



剧本 a dream.场景一 教室

(下课铃响了,学生们走出来,S3走在前面,s1,s2跑上来。)S1:Hello, S3.How many points do you have? S3低下头闷闷不乐。

S2:Don’t ask him, let’s go.(小声)S3面对观众叹了口气,展示卷纸

S3:I’ve got fifty points.I failed again and again.How could I face my mother and father.(坐在一块大石头上睡着了)

Angle: S3 Wake up.You don’t have to go to school.S3: Really? Angle: Yes, of course.I‘m an angle.I know your trouble.I can

Help you.So, I make another you at school.You can play with me now.S3: Hooray.唱歌跳舞

Angle: Do you want to see what are you going to do in future? S3:Yes,of course.Wait ,wait.Let me guess.Am I a manager? Angle: No.S3: Am I a policeman? Angle: No.S3: Am I a farmer? Angle: No.S3:Wow.I can’t wait.Angle: Look.There is a door.Come in and we’ll come to the year 2040.S3: Time travel.Cool.S 上场,下场。S3:It’s a factory.I’m a worker.S4: Why are you here? S5: Come on, we are very busy,Come and help us.S3大:Ok, I’m coming.S6: S3, the manager wants you to meet him, now.S3大:Ok,I’m coming.敲门声

S7: Come in, please.Oh, S3 look, what did you do?

Didn’t you learn about counting? The number is wrong.And this report, There are so many misprints here.I wonder have you been in college.S3: Sorry sir.S7: You can go now, do it again.S3大: Ok, ok, I’ll do it now, sir.S3大:The blue sky, the earth!I hope I have learned more.叹息下场

S3:Help him angle.Angle: What do you want to be? S3: I want to be a solder or a policeman.I want to protect the Diaoyu islands.I want to be a hero.Angle: Ok.Come here.场景四

一个军官在整队。S7: Attention!

Where is it? S大家:Diaoyu islands.S7: What’s your job? S大家:Protect Diaoyu islands.S7: Good, the Japanese want to violate our Diaoyu islands.Do you agree? S大家:No,never.S7: Good, Let’s go and patrol.S7: S3,drive the ship.S3大:Yes, sir.(开心)But, how could I drive the ship? S7:Fifty degree East.S3大:How could I do? S7:Can’t you drive the ship?Don’t you know fifty degree? S3大:The blue sky, the ground I want to be a child again.I want to learn more.在石头上醒来:

S3:I want to be a child.I want to learn more.(梦中语)看看自己

OH, I’m a child.I’m a child.I’m a student.Yehn,I’m a student.I want to learn more.So lucky, It’s only a dream.



A:Hello,buddies.remember when we are trying to figure out what that smell coming from professor tom’s office was ? B:yeah? A:it turns out it was professor tom.dead at his desk for two weeks.just like the student in 南昌航空大学

B:oh my god.C:that is terrible.A:the department is asking that everyone donate a bottle of deodorant instead of flowers.D:if we are going to chang the topic from the food ,i will be okay with my new haircut or how great a film the iron man is.B:show a little compassion.a man died.A:and turned into a puddle of goo.now we can either sit around and cry over professor tom or....we can rejoice in the knowledge that a tenured position has just opened up.i choose to do the latter.D excuse me.the whole tenure system is ridiculous.a guaranteed job for life only encourages the stuff to be lazy.if we want science to advance ,people should have chips implanted in their brains that explode when they say sth stupid.E:well ,i believe people do their best work when they feel safe and secure.D把手放在E脑袋上演示炸弹爆炸的情形,并发出声音。

A if you want to find me ,you will find me in the office of the tenure committee.A愉快走开,其余四人继续聊天

B are you all going to kiss the committee’s ass to get the position.you know i am not qualified so i do not need to consider it.C no.i mean i will apply , but i am not gonna to play politics.E yeah, me neither.it should be about the work,and if i cannot get the tenure,i’d like to see you or

D get it.D:E,do not give B false hope in front of B like that ,you will make him sad.C excuse me ,but i think i am just am qualified as you are.D在C面前乱舞,仿佛要打他,C用眼神鄙视他 当晚,他们各自各别人说起这个事情

F是C的朋友,G是D的朋友,而E则是和B说起 F:so tenured means a job for life ? Cyes Fand they cannot fire you even you even if you are bad at it ? C mm ,yes

F so who do you have to bribe to get the perfect job? Ci am not gonna bribe anyone.i will let my job speak for itself.Fthat is great.that shows a lot of integrity.Cthank you 先笑再变脸i am a naive idiot ,right ? F oh ,good ,you finally get back to normal.D al-through i disagree with the tenure system,if they gave it to me ,it wouldn’t influence my excellent attitude toward my work.you know i am like the sun.I just cannot stop my bright brain working.G are C and E are also competing for it as well ? Dyes Gdo they know they do not have a chance at all ?because you are so great.D you can always find the fact.that is why i like you so much.Gbut if you do want to get the job ,maybe you should cozy up to the people making the decision.D genius does not do “cozy”.G okay

D but i suppose it wouldn’t hurt to know who is on the committee.let’s see...oh ,it is H.oh dear...E和C边喝酒边说,有点微醉

E: it would be nice to have the increased income.you know i am bad at reducing my expense.with the money ,i can stop asking for money from my parents.You have no idea how bad it is to get money from parents at such an age.B yes ,i understand you.E no ,you donot ,i just want them to be a little proud of me ,just once,带点哭腔


D:hey H,what a coincidence.you play taiji too? H yeah ,it is just a hobby。


A hey ,H,i heard you liked to eat this kind of bread ,i just bought some ,how about eating together.guy ,i am sorry ,i did not bring yours.H thank you for your breakfast.H去办公室,发现C在门口等,手里拿着很多东西

C good morning ,H ,i heard you like to eat food produced in countryside.my mother sent one to me and i think you need it more than i do.H摇头oh ,thankyou but i think it is not proper.C oh please accept it.H well ,i accept it ,but do not do it next time C ok,goodbye.have a nice day

H进入办公室,发现里面已经站了个C,手里拿着一盆仙人掌cactus H oh god ,what are you doing here ?how did you get in ? C i just found your window was not closed and here i am.and i am here to give you a surprise.Isn’t it? H yeah ,you did surprise me 无奈的

C i know you have to use computer everyday ,so i bought this for you ,it is said it helps prevent radiation.H okay ,will you stop doing this if i accept it C if you like


B:i heard professor tom’s funeral will be held tomorrow ,will you come ? D oh ,i already have an appointment.C i have to go shopping for some new clothes E my sister is coming ,i have to pick her up.Bare you sure ,because i heard that H will be there 其余三人惊到,一口同声说,are you sure ?



E D,what are you doing here ?should not you be on an appointment ? D:i am having my appointment here ,what about you?Where is your sister? C突然带着F出现

C well well well ,fancy meeting you here.i guess this is really a good place for appointment and it even turned B into E’s sister D but you said you are not going to come either G突然插话

G i wonder why F is here

F i am here to support my man just like you D what are you going to do ?

C笑了,回过头来对着F说 do it

F把外套拉链一打开,像致青春的郑微一样把胸部一提 其他人看的表情无语无奈憎恨,某些男士眼睛乱瞟 D that is really obscene C i felt the smell of sour grape ,if you also get some ,then shoe it off 平胸G气死

G you are wasting your time.D is the the most qualified for the job,nothing is gonna change that E看不下去

E you should all be ashamed of yourself.using women to advance your career D at least we have girlfriends to use.look at yourself ,have you got anyone to love ?You little baby

B you do what you want.but i donot want you to lose friends because of tenure.friends are forever.沉默一阵后

C i am gonna go home and let my work speak for itself E you are right ,i am going with you C how about you ,D? D 向着G D what do you think i should do ? G well ,you will always be successful in your career ,but i seriously question whether you will make more friends D想了一下

D i do not want anymore ,let’s go 众人准备离开,这是A陪着H走过来了,两人在聊天,直接忽视他们的存在,他们看的火冒三丈,A 最后还不忘朝着他们做鬼脸 C no ,we can not lose to that guy


一、摒弃旧的教学观念, 建立全新的教学理念

新课程所提倡的教学观念, 就是以学生为中心, 以学生为主体, 以学生发展为关键点、以全体学生都得到发展为目标的教育理念, 一反过去以教师为中心、以教师为主导、以学生成绩为关键、以少数人升学为目标的旧的教学观念。数学课程当然也是一样的。由此, 我们在教学中, 首先就要改变自己以往在课堂教学中的主角角色:过去是通过备课, 将老师自己要讲述的内容为自己编好“剧本”, 然后自己在讲坛上尽情演绎, 将知识灌输给学生。而以新的教学观念为指导备课, 则是要给学生编好“剧本”, 为学生创设学习的情境, 让学生在课堂上充当主角, 在教师的引导下进行演绎, 自主、合作地获取知识。现在, 通过几年的新课改教学, 事实证明, 这一教学理念的实施, 从根本上改变了过去教师讲学生听的师生各自信息无互动的枯燥学习模式, 使学生参与学习的热情大大提高, 学习的效果不言而喻。

二、教师应从知识的传授者转变为学习的组织者、引导者、合作者与共同研究者, 要让学生演好主角的角色就必须为学生设计好适合学生演绎的剧本

在新课标的新理念下, 数学教学要尽可能地让学生去做一做从中探索规律和发现规律, 通过小组讨论达到学习经验共享, 培养合作意识、培养交流的能力、提高表达能力。如在《用字母表示数》一课, 我们通过用牙签棒搭正方形游戏引入来创设学习的情境, 学生分小组按要求搭正方形, 然后讨论回答:

1、按图搭正方形。2、找出正方形的个数与牙签根数之间的关系。3、写出n个正方形需用的牙签根数 (用含n的式子表示) 。4、展示成果, 组间交流总结给出充分的时间让学生讨论发现、交流、评议, 教师鼓励、支持、启导, 但不能占用太多时间。面对他们的研究, 突出用字母表示数的简明性、一般性, 对比用文字、用画图让学生体会其优越性, 并指出在学习完本章书后你们就会明你们所得出的式子4+3 (n-1) 、2n+ (n+1) 、4n- (n-1) 都可以化简成为1+3n, 从而为今后的学习埋下伏笔。这种开放的课堂, 可以让学生在有意义的活动中亲身参与、独立探索、合作交流, 并逐步构建自己的数学知识、发展自己的数学能力和创新意识。再如, 在第四章的学习中, 通过学生对图标的收集与交流、制作长方体、正方体纸盒, 然后展开去展现它们丰富多样的展开图, 再交流总结;第五章中的游戏实验式的教学等等, 无不体现学生的自主学习与合作交流的学习新理念。

三、通过探究活动培养学生动手实践、观察、推理的意识, 发展学生的形象思维和逻辑思维能力, 寻求解决问题的方法

如, 在《菱形》的教学过程设计中, 我们首先学生回忆平行四边形的定义和性质并回答, 教师以此完善为菱形是特殊的平行四边形作铺垫, 再进行菱形的性质探究。这其实就是要以教材作为出发点, 依据《数学课程标准》, 引导学生体会、参与科学探究过程。通过学生自主、独立的发现问题, 对可能的答案做出假设与猜想, 并通过多次的检验, 得出正确的结论。学生通过收集和处理信息、表达与交流等活动, 获得知识、技能、方法、态度特别是创新精神和实践能力等方面的发展。

四、尊重个体差异, 面向全体学生

如本文开篇所提到新课标努力提倡的目标, “人人学有价值的数学, 人人都能获得必需的数学;不同的人在数学上得到不同的发展。”这实际上要求教师要及时了解和尊重学生的个体差异, 承认差异, 要尊重学生在解决问题的过程中所表现出来的差别, 不挖苦、不讥讽, 相反在问题情境的设置、教学过程的展开、练习的安排中, 都要尽可能让全体学生能主动参与, 使学生能根据自己的实际情况选择有所为和有所不为或有能者有大作为, 小能者有小作为的练习。如在七年级第二学期, 学完“一元一次方程的应用”后要求学生完成一些给出方程编写联系实际的应用题, 并让学生交流评议, 这样有能者得到淋漓尽致的发挥, 理解不深者也可以仿照例题的背景通过借鉴书本完成。

五、突出精讲巧练, 做到堂上批改辅导和及时的反馈

我们在教学中, 在课堂上突出精讲巧练, 采取归纳反思性地布置作业, 做到堂上批改辅导和及时的反馈。如:布置学生做作业纸中的练习。学生完成“课堂教学评价表”, 在情感、知识、态度等方面反馈信息。通过评价表, 反思知识、体验探究过程中的感受。布置阶梯型作业, 利于满足不同层次学生的不同需求, 能更加优化因材施教的教学需求。当然, 由于一个班级由于人数较多, 学生的数学层次参差, 有针对性的辅导不容易完善, 需要提高学生学习的参与度, 增加在小组讨论、新知识的举例交流等合作学习的力度。低年级学生的数学学习方法较单一, 要加强学法的指导。


关键词:课堂 教学效果 兴趣 英语知识







在外语教学的各个阶段,学生都要经历模仿学习的过程,教师的示范作用特别重要。也就是说,教师要力求自己的发音准确,书写规范,表达熟练,运用自如,要不断提高自己的口、笔语水平,要针对学生的特点钻研教学方法,提高教学质量。有一点我深有体会,很长一段时间,有些英文单词被误读,所以学生在每次遇到同样的单词时都会误认为是正确的发音,这也就是听力练习中不能很好理解的重要一点。例如:“工业” industry 这个词的发音应该是重音在前的[′indstri]而不是[in′dstri],误读的原因是因为其变化为形容词industrial的发音为[in′dstril]。还有一些长期误读的词有:hospital[′hspitl];hotel[hu′tel]。


如果一堂课只是照本宣科地讲,不仅学生,就连老师自己也会厌烦。对语言的学习,更不能死读书,读死书。教师带进课堂的不仅是知识本身,还是学习知识的方法和氛围。古人云“授之以鱼,不如授之以渔”,就是这个道理。我认为调动学生学习的积极性的重要一点是老师的讲授要有形象性和趣味性,在吸引住学生的同时,还要耐人寻味。我一般的方法是,在讲授到某一语言点的时候,关于这方面的知识扩展也就随之带动出来。比如在我讲scream这个单词的时候,为了让学生记忆的印象更深刻,我就想到了一个英文绕口令:“You scream,I scream,we all scream for ice-cream.” 既押韵又好记,何乐而不为呢。之后我还能额外地告诉学生绕口令的英文是“tongue twister”。




学生学习的积极性大都来自对一门学科的兴趣,即对知识有挖掘的渴望,而这种渴望大都来自老师的引导。在面对一个知识点的时候,学生往往不求甚解,这时我一般都要更加细致地分析,避免学生在以后的学习中犯同样的错误。同时,我也积极鼓励学生多用新句好句,哪怕有些语法的错误,但也要积极去探索。有一次,我让学生课堂练习写一封表达情感的私人信件。在批改的过程中,我发现了好多表达错误的通病,这样在下堂课我就可以统一地进行治疗。如,大多数学生想表达 “我非常想念你”的时候,写出“I very miss you”这样中文思维的句式。在讲解中我就告诉他们中文和英文的语法结构是不一样的,“非常”、“虽然”在中文放在句子当中,但英文却是一个程度副词,而程度副词在英文中一般放在句末,所以正确的句子应该是“I miss you very much”。通过讲解,下次再犯同样表达错误的学生就少了很多。还有就是,我鼓励学生将课文中所学的好的表达方式用于平时写作和口语表达中,如“look forward to doing sth”这一用法就很好,果然,当我强调它的重要性的时候,有好多学生在写作中都能正确运用,我很高兴。



学习语言也是学习一种文化的社会规则。这种规则的学习必须依靠学习者自身的参与和体验。要让学生的注意力主要放在怎样利用语言作为媒体以实现交际目的,完成交际任务,而不只是关心自己所说句子的结构是否完全正确。学生在交际中应不断地掌握语言技能、语言知识,以及异邦文化的特点。让学生说英语并不难,难的是如何让他们开口说,如何让他们摒弃说不好的顾虑。疯狂英语教育中有一个理念:“enjoy losing face”,这是告别哑巴英语一个好的启示,把它讲给学生,让他们拥有一个轻松的心态。在教学中要强调学生的主动性和相互作用,可以分组让学生参与讨论和交流。在此过程中,可以通过学生对语言的运用给与相应的技巧和方法,这时学生会对自己的语言失误牢记,并增强了自信心。





Narrator Soldier:We are under attack!Light the signal,light the signal!(Shan yu killed him) Li:Your Majesty,the Huns have crossed our northern border.Ci:Impossible!No one can get through the Great Wall!Li:Shan yu is leading them.We`ll protect your palace.Maj:No!My people are more important,them first.Ci:Yes,your highness.Maj:Deliver conscription notices through out all the provinces.Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.Li:Forgive me,your Majesty,but I believe my troops can stop him.Maj:No fault can be permitted,one man may be the difference between victory and defeat.Li:I`ve got it,your Majesty. Narrator:Well,our story started at a peaceful and beautiful village.A family with four members,father,mother,grandmother and their—Mulan!

Mom:Mulan,how can you grow up?As a girl,you should be polite and quiet,graceful and respectful,then try to be…Are you listening,Mulan? Mu:Uh,I heard you ,mom.I`ve recited the Final Adonimotion.Mu:Umm~~

Mu:Mom, what is it outside? Mom:Stay inside,Mulan.(Pa went outside)Ci:Citizens!I bring a proclamation from the Imperial City!The Huns are coming,one man from every family must serve in the Imperial Army.Ci:Now it`s your turn,the Fa Family!(Mulan rushed out)Mu:No!NN:Don`t get out!Mulan!Pa:I`m ready to serve the Emperor.Mu:Father, you can`t go.Pa:Mulan!Mulan(to Ci):Please ,sir,my father has already fought for…

Ci:Silence!You will do well to teach your daughter to hold her tongue in a man`s presence.Pa:Mulan,you dishonour me.Ci:Report tomorrow at the troop camp.Pa:Yes,sir.Ci(continue yo read):The Chu Family!The Chang Family!The Yong Family!(at the table)Mu:You shouldn`t have to go!Mom:Mulan…

Mu:There are plenty of young men to fight for China!Pa:It is an honour to protect my country and my family.Mu:So you1ll die for honour.Pa:I will die doing what`s right.Mu:But if you…

Pa:I know my place.It is your time learned yours.(Mulan ran away crying) Narrator:In order to get ready for the coming war,the Emperor had delivered conscription.But it seemed that our sincere Mulan`s father had made a decision,without thinking his weak body,his broken leg,his honour permitted no turning back.Narrator:As we all can see,our Mulan pay more attention to his father`s health but not what his father`s wish,will Mulan give up ?Will her father listen to his daughter and refuse to signing in?If…neither of them? NN:Mulan is gone!Pa:What?It can`t be…Mulan!No…

Mom:You must go after her.She could be killed.Pa:If I reveal her.She will be.NN:Ancesters,hear our prayer,Watch over Mulan.(on the way)Mu:Okay,Okay,how about this.Mu:Excuse me,where do I sign in?Ah,I see you have a sword.I have one,too.They are very manly,and strong!Mu:Oh,I`m working on it!Like a man,remember,Mulan,you are a man!(sigh)Who am I fooling.It`d take a miracle to get me into the army.J:Did I hear someone ask for a miracle? R:Miracle is coming!Mu:Who…oo are you?Where are you?I have a sword!Sword!Don`t bother a man,en? J:Ancesters.R:Yours.Mu:Ancester?Mine?Maybe…from the Fa Family? J&R:BINGO!

R:Powerful(J:pleasurable)R:Indestructible(J:Si jia)R:And Si rong.J&R:We are the guardians of the whole family and …to protect you!Mu:Sounds strange.J:So,thouply thouply.R:You`re gonna have to trust me.And don`t you slap us no more.J:No more.Clear on that? Mu:I have no choice,do I? J&R:Move!Move,tomorrow will be our victory! Mu:Hey…(like a man)Hey…Where… X:Hey,guy?Join us,huh? Mu:Ah…

L:Have you signed in? Mu:Sorry,I am late.L:What`s your name? Mu:Uh…Uh…

(J:Don`t speak out your name!R:Fa…Fa…Fa…)Mu:I know.L:Then,what is it?(R:Ah…Ping!Ping!Fa Ping!Ping was my boyfriend…)Mu:It`s Ping.Li:Ping.Mu:Yes,my name is Ping.L:Let me see your conscription notice.L:Fa Zhou?The Fa Zhou? Ci:I didn`t know Fa Zhou had a son.Mu:Er,he…doesn`t talk about me much.Ci:I can see why.If I had a son like him,I wouldn`t talk about him,either.L:Okay,gentlemen,we are the swords of emperor,we were born to

.No matter when,do remember the country,the sanctity,the honour.We are Chinese.Soldiers:Yes,sir. X:The Huns!Chan:I`ve been waiting for you for a long time!L:You destroyed the whole village,you Huns broke the peace.We will stop you even die.J:Mulan,Come on.R:Hit his back will work.Mulan:But… J:Quick!(Mulan falls down,Lixiang rushes to her)Li:He`s wounded!Get help!Get help!Li:Hold on,hold on.(The doctor tells the true)Mu:I can explain.Ci:So it`s true.Mu:Li xiang!Ci:I knew there was something wrongwith you!A woman!How dare!Mu:Li xiang,my name is Fa Mulan,I did it to save my father.Ci:You…

Li(stop him):Don`t interrupt her!Mu:I didn`t mean for it to go this far… Ci:Ultimate dishonour!Li:(angrily stop him)Didn`t you hear me?Don`t interrupt her!!Mu:It was the only way!Please,believe me!I…(Li xiang scilence)Li:Take her back.Ci:General!We must kill her here,right now!Li:I said,take-her-back,right-now!(Li xiang and Cifu go away,leave Mulan herself)R:Don`t be sad,girl.J:Although…ai,we are proud of you.J&R:Cheer up! Narrator Ci:That was a deliberate attempt on my life.Stand outside,that creature`s not worth protecting.Li:She`s a hero!Ci:She`s a woman.She `ll never be worth anything!Li:Listen,you pompous…











































乙:挂了挂了!(跑出来看甲)哎呀妈呀!把俺大哥炸成国宝 了,还是一只独眼大熊猫!(将甲搀起)大伙呀切记--------安全最重要!
