



四下Unit2集体备课教案 陈洁

PEP小学英语四年级下册二单元集体备课 主备人:陈洁 二备人: 一.教材分析: 本单元围绕time展开教学,主要学习时间的表达以及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。主要句型有:What time is it? It’s….It’s time for…./It’s time to….这些内容都和学生有规律的日常生活息息相关,学生非常熟悉,所以教师教起来要密切结合学生的生活实际,并引导学生联系生活对所学英文进行运用。 二.教学目标: 1.能力目标 (1)能够询问时间并做出正确的回答,如:What time is it?It’s nine o’clock. (2)能够结合学过的语言描述自己的日常活动,如:It’s time for English class.It’s time to go to school. (3)能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:Time for breakfast.Drink some milk. (4)能够看懂课程表和作息时间表,并能制作自己的课程表和作息时间表。 (5)能够自己动手制作一个钟并用所学语言进行描述。 (6)学唱歌曲“It’s Twelve O’clock”。 2.知识目标 (1)认读A、B部分Let’s learn、Let’s talk中的单词和句子。 (2)掌握A、B部分Read and write中要求听、说、读、写的单词和句子。 (3)理解并能够在教师指导下完成Let’s do、Let’s chant和Let’s find out部分听听做做、吟唱歌谣和选出正确答案等活动。 (4)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感态度:培养严格的时间观念,养成守时、守纪的好习惯。 (2) 学习策略:注重合作学习与实践活动,动手动脑。 (3)文化目标:了解地球上不同时区在同一时刻的时间是不同的。 三.教学重难点: 1.本单元的重点是学习有关时间的表达以及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。主要句型是:What time is it?It’s….It’s time for…./It’s time to…. 2. 难点是:(1)运用本单元所学句型讨论时间、描述日常生活。(2)对话中一些习惯表达法的理解、发音与运用,如:School is over.Just a minute.等。(3)一些四会单词的拼写,如:three,seven,eight,English,Chinese等。 四.课时安排: 第一课时:A Let’s learn Let’s do C Task time 第二课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play C Let’s sing 第三课时:A Read and write C Good to know 第四课时:B Let’s learn Let’s chant C Story time 第五课时:B Let’s talk Let’s find out C Let’s check 第六课时:B Read and write C Pronunciation 小学四年级英语下册第二单元集体备课 主备人:陈洁 二备人: 一.单元教学目标与要求: 1.能力目标 (1)能够询问时间并做出正确的回答,如:What time is it?It’s nine o’clock. (2)能够结合学过的语言描述自己的日常活动,如:It’s time for English class.It’s time to go to school. (3)能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:Time for breakfast.Drink some milk. (4)能够看懂课程表和作息时间表,并能制作自己的课程表和作息时间表。 (5)能够自己动手制作一个钟并用所学语言进行描述。 (6)学唱歌曲“It’s Twelve O’clock”。 2.知识目标 (1)认读A、B部分Let’s learn、Let’s talk中的单词和句子。 (2)掌握A、B部分Read and write中要求听、说、读、写的单词和句子。 (3)理解并能够在教师指导下完成Let’s do、Let’s chant和Let’s find out部分听听做做、吟唱歌谣和选出正确答案等活动。 (4)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感态度:培养严格的时间观念,养成守时、守纪的好习惯。 (2) 学习策略:注重合作学习与实践活动,动手动脑。 (3)文化目标:了解地球上不同时区在同一时刻的时间是不同的。 二.单元知识梳理 (1)能够询问时间并做出正确的回答,如:What time is it?It’s nine o’clock. (2)能够结合学过的语言描述自己的日常活动,如:It’s time for English class.It’s time to go to school. (3)能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:Time for breakfast.Drink some milk. (4)认读A、B部分Let’s learn、Let’s talk中的.单词和句子。 (5)掌握A、B部分Read and write中要求听、说、读、写的单词和句子。 (6)理解并能够在教师指导下完成Let’s do、Let’s chant和Let’s find out部分听听做做、吟唱歌谣和选出正确答案等活动。 (7)了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。 三.单元重难点及突破途径 本单元的重点是学习有关时间的表达以及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。主要句型是:What time is it?It’s….It’s time for…./It’s time to…. 难点是:(1)运用本单元所学句型讨论时间、描述日常生活。(2)对话中一些习惯表达法的理解、发音与运用,如:School is over.Just a minute.等。(3)一些四会单词的拼写,如:three,seven,eight,English,Chinese等。 突破途径: 本单元分A、B、C三部分,共12页。主要学习时间的表达以及描述不同时间进行的日常活动。需要掌握的主要单词、词组:music class 、breakfast 、lunch、go to bed 、go home等渗透在了A、B部分的Let’s Learn 中。而对于句型What time is it?、It’s …、It’s time for…/ It’s time to…等均在AB部分的Let’s talk 中体现。C部分主要通过手工制作、组内讨论的形式复习并应用所学语言。 B部分:句型“Its time to...”,学生刚学过“Its time for....”,可能会把这两个句型混淆起来,注意对这两个句型进行比较。教师还需要介绍一下oops是表示惊讶、狼狈时发出的喊声。 句型有:What time is it?It’s….It’s time for…./It’s time to….这些内容都和学生有规律的日常生活息息相关,学生非常熟悉,所以教师教起来要密切结合学生的生活实际,并引导学生联系生活对所学英文进行运用。 四.课程资源的重组: 本单元重点学习A、B Let’s learn ,let’s talk ,read and write 部分内容,C 部分内容可根据时间作为选学内容。C部分的Good to know 作了解,Let’s sing会唱,以活跃课堂氛围。 五.单元检测命题要求和目标: 以重点检测学生的双基为主,重难点多次出现,题型灵活多样,让90%的学生都能考出自信。


-Oh, yes. How often I regretted _______ his advice.

A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking

2. We don’t have enough money .We, _______, can’t afford to buy the car.

A. thereforeB. so C. howeverD. thus

3. The experts suggest __________our army _________ modern weapons.

A. to equip; with B. equipping; with C. to equip; for D. equipping; for

4. -It’s getting colder and colder, and I have to buy some clothes.

-They’ve ____ the prices in the shop, so it’s a good time to buy.

A. increased B. reduced C. raised D. down

5. If you try to learn too many skills in such a short time, you may get _______.

A. to confuseB. confusing C. to be confused D. confused

6. However, at times this balance of nature is ______, resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.

A. troubled B. disturbed C. confused D. puzzled

7. After seeing the film, they made comments _____some of the parts that they didn’t think good enough.

A. in B. on C. for D. at

8. ______knowledge, some students from the countryside are staying in the bookstore all day long to read books they can’t afford to buy.



1.On o______________days I get up at eight o’clock. (adj.usual, not special)

2.The church t______________is taller than that building. (n.tall, narrow building)

3.This dictionary is very t______________. (adj.not thin)

4.The w______________class was quiet.No one spoke. (adj.all of)


1.The new building______________ (坐落) in the center of town.

2.Liu Xiang______________ (打破世界纪录) in the 110-meter hurdles.

3.We______________ (轮流) to visit the oldpeople’s home.

4.I______________ (有一个主意) .We can have a classroom Olympics.

5.Danny______________ (迟到) school yesterday afternoon.


1.We should eat______________ (many) fruit and vegetables than before.

2.Keeping our body______________ (health) is very important.

3.The whole______________ (long) of the river is about 6, 300 kilometers.

4.There are many tall______________ (build) behind our school.

5.Peter is always the first one______________ (come) to school in the morning.

6.The students are busy______________ (clean) their classroom.

7.Which one is______________ (heavy) , the sheep or the horse?

8.I could jump for 5 hours without_____________ (stop) .

9.The Three Gorges Dam is the_____________ (world) biggest dam.

10.Jay Chou is one of____________ (famous) singers in China now.


1.Can you run 500 meters in 10____________ (秒) ?

2.The elephant is about four______________ (倍) as big as the horse.

3.Cuba’s Robles______________ (打破) the world record set by Liu Xiang.

4.The______________ (百) student hands up and answers my question.

5.I like______________ (旅游) , but I don’t have money.

6.C h i n a h a s______________ (最多) population in the world.

7.To Danny supper is______________ (重要) than a record.

8.The twin boys are of the same____________ (体重) .

9.That small bird______________ (飞) faster than the big one.

10.China is an______________ (亚洲) country.


1.John is not as tall as Tom. (写出同义句) Tom is____________________________John.

2.Danny jumped three meters high. (就画线部分提问)

How____________________________Danny jump?

3.He has been to Dalian several times. (改为一般疑问句)

______________he______________toDalian several times?

4.I h ave a l r e a d y fi n i s h e d m y E n g l i s h homework. (改为否定句)

I______________finished my homework______________.

5.Work hard, and you will pass the exam. (改为否定句)

If you______________work hard, you will______________the exam.



Shijiazhuang______________________in the southern part of Hebei Province.


This room is______________________big___________that one.


Changjiang River is one of_________________________________in the world.


Changjiang River is one of___________8.The twin boys are of the same____________ (体重) .

Jenny often tells us jokes and___________us___________.


I think English is_________________________________than math.

Lessons 13—16


1.Let’s make a shopping l______________, then we can save a lot of time. (n.a lot of names or things that you have written one under another)

2.It’s i______________for elephants to fly. (adj.not possible)

3.The bag is too heavy for me to l__________. (v.take something or someone up)

4.A boy is p______________a toy duck along the road. (v.move something to oneself)

5.It’s u______________to see a dog without atail. (adj.strange, not happening often)

6.Can you ride your bicycle b______________while playing the guitar? (adv.away from the front)

7.The farmer g______________tomatoes in the field. (v.keep and care for plants)

8.My parents are always p______________of everything good I did. (adj.feeling pleased about something)

9.How much is an e______________now? (n.a flat, folded paper container especially for a letter)

10.I’ll m_____________a letter this afternoon. (v.post)


1.You needn’t______________ (记录) every word your teacher says when taking notes.

2.I haven’t______________ (找到) the answer.Could you help me, please?

3.People all over the world are_____________ (设法创造) new records.

4.Wish you______________ (玩得开心) with your new friends!

5.We’d better______________ (刷牙) three times a day.


1.The baby has two______________ (tooth) now.

2.Danny______________ (wear) a pair of sunglasses yesterday.

3.The______________ (much) sports you do, the healthier you are.

4.Some books will______________ (take) to the poor children.

5.I often listen to the MP3 player while______________ (ride) my bicycle.

6.You haven’t______________ (return) the book to Jack yet.

7.Brian’s model plane flew the_____________ (far) of all.

8.To our______________ (surprising) , he passed the examination.

9.My backpack is much______________ (heavy) than his.

10.The baby’s______________ (weigh) was four kilos.


1.Danny has______________ (少) apples than Brian.

2.Danny has the______________ (绿) skin in the class.

3.This tree trunk is______________ (粗) thanthat one.

4.His______________ (脚) are much bigger.

5.Danny’s mother is cooking______________ (鸡肉) at home now.


1.Learning English is very useful. (改为同义句) _____________very useful_____________learn English.

2.Who can tell me what I should do? (改为同义句) Who can tell me what________________________________?

3.His family has been to Italy twice. (就画线部分提问)

____________________________times has his family been to Italy?


1.Jenny often helps her mother doing the housework.____________________________

2.What do you think his idea?____________________________

3.When I listened to the news, I was surprised.____________________________

4.Everyone in the race try to break the world record.____________________________

5.I bought a cabbage weighs more than five kilos.____________________________


要求:1.必须包含以上内容, 可适当发挥;2.词数:60~80。



Lessons 9~12

A.1.ordinary 2.tower 3.thick 4.whole 5.length 6.astronaut 7.dam 8.bridge

B.1.is located 2.broke the world record 3.take turns 4.have an idea 5.was late for

C.1.more 2.healthy 3.length 4.buildings 5.to come 6.cleaning 7.heavier 8.stopping 9.world’s 10.the most famous

D.1.seconds 2.times 3.broke 4.hundredth 5.traveling 6.the largest 7.more important 8.weight 9.flies 10.Asian

E.1.taller than 2.high, did 3.Has, been 4.haven’t, yet 5.don’t, fail

F.1.is located 2.twice as, as 3.the longest rivers 4.makes, laugh 5.even more interesting

Lessons 13~16

A.1.list 2.impossible 3.lift 4.pulling 5.unusual 6.backwards 7.grows 8.proud 9.envelope 10.mail

B.1.write down 2.found out 3.trying to set 4.have fun 5.brush our teeth

C.1.teeth 2.wore 3.more 4.be taken 5.riding 6.returned 7.farthest 8.surprise 9.heavier 10.weight

D.1.fewer 2.greenest 3.thicker 4.feet 5.chicken

E.1.It’s, to 2.to do 3.How many

篇4:Unit2 电话英语很轻松


Teacher:No problem. Basically, there are 3 situations in which people like you can't follow the foreign teacher. First, I may speak too fast, so you can't understand. In this case, you could say "You speak too fast; slow down, please."


Student:Wait a moment. I'll have to take down what you said.




Student:What's the second point?


Teacher:The second is, maybe you can't hear me clearly. In this case, you could say "Excuse me; can you speak up, please?" or "I beg you pardon?"


Student:I see. What's the last point?


Teacher:The last one is, you may miss or don't understand what I just said. In this case, you could say "I'm sorry; I don't understand what you're saying." Or simply "I don't get it."


Student:Is there anything more?


Teacher:You'd better practice them before you learn more.


Student:Thanks. I've learned a lot today.


Teacher:My pleasure.


Attention Please...特别提醒

[1] 打电话的时候会用到许多功能句,比如,“你能再说一遍吗?”或是“你能大点儿声吗?”等等。这里是几个例子:Slow down, please. 请说慢点儿。Look at the time. Shall we talk next time? 看看表吧。我们下次再聊好吗?I'm happy to hear from you again. 真高兴又听到你的声音。

[2] I'll have to take down what you said.


A:  How do you spell it ?

B:   W-A-T-C-H.

A:  Is this your watch ?

B:  Yes, it is.


A: What’s this?

B: It’s a notebook.

A: How do you spell it?

B: N-O-T-E-B-O-O-K

A: Is this your notebook?

B:  No, it isn’t. It’s her notebook.

A to C: Is this your notebook ?

C :  Yes, it is.

(三)  Using the language  任务示范与讲解

In your daily life, you must have lost something or found something that doesn’t belong to you. Have you got it back or found the owner?

1.  Sample


Is this your watch ? (draw a picture)

Call John at

357- 1245



My key

My name is Steve

Please call 456-1478

2        Write your own bulletin board message



四  Homework

1 Listening  Section B  2a  2b

2 Finish 3a  3b

3 Use a photo to talk

1) A: Is this your uncle?   B: Yes, he is.

2) A: Is this your brother?   B: Yes, he is.

3) A: Is this your mother?   B: No, she isn’t.

(The  fourth  period)

Teaching aims:

1.      Learn to ask for something by using “Is this your …?”

2.      Try to master such pronouns as myyourherhis…

3.      Learn to write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.

Teaching difficult and important points:

Develop the ability to make full use of the drills in daily


Teaching method:

Task-teaching; Discussion-teaching

Teaching aids:

Cards; CAI; Real objects

Teaching period: One

Teaching process:

Step 1.Self check

1.The Ss are required to remember the words of unit7 as

quickly as they can in one minute.

2.Check the words they know in Part 1 on page 46 and

write out their Chinese meanings.

Step 2.New words

1.      tennis ; 2. bookcase ; 3. soccer ; 4. club ; 5. star ;

6. lunch ; 7. T-shirt ; 8. pants ; 9. plaza ; 10.dollar ;

Step 3.Choice

Choose five new words you like and write them down

in Part 2 on Page 46.

Step 4.Oral exercise

Look at the picture in Part 3 and make up conversations

According to the following drills:

-Is this hat…?

-Yes,it is.No,it isn’t.

Step5. Written work

Read the bulletin board notices on Page 45 and try to

write an easy “Lost & Found” passage.


1. Lost:

My watch .

My name is Kate.

Please call 222-0909.


A watch.

Is this your watch?

Please call Peter .

Phone number:666-0808.

Step 6.Assignment


1.collision n.碰撞,冲突

a head-on collision正面冲突或相撞

He was killed in a car collision.


His car had a collision with a bus.


A collision with Parliament could ruin the government’s plans.


be in collision (with)/come into collision (with)(与……)冲突,相撞,发生矛盾

The two ships came into collision.


People with revolutionary ideas may find themselves in collision with the forces of the law.


2.permanent adj.永久的,固定的,长期不变的

permanent peace 长久的和平

a permanent job 固定的职业

The drug may cause permanent brain damage.


This is my permanent address.


After doing odd jobs for a week, he got a permanent job.


3.voyage n.航海,航行

The ship set out on a long voyage.


The voyage to England took seven days.


We made a voyage to Australia.


He is now on the voyage home.


David went on a voyage around the world.


When I give up work I shall make/take a long sea voyage.


4.aboard adv.在船(飞机、车)上,上船,上飞机

All aboard!各位请上船(飞机、车)!

Welcome aboard!欢迎大家乘船(飞机、车)!

All 257 aboard died in the airliner crash.


We got aboard though the boat was crowded.


He came running along and climbed aboard just as the train was to pull out.


5.gentle adj.温和的,温柔的,有礼貌的,文雅的

Mothers are always gentle with their children.


My new teacher is both gentle and encouraging toward me.


Mary is very gentle; she never talks roughly.


She was small, and gentle in her voice and movements.


She gave the baby a gentle pat on the back.


6.throw light on/upon使……显得非常清楚

The modern scientific development has thrown light on this question.


Can you throw any light on the problem?


The information throws light upon the mystery of Dr Bake.


7.matter n.事情,问题[C];物质,内容[U]

a private matter 私事

the matter under discussion 讨论中的问题

Political matters interest him greatly.


It’s no laughing matter.


The world is made up of matter.


Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.


The matter in your essay is excellent.


8.phenomena n.[pl.]现象,奇迹(单数形式是phenomenon)

Rain and snow are phenomena of the weather.


The phenomena were observed by astronomers throughout the world.


That’s a natural phenomenon.


An eclipse is an interesting phenomenon.


Beethoven was a phenomenon among musicians.


A child who can play the piano at the age of two would be called a phenomenon.


9.labour n.努力;劳动,劳动果实

mental labour 脑力劳动

physical labour 体力劳动

Workers are paid for their labour.


His new book is the product of some three years’ labour.


It is labour to read the Bible through.


10.hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑,踌躇

She hesitated before picking up the phone.


She’s still hesitating about sending her son to college.


We seldom hesitate about where to stay in Paris.


Don’t hesitate to tell me if you have any requests.


I hesitate to ask you, but will you recommend me for the post?


hesitation n.犹豫,踌躇

without hesitation毫不犹豫

I had no hesitation in telling the truth.



1.distance n.距离


What’s the distance to London?



It’s a good distance away.


The villagers have to walk a long distance to get water.



within walking distance“在步行可及的地方,几步之遥”

The park is within (easy) walking distance of my house.


My parents live within walking distance of me.


at/from a distance (of)“从远处”

This picture looks better at a distance.


Now and then he stepped back to look at his work from a distance.


One can see the ancient ruins at/from a distance of 20 miles.


in the distance“在远处,远方的”

A ship could be seen in the distance.


I made out three figures moving in the distance.


keep sb.at a distance “与某人保持一段距离,不很亲密”

Mr.Smith is kind to the workers in his store, but after work he keeps them at a distance.


It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance.


2.attention n.注意力,注意,留心,关心

It is difficult to hold the students’ attention for more than an hour.


This matter requires our close attention.


He drew attention to the rising unemployment.


We listened with attention to what he said.


My grandfather is over eighty and needs a lot of attention.


The patient needed immediate attention.



pay/give attention to 注意

attract/catch/draw/get one’s attention 吸引某人的注意

focus one’s attention on 集中注意力于

devote one’s attention to 专心于

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Unit2 复习案06-23







