



Unit five what does he do ?

Part A Let`s learn 讲课稿



Teaching Aims: 1 学生能够听说读写factory worker, postman ,businessman ,police officer等有关职业的单词和词组。教师通过ZhangPeng 和Oliver在Career Day谈论自己父母工作的情景,来呈现上述单词的词形和意义。学生能够运用本部分的核心词汇和句型谈论职业,描述构思自己的职业梦想,并为之努力。


“一猜”“二听”“三跟读” 请你借助书本上的图片猜出单词的意思以及情景对话的讨论内容。2 请你在听完单词及对话的录音后,使“声音”与“图片”对号入座,让发音和认读联系起来。请你跟读录音,同时做到“听,指,读”,听到哪里,手指到哪里,嘴巴读到哪里。教学过程: Greeting: Morning ,boys and girls, nice meeting you.At first, let me introduce myself: my hobby is reading ,I also like listening to music.Do you like music?<与Ss做互动>My favourite song is ,let`s enjoy it.教师播放歌曲MV,可与学生一起打拍子,创造良好课堂氛围。

T:The song is great.Before the class, I am going to divide you in 8groups.教师示意分组:group 1&2&3&4&5……..分别贴上组名,If you do a good job ,I will give you a star.Every group must work hard, and try to be the winner.Some pencils are waiting for you.2 Warming up I have a big family.My uncle is a farmer, he works on the farm.My brother is a driver.My father is a teacher, my mother is a teacher ,too.So I can say my parents are teachers.WangYuan is a singer,TF Boys are singers.教师依次展示不同职业的图片,最后归类总结:You can see we have learnt so many words about career.Today we are going to learn more words.Are you ready? 3 Presentation <1>教师出示新词图片:what does she do ?可稍微翻译一下提示学生can you guess?运用此方法依次展示postman ,businessman ,police officer: a

教师领读,follow me,please.B

Together &boys &girls




practice with your partners, if you have any questions, ask your team leader for help or hands up, I will help you.师一定要走下讲台,深入学生。

e It is show time.大小声 I speak in a low voice ,you speak loudly.I

factory worker, speak loudly,you speak in a low voice.If anybody speak something wrong, others : one two three BOOM.对表现优异的组加☆。

(2)回归文本 T:You are so clever.Now look at my pictures,选一位学生:Is your father a postman? S1: No.教师帮助生把答案补充完整:No,he isn`t.T: is your mother a police officer ?s2:No, she isn`t.T: SO, What does she do? S3: she is a farmer.教师尽量多问几位学生,反复操练新词。

It is career day, ZhangPeng and Oliver are talking about the jobs.what does Oliver`s father do? Listen to the tape and circle the right answer on the book.师播放录音,领读对话。然后男生女生分角色扮演对话。4 consolidation

(1)Look at the screen,make a new dialogue with your members: Is your____a______? Yes,___is./ No,____isn`t.What does he/she do?

He /She is a _____.教师要善于观察,帮助有困难的学生,积极创编新对话。然后,进行展示T:which group want to give us a show? Come on!点评学生的对话,进行纠错与鼓励。

(2)教师帮助学生对第二部分做听前预测,然后完成listen match and say.最后引导大家一起speak out: what does Genan`s father do? He is a _____.对完成好的小组加☆鼓励。5summing up(1)教师展示a little girl图片 :when I was a little girl ,I wanted to be a teacher.so I studied hard, and now my dream comes true.what do you want to be?此句进行板书,翻译,引导学生自由发言,描述职业梦想,积极进行鼓励和表扬。

(2)总结各组得☆情况,揭示每组背后的秘密,group 1 :factory worker.You are fourstar factory workers.依次进行,the winner is group*,clap your hands, and every student in group*can get a pencil.6 homework Copy the words and review the sentences.Class is over, goodbye.板书:


What does he do ?

Part A let`s learn 四张新词的卡片及两个句型板书

右边:What are you going to be? I am going to be a _____.分组及各组成果展示,得☆情况

Thanks for your listening!




教学内容:PEP五年级下Unit 3 Part A Let’s talk

教学目标:1.能听、说、认读句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in February.Is your birthday in…,too? No, my birthday is in….2.培养学生的听说读写能力及综合发展语言能力。


教学重点:强化第一课时的句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in….并听说认读新句型:Is your birthday in…,too?







(3)用My birthday is in…说自己的生日,再询问对方的生日。引出新句型


(1)学习新句型:Is your birthday in…,too? No, my birthday is in….用月份替换操练新

句型,可以加入My birthday is in….,使学生在操练中明确句子意识。


When is Mike’s birthday? When is Amy’s birthday? When is Zhang Peng’s birthday? 解答问题后,学生再听录音,跟读,模仿,两遍。学生分角色朗读,三四组之后,替换成学生的个人真实信息,教师询问读对话的学生的生日,检查学生的学习情况。做英语练习册第14页的第四题,学生在读中核对答案。


屏幕出示图片:National Day ,Children’s Day, Tree-planting Day, Army Day, New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, 教师教读,学生结合图片理解节日名称,同时加入问答;When is….? It’s in….了解节日月份的英语表达法。巩固练习:同步解析与测评第16页,第6题,学生试做,读句子中核对答案。


译林版小学英语五年级Unit2 A new student (Storytime部分)


本课时是小学英语五年级Unit2的第一课时, 在Unit1里我们已经初步了解There be结构句式的陈述的形式

这一部分内容是让学生进一步学习There be结构句式的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句形式以及它们答语, 对于小学生来说这与部分内容是很难的, 学生不易接受, 为此我要从分挖掘教学资源, 创设各种情景, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 力求使这节课最完美化。


1.理解, 掌握对话内容, 用正确的语音语调朗读对话, 初步表演对话。

2.正确运用日常交际用语Can you show her around?How many…?Is there a…?Yes, there is.No, there isn’t.Are there any…?Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.Let’s go and…

3.能正确的听、说、读单词:a r t r o o m, c l a s s r o o m, computer room, library, music room, playground


1.能正确理解对话内容, 朗读对话, 初步表演对话。

2.流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话。




Step 1 Warm up.


1) T:Hello, boys and girls, tody is a fine day.there is no cloudy in the sky.Walk into my school, all boys are lovely and all girls are beautiful.I am very happy.Are you happy?


Let us play a game.Would you like?


T:I act and you guess. (What do I like doing?)

(教师做几个动作学生猜, 老师喜欢画画, 然后老师介绍昨天老师画了一幅我们校园的画, 并问学生Where is there in the school?)

2.Lead student to step into learn new lesson.

(设计理念:通过自由对话和游戏能够拉近师生之间的距离, 让学生在没有压力的情况下轻松投入到学习中.)

Step2.Learn the new words and sentences

1.Show computer room and ask:“Where is it?”Lead students to answer“It is a computer room.”

Lead student to read some times.

Point students to read one by one.

Ask students to read in groups.

Ask students to read together.

Teacher ask student to watch carefully and tell the teacher

“Where is the computer room?”

Step into learn new word“third”.Ask student to pay attention the red letters. (强调序数词前必须加the)

(设计理念:通过PPT播放各室所在的位置让学生自己说出学校里有什么, 它们的位置在哪, 这样既直观有形象, 既可以激发学生的学习兴趣, 也可以提高学生的观察能力。)

2.Teacher the words“classroom, library, playground, second First”in the same way.

3.Show the picture of Yang lin’s school and introduce

the people in the picture.

Teacher ask students“Boys and girls, would you want to know

“What are they doing?”

Student answer“Yes”

T:Yang lin is showing Nancy around her school.


4.Student watch PPT carefully, after then the teacher ask students“What place have they visited?”

Show the words music room and table tennis room.

Learn the two words.

5.Teacher ask:Boys and girls“How many classrooms are there in the school?”

Lead students to answer“There are 24 classrooms in the school.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)

6.Are there any computer rooms?

L e a d s t u d e n t s t o a n s w e r“Ye s, t h e r e a r e./N o, t h e r e aren’t.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)

7.Is there a music room and table tennis room?

L e a d s t u d e n t s t o a n s w e r“Ye s, t h e r e i s./N o, t h e r e isn’t.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)


1.知识目标:①能听说认读单词flower,river ,grass,lake ,forest, path,sky ,cloud, mountain等九个单词. 





四会单词的学习以及在句型There is /are…中的操练。


grass, forest,path,以及mountain的发音。





1. Free talk

T:Hi ! boys and girls. Stand up,please.

Good morning, everyone!

T:How are you today?

T:Nice to meet you!

T: Do you like singing songs?

T: Let’s sing a song : Bingo.(播放录音唱)

T:Sit down,please.

T:Now,Group1,2,3,4,5.Let’s climb up the mountain. If you can pass the words, the sentences and the paragraphs, you are the winners. Let’s have some competitions. OK?Ss:OK!


1. T:Now,please look at the pictures.What are these? ( 课件: 风景名胜) 

T:Yes,they are beautiful places.Do you want to go there to have a look?

Now,look,who am I?(Teacher拿上旅游旗)

T:Yes,I’m Miss Guide. Would you like to go and see the beautiful places with me?


T: OK! Let’s go! Look. Where are we? ( 课件: 自然公园)

T: Yes , We are in a Nature Park.

2. 课件:T:nature park教读nature park


T:Look! What can you see?

T:It’s a river.教读单词卡。读,齐读,开火车或抽读。

T:River,river,there is a river.

T:Now,What else can you see?

T: Grass,grass,there is some grass.


T: Well, There is apath . Can you see it now?



T:Look,What’s this?Is this a river?


T:It’s a … .教读,lake, lake. I can see a lake. There is a lake. big lake , small lake教读,抽读。


T:Now,many trees are here.There is a forest now. 

There is a forest in the nature park.



T:(师拿出花 闻)Mm, how fragrant! What’s this?拿出卡片学生读。Flower.抽读,齐读。




① T:Now, boys and girls. Let’s play games.

T:Look at my cards carefully, 

Guess.What’s missing?

② Picking apples.

课件T: If you can read the word, please pick the apple and read the word. Or: He or she point at the word, you please read it out.师示范,请生点一个读一个。评比。

③ Find friends: 

Look at the pictures and the words, match them please.(所有單词都会的组前进一步)

④ Sentences: Now, boys and girls, look at another pictures. Try to say some sentences with the new words.

提示学生说There is a __________.(然后请生自由说句子, 注意用 There is/ are … or I can see…句式)

⑤ Chant 

T: Now , look at the screen, there is a chant. Listen to it carefully, then say it with me.

Flower, flower, there are some flowers.

River , river , there is a river .

Lake , lake , there is a lake.

Grass , grass , there’s some grass.

Forest, forest, there is a forest.

Path , path , there is a path. 


1. 小组活动(1)Page 70, Part 2 Compare with Picture 1, what difference in Picture A/B /C? Now, let’s see who has the fiery eyes?

Find out the differences:

Discuss in your group. 生说 There is a _____ in Picture A /B….


2. 口头作文:

T: Congratulations! Let’s go on. Now,look ! Where are we now? Yes ! We are in Jiangjin now.(师提示,引导读。) 

课件: 

There is a big river along our city. It's the Yangtze River. 

There is a Binjiang road by the river . There are many flowers , trees and some grass on it. There is a path to Aiping Mountain.

Marshal Nie Rongzhen said:"Jiangjin is a good place."

Welcome to our city -Jiangjin.

Well, boys and girls. Do you want to be a guide, and show everybody around the beautiful places in the world?OK! Have a try ,please.(请生来当小导游)

Take out your pictures,say something about your pictures in your group.请生说,评价,奖励

T:Congratulations.You did fairly well . All of you are the winners.


Well,so much for today .Thank you .

Please turn back and say:“Thank you . Goodbye!”


PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In a Nature Park Part

A Let’s learn

river grass path lake forest

flower mountain cloud sky

There is a / an ….


January 25th Saturday

Today mother took me to skate. I was very happy. But I hadnt expected I fell down as soon as I got in. Today I didnt know why my two feet were out of control. If I wanted to head east, they would head the opposite. I fell down from time to time. My hands and face were all dirty. I thought maybe it was because that I hadnt skated for a long time.

On my way home, I thought that whatever one wants to do, he must work hard at it, so he can make progress. Skating is like this, so it study.











(1). 复习1---3单元的语言和词汇,要求学生做到能听、会认,并在实际情景中准确表达。

(2). 复习1---3单元Let’s learn 中的四会单词和Read and write中的四会句子,要求学生能熟练地听、说、读、写。

(3).能听懂Listen and circle的录音,并回答问题,会唱Let’s chant的歌谣,能理解其含义。








(1)重、难点:复习1---3单元会话,并在情景中运用;能听懂Listen and circle的录音,并回答问题,会唱Let’s chant的歌谣,能理解其含义。





(一) 教学内容

本堂课是北京版《英语》三年级上册第五单元的复习课, 是第四课时。在前三课时中, 学生分别学习了询问天气、表达着装和描述四季气候特点等的功能句型以及天气类 (sunny, warm, cool, cold, hot, rainy, cloudy, windy, snowy) 、服装类 (raincoat, jacket, sweater, gloves) 和季节类 (spring, summer, autumn, winter) 的词汇。基于上述学生已有的知识储备, 教师设计了课堂活动, 通过the four seasons in Beijing这个主题, 以及“What are the four seasons?What’s the weather like in each season in Beijing?What shall we wear in each season?Where can we go in each season?What shall we do there?”等话题的谈论, 引导学生关注北京的四季, 体会四季的美好, 从而激发学生热爱不同季节的情感, 并学会用英语向外国朋友介绍美丽的北京。

(二) 学生情况

授课对象是北京市顺义区后沙峪中心小学三年级的学生, 他们的年龄在十岁左右, 活泼好动, 喜欢直观形象思维, 对游戏、竞赛、小组创作比较感兴趣;有着较强的求知欲和表现欲。

在知识储备方面, 学生对四季和衣服名称, 以及不同季节天气的特点等语言知识掌握得比较扎实。但学生自如运用语言的能力不足, 且受教材背景知识以及生活经历限制, 在四季风景的思考和表达上存在一定的难度。因此在实施教学时, 教师注意每个活动的示范和“小台阶”的搭建, 降低活动难度, 引导学生先听后说、先读后写, 帮助学生顺利完成本课时的学习任务。同时, 本堂课教师运用了色彩明亮的季节树、操作简易的任务单, 以及小组合作的学习与展示形式, 给学生营造了一个舒适、放松的学习环境。

(三) 教学手段

1. 教学方式

本堂课从一个主题入手, 谈论与其相关的不同话题, 每个话题学生都需要完成不同的学习任务, 如指认季节树、描述季节的天气特点、为季节选择合适的衣服、将北京的不同季节介绍给外国朋友等。学生在独立思考、小组合作中完成任务并进行成果展示。

2. 教学手段

在本课教学过程中, 教师运用听、说、做、读、演等多种形式, 让学生在相对真实的语言交际环境中激活、运用语言, 在互动活动中完善知识体系, 提高语言表达能力, 发展综合语言素养。

3. 技术准备

多媒体设备、自制PPT演示文稿 (内有视频、图片、文字描述) 、板贴图片、板贴字卡、胶棒、单词卡片、学习任务单。

(四) 教学目标

1. 能够听懂、会说、认读季节、天气、服装和活动类词汇。

2. 能够运用“How many seasons are there?Whatare they?What’s the weather like?What shall we wear?Where can we go?What shall we do there?”等功能句型和相关的季节、天气、服装、活动类词汇谈论北京四个季节的主要特征和活动特点。

3. 能够通过小组互助活动, 提高分析问题、解决问题的能力, 提升查找信息、自学英语知识的能力, 并在交流讨论中提升团队协作意识。

4. 通过唱歌、欣赏视频、制作季节树、向外国友人介绍北京等活动, 感受北京的四季之美, 加深热爱北京的情感。

(五) 教学重点

能够运用“How many seasons are there?What are they?What’s the weather like?What shall we wear?Where can we go?What shall we do there?”等功能句型以及相关的季节、天气、服装、活动类词汇谈论北京四个季节的主要特征和活动特点。


Step 1:复现单元主题

上课前, 教师播放歌曲视频, 歌词如下:

There are four seasons that happen in a year.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Spring, summer, autumn, winter.

Four seasons that happen in a year.

学生跟唱, 然后回答教师的问题。

T:Do you know what is the song about?


T:Yes!Today we are going to talk about the seasons in Beijing.And we will talk about it in these five parts.

教师呈现本堂课主题, 并通过PPT展示与主题相关的五个话题 (见图1) 。

【设计意图】用歌曲激活本课核心主题;通过话题呈现, 引导学生明确本课时的学习任务。

Step 2:激活运用已知词汇及重点句型

Activity 1:Talk about the four seasons.

教师在教室摆放4棵季节树 (见图2~3) , 结合PPT中的第一个话题向学生提问:

T:How many seasons are there in Beijing and what are they?

Ss:They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

T:Now!Look!There are four trees in our classroom.Can you tell me which one is the spring tree?

S:The first one.

T:Yes!And which one is summer (autumn/winter) tree?

S:The second (third/fourth) one.

Activity 2:Talk about the weather in the four seasons.

教师呈现PPT中的第二个话题:What’s the weather like in the four seasons?引导学生思考回答。

T:How about the weather in spring/summer/autumn/winter?


教师根据学生的回答, 将天气类词卡贴在相应的季节树上 (见图4~7) 。

Activity 3:Talk about the clothes.


教师通过PPT呈现衣服类词汇:jacket, T-shirt, shirt, overcoat, raincoat, vest, sweater, dress, skirt, cap, hat, shorts, trousers, gloves, slippers, sandals, sneakers, boots, sunglasses, 并带领学生一起复习。

T:Let’s read together!


(1) 教师呈现第三个话题:What shall we wear in the four seasons?

(2) 教师以夏天所穿衣服为例引导学生将衣服按季节分类 (见图8) 。

(3) 教师布置任务:给季节寻找合适的衣服。要求学生以小组合作的方式完成学习任务单。

T:We can wear...in spring?How about other seasons?What shall we wear in other three seasons?Now it is your time, work in groups and finish Task1on your study paper.


(4) 小组展示

每组任选一个季节, 小组成员将学习单上所选择的衣服粘贴在对应的季节树上, 并用简单的句型介绍:“In summer we can wear...”

介绍完毕后, 其他小组可以进行补充 (见图10~11) 。

【设计意图】该环节中, 教师重点设计了三个活动, 用季节、天气、衣服等话题激活学生已知的词汇和功能句型, 并通过分类活动有意识地引导学生关注不同季节的特点和变化, 为介绍不同季节的特征的活动做好准备。小组活动在反馈学生生活常识的同时也训练了学生的观察能力、动手能力、小组合作和展示的能力。

Step 3:Talk about the activities in four seasons.

Activity 1:Enjoy a video.

1.教师询问学生:We all live in Beijing.Where can you go in Beijing in summer?

2.教师呈现活动任务:I will show you a video about the four seasons in Beijing.I have two questions for you:Where can we go in four seasons?What shall we do there?

3.教师播放介绍北京四季景色的课件, 学生欣赏并了解北京四季的不同景色。

4.学生回答教师的问题:How about the four seasons in Beijing?Are they beautiful?Where can we go in Beijing in summer/autumn/winter?What can we do there?

【设计意图】通过欣赏视频唤醒学生对北京四季之美的认识并整体感知、理解语言, 用两个问题引导学生关注视频中的地点和活动信息。学生结合前几个活动逐渐建构起对四季中天气、着装、景点、活动等的系统认识。

Step 4:介绍北京的四季景色

Activity 1:呈现任务, 理解情景

1.教师创设情景:Oh!My We Chat is ringing!Who is speaking and what does he want to do?Let’s listen!

教师播放Mike的微信留言:Hello, Bob.I have a piece of good news.I will go to Beijing next month.I will go there for study.But I really don’t know anything about Beijing.Can you tell me something more about Beijing.For example, which season is it in Beijing?How’s the weather?Is Beijing beautiful?Where shall I visit in Beijing?What shall I do?Can you help me?

播放结束后, 教师布置任务, 让学生帮助Mike解决问题。

2.师生共同谈论Mike的留言信息, 如“What happened to Mike?What does Mike want to know?”等。

3.教师提供语言框架, 学生以补充所缺关键信息的方式完成回复Mike的信息。

Activity 2:学生分组独立完成任务

1.教师继续呈现任务:Now, there are three other friends will come to Beijing.Let’s listen and find out what they need.

2.教师播放Lily, Charlie, Tina三个朋友的微信留言, 学生仔细倾听。明确这三个小朋友也想来北京参观, 他们也想了解北京不同季节的特点。

3.教师提出任务要求:各小组选择最感兴趣的季节, 并根据教师提供的语言框架和短语、词汇完成对这个季节的介绍以及对Lily/Charlie/Tina的回复。

Hello, __________.

Welcome to Beijing in_________.

It’s a_________season in Beijing.


You can wear_______.

You can go to_______.

You can_______there.

Have a______trip!

(beautiful, great, interesting, good, wonderful, nice...)

4.学生进行小组活动, 完成任务单Task 2, 教师适时指导。


【设计意图】给朋友回微信的情景既真实又有时代感, 容易激发学生的学习兴趣并使学生体验帮助别人的美好的情感。小组合作完成任务不仅降低了学习难度, 给学生提供了很好的语言支撑, 符合学生的认知实际, 还培养了学生的小组合作能力, 增强了学生的自信心与语言表现能力。在听微信留言、微信书写回复、口头表达的过程中, 学生学会运用语言知识, 发展了语言综合运用能力。向外国小朋友介绍北京的四季之美, 激发了学生热爱家乡的情怀。

Step 4:Homework

教师给学生布置作业:仿照任务2, 选择一个季节, 向朋友介绍北京的天气、着装、饮食、主要活动等。


本堂课最大的亮点在于创设了真实的情景。授课教师采用了色彩明亮的季节树, 使学生走进教室的一瞬间就能感受到本堂课的主题学习内容。同时四季树替代了传统的板书教学形式, 让英语课显得更为生动、活泼并富有感染力。学生在这种真实的教学情境下, 理解知识更为简单, 语言的运用更为自如。

授课教师还将教学内容自如地与生活实际相联系, 通过介绍北京四季景色的视频, 学生能感受到一年四季的鲜明转化。简易操作的任务单, 以及小组合作的学习与展示形式, 使学生热情高涨、积极参与。学生在展示环节中大胆展示了设计, 熟练地运用了本堂课所学的语言知识, 收到了良好的课堂效果。

本堂课中, 授课教师面向全体学生, 尊重个体差异, 运用灵活的教学方法和趣味性强的活动形式帮助学生复习运用, 全方位调动学生进行听、说、读、演的积极性, 努力营造和谐有序的课堂场景。

除上述优点之外, 本堂课也存在着些许不足, 如授课教师的语速偏快, 学生小组合作学习的有效性还需要加强等。


本堂课采用活动驱动型教学模式, 通过创设情境, 借助小组合作、师生互动、小组汇报展示等活动, 让学生在比较真实的情景中进行体验式学习。团队合作活动在培养学生综合运用语言能力的同时使学生的多元智能在交际活动中得以体现和发展。本教学设计与其他教学设计相比有如下三个特点:

1.信息可视化, 内容情景化

本堂课, 张旭超老师以树为载体, 将四季“搬”进了课堂, 为学生营造了直观形象的主题环境。依托四季树的背景, 将谈论的天气、着装等词汇分类粘贴在不同的季节树上, 取代了以往呆板的板书, 突出了每个季节的不同特点。季节树营造了语言表达的物理环境, 有利于学生的学习和交流。

2.主题突出, 话题完整

本堂课的主题是The four seasons in Beijing, 围绕这一主题, 张老师设计了五个话题, 包括四季的名称、天气、着装、特色的景点和活动等。五个话题层层递进, 不同话题的讨论与活动突出了本堂课的主题。

