




adj. 许多,多的

pron. (与复数动词连用)大多数人

变形:比较级:more; 最高级:most;




many可用来强调more,可用too, so, how等修饰。



many用作代词时,作“许多,许多人”解,常用于many of...结构中,谓语动词须用复数。

many或a good〔great〕 many用作主语时,其谓语动词用复数。

在英语口语中, many通常用于否定句、疑问句中。在肯定句中many多用于正式文体,相当于口语中的a lot of或lots of。另外,当其单独作主语或宾语,含有对比意味时,当其充当名词词组中心,只带有后置定语时或当其前面常有as, so, too, very, a good, a great等词或词组时, many也用于肯定句中。


1、The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places.


2、I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics.


3、She has had many credits and name-checks in American Vogue.


many词组 |习惯用语

so many 那么多的

many people 许多人;很多人;好多人

as many 一样多

many of 许多…

how many 多少

for many years 多年;已经很多年了

many kinds of 许多种

many times 多次

as many as 多达;和…一样多

a great many 很多,许多

many a 许多的

many more 更多的(修饰可数名词)

in many ways 在许多方面;用许多方法

a good many 许多,很多

in many cases 在许多情况下

many thanks 非常感谢

on many occasions 许多次

a great many of 许多;大量

in many instances 在许多情况下

in so many ways 在很多方面


1.The royal family is insulated from many of the difficulties faced by ordinary people.


2.It has many advertisements and many different sections.星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。

3.She had fought many battles, vanquished many foes.她身经百战,挫败过很多对手。

4.He received many honors from many cities, colleges and societies.他享有许多城市、大学及学会所授予的荣誉称号。

5.Many students were absent, notably the monitor.许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。

6.There were many absentees from the meeting.这次会议有很多人缺席。

7.He made many abusive remarks to me.他对我口出恶言。

8.His action is accusable in many respects.他的行为有许多可非难的地方。

9.I adjusted to my husband’s many idiosyncrasies.我适应了我丈夫的许多习性。

10.Stamens 5 to many, adnate with perigone.雄蕊5到很多,贴生于花被。

11.This remark caused affront to many people.这句话得罪了不少人。

12.He felt strange amid so many people.他处在那么多人当中感到不习惯。

13.Many priceless antiques went on the block.许多价值连城的古董被放置在拍卖台上

14.Many doctors don’t approve of unorthodox medicine.许多医生不赞成使用非传统药品。

15.The aquarium has many tanks of fish.那家水族馆有许多装在水箱中的鱼类。

16.This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies.这个古老的礼堂内举行过许多次典礼

17.I heard the babble of many voices.我听到许多乱哄哄的说话声。

18.How many bananas are in the basket?这个篮子里有多少香蕉?

19.The player was benched for many fouls.这位运动员因犯规过多被罚下场。

20.Many parents are biased against popular music.许多父母对流行音乐有偏见。



They have done much to advance the cause of peace in the world. 他们已经做了大量工作来促进世界和平事业。(作宾语)

Much has been written on the subject pro and con. 对那问题已有很多赞成和反对的文章。(作主语)

用many修饰可数名词,当然要用复数名词,例如many toys;



如:There are some girls in the classroom.教室里有一些女孩。


如:Will you give me some drink?请给我一些饮料好吗?



如:I have many friends我有很多朋友。








A many和much many(形容词)用在可数名词之前。much(形容词)用在不可数名词之前。He didn’t make many mistakes. 他没犯多少错。

We haven’t much coffee. 家里的咖啡不多了。

many和much的比较级和最高级形式相同,都是more和most: more mistakes/coffee更多的错误/咖啡

most men/damage 几乎全部的男士/几乎所有的损害 many,much,more,most可作代词使用:

He gets a lot of letters but she doesn’t get many. 他收到的信很多,可她的信不多。

You have a lot of free time but I haven’t much. 你有许多空闲时间,可我没有。


B many和much与肯定动词连用

many前加上a good/great时可与肯定动词连用。many与much用so/as/too修饰时也可以与肯定动词连用。

I made a good many friends there. 我在那里交了许多朋友。He has had so many jobs that. 他做过了这么多种工作,以致…… She read as much as she could. 她尽量多读书。

They drink too much(gin). 他们(杜松子酒)喝得太多了。

many是宾语或宾语的一部分而前面不加任何修饰语时,常常被 a lot/lots of(+名词)或a lot,lots(代词)代替。much是宾语或宾语的一部分时常常被a great/good deal of(+名词)或agreat/good deal(代词)代替:

I saw a lot/lots of seabirds.I expect you saw a lot too. 我看到了许多海鸟。想必你也看到了许多。

He spends a lot/lots of/a great deal of money on his house. 他在房子上花很多钱。

既可以用many也可以用a lot(of)作主语或作主语的一部分,但这里的much通常由其他形式代替。但much在正规英语中是允许这样用的:

Much will depend on what the minister says. 很多事要取决于部长怎么说。试将肯定句和否定句作一比较: He hasn’t won many races. 他没有赢过几次比赛。

You’ve won a lot/lots of races./You’ve won a lot./You’ve won a greatmany(races).


He didn’t eat much fruit. 他没有吃多少水果。

She ate a lot/lots/a great deal of fruit./She ate a lot/a great deal.


C many和much与疑问动词连用 两者前都可加how: How many times? 多少次? How much? 多少?

在不用how的问句中,many也可使用。如预期得到的是肯定的回答,则最好使用a lot(of):

Did you take a lot of photos?I expect you did. 你拍了许多照片吗?我想你拍了。

用much时不加how是可行的,但其他的几种用法更常见: Did you have a lot of snow/much snow last year? 去年你们那儿雪下得多吗?






In fact, nature is much better at recycling than we humans are.事实上,自然界在再循环方面比人类做得更好。

To a great extent, that is the nature of my own work.在很大程度上,这就是我工作的性质。

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.人生的终极目标是和自然和谐相处。


1、The nature of the polymer is currently a trade secret.


2、The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.


3、Rowe does a very clever riff on the nature of prejudice.


nature词组 |习惯用语

in nature 本质上,事实上

human nature 人性;人类本性

by nature 天生地;生性

nature reserve n. 自然保护区

second nature 第二天性;***惯

true nature 本性

in the nature of 具有…性质

mother nature 大自然;自然的力量

back to nature 回归自然(牧场物语)

beauty of nature 美丽的大自然,自然美

good nature n. 脾气好;温厚

law of nature 自然法则;自然定律

against nature 违反自然地;奇迹般地

all nature [美国口语]人人,万物

physical nature 物理性质

nature protection 自然保护

dual nature 二重性,双重性

sounds of nature 天籁;大自然的声音

balance of nature 生态平衡;自然平衡;自然生态平衡;自然均衡

nature conservation 自然保护;自然保育;自然保持


1.Our purpose is not only to conquer nature but also to remake nature.我们的目的不仅要征服自然,而且还要改造自然。

2.Her brusque manner concealed a caring nature.她举止粗鲁但实际上很关心他人。

3.He lived in close communion with nature.他的生活与大自然亲密交融。

4.The girl is of a confiding nature.这女孩具有轻信别人的性格。

5.Science can disclose the mysteries of nature.科学能解开自然界的奥秘。

6.Imagination is, of its very nature, unmoral.想象, 就其本质来说, 无所谓道德或不道德。

7.It wasn’t in his nature to follow blindly.盲从不是他的性格。

8.Charlotte planned to appeal to his better nature.夏洛特打算求助于他善良的一面。

9.Nature has endowed her with great musical ability.上天赋予她极大的音乐才能。

10.Nature endowed her with a beautiful singing voice.大自然赋予她一副美妙的歌喉

11.A freak of nature produced the midsummer snow.仲夏下雪是非常奇怪的自然现象选

12.He is the most impudent fellow in nature.他是世界上最厚颜无耻的家伙。

13.Emerson was so much more luminous a nature.爱默生是一个更为睿智的人。

14.Her true nature was a revelation to me.她的真实性格对我是一个新发现。

15.That is a book of the same nature.那是本同一种类的书。

16.They never vary from the law of nature.他们从不违反自然规律。

17.A hailstorm in July is a caprice of nature.七月天的一场冰雹是大自然的反复无常的变化

18.She goes to the country to commune with nature.她到农村融于大自然中。

19.One of his frailties of human nature is laziness.他的弱点之一是懒惰。

20.It’s unlikely that this gully was produced by nature.这个溪谷不大可能是自然出现的。


pron. 没有东西,没有事情,无关紧要的东西,毫无趣味的事

n. 无关紧要的人[事],零,无

adv. 毫不,决不




in the middle of v -ing意思是“正忙于做某事”。


The sheets have worn thin in the middle.床单的中间部分磨薄了。

He planted roses in the middle of the garden.他在花园中间种上玫瑰。

Uruguay and Haiti hung uncertainly in the middle.乌拉圭和海地则在中间摇摆。



middle通常不用于比较级和最高级形式,如确需比较,可用more, less, nearly修饰,是定语形容词,在句中只用作定语。



There are 300 students or so in this middle school.这所中学大约有300个学生。

He was not much above the middle height.他不过中等身材。

He made a bid for middle class support.他努力试图得到中产阶级的支持。


1、Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday.


2、Babearth regarded the middle classes as the betrayers of the Revolution.


3、She was born in the middle of a rain storm.


middle词组 |习惯用语

in the middle 在中间;在中部

in the middle of 在…中间

middle school n. 中学

middle east 中东(一般泛指欧,亚,非三大洲连接的地区)

middle class 中产阶级

middle part 中部地区

junior middle school 初中

middle age 中年;中世纪

middle reaches 中游;河道中游

middle finger 中指

middle of the road 中庸;中道;中间路线

senior middle school 高中

middle school student 中学生

middle jurassic 中侏罗世;中侏罗纪

middle ear 中耳,鼓室

middle layer 中间层;胞间层

middle eastern 中东的

middle size 中尺寸

middle ground n. 妥协;中间立场

middle ordovician [地]中奥陶世


1.Middle school enrolments will peak this year.今年中学入学人数将达到高峰。

2.He is thirty inches round the middle.他腰围三十英寸。

3.The wall is projected in the middle.这堵墙壁在中部凸出。

4.Canicule is from late june to middle august.“三伏天”指的是每年六月下旬到八月中旬这段时间。

5.Trouble was boiling up in the Middle East.中东的争端日益加剧。

6.Sound transmission in middle ear and microphonic potential.中耳传音功能和微音器电位。

7.Captain Gulliver was a middle class, nautical man.格列佛船长是一个中产阶级的海员。

8.I squashed into the middle of the crowd.我用力挤到人群的中间。

9.He is in the middle of washing up.他正忙着洗碗碟。

10.I woke in the middle of the night.我半夜醒了。

11.Party activists with lower middle class pedigrees are numerous.党的激进分子中有很多出身于中产阶级下层。

12.He was not good at algebra in middle school.他中学时不擅长代数。

13.The performer faltered in the middle of the show.在表演中的表演者支支吾吾。

14.The bed sags in the middle, and is uncomfortable.床的中间往下塌,很不舒服。

15.He sneaked away in the middle of the meeting.他在会议中间悄悄离开了。

16.The professor bogged down in the middle of his speech.教授的演讲只说了一半便讲不下去了。

17.He is no less than fifty centimetres round the middle.他的腰围不小于五十公分。

18.The Middle Ages were also the great age of chivalry.中世纪也是骑士制度盛行的时代。

19.VMS mineralization,occurred in the middle Proterozoic era,formed cupriferous source bed.早期矿化发生于中元古代晚期,形成含铜矿源层;

20.The USA’s Middle West is the heartland of the country.中西部是美国的中心区域。


n. 夜,晚上,(举行盛事的)夜晚








Night began to fall.夜幕降临。

We can see the stars at night.夜晚我们可以看见星群。

With the setting of the sun, night comes silently.随着太阳的落下,夜晚悄悄地来到。


1、Two men were helping police with their inquiries at Salisbury last night.


2、That was the first time Elliot stayed out all night.


3、Last night he was being held in solitary confinement in Douglas jail.


night词组 |习惯用语

at night 在夜里

last night 昨晚

in the night 在夜里

by night adv. 在夜里

all night 整夜

every night 每个夜晚

into the night 入夜;直到夜里

good night 晚安,再见

night sky 夜天

the night before 前一天晚上

night after night 一夜又一夜

late at night 在深夜;深更半夜

from morning till night 从早到晚

night and day 日以继夜地

tomorrow night 明天晚上

the other night 前两天的夜里;不久前的一个夜晚

all night long 整夜,通宵

late night 深夜

night vision 夜视;微光摄像电视

night out 节日的夜晚;外出的一夜


1.I dreamed about her last night.昨夜我梦见了她。

2.The ship cast anchor for the night.这船抛锚过夜。

3.This thought kept me awake all night.这种顾虑使我通宵未能合眼。

4.The boy behaved very well last night.孩子昨天晚上表现挺好。

5.He reads the Holy Bible every night.他每晚读《圣经》。

6.They went on a binge last night.他们昨夜出去狂饮作乐。

7.I dreamt about my teacher last night.昨天夜里我梦见我的老师了。

8.They were drinking and revelling all night.他们整夜喝酒作乐。

9.He closed his eyes in endless night.他的眼睛永远瞎了。

10.Everyone was indoors on such a night.在这样的晚上谁都会待在室内。

11.The meeting extended late into the night.会议继续到深夜。

12.The days are gaining on the night.白天渐渐比夜长了。

13.Hopper topped a great night of boxing.霍珀在那个伟大的拳击之夜最抢眼。

14.The work hurried on night and day.工作夜以继日地加紧进行着。

15.The pond iced over during the night.水池在夜间结冰了。

16.Minton invited him to stay the night .明顿想留他过夜。

17.A lightning bolt split the night sky.一道闪电划破夜空

18.Phil locked away the takings every night.菲尔每天晚上都把营业收入锁起来。

19.Late nights are telling on your work.连续熬夜已经影响了你的工作。


vi. 成熟,长成,(票据等)到期

vt. 使…成熟,使…长成,慎重拟定(计划等)


n. 金属,金属元素,成色,金色

vt. 以金属覆盖

变形:过去式: metalled; 现在分词:metalling; 过去分词:metalled;







Copper and gold are both metals.铜和金都是金属。

Wood floats on the water but metal sinks.木头漂在水面上,而金属却下沉。

They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press.他们用冲床在金属板上打孔。


1、Light fittings with metal parts should always be earthed.


2、Heavy Metal music really arose in the late 60s.


3、The car was left a mess of twisted metal.


metal词组 |习惯用语

heavy metal 重金属摇滚乐

sheet metal 金属薄片

nonferrous metal 有色金属;非铁金属

metal forming n. 金属成形

metal parts 金属零件

hot metal 液态金属,铁水;高温金属

metal processing 金属加工

metal cutting 金属切削

transition metal 过渡金属

metal matrix 金属基体;金属模版

precious metal 贵金属,贵重金属

metal ion 金属离子

base metal [化]基底金属;碱金属

metal plate n. 金属板;铁板

metal oxide n. 金属氧化物;金属氧化物电阻;金属绝缘膜

liquid metal 液态金属;液体金属

metal powder 金属粉末

molten metal 熔融金属;熔态金属;金属熔液

weld metal 焊缝金属

metal sheet 金属板,金属片


1.All renascent oxygen is consumed for oxidizing metal anode to form metal oxide film.当形成足够厚的氧化膜后, 阳极的氧化速度减慢, 阳极表面才析出氧气。

2.The blacksmith is hammering the red-hot metal.铁匠正在锤烧红的铁。

3.Metal is a good conductor of electricity.金属是很好的导电体。

4.He hands a metal disc to me.他把一个金属圆盘给我。

5.The acid has eaten through the metal.酸把这块金属腐蚀穿了。

6.This metal net filters out the dirt.这个金属网滤掉污物。

7.Hollander metal weaves.Plain and twilled weave weft.标准/规范英文名: Sieves and sieving.

8.Certain metals are attracted to a magnet.某些金属受磁石的吸引。

9.This workshop melts down the metal scrap.这个车间熔化废金属。

10.A worker put metal bands around the safe.一名工人用金属箍箍那保险箱。

11.The barrel had two metal hoops round it.这桶有两个金属箍箍着。

12.Sugar, oil and metals are refined before use.糖, 油和金属在使用前须先提炼。

13.Molten metal ran out on to the flagstones.熔化的金属溢流到外面的石板上。

14.Will unscrewed the cap from a metal flask.威尔旋开金属瓶盖子。

15.Medieval alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold.中世纪的炼丹术士企图把贱金属炼成金。

16.He hammered out the dents in the metal sheet.他把金属板上的一些凹痕敲掉了。

17.The metal will fuse at a relatively low temperature.这金属在不太高的温度下熔化。

18.Most gateways had a metal grill called a portcullis.大多数通道上都装有叫作吊闸的铁格栅。

19.You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal.需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上。

20.The synthesis conditions, chelant, metal ion and buffer were optimized.确定了最佳的合成方法、螯合剂、金属离子和缓冲体系。


adj. 蘑菇的,蘑菇形的,迅速生长的,雨后蘑菇似的

vi. 迅速增长,采蘑菇,迅速增加,(火)猛然的扩大
