



people appear to born to compute. The numerical skills of children develop so early and so inexorably that it is easy to imagine an internal clock of mathematical maturity guiding their growth. Not long after learning to walk and talk, they can set the table with impress accuracy---one knife, one spoon, one fork, for each of the five chairs. Soon they are capable of nothing that they have placed five knives, spoons and forks on the table and, a bit later, that this amounts to fifteen pieces of silverware. Having thus mastered addition, they move on to subtraction. It seems almost reasonable to expect that if a child were secluded on a desert island at birth and retrieved seven years later, he or she could enter a second enter a second-grade mathematics class without any serious problems of intellectual adjustment.

Of course, the truth is not so simple. This century, the work of cognitive psychologists has illuminated the subtle forms of daily learning on which intellectual progress depends. Children were observed as they slowly grasped-----or, as the case might be, bumped into-----concepts that adults take for quantity is unchanged as water pours from a short glass into a tall thin one. Psychologists have since demonstrated that young children, asked to count the pencils in a pile, readily report the number of blue or red pencils, but must be coaxed into finding the total. Such studies have suggested that the rudiments of mathematics are mastered gradually, and with effort. They have also suggested that the very concept of abstract numbers------the idea of a oneness,a twoness , a threeness that applies to any class of objects and is a prerequisite for doing anything more mathematically demanding than setting a table-----is itself far from innate

第二篇:The Historical Significance of American Revolution

The ways of history are so intricate and the motivations of human actions so complex that it is always hazardous to attempt to represent events covering a number of years, a multiplicity of persons, and distant localities as the expression of one intellectual or social movement; yet the historical process which culminated in the ascent of Thomas Jefferson to the presidency can be regarded as the outstanding example not only of the birth of a new way of life but of nationalism as a new way of life. The American Revolution represents the link between the seventeenth century, in which modern England became conscious of itself, and the awakening of modern Europe at the end of the eighteenth century. It may seem strange that the march of history should have had to cross the Atlantic Ocean, but only in the North American colonies could a struggle for civic liberty lead also to the foundation of a new nation. Here, in the popular rising against a “tyrannical” government, the fruits were more than the securing of a freer constitution. They included the growth of a nation born in liberty by the will of the people, not from the roots of common descent, a geographic entity, or the ambitions of king or dynasty. With the American nation, for the first time, a nation was born, not in the dim past of history but before the eyes of the whole world.


Crying is hardly an activity encouraged by society. Tears, be they of sorrow, anger, or joy,typically make Americans feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. The shedder of tears is likelyto apologize, even when a devastating (毁灭性的) tragedy was the provocation. The observerof tears is likely to do everything possible to put an end to the emotional outpouring. Butjudging from recent studies of crying behavior, links between illness and crying and thechemical composition of tears, both those responses to tears are often inappropriate andmay even be counterproductive.

Humans are the only animals definitely known to shed emotional tears. Since evolution hasgiven rise to few, if any, purposeless physiological responses, it is logical to assume thatcrying has one or more functions that enhance survival.

Although some observers have suggested that crying is a way to elicit assistance from others(as a crying baby might from its mother), the shedding of tears is hardly necessary to get help.Vocal cries would have been quite enough, more likely than tears to gain attention. So, itappears, there must be something special about tears themselves.

Indeed, the new studies suggest that emotional tears may play a direct role in alleviatingstress. University of Minnesota researchers who are studying the chemical composition oftears have recently isolated two important chemicals from emotional tears. Both chemicalsare found only in tears that are shed in response to emotion. Tears shed because ofexposure to cut onion would contain no such substance.

Researchers at several other institutions are investigating the usefulness of tears as a means ofdiagnosing human ills and monitoring drugs.

At Tulane University’s Teat Analysis Laboratory Dr. Peter Kastl and his colleagues report thatthey can use tears to detect drug abuse and exposure to medication (药物), to determinewhether a contact lens fits properly of why it may be uncomfortable, to study the causes of“dry eye” syndrome and the effects of eye surgery, and perhaps even to measure exposureto environmental pollutants.


A) the harder an athlete trains, the better his performance will be

B) rest after vigorous training improves an athlete’s performance

C) strict systematic training is essential to an athlete’s top performance

D) improvement of an athlete’s performance occurs in the course of training

37. By “overtraining” the author means ________.

A) a series of physical symptoms that occur after training

B) undue emphasis on the importance of physical exertion

C) training that is not adequately compensated for by rest

D) training that has exceeded an athlete’s emotional limits

38. What does the passage tell us about the “overtraining” syndrome?

A) It occurs when athletes lose interest in sports.

B) It appears right after a hard training session.

C) The fatigue it results in is unavoidable in the athlete’s training process.

D) It manifests itself in fatigue which lingers even after a recovery period

39. What does the phrase “level off” (Line 5, Para. 4) most probably mean?

A) Slow down.

B) Become dull.

C) Stop improving.

D) Be on the decline

40. The author advises at the end of the passage that ________.

A) overtraining syndrome should be treated as a serious illness

B) overtraining syndrome should be prevented before it occurs

C) an athlete with overtraining syndrome should take a lengthy rest


el nino is the name given to the mysterious and often unpredictable change in the climate of the world. this strange 47 happens every five to eight years.

it starts in the pacific ocean and is thought to be caused by a failure in the trade winds(信风), which affects the ocean currents driven by these winds. as the trade winds lessen in 48 , the ocean temperatures rise, causing the peru current flowing in from the east to warm up by as much as 5 °c.

the warming of the ocean has far-reaching effects. the hot, humid (潮湿的) air over the ocean causes severe 49 thunderstorms. the rainfall is increased across south america, 50 floods to peru. in the west pacific, there are droughts affecting australia and indonesia. so while some parts of the world prepare for heavy rains and floods, other parts face drought, poor crops and 51.

el nino usually lasts for about 18 months. the 1981-83 el nino brought the most 52 weather in modern history. its effect was worldwide and it left more than 2,000 people dead and caused over eight billion pounds 53 of damage. the 1990 el nino lasted until june 1995. scientists 54 this to be the longest el nino for 2,000 years.

nowadays, weather experts are able to forecast when an el nino will 55 , but they are still not 56 sure what leads to it or what affects how strong it will be.

a) estimate

b) strength

c) deliberately

d) notify

e) tropical

f) phenomenon

g) stable

h) attraction

i) completely

j) destructive

k) starvation

l) bringing

m) exhaustion

n) worth

o) strike


47. p phenomenon

48. b strength

49. e tropical

50. l bringing

51. k starvation

52. j destructive

53. n worth

54. a estimate

55. o strike


不定式的用法:不定式的否定形式是在所有的不定式to 前加not



To see is to believe.


It is right to give up smoking.戒烟是对的。

It is kind of you to come to see me.(2)作宾语


e.g.He wanted to go.


I find it interesting to work with him.我发现和他一起工作有趣。

有作形式宾语, 主要有两类动词:

● 谓语动词是make;find;believe;think;feel等时, 常用it作形式宾语

● 谓语动词是表好恶的词, 如: like;dislike;hate;appreciate常用it作形式宾语They made it possible to finish the task in two days.I find it difficult to study English well.I hate it when a person speak with his mouth full.We will appreciate it if you help us.(3)作宾语补足语

He asked me to do the work with him.



1)在feel, hear, listen to, look at, notice, observe, see, watch, have,1et, make等词后的补足语中, 不定式不带to。

+ 不定式强调动作的全过程;

+ 现在分词强调动作与宾语之间存在主动关系, 及动作正在进行;

+ 过去分词强调动作与宾语之间存在被动关系, 及动作已经完成.如:

I must see my child cross the street.I saw the thief stealing her money.You will see many problems settled in this way.2)但是这些句中如果变成被动结构时,就必须带to。

The boss made Miss White type the letter again.注意: 当这些动词转成被动语态时 必须补充出来.如

Miss White was made to type the letter again.如果对这些动词后的宾语提问, 则照抄

Who(Whom)did the boss make type the letter again?

Who(Whom)would you rather have go with ?


I have some books for you to read.我有几本书供给你读。


e.g.He is looking for a room to live in .


There is nothing to worry about.


Please give me a knife to cut with.


②: 不定式是否用被动, 不定式作定语与所修饰词之间形成动宾关系, 若句中有不定式的逻辑主语, 不定式用主动;反之用被动.Do you have anything to send ?你有东西要去寄吗?(寄的动作是you发出的)

Do you have anything to be sent ? 你有东西要寄吗?(寄的动作不是you发出的, 是别人


I have something to say.(5)作状语,表示目的、原因、结果或条件。

e.g.I came here to see you.(目的)

We were very excited to hear the news.(原因)

He hurried to the school to find nobody there.(结果)

To look at him,you would like。(条件)

目的状语还可以用in order to或so as to来表示。

e.g.In order to pass the exam,he worked very hard.


We ran all the way so as not to be late.


注意: 不定式经常和only;never连用, 强调出乎意料的结果或失望的情绪.After that day they were separated, never to see each other again.I hurried to get there , only to find him out.(6)不定式在句中用主动式还是被动式,多数情况下是容易判别的,但有时的确比较复杂,请注意以下几点:


Have you got a key to unlock the door?


I have got a letter to write.

He needs a room to live in.

C)不定式作表语形容词的状语,和句中的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,不定式多用主动形式,这是因为人们往往认为形容词后省去了for one或for people.

e.g.He is hard to talk to.

The book is difficult to understand.


● 在使役动词和感官动词后省to

Don’t let me wait for long.● 不定式动词在介词but,except,besides后面时,如果这些介词之前有行为动词do的各


e.g.She could do nothing but cry.


What do you like to do besides swimming?


I have no choice but to go.


● 当不定式在系动词be后作表语时, 如果主语部分带实义动词do时, 就可以省去toThe only thing I can do is wait for help.What boys like to do most is become businessmen.All we have to do is clean or peel them.What I can do tomorrow is stay at home and sleep all day.(8)不定式的时态


e.g.I saw him go out.我看见他出去了。


e.g.I am very glad to be working with you.


He is said to be studying abroad, but I don’t know which country he is studying.(study 与is said同时发生)


e.g.I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.


He is said to have studied abroad, but I don’t know the country he studied in.(study 发生在is said之前)

Do some exercises

1.Tom should love______________ to the cinema tonight.A.to be takenB.to takeC.being takenD.taking

2.---We usually travel by train ?

---Why not _____________ by boat for a change ?

A.to try travelingB.trying to travel

C.to try and travelD.try traveling

3. I warned my son _____________ after drinking.A.never to driveB.to never drive

C.never drivingD.never drive

4.Wang Tao was made ________________ the dishes for a week as a punishment.A.to washB.washingC.washD.to be washing

5.The boy wanted to swim in the lake, but his mother told him ___________.A.not toB.not to doC.not to do itD.do not to

8.When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person_____________.A.to sendB.for sending

C.to send it toD.for sending it to

9.The headmaster wanted the new classroom building ____________ as soon as possible.A.to put upB.to be put up

C.to have been put upD.being put up

10.She made a candle _____________ us light.A.giveB.gaveC.to giveD.given

11.He felt a stone _______________ his back.A.hittingB.hitC.hittedD.to hit

12.In Australia, he made a lot of friends ______________ a very practical knowledge of the

English language.A.getB.to getC.gettingD.got

13.---What did you mean by saying that ?

---I mean no harm.I only __________________.A.meant helpingB.want to helpC.meant to helpD.want helping

14.She searched the top of the hill and stopped _____________ on a big rock by the side of the

path.A.to have restedB.restingC.to restD.rest

15.The Olympic Games, _____________ in 776 B.C., did not include women players until 1912.A.first playingB.to be first played

C.first playedD.to be first playing

16.The problem _______________ at the meeting tomorrow is very important to all of us.A.discussedB.to discuss

C.being discussedD.to be discussed

17.“Do you have any clothes _______________ today ?” Father asked Mother.A.washingB.to washC.washedD.to be washed

18.He raised his hand _____________ the taxi _______________.A.to have;to stopB.to have;stop


19.He hurried to the station only ______________ the train had left.A.to be toldB.to tellC.tellingD.told

20.I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good______________

A.to be breathedB.to breathe

C.breathingD.being breathed

21.________________the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.A.CompletingB.Having completed

C.To have completedD.To complete

22.The message is very important, so it is supposed _____________ as soon as possible.A.to be sentB.to send

C.being sentD.sending

23.---The last one ______________ pays the meal.---Agreed!

A.arrivedB.arrivesC.to arriveD.arriving

24.---Excuse me sir, where is Room 301?

---Just a minute.I’ll have Bob ______________ you to your room.A.showB.showsC.to showD.showing

25.It remains ______________ whether Jim’ll be fit enough to play in the finals.A.seenB.to be seenC.seeingD.to see

26.Robert is said ____________ abroad, but I don’t know in which country he.A.have been studyingB.to have been studying

C.have studiedD.to have studied

27.I can’t stand _____________ with Jane in the same office.She just refuses

__________talking while she works.A.working;stoppingB.to work;stopping





中国古代的儒家经典,莫不是古圣人深思熟虑、▲ 的结晶。如果把经典仅仅当作一场 ▲ 的说教,那你永远进不了圣学大门。必得躬亲实践,才能切实 ▲ 圣人的心得, 如此我们的修为才能日有所进。A.特立独行

耳提面命 顿悟


耳濡目染 领悟 C.身体力行

耳提面命 领悟


耳濡目染 顿悟


“理性经济人”,把利己看作人的天性,只追求个人利益的最大化,这是西方经济学的基本假设之一。▲ , ▲。▲ , ▲ , ▲ , ▲ ,更倾向于暂时获得产品或服务,或与他人分享产品或服务。使用但不占有,是分享经济最简洁的表述。

①反而更多地采取一种合作分享的思维方式 ②不再注重购买、拥有产品或服务 ③但在分享经济这一催化剂的作用下

④人们不再把所有权看作获得产品的最佳方式 ⑤在新兴的互联网平台上 ⑥这个利己主义的假设发

A.③⑥⑤①④② B.③⑥⑤④②① C.⑤⑥③①④② D.⑤⑥③④②① 3.下列诗句与所描绘的古代体育活动,对应全部正确的一项是(3分)①乐手无踪洞箫吹,精灵盘丝任翻飞。②雾縠云绡妙剪裁,好风相送上瑶台。③浪设机关何所益,仅存边角未为雄。④来疑神女从云下,去似姮娥到月边。A.①下围棋

②荡秋千 ③抖空竹 ④放风筝 B.①抖空竹

②荡秋千 ③下围棋 ④放风筝


②放风筝 ③抖空竹 ④荡秋千 D.①抖空竹

②放风筝 ③下围棋 ④荡秋千 4.对下面一段文字主要意思的提炼,最准确的一项是(3分)偏见可以说是思想的放假。它是没有思想的人的家常日用,是有思想的人的星期天娱乐。假如我们不能怀挟偏见,随时随地必须得客观公正、正经严肃,那就像造屋只有客厅,没有卧室,又好比在浴室里照镜子还得做出摄影机前的姿态。A.没有思想的人往往更容易产生偏见。B.即使有思想的人也常常会怀挟偏见。C.人无法做到随时随地保持客观公正。D.对思想而言偏见自有其存在的价值。








越翌日,入县署游观,到先人秩膳处,姊妹斗草处,昔会宾客治文卷处,缓步婆娑,凄然雪涕,虽一庖湢、一井匽,对之情生,亦不自解其何故。有张、沈两吏来,年俱八旬。说当时决某狱 ,入帘荐某卷,余全不省记。憬然重提,如理儿时旧书,如失物.重得。邑中朱广文工诗,吴中翰精鉴赏,解、陈二生善画与棋,主人喜论史鉴,每漏尽,口犹澜翻。余或饮,或吟,或弈,或写小影,或评书画,或上下古今,或招人来,或呼车往,无须臾闲。遂忘作客,兼忘其身之老且衰也。


[注] ①风世:劝勉世人。


6.对下列加点词的解释,不正确的一项是(3分)...A.余宰沭阳二年 .B.说当时决某狱 .C.代为治筐箧


宰:治理 决:打开 治:备办 奉:侍奉






(2)闻伯夷、柳下惠之风者,奋乎百世之下,而况于亲炙之者乎? 9.文中“可以风世”的内容有哪些? 请简要概括。(4分)






[注] ①刘使君,指唐代诗人刘禹锡,时任和州刺史。诗中沙口堰、水心亭,均在和州。




(1)既见复关, ▲。(《诗经·卫风·氓》)(2)故不积跬步, ▲。(《荀子·劝学》)(3)今年欢笑复明年, ▲。(白居易《琵琶行》)(4)▲ ,不知东西。(杜牧《阿房宫赋》)(5)沙鸥翔集, ▲。(范仲淹《岳阳楼记》)(6)八百里分麾下炙, ▲。(辛弃疾《破阵子》)(7)浴乎沂, ▲ ,咏而归。(《论语·先进》)(8),辣手著文章。(杨继盛名联)




小哥儿俩 凌叔华


前院子一片小孩子的尖脆的嚷声笑声,七叔叔带来了一只能说话的八哥。笼子放在一张八仙方桌子上,两个孩子跪在椅上张大着嘴望着那里头的鸟,欢喜得爬在桌上乱摇身子笑,他们的眼,一息间都不曾离开鸟笼子。二乖的嘴总没有闭上,他的小腮显得更加饱满,不用圆规, 描不出那圆度了。

吃饭的时候,大乖的眼总是望着窗外,他最爱吃的春卷也忘了怎样放馅,怎样卷起来吃。二乖因为还小,都是妈妈替他卷好的,不过他到底不耐烦坐在背着鸟笼子的地方,一吃了两包, 他就跑开不吃了。
















13.小哥儿俩是在什么样的家庭环境中成长的? 请简要分析。(6分)14.分析小说画线部分的景物描写对情节发展的作用。(4分)15.二乖的天真可爱表现在哪些方面? 请简要概括。(4分)16.小说叙述了小哥儿俩的日常故事,请探究作者在其中所寄寓的情感态度。(6分)










(有删改)17.分析文中“兼二者之短的‘低能儿’”出现的原因。(6分)18.文中“‘国际式’新建筑”的内涵是什么?(6分)19.中国建筑的希望体现在哪些方面? 请联系全文,简要概述。(6分)









人以诗名,诗尤以人名。唐大家若李、杜、韩及昌谷、玉溪;及宋、元,眉山、涪陵、遗山,当代吴娄东,皆诗与人为一。人外无诗,诗外无人,其面目也完。益阳汤鹏,海秋其字,有诗三千余篇,芟而存之二千余篇,评者无虑数十家,最后属龚巩祚作一言,巩祚亦一言而已,曰:完。何以谓之完也?海 秋 心 迹 尽 在 是 所 欲 言 者 在 是 所 不 欲 言 而 卒 不 能 不 言 在 是 所 不 欲 言 而 竟 不 言 于 所 不 言 求 其 言 亦 在 是。要不肯挦撦①他人之言以为己言,任举一篇,无论识与不识,曰:此汤益阳之诗。



二、名著阅读题(15 分)24.下列对有关名著的说明,不正确的两项是(5 分))(选择两项且全答对得5分,选......择两项只答对一项得2分,其余情况得0分)A.《三国演义》中,曹操攻陷徐州后,派遣张辽劝降陷入困境中的关羽,关羽提出了“卸甲”的三个条件,这一情节突出了关羽的忠义形象。




E.《欧也妮·葛朗台》中,葛朗台太太的性情极好,从不向丈夫要钱,她有着天使般的温柔, 她的善良和忍让反衬了葛朗台的冷漠和贪婪。25.(简答题)(10分)


三、材料概括分析题(15 分)阅读材料,完成26~28 题。1982年,一位美国教授在校园BBS上建议用字符“:-)”来表示笑话,这个由ASCII(美国标准信息交换代码)元素组成的笑脸大大激发了人们的想象力和生产力,此后各种各样的表情符号被源源不断地创造出来,因此它被称为“改变历史的一张笑脸”。颜文字是它的升级版,其显著特点是用键盘符、标点或者两者的结合体模拟出人的面部和某种身体姿态,用来方便快捷地表达和传递情绪。以QQ表情中的基础默认表情“小黄脸”为代表的表情符号,被称作绘文字,呲牙“”、偷笑“”、笑哭“ ”等惟妙惟肖的符号简洁而又形象,极大丰富了聊天时的选择和乐趣。以90后、00后为代表的年轻群体成为网络主力军后,一些真人表情在网络上竞相出彩,GIF动画表情的传播也如火如荼,标志着网络表情符号进入自定义创作发展阶段。

在网络社交中,网络表情符号比文字有着先天的优势。从接受者方面说,解读文字容易对 信息发送者的语气、态度产生理解偏差,而图文搭配的表情图像,会让信息的准确度和可接受度更加凸显,使传播效果事半功倍。表情符号还使人们在交流时打破了时间和空间上的限制, 建立欢快轻松的“在场”语境,可以加强交流的互动性。其实人的社会互动也是一场关于“自我呈现”的表演。长期处于表情符号丰富的交流语境中,通过独特的表情符号进行自我表达, 展现个性,会不知不觉地将“我”塑造为社交所需要的形象。





一、语言文字运用(15 分)1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.A

二、文言文阅读(18 分)6.B 7.C 8.(1)天快亮的时候,行驶了六十里,吕峄亭在十字桥迎接,两人(见面)十分欣喜,便驱车 一同前往。(2)伯夷、柳下惠那样的高风,百代之后的人听到,也能奋发,更何况亲受熏陶的人呢? 9.为官当勤政爱民,百姓会怀念他;为人当感恩重义,后代会仿效他。

三、古诗词鉴赏(11 分)10.表现:把酒当春,绕道送客,常去赏花。原因:长期得不到升迁,怀才不遇;喜欢自然山水。



五、现代文阅读(一)(20 分)13.经济状况良好:家有厨子和花园等;文化氛围浓厚:家有书房,经常看戏,注重教育等;人际关系和谐:尊重孩子,兄弟友爱,主仆融洽等。




六、现代文阅读(二)(18 分)17.社会上有崇洋媚外的风气;一部分建筑师对中国建筑存在鄙视;一部分建筑师虽对中国建筑感兴趣,但缺乏真正的了解。

18.承认机械及新材料的主要地位;有极诚实的精神观念;其构架法的基本原则是先立骨 架、次加墙壁。


七、作文(70 分)20.略


一、阅读材料,完成21~23 题。(10 分)21.海秋心迹尽在是/所欲言者在是/所不欲言而卒不能不言在是/所不欲言而竟不言/于所不言求其言亦在是。22.李贺、李商隐


二、名著阅读题(15分)24.CD 25(1)处变不惊,性格坚强;处置果断,能力出众;分配得当,处事公平;轻财重义,顾全大局。






Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.





3、落款:祝福(yours sincerely)+写信人名


Dear ______,

I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for __________________(感谢的原因). If it had not been for your assistance in __________________(对方给你的具体帮助), I fear that I would have been___________________(没有对方帮助时的后果).

No one would disagree that it was you who___________________________(给出细节).

Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

(注意:抬头的Dear+人名顶格靠左写,后面一定要加逗号!落款yours sincerely和写信人名顶格靠右写,yours sincerely后面也一定要加逗号!Yours sincerely为书信的惯用套话,这个必须得有!)








Dear Tom,

I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for your great help when I failed that vital English interview. If it had not been for your assistance in giving me those brilliant suggestions and warm encouragement, I fear that I would have lost my way.

No one would disagree that it was you who stayed with me and pulled me through the hard time. First and foremost, you told me it is the priority for me to calm down. This is due to the fact that the ability to stay sober and positive made me come up with quite a few ideas to cope with the consequence that failure triggered. Furthermore, you made me learn to analyze my lack of interview skills and find solutions. Plenty of evidence has shown that this work played an indispensable role in my success the next year. Last but not the least, you helped to build my confidence.

Again, I would like to express my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,
