



Unit 1 BookⅣ New Horizon College English

Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives:

1.The students should generally understand the talks concerning “The Temptation of a Respectable Woman”

2.The students can briefly communicate with other people about this topic.Ⅱ.Main Tasks: 1.Understanding Short Conversations 2.Understanding Long Conversations 3.Understanding passages Ⅲ.Duration: 2 Periods(90 minutes)Ⅳ.Teaching Arrangements

Step One Understanding Short Conversation(20’)Step Two Understanding Long Conversations(20’)Step Three Understanding Passages(50’)Ⅴ.Suggested Ways of Teaching 1.When playing the disk for first time in each step, the teacher should encourage the students to try their best to get the correct words or the main ideas of the passage.2.When playing the disk for the second time, the teacher can give the students some explanations about the sentences or passages in terms of the background and context.It is a good way to insert useful information when the students are listening and coming across difficulties.Ⅵ.Homework:

The students should keep listening to what they have learned in the language laboratory at least half an hour every day either from their recorders or from school radio IV.Lecture scripts:(by the teachers)Unit Two Book Ⅳ New Horizon College English Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives: 1.The students should generally understand the talks concerning Charlie Chaplin.2.The students can briefly communicate with other people about this topic.Ⅱ.Main Tasks: 1.Understanding short conversations 3.Understanding Passages Ⅲ.Duration: 2 Periods(90 minutes)Ⅳ.Teaching Arrangements: Step One: Understanding short conversation(20’)Step Three: Understanding Passages(70’)Ⅴ.Suggested Ways of Teaching: 1.When playing the disk for the first time in each step, the teacher should encourage the students to try their best to get the correct words or the main ideas of the passages.2.When playing the disk for the second time, the teacher can give the students some explanations about the sentences or passages in terms of the background and context.It is a good way to insert useful information when the students are listening and coming across difficulties.Ⅵ.Homework: The students should keep listening on what they have learned in the language laboratory at least half an hour every day either from their recorders or from school radio.Unit Three BookⅣ New Horizon College English

Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives:

1.The students should generally understand the conversations and passages and can make the correct judgments on what they’ve heard.2.The students can briefly communicate with other people about topics in the book and also, assignments given by teacher.Ⅱ.Main Tasks: 1.Understanding short conversations 2.Understanding long conversations 3.Understanding passages 4.Speaking Ⅲ.Duration: 2 Periods(90 minutes)Ⅳ.Teaching Arrangements

Step One

Understanding short conversations(20’)Step Two

Understanding long conversations(20’)Step Three Understanding passages(50’)Ⅴ.Suggested Ways of Teaching 3.When playing the disk for first time in each step, the teacher should encourage the students to try their best to get the correct choice or the main ideas of the passage.4.When playing the disk for the second time, the teacher can give the students some explanations about the sentences or passages in terms of the background and context.It is a good way to insert useful information when the students are listening and coming across difficulties.Ⅵ.Homework:

The students should keep listening to what they have learned in the language laboratory at least half an hour every day either from their recorders or from school radio.And the speaking content is assigned for the students to practice after class.IV.Lecture scripts :(by the teachers)Words:

1.preconceive: to form(an opinion, for example)before possessing full or adequate knowledge or experience.2.incorporate: include the quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect eviction: compel deduction: the act of deducting;subtraction frantically: highly excited with strong emotion or frustration Unit four BookⅣ New Horizon College English

Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives:

1.The students should generally understand the talks concerning the telecommunications revolution.2.The students can briefly communicate with other people about this topic.Ⅱ.Main Tasks: 1.Understanding short conversations 2.Understanding long conversations 3.Understanding passages Ⅲ.Duration: 2 Periods(90 minutes)Ⅳ.Teaching Arrangements

Step One

Understanding short conversations(20’)Step Two

Understanding long conversations(20’)Step Three Understanding passages(50’)Ⅴ.Suggested Ways of Teaching 1.When playing the disk for first time in each step, the teacher should encourage the students to try their best to get the correct choice or the main ideas of the passage.2.When playing the disk for the second time, the teacher can give the students some explanations about the sentences or passages in terms of the background and context.It is a good way to insert useful information when the students are listening and coming across difficulties.Ⅵ.Homework:

The students should keep listening to what they have learned in the language laboratory at least half an hour every day either from their recorders or from school radio.And the speaking content is assigned for the students to practice after class.IV.Lecture scripts :(by the teachers)Words:

1.tenant: person who pays rent to a landlord for the use of a room, a building, land ,etc.2.ventilation: system or method by which a room, building, etc.is ventilated.3.evict: to remove(a tenant)from a house or land, esp.with the support of the law 4.alternation: successive change from one thing or state to another and back again

5.not have a leg to stand on: to be in a situation where you cannot prove or legally support what you say 6.Tenabts’ Action Union 7.crown… with…: to complete or conclude sth.in a worthy or perfect way 8.elocution: art or style of speaking clearly and effectively, esp.in public 9.metallic twang: sound of metal 10.Galaxy Four 11.pager: a small machine that one carries in a pocket, that makes short high noises to tell the person who is wearing it that he must telephone someone 12.beep: to make a short high sound 13.disproportion: out of proportion, as in size, shape, or amount 14.foresee: to see in advance;predict Unit Five Book IV New Horizon College English

Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives:

1.The students should generally understand the listening materials concerning “Choose to be Alone on Purpose”

2.The students can briefly communicate with other people about this topic.Ⅱ.Main Tasks: 1.Understanding short conversations 2.Understanding long conversations 3.Understanding passages Ⅲ.Duration: 2 Periods(90 minutes)Ⅳ.Teaching Arrangements

Step One Understanding short conversations(20’)Step Two Understanding long conversations(20’)Step Three Understanding Passages(50’)

(Note: T&F listening passages, if time is not enough, can be taken as extensive reading and the teacher can play it only once.)Ⅴ.Suggested Ways of Teaching 1.When playing the disk for the first time in each step, the teacher should encourage the students to try their best to get the key words, important phrases or the main ideas of the conversations and passages.2.When playing the disk for the second time, the teacher can give the students some explanations about the words, phrases in terms of the background and context.It is a good way to insert useful information when the students are listening and coming across difficulties.Ⅵ.Homework:

The students should keep listening to what they have learned in the language laboratory at least half an hour every day either from their recorders or from school radio IV.Lecture scripts : Language points: 1.nightmare 2.cook up 3.talkative 4.hostile criticisms 5.be faced with

6.accommodation 7.separatemess 8.antisocial 9.illusion 10.secure 11.tend to 12.seek out 13.in solitude 14.transform from… to…

15.offend 16.be conscious of 17.be wary of 24.boom 18.out of sight 19.lodge in 20.adjust to Conversational Skills: Defining :

1.The definition of 2.It means … 3.I may define 4.is to 5.explain 6.do you mean 7.That is to say

Unit Six Book IV New Horizon College English Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives

3.The students should generally understand the talks concerning “Bribery and Business Ethics” 4.The students can briefly communicate with other people about this topic.Ⅱ.Main Tasks 1.Understanding Short Conversations 2.Understanding Long Conversation 3.Understanding passages Ⅲ.Duration 2 Periods(90 minutes)Ⅳ.Teaching Arrangements

Step One

Understanding short conversations(30’)Step Two

Understanding long conversation(10’)Step Three Understanding passages(50’)

Ⅴ.Suggested Ways of Teaching 1.When playing the disk for the first time in each step, the teacher should encourage the students to try their best to get the key words, important phrases or the main ideas of the conversations and passages.2.When playing the disk for the second time, the teacher can give the students some explanations about the words, phrases in terms of the background and context.It is a good way to insert useful information when the students are listening and coming across difficulties.Ⅵ.Homework

The students should keep listening to what they have learned in the language laboratory at least half an hour every day either from their recorders or from school radio Ⅶ.Lecture Scripts


Teaching Objectives:  To talk about college education.. Scan the text and understand the structure of the text “Toward a brighter future for all”. Let students practice speaking and listening. Help the students to master the meaning and usage of the language points. Learn about the devices used in developing the passage.Focus:New words;Language points;Listening skills;Speaking practice Difficulties:Pronunciation(stress);Word building;Sentence structure;Writing skills Teaching Method:Discussion;Explanation;Exemplification Teaching Arrangements:8 classes 4 periods

Section A Toward a brighter future for all First period Step 1 Lead-in and preparation for reading Show some pictures and let them talk to each other about the following questions: 1)What is the ideal university like in your eyes? 2)

What are your expectations of your college life? 3)

What advice did your parents give you before you left for college?

Step 2 Fast reading Ask the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen.Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure.Text structure: The passage can be divided into 3 parts.Part I(para1-3)The president congratulates students on their achievement and reminds students of the fact that their current success was due to their own and their parents’ efforts and that their future is built on a solid foundation of the past.Part II(paras 4-7)The president offers students comprehensive advice on how to make the most of their four college years and makes them realize the university’s expectations and their own responsibilities.Part III(para 8)The students are called upon to cherish the opportunity and to bear in mind their responsibilities as citizens of their communities, their country and the world..Method: Read the text individually and talk in groups;Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method.Step 3 Preparation for details of the text on the screen Students are required to look at the Words and Phrases on the screen and give a brief presentation in class.Purpose: Train the Students’ ability of understanding and using foreign language.Method: Talk in groups, Use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach and total physical response method.Second period

Step 1 Detailed study of the new words and phrases 1.triumph n.a successful ending of a struggle or contest 胜利,成功,成就

Winning the championship was a great personal triumph for this young tennis player.赢得冠军对这个年轻的网球运动员来说是很大的个人成就。2.pledge vt.make a formal, usu.Public, promise that you will do sth.发誓;作保证

China and the United states pledge to boost cooperation and exchange to ensure a better future for China-US ties.中美政府承诺将加强合作与交流以确保两国关系的未来更加美好。n.a serious promise or agreement, esp.one made publicly or officially 誓言,誓约,保证 All the candidates have given pledges not to raise taxes if they are elected.所有的候选人都保证如果他们当选,他们不会提高税收。3.rewarding a.worth doing, satisfying Teaching can be a very rewarding career.What job do you think is the most rewarding one? 4.remind sb.of sb/sth.In making my speech in front of a large audience, I’m reminded of the encouragement and advice from my English teacher.第一次给这么多人做演讲时,我想起我的英语老师给我的鼓励和建议。be very similar to sb.or sth.else使某人想起人或事 Nacy was tall and slim, and reminded me of my cousin Sarah.南希身材高挑,让我想起了我的表妹萨拉。5.pose vi.sit or stand somewhere so that sb.can take a photograph of you or paint a picture of you.摆姿势

The leaders posed briefly for photographs before entering the conference room.领导们进入会议室之前匆匆的摆个姿势拍照。vt.Creat a difficult or dangerous situation 造成,导致

We are very glad to hear that the incident in the chemical plant poses no threat to the environment.我们很高兴的得知化工厂的事故没有对环境造成危害。6.routine n.an unvarying or habitual method or procedure.例行公事,常规,惯例 Jack had attended these meetings as a matter of routine for years.数年来,杰克把参加这些会议当成是例行公事。a.occurring at fixed times or predictable intervals.常规的,例行的,惯例的 He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.他继续剪草坪,并做些其他日常杂务。7.reminder n.Something that makes you notice, remember, or think about sth.起提醒作用的东西。

The cold served as a reminder that winter wasn’t quite finished.寒冷的天气提醒人们冬天还没有过去。8.may have done sth.Used for talking about past possibilities.She might have changed her mind and decided not to come.他可能已经改变了主意,决定不来了。9.finished a.1)no longer doing , dealing with, or using sth.结束了的 when you are finished with the book, give it back to me.你看完这本书后就还给我。

2)fully and properly made or completed完成了的

Joanna promised to send me the finished painting as soon as possible.乔安娜向我保证会尽快吧完成的画作寄给我。

3)no longer successful, effective, or able to continue没有希望的;完蛋了的

If Mom finds out that we lied to her, we are finished.如果妈妈发现我们对她撒谎了,我们就完了。10.foundation.n.The most basic part of sth.from which the rest of it develops.基础 The course gives students a solid foundation in English writing skills.这门课为学生的英语写作能力打下了坚实的基础。11.resource n.1)you can use to help you to achieve sth., esp.in you work or study资源 Museums are important resources for teaching history.博物馆为历史教学提供重要资料来源。

2)things such as coal, trees, and oil that exist in nature and can be used by people.自然资源

Many of these countries are rich in natural resources such as iron and coal.这些国家中有许多国家都拥有丰富的诸如铁和煤炭这样的自然资源。12.faculty n.1)all the teachers in a university , college, or school 全体教员

Both the faculty and students opposed the proposal to turn one of the playgrounds into a parking lot.老师和学生都反对把其中一个运动场改为停车场的建议。

2)a natural physical or mental ability that most people have天赋;能力;本领 She had her mental faculties even in her 90s.她九十岁了,但仍然四维清晰。13.facility n.Rooms, equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose设施,设备 The hotel has an indoor swimming pool and other leisure facilities.这家宾馆有市内游泳池和其他休闲设施。14.get by Have just enough of sth.such as money or knowledge so that you can do what you need to do.生活,过得去,勉强应付。

I couldn’t possibly get by on$300 a month with everything so expensive.什么都很贵,一个月300美元我恐怕无法生活。15.fascinating a.Making you very interested or attracted 吸引人的,迷人的,是人神魂颠倒的 He is such a great writer that his stories are always fascinating.他是个了不起的作家,他写的故事总是引人入胜。16.pursre v.1)try to achieve sth.追求;致力于

He wanted to pursue a bachelor’s degree after working for two years.他想工作两年以后再去读学士学位。

2)chase sb.or sth.in order to catch them 追赶,追逐

The police officer pursued the speeding car and eventually stopped it with the help of anther police car.这名警官追赶一辆超速行驶的车,最终在另一辆警车的协助下,截下了那辆车。17.unique a.1)very special, unusual, or good 特别的,极不寻常的

You will be given a unique opportunity to interview the CEO of the company.你将获得一个难得的机会去采访那家公司的首席执行官.2)not the same as anything or anyone else 不同的独特的

Each person’s fingerprints are unique, so you won’t find two people with the same fingerprints.每个人的指纹都是不一样的,所以你找不到指纹相同的两个人。18.enthusiasm n.The feeling of being very interested in sth.or excited by it 热爱,热情,热心 His enthusiasm for music stayed strong throughout his life.他一生酷爱音乐。19.reap v.Get sth.as a result of sth.you have done 收获;获得

Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year.今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。20.benefit n.An advantage, improvement, or help that you get from sth.好处;益处;裨益 One of the many benefits of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected.去国外旅行的益处之一是能学习如何应对意外之事。21.reap the benefit of get sth.as a reward As long as you get regular exercise, you can reap the benefits of being fit.Don’t let others reap the benefits of your research.22.opportunity n.A chance to do sth.or an occasion when it is easy for you to do sth.机会,时机 take the opportunity to do sth./of doing sth.趁机,借此机会 23.overwhelm:v.cover(sth./ sb.)completely, cause to feel a sudden strong feeling He was overwhelmed with joy at the news that his son won the champion.24.stand a chance of doing sth.Have the possibility of succeeding or achieving sth.有做成某事的希望 Do they stand any chance of winning against France in the soccer game? 他们有希望在这次 比赛中战胜法国队吗?

25.over time Gradually 逐渐的,慢慢的

For good or bad, things will change over time.不管是好是坏,事情慢慢都是要变的。26.all at once 1)at the same time同时

She had two projects at hand, three classes to teach, and a baby to take care of all at once.她同时有两个项目要做,三个班级要教,还有一个婴儿要照顾。2)sudeenly and unexpectedly 一下子,突然

All at once there was a loud banging on the door.突然传来重重的敲门声。27.virtual a.1)almost the same as the thing that is mentioned 相同的,实质的

When her husband had a stroke, she was given virtual control of the business.她丈夫中风之后,生意几乎全部交给她掌管。

2)made, done, seen, etc.on the internet or on a computer, rather than in the real world.虚拟的,模拟的

New technology has enabled the development of an online “virtual library” 新技术已使在线虚拟图书馆的发展成为可能。28.inherit v.1)receive a belief, tradition, or way of life from people who lived before you.沿袭,秉承

Many countries have inherited traditions of public service.许多国家沿袭了公共服务的传统。

2)receive property or money from sb.who has died.继承财产 He inherited a fortune from his grandmother, so he bought a huge house.他从祖母那里继承了一大笔遗产,所以他买了一个大房子。29.to take pleasure in doing sth.He always takes great pleasure in lending a helping hand to people around him.他总是乐于向周围的人伸出援助之手。30.to stand a chance of

Animals stand little chance of survival under such extreme weather.在这种极端天气下动物很难存活。31.to open the door to sth.These useful suggestions open the door to better communication with your parents.这些实用的建议为你更好地与父母交流敞开方便之门。Step 2 Intensive reading Students are asked to read the passage carefully again and answer some detailed questions on the screen.During the reading, there is an explanation for the following points:

Language Points:

1)As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university.*As …, sb.is proud /happy/ sorry /sad… to do sth.用于表达“某人在特定身份下做某事的感受”。

Eg: 作为一名来自灾区的学生代表,我非常感激社会各界对我们的关爱与帮助!

As a student representative from the disaster-hit area, I’m very grateful to the people of all walks of life for their care and help!2)In welcoming you to the university, I am reminded of my own high school graduation and the photograph my mom took of my dad and me.*In doing sth, sb.is reminded of sth.用于表达“某事引起的回忆”。

Eg:第一次给这么多人做演讲时,我想起英语老师给我的鼓励和建议。In making my speech in front of a large audience, I’m reminded of the encouragement and advice from my English teacher.3)If I could give you only one piece of advice about selecting courses, it would be this: Challenge yourself!*If sb.could give sb.else only one piece of advice about…, it would be this: Do sth.!用于表达“某人认定的最为重要的建议”。

Eg:如果让我给你一条如何应对大学挑战的建议,那就是:相信自己!If I could give you only one piece of advice about how to cope with the college challenges, it would be this: Believe in yourself!

4)A wonderful example of this is the fashion designer, Vera Wang, who originally studied art history.* A wonderful example of this is sb.who…/ sth.that… 用于列举“最典型的事例” Eg: 有些人没有大学文凭也获得了成功。一个绝佳的例子就是微软公司创始人比尔•盖茨,他在大三时就从哈佛退学了。

Some people achieved great success even though they did not have college diplomas.A wonderful example of this is the founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard in his junior year..Third Period

Language Application

Step 1 Writing devices Parallelism:

By placing two or more ideas of equal value in the same grammatical form enables us to express these ideas clearly and emphatically.Example:

You may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with high school;your parents may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with doing your laundry!

练习:我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将生活在 一个不是以皮肤的颜色,而是以品格的优劣作为评判标准的国家。

我梦想有一天,深谷弥合,高山夷平,歧路化坦途,曲径成通衢,上帝的光华再现,普天下生灵共谒。Paragraph writing Example:

For you, these next four years will be a time unlike any other.(Topic sentence)Here you are surrounded by great resources: interesting students from all over the country, a learned and caring faculty, a comprehensive library, great sports facilities, and student organizations covering every possible interest from the arts to science, to community service and so on.(Detail 1: What is available to you on campus)Example:

You will have the freedom to explore and learn about new subjects.You will learn to get by on very little sleep, meet fascinating people, and pursue new passions.(Detail 2: What you can do)I want to encourage you to make the most of this unique experience, and to use your energy and enthusiasm to reap the benefits of this opportunity.(Concluding sentence)Step 2 Discussion Show a movie clip about the college life and ask the Students the following questions:

Purpose: To present a real situation

To grasp the main idea To consolidate language points To fossilize the way of structured writing Method: Talk in groups;Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach, audiolingual method, Audio-visual method and total physical response method.Step 3 Assignments Review the key points of Section A;Finish the exercises after class;Finish online homework;

Step 4 Assessment Composition:write a composition of a general statement supported by details and reasons.I want to improve the ability of their writing.At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themselves.Teacher checks if Students have done the after-text exercises in their spare time and discuss some common errors that crop up.Speech:Suppose, as an freshman, you are expected to give a speech to your teachers and classmate.You can follow the outline given below Part I Opening part of the speech 1.Your gratitude to your teachers and parents;2.Your feelings and impressions about the university;3.Your expectation of the future.Part II Your understanding of the university 1.School motto and your interpretation;2.Campus facility, e.g.the library, and learning atmosphere;3.Courses and other social activities;4.Teachers and classmates.Part III Conclusion 1.Opportunities and challenges;2.Your plans and determination for the future.You may adopt the following expressions.on behalf of sb.to be grateful to do sth.;not to live up to one’s expectations;a time of self enrichment and self-discovery to make sth.as rewarding as possible;to pursue one’s own passions;

to shoulder the responsibilities as Fourth Period section B Help the Ss understand Text B and finish the exercises Reading skill: Previewing Previewing is a useful and important reading strategy.Previewing the text before you read it will help you recognize how information is organized, identify main ideas, and predict what lies ahead in the text.As a result, you will understand the material better.Previewing skills


Week: 3&4

Tutor: Semester: 4nd

Teaching Objectives: the students will be able to 1)get familiar with the useful words and expressions in this part, and practice speaking with them in dialogue.(elective, compulsory, case, intrusion, consistency, lose interest in, be bored to, just as I thought, and so on.)

2)learn to use useful expressions conduct a series of listening and speaking activities related to the theme of the unit.3)create new dialogs with partners according to the given situations by using the useful expressions.4)improve their listening skills——the ability to catch the main idea and the specific information——and speaking skills.Focal points: 1.Talking about various aspects of school life.2.Making and replying to suggestions.3.Using exaggerations.Procedures Stage 1: checking up

Step 1: T: check students’ work assigned online before the class

Step 2: T: check students’ homework for the previous unit

Stage 2: lead-in

Step 1: Ss: watch and talk about various aspects of school in brainstorming.Step 2: Ss: Work either in pairs or groups of 4 or 6, discuss the following questions, and then share the answers with the whole class.Stage 3: Activities

Step 1: T: Explain the word and language tips.Ss: Listen to the 5 short dialogs and check the answers in part II Basic Listening Practice.Step 2 Ss: Listen to the dialog twice, and check the answers in part III Listening in.Task 1










A 常见传染病







(2)水痘是由病毒引起的急性传染病。潜伏期为 12 ~ 21 天,平均 14 天。主要临床表现有:全身皮肤分批出现皮疹,以躯干为多,头面部次之;皮疹由最初的斑丘疹逐渐发展为疱疹,好转后结痂;水痘可在约 10 天左右自愈,但发疹期间要注意各种并发症,(尤其是继发感染;重症水痘还可发生水痘肺炎、脑炎、肝炎、间质性心肌炎及肾炎等)。(3)流行性腮腺炎是由病毒引起的急性传染病,儿童多见,俗称“乍腮”,潜伏期为14—19天,主要表现为全身不适,发热,耳下或下颌角疼痛,以耳垂为中心1—2天内迅速肿大,张口和咀嚼时疼痛。


5.提问讲了哪些传染病,发放奖品。B 传染病预防措施



(1)三勤:勤通风、勤洗手、勤锻炼。(2)三讲: a.讲科学


















饭前要洗手,清洁要做到;室内常开窗,空气流通好; 喷嚏捂口鼻,不去凑热闹;蔬菜要多吃,生水不能喝; 天天勤锻炼,跑步又做操;发现有症状,就医早报告。





“每一片环境、每一个细节都是充满美感的。所以,让我们亲笔描绘自己所爱的环境吧,请同学们自由发挥想象,画出心中的地球!” 准备彩色铅笔、水笔等,分发大纸张,上面画有一个圆圆的地球。将同学们分为两个小组,一个小组画出“哭泣的地球妈妈”,另一个小组画出“幸福的地球妈妈”。注意提示孩子们增添细节。细节如下:在“哭泣的地球妈妈”图中,地球上充满了污水、冒浓烟的烟囱、塑料袋、沙漠;在“幸福的地球妈妈”图中,地球上有清澈的河流、森林、各种动物(如小鸟、兔子、牛、羊、老虎等)。













教师发言:2008年汶川地震造成8万多人死亡(展示图片1),防范灾害是十分重要的。大家知道哪些灾害呢? A 地震














(2)井水、泉水异常:井水位大幅度上升或下降、井水突然干枯、枯井突然有水自流、泉水流量明显增大或减少。(展示图片4)B 雷电






C 火灾

1.教师发言:火灾发生的原因包括:雷击起火、自燃起火、使用明火不慎以及使用燃气或电器不当等。80 年代火灾年平均损失不到 3.2 亿元。进入 90 年代,特别是 1993 年以来,火灾造成的直接财产损失上升到年均十几亿元,年均死亡2000 多人。


3.教师讲解火灾应对措施(穿插提问,答对有奖): a发现初起火灾,应立即呼救,拨打119 b同时采取措施灭火自救。具体步骤:







(7)到宾馆、影院、超市时,应特别留心火灾逃生通道和安全出口的位置。D 毒气泄漏(备用,依时间而定)1.教室发言:进入冬季,煤气中毒的事件时有发生,这与冬季室内干燥,不通风有很大关系。我们应当预防以煤气中毒为代表的毒气中毒。2.教师讲解毒气泄漏应对措施:(1)毒气泄漏时不要向顺风方向跑,要尽量绕到上风方向去,并尽量用湿毛巾捂住口、鼻。(2)煤气中毒的基本特征就是缺氧,主要表现是因大脑缺氧而昏迷。在送往医院前可采取一些自救措施,一定要让中毒者充分吸氧,并注意呼吸道的畅通。






