



小学英语PEP版五年级上册重点句型 1.Do you have new teachers? 你们有新老师吗? 2.He’s tall and strong.他又高又壮。

3.My English teacher has a kind heart.我的英语老师有一颗善良的心。4.My music teacher sings nice songs.我的音乐老师唱好听的歌。

5.They help us learn.They help us play.他们帮助我们学习。他们帮助我们玩。6.Who’s your English teacher? 谁是你的英语老师? 7.What’s he like? 他长什么样? 8.We all like him.我们都喜欢他。

9.Science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher.一位科学老师,一位美术老师和一位英语老师。10.He’s from Canada.他来自加拿大。

11.Her class is so much fun.她的课堂非常有趣。12.She’s a university student.她是一个大学生。13.Is she quiet? 她很安静吗? No, she isn’t.She’s very active.不,她不是。她很活泼。14.Is she strict? 她很严厉吗? Yes, she is, but she’s very kind.是的,但是她也很友好。第二单元重点句型

1.What classes do you have?你们今天有什么课? 2.What do we have on Mondays? 每周一我们有什么课? 3.We have English, math and P.E.我们有英语,数学和体育。4.It’s Monday.5.I like weekends.我喜欢周末。6.What day is it tomorrow? 明天星期几? 7.Tomorrow is Thursday.明天是星期四。It’s Thursday tomorrow.8.I often paint or watch TV.我经常画画或者看电视。9.Saturday is fun for me!星期六对我来说很有趣。10.Sunday is sweet for me!星期天对我来说很甜蜜。11.It’s time to get up.12.I love Saturdays!13.I do my homework.我做我的家庭作业。会用his, her, your, their,Jack’s,等来替换

14.What about you? 你呢? 15.I can play with you.我能和你玩。16.It’s a new school year.新学年到了。

17.What do you do on weekends? 你周末都做什么?

18.What’s the matter? 怎么了? 第三单元重点句型

1.It’s time for dinner.到吃晚饭的时间了。

2.I’d like some tomatoes, please.我愿意要一些番茄。3.I’m hungry.我饿了。

4.What do you have for lunch today?今天午饭你吃什么? 5.What do you have for lunch on Mondays?每周一中午你吃什么? 6.We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.我们吃西红柿,豆腐和鱼。7.Here is our school menu.这是我们学校的菜单。8.That sounds good.听起来不错。

9.It’s tasty.It’s my favourite.它很好吃,它是我最喜欢的。

10.They’re tasty and yummy.And healthy for me.它们又可口又好吃。而且对我很有益。

11.I like grapes.我喜欢葡萄。I don’t like grapes.我不喜欢葡萄。

12.What’s your favourite fruit?你最喜欢的水果是什么? 13.I like apples.They’re sweet.我喜欢苹果。它们很甜。14.I have to eat vegetables.我不得不吃蔬菜。

15.Eat apples every day.They’re sweet and yummy.每天吃苹果。它们又甜又好吃。

16.He sits in a boat.他坐在船上。He sits主语是第三人称单数,动词要加s 17.We have cabbage and mutton.我们有卷心菜和羊肉。Recycle 1重点句型

1.-Can I interview you for the school newspaper? 为了学校的报纸我能采访你吗?-Yes, certainly.是的,当然可以。2.-Thank you.谢谢。-You’re welcome.不客气。3.eat ice-cream 吃冰激凌

4.go to Grandma’s play去奶奶家玩

5.How I love Saturday!我是多么爱星期六呀!6.study violin 学习小提琴 7.dance and sing又唱又跳 8.go to the zoo去动物园

9.I study in Willow School.我在威洛学校学习。10.Monday is a great day!周一是很棒的一天!11.Tell me about your school, please!请告诉我关于你的学校。



称呼:男性用Mr.未婚女性用Miss,已婚用Mrs.(后面用她先生的姓 关系比较好的用Dear就可以了。正文只要写出你想写的内容就可以了。


Unit 4重点句型

1.-Can you set the table? 你能摆餐桌吗?-Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.是的,我能。/不,我不能。2.I’d like to have a try.我愿意去试一试。3.Can you use a computer? 你会用电脑吗? Yes, I can.是的,我会。

4.Can you wash the clothes? 你会洗衣服吗? No, I can’t, but I’d like to have a try.我不会,但是我想尝试一下。5.Are you helpful at home? 你在家里有帮助吗? 6.Mother Goat is ill.山羊妈妈病了。

7.We can help her.我们能够帮助她。8.What can you do? 你能干什么? 9.I can wash the windows 擦窗户 10.Just do it!就这么干吧!11.I can water the plants 给植物浇水 12.No time to dance.没有时间跳舞。

13.There is more.No more.有更多的。不要更多的了。14.wait a minute.等一等。15.I can water the flowers.16.Here comes my tasty food.我美味的食物来了。17.You’re helpful.18.do things for you 为你做事情。19.dance for you.为你跳舞。

20.Don’t throw me into the lake.不要把我扔到湖里。21.run away 跑开 Unit 5重点句型

1.The garbage is empty.垃圾是空的

2.There are many story-books on the shelf.在书架上有很多故事书。3.There is a mirror on the wall.在墙上有一面镜子。

4.There are some nuts.Please help yourself.有一些坚果仁。请随便吃。5.I have my own room now.现在我有我自己的房间了。6.What’s it like? 它是什么样的? 7.We have a new flat.我们有一间新公寓。8.It’s on the third floor.它在三楼。

9.I love my new room very much.我非常爱我的新房间。10.in the rabbits’ room 在兔子一家的房间里 rabbits’ 表示复数“的”,是在单数的形式上加s,然后加’ 11.in t he rabbit’s room 在兔子的房间里

Rabbit’s room 表示单数“的”,是在单数的形式上加’s 12.What can you see over the bed? 在床的上面是什么? 13.This id a picture of my room.这是我房间的照片。14.I work with it.我用它工作。

15.Can you tell me, please? 请你告诉我,好吗? 16.It’s a warm spring morning.很暖和的春天的早上。17.I have no time.我没有时间。Unit 6重点句型

1.The grass is green.草是绿色的 2.The clouds play.云在玩。

3.There is a river near here.在这附近有一条河。

4.There is a nature park in the city.在这个城市里有一个自然公园。5.This is my holiday picture.这是我的假期照片。

6.There are many small houses in my village.在我的村庄里有很多小房子。7.Are there any bridges in your village? 在你的村庄里有很多桥吗? Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.any: 用于否定和疑问句中。相对应的,many则用于肯定句中。8.There are no tall buildings.没有高楼。此句等于:There aren’t tall buildings.9.I can run on the grass.我能在草地上跑。10.You can see many fish.你能看到许多鱼。11.What a nice day!多么好的一天啊!12.Why not? 为什么不呢? 13.Look!There is a Koala bear over there.看!在那边有一个考拉熊。14.Why don’t you take a picture of me? 你为什么不给我也照张照片呢?



1.feel sad感觉难过2.What`s the matter?怎么了? 3.miss China想念中国

4.feel bored感觉无聊5.want to play chess想下象棋6.feel angry感觉生气

7.Of course not当然不8.think about思考/考虑….9.It`s a secret.它是个秘密。

10.make you a surprise cake意外的蛋糕

11.on your birthday在你生日(那天)12.It`s not a surprise!13.feel happy感到高兴/幸福14.on the farm在农场15.all day整天16.win a chess game赢了一场象棋赛17.go out to play出去玩18.lose one`s bag丢了某人的包19.smell some nice noodle soup闻到了一股/一些面条汤味20.a present just for you一件正好给你的礼物21.a wonderful book一本精彩的书 22.thank you(very much)for.....为...而感谢你23.feel tired感觉累了24,be tired累了


1.What`s the matter?怎么了?【What`s the matter?=What `s wrong?=What`s the problem?都是表示“怎么了?出什么事了?”常询问得病、不舒服、麻烦事等情绪的。这几个句子后还可接with+sth,表示某物/人怎么了。】再如:What`s the matter with you?你怎么了?What`s wrong with your bike?你的自行车怎么了?练习:你妈妈怎么了?

2.Are you feeling sad?Yes,I am./No, I`m not.你感觉难过吗?是的,我难过。/不,我不。【be +doing表示动作正在进行。Feel是个连系动词,和“be”一样,后面加形容词。Are you feeling....?是询问情绪的一般疑问句“你感到.........?”】再如:

Are you feeling bored?你感觉无聊吗?练习:你感觉累吗?

3.What are you thinking about?你正在考虑/思考什么?【think about.......思考/考虑....后面加名词或代词,或者相当于名词的词。】

4.I`m going to make you a surprise cake on your birthday!我准备在你生日时给你做一个令人意外的蛋糕!【be going to+动词原形,表示“准备、打算、将要做........”。Make sb.Sth.给某人做某物;a surprise cakeon your birthday在你生日时/在你生日那天。】练习:我准备在你生日那天给你做一个令人惊喜的风筝。

5.How do they feel?他们感觉如何?【how如何、怎么样?是对情绪的提问。】I`m /快乐。(对划线提问)

6.ts/ts/ cats,coatsds/dz/ beds, friends/ts//dz/:舌端齿龈破擦辅音:舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流,然后略微下降,气流随之泄出口腔。/ts/清辅音(声带不振动),/dz/浊辅音

tr/tr/train, trousersdr/dr/ driver,dress/tr/ /dr/齿龈后部破擦辅音:舌身采取发/r/的姿势,但舌尖上翘贴在齿龈后部,气流冲出这个阻碍,发出短促的/t/,/d/后立即发/r/./tr/清,/dr/浊 ch/tʃ/ chair , lunchj,dg/dʒ/ jacket,bridge/tʃ/ /dʒ/舌端齿龈破擦辅音:舌尖舌端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲破这个阻碍后,舌和齿龈间仍保持一个狭缝,发出摩擦的声音。/tʃ/ 清/dʒ/浊。

朗读下列单词:sits ,beds,hands,cats, track, drop, chess,chick, enjoy,juice,just,dangerous


熟练掌握英语的十大词性, 是学好英语句子的根本所在 ,由于受汉 语的影响 ,很多学生 在英汉互 译时不会 变通 ,因此造出的句子多是让人啼笑皆非的汉式英语, 以及一些根据汉语意思排列的不成体统的英语单词的堆砌。我从三十余年的英语教学生涯中, 对于发现的这些问题作了一些研究和总 结 ,发现要学 好英语 ,首先得学 好汉语 ,汉语学好了,学习英语的能力也就相应提高。从汉语的词组入手教英语的词组, 然后组成句子不失为一个好的解决学生正确做好英语句子的有效途径。解决学生的造句能力,他们的作文能力就会相应提高,听说读的能力也会相应提高。一个好的英语教师必须具备好的汉语知识功底, 这样在教学中就会游刃有余,得心应手。让学生明白汉语的九种词组有利于分析英语句型结构的组成, 从而有利于使他们学习英语达到好的效果。

1.主谓词组 :春节就要到了。The Spring Festival is coming.(主谓结构 )

青春美好。Youth is beutiful.

祖国在我心中。My motherland is in my heart.

2.动宾词组 :热爱祖国 :We love our motherland.(主谓宾结构)

保护环境:We should protect our environment.

实现理想:We will finally realise our dreams.

2.偏正词组 :一个开心的微笑 :A happy smile is on her face.(主系表结构作主语 )

We saw a happy smile on her face.(主谓宾结构作宾语 )

开心地笑:She smiled happily.(主谓结构)

中国梦:We have our Chinese dream,a great dream.

3.中补词组 :笑得开心 :She smiled happily. ( 主谓结构 ) 在英语中,中补词组和偏正词组相同,副词均作状语。

4.联合 (并列 )词组 :你和我 :You and I;

读写:read and write;

有用并有趣的:useful and interesting,

You and I should read and write more useful and interestingbooks.(主谓宾结构作主语、谓语、定语 )

耐心细致地:patiently and carefully,

Our teachers coach us patiently and carefully.

5.连谓词组 :仔细观察并研究 :We should look carefully andlearn.(主谓结构作谓语 )

同位词组: 我弟弟汤姆:My brother Tom is very clever.(主系表结构作主语)

I love my brother Tom(主谓宾结构作宾语 )

The boy is my brother Tom.(主系表结构作表语 )

The city of Shanghai was in deep sorrow when the trampedehappened.(主系表结构作主语 )

6. 兼语词组 : 使中国更 加强大 :We will make Chinastronger.(主谓复合宾语结构 )

7.来看我 :Come and see me,please! (祈使句作谓语 )

8.介宾词组 :在教室里 :He is in the classroom.(主系表结构作表语)

The students have their classes in the classroom everyday.(主谓宾结构作状语)

The students in the classroom work very hard .(主谓结构作定语)

教过英语老课本的老师都很熟悉马克思说过的这句话:We must learn a foreign languge,forgetting all about our own . 仔细体会, 马克思这句话的含义并不是简单地说让我们学外语时真的忘记母语,而是让我们通过母语与所学外语进行比较,找到两种语言的差异,不在所学外语中混入母语的语言结构和表达习惯,只有这样才能真正学好一门外语。


1.知识目标:①能听说认读单词flower,river ,grass,lake ,forest, path,sky ,cloud, mountain等九个单词. 





四会单词的学习以及在句型There is /are…中的操练。


grass, forest,path,以及mountain的发音。





1. Free talk

T:Hi ! boys and girls. Stand up,please.

Good morning, everyone!

T:How are you today?

T:Nice to meet you!

T: Do you like singing songs?

T: Let’s sing a song : Bingo.(播放录音唱)

T:Sit down,please.

T:Now,Group1,2,3,4,5.Let’s climb up the mountain. If you can pass the words, the sentences and the paragraphs, you are the winners. Let’s have some competitions. OK?Ss:OK!


1. T:Now,please look at the pictures.What are these? ( 课件: 风景名胜) 

T:Yes,they are beautiful places.Do you want to go there to have a look?

Now,look,who am I?(Teacher拿上旅游旗)

T:Yes,I’m Miss Guide. Would you like to go and see the beautiful places with me?


T: OK! Let’s go! Look. Where are we? ( 课件: 自然公园)

T: Yes , We are in a Nature Park.

2. 课件:T:nature park教读nature park


T:Look! What can you see?

T:It’s a river.教读单词卡。读,齐读,开火车或抽读。

T:River,river,there is a river.

T:Now,What else can you see?

T: Grass,grass,there is some grass.


T: Well, There is apath . Can you see it now?



T:Look,What’s this?Is this a river?


T:It’s a … .教读,lake, lake. I can see a lake. There is a lake. big lake , small lake教读,抽读。


T:Now,many trees are here.There is a forest now. 

There is a forest in the nature park.



T:(师拿出花 闻)Mm, how fragrant! What’s this?拿出卡片学生读。Flower.抽读,齐读。




① T:Now, boys and girls. Let’s play games.

T:Look at my cards carefully, 

Guess.What’s missing?

② Picking apples.

课件T: If you can read the word, please pick the apple and read the word. Or: He or she point at the word, you please read it out.师示范,请生点一个读一个。评比。

③ Find friends: 

Look at the pictures and the words, match them please.(所有單词都会的组前进一步)

④ Sentences: Now, boys and girls, look at another pictures. Try to say some sentences with the new words.

提示学生说There is a __________.(然后请生自由说句子, 注意用 There is/ are … or I can see…句式)

⑤ Chant 

T: Now , look at the screen, there is a chant. Listen to it carefully, then say it with me.

Flower, flower, there are some flowers.

River , river , there is a river .

Lake , lake , there is a lake.

Grass , grass , there’s some grass.

Forest, forest, there is a forest.

Path , path , there is a path. 


1. 小组活动(1)Page 70, Part 2 Compare with Picture 1, what difference in Picture A/B /C? Now, let’s see who has the fiery eyes?

Find out the differences:

Discuss in your group. 生说 There is a _____ in Picture A /B….


2. 口头作文:

T: Congratulations! Let’s go on. Now,look ! Where are we now? Yes ! We are in Jiangjin now.(师提示,引导读。) 

课件: 

There is a big river along our city. It's the Yangtze River. 

There is a Binjiang road by the river . There are many flowers , trees and some grass on it. There is a path to Aiping Mountain.

Marshal Nie Rongzhen said:"Jiangjin is a good place."

Welcome to our city -Jiangjin.

Well, boys and girls. Do you want to be a guide, and show everybody around the beautiful places in the world?OK! Have a try ,please.(请生来当小导游)

Take out your pictures,say something about your pictures in your group.请生说,评价,奖励

T:Congratulations.You did fairly well . All of you are the winners.


Well,so much for today .Thank you .

Please turn back and say:“Thank you . Goodbye!”


PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In a Nature Park Part

A Let’s learn

river grass path lake forest

flower mountain cloud sky

There is a / an ….



1、向别人问好应该说――A: Hello!(你好!)B: Hi!(你好!)

2、问别人的名字应该说-――A:What’s your name? 你的名字是什么?

B:My name’s Chen Jie.我的名字是陈洁。

3、跟别人分手应该说――A: Good bye!(再见)B: bye.(再见)

4、A: I have a pencil.我有一只铅笔 B: Me too.我也有。

5、早上相见应该说-――A: Good morning.早上好!

B: Good morning!早上好!

6、下午相见应该说――A: Good afternoon!下午好!

B: Good afternoon!下午好!

7、跟新朋友第一次见面――A: Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴。

B: Nice to meet you,too!见到你也很高兴!

8、A: Let’s go to school!让我们一起去上学!B: OK!好的。

9、看见久未见面的朋友或者别人身体不舒服,你该这么打招呼-A: How are you ? 你好吗?

B: Fine,thank you我很好,谢谢你。Very well,thanks.非常好,谢谢

10、A: Let’s make a puppet。让我们一起做个木偶吧!B: Great!棒极了!


A: what‘s this?这是什么?B: It‘s a duck.它是一只鸭子。

A: what‘s this?这是什么?B: It‘s a dog.它是一只狗。

A: what‘s this?这是什么?B: It‘s a bear.它是一只熊。


A: what‘s that?那是什么?B: It‘s a cat.它是一只猫。

A: what‘s that?那是什么?B: It‘s an elephant.它是一头大象。

A: what‘s that?那是什么?B: It‘s a pig.它是一只猪。


Cool.I like it.酷,我喜欢它。I like it.我喜欢它。

14、what‘s that?那是什么? Guess。猜一猜

It‘s a panda.它是一只熊猫。I like it.我喜欢它。Thanks.谢谢

15、你饿了,应该说:A: Mum,I‘m hungry.妈妈,我饿了。B: Have some bread.吃点面包吧。

16、你想请别人吃东西,应该说:A: Have some milk.喝点牛奶吧。B: Thank you.谢谢

17、你想喝点东西应该说:A: I‘d like some juice,please.请给我些果汁。B: Here you are.给你。

8、你想吃点东西,你该说――A: Can I have some water?请给我些水,好吗? B: Here you are.给你。

19、别人给你东西,应该说:A: Here you are.给你。B: Thank you.谢谢

20、别人跟你说谢谢,应该说:A: Thank you.谢谢

B: You‘re welcome.不用谢

21、问几个东西,应该说:A: How many plates?有几个盘子

B: Five 五个

22、问你几岁,应该说:A: How old are you?你几岁?B: I‘m seven years old.我七岁

23、祝别人生日快乐,应该说:A:Happy birthday.祝你生日快乐。B: Thank you.谢谢

24.想要这个东西,应该说:A: This one,please.请给我这个。B:Sure.好的二、读读,记记下面的句子。

Hello!I’m Wu Yifan.你好,我是吴一凡。Hi,I’m Sarah.你好,我是萨拉。

I have a ruler.我有一把尺子

What’ s your name? 你叫什么名字? My name’s John.我叫约翰。

Goodbye!再见 Bye,Miss white.再见,怀特小姐。

Mr Jones,this is Miss Green.琼斯先生,这是格林小姐。

I see red.我看见红色。I see green.我看见绿色。

Colour it brown!把它涂成棕色吧!Ok!好的 Good morning,Miss Green.早上好,格林小姐

Good afternoon ,Wu Yifan.下午好,吴一凡

Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴

Nice to meet you,too。见到你也很高兴。

How are you?你好吗? I’m fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢你。Very well,thanks

Let’s go to school!我们一起去上学吧!Ok!好的!

Look at me!this is my face.看我,这是我的脸

Let’s make a puppet。让我们一起做个木偶吧!Great!了!

This is the arm.这是胳膊。This is the leg.这是腿


2、goodbye!—bye! / see you!

3、what’s your name?—my name’s mike. / i am mike.

4、who are you?—i’m mike. / my name’s mike.

5、i have a pen.—me too.

6、i have a panda.—cool! / super! / wow! / great! / me too.

7、happy teachers’ day!—thank you.

8、happy halloween!—thank you.

9、this is my friend, mike.—nice to meet you.

10、good morning!—good morning!

11、good afternoon! —good afternoon!

12、let’s go to school!—ok! / great!

13、nice to meet you. —nice to meet you,too.

14、where is your ear?—here it is!

15、what’s in the picture?—a pen and an eraser.

16、let’s  play / paint / eat !— ok! / great!

17、i have a cat.—mew mew.

18、how are you?—i’m fine, thanks./ fine, thank you. / very well, thanks. / i’m ok. thanks.

19、may i have a look? —sure./ ok! here you are.

20、it’s nice / lovely!  i like it.—thanks.

21、what do you like?—i like cakes / milk.

22、i like hamburgers / chicken / blue.—me too.

23、have some bread.—ok, thank you. / no, thanks.

24、thank you!—you’re welcome!

25、can i have some chicken, please?—sure/ok. here you are.

26、happy birthday to you!—thank you.

27、how old are you?—nine. / i’m nine.

28、how many cakes?—three cakes.

29、this cake is for you.—thanks.

30、happy new year!—happy new year!

31、where are you from?—i’m from china / canada / america / england.


1. Hello!喂 Hi! 嗨

2. Hello! I’m Wu Yifan.

I’m from China.



3. What’s your name?


4. My name’s Chen Jie.


5. I have a pencil.


Me too.我也是。

6. Good morning.


6. Good morning.


Good afternoon.


7. This is Miss White.

这是Miss White。

Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你.

8. Where are you from?


I’m from America. 我来自美国.

9. Let’s go to school.


OK. 好的.

10. How many cakes?


One cake. 一个蛋糕。

11. How are you?


I’m fine, thank you.


12. Let’s paint.


Great. 很好.

13. I like green.


Me too. 我也是.

14. I have a rabbit.


15. Cool! 酷

Super! 棒极了!

Great! 很好!

Wow! 哇!

16. May I have a look?


16. May I have a look?



17. Here you are.给你。

Thank you.谢谢。

You’re welcome.不客气。

18. I like hamburgers.


Me too. 我也是。

19. Have some French fries.


20. Can I have some chicken?


21. How old are you?


19. Have some French fries.


20. Can I have some chicken?


21. How old are you?


I’m nine.


译林版小学英语五年级Unit2 A new student (Storytime部分)


本课时是小学英语五年级Unit2的第一课时, 在Unit1里我们已经初步了解There be结构句式的陈述的形式

这一部分内容是让学生进一步学习There be结构句式的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句形式以及它们答语, 对于小学生来说这与部分内容是很难的, 学生不易接受, 为此我要从分挖掘教学资源, 创设各种情景, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 力求使这节课最完美化。


1.理解, 掌握对话内容, 用正确的语音语调朗读对话, 初步表演对话。

2.正确运用日常交际用语Can you show her around?How many…?Is there a…?Yes, there is.No, there isn’t.Are there any…?Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.Let’s go and…

3.能正确的听、说、读单词:a r t r o o m, c l a s s r o o m, computer room, library, music room, playground


1.能正确理解对话内容, 朗读对话, 初步表演对话。

2.流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话。




Step 1 Warm up.


1) T:Hello, boys and girls, tody is a fine day.there is no cloudy in the sky.Walk into my school, all boys are lovely and all girls are beautiful.I am very happy.Are you happy?


Let us play a game.Would you like?


T:I act and you guess. (What do I like doing?)

(教师做几个动作学生猜, 老师喜欢画画, 然后老师介绍昨天老师画了一幅我们校园的画, 并问学生Where is there in the school?)

2.Lead student to step into learn new lesson.

(设计理念:通过自由对话和游戏能够拉近师生之间的距离, 让学生在没有压力的情况下轻松投入到学习中.)

Step2.Learn the new words and sentences

1.Show computer room and ask:“Where is it?”Lead students to answer“It is a computer room.”

Lead student to read some times.

Point students to read one by one.

Ask students to read in groups.

Ask students to read together.

Teacher ask student to watch carefully and tell the teacher

“Where is the computer room?”

Step into learn new word“third”.Ask student to pay attention the red letters. (强调序数词前必须加the)

(设计理念:通过PPT播放各室所在的位置让学生自己说出学校里有什么, 它们的位置在哪, 这样既直观有形象, 既可以激发学生的学习兴趣, 也可以提高学生的观察能力。)

2.Teacher the words“classroom, library, playground, second First”in the same way.

3.Show the picture of Yang lin’s school and introduce

the people in the picture.

Teacher ask students“Boys and girls, would you want to know

“What are they doing?”

Student answer“Yes”

T:Yang lin is showing Nancy around her school.


4.Student watch PPT carefully, after then the teacher ask students“What place have they visited?”

Show the words music room and table tennis room.

Learn the two words.

5.Teacher ask:Boys and girls“How many classrooms are there in the school?”

Lead students to answer“There are 24 classrooms in the school.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)

6.Are there any computer rooms?

L e a d s t u d e n t s t o a n s w e r“Ye s, t h e r e a r e./N o, t h e r e aren’t.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)

7.Is there a music room and table tennis room?

L e a d s t u d e n t s t o a n s w e r“Ye s, t h e r e i s./N o, t h e r e isn’t.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)
