



Hello, everyone!

I am very happy if such a warm collective. I hope you will remember my name: xxx(the best detailed analysis will help you remember. That was the way I was, and after the fact, as many of you were, remember me.

When I was in junior high school, I was able to do well (in general/not good/good), but I didnt think it was very meaningful for a new life in high school. What is important is that I have my dream, and I will fight for it. (if you want to, you can describe your dream.) what I need is a more reasonable learning method, more perseverance, and a hundred percent effort and perseverance. Dream, I will never give up.

I know that the unknown road ahead is joyful, fruitful and disciplined. I believe that I have the courage and ability to deal with everything! Dreams never fade.

Once again, I want you to remember me -- xxx.

Thank you!




i am.i was born in.i graduate from senior high school and major in english.i started learning english since i was 12 years old.my parents have a lot of american friends.that’s why i have no problem communicating with americans or others by speaking english.in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes.i used to go abroad for a short-term english study.during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things.i think language is very interesting.i could express one substance by using different sounds.so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge.


Good morning, everyone!I am glad to be here to introduce myself.Although this is my first time to introduce myself in English, but I believe that I can make a good performance.and hope that through this simple introduction, you can remember my name,remember my face and i believe that we will become friends in no distant future。

My name is TB and I am 24 years old, born in HEBEI province.I graduated from QinGdao University.My major is Hotel Managerment.I spend most of my time on study and I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major.It is my long cherished dream to be an manager in hotel and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability.In addition to the above-mentioned , in my spare time I like playing badminton, listening to pop music and surfing the Internet.Playing badminton can exercise my body, let me have more perseverance.Listen to music can make me relax, make me more confident.Internet can enrich my knowledge, so that I have more experience.


Good morning!

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview.I hope i can make a good performance today.Im confident that I can succeed.Now i will introduce myself briefly


一、以学生为中心的课前备课———精心设计, 整合资源

英语课本是进行英语教学的基本教材, 是全面提高英语水平的直接工具。生本教育充分认识这一点, 但又不局限于此。生本教育强调教育资源不能仅仅局限于教材、课外读物、媒体、教学用具, 而更要注重学生、教师、家长。因为, 学生的知识积累、兴趣爱好、生活经验是最重要的活性资源, 教师的知识修养、教学水平、综合能力及家长从事的职业和组织的家庭活动都会有助于学生的成长与发展。所以, 我们的课前设计不但要看教材还要从实际出发, 因材施教, 不但备教材, 还要备自己、学生和学生生活学习的大环境。

二、以学生为中心的课堂教学———合作交流, 注重实效

生本教育深化教育家叶圣陶提出的“教是为了不教”这一观点, 把握学生的认知规律, 提出了“先做后学、先会后学、先学后教、以学定教、教少学多、不教而教”。在生本课堂上, 老师是组织者、引导者, 学生是真正的学习的主人。当然“不教”是为了更好的“教”, “教”与“不教”的相辅相成, 使课堂更生动、更有趣、更平等、更开放、更具凝聚力、更高效。例如, 讲语法课时, 我先把语法规律有条理地呈现给学生, 在学生完全理解之后将自主实践, 组内合作解决各种形式的语法题, 出现真正解决不了的我给予指导, 如果没有问题就省去了不必要的讲解继续梯度训练。而在教学《Having dinner》一课时, 按照“不教”胜于“教”的做法, 我就要求学生自己课前查找西餐礼仪的知识, 然后在课堂上做示范。总之, 只要学生自己能学的, 我们就不要再教。

生本教育突出学生、突出学习、突出探究、突出合作。所以, 在英语课堂上, 首先, 教师要给学生创设交流与合作的机会。例如, 在学习《Job interview》 (《面试》) 一课时, 我按“组内异质、组间同质”的原则把30个学生分成6组, 再提出学习要求, 明确学习任务。小组合作学习解决了一堂课只少数人发言, 而且发言时间短的大学英语课堂现状, 高效率地利用了课堂时间。体现学生的主体地位, 关注所有学生, 使每一个学生都有交流展示的机会, 真正成为教学的主体。

三、以学生为中心的大课堂———课外拓展, 全面提高

《大学英语课程教学要求》明确指出:“大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力, 特别是听说能力, 使他们能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流, 同时增强其自主学习能力, 提高综合文化素养, 以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。”因此, 开辟大学英语第二课堂成为大学英语教学活动中的一个重要组成部分。第二课堂补充和深化课堂教学内容, 学生自主选择活动项目, 教师因材施教。使学生在不同的时间、空间感知英语、学习英语、运用英语。

第一, 建设英语角、文学社、广播站、记者站等各种英语社团。英语角是我院大学英语教研室组织的第二课堂的重要组成部分, 它能够通过多种形式的口语训练, 培养学生的语言表达应用能力。

第二, 举行英文歌曲、写作、演讲、朗诵、故事会等各种英语才艺大赛。学生可以根据课本等编排、表演, 为学生提供一个展现自我的平台, 营造浓厚的英语学习氛围, 调动学生学习英语、展示英语的积极性。

第三, 积极参加大学生英语节、大学生口语文化节、大学生英语影视欣赏周等主题活动, 在活动中提高学生的英语综合能力。

第四, 紧密结合当前科技迅速发展和信息化社会的特点, 引导学生通过网络、恩京英语等听、说、读、写平台, 拓宽学习和交流提高的时间和空间。

贯彻生本教育理念, 以学生为中心, 学生在具有发展的时间和空间的学习环境中自主学习、探究学习、合作学习, 教师鼓励、挖掘、发展学生的学习潜能, 引导提高学生的英语综合能力。生本教育, 使我们的大学英语生动精彩, 使我们的学生对英语的学习和运用信心满怀!


[1]陈向明.在参与中学习与行动:参与式方法培训指南[M].北京:教育科学出版社, 2003:18-32.

[2]郭思乐.效果与结果的本质属性[J].教育研究, 2011, (2) :12-13.

[3]王平.闲暇教育学:理论建构与实践走向[J].教育评论, 2000, (2) :20-21.



大学不仅是客观的物质存在,更是一種文化存在和精神存在。今天的大学在其承载的精神、承担的使命方面备受社会关注,甚或是质疑,本质上都是期待大学能够更多地回归到大学本真。因此,大学校长的开学典礼讲话,首先在立意上要体现出大学气象、传达出大学精神。气象和精神是无形的东西,如何把无形的东西转换成说者和听者的真情实感,这是开学典礼讲话稿最难的部分。一般说来,每所大学在诠释大学精神的时候,如果能够和自身的办学历史和特色生动地结合起来,就能够找到“无形”和“实感”的最佳结合点。 比如2011年武汉大学校长的开学典礼讲话,通过列举武汉大学的十数位先辈的事迹,如“桂希恩教授以医生的良知和责任,拉响了艾滋病在中国大地上蔓延的警报:宗福邦教授历经18个寒暑,编撰出版了大型汉语工具书《故训汇纂》;吴于廑教授创新了世界史研究方法”等等,以生动且充满激情的言语,将武汉大学“追求真知、潜心为学、勇于创新”的品格自然而然地诠释出来,很好地体现出大学的气象。


大学校长开学典礼讲话,面对的是刚刚告别高中时代的少男少女,他们对大学以及大学生活抱有似懂非懂的认知。因此,好的讲话稿要能够从当下青年学子所遭遇的普遍问题或期待之中找到合适的主题, 见微知著, 由表及里,既能站在校长的立场从人生观上引领新生,又契合他们的思想动态,避免官话和套话。比如2011年中央财经大学校长开学典礼讲话中关于担责意识的表述,是从学生的高中生活说起,非常自然地引申出“培植担责意识”的主题:“有很多同学在高中时代就有意识地参与公益活动,尽自己所能帮助他人,助力社会更加文明进步。今天,作为大学生的你们,应该更加彰显这种公益之心、这种担责意识,因为若干年后,你们能不能代表自己主张权益,能不能代表所在群体指点利弊,能不能代表人民献言献策,能不能代表国家和民族发出声音,从根本上说,就取决于今天你对担责意识的培植”。主题的表述亲切自然,很好地实现了针对性和引领性的结合。






Everybody is good!

My name is liu chang, liu liu, liu chang. When he was young had done many colorful dream, when an announcer, or when a TV show host is my best dream. So I take every opportunity to learn broadcasting, practice the speech, said crosstalk, playing allegro, dance performance, hosting programs. I join dad regiment of the Spring Festival evening party, I show KuaiBanShu tongue twisters warmly welcomed by the soldiers. I deeply know, as a qualified announcer or a TV show host is a very not easy thing, the growth of the road will have the joy of success, but is more of a failure of depression; There will be a harvest happiness, but more is the hard cultivation. But I have the courage, determination to face all this. So, today, I stand in the middle of the students. I like all of the classmates, eager to fly, eager to have a bigger development space in the future, have the talent more broad heaven and earth. I think, there will be nothing. The next four years, emotional teaching by teachers and we will have a beautiful future.

Good good painting landscape poem, remote village xiangyin nostalgia, a dragon boat, wrap dongting north. The convergence of liangjiang, composed of tripartite confrontation, thorough fares of nine provinces. My hometown is the capital, and the beautiful river city of wuhan, hubei province. Kiss is not enough to stand tall yellow crane tower, look not enough is qingchuan herbs parrot chau, singing is not enough long beach gallery shop is splendid, love is not enough for the east lake blue waves gently.

Home is not only beautiful and profound. Wave is the specific, uncovered the years history, the beautiful river city, gave birth to many national elite, revolutionary predecessors; Write how many psalms and immortal paean of handed down from ancient times. At her side, xinhai revolution finally beating the feudal monarchy of a crown; In her bosom, proletarian air spray of molten steel iron hammer bursts with strike fire. Mighty Yangtze river, was a witness of the most authoritative modern Chinese revolution. See not the vicissitudes of life there is superimposed and historical massiness, not over there that cut the river had carry much unyielding cry, how many undead ghost the land was flooded. Had gone with the wind disappointed thousands of solitary sail far shadow, where the ring once destroyed monarchy of guns. The people there have fallen out, new life, together with the whole country, The people there was full of lofty sentiments, reform tide swell in joy. Today, the earth is fruitful, there is the blue sky, blue sky - wuhan Wu Changcheng then my lovely home.

Teachers and classmates! My account, can make you itch to try? , can I make you excited? Welcome to my home a guest, welcome you to visit the beauty of the river. I will sing for you hometown song, let you heartily enjoy full-bodied amorous feelings of hubei province.












Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name is , 24.I come from Nanchang,the capital of Jiangxi Province.I graduated from the ****** department of *****University in July ,200.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my are time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, eecially those about ****.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our countrys team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will are no effort to master a good command of advance ******.


I harbored feelings reluctantly and quietly left the school.Today, I would like to re-examination by the airations of the rostrum is so urgent!My family a total of three sisters, two sisters who work, in order to take care of the elderly parents, I have to stay around them.I have held a shop, first operational craft, then garments.But no matter how the business is handy, when a teacher is always glorious people yearn for and I would like to make every effort to pursue life-long career.I have to take the test several times, but for various reasons are unable to realize their dreams, but I secretly determined, given the chance, I have been test continue until the ideal realized.Today, I am, after the test of life, compared to my competitors in terms of age I no longer have an advantage, but Im more than a child they love, patience and sense of reonsibility, more of a mature and self-confidence.The teaching profession is sacred and great, he asked teachers not only must be knowledgeable, but also a noble sentiment.Therefore, when reading normal, I paid great attention to their overall development, to train its own extensive interests, and learned a trade, be good at painting and calligraphy than outside, but also sing, say, will eak.“High school only as a teacher, inires them for the Fan” in the knowledge-learning and I also paid attention to develop their own high moral character, consciously abide by the law, abide by social morality, no bad habits and behavior.I think these are an educator should have the minimum literacy.If, I passed the interview, Chengweizhongduo Teacher Groups in 成员 I shall keep Nuli study and work hard, my hometown of Jiao Yu force ourselves to the cause, never let down, “the human soul,” a major title.Thank you!


Dear Sir Madam :


“Rows into the Si destroyed with the” ideological consciousness directly influence people#39;s life, so I just school freshman when solemnly submitted applications to join the party. Diligent in learning at work dutifully, in thinking required to progress through the strict inspection party, in June last year, I proudly joined the Communist Party of China.

I think that a good working and learning in addition to outstanding students, it also have to develop, so in addition to study and work, I also develop their own hobbies. Since childhood, I am studying piano, later learning the violin, to fully feel the art influenced, so that my life is full of passion and fun.















My name is Chris.I’m a Senior/ 4th-year undergraduate student from School of Economics, Peking University.I’ve kept on outstanding academic record during the 4 years in college, winning several awards and scholarships including… I’ve co-founded such and such student organizations on campus and have participated in such and such exchange programs.I’ve had internships with prestigious companies such as ABC and XYZ, which was my first exposure to the consulting industry.I’m excited about the dynamic life style and steep learning curve in a consulting firm, and that’s the reason why I applied for this job.Unique:

I’m a person who likes challenges.During my 4 years at Peking University I’ve always tried hard to seek, confront and conquer challenges, as you can find from my resume.Today I’m sitting here in front of you, well aware that you are going to give me a big challenge.And I’m confident that I can survive it.2)Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high/demanding goal and saw it though completion.(challenge, overcome difficulties)

When I entered Peking University in 200X, I was not the best student in my class.I aimed at the 5% rank and my passion for study has never waned despite chores from extracurricular activities and community events I have joined.Surrounded by International Mathematics and Physics Olympics gold medalists and top students from all over the nation, I realized that I faced tough competition.Instead of settling for what I had already achieved, I rose to the challenge and soon distinguished myself among my classmates.I had a plan to work hard on my weak
