



Unit 1 Welcome to the unit (Pp. 2 – 3) Warming up


- To revise vocabulary and expressions to describe people

- To guess meaning from context

- To generate ideas about people’s appearance and personalities

- To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according to personal preferences

Language focus


nothing bowl honest secret

joy problems teenager magazine

good-looking musical


1. have something to drink

Can I have something to drink?

2. What about …?

What about some milk?

3. some more food

have some more food

4. nothing else

There’s nothing else in the fridge.

5. the pizza in your bowl

6. talk to him / her

talk to him / her when you are sad

7. talk to him / her about …?

talk to him / her about anything

8. have problems

9. Do you believe …?

Do you believe what he / she says?

10. write to us at ‘Teenagers’ magazine

Pre-task activities 1. Brainstorming and free discussion

- Are you hungry now?

- If you are very hungry, what can you do? What are you going to do?

- Do you want to have anything to drink, too? What would you like to drink?

- If you are still hungry, what can you do? (Have some more food.)

- If there’s nothing else in the fridge, what can you do?

During-task activities 2. Listening task

Listen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Can you find out the answers to these questions:

1) ______ is / are hungry.

A. Eddie B. Hobo

C. Eddie and Hobo

2) Hobo wants to share the ______ with Eddie.

A. cake B. milk C. pizza

3. Reading

1) Read the conversation after the tape.

2) Explain the language points briefly.

- Do you want some?

Do you want some cake?

I have a cake.

- Can I Have something to drink?

Is there anything in the fridge?

- What about …?

- Have some more food

Have too much food

Have enough food

- Maybe we can share it.

3) Have my students read the conversation aloud.

4) Have my students act the conversation in pairs.

4. Talking about your best friend

My best friend in my class is ______.

He / She is ______.

(Ask questions according to the sentences given on Page 3.)

honest: Do you believe what he / she says?

Keep secrets: Can you talk to him / her about anything?

Share my joy: Do you talk to him / her when you are happy?

5. Qualities of a good friend (Page 3)

- Have my students finish the exercises by themselves.

- Check the answers in class

6. What are the important qualities of a god friend? Complete the table on Page 3.

Post-task activities Discussion: If you were Eddie, you are hungry, too. Do you want to share your pizza with Hobo? Why or why not?

Unit 1 Best friends (Pp. 4 – 6) Reading


- To guess general meanings from keywords and context

- To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details

- To identify specific information about different people from their friends’ descriptions

- To use adjectives to describe people’s appearance and characteristics

- To recognize the use of comparatives and superlatives

Language focus


slim generous willing ready

seat singer wonderful almost

poor eyesight smart sense

humour bored unhappy joke

fit knock advertisement shoulder-length

true vote


1. as slim as I am

2. for a long time

3. be generous

4. be willing to share things with her friends

5. be ready to help people

6. any time

7. help me with my homework

8. give seats to people

9. in need

10. on the bus 11. want to be a singer

12. travel around the world

13. grow up

14. see each other often

15. have a wonderful friend named Max

16. almost 1.75 metres

17. have poor eyesight

18. because of

19. too much computer work

20. wear small, round glasses 21. make him look smart

22. have a good sense of humour

23. feel bored or unhappy

24. be with me

25. tell funny jokes

26. make me laugh

27. walk fast

28. walk past me

29. knock over our books and pens

30. be so funny

Pre-task activities 1. Who is your best friend in your class? He / she is …

2. classify the words into the following parts:




future plan

During-task activities 1. Read the passages, find out the key words of each passage.

- Betty is _____________.

- Max is ____________.

- May is _____________.

Betty Max May

Appear. Slim

Short hair Tall, poor eyesight

Glasses – smart Small straight, shoulder – length hair – pretty

Person. Generous

Helpful A good sense of humour A true friend

Special Wants to be a singer funny Kind

2. Choosing the best friend

- Have my students finish the exercises on page 5. Check the answers in pairs.

- Check the answers in class.

3. Detailed study of the passages

- Read the passages one paragraph after another. Ask students questions and help them take down the key phrases. Have my students retell the passages.

- Explain the language points as well.

4. What makes a best friend?

- Have my students finish Part C, on Page 6. Check the answers in pairs.

- Check the answers in class.

Language study 1. as … as …

She is as slim as I am.

She is as tall as I am.

I am as tall as she is.

I run as fast as she does.

She runs as fast as I do.

I drove as quickly as she did.

She drove as quickly as I did.

I am driving as carefully as she is.

She is driving as carefully as I am.

I can run as fast as she can.

She can run as fast as I can.

2. be willing to do sth.

be ready to do sth.

3. want to be …

want to do …

4. I have a wonderful friend named Max.

I have a wonderful friend called Max.

5. … because of too much computer work.

… because he has too much computer work.

6. … and they make him look smart.

they: the glasses

look smart (adj.)

make sb. do sth.

make me laugh

7. I never feel bored or unhappy when he is with me.

feel bored (adj.)

8. … and they do not fit under the school desks.

fit v.

9. … when he walks past the desks, …

pass & past

10. knock over

11. think of …

12. Everyone thinks she is pretty.

13. When something worries me, …

14. say a bad word about anyone.


I want to ______ ______ ______(告诉你关于……的事) my best friend Betty. She is ______ ______ ______(和……一样苗条) I am. She has short hair. We have been best friends ______ ______ ______ ______(一段很长的时间).

Betty is generous. She is willing to share things ______ her friends. She is also very helpful and is ready to help people any time. She helps me ______ my homework and she always gives seats ______ people ______ need ______ the bus.

Betty ______ ______ ______ ______ ______(想要当一名歌手) and ______ ______ ______ ______(环游世界) when she ______ ______(长大). We may not get to ______ ______ ______(看见彼此)often but we will always be best friends.

I have a ______ (出色的)friend ______(叫做) Max. He is very tall - ______(几乎) 1.75 metres. However, he has ______ ______ (视力不好) ______ ______ (因为) ______ ______ (太多的) computer work ______ ______ (在夜晚). He ______ (戴) small, round ______ (眼镜) and they make him ______ ______ (看上去聪明的).

Max _______________ (富有幽默感). I never _______________ (觉得厌烦或不开心) when he _______________ (与我在一起). He _______________ (讲述奇怪的笑话) and always _______________ (使我开怀大笑).

His legs ______ (be) very long and they ______ (not fit) under the school desks. He can ______ (walk) ______ (fast) but when he ______ (walk) ______ (pass / past) the desks, he often ______ (knock) over our books and pens. He ______ (be) so funny.

I ______ ______ (想到) my good friend May when I read your advertisement. She is small and she has ______ (直直的), ______ (齐肩发) hair. Everyone ______ (认为) she is pretty.

May is a ______ (忠实的)friend. When something ______ (困饶我), I can always go to her. I can tell her ______ (任何事情) because she can keep a ______ (秘密).

She is kind and never ______ (say) a bad word about ______ (someone).

Unit 1 Describing people’s appearance (P. 7) Vocabulary


- To use adjectives to describe people’s physical features

- To use adjectives to describe general appearance of people

- To select and use adjectives that are appropriate to describe the appearance of boys and girls

Language focus:

Vocabulary: thin, square, handsome

Pre-task activities Weekly Quiz 4:

I. Vocabulary (60’)

generous unhappy wonderful

almost advertisement shoulder-length

II. Phrases (24’)

1. travel around the world

2. each other

3. have poor eyesight

4. too much computer work

5. have a good sense of humour

6. tell funny jokes

7. knock over …

8. think of …

III. Sentences (16’)

1. I have a good friend named Max.

2. The teacher makes me do a lot of exercises every day.

3. Everyone calls me Betty.

4. He saw three policemen when he walked past the police station.

5. Be quick! Don’t walk so slowly.

6. She is as slim as I am.

7. She is willing to share things with her friends.

8. She wants to be a singer when she grows up.

9. We didn’t go to the park yesterday because of the heavy rain.

10. I never feel bored when he is with me.

11. Max is my best friend. He is an honest boy.

12. He is a clever boy. = He is smart.

During-task activities 1. Have my students study the new words by themselves: thin, square

2. Daniel is … / Daniel looks …

3. Pattern drills:

What is Daniel like?

What does Daniel look like?

4. Describing the appearance of boys and girls.

Post-task activities General appearance:

slim, thin, fat, strong, tall, short, beautiful, smart, good-looking, handsome, pretty, tidy, clean

Face: long, short, round, square

Eyes: big, small, round, bright, smiling

Nose: long, short, big, small

Hair: black, dark brown, long, short, shoulder-length, straight, ponytail

Unit 1 Grammar (Pp. 8 – 11) Grammar


- To use an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb to describe someone / something

- To use comparatives to compare two people / things

- To use superlatives to compare three or more people / things

Language focus:

Vocabulary: cheerful, than

The comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives:

Tall, small / nice, fine / pretty, easy / slim, big / beautiful, important / good, bad, etc.

Pre-task activities 1. Write one sentence to describe the appearance of your partner.

2. Write several sentences about the appearance of your partner.

General appearance, face, eyes, nose, hair, etc.

During-task activities 1. Change the sentence forms:

Millie has short hair.

Millie’s hair is short.

2. Comparatives

Have my students study the forms of the comparative forms of adjectives:

Tall, small, nice, easy, big, beautiful, good, bad, etc.

3. Superlatives

Have my students study the forms of the superlative forms of adjectives:

Tall, small, nice, easy, big, beautiful, good, bad, etc.

4. Part B1, on page 9.

5. Part B2, on page 10.

6. Word study:

Outdoor activities: hiking, cycling, camping, skiing, diving

7. Using ‘ (not) as ’ + adjective + ‘as’

She is as slim as I am.

8. Part C1, on page 11.

Post-task activities What do you think about the activities?

Talking about the activities with a partner using ‘(not) as … as’.

Unit 1 My best friend (Pp. 15 – 16) Main task


- To plan ideas for personal writing

- To write a description of the appearance and personality of a friend

- To write for an audience

- To write for a newspaper competition using appropriate register

- To develop an understanding of the structure of the letter: introduction, main body and conclusion

Language focus:


Smiling, general, appearance, pleasant, ability, wear

Pre-task activities Task I: Brainstorming and free discussion

Who is your best friend?

… is _________. (Ask my students to give as many words as possible. Classify the words into different groups while writing.)

Face: long, short, round, square

Eyes: big, small, round, bright, smiling

Nose: long, short, big, small

Hair: black, dark brown, long, short, shoulder-length, straight, ponytail, bunches

General appearance: slim, thin, fat, strong, tall, short, beautiful, smart, good-looking, handsome, pretty, tidy, clean

Personality: friendly, kind, polite, happy, honest, helpful, cheerful, pleasant

Abilities: smart, clever, hard-working, musical

During-task activities Task II: John’s best friend

- Do you know who my best friend is? (Show my students the picture of Kate, on page 16.)

- What is she like? What does she look like?

1) General appearance: tall and slim

2) face: square

3) nose: long

4) eyes: bright, smiling

5) hair: black, should-length, long

- What is her personality?

- Look at this picture, what is she doing? (She is helping Daniel with his homework.)

- What is her personality, can you guess? (She is helpful.)

Task III: Listening task

Listen to my speech; tell me my friend’s name, appearance, personality and her future plan.

(Ask my students to take notes while listening.)

Personality: helpful, friendly, kind, happy, cheerful, pleasant

Task IV: Reading task

Read the passage on page 16 and find out Kate’s ability.

She is clever.

Task V: My best friend

1. Read the passage after the tape.

2. Say something about Kate according to the notes the students have taken.

Post-task activities Ask my students to write his / her best friend in class. Ask other students guess who he / she is.



Period 4 Vocabulary Teaching aims and demands: 1. Learn about the school subjects. 2. Review and learn the adjective nouns about people’s opinion. 3. Grasp the opposites of the adjective nouns. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. Grasp the new words such as art, geography, language, PE, science, useful, unimportant, useless, unpopular and so on. 2. Can give opinion on different school subjects. Teaching preparation: Computer and the timetable Teaching steps: Step I. Lead in   Ask some questions about the reading.   Ask 2-4 students to sum up John and Nancy’s school lives. Step II. Pre-task Task 1 T: We know John’s favorite subject is Home Economics. Because he likes cooking and sewing. What’s your favorite subject? S: Chinese, Math, English, PE…… Look at the pictures and teach the Ss the new words: Ask: What class is it? What can you learn from each subject?(Teacher can give a table.)   Art   You can draw and paint pictures.   Computer Studies       Geography       History       Home Economics       Languages       PE       Science       Task2  Finish Part A on Page 27. Step III. While-task Task 1 Some adjective words to show one’s opinion on different school subjects. T: I think Home Economics is very interesting, but History is very boring. What do you think of the subjects? Is the Art lesson very easy/difficult/important/unimportant/useful/useless? S: Yes, it’s……/I think…… Point out:  useful  careful  unimportant  unpopular useless careless Encourage the Ss to say more words like this. Task 2  Finish Part B on Page 27. Step IV. Post-task Fill in the blankets with the right forms. 1. The song is _________(popular) now, but I still like it. 2. I like Daniel because he can tell ___________(interest) stories. 3. The bus left 5 minutes ago. It’s _______(use) to run to the stop. 4. What a ______(bored) book. I can’t read it any more. 5. It is ___________(important). We don’t need to go there. Step V. Homework 1. Remember the new words. 2. Finish the exercises.     Period 5  Grammar A&B Teaching aims and demands: 1. Compare two things using ‘more…than’, ‘fewer…than’ and ‘less…than’. 2. Compare more than two things using ‘the most’ for the largest amount and ‘the fewest’/ ‘the least’ for the smallest amount. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. How to use ‘more…than’, ‘fewer…than’ and ‘less…than’. 2. How to use ‘the most’ ‘the fewest’ and ‘the least’. Teaching preparation: pictures, objects and computer Teaching steps: Step I. Lead in   Revise the words of school subjects and the adjective nouns. Step II. Pre-task Look at the pictures and answer: (见课件) What are they in the pencil-boxes?(Teach paper clips) Step III. While-task Task 1 The use of “more… than” and “fewer…than”. T: Lucy has 4 pencils and Lily has 3 pencils. (见课件) It means: Lucy has more pencils than Lily.  (many―more) (Write on the Bb.)   Lily has fewer pencils than Lucy. (few―fewer) Lucy has fewer paper clips than Lily.  (few―fewer)    Lily has more paper clips than Lucy. (many―more) Point out: We use “more/fewer…than” to talk about countable nouns. Ask the Ss to make more sentences with the pictures. Task 2  The use of “more…than” and “less…than”. T: Look at the pictures of Daniel, Jam and Sandy. (见课件) T: Daniel has more juice than Jam. (much―more)   Jam has less juice than Daniel. (little―less) Point out: We use “more/less…than” to talk about uncountable nouns. Make more sentences with the pictures. Task 3  Finish Parts A,  A1、A2 and A3. (Solve their problems) 【Look at the pictures of Part A on Page 28 and answer: T: How many flowers does Millie have? How many flowers does Amy have? S: Millie has seven flowers and Amy has three flowers. T: Who has more flowers? S: Millie does. T: Yes, Millie has more flowers than Amy. Amy has fewer flowers than Millie. Ask Ss to talk about the second picture in the same way. Use the same way to present ‘less…than’. Work out the rule: We use ‘more…than’ and ‘fewer…than’ to talk about countable nouns. We use ‘more…than’ and ‘less…than’ to talk about uncountable nouns.】 Task 4 The use of the most/fewest/least.  T: Look at the pictures. (见课件)Peter has more beef than Leo.  Leo has more beef than Jack. That is to say: Who has the most beef? Ss: ( Peter has the most beef of all.) T: Who has the least beef? Ss: (Jack has the least beef of all.) T: Nancy has more pears than Millie.   Millie has more pears than Amy. That is to say: Nancy has the most pears of all. Amy has the fewest pears of all.    Ss try to work out the rules: We use the most/fewest to talk about countable nouns. We use the most/least to talk about uncountable nouns. Task 5 Practice the drills more with the things in the classroom.   e.g.: pens, rulers, erasers, water, milk, etc.   Finish Parts B1, B2 and B3. Task 6 Make a conclusion of today and then finish Part B4. Step IV. Post-task Fill in the blankets with the right words. Look at the pictures of Jack, Leo and Peter.(见课件) 1.Jack has ________ bread _______Leo. 2. Peter has ________ bread ________ Jack.  3. Peter has __________ bread of all. 4. Jack has ___________ bread of all. Look at the pictures of Nancy, Millie and Amy. (见课件) 5. Nancy has _______ apples _______ Millie. 6. Amy has _______ apples _______ Millie. 7. Nancy has _____________ apples of all. 8. Amy has _______________ apples of all. Step V. Homework (1) Revise the new drills of this lesson. (2) Preview the next lesson. (3) Finish the exercises.       Period 8 Speak up & Pronunciation Teaching aims and demands: 1. Can talk about different schools. 2. Can read the dialogue and the sentences in right intonations. 3. Know that we make our voice fall at the end of an affirmative sentence. 4. Know that we make our voice rise at the end of a sentence to show surprise. Teaching difficulties and importance: 1. Talk about different schools. 2. Showing surprise. Teaching preparation: recorder Teaching steps: Step I. Lead-in Review something about Beijing Sunshine Secondary School, Woodland School and Rocky Mountain High School. Step II. Pre-task T: How many Grade 8 classes are there at our school? S: (There are 8.) T: How many classmates do you have? S: (There are 48.) T: How many Computer Studies lessons do you have each week? S: (I have two.) T: … Step III. While-task Task 1 T: We have 8 Grade 8 classes, 48 classmates and two Computer Studies each week. But what about John and Daniel? Listen to the tape and answer:   How many Grade 8 classes are there at Daniel’s/John’s school?   Whose school has more Grade 8 classes?   How many classmates does Daniel/John have?   Who has fewer classmates?   How many Computer Studies lessons does Daniel/John have each week?   Who has the most Computer Studies lessons? Task 2  Listen again and read after it.   Practice the dialogue and act it.(4 pairs)   Make new dialogues and act them.(4 pairs) Task 3  A dialogue.   Laura is Amy and Sandy’s classmate. She is good at playing  basketball. But she hurt her leg on Monday. Let’s listen to the tape and answer: Where does she have to stay for a month? How long can’t she play basketball? Point out: can=be able to Tell the differences between them. Task 4  Listen again and read after it. (Pay attention to the pronunciation.) Practice the dialogue and act it. Explain how to show surprise while speaking. Task 5  Finish Part B on Page 34. According to the rule to finish Part B. Listen to the tape and check their an






英语诗歌具有简洁、精僻、朗朗上口等特征,有丰富的节奏、韵律、意境等元素,各元素都给予人们美的享受。因此,在实际教学过程当中,教师要授予学生基本的英语诗歌节奏及韵律的相关知识,引导学生对英语诗歌进行欣赏,让学生感受诗歌的节奏美、韵律美和意境美。如在进行Winter部分的教学时,教师可让学生进行逐句跟读,并将句子中的押韵部分画出来,比如“Snow rhymes with grow”“Away rhymes with day”等。这些存在押韵的句子,读起来朗朗上口,具有很强的韵律美。又如在教学时,教师可要求学生将诗歌当中描写景物的诗句找出,提出各种问题,比如“Try to find words to show us beautiful sights, feelings, personification”等。对于学生来说,这些问题本身就具很强的游戏性,使学生乐于参与,这一方面活跃了课堂氛围,另一方面也提高了学生的学习积极性。同时通过教师的引导,学生会自然地回忆起自己所见过的四季美景,再结合诗歌中的景物,在脑海当中就能构造出一个美妙的意境,从而使学生切身体会到诗歌的意境美。通过欣赏,学生会随着诗歌的美,而逐渐改善自己的内在精神,这既丰富了学生的情感内涵,又提高了学生的审美情趣。


练,是指在学习了诗歌的节奏、韵律等特征之后,学生就会发现其实诗歌并不难写,并萌生一种创作诗歌的冲动。此时,教师就可利用学生的这种冲动心理,引导学生去尝试诗歌创作,以培养学生的创造性思维能力。初中英语诗歌虽然只是英语诗歌的初级阶段,但是在此阶段,教师同样可以引导学生进行诗歌的创作,帮助学生分析诗歌写作的技巧、语言特征,鼓励学生模仿诗歌。比如,可对Spring部分进行模仿,就“The days of spring are windy and bright. What a perfect time to fly to a kite!”这一句,教师可向学生提问:“The days on weekends are happy and free. What a ______time to ______ !”让学生从fly a kite、plant a tree、catch a butterfly中选择一个填入空白处。根据已学习的诗歌节奏及韵律的特征,结合学生的想象能力,他们很快便能有各式各样的回答。通过不断地练习,学生就能明白其实诗歌的创作并不是很难。同时在经过反复练习之后,学生也能进行诗歌的自主创作。比如有学生在掌握了诗歌的节奏及韵律特征之后,有了如下创作:

“Those sweet memories of summer days,

Are about swimming in the sea,

And catching butterflies.”




















Step1:Lead-in(warming-up activities)

Have a chant.(What do you do at school?)

朗诵一首关于“What do you do at school”的英文诗,自然导入所要学习的内容。


Ask students some questions about school life.

1.How many subjects do you learn?What are they?

Ss:Chinese, English, Math, History, PE, Geography, Science...

2.What time does your school day start/finish?

Ss:It starts/finishes at...

T:Do you like it?Is it too early/late?

3.What kinds of sports do you know?


4.Which sport do you like best?Why?

5.Do you like to wear uniforms at school?Why/Why not?

Ss:I like to wear them because theyre fashionable...

I dont like to wear them because they are not nice...

6.Do you think your school is a good one? Why/Why not?

I think so/I dont think so.Because its a famous school/...

Teacher makes a survey to know more about students ideals.



Task 1 Finish the questionnaire.(Part A1 on Page 35).

1.Read the questionnaire and write in their own answers (class work).2.Work in pairs,ask and answer with each other to get more information about ideal school life(group work).

Task 2 Reading.

1.Listen to an article of Daniels ideal school and answer two questions.

When does Daniels ideal school start?

How much homework does he have?

2.Read the article after the tape.

3.Try to introduce Daniels ideal school without the book.



Write an article:My ideal school.

1.Have a discussion about the ideal school.(Work in groups of four).

2.Recommend one of the groups to sum up the discussion.

3.Eight minutes to write down their own ideal schools.


Step 5:Consolidation

Ask students to write an e-mail to tell his or her best friend about his or her ideal school.







- To introduce vocabulary used in British English and American English

- To distinguish between British and American usage

- To sort out vocabulary


British English American English

1. American football

2. autumn

3. break

4. corridor

5. dustbin

6. lift

7. film

8. football

9. ground floor

10. Maths

11. rubber

12. secondary school 1. football

2. fall

3. recess

4. hall

5. garbage can

6. elevator

7. movie

8. soccer

9. first floor

10. Math

11. eraser

12. high school

Pre-task activities 1. Have my students read the words after the teacher. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the spelling of words.

During-task activities 2. Check the answers in pairs, then in class.

British English American English

13. American football

14. autumn

15. break

16. corridor

17. dustbin

18. lift

19. film

20. football

21. ground floor

22. Maths

23. rubber

24. secondary school 13. football

14. fall

15. recess

16. hall

17. garbage can

18. elevator

19. movie

20. soccer

21. first floor

22. Math

23. eraser

24. high school

3. Practice.

1) Say the words after the teacher.

2) Practice in pairs.

3) Make sure my students are able to use the words.

4. Have my students do Part B, on Page 19.

Check the answers in class.

Practice reading the words.

Post-task activities

Unit 2 School lives (Pp. 20 – 22) Reading


- To guess general meanings from pictures and keywords.

- To understand feelings and opinions.

- To identify specific information about school life.

Language focus:

1. life in a British school (l. 1)

life in an American school (l. 16)

2. in Year 8 (l. 3)

in 9th grade (l. 18)

3. a mixed school (l. 4)

4. have lessons together (l. 4-5)

5. my favourite subject (l. 5)

6. how to do things for myself (l. 6-7)

how to cook healthy and tasty meals

7. have a reading week (l. 9)

8. bring in books and magazines from home (l. 11)

9. the end of each class (l. 12 - 13)

10. talk to our friends about our books (l. 13)

11. our friends’ books (l. 15)

12. as well (l. 15)

13. in Denver (l. 19)

14. have driving lessons (l. 20)

have a driving lesson

15. every day 16. twice a week (l. 23)

17. play softball (l. 23)

18. spend a lot of time practicing (l. 24)

19. go to a ‘buddy club’ (l. 24-25)

20. at the buddy club (l. 25)

21. older students (l. 25)

22. enjoy this a lot (l. 26)

23. a senior in 12th grade (l. 27)

24. help me learn (l. 27)

25. help me with my homework (l. 28-29)

26. listen to my problems (l. 28)

27. my hero (l. 28)

my heroes

28. during lunchtime (l. 29)

29. meet my friends (l. 29)

30. have a great time (l. 29)

31. talk to each other (l. 29-30)

32. go to shopping malls (l. 30)

33. after class (l. 30)

Pre-task activities Brainstorming and Free discussion:

What do you like in our school?

What makes you unhappy?

Which is your favourite subject?

What subjects do you study at school?

What subjects do you want to study at school?

Do you want to study in Britain?

Do you want to study in America?


During-task activities 1. Fast reading

Read the articles on Page 20 as quickly as possible. Fill in the blanks below.

Name John Nancy

School Woodland School Rocky Mountain High School

Grade 8 9

In class

(Subject) Home Economics Driving lessons

After class

(activities) A reading week Play softball; go to a ‘buddy club’

2. Detailed study of the articles and word guessing

Life in a British School

1) About a mixed school

What kind of school is Woodland School? (A mixed school.)

Who studies in a mixed school? (Boys and girls. They have lessons together.)

There are some schools for girls only. Is our school a mixed school or not? (Yes, it is.)

2) About Home Economics

Home Economics is John’s favourite subject. It is one of the subjects in Woodland School.

What can students learn in this subject? (How to cook healthy and tasty meals. ‘Tasty meals’ means meals with a pleasant taste.)

Exercise 1

Hi everybody

My name is John. I am in Year 8 at Woodland School near London. It is a mixed school. Boys and girls have lessons together. My favourite subject is Home Economics. I like learning how to cook and sew. I did not know how to do things for myself before I came to this school. Now, I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals.

3) About the reading week

Suppose you are John. Answer my questions:

- How often do the students in Woodland School have the reading week? (Every year. = once a year.)

- Can the students read all the books from the school library? (Yes, they can.)

- What can you bring in (the library) from home? (Books and magazines.)

- What must you do if you want to read books and magazines from home? (Tell our English teacher what we are reading. ‘have to’ = ‘must’)

- Who can you talk to about your books near the end of each class? (Our friends.)

- Do you like the reading week? Do you think it is too long? Why not? (We want to read all our friends’ books as well. ‘as well’ = ‘too’)

Exercise 2

Our school has a reading week every year. My classmates and I (我和我的同学们) love it. We can read any books from the school library. We can even bring in (把……带来) books and magazines from home but we have to (必须) tell our English teacher what we are reading. Near the end of (在……的结尾) each class we can talk to our friends about (对……谈论关于……) our books. The reading week is always too short because we want to read all our friends’ books as well (也).

Life in an American School

1) About driving age in the USA

- Students at 17 years old are in 12th grade in the USA.

- Students in 11th grade can have driving lessons.

Exercise 3

Hi guys,

I’m Nancy and I’m 14 years old. I’m in 9th grade (在九年级) at Rocky Mountain High School in Denver. My brother’s name is Jim. He is 17 years old. He had driving lessons (驾驶课) in school last year. Now, he drives me to school (开车送我上学) every day. This is great because it’s faster than (比……快) taking the bus.

2) About softball

- When do you play softball?

- How often do you play softball?

3) About the ‘buddy club’


1) Home Economics

2) Tasty

3) As well

4) Softball

5) Buddy

4. Detailed study of the text


Post-task activities

Unit 2 Making comparisons (Pp. 26 – 27) Grammar


- To compare two things using ‘like’ and ‘alike’

- To make comparisons using ‘the same as’ and ‘different from’

Language focus:


- Amy’s sweater is like Millie’s sweater.

- (Amy’s shoes are like Millie’s shoes.)

- Amy’s sweater and Millie’s sweater are alike.

- My uniform is the same as Simon’s uniform.

- My uniform is different from Simon’s uniform.


Words about Stationery: ruler, paper, pencil, rubber, notebook


Pre-task activities 1. What are they wearing?

Look at the picture on page 26.

- How many students are there in the picture? (Four.)

- What are they wearing?

(Daniel is wearing a yellow jacket and a scarf.)

(Simon is wearing sports clothes.)

(Amy is wearing a red sweater.)

(Millie is wearing a red sweater, too.)

- Amy’s sweater is like Millie’s sweater.

- Amy’s sweater and Millie’s sweater are alike.

Have my students read the sample sentences and remember them.

During-task activities 2. Things that are similar

1) Have my students do Part C1.

2) Check the answers in pairs.

3) Ask my students to read the sentences aloud and check the answers in class.

3. What stationery do you have?

Have my students list the stationeries they have now. Teach the words ‘notebook’ and ‘paper clips’.

Post-task activities 4. Things in your school bags.

- My pen is like yours.

- Our notebooks are alike.

Pre-task activities 5. What are they wearing?

Look at the pictures on page 27. What are the boys wearing? (They’re wearing school uniforms.)

- Daniel’s uniform is the same as Simon’s (uniform).

- Daniel’s uniform is different from John’s (uniform).

It’s better to use what my students are wearing as the presentation.

During-task activities 6. Same or different?

1) Have my students do Part D1.

2) Check the answers in pairs.

3) Ask my students to read the sentences aloud and check the answers in class.

4) Then, go through Part D2 the same way.

Post-task activities Exercises on the Workbook:

How are their daily lives? (Pp. 26 – 27)

Unit 6 An accident report (Pp. 100– 101) Integrated skills

Language focus:


1) New words:

2) Numbers in English

Structure: more … than; fewer … than; less … than

1) There are more students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Woodland School.

2) There are fewer students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.

3) Rocky Mountain High School has more students than Woodland School.

4) Rocky Mountain High School has fewer students than Woodland School.

5) Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British Students.

6) British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students.

Pre-task activities 1. John’s school, Nancy’s school and your school

1) Which school is John in? (Woodland School, Britain.)

2) Which school is Nancy in? (Rocky Mountain High School, the USA.)

3) Which school are you in? (Nanjing No. 13 Middle School.)

4) Which class are you in?

5) How many students are there in your class?

6) How many boys are there? How many girls are there?

(There are more / fewer boys than girls in my class.)

7) How many students are there in your grade?

8) How many students are there in your school? How many teachers?

9) How many students / teachers are there in Woodland School / Rocky Mountain High School?

During-task activities 2. Numbers of students, teachers and classrooms; length of summer holiday

A. Read the chart on Page 28.

1) How many students are there in Woodland School? (550.)

2) How many classrooms are there in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School? (45.)

3) How many classrooms are there in Rocky Mountain High School? (35.)

4) How long do the Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students have their summer holiday? (7 weeks.)

‘long’ & ‘length’

B. Listen to the conversation between Sandy and Daniel. Complete the table of Part A1, on Page 28.

- There are 550 students in Woodland School.

- The students in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School have 7 weeks off in the summertime.

D. Structures

1) There are more students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Woodland School.

2) There are fewer students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.

3) Rocky Mountain High School has more students than Woodland School.

4) Rocky Mountain High School has fewer students than Woodland School.

5) Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British Students.

6) British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students.

E. Comparing Schools, Part A2, Page 28.

F. Comparing Schools, Part A3, Page 29.

Unit 2 Talking about different schools (P. 29) Speak up


- To develop fluency in asking and answering questions about school.

- To develop interactive skills by responding appropriately.

- To transfer a model conversation to a personal situation.

Language focus:

Vocabulary: kilometre


1) How far do you live from your school?

How far is it from your home to school?

2) Do you walk to school?

Do you go to school on foot?

3) I usually take the school bus.

I usually go to school by bus.

4) What if it rains or snows?

What are you going to do / do you do if it rains or snows?

5) It doesn’t snow / rain, etc.

6) I don’t mind the rain.

Pre-task activities Mini-task I: How do you go to school?

- How do you go to school every day?

- How long does it take?

1) T – S

2) S – S

During-task activities Mini-task II: How do they go to school?

1. Listening task

- Daniel goes to school by bus.

- John walks to school

2. Reading aloud

Read after the tape twice.

3. Language studies

7) How far do you live from your school?

How far is it from your home to school?

8) Do you walk to school?

Do you go to school on foot?

9) I usually take the school bus.

I usually go to school by bus.

10) What if it rains or snows?

What are you going to do / do you do if it rains or snows?

11) It doesn’t snow / rain, etc.

12) I don’t mind the rain.

4. Role-play

Post-task activities Additional exercises on language points:

I. Fill in the blanks

Nancy: How far do you live from your school?

John: About two kilometres.

Nancy: Do you go to school on foot?

John: Yes, I walk to school every day. I like walking. And you?

Nancy: I usually ride my bicycle to school. (I usually go to school by bike.)

It’s fun (funny).

John: What if your bicycle doesn’t work?

Nancy: I don’t mind. I can take a bus then.

(I can go to school by bus then.)

II. Translation

1) The air pollution in Sunshine Town is less than that (the air pollution) in other areas of Beijing.

There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.

2) British students spend less time (in) doing their homework than Chinese students (do).

3) How far is your home from your school? About 10 kilometres.

How far do you live from your school?

About 10 kilometres.

4) I don’t mind if it will rain tomorrow.

Unit 2 My ideal school (Pp. 31 – 32) Main task


- To complete a questionnaire with personal information.

- To select specific information for an ideal school week including the choice of favourite activities.

- To generate and organize ideas about an ideal school and write an article about it for website audience.

Language focus:

Vocabulary: finish, tick, baseball, table tennis, tennis, chess, drama, support, ideal, pop, tennis court


1. get up late

2. my ideal school

3. start at 9 a.m.

4. finish at 3 p.m.

5. have lots of time for after-school activities

6. have an hour for lunch

7. a big dining hall

8. eat lunch and chat

9. listen to pop music

10. in the hall

11. eat fruite and vegetables

12. every day

13. have Maths

14. love computers

15. have Computer Studies

16. before lunch 17. wear school uniforms

18. wear ties

19. be quite small

20. in each class

21. have a park

22. on one side

23. the other

24. have a big library with lots of useful books

25. have a tennis court and a swimming pool

26. lots of clubs

27. after-school activities

28. have half an hour of homework

29. at weekends

30. go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre

Pre-task activities Mini-task I: Your ideal school

1) When does your school start / finish? When do you get up?

2) How much time do you have for lunch? What do you do after lunch?

3) What subjects do you have every day? How many students are there in your class? Do you have to wear uniforms and ties?

4) Where is your school? What is around your school? What is your favourite place in your school?

5) What do you do after class? Every month? Every year?

During-task activities Mini-task II: Daniel’s ideal school

1) Introduction: starting and finishing time of school

2) Lunchtime: length, location, food

3) Subjects, school uniform and size of classes

4) Environment and facilities

5) Clubs and activities

Post-task activities Where do you want to go on with your studies after your leave No. 13 Middle School in ?

Unit 2 Showing surprise (P. 30) Pronunciation


To recognize and use intonation patterns

To recognize and use falling voice to indicate the end of a statement

To recognize and use rising voice to show surprise

Language focus


1. monkey n.

- Joe wants to get a pet monkey.

2. news n.

- Did you hear the news?


1. Laura hurt her leg on Monday.

2. She won’t be able to play basketball for three months.

3. Look out the window. It’s snowing!

4. Mr. Wu is going to be on TV tonight.

5. Joe wants to get a pet monkey.

6. You just ate four hamburgers.

7. We’ll have cakes for dinner tonight.

8. Did you hear the news? Liu Mei is going to move to Canada.

I don’t believe it.

During-task activities Mini-task I: Poor Laura

A. Amy and Sandy are talking about their classmate Laura. Try to fill in the blanks below.

Amy: Laura hurt her leg on Monday.

Sandy: Oh, really!

Amy: She has to stay in hospital for a month.

Sandy: A month!

Amy: Yes. She won’t be (be) able to play basketball for three months.

Sandy: Three months!

B. Amy and Sandy are talking about their classmate Laura. Listen to their conversation and fill in the blanks.

C. Listen to the conversation. Pay attention to the intonation patterns. Read after the tape.

D. Role-play

Mini-task II: Intonation

A. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks.

1) Look out the window. It is snowing (snow)!

2) Mr. Wu is going to be (be) on TV tonight.

3) Joe wants (want) to get (get) a pet monkey.

4) I’m hungry.

Hungry? You just ate (eat) four hamburgers.

5) We will have (have) cakes for dinner tonight.

6) Did you hear (hear) the news? Liu Mei is going to move (move) to Canada.

B. Read the sentences and put an arrow at the end of each sentence.

C. Listen to the tape and check the answers.








names of earthquakes when where the number of deaths

the Tangshan earthquake

the Wenchuan earthquake

the Yushu earthquake

the Haiti earthquake

the Chile earthquake





编号 地震发生时你的

自救方式请选择: 你对地震恐惧吗 你是否关注地震各种信息 我校地震逃生演练次数够吗 我县处于强地震带吗

a按照平时演练有秩序快速疏散到操场b手抱住头部躲在桌子下c手抱住头部躲在墙角 是 否 是 否 够 不够 是 否

1 男 女






译林版牛津初中英语(八年级上)Module 2 Unit 6 Natural disasters Reading

The Taiwan earthquake


















这篇课文语境真实,有利于课堂交际活动的真实开展。在教学中我设计了Do you know how to protect yourself if there is an earthquake here? 等问题,由课内延伸到课外,增大学生的知识量,拓展了学生的思维,从而达到综合运用语言进行交际的目的。



2. 通过阅读,理解课文大意并理清事情发生的顺序。















Step 1 情景导入(4分钟)



names of earthquakes when where the number of deaths

the Tangshan earthquake on 28 July,1976 in Tangshan 242,000

the Wenchuan earthquake on 12 May, in Sichuan 69,142

the Yushu earthquake on 14 April, in Gansu 2220

the Haiti earthquake on 12 Jan,2010 in Haiti 222,500

the Chile earthquake on 27 Feb,2010 in Chile 802

请你用英语写出关于地震的几句话: The Tangshan/ Wenchuan /... earthquake happened on...in...Many people died in the earthquakes.We should help the people in the disaster. We should hold more earthquake exercises. When an earthquake happens,we should run to the playground.We should be brave . ...


T:An earthquake is a disaster , isn’t it ?引入课题:The Taiwan earthquake

Step 2 呈现(6分钟)



T:Where and when did the earthquake happen?

What is the big noise like ?

What can you see in the video?

S:It happened on May 12 in Wenchuan.

The big noise is like thunder / bombs under the ground .

I can see mountains and trees shaking , big stones falling down .

I can see people screaming in fear , running wildly .




Step 3 听力练习(6分钟)


T:There was also an earthquake in Taiwan on 21 , September in . About 2,000 people lost their lives , but a boy named Timmy survived. He is a survivor. Let’s listen to see what happened to him.







Step 4阅读(15分钟)



(1)、What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started ?

(2)、Why did people scream ?

(3)、Where did Timmy try to run when the real noice came,like bombs under the ground ?

(4)、Why did people run wildly in all directions ?

(5)、What happened to the building ?

(6)、How did Timmy feel when he was trapped ?

(7)、What did he tell himself when he was trapped ?

(8)、Did Timmy eat up the chocolare ? Why not ?

(9)、Did he survive the earthquake ?

(10)、How was Timmy saved ?

【设计意图】:让学生通过问题阅读来验证对篇章的整体理解,该部分主要采用5-W设计提问,其中(7)、What did he tell himself when he was trapped ? 和 (8)、Did Timmy eat up the chocolare ? Why not ? 两个问题的设计目的是为了教学生在面对灾难时要冷静,随身食品不要一下吃完,而要作为维持生命的延续。

Step 5练习(14分钟)



Noise People do What happened Timmy

At first / / / felt a slight shaking

Then A big noise

like thunder

Children screamed looked at each other in fear;

Childre were frightened

/ /

Then The real

noise came

like bombs ran in all directions; ran wildly Pieces of glass

and bricks fell down tried my best

to run,too

Final-ly The noise

ended calmed down;

could not see at all







Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and learing English.


The Taiwan earthquake(1)


The Tangshan/ Wenchuan /... earthquake happened on...in...Many people died in the earthquakes.We should help the people in the disaster. We should hold more earthquake exercises. When an earthquake happens,we should run to the playground.We should be brave . ...


1、The big noise is like thunder / bombs under the ground .

2、What can you see in the video?

I can see。。。shaking , falling down .

screaming in fear , running widly .






(7)、What did he tell himself when he was trapped ?

(8)、Did Timmy eat up the chocolare ? Why not ?






Step 6练习(12分钟)


(1)First watch a video about an earthquake in Haiti ,Then complete the following artile:

【百度视频01:32】 v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcxNTA2ODEy.html

The building was shaking when the earthquake started . We can hear clearly pieces of bricks falling down the ground . A man in blue was running out of the building at the moment . The walls were shaking . Another three men were running wildly in all directions because they were very frightened . We can hear a loud noise like thunder/bombs under the ground . Then the walls began to come down , At last all calmed down.

(2)Ask Ss to read the above article.



1、When hearing the loud thunder ,he felt a heavy shaking through his body .(一阵巨大的摇晃传过他的身体)

2、The baby calmed down (平静下来) after listening to teh beautiful music .

3、I was doing some shopping (在购物) when the earthquake took place .

4、Timmy shouted for help(大喊救命) but no one came for a long time .

5、People in the shop center looked at each other in fear (惊恐地相互看着).

6、When seeing the snake , the girls ran in all directions (四下逃窜).



At first,he felt a slight shaking through his dody.


When the earthquake started,I was trying my best to run to the playground.


When I saw her this morning,she was in a great hurry to go to school.


People were running wildly while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down .

Step 7 活动


(1)Work in pairs

One acts as a reporter , the other acts as Tommy . The reporter interviews Tommy with such as the following questions :

(1)How did you feel at first when the earthquake happened ?

(2)What was the big noise like ?

(3)What were people doing while pieces of glasses and bricks were falling down .

(4)What did you feel when you were trapped ?And what did you do ?

(5)Did you shout for help ?

(6)Where did you know when you were trapped ?

(7)How did the people save you from the ruins ?

(2)Ask some volunteers to act out



T: Show Ss the following survey summary , which is based on the Ss’survey .

95 percentt of you are afraid of an earthquake , and we know Donghai county lies in a seismic activity area . Do you know how to protect yourself if there is an earthquake here?






自救方式请选择: 你对地震恐惧吗 你是否关注地震重大信息 我校地震逃生演练次数够吗 我县处于强地震带吗

a按照平时演练有秩序快速疏散到操场b手抱住头部躲在桌子下c手抱住头部躲在墙角 是 否 是 否 够 不够 是 否

abc 是 否 是 否 够 不够 是 否

男 19 19 17 2 16 3 18 1 18 1

89.5% 10.5% 84.2% 15.8% 94.7% 5.3% 94.7% 5.3%

女 21 21 21 0 13 6 19 2 17 4

100% 0% 61.9% 38.1% 90.5% 9.5% 81% 19%

汇总 40 40 38 2 29 9 37 3 35 5

100% 95% 5% 72.5% 27.5% 92.5% 7.5% 87.5 12.5%

T: Groups of four students to discuss the topic, and then representatives of each group to speak.

How to protect yourself if there is an earthquake here?

(1)We should run to the playground as fast as we can.

(2)I should help the girls / others.

(3)I should be brave,not frighened.

(4)We had better hide in the corner / under desks.

(5)We should calm down and be not in chaos.






The Wenchuan earthquake

A sudden heavy earthquake hit Wenchuan at 14:28 on May 12,2008. The earthquake flattened the beautiful Wenchuan to the ground .More than 6,9000 people lost their lives and tens of thousands of people became homeless in the disaster. In pictures : People were trying their best to save trapped persons in the buildings .An old man was sitting on the ruins .Dead bodies and the injured were everywhere .A father only found his child.’s schoolbag in the ruins. Many people were crying for their lost relatives .They were in deep sorrow. PM Wen Jiabao was in a greay hurry to come to the disaster area in the fist time to guide rescue work. Lots of people donated money and blood to Wenchuan. While watching , I could not help crying. As students, we should try our best to help them .

(2)Ask Ss to present the answers .

(3)Read the article ,



1、Try to recite the text.

2、Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook and learing English.


The Taiwan earthquake(2)

一、Watch and complete the artile: was shaking、 started 、 pieces、 bricks falling 、 running out 、 were shaking 、 three 、 running wildly directions frightened 、 noise 、thunder/bombs 、ground 、come down 、 calmed


1、Work in pairs


How to protect yourself if there is an

earthquake here? (1)We should run to the playground as fast as we can.

(2)I should help the girls / others.

(3)I should be brave,not frighened.

(4)We had better hide in the corner / under desks.

(5)We should calm down and be not in chaos.



earthquake、 May 12,、 lives 、disaster、trapped 、was sitting 、 bodies 、everywhere 、in a greay 、money、 blood 、crying、 try






省份 江苏 学校 东海县城头中学 姓名 刘华成

职称 中学一级 电话 15161350796 邮件 lhcctzx@126.com

通讯地址 江苏省东海县城头中学 邮编 222303

