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According to the Bible,eternity is a concept set by God into man’s mind,in some religious view,memory has the power of redemption.In the Bible,the past is the promise of the future.The expectation combined with the past experience and memory.For an individual,the power of redemption through memory is not simply to interrogate the soul,but also the salvation of the soul.The redemptive functions of memory have two dialectic aspects:first the individual surpass the difficulties and misery through memory;second,individual cannot bear the burden of the memory,and falls to the abyss.The latter is especially true when applying to Macbeth.Macbeth is once a courageous and well respected soldier of Scotland.But on his way back from a victory,he met three witches,who prophesized that he will be the king of Scotland.Therefore,driven by Lady Macbeth and his own ambition,he murdered the king Duncan,and became king himself.This is not an unusual incident in the history,but in the eye of Christian,this is unacceptable.Compared with Jesus,who is seduced by Satan with all the kingdoms of the world(Matt.4:1-11;Mark 1:12-13;Luke 4:1-13),Macbeth is too fragile and easily-attempted,he drops the belief to God and succumbed to Satan.It is easy to understand the torture he had gone through.The expectation of murder first begins to torture him.Macbeth’s murder is disloyalty,according to the Ten Commandments.Therefore,he became insane even before the murder.In the play,he said,“Is this a dagger which I see before me,the handle toward my hand?Come,let me clutch thee.I have thee not,and yet I see thee still.Art thou not,fatal vision,sensible to feeling as to sight?Or art thou but a dagger of the mind,a false creation,Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?I see thee yet,in form as palpable as this which I draw.”After the murder,it is the memory’s turn to begin to torture him.He imagined two men“one cried‘God bless us’and‘Amen’the other”but he cannot say“Amen”himself.Later,Macbeth madly said he has already“kill the sleep”.(1.2.68)In fact,Macbeth is not really became insane,he want to get rid of the memorial burden of killing someone.Before conducting the murder,he would like the dagger is not a real one,so he will have no burden of guilty.He said,“To know my deed,‘twere best not know myself”(1.2.75),But the guilty find justification in Macbeth,and he is no longer the high-spirited and vigorous general.While after the conduct,he did not seek the redemption in time,just let the nightmare carry him away,leads to his final destruction.

2 Separation Between Secular Time and Divine Time

In Macbeth,all three of the witches are associated with secular time,the first with the past(“hail to thee,Thane of Glamis,”a title Macbeth had earlier inherited),the second with the present(“hail to thee,Thane of Cawdor,”a title he has just been granted),the third with the future(“that shalt be king hereafter”—she is the only one of the three that makes predictions).Witches are merely,in Elizabethan demonology,pledged servants to Satan,who is seeking man’s“eternal jewel”(3.1.68)The forces of evil behind the witches are what Banquo calls“the instruments of darkness”(1.3.124).They can prophesy,but they can also seduce.As witches they can“poison,”but only if there are willing victims.Two noble men,at the crest of their careers,are told--with supporting evidence--of great futures.Some tainted action seems necessary in each case.Only Banquo,not without a grim struggle,will keep,as he tells Macbeth,“My bosom franchised and allegiance clear”(2.1.28).True,in his comparable pilgrimage,Banquo does not undergo the mysterious emotions of his partner.Macbeth in anguish asks himself why he is confronted by two equally foul and fair auguries:

If good,why do I yield to that suggestion

Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair

And make my seated heart knock at my ribs

Against the use of nature?(1.3.134-137)

From this we can see,Macbeth pay more attention to the secular time,he valued highly the possible future and even obsessed to it.

Shakespeare had a limited but essential and accurate knowledge of theology as well as time.He correctly recognized,as Walter Clyde Curry notes,that the“Powers”to whom Banquo prays are the order of angels appointed by God to guard against demons(Curry,1959:43).The compelling question in the first and crucial part of the play is whether Macbeth will battle against the most deadly of enemies.The fact is he did,but failed.And it is in this first part,in act 1,that in his reaction to“supernatural soliciting”(1.3.130)he reveals the most appealing part of the“feeling sorrow”that he can so beautifully express.But he is deeply divided by the past and future.Although what he had done sometimes bothers him,but he simply cannot draw something from the past,and just want to get rid of it.For example,when he talked with the doctor about his wife’s madness,he just want the doctor to“Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow,/Raze out the written troubles of the brain,/And with some sweet oblivious antidote/Cleanse the stuff’d bosom of that perilous stuff/Which weighs upon the heart“(4.3.38-42)but this is totally mistaken,in fact he should try to remember it instead of forget it,for what he had done cut the past and future,and is a way away from God’s redemption.

Understanding time,or rather,human existence in time,is especially important.The redemption theme of the play is somehow bound up with time.The main focus,however,is on the human awareness of time,and the consequences thereof.We all have some appreciation that our present is the result of our past,and that only part of this relevant past is consciously available as memory.Clearly,the particular historical situations in which we are born and nurtured were not of our own choosing or making.How much of our resulting selves,then,can we,should we,must we accept responsibility for?Of the past that produced us,what might we rightfully praise or blame,accept or repudiate,attempt to suppress or to preserve?These are vexing questions,and people differ greatly in how they stand towards these matters,including Macbeth.In tacit awareness that the past unalterably closes behind us,that“what’s done cannot be undone,”we tend to be future-oriented,but not cut down with the past.We may become increasingly inclined to consider an existence beyond the mortal one.That is the life set by God.It is only in the prime of life,and while dubious of any future life,that one is apt to profess as does Macbeth a willingness to“jump[i.e.,‘risk’]the life to come”in return for some great worldly success(1.7.4-7).

In any event,the prospects of the future,like the establishments of the past,evoke different sorts of responses in different kinds of people,or even in the same people at different times in their lives.Take Macbeth for example,he is totally obsessed and worried by the prophesy.Moreover,the past also nerves him,but he tries to forget it.

Reconciliation with human temporality,and especially with one’s own perhaps variable but surely finite existence in time,is mainly a matter of having the right attitude towards the various sectors and features of one’s temporal horizon.What is entailed in having it right is elliptically indicated in Macbeth’getting it all wrong.Dogged by his past,morbidly preoccupied with a future finality as elusive as a rainbow,they are unable to enjoy any moment of the present.(Hollingdale,1983:62)It is really a great tragedy.Regarding the Past,Macbeth displays in the extreme what seems to some extent true of many,if not most people:they are more apt to be haunted by their mistakes than gladdened by their successes.But Macbeth simply tries to get rid of it.It is true that even pleasant remembrances can be tinged with the sadness of things no longer being so,not to say the terrible past untd like nightmare.Memory might be conceived as Macbeth’s own“sweet remembrancer”describes it:“the warder of the brain”(1.7.66;3.4.36).But the extent to which it is subject to purposeful control is difficult to determine and hard to understand.

Macbeth’s memory is too heavy for him to bear.When Macbeth asks of the Scottish physician who has been tending his wife,“How does your patient,Doctor?”,he replies,“Not so sick,my Lord,/As she is troubled with thick-coming fancies,/That keep her from her rest.”Whereupon Macbeth orders:

Cure her of that:

Canst thou not minister to a mind diseas’d,

Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow,

Raze out the written troubles of the brain,

And with some sweet oblivious antidote

Cleanse the stuff’d bosom of that perilous stuff

Which weighs upon the heart?(5.3.37-42)

Macbeth is determined to cut the past,present and future,tha is to separate secular time with divine time.

3 Conclusion

On the basis of the combination of the biblical materials and some fresh content belonging to his epoch,Shakespeare endow his literary works with a strong spirit of the times and the artistic style of primitive simplicity,sublinmity and elegance.Shakespeare is quite familiar with the Bible,and that he also has the ability to make the biblical materials in harmony with his works.(Marx,65On the surface,it might seem that Shakespeare’s Macbeth merely re-enact The Fall of Man,or a noble man goes to self-destruction for his tragic flaw.Examined more closely,however,one detects the author’s somewhat different view:Macbeth fails in his redemption therefore what is waiting him is not only death,but also hell.




[1] The Holy Bible[M].Grand Rapids:Zondervan Corporation,1996: 1-7.

[2] 里德 .詹姆斯 .《基督的人生观》 [M]. 蒋庆 ,译 .北京 :三联书店 ,1998:41.

[3] Shakespeare W.Macbeth[M].London:Longman,2005:68.

[4] Remy N.Demonaltry[M].trans,E A Ashwin,ed.Rev.Montague Summers.London:J Rodker,1930:108.

[5] Curry C W.Shakespeare ’s Philosophical Patterns[M].Baton Rouge:University of Louisiana Press,1959:43.

[6] Hollingdale R J,trans.On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life,Untimely Meditations[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1983:62.
































Everyone expects to succeed in whatever he/she does. Unfortunately no one is always successful in all his / her life, not even such great people as Marx, Mao, Madam Currie and Einstein.

Different people hold different attitudes towards failure. Some people become discouraged and are even defeated by failure, while some other people learn lessonsfrom, failure and continue their efforts.

There is no denying that failure is a bad thing, but “Bad things can turn to good things.” It all depends on how we deal with it. If we are pessimistic, we will lose heart. If we are optimistic, we will see hope. I really have sympathy for those who, being badly hurt by failure, lose self confidence and confidence in life. However, I have even greater admiration for those who, being stimulated by failure, go on straight forward to achieve success.
