



what makes the mood go on moving round the body in a stream? the heart sends it round. the heart keeps a stream of blood going all around the body and back again to itself. eve rywhere the mood stream does two things: supplies the cells with food and oxygen and takes away waste. it is as if the mood kept the little fires in cells burning and took away the ashes.





1 资料和方法

1.1 一般资料

筛选40例患者纳入观察对象, 其中男23例, 女17例, 年龄在26~72岁, 平均47岁。入选标准:家庭经济状况较好, 病情稳定;已常规血液透析12~36个月;无血液灌流禁忌症;其中:慢性肾小球肾炎32例, 高血压性肾病3例, 糖尿病肾病5例。两组病历在性别、年龄、原发病、病程和体质和透析年限方面没有统计学差异, 且近3月无输血史。

1.2 治疗方法

40名患者随机分为两组:HD+HP组:进行HD与HP的串联治疗, 血液透析机采用德国贝朗透析机, 透析器为日本川澄公司的KF-15C, 灌流器为珠海健帆生物科技股份有限公司生产的一次性使用树脂吸持续附柱 (型号HA130) 。单纯HD组:进行常规透析治疗。透析机采用德国贝朗公司, 透析器为日本川澄公司的KF-15C透析器。两组均为碳酸氢盐透析液。

1.2.1 操作

治疗时把灌流器与透析器垂直固定在透析机支架上, 灌流器串在透析器之前, 以免治疗中经透析器脱水后, 血液浓缩, 使血液阻力增大, 致灌流器凝血。血流量200~230ml/min, 透析液流量500ml/min。先用5%葡萄糖注射液500ml在灌流器内分布均匀, 树脂颗粒吸湿后膨胀, 轻轻敲打, 帮助空气排除。然后, 用1500-2000ml肝素氯化钠注射液 (每500ml0.9%氯化钠注射液内加20mg肝素) , 以200ml/min流量冲洗, 用手轻拍和转动灌流器及透析器, 以排除气泡并除去微粒。使全部血路管、灌流器及透析器均充满液体, 并闭路循环20min即可上机。肝素用量要因人而易, 有出血倾向者用低分子肝素, 无出血倾向者肝素首剂用量25mg-30mg静推, 追加肝素每小时5 mg, 并根据患者具体情况增减肝素用量。先灌流加透析2h, 达到饱和后取下灌流器, 再继续透析2h, 可加大血流量250 ml/min, HP/HD联合治疗共4h。患者在试验期间均接受常规治疗、常规抗凝, 透析完成后均能达到干体重。

1.2.2 HP/HD联合治疗时应注意以下几点

(1) 血管通路的保护:本组20例患者中血管通路内瘘者17例, 人造血管内瘘者3例。血液净化时要求血流量达200-230ml, 同时要使用大量肝素, 穿刺动作要迅速、熟练和准确;保持各种管道的清洁无菌, 以防感染。密切观察导管有无滑脱、出血, 各个管路要紧密连接, 防止空气进入造成空气栓塞。 (2) 观察—HP/HD联合治疗时的观察:HP/HD联合治疗时, 体外循环的血容量较多, 同时中、大分子物质清除较多, 易出现血压不同程度的下降。应严密观察血压、脉搏和心律, 开始时每30min测量血压、脉博、呼吸1次。如血压稳定, 根据病人情况可改为每60min测量。若中途血压下降可减慢血流速度, 去枕平卧, 补充血容量, 必要时用升压药。有条件应使用心电监护仪。同时监测静脉压, 如灌流器内凝血, 其压力下降出现较早, 如压力升高, 可能是静脉壶内凝块形成, 滤网堵塞, 要及早发现, 防止凝血, 适当追加肝素。预防由于肝素的使用、凝血功能不良等引起的出血倾向, 主要表现为皮下血肿及血尿。HP/HD联合治疗过程中, 一旦发现呼吸困难、胸闷立即终止灌流, 采取抢救措施。开始HP/HD联合治疗后半小时左右如出现寒战、发热、胸闷、呼吸困难等症状, 提示吸附剂生物相容性差, 可行抗过敏治疗和给氧。 (3) 饮食的健康教育:HP/HD联合治疗期间, 患者的营养问题极为重要, 其营养状况直接影响患者的长期存活及生活质量的改善。蛋白质的摄入量为1.2kg/kg·d;保证优质蛋白占总蛋白的2/3以上;能量供给35-45kcal/kg·d, 脂肪供能占有55%-60%, 碳水化合物供给12%;无尿患者钠的摄入为1-2g/kg.d, 水摄入应<1000 ml/d;注意补充钙锌及多种维生素[1]。

1.3 观察指标以及检测方法

两组患者分别于透析前后抽取静脉血, 全自动生化仪检测血红蛋白 (hemoglobin, Hb) , 放射免疫法检测血浆瘦素 (leptin) 。

1.4 统计学分析

用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行处理。计量资料以计量资料以均数±标准差表示。2组间计量资料比较采用t检验, 以P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。

2 结果

治疗前两组患者血瘦素 (leptin) 水平、血红蛋白 (hemoglobin, Hb) 水平, 无显著差异 (P>0.05) 。经过24周治疗, 单纯HD组血瘦素 (leptin) 水平与治疗前相比无明显改变 (P>0.05) , HD+HP组患者血瘦素 (leptin) 水平较治疗前明显下降 (P﹤0.01) ;单纯HD组血红蛋白 (hemoglobin, Hb) 水平与治疗前相比无明显改变 (P>0.05) , HD+HP组患者血红蛋白 (hemoglobin, Hb) 水平较治疗前明显上升 (P﹤0.01) 。见表1。

注:与治疗前比较, aP<0.01;与对照组比较, bP<0.01。

3 讨论

营养不良是维持性血液透析患者的常见并发症之一, 与维持性HD患者本身免疫紊乱以及长期中大分子毒素继续密切相关[4]。在临床上治疗上通常通过饮食调节, 但是血液透析患者因代谢方面原因通过饮食操作患者依从性较差, 给临床治疗带来一定的困扰。慢性肾衰竭患者血清瘦素水平明显升高, 瘦素是尿毒症患者死亡的独立危险因子[5]。瘦素是营养不良的参数之一, 常规透析不能很好的清除[6]。

血液灌流 (HP) 通过灌流器内的吸附剂的吸附作用清除外源性和内源性毒物, 对某些尿毒症的毒性物质, 尤其是中大分子毒素有较好的清除作用[7,8]。本研究采用的HAl30树脂血液灌流器, 其吸附剂是中性吸附树脂, 吸附能力主要取决于三维网状结构的分子筛作用和树脂分子基团与被吸附物质之间的亲和力以及分子团之间的电荷引力, 能相对特异性地吸附尿毒症毒素中的中大分子毒索瘦素等。一次性使用树脂吸附治疗过程中, 无热原反应发生, 表明其生物相容性较好。3个月的观察期内。未发现有患者发生不良反应。

维持性血液透析患者 (MHD) 体内大量中大分子毒素积聚, 特别是瘦素的积蓄和Hb的降低给患者的营养和生活质量带来很大的隐患。本研究表明HD联合HP联合应用治疗, 能够全面清除终末期肾病HD患者体内毒素, 更好改善患者贫血和营养状况, 降低营养不良的发生率, 有临床应用价值。同时患者的睡眠、食欲、高血压也有较大程度的改善。这不仅对个人、家庭和社会带来莫大的好处, 更重要的是提高了患者的生活质量和生存率。对提高患者的生存质量和生存期具有重要的意义。


[1]Avram MM, Goldwasser P, EHm M.1PIedietor8of surⅢal in eontinu-OIlS ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients:the importance of pre Illbuomin and other nutritional and metabolic malrkell&apos;8[J].Am J Kidney Di.alysia, 1994, 23 (2) :92-96.

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[3]陈香美, 初启江.不同血液净化方式对蛋白结合类毒素的清除作用[J].中国血液净化杂志, 2005, 4 (11) :581-584.

[4]Kaysen GA.The microinflammatory state in uremia:causes and potential consequences[J].J Am Soc Nephrol, 2001, 12:1549-1557.

[5]SCHOLZE A, RATTENSPERGER D, ZIDEK W, et al.Low serum leptin predicts mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease stage[J].Obesity (Silver Spring) , 2007, 15 (6) :1617-1622.

[6]KAYARDI M, ICAGASIOGLU S, YILMAZ A, et al.Serum leptin levels and malnutrition in patients with chronic renal failure[J].Saudi Med j, 2006, 27 (4) :477-481.

[7]陈香美.现代慢性肾衰治疗学[M].2版.北京:人民军医出版社, 2005:233.

篇4:Sealed in Blood

But now the story of the air raids by American pilots and the solidarity shown to them by the Chinese will get a fresh lease of life, thanks to a film project. The film, The Doolittle Raid, is based on the extraordinary event and its heroic aftermath, symbolizing the Sino-U.S. friendship that sprang up during that period.

The movie project was announced at the recently concluded Sixth Beijing International Film Festival. A Sino-U.S. co-production, it will hit screens around the world next year to coincide with the 72nd anniversary of the victory of the Chinese Peoples War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the end of World War II.

On April 18, 1942, U.S. forces launched raids on military targets in Japan. Sixteen bombers flew from the U.S. Navys aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean, the USS Hornet. Each bomber had a crew of five men with Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle leading the operation. As per the plan, after the raid the fighters were to fly to China and land there but all 15 that made it crashed while the 16th ended up in the then Soviet Union.

The Japanese army in China captured eight of the pilots and launched a massive manhunt for the remaining survivors. Chinese soldiers and civilians came to the pilots aid. In retribution, the Japanese conducted a massacre in the two provinces, using chemical weapons. Around 250,000 civilians were killed while the villages that had hidden the pilots were brutally ransacked.

“The American pilots were doggedly pursued by Japanese soldiers after they landed in China. How did they manage to survive?”said Guo Meiqing, the Chinese producer of the upcoming film, explaining what made them choose this nearly forgotten subject. “Books and documentaries on this subject lack details, generally implying they received help from the Chinese. I think this episode in history should be remembered by peace-loving people. This is why we began this project.”

Chief producer Anthony J. Scotti agreed.“Chinas contribution to fighting the Japanese has been overlooked,” Scotti added. “In The Doolittle Raid, I believe we have an opportunity to make a contribution toward changing that perception. This is a motion picture, not a documentary. But its true and it honors the sacrifice and the heroism of the Chinese people and courage of 80 young American airmen.”

The screenplay is by two acclaimed British screenwriters, Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais.

“A good story needs a great writer,” Scotti said. “We are lucky to have two celebrated writers, who have enough awards to fill a warehouse, working with us. But most importantly, they know the Doolittle subject very, very well. They were the writers Disney hired to fix the[2001] Pearl Harbor movie which went on to earn more than $450 million.”

The Doolittle Raid is directed by Oscarnominated Australian director Bruce Beresford, whose 1989 movie Driving Miss Daisy won the Academy Award for Best Picture. “He understands characters, he understands action and he loves China,” Scotti said.

The Chinese production team includes historians and veteran directors from the Beijingbased Central Studio of News Reels Production, a time-honored filmmaker specializing in documentaries.

Scotti said the movie not only covers the Doolittle Raid but also what happened after the American pilots landed in China, with elements of romance. He hoped the tale of young people during the war would appeal to todays youth across the globe.

The China-U.S. film cooperation is expected to enhance Chinas ability to produce quality movies and boost mutual understanding.


2. 愚笨的人通过经验学习,聪明的人通过历史学习。——《blood》

3. 只要习惯了就不会痛苦了。——《Blood》

4. 人所取得的上万种感情中,最后取得的就是信赖。——《Blood》

5. 准备死亡的时间是一个人人生当中最有价值的时间,那也就是死亡的价值。——《blood》

6. 盯着篝火总能看到一种现象,昆虫不知死活飞蛾扑火,人们看着那些篝火只会沉浸在感想里,忘记领悟更重要的事实,跟欲望产生距离当然能看到美好的火花,但是如果超过了界限,在连自己都不知不觉间会死的事实。——《blood》

7. 总是说谎的人类,肯定是为了隐藏什么事情而说的。——《blood 》

8. 希望和恐惧不可分离,没有不伴随恐惧的希望,没有不伴随希望的恐惧,为了更大的希望,不可避免的要承受要欣然接受恐惧。——《blood》

9. 比起让我无虑的人我更喜欢激烈的人,因为这样才有紧张才能进步。——《blood》

10. 随心所欲的愤怒,说痛,悲伤,习惯隐藏自己的感情,如果在隐藏不住的时候会非常生气。——《blood》

11. 长时间努力的话,偶尔会忘记自己当初那么渴望的初衷是什么。——《blood》

12. 当你怀疑某个人说谎的时候,选择假装相信比较好,因为谎言积累得越多,疑心就会变成确信。——《blood》

13. 我是完全无法成为人类了.是介于生和死之间的另一种存在.我可以让你走着出去.不如意的事情会更多.

14. 不要寻找死亡,死亡会去找你。




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