牛津小学英语1B教案 unit


牛津小学英语1B教案 unit(精选6篇)

篇1:牛津小学英语1B教案 unit

Unit 4 My nice ruler

1、能听懂日常用语That′s my new ruler.It′s very nice.要求读音正确,语调自然。

2、能运用句型That′s my„ It′s very„对物品进行简单描述,语音语调正确。


4、培养学生的学习兴趣,能听懂日常用语That`s my new ruler.It`s very nice.等。


Unit 4 My nice ruler ——That′s my new ruler.——It′s very nice.A.greeting 继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。B.Free talk T:Class begins.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Zhou.T: Hi, What’s your name? S: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I′m fine, thank you.T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you,too.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。C、Presentation 1)教师拿出一本新的英语书用Is this „?问学生,再指着远处讲台上的一把新的尺子,Is that „ ? 提问,从而呈现That’s my new „ T:Is this a book? Ss: Yes, it is.T: This is my new book.T:(指远处)Is that a ruler? Ss: Yes, it is.T: Good.That’s my new ruler.让学生通过This is my new book.和 That’s my new ruler.的对比。体会 this 和 that 的不同含义和用法。

2)教new 这个单词时,教师用新、旧物品作比较。T: Look, this is an old book.T: Look, that’s a new book.在学生操练new 之后,再让学生用new 进行组词操练:a new bag, a new book等。D、Learn to say 1)放录音让学生跟读的方式学习对话内容。在学生跟读时,要他们尽量模仿录音中的语音、语调。

2)引导学生采用分角色朗读、分组朗读等多种形式练习,进行课文对话操练。3)在班级中开展“小擂台”比赛,看谁领读得好,谁就成为“小擂主”。E、Practise 1)在学生听、读对话后,教室组织学生运用实物、图片、多媒体等直观手段,创设情境,进行多层次的操练。S1: That’s my new pencil.S2: It’s red.It’s very nice.F、Assign homework(1)回家读书,家长签字。

Unit 4 My nice ruler

1、能听懂日常用语That′s my new ruler.It′s very nice.要求读音正确,语调自然。能运用句型That′s my„ It′s very„对物品进行简单描述,语音语调正确。

2、能听懂、会说a pen, a crayon, a ruler和a rubber,发音准确。


Unit 4 My nice ruler ——That′s my new ruler/pen/crayon/rubber.——It′s very nice.A.greeting(The teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)T: hello.Ss: Hello.继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。B.Free talk T:Class begins.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Zhou.T: Hi, What’s your name? S: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I′m fine, thank you.T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you,too.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。C、Presentation 比较:

A.T:Is this a book? Ss: Yes, it is.T: This is my new book.B.T:(指远处)Is that a ruler? Ss: Yes, it is.T: Good.That’s my new ruler.D、Look an learn 1)教师可以结合本单元A部分的句子呈现学习用品类单词,使单词教学与交际用语、情境相结合。S1: That’s my new crayon.S2: It’s very nice.2)通过一些What’s missing? 等小游戏操练单词,以提高学生的学习兴趣。

S1:What’s this?/ Is this „? S2: It’s very nice.2)通过What’s missing 小游戏操练单词,以提高学生的学习兴趣。E、Look and read 1)学习Gg时, 结合以前学过字母的Bb, Cc, Dd,Ee来帮助学生发音。2)出示写有字母Hh的卡片,示范发音,引导学生眼看教师口型,听清发音。在静听几遍后,再模仿读音。教字母Hh时,采用分解因素的方法,帮助学生发好字母的音。

3)引导学生通过朗读例词bag和hand,进一步感受字母在单词中的发音。4)让学生尝试拼读单词dad, bag, hat等单词。F、Assign homework 回家读书,家长签字.Unit 4 My nice ruler

1、复习巩固新授新授a pen, a crayon, a ruler和a rubber等,要求读音正确,语调自然。复习巩固句型日常交际用语That′s my„ It′s very„对物品进行简单描述,语音语调正确。

2、激发学生英语学习兴趣,会唱歌曲My nice ruler.3、完成教学AB Uint4。


Unit 4 My nice ruler ——That′s my new ruler/pen/crayon/rubber.——It′s very nice.A.greeting T: hello.Ss: Hello.继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。T:Class begins.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss Zhou.(The teacher looks at individual students and prompts them to answer.)

T: Hi, What’s your name? S: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I′m fine, thank you.T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to meet you,too.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。B、Presentation: S1: That’s my new crayon.S2: It’s very nice.C、sing a song 1)在教唱前,教师可先放录音,让学生熟悉旋律。



4)教师引导学生替换部分歌词演唱,如歌曲中的ruler, rubber可以换成其他学习用品。D、play a game 1)先讲解并演示游戏的做法。



4)鼓励学生拓展游戏的内容,让学生说出自己学过的单词。One, two, three, put the pear in the box.E、Assign homework(1)听录音。


篇2:牛津小学英语1B教案 unit

1、能听懂、会说问候语How are you?及其答语,语音准确、语调自然。

2、能听懂、会运用I`m„对他人的问候作回答,并获得运用所学进行交际的能力, 要求读音正确,语调自然。


1、培养学生的学习兴趣,能听懂、会说新授的问候语How are you?等。



Drills.Read words five times.Unit 2 How are you? ——How are you?

——I`m fine,thank you。

A.greeting 继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。B.Free talk: T:Class begings.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss and girls.T: What’s your name? S1: Hello, my name is „.T: What’s your name? S2: Hello, my name is „.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。C、Presentation:

1)让学生听英语歌曲How are you ? 然后教师说Hello, boys and girls.How are you today?直接引出新授问候语How are you ? 2)学习课文,请学生集体听录音,弄清Su Hai在向谁问候。3)让学生跟录音朗读课文,要求模仿语音、语调。4)让学生分角色朗读课文。D、Learn to say 引导学生使用所学语言。


T:(出示卡通动物dog, cat, pig, duck)Now, let`s say hello to them.T:(示范)Hello,Miss Dog.How are you ? S1: Hello, Miss Cat.How are you ? S2: Hello, Miss Pig.How are you ? S3: Hello, Miss Duck.How are you ? Ss:(引导学生回答)I’m fine, thank you.2)请四位学生戴上面具,并排站在讲台前,其中一个用How are you ,xxx? 向班级人一同学问好,被叫到名字的同学除了对问候作出应答外,还要问是谁在向他问好。

S1:(戴面具者)How are you , xxx? S2: I’m fine, thank you.What’s your name? S1: My name is xx.S2: How are you , xx? S1: I’m fine, thank you.3)引导学生将所学问候语在课外尝试运用,可要求学生回家用How are you ? 向家长问好,如果家长不会英语,可让其设法教会家长。E、Assign homework(1)听录音,进行对话。


Unit 2 How are you?

1、能听懂、会说问候语How are you?及其答语,语音准确、语调自然。






Drills.Read words five times.Unit 2 How are you? ——How are you?

——I‘m fine/well/good,thank you。Cc Dd

A.greeting(The teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)T: hello.Ss: Hello.继续巩固用英语组织教学让学生初步听懂课堂基本用语,例如Class begins, Stand up, Sit down, please.Hello , boys and girls.并且做出相应的反应。B.Free talk T:Class begings.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss and girls.T: What’s your name? S1: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I’m fine, thank you.开起小火车。C、Look and learn 1)带领学生读准每个单词。

2)可以利用所做的动物头饰,结合A部分的教学内容,进行多种应答,如: T:Hello, Miss Dog.How are you? S: I’m fine, thank you./ I’m well, thank you./ I’m good, thank you.3)利用课堂实际情景,鼓励学生用本部分新出现的教学内容进行灵活地应答。

D、Look and learn 1)先复习一学过的字母Bb。


4)引导学生通过朗读例词cat和dog,进一步感受字母在单词中的发音。5)组织学生进行大、小写字母配对游戏,将学生容易混淆的字母Bb和Dd放在一起比较、辨认。引导学生观察不同字母的形状,鼓励学生自己编顺口溜,加强记忆。E、Assign homework(1)听录音,进行对话。


Unit 2 How are you?

1、复习巩固问候语How are you?及其答语,要求读音正确,语调自然。

2、复习巩固句型: How are you?I‘m fine/well/good,thank you。

3、激发学生英语学习兴趣,会唱歌曲How are you?

4、完成教学AB Uint2。


2、复习巩固句型: How are you?I‘m fine/well/good,thank you。


Drills.Read words five times.Unit 2 How are you? ——How are you?

——I‘m fine/well/good,thank you。

A.greeting(The teacher stands at the door and greets the students as they come in the door.)T: Hello.Hi.(The teacher stands in front of the class and greets all the students again and prompts them to answer.)T: hello.Ss: Hello.T:Class begings.S1: Stand up.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Miss and girls.(The teacher looks at individual students and prompts them to answer.)

T: What’s your name? S1: Hello, my name is „.T:How are you? S1:I’m fine, thank you.开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。B、Presentation:

When we meet someone, we should say “How are you?” Now, let’s watch and listen.C、sing a song 1)反复播放How are you ?让学生先熟悉曲调。


4)引导学生替换歌词,如fine 可替换成well, good等。D、play a game 1)课前布置学生找一个或者作一个自己喜爱的卡通形象的手偶。2)教师讲解游戏的做法,并进行示范。

3)小组内使用手偶开展对话游戏,用学过的语言进行交流: S1: Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.What’s your name? S2: My name is „ S1: How are you? S2:I’m fine/ well/ good.Thank you.E、practise(1)活动1:Listen and judge.教师先向学生解释清楚题目的做法。——How are you,Helen? ——I’m fine , thank you.请学生听录音,要求学生根据录音判断对话内容是否与图画意思一致,相符则为笑脸,否则为哭脸。(2)活动2:listen and respond.录音中,画面上的某个人物正在和另一个人打招呼。根据图片所示内容用已学句型作出应答。

师生互问,生生练习问答。(3)学习活动3:listen and colour 要求学生在听录音后,根据录音内容将字母涂上合适的颜色。

(4)学习活动4:look and act 要求学生先看图,然后依据图意说英语并表演。教师组织学生操练句型。——Is this David? ——No./„

F、Assign homework(1)听录音,进行对话。

篇3:牛津小学英语1B教案 unit

任务型语言教学是目前交际教学思想中的一种。以任务为中心的教学营造了一个有利于学习者语言习得的最佳环境, 把语言应用的基本概念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式, 它倡导“在做中学, 在做中用”的教育理念, 将语言应用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。运用学习任务组织教学, 强化了语言实践的过程, 充分体现了语言的交际本质。在完成任务的过程中, 学生自然地应用语言知识, 从而获得语言运用的能力, 真正体现了从知识到能力的转化。

英语是一门有声语言, 与其他任何语言一样, 它是用来交流思想的, 其重要作用就是交际, 首先要求说话者必须听懂对方的话, 听不懂也就失去了交际的意义。英语听力教学不仅仅起听力练习的作用, 更给我们提供了一个有声有色的语言环境。把学生带进了谈论本单元话题这样一个贴近生活的环境, 容易激发学生的学习兴趣。让学生接触到了地道、纯正的英语, 有利于学生模仿。


1. 语言目标

(1) 重点单词及短语:stressed out, happen, no wonder, realize, rush, by the time, gotten, oversleep。

(2) 能听懂对话内容, 会从中提取信息和观点。

(3) 能就所提供的图片表达自己的观点和看法。

2. 能力目标

(1) 训练学生听力能力及获取语言信息的能力, 完成围绕听力内容所设计的各种任务, 初步掌握听力技巧。

(2) 在听录音的过程中培养学生捕捉信息的能力, 熟悉口语特点, 激发学生主动学英语和用英语的积极性。

3. 情感态度目标

回忆过去的事, 谈论的主题是“Bad days”, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 克服消极情感因素。


环节1.听前活动 (pre-listening activities)


学生在做听力理解前, 根据所给的图片或对话标题, 可对将听到的材料内容进行预测;做好听前预测可消除学生对听力的畏惧心理。


(1) 看1a动画图片, 学习新单词是为听力中的生词做铺垫

Ask students to have a look at the pictures in 1a and provide sentences showing the meaning of the words.

T:What do you see in the first picture?

S1:She slept for a long time.

T:That's correct.She slept too late.She overslept.Class re peat, she overslept.

SS:She overslept.


(2) 全班互动交流。通过让学生观察动画图片预测听力对话内容。

【教学反思】预测能力是听力能力中不可缺少的一部分, 因此, 万不可盲目地按下播放键, 让学生在没有任何与听力材料相关的线索下, 漫无目的地、不知详略地乱听。只有当学生见到1a中对话者的形象, 大概了解对话主题之后, 他们作出的猜测才是有意义的, 才能在听的过程中有的放矢, 达到目的。

环节2.听中活动 (while-listening activities)


通过听对话了解对话内容主旨大意以及能捕捉到相应的信息, 完成题目1b要求。


(1) Play the recording the first time. (要求学生带着问题听对话, 捕捉大意)

(2) Play the recording a second time. (要求学生边听边完成题目要求, 为了给学生充足的时间来填写, 作以必要的停顿)

【教学反思】听的过程中要明确目的, 分步细听, 解决细节问题, 教师在设置听力问题时, 一定要注意任务的难度。听力材料一开始就出现理解障碍, 容易给学生造成不安或畏惧的情绪。教师首先可呈现较容易的学习内容, 旨在使大部分学生有成就感, 再呈现较难问题, 旨在让学生了解自己的听力水平。

环节3.听后活动 (post-listening activities)


《新目标》教材中的听力材料富有趣味性和实用性。听力录音的声音、语速和节奏等都比较符合说话人的身份和语境, 具有较强的真实感。而听力教学的主要任务是帮助学生提高语言信息的接收和理解能力, 而理解和表达是交际的两个方面, 不能完全分离。因此, 听力教学应让学生在听懂的基础上围绕听的材料说, 在说的同时提高其听的能力。教师应充分利用这些语言材料, 让学生在完成听力任务的同时, 模仿并朗读听力材料, 最后围绕话题展开自由讨论。


Ask and answer in pairs according to the conversation.

A:Hi, Wang Mengze.You look stressed out.

B:I am.I had a bad morning.

A:Really?What happened?

B:Well, I overslept.And by the time I got up, my brother had already gone into the shower.

A:What about you, Sun Xiaoyin?


【设计意图】充分利用听力材料, 在听力理解的基础上过渡到说。

(1) Read after the tape.

【设计意图】加深对语篇的印象, 模仿语音语调, 培养语感。

(2) Say something about other students.

Wang Mengze had a bad morning.He overslept.And by the time he got up, his brother had already gotten in the shower...

【设计意图】语言输出, 培养学生的综合语言表达能力。

(3) Write a short passage about himself or herself.

【设计意图】最终落实到写, 检测学生对听力材料的巩固情况。

(4) 学生总结汇报。

(5) 老师给予总结性评价。

上述听力任务设计都是紧紧围绕教学目标展开的, 在听力训练的基础上, 通过听力材料所获得的语言知识和语用知识就会有效地转化为听、说、读、写的能力, 真正做到用教材, 而不是教教材。

【教学反思】任何听力材料都包含语言知识, 与主题相关的文化知识和语篇方面的知识, 教师应善于根据教学实际需要, 灵活地和创造性地使用教材, 根据教学目标合理设计听力任务, 把听与说、读、写紧密地联系起来, 使学生把通过听力材料所获得的语言知识和语用知识有效地转化为听、说、读、写能力。


In this period we've practiced the target language in spoken conversation, and practice the spoken English using the target language.


Write a short passage about bad things.

篇4:牛津小学英语1B教案 unit

本节课为《牛津小学英语》三年级下册第二单元Yes or no的第一课时,主要内容是Nancy到Gao Shan家做客的情景对话。


1. 能熟练掌握单词clock、key、computer。

2.能熟练运用一般疑问句Is this/that……?及回答:Yes, it is. No,it isn’t.

3. 能正确地使用感叹句What a nice……!对物品进行赞美。

4. 能正确使用礼貌用语May I come in?Come in,please.


1. 单词clock、key、computer

2. 能运用Is this/that……?Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.




Step 1. Warming-up

1.Sing a song 《ABC song》

2.Free talk

Step2. Presentation and drill

1.教学新句型 :May I come in?Come in,please.

(教师课前指导)一名学生在上课时稍晚进教室 ,让学生在教师创设的情境中理解句型的含义,,以达到巩固的效果,并提醒学生这些礼貌用语在生活中的使用。师生对话如下:

S:May I come in?

T:Come in,please.

2.教学新句型:Is this/that …?及应答Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.

教师拿出准备好的水果,用新句型“Is this …?”引导学生作肯定回答:Yes,it is.对话如下:

T: Is this a peach?


T:Yes,it is.(教师进行完整回答)



3.教学感叹句:What a nice…!”


S:Is this a monkey?

T:No,it isn’t.

S:Is this a cat?

T:Yes,it is. Look at my toy cat.

S:How nice!

S:Look at my telephone!

T:What a nice telephone!(作惊奇状)

师指着“telephone”问:“Can I have a look?”引导回答:“Sure. Here you are.”

设计意图:通过循序渐进的对话方式,利用准备好的物品自然而然地接触到本单元的语篇话题,帮助学生在语境中初步理清话题中句型Is this/that……?与Yes, it is. No,it isn’t,为学生整体理解语篇扫清了障碍。

Step3.Let’s talk


教师引出课文情境:星期天Nancy 来Gao shan 家做客,她看见了好多日常生活用品,但不知道怎么用英语表达,(学生读题,观察图片内容并猜测答案。)判断练习如下:Read and judge.

a. Is this a telephone? Yes, it is. ( √ )

b. That is a radio.( × )






Step4.Practice and consolidation






师拿出一个放着图片的盒子,一位同学从里面拿出图片,另一学生背着其他学生进行猜测:Is this……?若猜对,其他同学齐声说Yes,反之则回答No。若学生猜对了就可得到该图片。





篇5:牛津小学英语1B教案 unit

一、教学目标:1.知识目标:学会用draw, write, fold 说出制作贺卡过程。2.能力目标:正确模仿发音并根据指令作出相应反应。3.情感目标:学会通过贺卡传递对亲人、朋友的爱。二、教学重点:分清各步骤的名称。教学难点:fold的识记。三、教具准备:cassette 1b and cassette player, samples of cards, wallchart四、教学过程:step 1 warming up1.song: happy new year2.rhyme: my uncle is comingstep 2 pre-task preparation1.greet each other using “how are you?” “happy new year.”2.show the word cards of four relatives learned in the previous lesson. get students to greet each one with “happy new year!”   e.g. happy new year, uncle.3.show the class some new year cards and tell                  them that they are all made by other students.4.ask “do you like these cards? do you want to make one?”step 3 while-task procedure1.put up the enlarged picture of student’s book page 5.introduce the steps of making a new year card.2.say the words for each step slowly. encourage the students to follow.3.play the cassette tape. the students listen and correct the pronunciation.4.show some good samples of cards to the class.step 4 post-task activity     get the students to make new year cards for                        their parents ,relatives or friends. speak out the      action while making. remind them to say       “happy new year!” when they send the card.歌曲、儿歌既复习已学知识,又能帮助集中思想,快速进入英语学习状态。 复习旧知识,逐步培养英语交际能力。 生动、带有感情色彩地复习单词。既轻松,又有助于记忆。引起兴趣,激发求知欲。    初步整体感知。  示范到位,便于模仿。 磁带再次感知,帮助正音。 做做说说,调动多种感官参与,帮助记忆。板书设计:   课后小结:

篇6:牛津小学英语1B教案 unit

一、教学目标:1.知识目标:学会用i like…句型表达自己的喜好。2.能力目标:能熟练运用i like…句型熟练交流。3.情感目标:做个有礼貌的小顾客。二、教学重点:灵活运用i like…句型。教学难点:the 在此型句中发音顺畅。三、教具准备:cassette 1b and cassette player, wallchart四、教学过程:step 1 warming up song: do you like…step 2 pre-task preparation1.show a box of sweets. pick a sweet and say “what is it? sweet.” repeat.2.point to the box of sweets and say “i like the sweets.” students point to the box of sweets and repeat.3.show picture cards for “shoes” and “dress” to the class and say “i like the new shoes. i like the new dress.” students repeat.step 3 while-task procedure1.show a wallchart of page 6. tell a story about this.2.play the cassette tape of page 6. students listen.3.ask some questions about the story:*where were sam and may’s family in each picture?*what were they doing?*what did sam say in the sweets’ shop?*does may like the new dress?*what did she say?*who had the new shoes?*how did sam and may greet their parents on new year’s day?4.get the students to discuss what new year presents they want to buy. using the sentence “i like…”step 4 post-task activitygive them much more words about the items of clothing. such as “coat, trousers…”get students to pretend that they are goingshopping to buy a new items of clothing.first practise in three, one being the shop keeper,the other two being the customers. then ask them to act it out for the class.听听歌曲,在歌曲声中初步感知新句i like …, 为后面学习打下基础。创设语境,引入新知,分散难点。听听故事,激发兴趣。磁带正音,再次整体感知故事。通过提问,帮助理解记忆,同时反馈所学。联系自己喜好,互相运用新句型交流,灵活掌握句型,活跃气氛。增加输入量,使对话有可说性。在演演说说中,培养实际运用语言的能力。先给他们自由操练的时间,缓冲马上表演的紧张,同时让对话演得更到位。板书设计:课后小结
