




How do you study for English? I study by…..你如何为英语学习?我通过。。

通过请英语家教 by getting an English tutor

通过记笔记by taking notes

通过听英语磁带 by listening to English tapes

通过向老师求助 by asking the teacher for help

通过上网浏览 by surfing the Internet

通过查字典的单词by looking up the words in a dictionary

通过看英语录像 /电视 /电影by watching English-language videos/ TV/ movies

通过学习语法by studying grammar

通过阅读英语杂志和报纸 by reading English magazines and newspaper

通过查阅英语字典里的新单词 by looking up the new words in the dictionary


Do you ever practice conversation with your friends?

Oh, yes.It improves my speaking skills.2.我通过那种方法学习了很多。I ‘ve learnt(have learnt)a lot that way.3.学习语法是学习语言最好的方法。Studying grammar is the best way to learn a language.4.我听不懂英语口语I can’t understand spoken English.5.我在语法上犯错误。I make mistakes in grammar.6.我没有搭档联系英语。I don’t have a partner to practice English with.7.你为什么不加入英语俱乐部来学习英语呢?

Why don’t you join an English club to practice speaking English?

8.我在造句上有困难。I have trouble(in)making complete sentences.9.无论是贫穷,年轻还是年老,我们都有问题。Rich or poor, young or old, we all have problem.10.除非我们解决了困难,否则我们很容易变得不开心。Unless we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy.11.我们可以通过把问题当做挑战来解决问题。We can solve a problem by regarding problem as challenge.12.我发现听力练习是成为一个好的英语学习者的秘诀之一。

I think listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good English language learner.13.随着时间的流逝,好的友谊将会失去。As time goes by, and good friendship may be lost.Unit 2

1.pay attention to注意某事2.give up doing 放弃做某事3.go into trouble 陷入困难

1.我过去怕黑。I used to be afraid /terrified of the dark.2.我过去戴眼镜。I used to wear a pair of classes.(隐形眼镜contact lenses)

3.我过去留长直发, 不是吗? I used to have long straight hair, didn’t you?

4.你过去弹钢琴吗? Did you use to play the piano?

5.我过去很安静,但是现在很开朗。I used to be quiet, but now I am outgoing.6.我过去不喜欢考试。I didn’t use to like tests.7.我过去害怕在小组面前讲话。I used to be afraid of speaking in front of a group.8.在过去几年我的生活变化了很多。I have changed a lot in the past few years.9.我的生活和过去相比有了很大的不同。My life is much more different from what it used to be like.10.令他吃惊的是,这个电话改变了他的生活。

To his surprise, this call changed his life.11.人们当然会改变。People sure change.12.我过去吃很多口香糖。I used to chew gum a lot.13.他总是为我所做的所有事情感到骄傲。

He always takes pride in everything good I do.14.他的妈妈不能支付她孩子的教育。

His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education.15.我经常开着灯睡觉。I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.


2. every day 每天

3. be sure about 对······有把握

4. make sure 确信,务必

5. send…to… 把······送到······

6. be able to 能

7. the meaning of······的意思

8. too…to… 太······以至于不能

9. different kinds of 不同种类的

10. in common 共同,共有

11. at the beginning of 在······初

12. write down 写下,记下

13. have to do with 关于,与······有关系

14. take up 开始做,学着做

15. hardly ever 几乎不,很少

16. live to be 200 years old 活到200 岁

17. free time 空闲时间

18. in danger 处于危险之中

19. on the earth 在地球上

20. play a part in doing sth/sth 参与某事

21. space station 太空站

22. look for 寻找

23. in the future 在未来

24. hundreds of 许多,大量

25. the same …as 与······一样

26. over and over again 多次,反复

27. get bored 感到厌烦的

28. wake up 醒来

29. look like 看起来像

30. fall down 倒塌


熟练掌握英语的十大词性, 是学好英语句子的根本所在 ,由于受汉 语的影响 ,很多学生 在英汉互 译时不会 变通 ,因此造出的句子多是让人啼笑皆非的汉式英语, 以及一些根据汉语意思排列的不成体统的英语单词的堆砌。我从三十余年的英语教学生涯中, 对于发现的这些问题作了一些研究和总 结 ,发现要学 好英语 ,首先得学 好汉语 ,汉语学好了,学习英语的能力也就相应提高。从汉语的词组入手教英语的词组, 然后组成句子不失为一个好的解决学生正确做好英语句子的有效途径。解决学生的造句能力,他们的作文能力就会相应提高,听说读的能力也会相应提高。一个好的英语教师必须具备好的汉语知识功底, 这样在教学中就会游刃有余,得心应手。让学生明白汉语的九种词组有利于分析英语句型结构的组成, 从而有利于使他们学习英语达到好的效果。

1.主谓词组 :春节就要到了。The Spring Festival is coming.(主谓结构 )

青春美好。Youth is beutiful.

祖国在我心中。My motherland is in my heart.

2.动宾词组 :热爱祖国 :We love our motherland.(主谓宾结构)

保护环境:We should protect our environment.

实现理想:We will finally realise our dreams.

2.偏正词组 :一个开心的微笑 :A happy smile is on her face.(主系表结构作主语 )

We saw a happy smile on her face.(主谓宾结构作宾语 )

开心地笑:She smiled happily.(主谓结构)

中国梦:We have our Chinese dream,a great dream.

3.中补词组 :笑得开心 :She smiled happily. ( 主谓结构 ) 在英语中,中补词组和偏正词组相同,副词均作状语。

4.联合 (并列 )词组 :你和我 :You and I;

读写:read and write;

有用并有趣的:useful and interesting,

You and I should read and write more useful and interestingbooks.(主谓宾结构作主语、谓语、定语 )

耐心细致地:patiently and carefully,

Our teachers coach us patiently and carefully.

5.连谓词组 :仔细观察并研究 :We should look carefully andlearn.(主谓结构作谓语 )

同位词组: 我弟弟汤姆:My brother Tom is very clever.(主系表结构作主语)

I love my brother Tom(主谓宾结构作宾语 )

The boy is my brother Tom.(主系表结构作表语 )

The city of Shanghai was in deep sorrow when the trampedehappened.(主系表结构作主语 )

6. 兼语词组 : 使中国更 加强大 :We will make Chinastronger.(主谓复合宾语结构 )

7.来看我 :Come and see me,please! (祈使句作谓语 )

8.介宾词组 :在教室里 :He is in the classroom.(主系表结构作表语)

The students have their classes in the classroom everyday.(主谓宾结构作状语)

The students in the classroom work very hard .(主谓结构作定语)

教过英语老课本的老师都很熟悉马克思说过的这句话:We must learn a foreign languge,forgetting all about our own . 仔细体会, 马克思这句话的含义并不是简单地说让我们学外语时真的忘记母语,而是让我们通过母语与所学外语进行比较,找到两种语言的差异,不在所学外语中混入母语的语言结构和表达习惯,只有这样才能真正学好一门外语。


该句意为:“发现某人正在做某事”。常见的类似的动词还有see, hear, watch, keep等。如:

I found my brother reading in his room. 我发现哥哥在他房间里看书。

I saw her dancing under the tree. 我看见她在树下跳舞。

2. That made me feel very happy.

(1)make sb. do sth.意为“使某人做某事”,句中的make是使役动词,其后接省略to的动词不定式。如:

The boss made them work for ten hours a day. 老板让他们一天工作十小时。


He feels very happy when he stays with his parents. 当他与父母在一起时,感到非常幸福。

3. We had fun doing...

该句意为:“我们做某事很愉快”。fun是不可数名词,前面不能用不定冠词修饰,但可以用great, much,a lot of等加强语气。如:

We have fun swimming in the sea. 我们在海里游泳很开心。

We had a lot of fun climbing mountains. 我们爬山真痛快。

【拓展】have fun的同义词组还有enjoy oneself和have a good time。如:

We had fun at the party yesterday. = We enjoyed ourselves at the party yesterday. = We had a good time at the party yesterday. 昨天我们在聚会上玩得很开心。

4. And he doesnt wear glasses any more.

“not...any more”意为“不再……”,相当于no more,指程度上或做事的次数不再增加。如:

I cant drink wine any more. 我不能再喝酒了。

I didnt hear from her any more. 我再也没收到她的信。

【比较】“not...any longer”意为“不再……”,相当于no longer,指时间不再延长,多与延续性动词连用。如:

He doesnt live here any longer. 他不在这儿住了。

5. Some are... Others are...


Some are singing. Others are dancing. 一些人在唱歌,其他人在跳舞。

6. sb. want to be...

该句意为:“某人想成为……”。用来表示某个人的理想。want是及物动词,表示“想要;希望”时,其后可接名词、代词、不定式(to do结构)作宾语。如:

She wants to be a policewoman. 她想当警察。

7. I hope you have a good trip.

(1)这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,“You have a good trip”是宾语从句,省略了连词that,其宾语从句的谓语用现在时表示将来的意义。如:

I hope you like my present. 我希望你喜欢我的礼物。


I hope to visit Paris some day. 我希望有一天能去巴黎。

I hope that he will come back soon. 我希望他能早点回来。

8. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden.

(1)这是一个倒装句,正常语序是:A small house with an interesting garden is next to the hotel.

(2)句中的with是介词,意为“具有……;带有……”,在句中作定语修饰a small house。如:

The girl with long hair is my sister. 那个长头发的女孩是我的妹妹。

9. I showed each student six things and asked them about each other.

(1)show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.意为“给……看;出示;展示”。如:

Let me show you my picture. 让我展示我的画给你看。

Please show your new bike to me. 请让我看看你的新自行车。

(2)ask sb. about sth.意为“询问某人某事”。如:

He asked me about my study. 他询问我的学习情况。

10. What do you think of...?


—What do you think of Chinese food? 你认为中国食物怎么样?

—Its delicious. 非常美味。

11. What + do/ does + sb. + look like?

该句意为:“某人长什么样子?”是用来询问某人的长相、外貌。look like意为“看起来像”,like是介词。如:

What does your sister look like? 你姐姐长什么样子?

12. What does sb. do?


—What does your mother do? 你妈妈是干什么工作的?

—She is a teacher. 她是一名老师。

【拓展】询问职业,还可以用“What + be + sb.?”。如:

What is your brother? 你哥哥是干什么工作的?

13. Why do you like...?

该句意为:“你为什么喜欢……?”这是由why引导的询问原因的特殊疑问句。这类句型的基本结构为:“Why +一般疑问句?”,常用Because引导的原因状语从句来回答。如:

—Why do you like monkeys? 你为什么喜欢猴子?

—Because they are very funny. 因为它们很有趣。


Ⅰ. 单项选择。

( )1. —Thanks for ______ me about your school life.

—Youre welcome.

A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. tells

( )2. —Where is Nancy?

—She is in the garden. She is having ______ good time there.

A. the B. a C. / D. an

( )3. The children are in the room. ______ are dancing; ______ are singing.

A. Some; others B. Any; others

C. Some; the other D. Some; other

( )4. —Do you like dumplings?

—Yes, I do. But I dont like hamburgers ______ French fries.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

( )5. —John, its 11:00 p.m. Its time ______ to bed now.

—OK, good night, Dad!

A. goes B. go C. going D. to go

( )6. —Mike can speak French. What ______ Jim?

—He can speak it, too.

A. about B. from C. with D. for

( )7. —Did your mother have fun ______ at home?

—Yes, she did.

A. cook B. to cook C. cooks D. cooking

( )8. —Is the girl helping her father ______ the car?

—No. Shes reading a book.

A. washing B. washes C. wash D. washed

Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。

1. 晚饭后他们经常去散步。

They often ______ ______ ______ ______ after dinner.

2. 你想要吃哪种面条?

What ______ of noodles ______ you like to eat?

3. 他没有找到宾馆住。

He didnt find a hotel ______ ______ in.

4. 上海的天气怎样?

______ is the ______ in Shanghai?

5. 你能给我一些关于学好英语的建议吗?

Could you give me some advice ______ ______ ______ learn English well?

6. 我认为他不是个好学生。

I ______ think he ______ a good student.

7. 超市对面有一个邮局。

There is a post office ______ ______ the supermarket.

8. 彼得晚上洗澡吗?

Does Peter ______ ______ ______ in the evening?

9. 沿着这条街一直往前走,然后向左拐。

______ ______ this street and ______ ______.

10. 我发现他在教室里读书。

I ______ him ______ in the classroom.

Ⅲ. 将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 你认为这部电影怎么样?


2. 在图书馆不准大声讲话。


3. 桌子上有一大碗面。


4. 记住明天把这本书带到学校。


5. 她喜欢音乐,因为它能使她快乐。



Ⅰ. 1~5 CBACD 6~8 ADC

Ⅱ. 1. go for a walk 2. kind; would 3. to live 4. How; weather

5. on/ about how to 6. dont; is 7. across from 8. take a shower

9. Go along; turn left 10. found; reading

Ⅲ. 1. What do you think of the movie

2. Dont talk loudly in the library

3. There is a large bowl of noodles on the table

4. Remember to bring the book to school tomorrow



Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Good morning/afternoon/evening.

How are you? I’m fine,/OK,thanks. Fine,thanks.

What’s this in English? It’s a map. It’s V.

Spell it please. K-E-Y.

What color is it/the key? It’s blue. The key is yellow.

Hello, Frank. Hello/Hi, Eric.

Unit 1 My name is Gina.


What’s your name? My name is Jenny. /I’m Jenny. /Jenny.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you , too.

What’s his name? His name is Jenny. Jenny.

What’s her name? Her name is Linda.. Linda.

What’s your first name? My first name is Jack. Jack.

What’s your last/family name?

My last/family name is Green. It’s Green.

What’s your/his/her phone number?

My /His/Her phone number is 234-4567. /It’s 281-9176.


1 name’s=name is 名字是

2 I’m=I am 我是

3 she’s=she is 她是

he’s=he is 他是

you’re =you are 你是(复数形式)

they’re=they are 他(她;它)们是

that’s=that is 那是

isn’t=is not 不是(单数形式)

he’s not =he is not=he isn’t 他不是

what’s=what is 什么是

where’s=where is 在哪儿是

Let’s=Let us 让我们

4 Nice to meet/see you 见到你很高兴

5 last name=family name=surname 姓氏

6 first name = given name 名字

7 telephone number 电话号码

=phone number 电话号码

8 ID card 身份证

9 Good morning (to sb) 早上好

10 Good afternoon 下午好

11 Good night /evening . 晚上好

12 Sit down, please. =Have a seat, please. 请坐

13 That’s all right. 好;行;不用谢;没关系

That’s right . 对的、正确的

All right . 好的,行,好吧

14 Not at all.=It’s a/my pleasure.=That’s OK.

=You’re welcome.=That’s all right. 不用谢

Unit 2 Is this your pencil?


Is that/this/it your backpack? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t . It’s his backpack.

This/That is my eraser.

How do you spell it/pen? P-E-N.

Call Allan at 486-67895 Call 685-6098 Call Mary. Phone # 235-7865.

Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.


1 pencil case 铅笔盒

2 pencil sharpener 卷笔刀

3 pen pal =pen friend 笔友

4 Thank you. =Thanks . 谢谢你

5 in English 用英语

6 computer game(s) 电子游戏

7 Lost and Found 失物招领

8 a set of 一副;一套

a set of keys 一串钥匙

9 who’s=who is 谁是

11 it’s=it is 它是

12 look at 朝…看

13 ball-point pen 圆珠笔

14 call sb at+电话号码 打电话给某人

15 gold ring 金戒指

16 school ID card 校卡

17 See you later.=See you soon . 再见

Unit 3 This is my sister.


That/This is his sister.

These/Those are my two brothers.

Is she your friend? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

Is he your brother? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

Thanks for the photo of your family.

Here is my family photo.

Who’s your sister? This/She is my sister.


1 Thanks for...+n./doing sth 为…而感谢

2 pen friend 笔友

3 aren’t=are not 不是(复数形式)

4 Thanks for your help 为了感谢你的帮助

5 in the picture 在图中

6 look at 朝…看

7 talk about 谈论关于

8 family photo 家庭照片

9 family tree 家谱

10 what about=how about 关于…怎么样

11 draw a picture 画画

12 a photo(picture) of …的一张照片

13 on the back of the photo 在照片背后

14 take photos (a photo) 拍照


Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?


Where’s my backpack? It’s under the table.

Where are your baseballs? They’re on the floor.

Is the baseball on the sofa? Yes ,it is. No, it isn’t.

I don’t know.

Are they on the bed? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

Are these/those your books? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Please take these things to your sister.

Can you bring some things to school?

The keys are in the drawer.

Here’s my room.


1 in the drawer 在抽屉里

2 don’t=don not 不是(动词主语形式)

3 in pair 成对的

4 Goodbye.= Bye-bye 再见

5 behind the computer 在电脑后面

6 write down 写下;记下

7 I’m sorry 对不起

8 act out 表演出来

9 alarm clock 闹钟

10 video tape 录像带

11 soccer ball 英式足球

12 school bag 书包

13 in the backpack 在书包里

14 under the bed 在床下

15 on the chair 在椅子上

16 on the dresser 在梳妆台上

17 math book 数学书

18 take sth to…(there/him/+地点) 把…带去

19 bring sth to …(here/me/+地点) 把…带来

20 the math book 这本数学书

21 the notebook 这个笔记本

22 on the floor 在地上

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?


Do you have a ping-pong ball?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Does he/she have a tennis racket?

Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.

Let’s play ping-pong.

It’s boring.

That sounds good/interesting.

I don’t have a ping-pong ball.

He/She doesn’t have a volleyball.

She/He has a great sports collection.

We have many sports clubs.

He watches them on TV.

Do you have some more paper? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.

II.词组新课 标第 一 网

1 tennis racket 网球拍

2 baseball bat 棒球球拍

3 doesn’t=does not 不是(动词三单形式)

4 watch TV 看电视

5 have /play/do sports 做运动

6 a good idea 一个好主意

7 every day/morning/Sunday/… 每天/每个早上/…

8 watch a game(s) 看比赛/游戏

9 like doing 喜欢做某事(爱好)

10 like to do 喜欢做某事(特定时间)

11 a ping-pong bat 乒乓拍

12 That sounds interesting(fun)/good/difficult/boring/relaxing.


13 a great collection 丰富的收藏

14 let sb. do sth. 让某人干某事

15 play ping-pong/tennis/volleyball/soccer/basketball…


16 play computer games 打电子游戏

17 watch sth. on TV 在电视上看

18 every day/morning/afternoon/evening


Unit 6 Do you like bananas?


Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Does he/she like a salad?

Yes ,he/she does. No ,he/she doesn’t.

She/He likes hamburgers for lunch.

She doesn’t like hamburgers.

Let’s have French fries.

For dinner, she has chicken and tomatoes.



1 French fries 薯条

2 ice cream 冰淇淋

3 running star 赛跑明星

4 lots of = a lot of + (C)复数/ (U) 大量;许多

5 French chicken leg 炸鸡腿

6 ice stick 冰棒

7 have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper 吃早/中/晚餐

8 movie (film) star 电影明星

9 music star 歌星

10 healthy food 健康食物

11 eat food 吃食物

12 have sth. for breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper


13 have a look (at sth.) 看一看(某物)

14 at school/ at home 在学校/在家里

15 relax sports 休闲运动

16 some runners 一些运动员

Unit 7 How much are these pants?


How much is this T-shirt? It’s seven dollars.

How much are these socks? They’re two dollars.

Can I help you? =What can I do for you?

I want a sweater.=I’d like a sweater.

What color do you want? Here you are.

I’ll take it. You’re welcome.

That’s OK. That’s all right.

The blue sweater is 7 dollars.

We have sweaters at a very good price.

We have great bogs for only 12 yuan.

We have T-shirts in red for 18 dollars.

Anybody can afford our prices!

Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!


1 how much + (U) 多少/多少钱

2 how many + (C)复数 多少

3 Here you are. 给你

4 bags for sports 运动包

5 come to 到…来

6 I’m sorry. 对不起

7 can I help you?=What can I do for you? 需要我帮忙吗?

8 want sth. /to do sth. 想要sth /想要做某事

9 what color 什么颜色

10 great sale 大甩卖

11 want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事

12 That’s OK.= It’s my pleasure.(5种) 不用谢

13 That’s not all. 不只这些

14 black and blue 黑白相嵌

15 on sale 在出售

16 at the price of 以…的价格

17 at a very good price 一个好价钱/价格合理

What’s the price of sth ?=How much … 多少钱

like something cheap 喜欢便宜的东西

18 have sth. for only +价钱 有某物只卖…

19 in all colors 各色

20 in+颜色 着色

21 see for yourself 亲眼看

22 boys and girls=class 同学们

23 clothes store= clothes shop 服装店

=clothing store= clothing shop 服装店

24 ask sb to do sth 叫某人做某事

25 I don’t think so. 我不这么认为

26 afford sth./to do sth. 买得起某物/提供金钱干某事

27 buy sth. for +价钱 多少钱买某物

28 sell sth. for +价钱 多少钱卖某物

Unit 8 When is your birthday?


When is your birthday?

It’s October 25th. My birthday is October tenth.

When is your mother’s birthday? Her birthday is June 8th.

How old are you? What’s your age?

I’m thirteen.

When is the school trip? Do you having a fun birthday?

Happy birthday!


1 how old 几岁

2 school trip 郊游

3 basketball/ volleyball game 篮球赛/排球赛

4 help sb with sth 帮助某人某事

5 school day 学校上课日

6 be born in/on 出生于

7 date of birth=birthday 出生日期

8 Art Festival 艺术节

9 Music Festival 音乐节

10 pop contest 流行音乐会

11 (English) speech contest (英语)演讲比赛

12 soccer ball game 足球赛

13 birthday party 生日会

14 school day 学校庆祝日

15 English party 英语聚会

16 each year =every year 每年

17 a piece of paper 一张纸

新课 标 第 一 网

Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?


Do you want to go to a movie? I want to see a comedy.

What kind of movies do you like?

I like action movies and comedies.

She likes documentaries but she doesn’t like thrillers.

Do you like Beijing Opera?

She thinks action movies are exciting.

She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.

Mike is English. Mike is an English boy.


1 action movie 动作片

2 what kind (of sth) 哪一种/何种东西

a kind of sth (单数) 一种

all kinds of sth (复数) 各种各样

different /many /some kinds of sth (复数)


3 Beijing Opera 京剧

4 stay at home =be at home 呆在家里

5 go to a movie 去看电影

6 see a movie 看电影

7 learn about … 学关于…

8 look for 寻找(动作)

find 找到(结果)

find out (经过一番努力)找出

9 look at sth 朝…看

look like=be like 看上去象

look the same 看起来一样

look out (of sth) 朝…外看/小心

look sth up (in a dictionary) 查找

look around 环顾四周

look after=take care of=care for 照顾

look after sb well=take good care of sb

=care for sb well 很好照顾某人

10 see a comedy/tragedy 看一场喜剧/悲剧

11 go to see +电影名with sb. 和某人一起去看…

12 on weekend 在周末

13 thanks = thank you /thank sb. 感谢某人

thanks very much 非常感谢

thanks for (sth. /doing sth) 为…而感谢某人

14 learn a lot / much 学会了许多

15 want to be 想成为…

be going to be 打算成为/将成为

16 go to movies with sb. 和某人一起去看电影

17 What do you like best?

=What’s your favorite ? 你最喜欢什么

like sth best = be one’s favorite 最喜欢某物

18 go to school 去学校/去上学

go home 回家

go to do sth 去做某事

go to see sth /sb 去看某物/某人

go to (see) a film(s) 去看电影

= go to (watch) a movie(s) 去看电影

= go to the cinema 去看电影

go to +地点/Japan/Hebei/West Lake 去…

go to +the+地点n./the museum/the mountain

go doing/swimming/hiking/sightseeing…

19 at night = in the evening 在晚上

20 read a story /stories 读/看故事

21 tell sb sth 告述某人某事

tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事

tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

22 in Beijing /+大地点 在北京/在某地

23 young/old people 年轻人/老年人

24 on weekend(s) 在周末

25 Chinese /American history 中国历史

26 exciting story /stories 振奋人心的故事

30 Chinese action movie(s) 中国动作/武打片

31 great actor(s) 巨星

Unit 10 Can you play the guitar?


What club do you want to join? I want to join the art club. I don’t know.

Can you swim? Yes,I can.

What can you do ? We can paint.

Can you play the guitar?

Can you help kids with swimming?

Are you good with kids?

We need help for our Beidaihe School Trip.

Come and join us. She can’t sing or dance.

She can play the piano but she can’t play the violin.

Musicians wanted for School Music Festival.

You can be in our school music festival.

Please call Zhang Heng at 622-6033.

Come and show us!

Can I help you?

May I know your name?

Why do you want to join the club?


1 can’t=can not 不能

2 play chess 下象棋

3 join us 加入到我们中来

4 play the guitar 弹吉他

5 play the piano 弹钢琴

6 speak English 说英语

7 need help for sth. 做某事需要帮助

8 help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人

9 talk to sb 对某人讲话

10 talk with sb 与某人交谈

11 on Sunday(s) 在星期天

12 little girl/boy 小男孩/女孩

13 join the…club 参加…俱乐部

14 English club 英语俱乐部

15 chess club 象棋俱乐部

16 art club 艺术俱乐部

17 swimming club 游泳俱乐部

18 painting club 绘画俱乐部

19 singing club 唱歌俱乐部

20 dancing club 跳舞俱乐部

21 music club 音乐俱乐部

22 play sth. well 玩得很好

23 be good with sb 和某人相处愉快

24 play the drums 打鼓

25 sing or dance 唱歌或跳舞

26 sth/sb wanted 征聘sth./sb.

27 tell sth. to sb = tell sb sth 告述某人某事

28 be in … 成为…的成员

29 call sb at+号码 打电话给某人

30 show sb sth=show sth to sb 把…显示给某人看

31 show me your ID card 把你的身份证给我看

32 do Chinese kung fu 会中国功夫


Unit 11 What time do you go to school?


What time do you usually get up,Rick?

I usually get up at 5 o’clock.

What time does Alicia take a shower?

What a funny time to eat breakfast?

To get to work, he takes the umber 17 bus to a hotel.

The bus usually takes him to work at 19:15.

Can you think what his job is?

What time is it?=what’s the time? It’s eight thirty.

When does Tom usually eat dinner?

He usually eats dinner at around six-thirty.

Thanks for your letter.

School starts at nine o’clock.

Please write and tell me about your morning.

Are you awake?


1 what time=when 几点

2 go to school 去学校/去上学

3 go to work 去上班

4 work very long hours 工作很长时间

5 get up (反义:go to bed) 起床

6 put on (反义:take off) 穿上/脱掉

7 get to=arrive at/in/reach+地点 到达某地

8 listen to .听…

9 go to bed 上床睡觉

10 do homework 做作业

11 go home 回家

12 take/have a shower 沐浴

13 be busy (with sth)/doing sth 忙于做某事

14 brush one’s teeth 刷牙

15 take a bus/taxi/train/subways 乘公共汽车…

16 have/eat breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner吃早餐/吃午餐/晚餐

17 go to work 去上班

18 after breakfast/lunch/supper 早饭后…

19 write to sb 写信给某人

20 write and tell me sth 请写信告诉我某事

21 all night 整晚

22 do one’s homework 做某人的作业

23 school starts 开始上课

24 love to do sth. 喜欢做某事(具体某次)

love doing sth. 喜欢做某事(习惯)

25 listen to sb. 听某人说

26 get home 到家

go home 回家

27 in the morning 在早上

28 in the afternoon/evening 在下午/晚上

29 take the Number 7 bus 坐17号公共汽车

30 walk all night 工作整晚

31 watch morning TV 看早间新闻

32 write soon 尽快回信

33 best wishes 最良好的祝愿

34 go to bed early 早睡

35 get up early 早起

新课 标 第 一 网

Unit 12 my favorite subject is science.


What’s your favorite subject? My favorite subject is science.

Why do you like P.E? Because it’s fun.

Who is your science teacher? My science teacher is Mr. Wang.

When do you have math?

I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Why does he like science?

After class I have volleyball for two hours.

I have Chinese history club.

I don’t like any subject.

His “subject” is only running around with me.

Do you really not like school?

It’s very exciting to have a Chinese friend.


1 physical education =PE 体育

2 … year(s) old … 岁(年龄)

3 be strict with 对某人严厉/严格

4 favorite subject/city/food/color/sport … 最喜爱的科目/城市/食物/颜色/运动 …

5 have+学科 上…课

have math/English/Chinese 上数学课/英语..

6 be busy 忙的

7 be difficult 困难的

8 be+adj. …的

9 on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday… 在星期一/二/三…

10 TV show 电视节目

11be busy(with sth/doing sth) 忙碌于…

12 for two hours 两个小时

13 be tired 疲倦的

14 have Chinese history club 参加中国历史俱乐部

15 ask sb. 询问某人

ask sb. to do sth. 要某人干某事

16 play with sb. 与某人玩耍



1.go to the cinema去看电影

2.go boating/ camping去划船/ 野营

3.camp by the lake在湖边野营

4.go to the beach去海滩

5.play badminton打羽毛球

6.on Saturday morning在周六上午

7.as a guide作为一名导游

8.over 200 kinds of butterflies200多种蝴蝶

9.living habits生活习惯

10.kind of tired有点累

11.stay up late熬夜

12.watch the soccer game看足球赛

13.have dinner with friends和朋友们一起吃晚饭

14.fly a kite放风筝

15.finish high school读完中学

16.take a long bus ride乘了很长时间的公交车

17.put up out tents撘我们的帐篷

18.keep sb warm取暖

19.on the first night在第一个晚上

20.tell each other stories互相讲故事

21.the next morning第二天早上

22.look out of the tent向帐篷外看

23.see a big snake sleeping near the fire看见一条大蛇睡在火堆边

24.shout to sb向某人大声喊

25.jump up and down跳上跳下


1.I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.我熬夜看足球赛看到很迟。

2.Where did you go last weekend?上个周末你去了哪儿?

3.As a special gift, our parents took us to India.作为一份特殊的礼物,父母带我们去了印度。

4.We made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on.我们生火来取暖并用来烧食物吃。

5.I was so tired that I went to sleep early.我很累所以很早就去睡了。
