



Strong perception & intellect; able to be quickly adapted to different environmenet.


Being active; creative and innonative is a plus.


Diligent; honest; responsible; everytime fulfil my duties to my own work.


Conscientiously, absorbedly work in a planned and order way; with good analytical capability.


Good image; temperate, calm and steady personality; strong affinity and interpersonal skills.


Patient; have holding capacity to pressure and setback.



Positive enterprising, conscientious work, solid and conscientious, strong sense of responsibility, strong team spirit and ability to cooperate, pay attention to work efficiency, independent personality, cheerful personality, decisive attitude and strong idea of time. And have excellent expressive ability, good learning ability and ability to accept new things, rich in pioneering consciousness, attention to details, and have a good psychological ability.

At work, I work hard, have a certain social practice experience. With strong sense of responsibility, strong adaptability, enthusiastic attitude and careful work, we will work hard to fulfill the task of leadership arrangement.

In school, has a solid accounting knowledge, familiar with the general accounting treatment, familiar with the tax system. It will operate word, Excel, PPT office software and U8 UFIDA financial software.



自我评价是主体从自身需要出发来看待作为客体的主体属性的过程, 也就是主体把经过选择的主体需要与作为客体的主体属性之间所形成的价值关系反映到主体意识中来的过程。员工自我评价的最显著特点是评价主体和作为评价客体的主体是同一个主体, 即评价主体以自身作为评价客体进行评价活动的过程。在组织绩效评价中, 员工自我评价是绩效评价与绩效管理的重要内容之一, 它对组织绩效评价的有效性究竟怎样是值得关注的问题。本文试图运用博弈论对员工自我评价进行分析, 以研究员工自我评价的有效性。


1. 假设条件

第一, 假定员工自我评价的结果完全由自己决定。第二, 假定员工是只关心自己利益的“理性主体人”, 即经济学中人性本私的人性假设。第三, 假定员工自我评价的策略选择是为了获得个人利益 (或效用) 最大化。

2. 策略空间

员工自我评价的策略空间均为:自我评价高分和自我评价低分, 并且员工自我评价高分会对员工带来高收益 (或高效用) , 自我评价低分会对员工带来低收益 (或低效用) 。

3. 题设

有一企业在对员工进行绩效考评时, 实施了360度绩效反馈计划, 即通过上级评价、下属评价、同事评价、客户评价、自我评价来全面反映员工的业绩。现就员工自我评价一项进行打分, 在员工自我评价高分和低分之间进行策略选择。

4. Nash均衡求解

根据经典博弈理论, 假设员工自我评价是一个一次性博弈。现有甲、乙两位理性员工, 每位员工都独立自主地制定策略:打高分 (假定带来的收益或效用为10) 、打低分 (假定带来的收益或效用为6) 。这样, 就得到员工自我评价的收益矩阵 (如表所示) 。

假定乙选择高分, 甲有两种选择和两种结果:甲选择高分, 获得收益或效用10;甲选择低分, 获得收益或效用6。两者相比, 在乙选择高分时, 甲选择高分有利。假定乙选择低分, 甲也有两种选择和两种结果:甲选择高分, 获得收益或效用10;甲选择低分, 获得收益或效用6。两者相比, 在乙选择低分时, 甲选择高分有利。因此, 甲的策略是:无论乙给自己打高分或打低分, 甲选择高分都是对自己最有利的优势策略。

乙的推理过程与此相同。乙的策略选择是:无论甲给自己打高分或打低分, 乙选择高分都是对自己最有利的优势策略。

通过以上的分析, 得到了员工自我评价的纳什均衡 (10, 10) , 即 (高分, 高分) 。也就是说, 在员工自我评价的过程中, 无论其他员工给自己打高分或打低分, 员工自我评价的优势策略都是:自己给自己打高分。


人力资源绩效考评中, 多数组织非常强调员工自我评价, 在组织的考核中也非常强调组织的自我评价。通过博弈分析, 可知:要考察员工自我评价在绩效评价中的有效性需要综合以下几个方面进行研究。

1. 纳什均衡状态员工自我评价对绩效评价的影响是无效的

通过对员工自我评价的博弈分析, 使我们对员工自我评价的有效性产生了质疑。由于员工自我评价的结果是评价主体对自我的评价, 出现了纳什均衡 (高分, 高分) , 这说明员工自我评价在绩效评价中没有区分度, 所起的作用及产生的影响越来越小。也就是说, 有没有员工自我评价对被评价者的结果影响不大。所以, 在绩效管理中应逐渐减少员工自我评价的权重, 甚至取消自我评价的环节。

2. 员工自我评价的有效性与人性假设密切相关

中国哲学传统中有性善论与性恶论之争, 孟子持“人性本善”之假设, 荀子持“人性本恶”之假设;经济学有“人性本私”之假设;管理学有“经济人、社会人、复杂人、自我实现人”之假设。不同的人性假设, 员工自我评价的有效程度是不同的。也就是说, 员工自我评价的信度、效度与人性的假设息息相关。众所周知, 管理学是基于经济学的研究, 自我评价的博弈分析就是基于经济学的人性假设而得到的纳什均衡 (高分, 高分) , 从而对其有效性产生质疑。因此, 基于不同人性之假设, 员工自我评价的信度、效度是不同的。譬如, 如果员工对自我的评价都能从公开、公平、公正的角度出发, 那么, 员工自我评价的信度、效度值得肯定, 员工自我评价是有效的。

3. 员工自我评价的有效性与组织文化环境紧密联系

Heine和Lehman等人认为:东西方两种文化下的自我评价是不同的, 西方文化 (以美国为代表) 趋向于追求积极的自我评价, 而东方文化 (以日本为代表) 则存在一种自我批评的倾向。因此, 研究员工自我评价的实证效度及其与工作满意度和工作绩效的相关模式在东西方两种文化中是有差异的。由于不同的组织有自己不同的文化, 即使同一组织也存在文化差异与文化冲突。因此, 员工自我评价的有效性与组织的文化环境血肉相联。

4. 员工自我评价的信度、效度具有动态性

员工自我评价是很复杂的。其复杂性就在于员工自我评价受主体因素和客观因素的制约和影响。当员工自我评价的主体因素或客观因素发生变化时, 那么员工自我评价的信度、效度也会发生变化, 其趋势可以由有效变为无效, 也可以由无效变为有效。因此, 关注影响员工自我评价的主体因素或客观因素之变化, 是提高绩效管理中员工自我评价之有效性的重要途径。


综上所述, 可知:组织进行绩效评价时, 为了建立公开、公平、公正的绩效考评指标体系, 选取科学的考评方法, 提高绩效管理的有效性, 有必要重新审视员工自我评价在绩效管理中的地位与作用。组织个体在具体实施员工自我评价时, 应从员工的人性假设、组织的文化环境特点及员工自我评价的动态变化等多方面来综合考虑员工自我评价的有效性。


[1]潘玉香:影响自我评价活动的因素分析[J].前沿, 2007年第10期:25~26

[2]公强伍楠林:反倾销税实施对进口国的福利影响[J].商场现代化, 2008年2月下旬刊:16~18

[3]金晔:窜货的博弈分析与规避方法[J].经济师, 2006年第3期:184~185

























I am optimistic, optimistic, positive, honest, honest, good, willing to help people, in two years of work experience with the leadership and colleagues to handle harmonious, can get the trust and support of colleagues, work responsibility, although two years in the HSBC group work at night for foreign customers to work in the evening. Line services, but not afraid of hard work and fatigue, can solve various difficult problems with a good mental outlook and meticulous and thoughtful service.

The working attitude is practical, serious and careful. In the process of serving the customer, we find out the mistakes of the customers to fill in the information many times, and communicate with the customers actively, help the customers reduce the difficulties and losses; work hard, learn constantly, have strong learning ability and learning consciousness, although the English level is general in the school education process, but two In 20xx, he has worked well in customer service practice and long-term English training in foreign banks, and has good listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.

It can distinguish the key, grasp the method, can handle a lot of business at the same time, the work efficiency is high, has been praised by the department leaders many times; with the strong team consciousness, through the training of the new staff and the coordination with the business of various departments, I have a certain team team cooperation ability and a strong sense of overall situation. For the new job, we are good at learning from predecessors, and have strong adaptability and independence.




Positive enterprising, conscientious work, solid and conscientious, strong sense of responsibility, strong team spirit and ability to cooperate, pay attention to work efficiency, independent personality, cheerful personality, decisive attitude and strong idea of time.And have excellent expressive ability, good learning ability and ability to accept new things, rich in pioneering consciousness, attention to details, and have a good psychological ability.At work, I work hard, have a certain social practice experience.With strong sense of responsibility, strong adaptability, enthusiastic attitude and careful work, we will work hard to fulfill the task of leadership arrangement.In school, has a solid accounting knowledge, familiar with the general accounting treatment, familiar with the tax system.It will operate word, Excel, PPT office software and U8 UFIDA financial software.


I am optimistic, optimistic, positive, honest, honest, good, willing to help people, in two years of work experience with the leadership and colleagues to handle harmonious, can get the trust and support of colleagues, work responsibility, although two years in the HSBC group work at night for foreign customers to work in the evening.Line services, but not afraid of hard work and fatigue, can solve various difficult problems with a good mental outlook and meticulous and thoughtful service.The working attitude is practical, serious and careful.In the process of serving the customer, we find out the mistakes of the customers to fill in the information many times, and communicate with the customers actively, help the customers reduce the difficulties and losses;work hard, learn constantly, have strong learning ability and learning consciousness, although the English level is general in the school education process, but two In 20xx, he has worked well in customer service practice and long-term English training in foreign banks, and has good listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.It can distinguish the key, grasp the method, can handle a lot of business at the same time, the work efficiency is high, has been praised by the department leaders many times;with the strong team consciousness, through the training of the new staff and the coordination with the business of various departments, I have a certain team team cooperation ability and a strong sense of overall situation.For the new job, we are good at learning from predecessors, and have strong adaptability and independence.


Unconsciously xx company has been x months of probation.During this time, I feel a lot, although this is not my first job, but during this period, my work has always been modest and prudent, serious and responsible work attitude, has never changed.In the work of the department, I have been strict demands on themselves, earnestly and timely completion of the leadership of each assignment, and humbly learn from colleagues, and constantly correct the deficiencies in the work;for the Group and the company system and regulations are carefully studied and Strict implementation;In addition, I have a strong team spirit, can be very good coordination and communication, with the departments responsible for the implementation and completion of the companys work, and enthusiastic to help other colleagues, and get along harmonious.In the past x months, through continuous learning and self-improvement, has adapted to their own work, but for a newcomer into the company, to fully integrate into all aspects of the enterprise, may be in some of the considerations is not comprehensive enough , But I believe that through the company leadership and colleagues of the guidance and help, I will be able to work in the future to better improve their level of business and the overall quality of the better to complete their own work, and constantly seek common development with the enterprise.


Three months into the company, the leadership and colleagues with the care and guidance of the assistance, so I am in a relatively short period of time to adapt to the companys working environment, but also familiar with the companys work process, the basic completion of the Items assigned to the work;at the same time I fully feel the leadership of the Heiner rivers of mind, to understand the unity of my colleagues up, harmonious family feeling.This time is a valuable experience in my life, but also left me a wonderful and beautiful memories.Although only a short period of three months, but learned a lot, sentiment a lot, as well as some of their own deficiencies have been improved and promoted to enhance the companys culture a deeper understanding of the company to see the development, I deeply Pride and pride, as well as a more urgent desire to work here as a full-time employee.1, to learn new business knowledge, to consolidate the original knowledge, based on the self-conscious and constantly enrich their knowledge and work skills, in order to clear the use of all systems and familiar with the maintenance methods.In addition to the perfect system, in addition to the international business of gold trading, the other such as fmis, cms, the peoples anti-money laundering system, personnel management systems, trade union financial systems, and so the system has been replaced Web Edition, each a system, Will take the initiative to understand the relevant operational and technical conditions, through continuous learning and humbly ask, so that their never backward.2, deal with the relationship between colleagues, so that the fastest speed to solve the problem, such as a moment to go, will explain the reasons for all failures as far as possible within two working days to solve, especially important departments, such as the fifth floor of the President of the Office of the Office of the boss and the computer, there is a failure to do to solve immediately.Often remind colleagues in a timely manner to backup, important documents must be stored in the non-system disk, and patiently answer a variety of computer colleagues questions.Usually think colleagues think, urgent colleagues urgency, through patient and meticulous work, not only won the recognition of colleagues also increased the status of the Ministry of Science and Technology in the organs.


In the companys internship year of work and study, I deeply appreciate the practical experience and theoretical knowledge of the great differences, the so-called “from practice to practice.” But I was from the “castle in the air” jump directly to the “ground” to become an accountant, the challenges can be imagined.Especially in the face I had only 40 points of the accounting qualification examination questions, I understand more of their own jin two, know that they only pay more sweat and hard work in order to do their jobs, live up to the expectations of leadership.Fortunately, the unit leaders, especially my two managers gave me enough tolerance and patience, coupled with colleagues without reservation, “teaching doubts”, whether it is ideological or work I have been very Big exercise and improve, has made great development and great harvest.Work for nearly a year, contact a lot of people and things, for their own growth in rejoice at the same time, I also know that there are still many shortcomings need to be corrected.The first need to be corrected is still impulsive attitude, and sometimes work only to speed and ignore the quality, there have been some data or text errors;sometimes doing one thing when ignoring the other things and the relationship between the matter , Resulting in contradictions or inconsistent data, especially the financial This highly logical type of work, but also need to always wake up to their own.If not my colleagues in a timely manner for me corrections, I am afraid to now I do not know and can not improve themselves, so I often take a mentality of work at Thanksgiving;second is not proficient in business.The state promulgated a variety of financial laws and regulations, as well as some of the Institute of rules and regulations are very much, a little attention will use the error.I remember one time is the problem of housing depreciation, the provisions of the courtyard is 35 years and I take it for granted 20 years, and later found no serious mistake.From this point, I need to learn from my colleagues, I hope to be able to do it smoothly, no mistakes.Of course, there are other deficiencies that I need to be noted and corrected.Financial work itself is a team work, as one of them, I only work sense, humble low-key life, and strive to learn new knowledge in the industry, to learn from colleagues experience skills, with the help of leaders and colleagues, try their best Work together to ensure that the daily financial work to ensure the smooth end of the month checkout, and timely provision of accurate data and financial analysis for leadership decision-making;At the same time do their own reporting is required to complete the report, no errors.This is where my responsibility lies, and where the value lies.All in all, as a new entry is less than a year, I will continue to vibrant, energetic and promising state of mind, and strive to play their talents, the development of building blocks for the unit.


My name is xx and I have been working for xx for x months.I have had success, failure, joy, and distress in the past x months.With my leadership and concern and guidance, I have the support of my colleagues.Help, my ability to work has been greatly improved, now x months of work to do a self-assessment.1, to study hard and continuously improve professional competence.In the work, conscientiously study the professional knowledge, practice and theory will be combined, continue to accumulate experience, and actively participate in learning and training, a lot of professionals, technical staff advice, and constantly enrich themselves;

2, abide by the rules and regulations, these days, their work is not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, learning excellent staff approach, more to see and listen more to ask, seriously to complete the work tasks;

3, unite colleagues, work together, colleagues, harmonious relations, unity and fraternity, mutual help and mutual respect and understanding;
