




















① Warming up (热身),

② Listening (听力)

③ Speaking (语言表达)

④ Pre-reading (读前)

⑤ Reading (阅读)

⑥ Post-reading (读后)

⑦ Language study (语言学习),其中包括Word study(词汇)和Grammar(语法学习)两部分。

⑧ Integrating skills (综合技能训练),其中包括Reading (阅读)和(写作)

⑨ Tips (技巧)


① Warming up (热身),

② Pre-reading (读前)

③ Reading (阅读)

④ Comprehending (理解练习)

⑤ Learning about language (语言学习);其中包括Discovering useful words and expressions(发掘有用词汇和短语)和 Discovering useful structures (发掘有用的语言结构)。

⑥ Using language (使用语言);其中包括 Listening and Speaking(听力和语言表达)和Reading and Writing (阅读和写作练习)。

⑦ Summing up ( 总结)

⑧ Learning tips(学习技巧)



旧教材是采用热身部分导入单元框架,并在听力与语言表达这两部分使用与本单元阅读内容相关的知识和内容。通过读前导入课文和读后的综合训练,使学生对阅读部分的内容和知识熟练掌握。但这种结构很容易导致师生同时走入误区,认为只有阅读这一部分才是最重要的,从而导致教材功能得不到有效发挥同时学生的教材的兴趣也会大大减小。在接下来的语言学习过程中采用的直接导入的方式忽略了对学生学习的主动性的激发与发掘,同时使得课堂教学枯燥无味,降低了学习气氛。而新教材将Post-reading (读后)改为Comprehending (理解练习),在加强学生对课文的理解的同时也开发了学生对篇章的理解的综合概括能力。在语言学习的过程中采用以学生为主体,主动去发掘词汇知识和语言语法句型的运用能力,通过这种化被动为主动的改变大大提高了学生的积极主动性和激发学生学习英语的好奇心和兴趣爱好。也充分体现出新教材的合理性和优越性。








2. 充分运用英语课堂教学,激发学习英语潜能。



3. 积极营造情境氛围,掌握学习英语技巧。















燕 旭 颖




学生们对于学习英语语法会感到非常的枯燥,因为英语语法只能是教师在课堂上进行讲授,而学生们也只能是在课堂上听教师讲,学生们很容易感到困倦,并且有时的效果也不是很好,要怎样才能改变这种情况呢?教师必须要考虑到学生的母语(mother tongue)--普通话或者是汉语,无论如何,学生的母语水平肯定是要比他们的英语水平高,所以利用这一点会使学生对定语从句有一个更加透彻的了解。




这是一本好小说. 那么英语也可以这样说:This‖is a good book.。


The retired worker often tells the Young Pioneers revolutionary stories.


我们所说的“从句”限于主谓结构或复句结构做句子成分的语言单位,从这句话中我们可以知道“从”是限于主句,并且是根据主句的变化而变化的,“句”说明这个定语部分也是有主语和谓语的。定语从句和定语是一样的,修饰主语、宾语的句子就叫做定语从句。引导定语从句的连词有:关系代词:who, whom, whose, which, that; 关系副词:when, where, why…。但是在英语当中定语从句一定放在被修饰成分的后面,而汉语却正好相反,一定要放在被修饰成分的前面。例如:

The few points which the president said in his report are very important indeed.


从以上这两个中英文对比的例子来看,很明显就能够看出区别,让学生明白这一点是非常重要的,因为这个区别是学习定语从句的一个非常重要的标志。学生们在学习汉语的时候就已经学习了如何分析句子结构,在学习定语从句的时候,这个分析句子结构的能力是非常有用的。也就是说,在这句话当中找到句子的主干,主干找到了,再看枝叶-修饰语,这样定语从句就非常的容易接受了。例如:这句话的主干是:The few points…are very important. 那么由which所引导的句子就是修饰points的定语从句了。有时候英语的主语和谓语被定语从句隔开,但是只要找到句子的主干就很容易找到句子的定语从句。例如:

The peasant who is talking with a group of women is our director.

正在和一群妇女谈话的 那个农民是我们的主任。

这句话的句子的主干是The peasant…is our director. 其他的部分是修饰农民的,所以那一部分为定语从句。

以上只是从整个句子结构方面来分析英语当中的定语从句,也就是抓住句子的主干,这样就能找到定语从句了。下面我们来从定语从句的角度再来分析一下定语从句。上面已经提到,定语从句也是一句话,所以也有主语和谓语。主语是句子的主体,是全句起主导作用的成分,整个句子都是为着说明主语而发的。而在定语从句中能够在定语从句当中做主语的引导词为who, which, that,也就是说它们所修饰的先行词-定语从句所修饰的那一个词-在定语从句当中做主语,主语就是发出动作的人或者是物;例如:

This is the man who/that helped me.

The building which/that stands near the river is our school.

这两句话的句子主干分别为:This is the man… The building …is our school. 那好,既然定语从句本身也是一句话,那么它就肯定也有主语,man为先行词,所以用who/that来引导,做定语从句的主语(注意:这个主语是定语从句当中的而不是整个句子的,这一点是非常重要的,学生容易和句子主干当中的主语相混淆)


This is the man who helped me.

The building which/that stands near the river is our school.

这两个黑体字部分都是由定语从句的主语所发出的动作,是定语从句当中的谓语。而句子主干当中的谓语为 is


I still remember the day which/that we spent together.

I still remember the day when we are together.

从以上这两个例子当中我们可以看出,spend是个动词,其后需要有个宾语,就用which/that 来引导;而在第二句话中是are是个系动词,所以第二句话中就不缺少宾语,直接用关系副词when来引导。

关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that引导定语从句外,关系副词where, when, why也引导定语从句。关系副词引导的定语从句比较简单,先行词一般都是时间、地点、原因等。比较难的是由who, which, that引导的定语从句,以上所阐述的就是从主语、宾语这两个方面来阐述的,主要是由关系代词引导的定语从句。



《语法应用指南》 李应兰 辽宁大学出版社


Enable the students to master the usage of the Subjunctive mood.

Teaching important points

How to enable the students to know the structure and the usage of the Subjunctive mood.

Teaching difficult points

How to help the students to master the usage of the Subjunctive mood.

Step1 Pre-task activities

1. Group work

If I were a bird, I would fly in the sky.由此引入授课内容,主语是I,be 动词怎么用were?不是am或was?会不会是老师弄错了?调动学生的好奇心和学习兴趣。然后,以AIDS为主题学习虚拟语气。

Get Ss to collect more information about AIDS, such as pictures, news and so on before class.

2. Brainstorm

Let the Ss say as many words concerned with the topic AIDS as they can.

HIV: Bad People: Incurable:

Inject drugs: AIDS: Disease:

Symptoms:Virus: Giving blood:

3. Lead-in

Play a short film directed by Liu Dehua which calls for people to have a correct attitude towards people infected with HIV or have AIDS and help people know more about AIDS.

Step2 Task-cycle activities

Task1. Topic focus

Get Ss to make a report about what they know about AIDS through information collecting. Meanwhile they can show pictures by using the multimedia. Such as “ December 1st is the World AIDS Day; “The red ribbon is the national symbol of HIV and AIDS Awareness,” “ Each year, more than 5 million become infected with HIV,” etc.

Task2. Inquiry learning

Ask the Ss to use grammatical materials given and refer to their reference books to find out the rules of the subjunctive mood by group work.

Read the following sentences below. Give your explanation about the sentences and write out your understanding rule.

Sentences ( Example )

Your explanation


I wish I could fly like a bird.

It’s a pity I can’t fly.

Wish that … did

He wishes she were my friend

If I were you, I would give an AIDS patient a hug.

If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick.

Give Ss a few minutes to discuss, then each group send a representative to make a conclusion and then the whole class work together to sum up the uses as the followings, the teacher gives help when necessary.






would / should 等+动词原形


would / should / 等 + have done

had done



should +动词原形

were to +动词原形

would / should 等+动词原形




从句动作先于主句动词动作(be的过去式为 were)



从句动作与主句动作同时发生(had + 过去分词)





would/could +动词原形

Task3 Discussion

Let Ss make wishes using the Subjunctive Mood of different tenses in groups of four.

Step3 Post-task activities

1. Interviewing

Ask the Ss to work in pairs, playing the role of a newspaper reporter and Li Hua, using the Subjunctive Mood. Finally invite some pairs to act out their interview in the front.

2. Writing

Ask the Ss to write an interview dialogue after the interview, trying to use the Subjunctive Mood Learned in this period.

3. Summary

1.We can also use the subjective mood to talk about something unreal or untrue.

2.The subjective mood can be used to show that something is important, necessary or suggested.


1) 整理记录小组活动中你给予别人的和别人给你的建议及其它对话中用到的虚拟语气的句子。.


Three Gorges课时作业 外研版

2.—Did you make sense of what the man said just now ? —No,his meaning didn’t ______.Would you explain it to me? A.get through C.get across

B.get off D.get out 解析:考查短语辨析。根据后句需要对方解释一下,可知此人不理解刚才那个人的讲话,故用C。get through 意为“接通电话”,get off 意为“停止讨论”,get out 意为“生产,出版”。

答案:C 3.As a teacher,you should allow children the space to ______their opinions,even if they are different from your own.A.announce C.declare

B.sound D.voice 解析:考查词语辨析。voice one’s opinion意为“发表意见”。announce 意为“宣布,宣告”,sound 意为“听起来”,declare意为“宣布,宣告”。

答案:D 4.—Excuse me,I wonder if you can help.I______my ID card.—But where did you lose it? A.have lost C.had lost

B.lost D.lose 解析:考查时态。根据第二句“你把身份证丢哪里了?”可知,第一句表示说话时,身份证已经丢失,故用现在完成时。


5.Friends are like leaves,______everywhere,but true friends are like diamonds,precious and rare.A.to find C.found

B.finding D.being found 解析:考查非谓语动词。found everywhere=which are found everywhere。答案:C 6.There is a real danger ______the US will not keep its position on the world economic stage.A.where C.which

B.that D.one 解析:考查同位语从句。that 引导同位语从句,且不作任何成分。答案:B 7.______it is______you obtain,you must tell your parents.A.Whatever;that C.What;that

B.No matter what;/ D.Whatever;/ 解析:本句是强调句的特殊句式,第一空whatever作被强调部分,第二空that 为强调句结构。

答案:A 8.—I’ve never found a better job.—______.A.Good luck C.Congratulations

B.Too bad D.Don’t worry

解析:考查交际用语。“我再也找不到比这更好的工作了”。“祝贺你”。答案:C 9.It is said that Van Gogh succeeded in selling only one painting in his lifetime,______sold to his brother.A.one C.the one

B.another D.which 解析:考查代词。此空应用the one 指代前面提到的one painting。如果用which引导非限制性定语从句,应为which is sold to his brother。

答案:C 10.—I didn’t take notes at yesterday’s meeting because I had left my pen at home.—You______mine.I______it.A.must have borrowed;wasn’t using B.may have borrowed;wasn’t using C.should have borrowed;hadn’t used D.could have borrowed;wasn’t using

解析:考查情态动词。由于第一人把钢笔落在家里没有做会议笔记,所以第二人说“你本来可以借用我的钢笔,那时候我没有用它”。所以答案为D,could have done 表示“本来可以做„„”。

答案:D 11.Now we are faced with a shortage of electricity,which is found to be the ______in many other cities of our country.A.example C.matter

B.condition D.case 解析:考查词语辨析。example意为“例子”,condition意为“状况,条件”,matter 意为“事情,问题”,case 意为“具体情况”,根据语境可知选D。

答案:D 12.There is no ______method of measuring intelligence.A.precious C.primary

B.previous D.precise 解析:考查词语辨析。precious意为“珍稀的”,previous意为“先前的,以往的”,primary 意为“首要的”,precise意为“准确的”,根据句意“没有测量智力的准确方法”可知,应选D。

答案:D 13.A dozen family members gathered at the table______there were traditional local foods such as preserved ham sausage.A.what C.that

B.which D.where 解析:考查定语从句。根据先行词table,可知此空用关系副词where。

答案:D 14.To deal with the global financial crisis,China has ______a string of forceful measures over the past months.A.worked out C.turned out

B.found out D.made out 解析:考查短语辨析。work out 意为“计划,思考”,find out 意为“发现”,turn out 意为“出席”,make out 意为“看清,辨认清楚”。根据句意“为了应对全球金融危


答案:A 15.The director added a few characters and changed some names in this movie,but ______this is a true story.A.completely C.necessarily

B.essentially D.gradually 解析:考查词语辨析。根据句意“导演在这部电影中添加了几个人物,还更改了一些名字,但基本上这是一个真实的故事”可知应选B,essentially 意为“本质上,基本上”。



My family spent one summer vacation enjoying the beaches.My oldest daughter was about 6 years old and the youngest was 3.I bought a two­man inflatable boat thinking this would __1__a really fun day for both of them.But the little one got tired.So,I took her to our spot on the sand as my older girl__2__to play in the boat.I probably became a little too __3__with my younger daughter and spent a little too much time not __4__what was going on within the small distance to the water.But I became concerned __5__I saw the little boat with my oldest daughter in it had moved far out from the shore.I__6__to her to come closer to shore and she seemed to be __7__and not doing all she could to accomplish just that.Her little arms were too __8__to reach across the boat.About this time,__9__on the beach were noticing this little girl so far out but no one seems to be __10__anything but watching.I was standing as far out in the water as I could—shouting instructions to her with no__11__.I couldn’t__12__any longer and jumped into the water immediately,not realizing I couldn’t swim.The first stroke(划水动作)of my arms seemed to be in slow motion,but I couldn’t __13__I was doing this.I swam until I no longer knew or could __14__that I had legs.I saw my arms somehow __15__its own hook over the edge of that small boat and began making my way__16__pulling her and calming her,when everything inside me was screaming.We made it back to shore and even __17__some applause but my life was forever changed by that __18__.I learned we don’t always have to __19__our own strength.But,if we can trust enough and take that first stroke we will have all

the __20__we need.语篇解读:生活中难免有意料不到的事情发生,但只要我们迈出第一步,就会有勇气面对一切困难。

1.A.make for C.stand for

B.apply for D.substitute for 解析:我买了一个双人充气艇,认为这样会为女儿们增加乐趣。make for促成,有助于;apply for申请;stand for代表;substitute for 代替。

答案:A 2.A.started C.wished

B.continued D.happened 解析:联系上下文可知:大女儿继续在船上玩。答案:B 3.A.busy C.involved

B.delighted D.strict 解析:从本句spent a little too much time可知我可能太关注我的小女儿了,花的时间有点多。

答案:C 4.A.noticing C.providing

B.observing D.imagining 解析:没注意到水上发生的事情。notice注意;observe观察;provide提供;imagine想象。

答案:A 5.A.so C.if

B.though D.when 解析:但当我看到载着我大女儿的小船已经离开岸边到很远的地方的时候我很担心。答案:D 6.A.planned C.called 解析:我大声朝她叫喊,让她靠岸。答案:C 7.A.thrilled C.eager

B.confident D.frightened B.managed D.offered 解析:联系下文可知:她似乎很害怕,不能照我说的去做。thrilled非常激动;confident自信的;eager急切的;frightened害怕的。

答案:D 8.A.long C.heavy

B.short D.narrow 解析:从上文My oldest daughter was about 6 years old可知:她的胳膊太短了。答案:B 9.A.parents C.others

B.swimmers D.passers­by


答案:C 10.A.doing C.requiring

B.arranging D.explaining 解析:参见上题解析。do做;arrange安排;require要求;explain解释。答案:A 11.A.comment C.strength

B.communication D.success 解析:我大声指导着她,但没有成功。comment评论;communication交流;strength力气;success成功。

答案:D 12.A.expect C.stand

B.wait D.fear 解析:我不能再等下去了,立即跳进了水里,甚至忘记了自己不会游泳的事实。wait最符合作者当时的心情。

答案:B 13.A.understand C.believe

B.remember D.mind 解析:一开始游泳时我动作很慢,但我没想到我会这么做。believe相信,料想。答案:C 14.A.feel C.touch

B.see D.answer 解析:直到我游得身体麻木。feel感到;see看到;touch触摸;answer回答。答案:A 15.A.loosening C.controlling

B.grasping D.forgetting


答案:B 16.A.forward C.down

B.upward D.back 解析:从下文We made it back to shore可知答案。答案:D 17.A.got C.gave

B.offered D.rewarded 解析:我们回到了岸上,甚至得到了掌声。get得到;offer提供;give给予;reward奖赏。

答案:A 18.A.terror C.experience

B.project D.condition 解析:但我的生活被那次经历永远改变了。terror惊恐;project项目;experience经历;condition条件。

答案:C 19.A.take control of C.take on

B.take away D.take over 解析:我意识到我们不一定要掌握自己太多力量。take control of掌控;take away带走,减弱;take on呈现;take over接管。

答案:A 20.A.preparation C.appearance

B.strength D.security 解析:联系上句的our own strength可知:但如果我们能够充分相信自己并迈出第一步,我们就会拥有我们所需要的全部力量。



Scott Langteau has this message for kids:Spend less time playing video games.It’s a message that many a mom and dad have tried to impress upon many a youngster(and some not­so­youngsters)who spend perhaps a bit too much time with game controllers in hand.But the 40­year­old Langteau isn’t a parent.He’s a veteran(老手)of the video game industry—one who played producer on three“Medal of Honor”games and

co­founded his own game development company.Langteau has just published a children’s book called“Sofa Boy”,which tells the story of a kid who spends too much time sitting on the couch with controller held in hand and the rather terrible consequences that follow.It’s a fairy tale picked straight from Langteau’s own experiences as a kid with a fondness for video games and his own bouts with a bit of game addiction.But first,Langteau would like to make one thing clear:“I’m not saying that you shouldn’t play video games.I think video games are great.I think they do great things for kids.”Instead,Langteau says his book is all about a little something called“moderation(克制)”.

“It’s about being well rounded,”he says.“Just like with anything else,we all need to make sure that there’s a variety in what we do.”

Video gamers can be rather bad­tempered when it comes to accepting criticism about their favorite entertainment.And understandably so.After all,most people who go around talking about the dangers of playing video games tend to be outsiders—people who don’t play video games and certainly don’t understand that they can be a valuable and healthy form of entertainment.But Langteau and“Soft Boy”seem to be in a unique position to deliver a message of gaming moderation that the young game masses might actually listen to.After all,this is a man who understands what it means to be a kid with a passion for games.His early experience has taught him a lesson.语篇解读:本文向我们介绍了Scott Langteau 用他自己的体验劝告青少年要有克制地玩电子游戏和他所取得的非凡成果。

1.Which of the following is TRUE of the book“Sofa Boy”? A.The boy in the book is not an addict on games.B.The book describes a veteran on games.C.The boy in the book wins a medal for games.D.The book tells of the writer’s own story.3.By saying“It’s about being well rounded”,Langteau thinks ______.A.games should be viewed from all sides B.games do great things for kids C.gamers are usually fat and round D.gamers are to blame for their behaviors 解析:推理判断题。由下句“Just like with anything else,we all need to make sure that there’s a variety in what we do.”对本句的补充说明可知,Scott Langteau 希望人们对玩电子游戏有全面的了解。

答案:A 4.What topic will be discussed in the following paragraph? A.His idea to create“Sofa Boy”.

B.His enthusiasm for games when he was a small boy.C.His great achievement in games as a kid.D.His hard times to set up his game company.解析:推理判断题。由本段中的“this is a man...with a passion for games” 和 “His early experience...”可推断出下一段的话题。


Period 1

Introduction & Vocabulary and Speaking

Teaching aims:

1. To introduce some general science .

2. To learn some words related to the theme of this module .

3. To develop speaking ability by practicing saying the numbers, especially the fractions.

Important and difficult points:

1. Arouse the students’ interests and love in science.

2. Enable the students to understand some elements about the chemistry lab.

3. Make the students know how to read the numbers.

Teaching procedures:


Activity 1

The aim of the activity is to ask the students to finish the quiz about general science to arouse their interest in science. The activity can be done as follows:

Firstly, ask the students to go through the following the quiz and make their choice on their own.

Quiz: How much do you know about general science?

1. Water exists __________

(a) as a solid, a liquid and a gas (b) as a solid and a liquid only

2. When you heat a metal, it will ___________

(a) expand (b) contract

3. Steel is mixture of_____________.

(a) iron and other substances. (b) iron and oxygen

4. _______________ of the earth’s surface is water.

(a) Two-thirds (b) 50%

5. The distance of the sun from the earth is ______________ kilometers.

(a) 25,500 (b) 150,500,500

6.The earth is 4.6______________ years old.

(a) million (b) billion

7. The earth is ______________ the moon

(a) twice as large as (b) forty-nine times larger than

Then put the students in pairs to compare their answers and call back the answers from the class.

Finally ask them to listen to the tape about the above quiz and check their answers.

Answers: 1. a; 2. a; 3. a 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. b.

Activities 2 & 3

The teacher can prepare some cards about different things for the class at first. Before showing the students the cards, the teacher can say to the whole class: Things can be divided into three kinds, natural, man-made, and either natural or man-made, now I’ll show you some cards in my hand, can you tell me which are natural, man-made or both?

After this, the teacher can continue to say to the whole the class: Can you give some examples? Then divide the whole class into two big groups to compete. The teacher can ask the Ss to speak out as many examples as possible and write down the words in the table on the blackboard as follows:

Natural Eg: wood, ------

Man-made Eg: glass, ------

Either natural or man-made Eg: water, ------

Finally, ask the Ss to open their books at Page 41 and read the words in the box aloud. If possible, they can look up the words to know what they mean. Of course, the above competition will continue, that is to say, at this moment, the teacher can ask the Ss to put the words in the box on Page 41 in their books in the above table.

Vocabulary and Speaking

Activity 1

The aim of the activity is to have the students know how to read the long numbers. So the activity can be done like this:

Before dealing with the activity, the teacher had better build up a long number by

having the students say an increasing sequence, eg:

3 three

33 thirty-three

333 three hundred and thirty-three

3, 333 three thousand, three hundred and thirty-three

33, 333 thirty-three thousand, three hundred and thirty-three

At this time, most of the Ss will know the way of reading these long numbers: where to say “million”, “thousand”, and “hundred” . So in order to consolidate what they just learned, the teacher can practice saying the numbers at the top of Page 42 with the students to make sure the Ss have the correct intonation.

Then ask the Ss to go through the rest of the numbers in Activity 1 and find the errors individually according to the directions.

Finally the teacher calls back the answers from the class.

Answers: 1)The word “thousand” is missing after “four hundred and seventy”; 2)The word “one”(or “a”) is missing before “hundred million”.

Activity 2

Firstly, the teacher point at the fractions and say them in English. At the same time the teacher have the Ss repeat them after him or her.

Then the teacher and the Ss make an analysis about the rules of reading fractions in English together.

Finally the teacher ask the Ss to read the rest of the fractions in Activity 2 on Page 42 in their books in English on their own. If necessary, the teacher can write down the correct answers on the blackboard to check what they read.

Answers: 1. two-fifths; 2. five-eighths; 3. nine-tenths 4.three-eighths; 5.five-sixths.

Activity 3

The teacher should introduce the concept of percentage at first, and then the teacher write down some percentages on the blackboard and read them out in English.

Eg: 35%→ thirty-five percent (or: 35 percent); 50 percent equals a half.

Then have the Ss practice reading aloud the following percentages: 40%; 55%; 85%.

Finally have the Ss work in pairs to describe the fractions in Activity 2 as percentages in English .

Answers: 1. A quarter is the same as 25%; 2.One third is the same as 33.33r%(thirty-three point three three recurring percent); 3.Four-fifths is the same as 80%; 4. One tenth is the same as 10%; 5. Three-quarters is the same as 75%; 6. One half is the same as 50%; 7. Two-thirds is the same as 66.66r%(sixty-six point six six recurring percent); 8. Two-fifths is the same as 40%; 9. Five-eighths is the same as 62.5%(sixty-two point five percent); 10. Nine-tenths is the same as 90%; 11. Three-eighths is the same as 37.5%(thirty-seven point five percent); 12.Five-sixths is the same as 83.33r%(eighty-three point three three recurring percent).


1. Preview the reading part.

2. Work in pairs to finish Activities 4& 5 on Page 43 .

Periods 2 & 3

Reading & Vocabulary

Teaching aims and demands:

⒈ To learn about some vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments

⒉ To know about some metals and get to know their main uses in our lives

⒊ To make the students know how to do a simple experiment and write the report about it in English

⒋ To deal with all the activities1-6 about passage A and passage B on page 44-45

⒌ To develop students’ expression ability as well as reading ability by practicing these two passages

⒍ To raise students’ interests in science and form the rigorous scientific attitude.

Teaching key points:

⒈ To make the students understand and grasp the vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments

⒉ To enable the students to know how to read some passages about simple scientific experiments

Teaching difficulties:

To make students learn how to write an experiment report in English

Teaching methods:

⒈ Communicative Approach

⒉ Task-based Approach

⒊ Aural-oral Approach with the help of the multi-media computer and the recorder

Teaching aids:

Multi-media computer; Software; PowerPoint; Recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

At first show the students the picture of a lab with the help of computer

Then design the following questions and ask the students to discuss them in groups:

1. Are you interested in doing scientific experiments?

2. Suppose you want to do a chemical experiment about some metals, do you think it is necessary to know about how they react with other substances?

3. In order to carry out an experiment successfully, what should you prepare for it?

This step is to warm up the students and raise their interests to speak English in class. Because all these questions are very close to the students’ daily life and studying

Step 2:Pre-reading

Teacher: Since you are interested in doing scientific experiments, now let’s get to know some vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments.

At the same time I can type out some pictures about some metals on the screen with the help of the computer as follows:

⑴potassium(钾) ⑵sodium(钠) ⑶calcium(钙) ⑷magnesium(镁)

⑸aluminium(铝) ⑹zinc(锌) ⑺iron(铁) ⑻copper(铜)

As I type out each of the above pictures, I can ask the students like this: What’s this? And what can it be used for?

At this moment the students’ interests are probably approaching a climax. So I further ask them like this: Do you want to know more about these metals? And do you know how we can use these metals better? Well, this is what we’ll study very soon.

This step is employed to create a language environment for students’ communication and arouse their interests in reading passage A and passage B on page 44-45

Step 3: Reading

Passage A

T: Well, let’s read through passage A with the tape of it very quickly to try to catch its main idea. Then finish Activity 2 on page 44 and give your reasons.

Next, ask the Ss to read passage A very carefully to find out the answers in Activity 3 on page 44. Finish this activity by multi-media computer. It can be designed as follows:

1. Which of the metals in the table reacts the most with oxygen and water?

Potassium, calcium and sodium.

2. What happens when you heat calcium in oxygen?

It burns to form an oxide.

3. Which metals react with steam?

Magnesium, aluminium and zinc.

4. Does iron have a slow or fast reaction with steam?

It has a slow reaction.

5. Does copper react with water?

No, it doesn’t.

Passage B

T: Well, from passage A we can see how interesting the experiment about the reaction of metals is! But do you know how we can carry out a chemical experiment in a lab successfully? And what is the correct order to describe a scientific experiment?

Ask the Ss to look at Activity 1 on page 44 and give them about 2 minutes to discuss it. Then collect the answers from them. At the same time type out the correct answer on the screen with the computer as follows:

T: Now, let’s come to see “ A simple scientific experiment”!

Then play the tape of passage B for the students and ask them to read the passage with the tape quickly and finish Activity 4 on page 44.

In order to lead the students to read the text very carefully, the following task-based questions can be signed to ask them to answer:

⑴Can you guess the meaning of the word “apparatus” through the context? Have you known all of the apparatuses of this experiment?

⑵In the second part of the experiment, why must you boil the water? And then why do you add some oil to the water?

For Question 1, some students maybe feel strange to some apparatuses. If so , the following pictures can be typed out with the help of computer to help Ss to know about:

Then in order to make the Ss consolidate what they read in passage B and check if they have understood the experiment very well, Activity 5 on page 46 can be typed out on the screen with the help of computer as a task-based activity。

Step 4:Discussion

⒈Do you think it is easy or difficult for you to carry out a scientific experiment well? And can you describe how to do it successfully in simple words?

⒉If you want to learn science subjects well, what qualities do you think you should have? (Possible answers: We should be careful / serious / diligent /patient /thoughtful/ etc. )

This step is to consolidate what Ss have learnt in this lesson, in addition to penetrating the moral education to love science and form the rigorous scientific attitude.


⒈Write a complete scientific experiment report in simple English.

⒉Underline the language points you can’t understand in the text.

⒊Go on to read the CUTUL CORNER reading passage of this module on Page 49.

Teaching summary:

⒈We’ve learnt about some vocabulary and knowledge related to science and experiments

⒉We’ve finished studying passage A and passage B on page44-45.

⒊We’ve known how to carry out a scientific experiment in a lab successfully and write a complete scientific experiment report in simple English

Period 4

Grammar : Degrees of Comparison

Teaching objectives:

To make the students grasp the usage of the degrees of comparison.

Important and difficult points:

⒈ To have the Ss understand all kinds of forms of degree of comparison.

⒉ To enable the students to know how to use the degrees of comparison correctly.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Lead-in

Present the Ss the following sentences on the Bb and ask them to discover what kind of degrees of comparison .

⑴Jack speak English as fluently as Tom.

⑵This school is better than that one.

⑶This book is more interesting than that one.

⑷This room is less beautiful than that one.

⑸The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

⑹The harder you study, the more you will make progress.

⑺He works (the) hardest in his class.

Then call the answers from the class.

Answers: 1.原级; 2、3、4、5、6、均为.比较级; 7.最高级.

Step 2. Grammar structure

Firstly ask the Ss to make a summary about the structures of the degrees of comparison. Then check the answers.

Answers:3 forms --原级、比较级和最高级。

Step 3. Detailed Notes about Grammar Usage



2)用法:当表示双方在程度、性质、特征等某方面相等时,用“as+原级adj./adv.+as”的结构;当表示双方不相等时,用“not as(so)+ 原级adj./adv.+as”的结构;当表示一方是另一方的若干倍时,用“倍数+as+原级adj./adv.+as”的结构。例如:

①He is as tall as Jack. // I speak English as fluently as you.

②Your bike is not as(so) new as hers.

③This road is three times as long as that one.





fast-faster-fastest; few-fewer-fewest; great-greater-greatest;

clever-cleverer-cleverest norrow-norrower-norrowest.


large-larger-largest, able-abler-ablest, simple-simpler-simplest




easy-easier-easiest, happy-happier-happiest early-earlier-earliest


beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful; carefully-more carefully-most carefully


tired-more tired-most tired; pleased-more pleased-mos pleased;

crowded-more crowded-most crowded


原级 比较级 最高级

good, well better best

bad, ill worse worst

many, much more most

little less least

old older(较老、较旧),

elder(较年长) oldest(最老、最旧),


far farter(较远的),

further(进一步地) farest(最远的)


[注意]辨析few-fewer-fewest和little-less-least的差别: ①前者是规则变化,后者是不规则变化;②前者用来修饰可数名词,后者用来修饰不可数名词。




This book is better than that one.


This room is less beautiful than that one.

③表示一个方面随另一个方面的程度而变化时,用“the +比较级(+主语+谓语),the +比较级(+主语+谓语)”的结构。例如:

The harder he works, the happier he feels.

The harder you study, the more knowledge you will get.


The weather is getting colder and colder.

The little girl becomes more and more beautiful.



This river is four times as long as that one.(这条河是那条河的四倍长)

b)“倍数+the+size(length, width, depth, height)+of+被比较对象”,例如:

This river is four times the length of that one.(这条河是那条河的四倍长)


This river is three times longer than that one.(这条河是那条河的四倍长/这条河比那条河长三倍)



a)any加比较级, 表示疑问程度,译为“------一些”,“------一点”。例如:

Are you feeling any better?

b)no/not(any)加比较级, 表示否定程度,译为“并不-------”。例如:

Some grow no higher than your ankles.

This film is not more interesting than that one.

c)a bit, a little, slightly加比较级, 表示“稍微,一点(些)”。例如:

May I stay here a little longer?

This problem is a bit more difficult than that one.

d)many, much, a lot, greatly, (by)far, rather, a good(great) deal等加比较级, 表示“------得多”。例如:

Our school is much more beautiful than theirs.

The people here are a great deal richer now than before.

[附] by far通常用于强调最高级。用于比较级时,一般放在比较级的后面,如在前面,应在二者中间加“the”。例如:He is taller by far than his brother.// He is by far the taller of the two brothers.

e)even, still加比较级, 表示强调,译为“甚至更/还要-------”。例如:

He gets even stronger.

Jack is tall, but Tom is still taller.


He is five years older than I.

I got up an hour earlier than the others.


①三者或三者以上相比,表示最高程度时,用“the +最高级”的结构表示。这种句式一般常有表示比较范围的介词短语。例如:

Zhang Hua is the tallest of the three.

He works (the) hardest in his class.

The Three Gorges area is one of the most beautiful areas of China.

②最高级可被序数词以及by far, by no means, much, nearly, almost, not quite, nothing like等词语修饰。例如:

The Yangtze River is the world’s third longest river.

How much did the second most expensive hat cost?

This hat is by far / by no means / much / nearly / not nearly / almost / not quite / nothing like the biggest.



He came (the) earliest of all the boys.



He is the tallest (boy) in his class.



误:I have as less money as you do.

正:I have as little money as you do.



误:His health is more worse than before.

正:His health is worse than before.



误:Bamboo probably has more uses than any plant in the world.

正:Bamboo probably has more uses than any other plant in the world.

[附]比较的另一方如果是不定代词anyone, anything, 前面不能加other, 而要在其后加else. 例如:

She studies harder than anyone else in her class.


She runs faster than any boy in her class.


The older of the two noblemen took a light and led me into a back room.


误:There are more students in this school than that school.

正:There are more students in this school than in that school.


①I know you better than he.我比他更了解你

②I know you better than him.我对你的了解比对他的了解更透彻些(或:“我比他更了解你”,此时与①同义)。


误:He is the tallest of all his brothers.

正:He is the tallest of all the brothers.

⑻most前面加不定冠词a/an,或者不加冠词修饰形容词时,它的意思等于very。此时, most已失去最高级的意义。试比较:

a most interesting film(一部很有趣的电影) / the most interesting film(最有趣的电影)

Step 4. Practice

Exercise 1: Make sentences about the comparative sizes of the pairs. Use the words in the brackets.

Example: I think the Yangtze River is about 3 times as long as the Songhua River.

Or we can say:

I think the Yangtze River is about 3 times longer than the Songhua River.

⑴Lily weighs: 45 kilograms Tom weighs: over 90 kilograms (heavy)


⑵Mount Tai: 1,521 meters Mount Qumolangma: 8,848 meters (high)


⑶Winter in Beijing:-5℃ Winter in Harbin:-20℃ (cold)


⑷My house: 80 square meters My aunt’s house: 160 square meters (large)


Exercise 2: Use the words below to write sentences as in the example.

Example: temperature/ get /low

The temperature gets lower and lower.

⑴hot metal/ get / big


⑵magnesium/ get / hot


⑶sun/ get / strong during the morning


⑷sea/ become / warm



Exercise 1:

⑴Tom weighs over twice as heavy as Lily.//Or: Tom is over twice heavier than Lily.

⑵Mount Qumolangma is about six times higher than Mount Tai.// Or: Mount Qumolangma is about six times as high as Mount Tai

⑶Winter is 4 times colder in Harbin than in Beijing.// Or: Winter is 4 times as cold in Harbin as in Beijing.

⑷My aunt’s house is twice as larger as my house.// Or: My aunt’s house is twice larger than my house.

Exercise 2:

⑴The hot metal is getting bigger and bigger.

⑵The magnesium is getting hotter and hotter.

⑶The sun is getting stronger and stronger during the morning.

⑷The sea is becoming warmer and warmer.


1. Finish the exercises 2, 3 & 4 on page91-92 in their workbook.

2. Preview the rest of this module.

Period 5

Listening and Writing, Everyday English & Pronunciation

Teaching aims:

1. To learn to catch the related information from what they hear and understand the meaning of some expressions by context.

2. To enable the Ss to recognize the basic differences about the intonation of Wh-questions and Yes/No questions from what they hear.

3. To develop writing ability by practicing writing out the description of the scientific experiment according to what they hear.

Important and difficult points:

1. Enable the Ss to recognize the basic differences about the intonation of Wh-questions and Yes/No questions according to what they hear.

2. Have the Ss understand the exact meaning of some sentences by context.

Teaching procedures:

Listening and Writing

It is necessary for a teacher to give the Ss a brief indication before listening. For this listening, the teacher can say to the Ss: We are going to listen to a dialogue that takes place in a lab. A teacher helps a student do an experiment. In this experiment, the metal magnesium burns in air. Is there a change in weight when this metal burns in air? Let’s guess / predict.

After the necessary indication, give the Ss very clear directions and requirements to listen. The teacher can continue to say: Now let’s listen to the dialogue. Try to find out whether there is a change in weight when the metal magnesium burns in air. At the same time, pay attention to the information related to the following:






Then begin to play the tape once and ask answers from the whole class. And then ask the Ss to finish Activity 2 on Page 47.

Play the recording again and ask the Ss to complete the above description on their own, and then to check their answers in pairs. Before replaying the recording, of course, had better remind the Ss how they usually write up science experiments, that is, completing the description involves some careful reading for specific information and reorganizing the information.


Aim: to find out if there’s a change in weight when magnesium burns in air.

Apparatus: Magnesium, Bunsen burner, a balance, a crucible.

Method: First, put the magnesium in the crucible. Then put the crucible on the balance and weigh it. Next, heat the magnesium. Light the Bunsen burner and hold the crucible over it. Finally, weigh the magnesium again.

Result: It weighs a little more than before.

Conclusion: There is a change in weight when magnesium burns in air.

Everyday English

Firstly, ask the Ss to go through the everyday English on Page 48 and choose the correct meanings individually.

Then tell the Ss where these everyday English sentences from--they are from the above listening. Now replay the recording, ask the Ss to check what they chose.

Answers: 1) a; 2) b; 3) a; 4) b; 5) a.


At first, organize the Ss to listen to the recording, at the same time, give them the direction to listen and ask them to pay attention to the intonation of Wh-questions and Yes/No questions.

Then play the tape for the class and ask them again

After that, help the Ss to summarize the basic intonation of Wh-questions and Yes/No questions.

Answers: Wh-questions often fall at the end. Yes/No questions often rise.

And then play the tape again and ask the Ss to imitate it.

Finally, give the Ss more sentences to practice.


Revise the whole Module 5 and begin to preview Module 6 .


本人在本单元模块的整体备课上主要遵循了“创造性、灵活性、有效性”的三大原则,为此,特意对原有教材的编排体系进行了重新整合,同时对原有教学素材进行了灵活取舍。但是,这种整合与取舍不是随意的,主要考虑到以下三个方面因素的制约:第一,为完成应有的教学任务,实际分配到每个单元模块的教学课时一般只有5~6课时;第二,每一课时的信息容量应合乎情理;第三,组合的话题之间有时是出于外在形式的需要,但更多是出于其内在的必然联系(如listening和everyday English之间的组合)。此外,为提高教案的情景化和可操作程度,我适当在教案中加入了一些图片。
