



In the Beijing Olympic Games Chinese athlete Liu Xiang dropped out of the race due to his foot injury, which led to a heated discussion among people across the country.

According to a survey conducted by Sina Website,about 34% of the people think an athlete should quit the race when injured since health is much more important than a gold medal;While nearly 20% of the netizens believe that an injured athlete should hold on to the end instead of giving up halfway. They regard the sport field as a battlefield in which every athlete should fight for the honor of his or her country in spite of any difficulty.

In my opinion,its a right choice for Liu Xiang to choose to quit the race. For one thing,nothing is more important than health and sports doesnt mean sacrificing ones health for a gold medal;for another,after Liu Xiang recovers fully,he still has many chances to realize his dream.


Internet is very popular among people all over the world, ranging from men to women, from the old to the young. Indeed, internet brings us enormous benefits such as free access to information, rich sources of entertainment and effective communication. However, just as a saying goes, every coin has two sides, Internet also produces some problems such as internet addiction, cyber crime, and computer-related health problems, among which the problem of children spending too much time in cyber-space is quite serious.

Some children are so addicted to the internet which provides them with video games, various kinds of entertainment and so on that they neglect their study. What’s worse, they tend to cut down the time for face-to-face communication with their family members, friends and classmates because of internet addiction. In addition, some children suffer from such health problems as myopia or obesity due to the excessive amount of time spent in the virtual world.

To solve this problem, parents and teachers should work together to strengthen supervision over the internet use and provide correct guidance to children’s study and life.

On Cultural Differences or Similarities

In this increasingly globalized world, it is highly important for us to understand the differences and similarities of different cultures so as to make our intercultural communication more effective.

Let me take China and the United States as an example. It can’t be denied that the two countries share something in common in that both are peace-loving nations with great respect for human rights, freedom and liberty. However, with diverse cultural, historical and political backgrounds, China and the USA are quite different in many aspects such as the eating habit, ways of greeting, social values, religious belief, and attitude toward money, time and relationship and so on. For instance, the Chinese believe in collectivism based on Confucianism while Americans are more individualism-drive and focus more on “I” rather than “we”.

To sum up, we need to hold the correct attitude towards cultural differences, that is, to seek common ground while setting aside the differences.

Managing the Environment

It goes without saying that our environment is under threat by air pollution, water pollution, sandstorm, mudslide, and radiation, etc.

Then what we should do to protect our environmentIn the first place, we should raise people’s awareness of environmental protection, making them understand the consequences of polluting the environment. The next step is to take some concrete measures to manage the environment. To individuals, we can lead a low-carbon life. For example, we should turn off the light and tap water after using it. What’s more, it is advisable to take public transportation rather than driving our own cars. In addition, we can separate our domestic waste into recyclable ones and non-recyclable ones. Last but not least, the government should also strengthen the enforcement of laws to punish those law-breakers severely.

Only by combining the individual efforts with government actions can we manager our environment better.

On Development in Western Societies

The past few decades have witnessed great changes in western societies.

Let us first focus on the positive changes taken place. For example, economy has been prospering and people’s living standard is on constant rise. Democracy and freedom prevail over force and dictatorship. What’s more, people enjoy longer span expectancy because of the advanced medical science.

However, just as every coin has two sides, there also appear some problems in the western countries. For instance, the natural environment is destroyed by heavy pollution since people have been pursuing economic gains at the expense of the environment. Besides, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening due to the unfair distribution of social wealth. Last but not least, global peace and stability is under threat because some western countries like launching regional wars in the name of democracy and freedom.

While the problems should not be ignored, solutions are necessary to make the western countries develop in the right direction.

On Equality and Family Life

Recently a hot topic that Li Yang, the founder of Crazy English, abused his wife aroused heated discussion among the public. Indeed, it is about equality and family life.

Though women enjoy much higher social status nowadays, they still suffer from domestic violence and complete gender equality is far from being achieved. Some men still believe in male chauvinism and demand that women should assume the role of housewife who should stay at home, looking after the children and taking care of the family. Some others regard themselves to be the center of the family and do not allow women to have any say in the family affairs. Still some are even worse by beating the women or regarding them just as simply child-bearing machines.

To achieve full gender equality, we should make some efforts. For example, the government should set up laws to prevent domestic violence from taking place. Meanwhile, we need to make everyone know that men and women should be treated equally not only in the family but also in the professional field. Last but not least, women themselves should learn to protect their rights and rise up against unfair treatment.

On Homelessness

Every country is faced with some problems such as environmental pollution, crime, poverty, inequality, and homelessness on so on. Homelessness is a universal phenomenon that some people do not have a home to live in and live on the street either because of poverty or due to some incidents such as war, flood or earthquake.

Homelessness brings about several negative social impacts. On the one hand, it breeds crimes since those who do not have a stable life resort to criminal activities to make a living, which is a threat to the security of other people. On the other hand, homelessness is harmful to the peace and stability of the country.

Then we should we do to cut down the number of homeless peopleThere is no doubt that the government and should take actions to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor. Polices favorable to the homeless should be made to help them get employed and have a decent place to live in. the public should also give these homeless a helping hand. Only in this way can the problem of homelessness be solved.

On Mass Media

Mass media refers to information for and communication between large members of people, the ways in which information, especially news, etc., is spread to large number of people.

There are various types of mass media familiar to us in our daily life such as internet, TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines and so on. As important means of communication, the major functions of mass media, in my eyes, are spreading news, offering entertainment and facilitating our life.

My favorite mass media is the internet which makes our life colorful and more convenient. Internet provides quick access to news around the globe, enables us to search for much information, makes communication much easier and efficient, and allows us to relax ourselves by listening to music or watching films online. However, we should not indulge ourselves in the virtual world.

Personal Views on Reforms in Chinese Higher Education

It should be acknowledged that much progress has been made in China’s higher education. For example, an increasing number of college graduates are produced and the overall quality of the Chinese people has been improved.

However, some problems still exist in China’s higher education and reforms are needed to make it better. For instance, changes should be made in terms of the teaching method. Some teachers are still favor the traditional cramming teaching which contributes little to student’s creativity. Therefore, new methods should be employed to make teaching more stimulating and inspiring. In addition, the focus of higher education should be shifted from exam-oriented to quality oriented. After all, institutions of higher learning are places for students to learn to think for themselves and improve their overall quality instead of learning to be skilled in taking examinations.



(一) 高中时事政治教学力度不够

目前, 在高中实际教学过程中, 部分教师对时事政治教学缺乏深入了解, 并没有实现用时事政治提高教学的预期目的, 没有利用时事新闻引入到高中政治教学的整个过程, 从而忽略了课堂教学中时事政治的具体作用。另外, 还存在一些教师对时事热点存在关注度较低的现象, 没有达到对时事热点的理想目标[2]。

(二) 高中时事政治教学客观性不强

在政治教学中, 由于个别教师自身主观原因, 在时事政治方面存在主观性较强现象, 所以, 在进行对时事分析之时会导致信息传达错误的情况, 造成学生对时事认识的力度不够, 进而走向思想认识的误区。另外, 教师没有在时事教育过程中, 对相关时事热点进行归纳和整合, 忽视了事与事间的关联性, 没有在时事之间进行思想政治教育。


(一) 设计时事板报

首先, 教师应该对高中生进行组织和分配, 利用班级黑板进行时事政治板报设计。设计的主要年内容包括近期国内外大型事件, 例如:全国政协第十二届三次会议的举行、朝核问题、MH370失联问题等等。通过这一方法和手段能有效让学生把握所学的时事政治内容, 并较好的就教材展开系统全面的分析。另外, 还可以通过举行时事政治竞赛和演讲比赛的形式, 培养学生的时事政治学习和探究能力。

(二) 导入时事新闻加深学习印象

根据以往教学经验可知, 课堂中对时事政治的引入能积极调动学生的爱国情怀, 也在主题教育中提高感情基础, 这也在时效性上给予政治课充分的肯定。在针对时事政治的实际教学中, 教师首要做到的是导入国内、国际大型事件, 继而引入课堂内容, 比如:我国现阶段市场经济条件下的宏观调控问题, 使同学们利用政治、经济以及哲学等眼光和思路进行系统全面的分析, 由此, 可以让同学们了解最新社会动态, 也在一定程度上降低教材滞后、枯燥的缺点。

(三) 作业与练习中引用时政材料

政治课堂作业或练习能够有效辅助学生巩固知识, 但要注重学生的知识运用能力培养。在此情况下, 教师应该在教中深入练习, 合理带领学生在政治理论的基本前提下, 进行对知识的分析和理解并充分挖掘政治内涵。由此, 不但能巩固政治的基础性知识理论, 而且还能引起学生对时事热点的关注, 准确把握时代规律和特征。充分做到理论联系实际, 实现理性与感性的有机统一, 更可实现学以致用的目标。


(一) 有助于激发高中生政治知识的兴趣

在实际教学中, 吸引学生的最主要的方法就是激发他们的兴趣[3]。激发学生的学习兴趣可以实现极佳的教学氛围和效果, 一般而言, 现今的会对新鲜事物产生兴趣以及好感, 可以把新颖、新鲜的事物引入课堂, 就会吸引学生的注意力。能够够让学生会作出自己的分析, 还能使学生相互间实现评论, 进而准确、全面、系统的进行讨论和分析, 实现良好的课堂氛围和课堂效果, 这也对学会生的总结和归纳知识点最为有力。

(二) 有助于转变高中传统政治教学观念

一般而言, 时事政治在高中政治教学中能对有效转变传统政治教学课堂模式, 实现全新的政治教学极佳效果。新课改下的高中生不再是知识的接受、传递的主要对象, 而已经演变为课堂教学的新主体, 由此以来, 就要教师在公平、平等、开放的政治教学环境下, 充分关注学生的学习爱好和学习兴趣并予以激发, 系统合理的引导学生体验和观察社会生活, 从而不断提高中生在面对各项问题中的判断能力, 积极把改变高中传统政治教学观念引向深入。

(三) 有助于高中政治教学的时效性

时事政治在高中政治教学中具有很强的时效性。具体可表现为以下三点:第一, 合理的引入时事政治能完善教材的内容, 有助于学生在利用教材内容和方法解决对时事政治的基本问题, 并使教材内容形象化、具体化和抽象化, 更加便于学生理解。第二, 将时事政治引入到实际教学课堂中, 由学生在教师的指引和帮助下作出思考和判断, 能延伸课堂、丰富知识以及提高学生爱国情怀。第三, 时事政治的引入和运用, 能使学生在繁忙的学习过程中对社会事件进行关注, 有效防止学脱离时代轨道。


时事政治作为高中阶段教学方面的一项重要内容, 其作用更是举足轻重的。实施新课改对提高学生的思想道德、综合素质以及政治觉悟非常有利。本文就高中政治教育存在的现状、时事政治在高中政治教学中的应用与时事政治在高中政治教学中的重要性层面, 进一步阐明了观点。基于此文, 旨在提高高中政治教学质量、增强学生的综合素质。

摘要:众所周知, 时事政治作为高中阶段教学方面的一项重要内容, 对高中政治教学具有深远的意义其作用是举足轻重的。面向21世纪, 以新课改作为背景, 实施新课改对提高学生的思想道德、综合素质以及政治觉悟非常有利。本文从高中政治教育存在的现状、应用以及重要性方向出发, 系统阐明了时事政治应用于高中政治教学的观点, 旨在提高高中政治教学质量、增强学生的综合素质。



[1]贺海东.时事政治在高中政治教学中的应用探讨[J].才智, 2012, 29:262-263.

[2]刘闯.时事政治在高中政治教学中的应用分析[J].考试刊, 2013, 60:116-117.

















这样的渲染是很可怕的。在胡斌案中就表现得淋漓尽致,回想一下当初某些媒体的标题:富二代阔少飙车撞死大学生 ——这多么让人血脉贲张,多么让人愤怒,多么强烈地刺激着公众本就脆弱而敏感的贫富神经,在斑马线上营造了一种多么可怕的贫富对抗、强弱对立场景。可实际上,伤亡者谭卓早已毕业工作多年,而胡斌才是杭州某大学的在读大学生。如果根据实际身份把这样的描述转换为“在读大学生开车撞死公司白领”,舆论肯定又是另外一种反应和情绪,可见这种身份标签的悖谬。


醉酒驾车的多是富家子弟,这其实是媒体对身份的选择性强调营造出的一种幻觉。据有关部门统计,近年来我国每年死于车祸的人数高达10万左右,其中相当部分是“酒精”所致。中国每年由于酒后驾车而引发的交通事故多达数万起,数以万计的家庭因为交通事故而支离破碎。另有数据统计,从1994年到XX年,全国因酒后驾车而导致的死亡人数平均每年以 7.3%的速度增长——不知有些媒体有没有深思过,每年数万起的酒后驾车案中有多少富人作的孽,多少是富二代飙车引致,多少是宝马闯的祸?







