



新概念英语第二册第54课学案 1.sticky adj 粘的,黏糊糊的

*meet a sticky end 落得悲惨的下场,倒霉 *stick 1)n.棍,树枝

==walking stick 手杖,拐杖 *the carrot and the stick 软硬兼施 2)v.插入,刺穿 3)v.粘住

*stick a stamp on a letter ==stick to sth 坚持某事 *stick at = keep on doing sth *sticky fingers 手指粘,好偷东西 2.finger n.手指

*cross one’s fingers 祝好运,祈祷 3.mix v.掺和,混合 *mixed adj 混合的

*mix A with B 把AB混合起来 *a mixed school 男女混合学校 *mixture n.混合物 *mixer n.搅拌机,交际家 4.pastry n.面糊 *paste n.面团,浆糊 5.annoy v.使不悦,惹恼 *annoying adj 令人生气的(物)*annoyed adj 感到生气的(人)6.receiver n.电话听筒 *pick up the receiver 拿起听筒 *put down / hung up the receiver *receive v.收到 *accept v.接受 7.dismay


Part 1 Words

*be dismayed at 对…..失望 2)n.惊讶,气馁,灰心

*to one’s dismay 使人惊讶的是,使人灰心的是 8.recognize

1)v.认出,听出,识别出 Eg.recognize your voice 2).承认,认可,认识到 Eg.He recognized his mistake.9.persuade v.说服,劝说 *persuade sb to do sth

*persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事 *persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不去做某事 *persuade sb of sth 使某人信服某事 *persuade sb that

*persuasion n.说服,劝说,信念,见解 *persuasive adj 有说服力的 10.mess

1)n.脏或乱的状态 Eg.You are a mess.你真邋遢 What a mess!太乱了

*be at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

*mess around = mess about 鬼混,无所事事 11.sign 1)n.标记,标识

Eg.a traffic sign 交通标识 2)v.签署,签名 Eg.Please sign here.12.register 1)v.登记,注册

Eg.register at a hotel 登记入住旅馆 *check in 登记入住 *check out 登记离开 2)n.登记,注册

Eg.a household register 户口登记薄 Part 2 Grammar  a, the, some, any

*some 和any 表示不定数量的代词,相当于“一些”讲时,前者多用于肯定句,而后者多用于否定句和疑问句

Eg.I want some infromation.I don’t want any information.Do you want any information? *some 也可用于以can, may, could, would, how about, what about why not 开头的问句中 *the

1)the +adj 表示一类人

Eg.the rick 富人

the poor 穷人 2)the +adj/adv最高级 3)the +序数词

4)the + 姓氏复数 表示一家人,做主语,相当于复数 5)the+ 世界上独一无二的事物 Eg.the Earth 地球

the Sun 太阳 6)the b表示特指

Eg.The girl in red is my sister.7)第一次提到用a/an , 第二次提到用the Eg.I bought a car.The car is nice.8)the +江河湖海山脉 Eg, the Yellow River 黄河 9)the+乐器 Eg.play the piano Part 3 Text

1.After breakfast, I sent the children to school and then I went to the shops.*after breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 三餐前五冠词 ==若三餐前有adj,则加a/an

*registration n.登记,注册

Eg.have a nice lunch

*sent sb to school 送某人去上学 ==go to school 去上学(前无冠词)*go to the shops 去商店

2.In a short time, I was busy mixing butter and flour and my hands were soon covered with sticky pastry.*in a short time/while 很快 *be busy doing sth 忙着做某事 *be covered with 被覆盖

3.I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers.*pick up 拾起,捡起,接受节目,去接某人

4.It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later.*it takes/took sb some time to do sth *persuade sb to do sth 5.At last I hung up the receiver.*hang up the receiver = put down the receiver 挂断电话

*pick up the receiver 拿起电话 *Hold on, please.请稍等(别挂断)

6.I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.*主语+had no sooner +done sth that +从句(一般过去时).一………就


Thirst n.1)不可数.渴 eg: they lost their way in the desert and died of thirst.2)可数名词.热望,渴望,通常用作单数名词 eg: the thirst for sth.对某物的渴望.The thirst for knowedge/the thirst for fame/the thirst for revenge复仇

be thirsty for 渴望得到 be hungry for: I am thirsty for the book

Ghost n.1)幽灵,鬼 eg: very few people believe in ghost.Ghost story 鬼故事,怪谈

2)幻影般的东西幻象,一点点.Eg: he hasn’t got the ghost of a chance of winning the first prize.他一点都没有机会赢得头奖.强调魂 the ghost haunt 闹鬼 the ghost haunted the house这个房子闹鬼

Haunt 1)v.(指鬼魂)常出没于(某处)eg: a ghost is said to haunt the house./ The house is said to be haunted./ a spirit haunts the castle.那座城堡常有幽灵出现.2)经常到(某处),常去… eg: this is one of the bars I used to haunt./ I hear you haunt that disco.Haunted adj.鬼魂出没的 a haunted house闹鬼的房子

Haunting adj萦绕心中的.A haunting melody萦绕心中的曲调

Block 1)n.(木,石等的)块 eg: a block of rock/ a block of marble大理石 2)街区(美)eg: the post office is two blocks away.3)(许多相互独立的公寓或办公室的)大建筑物eg: a block of flats公寓楼/ an office block办公楼/ a tower block高层建筑

4)阻碍物,障碍物,通常用单数 eg:a block on the road/ a block in the pipe阻碍管道的污物 block-head/air-head傻瓜 bad-egg 坏蛋 good-egg好人

5)v阻碍,堵塞 eg: the accident blocked traffic in the town center./ Heavy snow is blocking all roads to Beijing./ the door was blocked by chairs.Furniture n不可数.家具 a piece of furniture/ an article of furniture一片家具 eg: we had little furniture.我们几乎没有什么家具.A set of furniture 一套家具

Furnish v.(给房子,房间)装置(家具等)eg:the apartment is well furnished.这个公寓家具很全./ the apartment is badly furnished.不全

Whisky 1)不可数威士忌 2)可数一杯威士忌two whiskies, please.Suggest 1)v.暗示 eg: her pale face suggests that she is ill.Eg: are you suggesting that I’m telling a lie? Are you suggesting that I stole your wallet?/ I suggested aht the cake must have been eaten by tom.2)v.建议 suggest sb as…/suggest sth as…/suggest sb for…/suggest doing… Eg: I suggest Herry for the job./ I suggest paris as a good plae for a honey moon./ I suggest learning 100new words a day.Suggest that…(should)do…建议做某事eg: I suggested that we(should)go for a trip.Suggestion n.可数.建议.A valuable suggestion.有价值的建议.Shake(shook, shaken)1)使(建筑物等)摇动,使(身体,声音等)颤抖,摇(瓶等)eg:the explosion shook the houses./ the teacher shook him by the shoulders.2)抖落…,撒上…,抖掉…eg: the children were shaking apples from the tree.Shake hands握手 shake one’s head摇头 nod(one’s head)点头

Accept 1)v.接受 eg:will you accept my invitation?/ he accepted the job.2)承认,相信,认可eg:I can’t accept an excuse like that.我无法相信那样的辩解.课文讲解: A public house which was recently bought by Mr.Ian Thompson is up for sale.Sell(sold, sold)v.卖,销售 buy(bought,bought)买

sale n.: be on sale1)出售,上市 sales.n.销售额(量)2)廉价出售 eg: the new type of computer is on sale.For sale 待售 eg:I’m sorry.The painting is not for sale./ the haunted house is for sale.Be up for sale.供出售 be up for 为了某一目的.有待于

This problem is up for discussion.这个问题有待于讨论

Mr.Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted.Is going to打算,将要

He told me that he could not go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar.Coming from the bar现在分词作宾语补足语

1)go to sleep去睡觉 fall sleep/ fall into a sound sleep/fall into a deep sleep酣睡/ go to bed 2)see/hear/watch后可以加动词原形,也可以加ing形式.动词原形是整个过程都看见,ing是看见动作正在进行.Eg: I saw him cross the street./ I saw him crossing the street.Eg: I heard her go out./ I heard her going out.Eg: I watched her go out of the room./ I watched her going out of the room.The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved.宾语从句

Though Mr.Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning.Turn the lights off 关灯 turn the lights on开灯 they were on 灯亮着 they were out 灯熄灭了

He also said that he had found five empty whisky bottles which the ghost must have drunk the night before.定语从句

the night before 前一天晚上,last night 昨天晚上 the week before 前一个星期,last week 上个星期 the day before 前一天,yesterday 昨天 the next day 下一天,tomorrow 明天

直接引语变成间接引语时间状语要改变。now——>then,last night——>the night before,two days ago ——>two days before/earlier,today——>that day,tonight——>that night,tomorrow——>the next/following day,last night——>the night before等。

When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink, Mr.Thompson shook his head.宾语从句

Must have done…表示对发生完的事情比较有把握的判断.For+n.表某人的目的 eg: he went home for lunch For+v.-ing 表某物的用途 eg: the cake is for eating.Free免费的,不要钱的 eg:I’ve got free tickets to the concert.Do you want one? Eg: you get a free gift of a glass if you buy this whiskey now.The villagers have told him that they will not accept the pub even if he gives it away.Even if/ even though引导让步状语从句

Eg: even if you don’t like wine, try a glass of this.(even if表让步)比较if引导的条件句

Eg: if you like wine, try a glass of this.(if 表示条件)Give away1)送掉,免费给予,赠送 eg: even if he give it away./ he gave all his lands way to the city.Give off散发,发出(光,烟,气味等)eg: those wild flowers give off a nice smell.Give in屈服 eg:the mother gave in and bought a toy for her child.Give out 分配,分发 give out handbills发传单 Give up放弃eg: you shouldn’t give up hope.Key structures:将来时,将来完成时,过去完成时.间接引语: He said that…/ He told me…/ He asked…




《新概念英语》系列教材的作者路易·亚历山大,是世界著名的英语教学权威,曾任欧洲现代语言教学委员会理事。他的著作为交际教学法奠定了基础,其中一些如New Concept English(《新概念英语》)和Follow Me(《跟我学》)已经成为经典的英语教材。《新概念英语》系列教材New Concept English作为享誉全球的最为经典地道的英语教材,以其严密的系统性、严谨的科学性、精湛的实用性、浓厚的趣味性深受英语学习者的喜爱。《新概念英语》一共有四册,其中第二册是学习英语的基础阶段,全书共有96课,每篇课文以150个单词左右的小故事组成。课文故事性强,易于学习,而且全册课文前后连贯,语法知识全面,书中出现的新单词大约为1126个,加上教师上课补充的词汇,学生可以通过本册的学习,词汇达到3000个左右。这个词汇量刚好是二级英语考核要求达到的词汇量。


根据该书编写的作者定义:This course should be found suitable for adult or secondary students who have completed any other elementary course or for post-elementary students.中职商务英语专业的学生已经完成了小学和初中的英语学习,他们的英语水平相对其他专业的学生英语基础要好,是属于作者提到的post-elementary水平,所以用这本书,刚好可以衔接。再者,2011年广东省贸易职业技术学校课题组根据建构主义理论和Cunningsworth提出的教材评价标准,对《新概念英语》教材进行了全面的评价,从而分析了该教材符合评价标准,适合作为中职基础英语教材。学生学完这册书可以达到pre-intermediate的水平,能满足将来就业时使用英语的基本需求。








以《新概念英语》第二册第一课“A Private Conversation”为例做教学过程设计。

第一步:听、看《新概念英语》动画片。利用多媒体播放“A Private Conversation”的动画片。把全班学生分成两部分,一部分学生正常观看动画片,另外一部分转身面向课室后墙,这部分学生只能听,不能看。(下一篇课文学习时,调换听和看的学生)

第二步:有信息差的沟通复述。第一步结束后,让只听不看的这部分学生把他们所听到的内容复述表达给观看了动画片的同学听。由于看过动画片的学生比没看的学生对内容了解得更细致全面,两组学生之间就有了自然而然的信息差。因此,他们之间的对话将是更有交际意义的对话沟通,而不只是一般的复述,观看了动画片的这部分学生听了同伴复述的内容后会加以纠正或补充。比如听完“A Private Conversation”后,某学生在复述时没有提到“They were talking loudly”这个细节,他的同伴就会告诉他“the writer got angry because the young man and the woman were talking loudly”。这种复述难度不大,又有以交际为目的的真实语言环境,学生都乐于开口。这一步骤教师还可以采取接龙的方式点名几个学生,让他们共同复述完这个故事,然后再由已观看的学生纠正他们的错误,最后以全班一起观看一次动画片结束。

第三步:复读式听写。教师准备一个有复读功能的播放器,逐句地让学生听写。每播放一句就按复读功能按键,使该句一直重复直到学生听写完一句为止。学生听写完一句,教师用Powerpoint呈现该句的内容,让学生进行自我纠错。针对学生听不出来或有疑惑的部分要重点复读多次,这些往往就是学生应该掌握的新单词、语法知识点,或语音中的连读略读现象。例如“A Private Conversation”中“It’s none of your business”这句对学生来说是一个新的表达句型,之前没接触过,而这句中“none of”又连读,所以他们会听不出来。这时就要多复读几次,让他们一直模仿到接近录音的读法。这种复读式听写,让学生在学习英语的过程中遵循了“先听说,后读写”的原则。通过这种训练,他们对新单词音、形、义比从阅读中获得的信息要敏感,记忆效果也更好。




第七步:命题式口头表达和写作训练。学生完成了整篇课文的学习之后,教师可以让他们就本课相关的话题进行交流。比如学完了“A Private Conversation”之后可以让学生说说他们身边曾经发生的令人讨厌的事或见过的人,然后再写成书面表达的作文。








[1](英)亚历山大(L.G.Al exander),何其莘.新概念英语第二册:实践与进步(Pr act i ce and Pr ogr es s)[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997.



Place Ⅰ Lesson Type: New Lesson Ⅱ Contents & Purposes: Lesson 22 a glass envelope Ⅲ key structures and key words: 介词的用法

Ⅳ Teaching procedure: Step1 Greeting, Step 2 :Lead-in 1)T: In what way can we make friends? Ss: talk about how to make friends: talking on phone, chatting online(QQ, MSN, Skype),.T: Today I’ll tell you another way of making friends.T: Take out some bottles, and ask to Ss to write a letter to make friends, and put their letters into bottles.T: Put all the bottles into a bag.And let the Ss to choose one of them and read out the letter and find the friends and exchange their stickers.2)Let’s listen to the story today.And let’s see how Jane make friends.Step 3 Listen again and answer more Qs:(Summary writing)Step 4)words: Dream: T ask: What do you dream of? I dream of receiving a …on my birthday? What about you? Ss: I dream of receiving…/being… Age: of one’s own age



分类: 新概念英语第2册辅导



no matter how 不管怎样

wave to=signal to 打招呼, 招手

just in time 刚好,不迟不早=only just

insist on 坚持

prevent…form 避免

follow around 跟着转

there(be)plenty 有不少……


avoid meeting him 避开他

come running 跑过来

it was no use pretending 假装没有用

enjoy meeting him 喜欢见他

insist on coming 坚持要来

(be)busy doing… 忙着干

(would you)mind opening 你是否介意打开……(请你打开……)finish speaking 讲完了

fancy meeting 真想不到见着……

it’s not worth worrying 不值得担心

I can’t stand shouting 不能容忍大叫大嚷 smell(something)burning 闻到什么烧焦味

go dancing(swimming,shopping)去跳舞(游泳, 购物)forgive(somebody)for being rude 原谅别人卤莽

三、come和现在分词连用表示“来”的方式:come十ing wind came blowing 风吹来



Answers to NCE2 Exercises Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2: cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3: cacac bccba bb Lesson 4: dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5: cadbc dabcb bd Lesson 6: dacdd adaba da Lesson 7: bccda cdacb ab Lesson 8: dbbac cbbad bb Lesson 9: cbdaa bbdbb dc Lesson 10: addcb cacbc ca Lesson 11: bbbab ccacc bd Lesson 12: ccadd adacd aa Lesson 13: bdbca bbcaa ad Lesson 14: bcacd babcb bb Lesson 15: dbcbc dadcc cb Lesson 16: aadab adadd da Lesson 17: dbbdc cbaac ad Lesson 18: Bdbdb cdcac cb Lesson 19: Adccd bcbca cc Lesson 20: Bcbbc bcacc da Lesson 21: cdcda cbbad cc Lesson 22: dbddb dacda bb Lesson 23: aaacc addbb ad Lesson 24: baaca acccb ab Lesson 25: cbbab cdbaa da Lesson 26: adcbc ddabd bd Lesson 27: dcddd baddc cc Lesson 28: cdbbc dbdcd ba Lesson 29: bccbd babbb cb Lesson 30: aadab cccda dd Lesson 31: dbaca adabc ac Lesson 32: cccbb cadad bc Lesson 33: dbdac bbccc ac Lesson 34: dabca dcbcb ca Lesson 35: adadd adaba dd Lesson 36: addcd ccbad cc Lesson 37: cbbbb dacdb ba Lesson 38: bcaac bddba dd Lesson 39: dacdd abacc ab Lesson 40: ccbca acbbb bd Lesson 41: aacdc bbada cb Lesson 42: dddbb cddac da Lesson 43: bbaad daccd ac Lesson 44: cbccc bdaba bd Lesson 45: bdabb dcbcb db Lesson 46: acdda cbcad ca Lesson 47: dabad aaddc ac Lesson 48: cbcba cbbda bc Lesson 49: dabab ccacc aa Lesson 50: dbacc aadbb cd Lesson 51: bcddd adcad db Lesson 52: bccab dcbac bc Lesson 53: cdacc cdcda cc Lesson 54: dbdbd badcb dd Lesson 55: aabda acabd ab Lesson 56: cacca cabbc cc Lesson 57: abbbb dcdcb da Lesson 58: bdaac bdcad bd Lesson 59: dbddd abada ab Lesson 60: bacbc babac ad Lesson 61: bacca dcabb dd Lesson 62: addcd ccbda db Lesson 63: dbaab ddacd ca Lesson 64: ccccb bccab bb Lesson 65: adbbc aadcc bd Lesson 66: cbaad aabab ba Lesson 67: daddd dbbad dd Lesson 68: bbcdb bbccc aa Lesson 69: abcbb ddaab cd Lesson 70: dbccd bcacd dc Lesson 71: bdbbc cdbbc ba Lesson 72: acadb accdb ad Lesson 73: cadac dadaa db Lesson 74: baccd cacbc ab Lesson 75: cabdb abbdd cc Lesson 76: dbdaa bbacb dd Lesson 77: acabc dddaa ba Lesson 78: acbbc acbab ca Lesson 79: bdcca dbada ac Lesson 80: cbdad cadcc db Lesson 81: daadb bdcbd bd Lesson 82: abadc cdaac bd Lesson 83: bacca bcbcd ab Lesson 84: ccabd cccda cd Lesson 85: ddbab abdbb dc Lesson 86: bcabb bdcab bc Lesson 87: cdcda ccada ad Lesson 88: cbbcc abbcc cb Lesson 89: aadad dadbd db Lesson 90: bccca bcbad dd Lesson 91: dbcbc dbbcb cb Lesson 92: bcdcb abbad ca Lesson 93: cdbac ccdcb db Lesson 94: abcba dacda bc Lesson 95: dabad cdcac dc Lesson 96: dccba dcdab cb



(1)vt.,vi. 驾驶,驾车:

You must have been driving at seventy miles an hour. 你刚才一定是以每小时70英里的速度开车。

Mary drives(her car) very slowly.玛丽开车开得很慢。

(2)vt. 赶,驱赶,围赶(猎物、敌人等):

With the help of two dogs, he drove the sheep down the mountain.在两只牧羊犬的帮助下,他把羊从山上赶了下来。

(3)vt. 逼迫,迫使:

Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad.飞机正在慢慢地把我逼疯。

The death of all her children has driven her mad. 她所有的孩子的去世把她逼疯了。


home 一般译为“家”、“家庭”,着重指所居住的人,常有爱、温暖、舒适、安全等隐含意义。house通常译为“房子”、“房屋”、“住宅”,指的是建筑物。试体会它们的区别:

They live in a large house.他们住在一所大房子里。(不可用home)

My father is at home now.我父亲现在在家。(不可用 house/at house)

Tom must be somewhere in the house.汤姆肯定在这屋子里的某个地方。(不可用home)

I have a sweet home.我有一个甜蜜的家庭。(不可用house)

练习答案 Key to written exercises


A …passing planes can be heard(1.2); The airport was built (1.2); it could not be used then(1. 3); a hundred people must have been driven away(11.4-5); this house will be knocked down by a passing plane(11.6-7); I have been offered a large sum of money(1.7)

C 1 A message will be sent immediately.

2 All these goods must be sold.

3 I told you the parcel would be received in time.

4 The letter has to be delivered by hand.

5 Your letter must have been lost In the post.


A (sample answers)

The dog drove the sheep out of the field.

The police drove the crowds back.

I drove my car into the garage.

B1 home 2 houses 3 house 4 home


1c 2d 3c 4d 5a 6c


all right 在不同的上下文中会有不同的含义。当指人的健康状况时,它可以表示“安然无恙的”、“良好的”:

I was not very well last week, but I feel all right now.


2.… he asked his doctor to tell him whether his operation had been successful, but the doctor refused to do so.……他问医生他的手术是否成功,但医生拒绝告诉他。

whether引导的从句在句中作动词 tell 的直接宾语,是一个间接一般疑问句。(cf.本课语法)

so在这里为代词,代替前面的动词不定式(在 to tell himwhether…)。它一般出现 believe, do, expect, hope, say, tell, think, appear等之后:

Is it true that John has had an operation?


I am afraid so./I believe so./I think so./It seem so.


3.The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone. 第2天,这位病人要了一部床头电话。

(1)following 在这里相当于next,表示“紧接着的”、“其次的”。

(2)ask for 在这句话中表示“请求”、“要求(得到某个东西)”;在下一句话(…asked for Doctor Millington)中它表示“要求(某人)来(接电话)”。

4.…Mr.Gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient ,a Mr.John Gilbert.……


(1)certain 在这里没有“肯定的”、“确实的”等含义,而表示“某一”、“某位”,暗指说话者或说话对象可能对这人/这事不大清楚/熟悉,或所指的这个人身份不大清楚:

Many years ago a certain doctor arrived in London.



A Mr.Gilbert phoned and left a message for you.


这种情况下,a通常与表示“某一”的 certain 连用:

A certain Mrs.Hart is waiting to see you.


5.He then asked when Mr.Gilbert would be allowed to go bome…


would be allowed 为被动语态用于过去将来时。 when引导的从句为间接疑问词疑问句。(cf.本课语法)

6.for another two weeks,又两个星期。

another 作为限定词表示“另一个”、“再一个”的时候,通常与可数的单数名词连用,不和复数形式连用;但是后面可以跟基数词/few+复数名词(它们被当成一个整体):

Do you need another cup of coffee?


I need another three driving lessons before my test.


I need another few hours before I can finish my homework.


1.b 根据课文第3-4行 The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty!可以判断出只有b.there was a problem with its main mirror 与课文实际内容相符,其他3个选择都与课文事实不符。2.a 根据课文第10-11行 the Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe 可以判断只有a.will tell us a great deal about the universe 是课文所提及的内容,其他3个选择都不是课文所涉及的内容。3.c 只有c.will be repairing(将要修理)与前一句中的is going to put...right(准备修正)的时态和意义相符合,所以应该选c.其他3个选择都不够准确。

a.is repairing, b.has already repaired 都与前一句时态不符合;

d.to repair 是动词不定式,不能做谓语,不符合语法.4.c 只有c.will be taken(将被送上)这个句子才能意思通顺。因为该句需要被动语态:four astronauts will be taken to the Hubble(宇航员将被送上哈勃)。其他3个选择都不是被动语态,所以选c.5.a 只有a.for 可以引导表示目的的短语,在句子中做目的状语,而其他3个选择b.so that, c.so long as 和 d.which 都只能引导从句而不能跟名词短语,因此选a.6.d a.when, 和 c.while 这两个词意思相同,都可以引导时间状语从句,表示当....时,因此这两个选择都应该排除.b.and可以连接两个句子,使其成为并列句,但该句用and 连接不太合乎逻辑.只有d.because 最合乎题的意思,引导原因状语从句.全句的意思:

因为它位于地球的大气层之外,所以哈勃会给我们传送清晰照片.所以我们选择d.7.c a.As soon as , 和b.The moment都可以引导时间状语从句,表示“一……就……”;

d.When 可以引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时”,这3个选择都没有明显地表示时间的先后顺序,只有c.Before 表示“在……之前”,使该句更接近课文中第11-12行的原句,所以选c.8.a 该句需要选出同前一句中的launched(发射)含义相同的词组。a.sent into space(送入太空)、b.carried away(带走)、c.put up(举起,挂上)和d.taken up(从事于)这4个选择中只有a.同launched 的含义相同,所以选a.9.b a.then(那时), b.from the beginning(从一开始), c.a few years ago(几年前)和d.before(以前)4个选择中a.c.d.都表示过去的时间,含义相同, 只有b.与这3个选择意义不同, 它强调某一事件开始时的情况,比较符合题目意思,所以应该选b.整个句子的意思是:从一开始哈勃望远镜就有问题.10.b 该句的主语是pictures(图像),需要选一个合适的词来说明图像的质量.a.wonderful(极好的),含有最高级的意思.b.unsatisfactory(不令人满意的), c.the clearest(最清晰的),d.disappointed(感到失望的,扫兴的).4个选项中,a.和c 含义相同.但与课文内容不符合.d.词意思不符,因为主语是物(图像)而不是人,故不能是“感到失望的”,应该是disappointing(令人失望的).只有b.最合适.所以选它.11.d a.had problems(有问题)不合乎习惯用法,当主语是物时,应该是there were problems with …;b.was distant(远离的,遥远的)词意思不对;该指镜子,而应该指图像;只有d.requires repairs(需要修理为:哈勃望远镜的主要镜片需要修理。12.d a.below(在……下面),b.over(在……正上方,盖住,遍及outside(在……外面)4个词中只有d.最符合题目意思,全句意思为:哈勃位于大气层之外。所以d是正确答案。


Teaching aims: 1.to learn the new words: competition, neat, wooden, pool, path;enter for, more

interesting, neat paths, a wooden bridge, over a pool, hard work

Teaching focuses: important phrases, such as enter for, win a prize

Teaching difficulties: the structure of the comparative degree of adjectives

Teaching methods: communicative teaching approach

Tools and materials: a tape and ppt.Teaching procedures:

Step I.Lead in

1.the topic of garden competition and how to win the competition

2.introduce new words and teach the key word “compete”

Step II.Read the text s.by s.Step III.Teach the language points: nearly, enter for, win a prize, more, the most + adj.Step IV.Fast reading with questions

Step V.Retell the story with the given words

Step VI.Grammar(Comparative and superlative degrees of adj.)

1.lively cases of comparison to introduce the structure of comparative and superlative

degrees of adj.2.sentence pattern of comparative degrees: A is adj.-er/more+adj.than B

3.sentence pattern of superlative degrees A is adj.-est/the most+adj.限定范围

Step VII.Topic discussion: the most beautiful garden or park


A flew(1.1);crashed(1.2);was killed(1.2);grew dark(1.5);turned(1.6);put(1.6);could find(1.7);got(1.8);kept(1.8);could(1.8);tried to get(1.9);heard(1.9);wondered(1.10);could send(1.10);had(1.10);stamped out(1.11);saw(1.11);sent(1.11);arrived(1.12)(Note: Other past tenses are descriptive, i.e.they do not indicate something that happened.)2.难点练习答案 grew/got/turned 2 fell 3 grew 4 turn/go 5come/become 6 grew 7 growing/getting…growing/get ting 8 got/grown 9 fell 10 come 3.多项选择题答案

1.c 根据课文第1-2行可以推断,只有c.it wasn’t flying in the right direction 才是飞机坠毁的原因,所以只有c.是正确答案。其他3个选择都不能说明飞机坠毁的原因。2.a 根据课文第11行a pilot saw the signal and sent a message 可以推测,只有a 是课文所暗示的内容,其他3个选择都与课文的内容不符。3.b 只有选b.young 才能使该句同前一句意思相同.若选a.a youth 同前一句意思不符;c.a young 不合乎语法;d.youth 既不符合语法也不合乎题目意思.4.d 此句是一般过去时疑问句。因为有助动词did 提问,所以句子的谓语动词要用原形。a.lay 是动词原形,词意思为“使……躺下,放置”,它也是动词lie 的过去式;b.laid 是 lay 的过去式和过去分词形式;c.lain 是动词lie 的过去分词;d.lie 是动词原形,意思为“平放着,处于某种状态”;只有lie 最符合语法和题目意思,所以选d.5.b 只有选b.big enough 才能使本句与前一句It was too small 意思吻合。而 a.enough big 词序不对,不合乎习惯用法,c.fairly big(相当大),d.rather big(相当大),他们都很少用于否定句中。6.a 该句的谓语动词hear后面应该跟名词+不带to 的动词不定式,或跟名词+动词+-ing,只有a.pass 是不带to的不定式最符合语法,其它3个选择都不符合语法,所以选a.7.b 只有b.soon afterwards(不久,很快)与前一句中的not long before 的含义相同,其他3个选择a.after(在……之后);c.behind(在……后面);d.much later(更晚)都不符合题目意思,所以选b.8.b 该句需要选出一个与前一句的light(轻型的)意思相反的词.a.dark(黑暗的), b.heavy(重的), c.black(黑的), d.deep(深的)4个词中只有heavy是light的反义词,所以选b.9.d 该句应该选前一句的terribly(可怕地,极端地)含义相近的形容词。才能使两个句子意义相同。a.frightening(使惊恐,恐吓)是动词frighten的现在分词形式,很少作形容词用,因为它的形容词形式是frightful;b.horrifying(使毛骨竦然,使震惊)也很少做形容词用,因为它有形容词horrible;c.shocking(令人震惊的,骇人的,极坏的)语气比terrible 要强烈;d.frightful(惊人的,可怕的)是动词frighten的形容词形式,只有d与terribly 含义最接近,所以选d.10.d 本句需要选一个与前一句中的signal(信号)含义相同的词。
