




介词at on in表示时间的介词 at, on, in(在):

at表示时间的某一点;on表示某日或和某日连用的某一时间段;in用于表示除日以外的某一时间段,以及泛指早晨下午晚上。1.at(1)at表示一天中的某时刻,不用冠词,如: at six o’clock(在六点钟), at dawn(在黎明), at sunrise(日出时), at noon(在正午)。

I arrived at school at seven.我到学校时是七点。(2)at表示一瞬间或短暂的时间,如:

at that moment(在那一瞬间), at present(目前), at that time(那时)

Your memory is always poor at this time.你的记忆力到这时候总是不好。


at Christmas(在圣诞节,指整个节日), at the age of ten(在十岁时)。How could you be so forgetful at the age of ten? 你才十岁怎么就这么健忘? 2.on


on Monday(在星期一), on Friday afternoon(在星期五下午)

on the morning of August the eighth(在八月八日早晨)

on Christmas Day(在圣诞节,指在当天)

You were late on Monday last week.你上星期一就晚了。

You mean I was late on May the fifteenth? 你是说我五月十五日晚了? 3.in


in 1996(在1996年), in May(在五月), in spring(在春季),in the 20th century(在二十世纪), in the eighties(在八十年代),in modern times(在现代), in the night(在晚上)。

Sorry, I am late, the first time in May.对不起,我晚了,五月份第一次晚。

I got up at six in the morning.我早上六点钟起床。表示地点的介词 in on at 1.at表示地点:


I shall wait for you at the station.我应该在车站等你。


He lives at 115 Zhongshan Road.他住在中山路115号。



He lives in Shanghai.他住在上海。

(2)虽然是很小的地方,如果说话人住在那里,也可用in。商店、学校、机关等,若看作一个地点(point)用at,若看作一个场所(place)用in。如:I met him at the post-office.我在邮局遇见他的。I’m now working in the post-office.我现在在邮局工作。


The picture was hanging on the wall.照片在墙上挂着。

New York is on the Hudson River.纽约在哈德逊河上。1.in 在......之内


The camel lives in the desert and eats grass.骆驼住在沙漠里,它以草为生。She’s in china with her mom and dad.她和妈妈爸爸一起在中国。

My mother is an english teacher in a university in Beijing.我妈妈是北京一名大学的英语老师。

I’m in class one.我在一班。2)表示时间,表示在某一个时间段内。

The weather is cold in winter.冬天天气很冷。3)表示颜色和语言也用介词in。

Do you know the girl in red? 你认识穿着红色衣服的女孩么?

I can write this article in english.我能用英语写这篇文章。2.from 从......中来 1)come from

I come from china and i’m Chinese.我从中国来,我是中国人。There are camels from Africa.骆驼从非洲来。2)download from I download music from the internet.我从网络上下载音乐。3)be different from

lily’s habits are different from Cinda’s.莉莉的习惯与琳达的不同。3.with 和,用,与 1)with sb 和......人在一起

I’m in class one with damming and Ringling.我与大明和玲玲都是一班的学生。

would you like to go to the cinema with betty and me?

你愿意与贝蒂和我一起去看电影么? 2)with Esth.表示用某种工具

I write with my pen, and I see with my eyes.我用我的笔写字,用我的眼睛来看。4.at 在......1)表示地点,主要指小地点。

My father is a teacher at Beijing international school.我爸爸是北京国际学校的一名老师。

My mother is a doctor at the hospital.我妈妈是医院医生。2)表示时间,主要指时间的一个点。

I get up at half past seven in the morning.我早上七点半起床。

I usually do my homework at home and at the weekend.我通常周末在家里写作业。3)be good at 擅长于......I am good at reading and writing.我擅长读写。5.behind 在......后面

The classrooms are behind the offices.教室在办公室后面。6.next to 紧挨着

The library is next to the classrooms.图书馆紧挨着教室。7.in front of 在......前面

they are in front of tony and damming.他们在托尼和大明前面。

the gym is a building in front of the offices.体育场在办公室前面。8.for 为了......thank you for your email.谢谢你的邮件。

we often make a birthday cake for his birthday.我们通常为了他的生日准备一个生日蛋糕。

I am a teacher and i use my laptop for my lessons.我是一名老师,我经常用笔记本电脑备课。9.on 在......上,在......时


would you like to go to a football match on Munday?


I was born on Jan, 1st, 1992.我出生于1992年1月1日。2)表示地点

on the farm 在农场上

on the playground 在操场上 10.to 自,向 1)talk to 与......谈论

we have a break and i talk to my friends.我们有一个课间休息,我和我的朋友们聊天。2)go to 去

he likes films and he often goes to the cinema.他喜欢电影,他经常去电影院。3)welcome to 欢迎到......welcome to Beijing zoo.欢迎到北京动物园来。4)listen to 听

They always listen to music.他们经常听音乐。


please connect the monitor to the computer first.请先把显示器和电脑主机连在一起。11.by

she usually buys cads by her favorite singers.她经常买她最喜欢歌手的cd盘。练习:


1.___the theatre

2.__ Beijing

3.__ the cinema

4.___ the farm

5.___ school

6.__ home

7.__ the park

8.__ the library 9.__ the stadium 10.__ 1994

11.__ November

12.__ 15:00

13.__ Munday morning 14.__ 6:30

15.__ Monday

16.__ January

17.__ may, 1

18.__ my birthday

19.__ weekend

20.__may, 1, 2006 21.___ the playground

22.___my birthday party 二.选择最佳答案。

1.the plane arrived at Condon airport ______ Wednesday.a.on




2.what do you usually do ________ Christmas?





3.the first class begins _______ 8 o’clock ______ the morning.a.at/on


c.on /in


4.we will be in Nanjing _____ Tuesday ______Thursday.a.on/ through




5.we will have a football match _____ this Saturday afternoon..a.on




6.he came to see you _____ the evening of may 10th.a.in




7.the supermarket is still open ______ midnight.a.at




8.days are longer ______ summer than ___________ winter.a.in/in




9.children get presents ________ Christmas and ______ their birthday.granny is coming

for lunch________ Christmas day.a.at/on/on




10.________ new year’s eve people usually don’t go to bed until midnight.a.at




11.tom and paul usually watch TV ______ weekends.a.at




12.he said that he would meet us ____ the cinema.a.in




13.there are many beautiful birds ______ the tree.a.on




14.Lucy is waiting _____ no.3 bus stop ________ her father.a.for/for




15.do you often listen ________the program ________ the radio.a.to/of

b.to /in


d.on /to

16.can you tell me the way ______ shanghai zoo?





17.thank you _______ your coming.a.to




18.Mr li is going to help him ________ his Chinese this afternoon.a.with




19.let me introduce her _______ you.a.with




20.tom has made friends_____ many Chinese students.a.with




21.can you find out the answer__________ these questions?





22.don’t forget to bring your text book ______ you.a.in

b after



23.can you sing this song _____ English?





24.who is the boy _____ blue trousers?





25.don’t read _____ the sun.it’s bad _________ your eyes.a.under/of

b.in/towards c.in/ for d.under/for

26.how many students go to school _____ foot?





27.i will make a trip _____ Europe this summer.a.for

b to

c with


28.my mother send a postcard____ me every year.a.to




29.let’s make a cake_______ damming;he likes cakes.a.to



d.with 30.there are lots of animals ________ the grassland.a.at






①He is good ________ swimming.②Tom gets ________ at seven every morning.③ ________ Sunday morning, he played football with his friends.④What’s wrong ________ you?

There is something wrong ________ my back.⑤He often helps me ________ my English.⑥It’s time ________ breakfast.⑦Can you sing a song ________ English?

⑧He looks ________ his father.⑨Please listen ________ me carefully.⑩It’s too cold.Don’t take ________ your coat.I go to school ________ foot every day.He sits ________ Tom and Mary.I work ________ Monday ________ Friday.He is ill, so he is staying ________ bed.Don’t be late ________ this meeting.2.介词填空

①Tony is ________ Canada.②What is the name ________ the factory?

③Betty is English.What ________ you?

④Who’s the woman ________ the black dress?

⑤Where do you come ________?

⑥She looks ________ her father.⑦Do the students stay ________ home ________ Saturday?

⑧My mother cut the cake ________ a knife.⑨The meeting ended ________ 6 p.m.⑩We’ll play football ________ class.Go ________ this road, turn left ________ the first crossing.Can you tell me the way ________ the zoo?

—where are you from?

—I am ________ Beijing.Let’s count the numbers ________ one ________ fifty.—Where shall we meet?

—We’ll meet ________ home.1.①at ②up ③On ④with with ⑤with ⑥for ⑦in ⑧like ⑨to ⑩off

on between from to in for

2.①from ②of ③about ④in ⑤from ⑥like ⑦at on ⑧with ⑨at


1、在…… (某范围或空间) 内, 表示基本动态和静态空间方位含义

德语介词中的“in”是一个支配两个格的介词, 需根据句中动词属性按三格或四格使用, 俗称为静三动四。德语第三格表示静态:在......里面。Das Buch liegt im Regal.书在书架中放着。Die Kinder sind in der Schule.孩子们在学校里。Der Brief ist in der Tasche.信在包里。英语则是:There’s some sugar in the cupboard.碗橱里有些糖。He carried a bag in his hand.他提着一个手提包。而当德语“in”和它所支配的名词或代词表达一个行为的方向 (动态) 时, 支配第四格, 意思是:“到……里面”;Sie legt das Buch ins Regal.她把书放进书架中。Die Kinder gehen in die Schule.孩子们去上学。Sie legte den Brief in die Tasche.她将信放入包内。此时英语则不能用“in”, 而要用“into”:She lays the book into the bookcase.她把书放进书柜中。


德语和英语都用in。英语:in England在英国;in London在伦敦。Waren Sie schon einmal in England?您去过英国吗?Mr Fisher is in Boston this week.费西尔先生本周在波士顿。但是德语中in后面的国名如果是阳性或者中性, 是不需要显示冠词的, 阴性则需要, 如:in China, in Deutschland, in der Schweiz,


3.1 表示在某一时刻或在某段特定时间范围内, 德语用第三格

Die Arbeit war in zwei Tagen erledigt.这项工作在两天内完成了。Wir hatten die Arbeit in zwei Tagen geschafft.我们在两天内完成了这项工作。英语:I began to work here in January in 1999.我1999年1月开始在这里上班。

3.2 表示现在或将来的某个时间内

德语:In zwei Wochen fahren wir in Urlaub.两周后我们去度假。英语:I’ll finish reading this book in three days.我将在三天内读完这本书。德语可以用现在时表示在将来发生的事情, 而英语则用了将来时。在。。。期间

3.3 用于星期, 月份, 季节, 年份, 表示在 (某月、某年、某季节等)

德语用了第三格:Die Studenten haben keinen Unterricht in dieser Woche.学生们这一周没有课。Im Norden Chinas beginnt die regenzeit im Juli.在中国北方雨季七月开始。Im sommer fahren die Deutschen gern nach Italien.德国人夏天爱去意大利。„Im Jahr“可表示在某一年, 但若不用名词Jahr, 介词in也不能用。比如:Er war 1907 gestorben.他是1907年去世的。英语的“in“表达起来就相对简单, 如:Bright yellow flowers appear in late summer.夏末时鲜黄色的花朵开放。He retired in October.他10月份退休了。In the autumn of 1995 he went to the united States and stayed there five years.1995年秋天他前往美国, 在那里逗留了五年。

4、表示某种情况﹑状态或特征, 引起的短语作状语, 说明方式﹑目的等

德语:Die Maschine ist in Betrieb.机器在运转。Ihr Leben ist in Gefahr.她生命处于危险之中。Alle greaten in Aufregung大家都激动了。英语:I an in trouble with this thing.这件事使我陷入了困境。He’s been in politics for fifteen years.他从政有十五年了。He looked very handsome in his uniform.他穿着制服显得很英俊。

5、表示用......, 以......某种方式或方法

德语:Er hält die Vorlesung in Deutsch.他用德语讲课。Der Brief ist in Deutsch geschrieben.信是用德语写的。英语:Her parents always talk to her in German.她的父母总是用德语和她交谈。a short note scribbled in pencil.用铅笔草草写下的一小段笔记


[1]张才尧, 高年生.新编德汉字典[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 2004.

[2]芦力军.实用英语德语比较语法[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 2005.

[3]童城.德语介词auf与英语介词on相似性比较研究[J].华章, 2009

[4]朱原, 吴景荣.精选汉英-英汉词典 (新版) [M].商务印书馆, 2002.

[5]潘再平, 张宝发, 周祖生, 等新德汉词典[M].上海:上海译文出版社, 2000



In the distance, beyond the Water Cube is the Birds Nest for the 29th Beijing Olympic Games.在远处,水立方的那一边,是第29届北京奥运会的场馆鸟巢。

Beyond the mountains is the epicenter(震中) of the 5•12 earthquake in Sichuan.越过这些山,就是四川5•12地震的震中。


I think Dream Works latest cartoon movie Kung Fu Panda wont be long enough to last beyond midnight tonight.我想今晚梦工厂的最新动画电影《功夫熊猫》不会持续到午夜之后。

(2006福建) Sorry, Madam. Youd better come tomorrow because its____the visiting hours.

A. duringB. at

C. beyondD. before

三、 表示年龄或数量,意思为“超过……”。例如:

Last week, Gates announced he would give all his wealth, beyond $50 billion in total, to charity.上周,盖茨宣布他将把他总计超过500亿美元的全部财产捐给慈善事业。


Inflation has now risen beyond the level of 5%.当前的通货膨胀率上升已超过了5%。

After surviving the earthquake, the survivors have come to understand what it means that Great Love is Beyond Boundaries.从地震中幸存下来后,幸存者们已渐渐明白什么叫“大爱无疆”。

What Mr. Fan Paopao said and did is beyond the limit of being a qualified teacher.“范跑跑”的言和行超出了作为一名合格教师的限度。

(2004上海春) I am sorry its____my power to make a final decision on the project.

A. over B. above C. off D. beyond

(2006四川) —Can he take charge of the computer company?

—Im afraid its____his ability.

A. beyondB. within

C. ofD. to

(2006江苏) This new model of car is so expensive that it is____the reach of those with average incomes.

A. overB. within

C. beyondD. below

(2008陕西) Elizabeth has already

achieved success____her wildest dreams.

A. at B. beyond C. withinD. upon


I know nothing more beyond what you told me about the latest movie Red Cliff directed by John Woo.关于吴宇森的最新电影《赤壁》,除了你告诉我的,我并不知道更多。


1. 作表语

The “Donations of Love” charity gala is beyond all praise.

= The “Donations of Love” charity gala cant be praised enough.中央电视台“爱的奉献”大型慈善晚会好评如潮。(表扬不尽)。

I got an A+ in chemistry in this entrance examination to college, which was beyond my modest expectations.在这次大学入学考试中,我化学得了A+是出乎我预料的。

2. 作定语

Faye Wong changed her schedule of visiting the quake-injured children in hospital due to circumstances beyond her control.因一些她无法控制的情况,王菲改变了看望住院的在地震中受伤儿童的日程。

3. 作状语

Obama succeeded in being the Democratic Party presidential nominee beyond our hopes. 奥巴马成功地成为民主党总统提名人,这是我们难以想像的。

(2008江苏) —Why do you suggest we buy a new machine ?

—Because the old one has been damaged____.

A. beyond reach

B. beyond repair

C. beyond control

D. beyond description


Spain beat Germany and won the top prize in the Euro 2008 tournament beyond his old rival after many years. 在2008年的欧洲联赛中,西班牙在多年以后打败了德国,超过了自己的老对手赢得最高奖。

Its beyond me why Stone said those irresponsible words about the earthquake happening in Sichuan, China. 我无法理解为什么斯通对发生在中国四川的地震说出那些不负责任的话。

Its beyond you to keep calm in the face of the quakes victims.面对地震的受害者,你想保持平静太难了。

(2006 安徽) Its quite____me why such things have been allowed to happen.

A. forB. behind

C. againstD. beyond


1.____that tall building, a huge Disneyland is to be built in Shanghai and it will open to visitors in 2012.

A. WithinB. Above

C. BeyondD. Under

2. Dont stay out____10 oclock at night. Your parents will be worried.

A. inB. onC. for D. beyond

3. At the meeting there were not____20 persons, which made the boss very angry.

A. inB. within C. beyond D. into

4. My job goes____just teaching—my aim is to encourage the children to think by


A. intoB. beyondC. forD. on

5. It is____belief that the photos of a rare South China tiger in the wild were fabricated(伪造,捏造) by a farmer Zhou Zhenglong.

A. for B. against C. over D. beyond

6. —What do you think of what he did in class ?

—What he did was____my imagination.

A. throughB. above

C. beyondD. over

7. I am afraid that computer studies is completely____her.

A. forB. behind

C. againstD. beyond

8. Sports cars such as Ferrarris(法拉利) and BMW(宝马) are priced____the reach of most people.

A. beyondB. within

C. ofD. to

9. Suddenly she was rich at one night____ her wildest dreams.

A. atB. beyond

C. withinD. upon

10. He survived the car accident, but his car was damaged____.

A. beyond reachB. beyond repair

C. beyond controlD. beyond description


1. So far, several ships have been reported missing _______ the coast of Bermuda Island.

A. off B. along

C. on D. around

2. “How long have you stayed in this hotel?” “Not long, just ______ this Monday.”

A. on B. since

C. until D. after

3. The lift in that tall building went wrong and got trapped _____ floors. People in it had no way to get out.

A. in B. between

C. among D. on

4. “What a terrible rain we are having!” “Yes. We are asked to pay more attention to the information about the rain ______ flood.”

A. as well as B. so long as

C. because of D. in case of

5. _____ their inexperience, they’ve done a good job.

A. Given B. Supposed

C. Considered D. Concluded

6. They promise that the work would all be finished _____ next week.

A. until B. in

C. by D. to

7. _______ reading the letter, what has he done?

A. Because of B. Except

C. Besides D. But for

8. “How did the robber get in?” “______ an open window on the first floor.”

A. Past B. From

C. Over D. Through

9. She knew nothing about his journey _______ he was likely to be away for three months.

A. Except B. except for

C. except that D. in addition

9. 选 C。在四个选项中,只有except that 后可接句子。

10. He usually goes to work by bike _______ it rains.

A .except B. except when

C. except for D. except that

11. I found the island a wonderful place for our experiments _______ the hot weather.

A. besides B. except for

C. except D. except that

12. ______ the weather, we had a pleasant time.

A. Except B. Except for

C. But D. Besides

13. He always did well at school ______ having to do part-time jobs every now and then.

A. in spite of B. instead of

C. in case of D. in favor of

14. As it was almost time for the flight, all the passengers got ______ the plane.

A. around B. abroad

C. aboard D. ahead



1. 选A。off 用作介词时可表示距离,此时尤其用于指距离某一大路或靠近某海面。又如:

Our house is about 20 meters off the main road. 我们家离大路大约有20米远。

The ship anchored a mile off the coast. 轮船抛锚停泊在离海岸1英里的.地方。

2. 选B。此答句为省略句,补充完整为:I’ve stayed in this hotel since this Monday.

3. 选 B。between floors 指在两层楼之间。类例地,以下各例也选between:

Don’t eat anything ______ meals if you want to lose weight.

4. 选D。复合介词in case of有两个意思,一是表示条件,意为“如果”;二是表示目的,意为“以防”。如:

In case of fire, call 119. 万一失火,就打119电话。

Take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 带把雨伞,以防下雨。

5. 选A,given 在此用作介词,意为“考虑到”。又如:Given the low price, I decided to buy it. 考虑到价格很低,我决定把它买下。

6. 选C,by 意为“最迟到……之前,到……的时候已经”。类例地,下面一题也选by:

The train leaves at 6:00 p.m. So I have to be at the station _______5:40 p.m. at the latest.

A. until B. after

C. around D. by

7. 选C。besides 意为“除……之外,还”。又如:

He has another car besides this. 除了这辆车外,他还有一辆。

Besides being a teacher, he was a poet. 除了是位教师外,他还是位诗人。

Did he do anything besides hitting you? 除了打你之外,他还有没有别的什么举动?

8. 选D。through 意为“穿过,贯穿,经过,透过”。又如:

The train ran through the tunnel. 火车穿过隧道。

I saw you through the window. 我是透过窗子看到你的。

9. 选 C。在四个选项中,只有except that 后可接句子。

10. 选B。except when 和 except that 后均可接句子,但前者含“当……的时候”的意思,而后者则没有这个意思。

11. 选B。except 与 except for的区别是:前者主要用来谈论同类的东西;后者主要用来谈论不同类的东西,在说明情况后作细节上的修正,有时含有惋惜之意。

12. 选B,except 和 except for 均可表示排除,但若是表示谈论不同类的对象,通常用 except for。另外,except 通常不用于句首。

13. 选A。比较:in spite of=虽然,尽管…仍;instead of=代替,取而代之;in case of=假设,万一;in favour of=赞同,有利于。


1. What’s Bob doing? A. That’s Jenny.

2. What’s Mike like ? B. She’s medium height.

3. Where did you go last Sunday? C. Yes, I do.

4. How’s the weather in Toronto? D. It was pretty good.

5. What do you think of the game show? E. I went to the movies.

6. What does Nancy look like? F. Yes, you can listen outside.

7. Can we listen to music now ? G. He’s very serious.

8. Do you like hot weather? H. He’swatching TV at home.

9. How was the park? I. I can’t stand it.

10. Who’s that? J. It’s windy and cloudy.


________ I love it .

___2____ Yes , I watched “Harry Potter” yesterday.

________ Oh, I can’t stand them.

________ Do you like to watch TV?

________ I don’t mind them. How about you?

________ I do , too. What do you think of soap operas?

________ What do you think of it ?


1. You don’t have to clean the classroom now .You ________ clean it tomorrow.

A. can’t B. can C. do D. don’t

2. The game show is boring. I ________ it .

A. like B. don’t like C. love D. mind

3. Ms Lin is short ______ curly hair.

A. of B. by C. for D. with

4. He ______ me his watch and asked me what I thought of it.

A. bought B. put C. showed D. liked

5. Do you enjoy _______ to country music?

A. listen B. listening C. to listen D. listened

6. ----- ________ was your vacation, Nancy?

----- ________ It was great.

A. What B. Where C. How D. Why

7. ---- _________

---- It’s raining.

A. How’s the weather? B. What do you think of it ? C. What does it look like? D. Who’s that?

8. There are many students on the playground. Some are playing football. ________ are playing basketball.

A. Others B. Other C. The other D. Some

9. The American likes Chinese food, ______ jiaozi , rice and so on.

10. Liu Ming likes ______ jokes. He never stops ______.


1. football , captain , Li Jie , of , team , the , the , is


2. tall , hair , who , the , with , curly , girl , is


3. cartoons , blackboard , drawing , he , the , is , on , funny


4. classroom , the , crying , in , I , found , boy , the , thin


5. class , don’t , late, arrive , for


6. sunglasses , they , the , can’t , classroom , in , wear


7. guitar , you , pratice , do , to , day , every , have , your


8. bed , morning , your , you , to , the , have , make , in



watch ,  happy , want ,  night ,  for ,  eat

Dear Mike,

Gong He Xin Xi! I am on vacation in Beijing. I _______ to see the Chinese New Year celebrations here.

Many things are happening (发生) here . I am going to _______ the lion dance . It will be the first time I see it and I am very _______ . After that , I am going to _______ Chinese food . They were very delicious . At ________ , there will be fire works.

What are you doing ______ Chinese New Year in Toronto?

Lots of love,



1. David is medium height.(对画线部分提问)

__________ _________ David ________ ________ ?

2. Lin Tao is looking out of the window in class.(改成否定祈使句)

_________ _________ out of the window in class , Lin Tao.

3. It’s snowinghere today.(对画线部分提问)

_________ the _________ here today?

4. Marcowent to the post office yesterday.(对画线部分提问)

_________ _________ Marco _________ yesterday?

5. Sally wants to be a bank clerk. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ Sally _________ to be a bank clerk ?

6. I’d like a large size.(改为一般疑问句)

_________ _________ _________ a large size?

7. Listen to the music.(改为否定句)

_________ _________ to the music.

8. They have to clean the classroom now. (改为否定句)

They _________ _________ to clean the classroom now.


1. 在感恩节,美国人吃什么?

____________________________________________ at Thanksgiving?

2. 体育课上我们得穿运动鞋。

We ____________________________________________ gym class .

3. 你认为体育世界这个节目怎么样?

____________________________________________ Sports World?

4. 他们从8点到10点一直在打网球。

They played tennis ____________________________________________ .

5. 你们将和谁一起过圣诞节?

____________________________________________ Chrismas Day with?

6. ----- 他们在干什么?

------ 他们在参观博物馆。

------ ____________________________________________ ?

---- They’re ____________________________________________.

7. 他是一个聪明的卷发男孩吗?

Is he ____________________________________________?


Do you know Mr King ? He and his wife work in the 1 office. She works harder than he does , so she is the 2 of the office . The man has to 3 her.

When they get home , the woman always feel tired and doesn’t 4 to do anything . Mr. King does 5 of the housework . He does the cooking , washing and claning. And their children think his 6 is delicious.

It’s Saturday today and they don’t go to work . Mrs King 7 some friends to dinners. Now they’re talking in the sitting room. And Mr King is busy in the kitchen (厨房) . They say he’s a 8 cook , too. It makes the man 9 .

“ I’m abler(能干)than her at cooking, “ said Mr King, “But my spouse (配偶) is better than 10 at work.”

1. A. different B. same C. small D. their

2. A. teacher B. worker C. head D. host

3. A. look at B. look after C. wait for D. listen to

4. A. want B. have C. decide D. get

5. A. little B. some C. most D. many

6. A. chicken B. cake C. hamburger D. food

7. A. asks B. tells C. makes D. takes

8. A. bad B. good C. quick D. slow

9. A. sorry B. happy C. careful D. clear
