




The Bible gives us the story of the tower of Babel, the magnificently tall  structure whose height was deemed offensive and impertinent by God. To punish  humanity for its architectural hubris, God then decided to drive a linguistic  wedge between the nations of the world, who until then had spoken the same  tongue. As fables go, this is a particularly effective one in that it both  illustrates a moral -- don‘t think you‘re better than God or you shall be struck  down with all speed -- and also provides a handy answer to those who wondered  why there are so many different languages anyway.

In Babel, directed and co-written by Alejandro González Iárritu (21 Grams,  Amores Perros), a clutch of characters from a range of cultures and walks of  life attempt to build a towering film of meaning from coincidence and portent;  unfortunately, in the end it is the viewer who is punished for the filmmaker‘s  hubris.

What is one even supposed to make of this film, where so many stories and  moments seem to strain for larger import but end up only as fractured shards of  disconnected drama? It is, after all, a film whose director had the good sense  to cast Cate Blanchett, but the inexcusably bad taste to then give her a role in  which she‘s required to spend the bulk of her screen-time unconscious or barely  coherent. (It‘s sort of like getting Anthony Hopkins for your movie and then  killing him off in the first 30 seconds.)

Blanchett plays Susan, a rich California tourist roaming around Morocco  with her husband Richard (a pleasantly grizzled Brad Pitt). As their bus wends  its way through the mountains, a pair of young shepherds are roaming above,  testing a new rifle‘s accuracy with the abandon of immature brothers. The  tragedy of unintended consequences: in a scene that‘s heartstopping for its  matter-of-factness, a bullet smacks through the bus window, seriously wounding  the sleeping Susan.

This accident ripples out through Babel‘s ramshackle quartet of stori


由美国导演加里·罗斯执导的电影《饥饿游戏》于2012年3月23日上映, 自上映以来受到各大媒体的关注, 针对该影片的评论遍布于各个媒体杂志、网站。作为电影产业的重要环节, 影评介绍电影并对其作出评价, 引导观众电影消费, 对电影市场的发展影响很大。本文作者尝试从评价理论这方面对《饥饿游戏》的英文影评进行分析。

评价理论是建立在系统功能语言学基础上的, 它是对系统功能学中人际意义的扩充和发展。本文作者从英美知名新闻报—《纽约时报》《每日电报》—选取3片长短一致的影评作为语料。作者以评价理论为理论框架, 对语料进行分析, 得出态度资源的分布特征, 并对这种分布的原因作出系统的阐述。


评价理论是由韩礼德所创立的系统功能语言学发展起来的, 马丁和怀特认为, 评价理论关注的是说话人/作者如何构架表达他们的态度以及如何与听者/读者协商态度, 因此他们将表达作者/说话者观点、态度和立场的语言资源称之为评价系统。并进一步将评价系统划分为三个子系统:态度 (attitude) , 介入 (engagement) 和级差 (graduation) 。态度系统又分为情感 (affect) , 判断 (judgment) 和鉴赏 (appreciation) 。

(一) 态度系统

态度系统是整个评价理论的核心系统, 指的是说话者鉴于情感反应或文化价值系统对参与者人或行为过程的评价 (White, 2001) 。它又包括三个范畴:情感 (affect) , 判断 (judgment) 和鉴赏 (appreciation) 。

态度系统的核心是情感, 情感是一个人对待客观事物的感情反应, 是接触一个事物之后而产生的心理折射, 具有不可控性和随机性等特点。

判断系统指的是按照一定的标准对某个人或人群的行为进行的评价。在这个系统里, 包含两个范畴:“社会评判” (social esteem) 范畴和“社会约束” (social sanction) 范畴 (Martin, 2002) 。

鉴赏系统指的是评价者对某一事件或某一过程的评价, 鉴赏系统评价更偏重的是政策计划现象或物体, 尤其当人作为客观物体被评价时, 这种评价就属于鉴赏。


上一部分对评价理论的框架做了简单的回顾, 这部分将会详细分析所选取的《饥饿游戏》的英文影评。从表格中, 我们可以清晰地看到态度资源的分布特征:

影评中态度系统中的情感资源所占比重最小, 鉴赏资源所占比重最大, 判断资源居中。这样的分布特点主要原因是影评者要尽量保持客观地写影评, 而鉴赏是对事物的一种客观评价, 所以在影评中鉴赏资源出现最多。

1. 情感资源。

情感是人对事物情感的表达。通常人们表达自己的情感有两种方式, 使用积极或消极的词汇。《饥饿游戏》影评中体现的情感表达的地方相对较少:

The unlikely and at times frustratingly illmatched director for this brutal, unnerving story.影评中凸显出评论者对影片中所展示出的残忍、野蛮场面的痛恨与不满, 是评论者自身一种情感的表达。

2. 判断资源。

鉴于判断资源的评价者多数是影评人自己, 所以会导致评价人在评论某位导演和演员的时候更多地去谈论这个演员或导演的业务能力:

It may be that Mr.Ross is too nice a guy for a hard case like Katniss.A brilliant, possibly historic creation—stripped of sentimentality and psychosexual ornamentation, armed with Diana’s bow。

本段影评提及到导演和演员, 从画线部分, 很明显我们看到的是对导演能力和演员能力的赞扬和肯定。

3. 鉴赏资源。

从以上表格中不难看出, 鉴赏资源在电影评论中是最为丰富的。原因在于影评就是对电影进行评论, 也就是鉴赏电影。

Adams who their reserves of hope, innocence and optimism, a place in which an American Eve, battered, bruised and deeply knowing, scrambles through a garden not of her making on her way to a new world.

通过对比, 显示出此部影片的价值, 当看似失望残酷的现实面前, 总能打破常规“峰回路转”, 让人们看到希望。


本文评价理论的框架做了简单的介绍, 并运用该理论《饥饿游戏》英文影评进行系统分析, 明确了电影影评中评价理论中态度系统的分布特征以及出现这种分布特征的原因。但值得注意的是, 该理论分析主要把分析对象局限在词汇层面, 很显然对句型和整个语篇功能还有待于进一步研究。

摘要:本文用马丁的评价理论为框架对《饥饿游戏》电影英文影评进行分析, 从评价理论子系统—态度系统进行分析, 揭示影评中态度资源的特征。经笔者仔细分析, 结论如下:从态度系统出发, 影评中情感资源所占比重最少, 鉴赏资源所占比重最大, 判断资源剧中, 这种分布在一定程度由影评的客观性所决定。



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