到目标的期望和目标本身的价值导致了人们追求目标的行为。如果学习者对于英语学习期望高而且认为自己的学习行为有价值, 动机就会很高;反之, 动机则会降低。

两组受试在情绪控制策略的使用上存在显著差异的原因可能是, 英语专业学生的英语水平总体而言比非英语专业的高, 这会使他们对英语学习有更多的自信和自我肯定。由于英语对英语专业学生而言具有特殊的重要性, 他们更可能与别人分享学习英语的感受, 也更懂得挖掘英语学习中的有趣元素。Ushioda (1996) 指出, 在语言学习中面临消极情感因素时, 学习者应学会采取自我激励措施来维持原先的学习热情。外语学习是个艰难的过程, 遇到困难时需要学习者懂得调节情绪, 缓解压力, 树立积极的态度, 进行自我鼓励和自我肯定。

2. 自我激励策略使用的性别差异

采用独立样本t检验比较了不同性别本科生自我激励策略使用的差异情况, 结果显示, 男女生在自我激励策略的使用上并不存在显著差异。尽管以往的研究表明, 在语言学习上女生优于男生, 女生的外语学习动机强于男生, 然而从本结果来看, 女生在运用自我激励策略来进行英语学习动机调控的能力方面较之男生似乎没有明显的优势。薛桢等 (2004) 的研究表明, 人类前额叶功能 (至少在注意力调控能力方面) 在成年后与性别激素无关, 男女大学生在注意力调控能力方面不存在显著性差异。金芳等 (2011) 的研究表明, 艺术类大学生在情绪调节策略使用上性别差异不显著。由此看来, 不同性别的学习者的某些调控能力 (如注意力调控能力和情绪调控能力) 到了大学阶段有可能消失。本研究问卷共包含26题自我激励策略, 其中6题涉及注意力的调控, 8题涉及情绪调控, 共约占题目总数的54%。这或许能在一定程度上解释为何本研究中男女受试在自我激励策略的使用上不存在显著差异。

3. 自我激励策略使用的年级差异

采用F检验比较了不同年级本科生自我激励策略使用的差异情况。结果显示, 不同年级的本科生在自我激励策略的总体使用上不存在显著差异。这一结果显示, 大学生运用自我激励策略对英语学习动机进行调控的能力并未随着年级的上升而得以加强。从结果来看, 受试自我激励策略 (如目标控制策略、元认知控制策略、情绪控制策略) 的使用从大学二年级开始有所下降, 这或许因为许多大学生入学后由于缺乏高考的“压力”, 学习动力便有所下降, 这也反映了学习动机的动态本质。此外, 由于学习过程中缺乏教师的策略指导, 受试不懂得如何运用自我激励策略来调控其学习动机, 这可能也是不同年级的受试在自我激励策略的使用上不存在显著差异的一个原因。

(三) 自我激励策略与英语成绩的相关分析

由于大一和大二学生多数仍未参加大学英语六级测试, 我们只将大三和大四学生的六级成绩与自我激励策略的使用进行相关分析, 结果见表3。

从表3可以看出, 自我激励策略的使用与英语成绩呈显著正相关, 五种自我激励策略中每一种策略的使用都与英语成绩呈显著正相关。其中, 情绪控制策略的使用与英语成绩的相关系数最高。此外, 五种策略彼此之间也是正相关。本调查结果表明自我激励策略的使用将最终影响英语学习的成效。因此, 教学中很有必要对学生进行自我激励策略培训。D觟rnyei (2001a) 建议将培训分为六个阶段:找出学生已在使用的自我激励策略;建议并示范给学生使用新策略;让学生明白掌握这些策略的好处;引导学生通过练习来运用策略;鼓励学生发现适合自己的策略;经常让学生互相交流一些有用的策略。


本研究通过问卷调查探究了英语专业中国大学生在英语学习中使用自我激励策略的情况, 以及自我激励策略的使用对英语成绩的影响, 主要发现如下, 受试对自我激励策略的使用频率不高;英语专业和非英语专业受试在自我激励策略的使用上存在显著差异;不同性别、不同年级的受试在自我激励策略的总体使用上不存在显著差异;受试的英语成绩与自我激励策略的使用显著正相关。















英语教授过程中,我发现朗读这一环节,学生的参与度不够。原因是,对于大部分中职生来说,英语句子就是“天书”,平均只有20%的学生能够比较流畅地朗读对话或文章。我曾经尝试过,把段落删减成一个个短句,简化朗读难度。可效果似乎并不理想,大部分学生仍然对这些英文句子“不感冒”,甚至有些学生在读文章的环节干脆打瞌睡去了。可见,简化知识点并不是最适合的方法,能让学生主动地对英语感兴趣才是关键。于是,我把学生分成若干小组,尽量使各组水平相当。我给每组发一“任务单”,要求全员参与,全员朗读。例如,英语第一章第五单元的Reading部分是四段自我介绍。我把朗读该部分设为各组任务。领到任务后,每组开始练习。基础好的同学能很好地发挥帮带作用,基础差的同学虽然吃力,但因为怕影响本组成绩,或者怕自己站起来时尴尬,都能够认真地抓紧请教和练习。由于刚开始分配任务时,各组成员任务量不大,所以当每组朗读表演时,几乎所有同学都能完成。对于那些英语底子薄的学生来说,在朗读的那一刻,他们的表情是紧张而又自信的,因为他们很少能这么流畅地读出英文。经过几次分组领“任务单”的活动,学生的兴趣激发了,信心也提升了,他们不自觉地在内心深处激励自己:I can.(我行)


近些年来,我们一直提倡课堂中要融入一定的德育教育。那么在这一环节,我们可以引入一些自我激励的名言警句,如:All things in their being are good for something.(天生我材必有用)Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. (生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘)此外,我们可以在课堂中偶尔播放一首自我激励类的英文歌曲,通过这些轻松愉快的方式,学生能够没有压力自然地激发自己内心的正能量,在学习和生活上为自己提供源源不断的精神动力。



A: How are you felling today? B: I fell a lot better.Thanks for asking.The Chinese are a great people.I completely agree with you.She gives me a big headache.I know.It’s really annoying.What’s wrong with you? I feel a little sick today.Everything is so expensive in Japan.I can’t even afford to go there for a week.Who is that girl you were with last night? She is my best friend.I have a very happy family.You’re a lucky man.I lost my job yesterday.That’s too bad.I love money.Everyone loves money.How did you become so successful? I’m just lucky.Did it work? I’m not sure yet.You made a mistake!Nobody’s perfect.What’s the matter?

Nothing is the matter.Everything is fine.Our English teacher is great.You’re so lucky to have a good teacher.I’m sorry I’m late.Forget about it.China and America should work together.You’re exactly right.My father has never traveled abroad.轻读卷舌音

My father lived in America for three years.Keep calm;it’s nothing serious.But I’m so worried.I don’t know what to do.How about the day after tomorrow? I’m busy then.How about Friday?

You’ve made the same mistake as last time.I’m sorry.I’m still learning.Who’s in charge here?

Our manager is in charge of this department.What makes you work so hard?舀水 I am determined to succeed.What do you think of Bill Clinton? He has a lot of confidence.It’s impossible for me to speak English.Nothing is impossible.I need to talk to you.Sure.Do you want to talk now? I will call you later.OK.I’ll be waiting for your call.The traffic is terrible in Beijing.Yeah, I really can’t stand it any more.I’m looking for Mr.Li.Oh, he’s just over there.My mother is a good cook.短音 My mother is a terrible cook.You look great today.一口气训练法,把声音押到腹部。深呼吸,后30遍 I’m flattered.Thanks.I want to improve my poor English.Then you should study Crazy English.You must tell the truth.舌头伸出来,没声音 But I’m afraid to tell the truth.You have to work long hours to make money.You’re right.No pain, no gain.I made a mistake./d/

Everyone makes mistakes.I’m so afraid to speak English.Don’t be shy, just try.Do you mind if I smoke? No, not at all.Go a ahead.Yes, I do.Thanks for asking.That boy looks so lonely sitting there by himself.Ask him to join us for lunch.Enjoy your stay here.Thanks, I’m sure I will.I hope I can see you again.Then let’s get together again soon.I don’t know what to do?“挖”

Don’t worry.Everything will work out.China will host a great Olympics?

No doubt about it.毫无疑问。口头禅,超夸张

How about going out for dinner tonight.That sounds great.口头禅 Do you live near here? Yes, I live very near.How do you know Li Yang? We’ve been friends for years.I’m going to quit my job.I don’t care what you do.Where are you from? I’m from America.Where are you form? He is form a very poor family.I’m so surprised to hear that.Are you sure you can do it?(从练口才的角度学英语,体验英语之美,作沟通之王)Sure.It’s a piece of cake.Do you think you can help me? No problem.辅音/p/ What do you think of Bill Clinton? He is a popular president.How are you? I’m very busy now.He is in a lot of trouble.Why? What did he do? Today is a great day.I completely agree.Let’s get together sometime.OK.How about next week? What kind of job do you have? I’m a computer programmer.I thought you and your sister were exactly alike.I’m different from my sister.How are you felling today? I feel a little weak today.May I ask you a question? Sure.Go right ahead.I’ve got to go now.It’s getting late I have to go too.Who’s that guy in the Mercedes Benz? He’s a big man in the company.Why are you so happy all the time? Life is beautiful.What is your favorite food?

I have a lot of favorite foods.I cant’s choose just one!

What do you think of the view from here? It’s a very nice view.Have a nice vacation!

Thanks, I will.I’ll see you when I get back.Are you serious?你是认真的吗? Yes.I’m completely serious.Service is good in that restaurant.The food is great, too.My father was pleased with my success.I’m sure he was.Why did you make your friend sign a contract? Business is business.This fish is so delicious.Please help yourself to some more.Let me show you around the city.Thanks for the offer.Thank you for helping me with my English.It’s my pleasure.(收小腹)

What time should I call you tomorrow morning?

I usually get up at seven.I don’t know how to thank you enough.You really don’t have to thank me.Health is better than wealth.You can say that again.Nothing is more important than health.The weather is good today.Then let’s go for a walk.My wife is feeling much better.Thanks for asking.I’m glad to hear that.Where have you been hiding latterly?你哪里去了?

I’ve just been really busy lately.Why don’t you talk to her anymore? I hate her.I’m going to cancel the meeting.You have no right to do that.My parents are arriving tomorrow morning.Wow.You must be very excited.That watch looks cheap.Then I guess I shouldn’t buy it.Would you like to go out for Chinese food or western food? Choose which you like best.She’s looking for a part-time job.Good idea.It’s hard to study and work at a full Tea is fine.Can you drive?

Sure, I’ve been driving for years.She has lots of friends.I know.She’s really popular.Don’t forget to turn off the lights.time job.Here’s your change.Thanks, but you can keep the change.I’m leaving now.good-bye.Wait a minute.He makes a lot of money.It’s a good thing because his wife spends a lot of money.Nice to have you with us.Well, it’s nice to be here.Keep it between you and me.Don’t worry.I won’t tell anyone.Why are you looking for a new job? I think I’m under-paid.I heard you were sick.It’s nothing serious.How is your friend Tom doing? He’s living on easy street.Look before you leap.Thanks for the advice.What did you learn at school today? Not too much.That’s a cool car.Thanks.Do you want to go for a ride? What is your mother like? She is a wonderful woman.Why did you do that? I really don’t know why.How did you both learn to speak such good English? We yelled English together every day.Where were you yesterday? I took the day off.Don’t trick me.I’d never trick you.I’m worried about making mistakes.Just try your best.What would you like to drink?

Thanks for reminding me.You two seem really close.We’re best friends.Why are you so nice to him? He always lends me money!Absolutely.Absolutely impossible!

All I have to do is learn English.Are you free tomorrow? Are you married?

Are you used to the food here? Be careful.Be my guest.Better late than never.Better luck next time.Better safe than sorry.Can I have a day off? Can I help?

Can I take a message? Can I take a rain check? Can I take your order?

Can you give me a wake-up call? Can you give me some feedback? Can you make it?

Can I have a word with you? Catch me later.Cheer up!

Come in and make yourself at home.Could I have the bill, please?

Could you drop me off at the airport? Could you speak slower?

Could you take a picture for me? Did you enjoy your flight?

Did you have a good day today? Did you have nice holiday? Did you have fun? Dinner is on me.Do you have a room available? Do you have any hobbies? Do you have some change? Do you mind my smoking? Do you often work out? Do you speak English? Don’t be so modest.Don’t bother.Don’t get me wrong.Don’t give up.Don’t jump to conclusions.Don’t let me down.Don’t make any mistakes.Don’t mention it.Don’t miss the boat.Don’t miss the boat.Don’t take any chances.Don’t take it for granted.Don’t worry about it.Easy come, easy go.Enjoy your meal.Easier said than done.First come, first served.For here or to go? Forget it.Forgive me.Give me a call.Give my best to your family.Have him return my call.Have you ever been to Japan? Have you finished yet? Have you got anything larger? Have you got that? Have you heard form Mary? He is in conference.Help yourself , please.Hold your horses.How can I get in touch with you? How do I look? How is it going? How late are you open? How long did it last? How long will it take me to get there? How much is it? How often do you eat out?

I apologize.I appreciate your invitation.I assure you.I bet you can.I can manage.I can’t afford it.I can’t believe it.I can’t resist the temptation.I can’t stand it.I can’t tell.I couldn’t agree more.I couldn’t get through.I couldn’t help it.I didn’t mean to.I don’t know for sure.I enjoy your company.I enjoyed it very much.I envy you.I feel like having some dumplings.I feel terrible about it.I feel the same way.I have a complaint.I have nothing to do with it.I haven’t the slightest idea.I hope you’ll forgive me.I know the feeling.I mean what I say.I owe you one.I really regret it.I suppose so.I thought so, too.I understand completely.I want to report a theft.I want to reserve a room.I was just about to call you.I was moved.= I was touched.I wasn’t aware of that.I wasn’t born yesterday.I wish I could.I wouldn’t worry about it , if I were you.I’d like a refund.I’d like to deposit some money.I’d like to make a reservation.I’ll be right with you.I’ll check it.I’ll do my best.I’ll get it.I’ll give you a hand.I’ll have to see about that.I’ll keep my eyes open.I’ll keep that in mind.I’ll pick up the tab.I’ll play it by ear.I’ll see what I can do.I’ll show you.I’ll take care of it.I’ll take it.I’ll take your advice.I’ll think it over.I’ll treat you to dinner.I’ll walk you to the door.I’m broke.I’m crazy about English.I’m easy to please.I’m glad you enjoyed it.I’m good at it.I’m in a good mood.I’m in good shape.I’m just having a look.I’m looking for a part-time job.I’m looking forward to it.I’m lost.I’m not feeling well.I’m not myself today.I’m not really sure.I’m on a diet.I’m my way.I’m pressed for time.I’m sorry I’m late.I’m sorry to hear that.I’m under a lot of pressure.I’m working on it.I’ve changed my mind.I’ve got a headache.I’ve got my hands full.I’ve got news for you.I’ve got no idea.I’ve had enough.If I were in your shoes,…… Is that OK?

Is this seat taken? It all depends.It can happen to anyone.It doesn’t make any difference.It doesn’t matter to me.It doesn’t work.It drives me crazy.It isn’t much.It really comes in handy.It slipped my mind.It takes time.It will come to me.It will do you good.It won’t happen again.It won’t take much time.It won’t work.It’s nice meeting you.It’s a deal.It’s a long story.It’s a nice day today.It’s a once in a lifetime chance.It’s a pain in the neck.It’s a piece of cake.It’s a small world.It’s a waste of time.It’s about time.It’s all my fault.It’s awesome.It’s awful.It’s been a long time.It’s better than nothing.It’s essential.It’s hard to say.It’s incredible.It’s just what I had in mind.It’s my pleasure.It’s no big deal.It’s no important.It’s not your fault.It’s nothing.It’s only a matter of time.It’s out of the question.It’s time for dinner.It’s up in the air.It’s up to date.It’s up to you.It’s very popular.It’s worth seeing.Just let it be.Just to be on the safe side,……Keep the Please make yourself at home.Please show me them menu.Probably.So far, so good.Something must be done about it.Something’s come up.Storms make trees take deeper roots.change.Keep up the good work.Keep your fingers crossed.Kill two birds with one stone.Let me get back to you.Let me guess.Let me put it this way.Let me see.Let’s call it a day.Let’s celebrate!Let’s find out.Let’s get to the point.Let’s get together sometime.Let’s hope for the best.Let’s keep in touch.Let’s make up.Let’s go visit them.Let’s talk over dinner.Long time no see.Look before you leap.May I ask you a question? May I have a receipt? May I have your name, please? May I pay by credit card? May I try it on? Maybe it will work.Maybe some other time.My mouth is watering.My phone was out of order.No pain, no gain.No problem.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.Pain past is pleasure.Please accept my apology.Please don’t blame yourself.Please leave me alone.Please let me know.Suit yourself.Take care.Take it or leave it.Take my word for it.Take your time.Tank you all the same.Thank you all the same.Thank you for everything.Thanks a million.Thanks for the warning.Thanks for your cooperation.That couldn’t be better.That depends.That makes sense.That reminds me.That rings a bell.That sounds like a good idea.That’s all right.That’s disgusting.That’s fair.That’s for sure.That’s good to know.That’s just what I was thinking.That’s life.That’s more like it.That’s not a problem.That’s not true.That’s OK.That’s ridiculous.That’s the way I look at it, too.That’s the way it is.That’s worthwhile.The same to you.The shortest answer is doing.The sooner, the better.There is a call for you.There is no doubt about it.There is nothing I can do/There’s a possibility.Would you do me a favor? These things happen all the time.This soup tastes great.Time is money.Tomorrow never comes.Two heads are better than one.We are in the same boat.We can get by.We can work it out.We have a lot in common.We’ll see.What a coincidence!What a shame!What are you up to? What are you talking about? What are your plans for the weekend? What can I do for you? What do you do for relaxation? What do you recommend? What do you think of my new car? What do you think of it? What is it about? What is it like there? What makes you say so ? What’s going on? What’s on your mind? What’s the deadline?

What’s the matter with you? What’s the purpose of your visit? What’s the weather like? What’s your favorite food? What’s your job?

Whatever you think is fine with me.When is the most convenient time for you? When will it be ready? Where are you going? Where can I check in? Where can I go for help? Where do you live? Where have you been? Where is the restroom, please? Where were we? Who is in chare here? Would you care for a drink?

You are just saying that.You are kidding.You are so considerate.You can cont on me.You can say that again.You can’t complain.You deserve it.You did a good job.You get what you pay for.You got a good deal.You need a vacation.You never know.You said it.You should give it a try.You should take advantage of it.You will be better off.You will have to wait and see.You’ll get used to it.You’ve dialed the wrong number.You’ve got a point there.You’ve got it.You’ve made a good choice.You satisfaction is guaranteed.Part 1: Greetings and Welcoming ConversationWelcome to Hainan/Haikou/Sanya!Thank you.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.Where are you from? I’m from America.That’s a great country.I’ve heard so much about you.Thanks.I’m flattered.How was your trip? It was wonderful.I hope you will enjoy your stay here.Thank you.I’m sure I will.Please have a seat.OK.Thank you.Is this your first trip to china? No, I’ve been here twice.Have you been to other parts of china? I have been to Xi’an and Beijing.What’s your impression of Hainan so far?


1.I’m an office worker. 我是上班族。

2.I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。

3.I’m happy to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

4.I like your sense of humor. 我喜欢你的幽默感。

5.I’m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。

6.I’ll call you. 我会打电话给你。

7.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。

8.I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。

19.I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。

10.I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈一下。

11.I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。

12.I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。

13.I’m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。

14.I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节食/涨工资。

15.I heard that you’re getting married. Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜!

16.I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。

17.I can’t do this. 我不能这么做。

18.Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。

19.Let’s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的.。

20.Where is your office? 你们的办公室在哪?

21.What is your plan? 你的计划是什么?

22.When is the store closing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?

23.Are you sure you can come by at nine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?

24.Am I allowed to stay out past 10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?

25.The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet. 会议原定了两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。

26.Tom’s birthday is this week. 汤姆的生日就在这个星期。

27.Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?

28.Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there? 星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗?

29.Could you do me a big favor? 能否请你帮我个忙?

30.He is crazy about Crazy English. 他对疯狂英语很着迷。

31.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?你能想象他买那车花了多少钱吗?

32.Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?

33.Did you know he was having an affair/cheating on his wife? 你知道他有外遇了吗?/欺骗他的妻子吗?

34.Did you hear about the new project? 你知道那个新项目吗?

35.Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off? 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?

36.Are you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?

37.I enjoy working with you very much. 我很喜欢和你一起工作。
