





1、答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考试号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将考试号条形 码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。

2、答题用0.5毫米的黑色墨水签字笔或黑色墨水钢笔直接答在答题卡上每题对应的答题 区域内,答在试题卷上无效。




A.丞相 B.御史大夫 C.门下省








A.因材施教 B.温故知新 C.有教无类

D.仁者爱人 14.《关于在中小学地方课程教材中全面落实“十四年抗战”概念的函》,将“八年抗战”一律改为“十四年抗战”。下列哪一事件应作为“十四年抗战”的开始 A.九一八事变 B.七七事变 C.西安事变 D华北事变


A.上海 B.南京 C.广州

D.厦门 16.以毛泽东为代表的共产党人开创了中国革命的正确道路;以邓小平为代表的共产党人开创了中国特色的社会主义道路。这两者的根本共同点是 A.坚持中国共产党领导

B.坚持社会主义方向 C.坚持民主集中制原则




B.文艺复兴 C.宗教改革


18.战国时期统一中原的秦国,18世纪确立世界霸主地位的英国。他们发展的道路各不相同,但在治国方面却有惊人的相似。你认为他们治国方面对后世影响最大的是 A.发展经济 B.武力掠夺 C.制度创新 D.科技强国 19.热爱和平,避免战争是人类追求的永恒主题,历史上发生的两次世界大战给人类带来了巨大的灾难和创伤。下列对两次世界大战共同点表述正确的是 A.都是帝国主义争霸战争 B.战前都建立了两大军事集团 C.北非地区都成为战争的主战场 D.都使西欧国家遭到严重削弱


A.政治全球化 B.经济全球化














材料一:18世纪末,随着英国经济实力的增长,以英国为代表的西方人士对中国的态度多以侮辱和谩骂取代以前的尊重和颂扬。(1)列举近代以来以英国为代表的西方人士对中国的 “侮辱和谩骂”最终使中国社会性质发生了怎样的变化?(2分)




材料一:治世不一道,便国不法古。――商鞅 材料二:土地改革的基本内容就是没收地主阶的土地,分配给无地或少地的农民。„„这种改革,诚然是中国历史上几千年来一次最大、最彻底的改革。



(1)读材料一,商鞅变法中的哪一措施最能体现他“不法古”,能促进新的封建经济发展?(1分)(2)读材料二:刘少奇认为土地改革是“中国历史上几千年来一次最大、最彻底的改革”的依据是什么?(2分)(3)读材料三:罗斯福所说的“旧民主秩序”是指什么?他是如何实现对其的“新运用” 的?(2分)






材料三:对于在这里的我们而言„„更多的吸取他们(阵亡将士)的献身精神,完成他们已经完全为之献身的事业。我们坚信„„一个由人民组成、人民治理并且为了人民的政府将在地球上永存。——1863年林肯在葛底斯堡国家公墓落成典礼上的演讲(3)材料三中美国黑人在“完成„„为之献身的事业”的过程中,通过什么文献也成为了“人民” 的一部分?(1分)









40.【学习十九大精神 不忘初心和使命】(8分)


中国共产党28年的革命过程示意图 1921 1924 1927 1935 1945 1949(1)列举党在1935年前的14年不断从挫折中奋起过程中学到了什么?(2分)(2)党在1935年后的14年中取得了哪些辉煌革命成就为中华民族的站立打下了坚实基础?







11-15 B D C A A 16-20 DACDB









(2)新文化运动、戊戌变法(或辛亥革命)、洋务运动(答对三类运动,即可得两分,按顺序一分)(3)不能 中外反动势力强大,资本主义道路在中国走不通;只有中国共产党才能救中国。(也可答能,但要言之有理,否则不得分)



(2)土地改革的完成,彻底摧毁了我国存在两千多年的封建土地制度,地主阶级也被消灭;农民翻了身,得到了土地,成为了土地的主人。(2分)(3)资本主义制度 加强国家对经济的干预和知指导(2分)(4)改革立足于时代需要,促进生产发展(1分)38.【用法律规约权力】(7分)(1)《权利法案》;确立起君主立宪制的资产阶级统治,推动了世界历史的发展进程,是世界近代史的开端(2分)







40.【学习十九大精神 不忘初心和使命】(8分)





2015年襄阳市初中毕业生学业水平考试 英 语 试 题

(本试卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟)★ 祝 考 试 顺 利 ★










1.What sport does Wang Wei like best?

A.Soccer.B.Ping-pong.C.Basketball.2.Where does the woman want to go?

A.To the post office.B.To the hospital.C.To the bank.3.How was Rick’s vacation?

A.It was fun.B.It was boring.C.It was terrible.4.What will they most probably do this evening?

A.They’ll see a movie.B.They’ll go dancing.C.They’ll watch TV.5.Why was Peter late for class?

A.The bus was late.B.His clock had stopped.C.He got up later than usual.第二节

下面你将听到6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个与你所听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。听每段对话或独白前,你有10秒钟的时间阅读相关小题;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。对话或独白播两遍。听第一段材料,回答第6至8小题。6.When is Dick’s music class?

A.On Monday.B.On Tuesday.C.On Friday.7.Who is Dick’s music teacher?

A.Mr.Brown.B.Mrs.Green.C.Ms.Smith.8.What’s Gina’s favorite day?

A.Friday.B.Tuesday.C.Monday.听第二段材料,回答第9至11小题。9.Why is Tom so excited?

A.He’s going to visit his parents.B.He’s going to have a party.C.He’s going for a trip with his family.10.How long are they going to stay in Beijing?

A.About a week.B.Four days.C.Two weeks.11.When are they going to leave?

A.On July 6.B.On June 6.C.On May 6.听第三段材料,回答第12至14小题。12.Whom did David go to the zoo with?

A.His parents.B.Frank.C.Ann.13.How did they get to the zoo?

A.By car.B.By bike.C.By bus.14.What did David think of the animal show?

A.It was scary.B.It was awful.C.It was great.听第四段材料,回答第15至17小题。15.Where are the two speakers talking?

A.At the ticket office.B.At the information office.C.At the police station.16.What time does the earliest train to Wuhan leave tomorrow morning?

A.At 9:00.B.At 10:00.C.At 11: 00.17.How much should the man pay if he wants two tickets?

A.180 yuan.B.192 yuan.C.96 yuan.听第五段材料,回答第18至20小题。

18.What school is Zhang Lan most probably studying in now?

A.In a junior high school.B.In a senior high school.C.In a college.19.What will she do to achieve her dream?

A.She’ll find a part-time job.B.She’ll join an English club.C.She’ll go to a teachers’ college first.20.Why does she choose to work in a village school?

A.She doesn’t like city life.B.She likes fresh air there.C.The village schools need teachers very much.听第六段材料,回答第21至25小题。21.What does Mary look like?

A.She’s tall with glasses.B.She’s of medium build.C.She’s short and has big eyes.22.Are Mary and Alice in the same class?

A.Yes, they are.B.No, they aren’t.C.We don’t know.23.Why did Alice feel sad one day?

A.She argued with Mary.B.Mary laughed at her.C.She didn’t do well in the test.24.What did Mary do to help Alice?

A.She had a discussion with her.B.She went to hug her.C.She wrote down the right answers for her.25.How did Alice feel after Mary helped her?



26.---Mum, I have a bad headache.I feel terrible.(湖北襄阳)

---Oh, dear!You must get a cold.You’d better see ___________ after breakfast.A.a violinist

B.a doctor

C.a policeman

D.an engineer 27.---It’s reported that Chinese ___________more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信).(湖北襄阳)

---It’s true.But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time.A.spend



D.take 28.---I’m a little __________ now.(湖北襄阳)

---Oh, it’s lunch time.Let’s go to the nearest restaurant to get something to eat.A.thirsty



D.bored 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.A 31.D 32.C 33.B 34.A 35.D 36.A 37.C

38.C 39.B 40.B 29.---What do you know about Xiangyang?(湖北襄阳)

---It’s __________ its state level scenic spot(景点)—Gulongzhong.A.famous as

B.different from C.similar to

D.known for 30.---Could you ________ the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e-mails.(湖北襄阳)

---Certainly, I’ll do it right away.A.turn on

B.turn down

C.turn off

D.turn up 31.---You say you are short of money.Why not sell your old gold watch for some money?(湖北襄阳)

---Oh, I can’t, because it was a gift from my wife.I promised her I would never _________ it.A.care about

B.look after

C.stick to

D.part with 32.---I hear two high speed railways will be built in Xiangyang _______ a few years.(湖北襄阳)

---That sounds great.It’ll be more convenient and faster for us to go out.A.after



D.at 33.---The passenger ship Eastern Star capsized(倾覆)in the Yangtze River on the evening of June 1st.(湖北襄阳)

---____________ bad news!Can we do something to help with the rescue(救援)?

A.What a


C.How a

D.How 34.---Did you catch the first subway this morning?(湖北襄阳)

---No, I didn’t.It had started moving __________ I could get on it.A.before



D.as soon as 34.---Did you catch the first subway this morning?(湖北襄阳)

---No, I didn’t.It had started moving __________ I could get on it.A.before



D.as soon as 36.---We ordered beef noodles, but _______ any beef in the noodles.(湖北襄阳)

---Put on your glasses and you can see the beef.A.there isn’t

B.there is C.there aren’t D.there are

37.---Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?(湖北襄阳)

---Yes.But now I realize I was wrong.I really regret ________that silly thing to my mum.A.do

B.to do

C.doing D.did 38.---Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night?(湖北襄阳)

---I ___________ the piano.I usually practice the piano at that time.A.play


C.was playing D.am playing 39.---It’s cold today.I can’t stand it.I hope tomorrow won’t be so ________.(湖北襄阳)

---I can’t, either.But the radio says it will be even ___________ tomorrow.A.cold, cold

B.cold, colder

C.colder, colder

D.colder, coldest 40.---Can you tell me __________?(湖北襄阳)

---Sure.He lives on Center Street.A.where does he live

B.where he lives

C.why he lives there

D.what does he do



It was the beginning of a new term.As a

teacher in that school, I didn’t know any of the students.A little girl was standing at the gate of the classroom.She looked very shy.I walked up to her and

why she stood there.But she said nothing.Then a boy shouted, “She is from Grade Four, the worst student in her grade.” I looked at the little girl.She didn’t seem to be the smart kind.I

why her teacher asked her to stay in Grade Three.I took her hand and

her into the classroom.“Sit here.Now you are my student and I’m your teacher,” I said.She still said nothing, but suddenly began to cry.I later learnt that her parents died in a car accident.She became sad and didn’t like talking to others after that.She learnt very

.I gave her respect(尊重)and never looked down upon(鄙视)her as I know everybody deserves(值得)respect.I helped her after school, and she was making

little by little.As time went by, she was not as

as before.At the end of the term, she seemed to have forgotten all her sadness.She was not among the best students when she left that school, but

, she was not that shy and sad little girl any more.In the following

, she would send me a card on each Thanksgiving Day.Three days ago, I

an invitation to her wedding(婚礼).And now, I am at her wedding, and she is smiling brightly.Everyone deserves respect and everyone can be happy.41.A.new



D.famous 42.A.told



D.asked 43.A.thought



D.remembered 44.A.poured



D.turned 45.A.slowly



D.quickly 46.A.friends



D.surprises 47.A.smart



D.careful 48.A.at least

B.at first

C.at once

D.at birth 49.A.days



D.years 50.A.wrote





阅读下面三篇材料,根据材料内容从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该标号涂黑。A 51.If you want to be a postman, it’s necessary for you to have _____________.A.working experience

B.good knowledge of the city

C.a driver’s license

D.a college student’s card 52.Sunshine School needs _____________.A.excellent English teachers

B.a hard-working postman

C.full-time drivers

D.an outgoing tour guide 53.If you want to be a taxi driver, you should _____________.A.be over 45 years old

B.know the city very well

C.write to No.38 Changhong Rd.D.speak English well 54.The tour guides wanted should ____________.A.have no working experience

B.be patient with children

C.be good at driving

D.speak good English 55.You can not get information by ___________ if you want to get a job above.A.making a call

B.going to visit the manager

C.sending an e-mail

D.writing a letter B Imagine one day, the water taps(水龙头)in your house stop running.You have to buy water from shops.And still there isn’t enough for everyone.Your mother has to save the family’s shower water to do other things.Would you be able to stand that kind of life? Probably not.But that’s what kids in Yemen are experiencing.Experts said Yemen is going to be the first country in the world to run out of water.According to a report, the capital, Sana, will run out of drinking water as early as 2025.Because of the shortage, the government often cuts the water supply(供应).Hannan, an 18-year-old from Lahej, told Times: “In a good week we’ll have a water supply all week.But then the following week there will be water only for a day or two.”

Hannan said only rich people have enough water to use.They can buy water from the shops or from the water trucks.Private companies own the trucks.They travel around the city every day to sell water—at very high prices.“A lot of people can’t afford it,” she said.The average(平均)person in Yemen uses 100 to 200 cubic(立方)meters of water per year.That is far below the international water poverty(贫困)line of 1,000 cubic meters.The government is thinking of making use of seawater.But it will cost a lot and it may not happen soon enough to help the people of Yemen.56._____________ is the name of the capital city of Yemen.A.Sana



D.Times 57.A report shows that Sana will have ____________ as early as 2025.A.enough drinking water to use

B.no drinking water to use

C.no private companies

D.more water pollution 58.What does the underlined word “shortage” in the third paragraph mean in Chinese?





59.We can infer(推断)from the passage that _____________.A.the poor don’t have to worry about the water supply B.the 18-year-old boy is from a poor family C.private companies make a lot of money D.Lahej is a beautiful place 60.Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?

A.How to Save Water

B.How to Make Use of Seawater

C.How People Use Water Fully

D.Yemen is Facing Serious Water Shortage

C A serious earthquake can be a terrible experience, and it is easy to forget safety measures(措施)in disorder(混乱).Fortunately, most earthquake safety measures are common sense, but if you forget everything else, re­member the following instructions: drop, cover, and hold on.Also, most of earthquake deaths hap-pen after the earthquake, so remember that the danger does not end when the shaking does!If you stay indoors during an earthquake, move away from unsupported areas and windows.Try to get under a doorway or another area of the building which is held up by strong beams(梁).Stay under a table or desk only if it is very strong.Do not rush to lifts, because it is far safer to stay where you are.Cover your head with your arms around it and curl(蜷缩)into a ball, and wait for the shaking to stop.If you stay outdoors during an earthquake, move to an area which is as open as possible.Don’t move to build-ings, electric poles and other objects which may fall during an earthquake and injure you.Protect your head and stay low to the ground till the shaking ends and it is safe to move.After an earthquake, many buildings are less strong, although they appear safe.If you stay indoors, move people from the building quickly and help disabled or injured people.Once outdoors, move well away from the building so that if it falls down, you will not be injured.Wait till public safety officials an-nounce that it is safe to stay indoors.By planning ahead and keeping calm during an earthquake, you can greatly increase your chances of survival(生存)without injury.61.The underlined word “Fortunately” in the first paragraph means ____________.A.especially



D.finally 62.We can learn from the passage that earthquake safety measures ____________.A.are planned for children

B.help us to keep safe

C.are not necessary

D.are not easy to understand 63.According to the passage, it isn’t a good choice ___________ during an earthquake.A.to take a lift

B.to stay under a strong table

C.to get under a doorway

D.to cover the head with arms around it 64.If you stay outdoors during an earthquake, you can do all the following except ___________.A.trying to protect your head

B.moving to an open place

C.moving away from buildings

D.taking the disabled people into the room 65.The purpose of the passage is mainly to tell us how to ____________.A.stay away from an earthquake

B.predict an earthquake

C.control an earthquake

D.keep safe during and after an earthquake 非选择题(主观题)(共40分)

五、完成句子(本大题满分14分,每小题2分)阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上相应的题号后。(注意:只写答案,试题的其它内容不得抄入答题卡。)66.---Where is your sister, Bob?

---She __________________________________(在做家庭作业).(do)67.---Do you miss your brother?---Yes, very much.I ______________________(未收到他的来信)for 3 months.(hear)68---Why does everyone like that boy?---Because he ____________________________________(总是乐于助人).(ready)69.---Do you like the song Little Apple?

---Yes, I do.It’s ________________________(我听过的最受欢迎的歌曲之一).(popular)70.---Did you _____________________________(考虑过如何避免伤到自己)in P.E.class?

---Yes.We discussed it in our class meeting.(avoid)71.---Why don’t you get nervous before the exams?

---Because we __________________________(常被教导别把分数看得太重).(educate)72.---Can you tell me ______________________(游客是否应被阻止踩踏草地)in the park?

---Yes, I think they should.(prevent)66.is doing(her)homework(now)67.haven’t(have not)heard from him(yet)68.is always ready to help others(other people)69.one of the most popular songs(that)I’ve(ever)heard(listened to)

70.consider how(you would avoid)to avoid hurting(injuring)yourself(yourselves)71.are often educated not to take marks(grades/ scores)too seriously 72.if(whether)(the)visitors(travelers, tourists)should be prevented(from)walking(stepping)on the grass

if(whether)they should prevent visitors(from)walking(stepping)on the grass



If you lose 12 times, will you just give up? Dale Carnegie, a pioneer in public speaking and self-development, kept t

(73).And he became famous by showing people how to be successful.Carnegie was born in 1888 in a poor farming family in the central United States.The boy didn’t see a train u

(74)he was 12 years old.In his teens, he had to get up at 4 am.every day to milk the cows in his family.When Carnegie first entered college, he felt hopeless because of his clothes and ordinary looks.His mother e

(75)him: “Why not try to be better in other things i____________(76)of just dress and good looks?” Carnegie tried to be more a

(77)in college.He joined the debate(辩论)team.But one after another, he lost 12 times.The young man was d

(78)in himself.He said later that he thought of killing himself after so many failures(失败).But soon Carnegie was seen practicing public speaking on the riverside.His hard work brought good results at last.In 1906, Carnegie won a famous speech c

(79)and became widely known.The young man made his own words come true: “B

(80)that you will succeed, and you will.” In order to s

(81)his success, Carnegie opened schools and wrote books.His best-sellers(畅销书)i

(82)How to Win Friends and Influence People and How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.More than 50 million copies of his books have been printed in 38 l_____________(83).They are still helping people on the road to success.七、书面表达(本大题满分15分)做家务是家庭成员的义务。作为家庭成员之一,你一定做过不少力所能及的家务活。请根据提示写一篇英语短文讲述一次你做家务或学做家务的经历或故事,与大家一起分享。1.写作要点提示:


2)重点讲述一次你做家务或学做家务的经历或故事(包括起因、过程、结果等); 3)你父母对你所做家务的评价或你个人的收获、感受。2.写作要求:



2015年襄阳市初中毕业生学业水平考试 英语试题参考答案及评分说明 选择题


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B

5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.C 21.A 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.B 评分说明:本大题满分25分,每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。


26.B 27.A 28.C 29.D 30.A 31.D 32.C 33.B 34.A 35.D 36.A 37.C

38.C 39.B 40.B 评分说明:本大题满分15分,每小题1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。


41.A 42.D 43.B 44.C 45.A 46.C 47.B 48.A 49.D 50.D 评分说明:本大题满分10分,每空1分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。


51.C 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.A 56.A 57.B 58.B 59.C 60.D 61.C 62.B 63.A 64.D 65.D 评分说明:本大题满分30分,每小题2分,与本答案不符者该小题不给分。非选择题


66.is doing(her)homework(now)67.haven’t(have not)heard from him(yet)68.is always ready to help others(other people)69.one of the most popular songs(that)I’ve(ever)heard(listened to)

70.consider how(you would avoid)to avoid hurting(injuring)yourself(yourselves)71.are often educated not to take marks(grades/ scores)too seriously 72.if(whether)(the)visitors(travelers, tourists)should be prevented(from)walking(stepping)on the grass

if(whether)they should prevent visitors(from)walking(stepping)on the grass 评分说明:1.本大题满分14分,每小题2分;










75.encouraged 76.instead 77.active(alive)78.disappointed 79.competition(contest)80.Believe

81.share 82.include

83.languages 评分说明:本大题满分11分,每空1分。与本答案不符,但该答案符合题目要求,且在意义、结构、逻辑上均正确,该空可考虑给分,否则该空不给分。










1.W: Do you have a soccer ball, Wang Wei?

M: No, I don’t.But I have three ping-pong balls.W: Do you like ping-pong?

M: Yes.It’s my favorite sport.Q: What sport does Wang Wei like best? 2.W: Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?

M: Yes, there is.W: How can I get there?

M: Walk straight to People’s Hospital.Then turn right on North Street and the bank is on your left, next to a school.Q: Where does the woman want to go? 3.W: Hi, Rick.Long time no see.M: Hi, Tina.Yes, I was on vacation last month.W: Did you have a good time during the vacation?

M: Yes, I had so much fun.Q: How was Rick’s vacation?

4.W: Let’s go dancing this evening, Mike.M: I’d like to, but I promised to see a movie with Lily.W: Why not ask her to go dancing together with us?

M: That’s a good idea!

Q: What will they most probably do this evening? 5.W: I hear you were late for class this morning, Peter.M: Yes.I missed the first bus.W: What do you mean?

M: I overslept.When I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.Q: Why was Peter late for class? 第二节


听第一段材料,回答第6至8小题。W: Hi, Dick!How is your day? M: It’s OK.I like Tuesday because I have music.It’s my favorite subject.W: Why do you like music best? M: Because my music teacher, Mrs.Green, sings well and we all like her class.And what’s your favorite day, Gina? W: Friday.Because the next day is Saturday.M: Haha!That’s for sure.I like Friday, too.Questions: 6.When is Dick’s music class? 7.Who is Dick’s music teacher? 8.What’s Gina’s favorite day?


W: Tom, you look so excited.Any good news? M: Yeah.My parents will take me to Beijing by plane.W: That sounds great.How long are you going to stay there? M: Well, we are going to stay there for about seven days.W: I see.So when are you going to leave? Next week? M: Yes.We’re going to leave on July 6, next Monday.W: Oh, have a good time.See you.M: Thanks, see you.Questions: 9.Why is Tom so excited? 10.How long are they going to stay in Beijing? 11.When are they going to leave? 听第三段材料,回答第12至14小题。W: Hi, David.What did you do last Sunday? M: Hi, Ann.I visited the zoo.It was so interesting.W: Really? Would you like to say something about it? M: Of course.Do you know Frank, my best friend? W: Yes.M: I went there with him.And his father took us there in his car.W: What did you do at the zoo? M: We saw a lot of animals there.And we watched an animal show, too.W: How was the animal show? M: It was great.The animals were so clever.And we took some photos.W: Can you show me the photos? M: No problem.Questions: 12.Whom did David go to the zoo with? 13.How did they get to the zoo? 14.What did David think of the animal show? 听第四段材料,回答第15至17小题。

W: Welcome to our Information Office.May I help you, sir? M: Yes, please.Do you have any trains to Wuhan today? W: Sorry.The last train today has already left.M: What about tomorrow? W: Let me see.Oh, the earliest one leaves at 9:00 am.M: How much is the ticket? W: 96 yuan for one ticket.M: Two tickets, please!Can I buy the tickets here? W: Sorry, we don’t sell tickets here.Please go to the ticket office over there.M: Thanks for the information.W: You’re welcome.It’s just my duty.Questions: 15.Where are the two speakers talking? 16.What time does the earliest train to Wuhan leave tomorrow morning? 17.How much should the man pay if he wants two tickets? 听第五段材料,回答第18至20小题。M: How are you getting on with your studies, Zhang Lan? W: Pretty well.We are busy preparing for the senior high school entrance examination.You know my parents want me to enter a better senior high school.M: Do you think you can pass the exams? W: Yes, I think so.M: I’m very glad to hear that.What do you want to do in the future? W: I want to be a village teacher.M: How are you going to do that? W: I’m going to study in a teachers’ college first, and then work in a village school.M: Why do you choose to work in a village school? W: I hear many village schools need teachers very much.So I want to go there to be a teacher.M: Great!I wish you success.W: Thanks a lot.Questions: 18.What school is Zhang Lan most probably studying in now? 19.What will she do to achieve her dream? 20.Why does she choose to work in a village school? 听第六段材料,回答第21至25小题。


听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 1.A.program B.problem C.progress

() 2.A.AG5688 B.DJ4858 C.AJ5868

() 3.A.look for B.pay for C.wait for

() 4.A.He was out.B.I saw him just now.C.He was at home.

() 5.A.It’s better to read in the rain.

B.It’s better to read something on windy days.

C.You’d better stay at home on rainy days.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 6.A.Two kilos, please.B.About 39 meters.C.For two weeks.

() 7.A.You can borrow the book from the library.B.Let me have a look.

C.Maybe you’re right.

() 8.A.Tell her to turn it on.B.Tell her to turn it up.C.Tell her to turn it down.

() 9.A.Good idea!B.What a beautiful park!C.How interesting!

() 10.A.I’m glad you like it.B.Oh, I like it too.C.Really?That’s good.

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

() 11.When did the meeting begin?


() 12.Does the woman like her work?

A.No.She hates it.B.Yes.She likes it.C.No.She thinks it is tiring

() 13.How much will the man pay if he rents (租用) the room for two weeks?


() 14.Where are they talking?

() 15.Where did the woman spend her holiday?

IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

() 16.What happened to the man at the restaurant?

A.Waiters didn’t serve him until he waited for ten minutes.

B.He met some friendly waiters.

C.He couldn’t see any waiters.

() 17.What kind of restaurant did the man go to?

A.A Chinese restaurant.B.A fast-food restaurant.

C.A self-service restaurant.

() 18.With whom is the woman going to the cinema this evening?

A.She is going with Beatriz.B.She is going alone.

C.She is going with Xiaogang.

() 19.What is Beatriz like?

A.She doesn’t like watching fi lms.B.She is very quiet.

C.She likes talking.

() 20.How long has Mr.Guo been a taxi driver?

A.12 years.B.22 years.C.4 years.

() 21.What do we know from the passage?

A.Mr.Guo is friendly to his passengers.

B.Mr.Guo only takes fi lm and television stars in his car.

C.Mr.Guo can’t make enough money to support his family.

() 22.Which performance does Henry want to see?

A.5:00 p.m.B.8:30 p.m.C.4:00 p.m.

() 23.What kind of tickets did he order?

A.The cheapest.B.The most expensive.

C.Neither the cheapest nor the most expensive.

() 24.How much will he have to pay for the tickets?

A.4.50 pounds.B.11 pounds.C.9 pounds.

() 25.What time should he get his tickets?

A.Before 3:00 p.m.on Saturday.B.Before 3:00 p.m.on Sunday.

C.At 3:00 p.m.on Saturday.


V.单项选择 (共20小题, 每小题1分, 计20分)


() 26.Mrs.Brown has________8-year-old daughter.


() 27.Do you know who teaches________chemistry this term?


() 28.John became a football coach in No.5 Middle School________the beginning of March


() 29.She’ll become a doctor________time.

A.after a few year’s B.in a few years’

C.after a few years D.in a few year’s

() 30.—If you are free tonight, I’d like to invite you to a movie.

—That’s nice of you, but are you________?


() 31.There________some rubbish on the fl oor.Would you please clean it?.


() 32.I________my homework when the light went out.

A.am doingB.was doingC.didD.have done

() 33.—Have you fi nished your composition yet?

—No, I’ll fi nish it in________ten minutes.


() 34.________food you have cooked!

A.How a niceB.What a niceC.How niceD.What nice

() 35.We’ll have to wait________someone comes to help us.


() 36.As is known to all, ________attention you pay to your spelling, ________mistakes youwill make.

A.the more, the less B.the less, the fewer

C.the less, the more D.the more, the more

() 37.You________return the book now.You can keep it till next week if you like.

A.can’tB.mustn’tC.may notD.needn’t

() 38.I don’t know if he________.If he________, I’ll tell him the news.

A.will come, comesB.comes, comes

C.comes, will comeD.will come, will come

() 39.The thief________while climbing over the garden wall.

A.has caughtB.was caughtC.caughtD.being caught

() 40.—The light in the offi ce is still on.

—Oh, I forgot________.

A.turning it off B.turn it down C.to turn it off D.to turn it up

() 41.Do you still remember the chicken farm________we visited three months ago?


() 42.She never comes late, ________?

A.does sheB.doesn’t sheC.is itD.isn’t it

() 43.They are________busy studying________they can’t play football with us.

A.so, thatB.such, asC.very, thatD.such, that

() 44.Father read the newspaper, and________.

A.so I doB.so do IC.so I didD.so did I

() 45.Can you tell me________?

A.where she live B.where she lives

C.where does she live D.where did she live

VI.完形填空 (共10小题, 每小题1分, 计10分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Are there UFOs or not?No one can give the right answer including scientists.46______there are UFOs, there must be 47______in them.

The early record that UFO appeared in the sky was in Nanjing in 1892.Thousands of people48______it.The bright thing could move quickly.It looked like a small sun.People 49______a it but it didn’t land.50______people were watching it, the 51______thing suddenly disappeared in the sky.All the people stood there in 52______.They didn’t know 53______.

Many people saw the UFO in Nanjing 54______January 1, 2006.Some people had 55______pictures.Wang Sichao, who is a scientist working in the astronomical observatory of Mount Zijin said, “The UFO appears in the sky every 5 to 10 years.”

() 46.A.What B.If C.Why D.Who

() 47.A.plants B.animals C.aliens D.water

() 48.A.saw B.looked C.heard D.listened

() 49.A.stopped B.laughed C.came D.shouted

() 50.A.Why B.While C.Where D.Which

() 51.A.boring B.dirty C.important D.strange

() 52.A.silence B.time C.danger D.order

() 53.A.how to do B.when to leave C.where it is D.what had happened

() 54.A.in B.on C.at D.to

() 55.A.taken B.bought C.found D.put

VII.阅读理解 (共15小题, 每小题2分, 计30分)

阅读A、B、C三篇材料, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。


If you come from a poor family and couldn’t go to a good school, could one book change your life?It did for Srinivasa, a bright young Indian boy.When he was 15 years old, he found a book about math.It was a book with 6, 000 very diffi cult problems.While his friends played football on the road in front of his house, he worked out the answers to these problems.He answered them al by himself—without any help from anyone else.Then he thought of new problems and answered them too.Soon he was better at math than all of his teachers.

A year later, Srinivasa was invited to study at university, even though he was really too young However, he failed most of his exams.Why?Because he was only interested in math and didn’care enough about his other subjects.He wrote about his ideas and sent his work to magazines.A British mathematician read his work and started writing letters to him.Later, he invited Srinivasa to go to England to study and work.In England, people didn’t care whether he was good at other subjects or not.

By the time he was 30, Srinivasa, a poor boy who liked math better than playing football, had become one of the world’s most famous mathematicians.

() 56.Srinivasa was from________.

A.a large familyB.a rich familyC.a poor familyD.a small family

() 57.According to the passage, what changed his life?

A.A nice fi lm.B.A book about math.

C.A football match.D.An interesting magazine.

() 58.Who helped Srinivasa do the 6, 000 math problems when he was 15?

A.His classmates.B.Nobody.C.His parents.D.His teachers.

() 59.When he was a university student in India, he failed most of his exams because________

A.he was not good at mathB.he was not bright enough

C.the exams were too diffi cultD.he was only interested in math

() 60.The passage is mainly about________.

A.Srinivasa’s poor life

B.a helpful British mathematician

C.how Srinivasa became a famous mathematician

D.a useful math book


() 61.What does“20:45”mean?It means“________”.

A.twenty forty-fi ve in the evening B.eight forty-fi ve in the morning

C.a quarter past eight in the morning D.a quarter to nine in the evening

() 62.What is the fl ight number from Beijing to Abu Dhabi?

A.F002, F004 and F012.B.F002, F008 and F012.

C.F002, F008 and F018.D.F012, F016 and F022.

() 63.How long does it take to fl y from Beijing to Doha?

A.Ten hours.B.Nine hours and a half.

C.Seven and a half hours.D.Six hours and a quarter.

() 64.On what day can you fl y from Beijing to Dubai leaving and arriving in the morning?

A.Wednesday and Saturday.B.Friday.

C.Thursday and Sunday.D.Monday.

() 65.When is it possible for you to fl y from Beijing to Bahrain and then to Abu Dhabi on thesame day?

A.Monday and Friday.B.Monday and Wednesday.

C.Saturday and Sunday.D.Tuesday and Friday.


A bully is a person who enjoys hurting other people.A bully can hurt people with words or by hitting them.85%of children in the U.K.have been bullied (欺侮) at least once.

How can I tell if a person is a bully?

He or she will…

*try to fi nd your weak point—perhaps you are shy, nervous or easily made worried.

*make fun of you in front of your friends.

*borrow money then won’t pay you back.

What can I do if a bully bothers me?

*Tell the bully to leave you alone.

*Do not be afraid to ask other people for help, even though the bully tells you not to.

*Do not feel ashamed (羞愧) because you have been bullied.You have done nothing wrong!The bully should feel ashamed.

*Do not believe the bad things a bully says about you.

What should I do if I see a bully bothering someone?

*Help people who are being bullied, even though you don’t know them.

*Be a friend to people who are bullied.

*Tell a teacher if you see bullying.

*Tell bullies to stop.Sometimes bullies are afraid, too.

Why do some people become bullies?

Some bullies…

*have never learnt to think about other people’s feelings.

*don’t like themselves, so they are sad.They think they will be happy if they make another person sad.

*have been bullied themselves by other bullies.

Can bullies change?

*Yes!Bullies can change when they learn to think about other people’s feelings.

*Sometimes bullies must be punished (惩罚) before they understand.Sometimes, bullies jus need friends.

() 66.A bully often________.

A.likes himself very much B.borrows money but doesn’t return

C.helps people when they are in trouble D.thinks about other people’s feelings

() 67.If you see a bully bothering your friends, you should________.

A.leave them alone B.help your friend stop the bully

C.leave as soon as possible D.pretend that you are not looking

() 68.Which of the following is true?

A.Bullies enjoy helping others.

B.Many bullies need friends.

C.Bullies make all the people around them happy.

D.Bullies can never be punished.

() 69.The passage tells us something about bullies by asking and answering________questions

A.threeB.fourC.fi veD.six

() 70.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Bullies Can Change B.World Without Bullying

C.Bullying Is Everywhere D.Dealing with Bullies

卷II (非选择题共35分)

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

Information Sheet

71.Newton Hospital Radio has a__________________program at 4:00.

72.The hospital can hold__________________patients.

73.People can visit the patients__________________in the afternoon and from

7:00 to 8:00 in the evening.

74.At most__________________people can see a patient at the same time.

75.Patients can’t__________________in the wards (病房) .


IX.任务型阅读 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 计10分)

One day when Jack was walking in the park, he saw a woman he knew sitting on a bench (长椅) with a dog beside her.The dog was looking up at the woman.

Jack walked up to the woman and said, “Hello, Sue, how are you?May I sit and talk with you for a while?”

“Of course, please sit down, ”Sue said.

Jack sat down next to Sue on the bench, and they talked quietly together.

The dog continued to look up at Sue, as if waiting to be fed.

“That’s a nice dog, ”Jack said, pointing at the animal.

“Yes, he’s handsome.He’s a bit of a mixture, but that’s not a bad thing.He’s strong and healthy.”

“And hungry, ”Jack said.“He hasn’t taken his eyes off you.He thinks you’ve got some food for him.”

“That’s true, ”Sue said.“But I haven’t.”

The two friends laughed and then Jack said, “Does your dog bite?”

“No, ”Sue said.“He’s never bitten anyone.He’s always gentle.”

Hearing this, Jack decided to pet the dog.He put out his hand and touched the animal’s head Immediately it jumped up and bit him.

“Hey!”Jack shouted.“You said he didn’t bite.”

“No, I didn’t, ”Sue replied.“You asked me if my dog bit, and I said no.That’s not my dog My dog’s at home.”

根据短文内容, 回答下列各题。

76.Did Jack and Sue know each other before they met in the park?


77.Who did Jack think the dog belonged to?


78.What does the dog look like?


79.Is the dog really hungry?


80.Where is Sue’s dog?


X.词语运用 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

根据下面句子的意思及所给的汉语提示, 写出空缺处单词、固定短语或固定搭配的正确形式。

81.His hobby is collecting train__________________ (票) .

82.These fl owers needs__________________ (浇水) .Fetch some water, please.83.The wind blew__________________ (大) last night.

84.Our car__________________ (出故障) on the way to the City Park.

85.The old man has__________________ (捐赠) all his money to charity.

XI.基础写作 (包括A、B两部分, A部分5分, B部分10分, 共计15分)

A) 连词成句 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。 (单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出)

86.you, have, award, won, ever, an


87.you, how, keeping, is, important, healthy, to


88.others, try, fall, not, hard, to, behind


89.I, it, fi nd, learn, English, necessary, well, to


90.he, no, where, comes, knows, one, from


B) 书面表达 (计10分)

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2009年中考英语模拟试题 (二) 选择题答题卡








2009年中考英语模拟试题 (二)

听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。

下面你将听到五个句子, 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出包含所听信息的选项。

1.We have a problem with the car—it won’t start.2.My new car number is AJ5868.3.If you lose the book, you will have to pay for it.4.I went to see him just now, but he wasn’t in.5.It’s better to do some reading at home on rainy days.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。

下面你将听到五个句子, 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出该句的最佳答语。

6.How long is he staying?7.I can’t decide which book to buy.8.Don’t you think her radio is too loud?9.What about going to the park after supper?10.I don’t know how to thank you for such a beautiful sweater.

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。

下面你将听到五组对话和问题, 每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出正确选项。

11.M:When did John arrive at the meeting?W:At 8:30.M:Oh!He was half an hour late.

Q:When did the meeting begin?

12.M:Jane, you seem to have worked overtime at your offi ce.

W:That’s true, but I don’t mind the extra hours, because the work is so interesting.

Q:Does the woman like her work?

13.M:Can I rent a room for two weeks?W:Yes, it’s$150 a week, but only$400 a month.

M:But I’m not sure whether I’ll stay for a whole month.

Q:How much will the man pay if he rents the room for two weeks?

14.W:How interesting!Can I give my banana to the monkeys?

M:No, I don’t think so.Look at the sign.It says, “Don’t feed the animals!”Q:Where are they talking?

15.M:Did you enjoy your holiday, Emma?W:Yes, but it was wet most of the time.

M:Really?Isn’t it always hot in Canada?W:Mm…not hot at all when I was there.

Q:Where did the woman spend her holiday?

IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。

下面你将听到四篇听力材料和十个问题, 听力材料和问题读两遍。请你听完听力材料和问题的第二遍朗读后, 根据所听内容, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出正确答案。

下面请听第一篇材料, 并回答第16~17题。

On my fi rst day in London I felt hungry, so I went into a restaurant and sat down at a table.I waited for ten minutes, but nobody came to serve me.Then I saw that there were no waiters.The customers stood in a queue and got their food themselves.That was my fi rst experience of a self-service restaurant.

Questions:16.What happened to the man at the restaurant?17.What kind of restaurant did the man go to?

下面请听第二篇材料, 并回答第18~19题。

This evening I am going to the cinema.I sometimes go with Beatriz, but this evening I am going alone.Beatriz is nice, but she talks a lot and when I go to the cinema, I like to enjoy the fi lm quietly.The fi lm I am going to see is a new one called If You Are the One.It is a comedy directed by Feng Xiaogang.

Questions:18.With whom is the woman going to the cinema this evening?19.What is Beatriz like?

下面请听第三篇材料, 并回答第20~21题。

Mr.Guo is a common taxi driver in Beijing.He has driven a taxi for 22 years.Most of the time Mr.Guo likes his work.Sometimes he can meet some famous people.He has taken many fi lm and television stars to the airport.Some foreign people have ridden in his car too.He is cheerful and smiles a lot and his passengers like him.He makes a good living and supports a family of four.

Questions:20.How long has Mr.Guo been a taxi driver?21.What do we know from the passage?

下面请听第四篇材料, 并回答第22~25题。

W:Hello.Cambridge Theater.M:Have you got any tickets for Romeo and Juliet for this Saturday?

W:Which performance?5:00 p.m.or 8:30 p.m.?M:5:00 p.m.please.

W:Yes, we have tickets at 4.50 pounds, 5.50 pounds and 6 pounds.

M:I’d like to reserve two seats at 4.50 pounds, please.

W:OK.That’s two tickets at 4.50 pounds.Saturday, 5:00 p.m.performance.What’s the name, please?

M:Bishop.Henry Bishop.W:Thank you.You’ll collect the tickets before 3:00 p.m.on Saturday, won’t you?

M:Yes, of course.Thank you.Goodbye.

Questions:22.Which performance does Henry want to see?23.What kind of tickets did he order?

24.How much will he have to pay for the tickets?25.What time should he get his tickets?

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。

下面你将听到一篇短文, 短文读两遍。请你听完短文的第二遍朗读后, 根据短文的内容和提示, 在信息表中相应的横线上填入所缺信息。

Hello, listeners.Welcome to Newton Hospital Radio.Before our music program at four, I’m going to talk about some of our hospital rules again.The hospital can hold 800 patients.There’re 8 beds in each ward.The visiting hours are in the afternoon from2:30 to 3:30 and in the evening from 7:00 to 8:00.But remember only two people can see you at the same time.The other rules are about our hours.We start quite early—you might not be used to that.We wake you up at 6:00.You can see the no smoking sign—we don’t allow smoking in the wards.I’m sure you understand why.However, if you do need to smoke, there are some smoking rooms where it is allowed.

It’s our own hospital radio station, wishing you to get well soon.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (三)

听力部分 (第一节)

I.听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息。

下面你将听到五个句子, 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出包含所听信息的选项。

1.I wonder if you can fi nish the work on time.2.She has been to France twice.3.Susan used to be afraid of fl ying in the airplane.4.Will you turn off the lights when you leave?5.Mary hasn’t cleaned up the refrigerator yet.

II.听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语。

下面你将听到五个句子, 每个句子读两遍。请你听完句子的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出该句的最佳答语。

6.Would you like grapes or pears?7.He likes to go into the music store and listen to CDs.8.Excuse me.Could you please feed my cat while I’m away?9.How soon will your mom be back from Beijing?10.I’m afraid I’ve troubled you.

III.听对话和问题, 选择适当的选项。

下面你将听到五组对话和问题, 每组对话和问题读两遍。请你听完对话和问题的第二遍朗读后, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出正确选项。

11.M:Do you like watching TV?W:Yes, I like watching Animal World and Talk Show.Do you like them, Tom?

M:No.I think they are boring.I prefer Sports World.Q:What does Tom like?

12.M:Tina, do you like Jay?W:No.I like singers who sing clearly.Q:What does the girl think of Jay?

13.W:I always can’t pronounce well.M:I think it’s helpful to watch English movies.

Q:What does the boy ask the girl to do?

14.W:Did you buy all the things?M:Yes.You gave me thirty dollars, but I only spent ten.

Q:How much did all the things cost?

15.W:I like reading magazines in the caféon Saturday afternoons.

M:So do I.I think it is quiet there and I like listening to the soft music.

Q:Where do they like reading on Saturday afternoons?

IV.听语段、对话和问题, 选择正确答案。

下面你将听到四篇听力材料和十个问题, 听力材料和问题读两遍。请你听完听力材料和问题的第二遍朗读后, 根据所听内容, 从各小题所给出的A、B、C三个选项中, 选出正确答案。

下面请听第一篇材料, 并回答第16~17题。

I often help my parents with chores.Every morning I make my bed and take out the trash on my way to school.I usually do the dishes after supper.On weekends, I often help my mother do some cleaning.Parents are busy with their work all day.I think it’s our duty to do some chores.

Questions:16.What does the girl usually do only on weekends?17.Which is right according to the girl’s opinion?

下面请听第二篇材料, 并回答第18~19题。

I knew that my parents wouldn’t be happy after the parents’meeting.I decided to talk to them fi rst.I said I was very sorry to have let them down for my poor grades, and I hoped they would help me.They said they’d check my homework every day.They also said they’d call my teachers to fi nd out more about my homework.


18.Why did the boy think his parents would be unhappy?19.What will his parents do after the parents’meeting?

下面请听第三篇材料, 并回答第20~21题。

A terrible earthquake and some other incidents happened in China in 2008.However, Chinese people are brave.Look at the Love-China T-shirts in the streets this summer and then you could know this.When the Olympic Torch was passed, people in the country, even all over the world, began wearing the T-shirts to support the event.

Questions:20.Why did people wear Love-China T-shirts this summer?21.What can we learn from the passage?

下面请听第四篇材料, 并回答第22~25题。

M:Hello?W:Hi, Jim.This is Anna.I’m going to have a party at Golden Hotel next week.Would you like to come?

M:I’d love to.What’s it for?W:It’s my fi fteenth birthday on Wednesday.

M:Oh dear!I can’t come on Wednesday.W:No, my birthday is on Wednesday, but the party is on Friday.

M:Oh, that’s OK.What time will it begin?W:At about eight.M:No problem.By the way, where is Golden Hotel?

W:Well, it’s near the town center on Main Street between the library and the drugstore.M:OK.See you then.

Questions:22.When is Anna’s birthday?23.When will the party begin?

24.Where is Golden Hotel?25.They are talking on the phone, aren’t they?

听力部分 (第二节)

VIII.听短文, 填空。

下面你将听到一篇短文, 短文读两遍。请你听完短文的第二遍朗读后, 根据短文的内容和提示, 在信息表中相应的横线上填入所缺信息。

It’s that time of year again.Christmas is here, or is it?We are still more than ten days away from Christmas Day, which is on December 25 each year.But that does not stop people across the world preparing for the celebration.Shops start selling Christmas presents as early as in November.Some cities decorate their streets with lights months before the festival.Some people think businesses use Christmas as a time to sell more stuff and make more money.They don’t care much about the spirit of Christmas.Christmas is supposed to be about being friendly and helping others.But other people think the build-up is as important as the day itself.They listen to Christmas songs and decorate their houses in the weeks before Christmas Day.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (一)


I.1~5 BABAC II.6~10 CABBC III.11~15 CCACB IV.16~20 CBABC 21~25 AACBC V.26~30 CBADB 31~35 CBABD36~40 CDABA 41~45 DBABD VI.46~50 BACDA 51~55 ABCAC VII.56~60 BADBC 61~65 ABDDC 66~70 ADDCA


VIII.71.Meeting 72.Thursday 73.fi fteen minutes 74.$2 75.Hauxton IX.76.Chinese handicrafts 77.The windows.78.No, they didn’t.79.Yes, he did.80.looking at goods X.81.sports 82.to help 83.carefully 84.making mistakes 85.is made from

XI.A) 86.Was he late for school yesterday?87.How much fruit does she want?88.I am looking forward to seeing you next month.89.I gave him a present last week.90.Do not get off the bus until it stops.

B) One possible version:

My Pen Friend

Mark is my pen friend.He is a 15-year-old boy who lives in London, England.We got to know each other by accident when we chatted online.He likes listening to rock music.He enjoys reading interesting books, and Harry Potter is his favorite.He also likes to make friends who are friendly and knowledgeable.We write to each other once a week, and sometimes we meet on the Internet.We are happy to talk with each other.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (二)


I.1~5 BCBAC II.6~10 CBCAA III.11~15 BBBAC IV.16~20 CCBCB 21~25 AAACA V.26~30 BADBC 31~35 ABADD36~40 CDABC 41~45 CAADB VI.46~50 BCADB 51~55 DADBA VII.56~60 CBBDC 61~65 DBBDB 66~70 BBBCD


VIII.71.music 72.800 73.from 2:30 to 3:30 74.two 75.smoke IX.76.Yes, they did.77.Sue.78.He is handsome, strong and healthy.79.We don’t know.80.At home.X.81.tickets 82.watering 83.strongly 84.broke down 85.given away

XI.A) 86.Have you ever won an award?87.How important is keeping healthy to you?88.Try hard not to fall behind others.89.I fi nd it necessary to learn English well.90.No one knows where he comes from.

B) One possible version:

Attention, please!Good news for us!We are going to the Sandy Beach this Sunday.So it is necessary for us to make some preparations.I think we should take sun-glasses, a hat, a bathing suit and an umbrella.There are many different kinds of activities there.We can go fi shing, swimming and surfi ng.At noon, we will have lunch on the beach together.And we are going there on our school bus.So remember we will meet at our school gate at 6:30 a.m.this Sunday.Hope we will have a happy day there!

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (三)


I.1~5 ABACC II.6~10 CBCCB III.11~15 BCBBA IV.16~20 CABAC 21~25 CBCBA V.26~30 BBCDA 31~35 DAACB36~40 DBACD 41~45 CADBC VI.46~50 BADCA 51~55 CBADB VII.56~60 ACDBA 61~65 CBCAD 66~70 CBDBA


VIII.71.December 25 72.November 73.care (much) about 74.being friendly 75.Christmas songs IX.76.their health 77.afraid78.June 79.before 80.the train went into a tunnel X.81.decision (s) 82.reading 83.brightly 84.got on 85.were blown out

XI.A) 86.Did you have a class meeting yesterday?87.How long were you away from school?88.Do not leave her waiting outside in the rain.89.He told us a funny story this morning.90.I will call him if he is late.

B) One possible version:

Last Friday afternoon, a running competition was held on the playground in our school.Thirty-fi ve classes took part in it.All the teachers and students watched the competition.At the end of the competition, the headmaster announced that my class got the fi rst place.My classmates and I were so glad that we couldn’t help jumping.

I think running is a good way to keep healthy.It also helps us relax so that we can study more effectively.

2009年中考英语模拟试题 (四)


I.1~5 CBBAA II.6~10 AACAB III.11~15 CBCBA IV.16~20 CABAA 21~25 BABAC V.26~30 CBCAA 31~35 DABBD36~40 DBCAB 41~45 CCABD VI.46~50 BADCA 51~55 CBADB VII.56~60 CDDCA 61~65 BBDCC 66~70 CBDAC


VIII.71.New York 72.funny movies 73.interesting 74.friendly 75.once a week IX.76.She was sick.77.Some medicine./Two pills.78.A tube.79.No.80.The farmer.X.81.subjects 82.sing 83.safely 84.be handed in 85.making friends

XI.A) 86.Could you please help me with my English?87.What do you think of his idea?88.We watched him playing in the yard.89.He bought a nice present for me.90.I think she is an honest girl.

B) One possible version:

Dear Mr./Miss Zhang,

We have many troubles these days.Although we work hard every day, we are under great pressure.We can’t get enough sleep every night because we have to stay up late to do our homework.Also we have no time to play sports, and we often get sick.Besides, we can hardly fi nd time to communicate with each other.We are all exhausted.I don’t know what we should do.Could you please help us out?

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,















请在你选择的话题后面的括号内打“√”。话题一:朴素()话题二:幸福()2006 年(二)作文(40分)








四、写作与评价(50分)(一)作文(45分j 28.请从下面两题中任选一题作文。(45分)题一:物质上的珍藏,给人一种踏实感;精神上的珍藏,培人一种甜蜜感。美丽的。美好的,可以珍藏;真挚的、真诚的,可以珍藏。最温馨的珍藏走回忆,最难忘的珍藏是真情。一纸贺卡,一张照片,一支钢笔,一枚邮票;一个微笑,一席话语,一缕思念,一次感动„„经过珍藏,陶培了人的精神。升华了人的思想。























岩洞里,有水滴。“嗒——嗒——”隔好久出一滴。蝙蝠见了,问:“水滴,你在干什么?” 水滴说:“积累。” “积累?”

“是的,我们的水滴中有一种东西,可以积成石笋。” “我怎么看不出来?”蝙蝠说,“你是梦想吧!” “不。这是理想。”





及含意的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭; ③立意自定,文体自选(除诗歌外); ④字数不少于600字;








①请先在答题卡上所选题号后的括号内打“√”,然后再作文; ②若选题一,请先将题目补充完整(填短语,也可填词语);若选题二,请自拟题目,不要脱离材料内容及含意的范围作文,不要套作,不得抄袭;

③立意自定,文体自选(除诗歌外); ④字数不少于600字;













































与“他”有关的一个著名故事: 7.古诗文默写。(每空1分,共8分)(1),各领风骚数百年。(赵翼《论诗》)(2)乡书何处达?。(王湾《次北固山下》)

(3)爱国之情,人所共有。苏轼在《江城子·密州出猎》中,以“ ①,西北望,射天狼”,表述为国立功的壮志豪情;龚自珍在《己亥杂诗》中,以“罗红不是无情物,② ”吟唱为国奉献的无私精神;范仲淹在《岳阳楼记》中,以“ ③,④ ”表达忧国忧民的济世情怀;辛弃疾在《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》中,以“ ⑤,⑥ ”抒发忠君报国的雄心壮志。这些蕴含古人炽烈情感的名句,感动了无数读者。






[扳块设计]活动期间,每位同学都要办一期以“青春畅想”为主题的手抄报,请你参照示例,再设计两个板块。(2分)示侧:板块一:青春的宣言 板块二:青春座右铭 板块三: 板抉四:









过零丁洋 文天祥


10.“文章本天成,妙手偶得之”。在诗的颈联,诗人很巧妙地借“惶恐滩”和“零丁洋”两个地名,写出了 和,地名与处境融合在一起,恰到好 处地表现了诗人当时的心境。(2分)









(1)淡笑有鸿儒 鸿儒:()(2)花之隐逸者也 隐逸:()13.下列句子中加点词的意思或用法相同的一项是()(2分)A.何陋之有 水陆草木之花 B.有仙则名 名之者谁

C.濯清涟而不妖 可远观而不可亵玩焉 D.陶后鲜有闻 芳草鲜美


15.文章的写法是为表情达意服务的。甲、乙两文都采用了 的写法,甲文通过为陋室作铭表明自己的抱负和情操,乙文则通过 表达自已的节操,两文都写得较含蓄。(2分)

























③但是这个工匠仔细看过之后,却得出了一个意想不到的结论:“这张弓虽然强,但不是好弓!”,唐太宗急问原因。工匠回答说:“一张弓的好坏,不单要看它是否射得远,更要看它是否射得准。而能否射得准,关键取决于做弓用料的纹理是否好。制作此弓木料的木心不在正中间,木头的脉理自然都是斜的。因此,这张弓虽然有力,但射出去的箭势必不走正道,偏离目标,所以算不上一张好弓。” ④其实工匠的一番话,蕴含着丰富的哲理。他道出了判定人才的两个标准,那就是一个人不但要有能力,更要走正道,即一个人不但要有才,更要有德,德才兼备者才是真正的人才。


⑥北宋伟大的政治家、史学家、散文家司马光以德、才为依据将人分为圣人、愚人、君子、小人四类—— [甲] 谓之“圣人”; [乙] 谓之“愚人”; [丙] 谓之“君子”; [丁] 谓之“小人”。⑦司马光认为用人的原则是:假如找不到圣人、君子来用的话,那宁可用愚人,也不用小人。其道理是:君子挟才以为善,小人挟才以为恶。挟才以为善者,善无不至矣;挟才以为恶者,恶亦无不至矣。





①才德兼无 ②德胜才 ③才胜德 ④德才俱备 [甲]处应填: [乙]处应填: [丙]处应填: [丁]处应填:









27.请从下面两题中任选一题作文。(50分)题一:越来越好是一种愿望,越来越好是一种状态,越来越好是一种结果。有一首歌这样唱道:“房子大了,电话小了,感觉越来越好;天更蓝了,水更清了,环境越来越好;朋友多了,心相通了,大家越来越好;道路宽了,心气顺了,日子越来越好„„”其实,越来越好的还有风景,还有心情,还有习惯,还有„„ 来吧,拿起手中的笔,去抒写心中的越来越好。请以“ 越来越好”为题,写一篇文章。

题二:父母的一言一行如阳光洒遍我们成长的道路;老师的一言一行似春雨滋润我们干涸的心田;朋友的一言一行像炉火温暖我们如歌的岁月„„因为,在这一言一行中,有浓浓的关爱,有谆谆的教诲,有善意的提醒,有真诚的帮助„„ 请以“一言一行总关情”为题,写—篇文章。







2.pǔ ;chěng。(每空1分,共2分)3.C(2分)4.A(2分)


























