



Name:   Nationality: China (Mainland)
Current Place: Foshan Height/Weight: 175 cm 70 kg
Marital Status: married Age: 29 years
Career Objective
Application type: Jobseeker
Preferred job title: Foreign trade/trade manager/supervisor: Manager 、: 、:
Working life: 7 Title: Senior title
Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In two weeks
Expected salary: ¥5,000--¥8,000 Preferred working place: Dongguan Huizhou Foshan
Work experience


dear sir,

i wish to apply for a position with your company as a regional sales manager. iam twenty-nine years old and at present employed by the xishan company,where i have been working as an assistant manager for the past four years. before that, ihad spent three years as a sales agent in the taiji company.

my oniy reason for leaving my present position is to better myself as i feel i have potential(潜力) for greater things. i wish to serve in a large company like yours so that i can learn new things and give full play to my talent.

i can give you references from both of the firms mentioned above as to my character and ability. enclosed please find my resume.

i would appreciate your considering my application. i am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

sincerely yours,



好的销售经理不是一个天天在外面跑销售的大营业员, 而是运筹帷幄、决胜千里的将军。他们要管理好一支营销队伍, 必须具备一定的管理知识, 特别是财务知识。

1. 掌握收入和费用的概念以促成利润最大化

(1) 收入是指企业在日常活动中所形成的、会导致所有者权益增加的、与所有者投入资本无关的经济利益的总流入, 包括销售商品收入、劳务收入、利息收入等。收入具有的特征是:收入从企业的日常活动中产生;可能表现为企业资产的增加, 或企业负债的减少, 或两者兼而有之;必然能导致企业所有者权益的增加;只包括本企业经济利益的流入。

(2) 费用是指在日常活动中所形成的、会导致所有者权益减少的、与向所有者分配利润无关的经济利益的总流出, 包括营业费用和营业外支出 (或损失) 。费用的特征是:最终会导致企业资源的减少;会减少企业的所有者权益;可能表现为资产的减少, 或负债的增加, 或两者兼而有之。

(3) 利润是指企业销售产品的收入扣除成本价格和税金以后的余额。相对于以权责发生制记账的企业, 在各个会计期间为实现收入, 必须要提供为实现收入所应负担的费用, 每项业务的收入越多, 与之对应的费用支出越少, 实现的利润就会越多。

利润与销售过程和管理过程关系紧密, 扩大收入, 减少费用支出, 才会实现企业管理的最终目标, 即利润最大化。


销售经理需要确定销售量至少达到多少时企业才不会亏本, 做好盈亏临界分析是很重要的一点。盈亏临界点, 是指企业处于收入和成本相等的经营状态, 即边际贡献等于固定成本时企业所处的既不盈利又不亏损的状态。销售经理应了解计算公式的含义:

(1) 盈亏临界点销售量。利润=单价×销量-单位变动成本×销量-固定成本。如果利润等于零, 此时的销售量即为盈亏临界点销售量, 即盈亏临界点销售量=固定成本÷ (单价-单位变动成本) =固定成本÷单位边际贡献。也就是说, 只有到达到这个销售量, 企业才不会亏本。

(2) 盈亏临界点作业率。盈亏临界点作业率, 是指盈亏临界点销售量占企业正常销售量的比重。盈亏临界点作业率= (盈亏临界点销售量÷正常销售量) ×100%。多数企业的生产经营能力是按正常承受力规划的, 生产经营能力与正常销售量基本相同。也就是说, 经过计算, 作业率必须达到正常作业的这个比值以上, 企业才能盈利。


一般来说, 企业是对销售部整体的业绩进行考核的, 然后销售经理再对销售人员进行有针对性地考核, 任何考核都没有一个最完善的方案, 只有结合企业的实际情况逐步完善, 因为各个企业都有自己的发展历程, 也都有其自身的特色和存在的问题, 因此, 从不失一般性的角度出发, 探讨销售经理如何对销售人员进行考核至关重要。


通过销售提成方式, 可有效提高销售人员的积极性。但是, 因为市场的特殊性和不确定性, 如企业的新产品需要推广, 而新产品占领市场有个让消费者认识的过程, 销量不足时会制约销售人员销售的积极性;如遇到市场低迷时, 销售人员即使使出浑身解数也确保不了通过销售提成来养活自己和家人, 就可能促使企业花大力气培养的部分销售人离职, 因此需要设计一定的底薪。销售经理可通过如下步骤设计销售人员的底薪:

(1) 底薪的设计依据。第一, 产品都是在市场上完成销售, 首先应充分考虑所销售产品所在的市场水平, 如国内还是国外、市场是否成熟、经济是否发达等, 而设计不同的底薪标准。第二, 以企业所处的行业水平来确定。包括行业的整体水平、竞争能力、发展前景等。如新产品开拓市场, 本行业内处于领先地位, 按用户认知程度差, 没有销量或销量低, 这时需要制定较高的底薪, 而对于成熟行业, 市场稳定, 则采取行业同等水平的底薪。第三, 以企业的本身水平来确定。底薪的设计应在企业人力成本支付限度内, 而且要结合企业发展的不同阶段 (见表1) 。

(2) 底薪的设计方法。第一, 设计级差。底薪级差是指不同等级之间底薪相差的幅度, 即最高底薪和最低底薪的比例关系。当然, 底薪级差越大, 激励性越强。应注意两方面的内容 (见表2) 。第二, 设计层级。级差设计好后, 然后设计层级。层级是责任大小、难易程度不同、成绩大小的一种体现, 层级越多, 销售人员的上升空间就越大 (见表3) 。

2. 设计销售提成应考虑的量化指标

单以业绩考核营销经理, 显然有失偏颇。销售经理可从以下几个指标着手, 量化考核每个销售人员。

(1) 销售计划完成率。销售计划完成率是指销售人员所负责市场的实际销售量与目标销售量的比例, 也就是他的实际销售收入与目标相除, 得到的一个评估标准。其量化指标一般从产品类别、负责区域两个维度考虑。量化考核如表4所示:

(2) 销售费用使用率。销售费用使用率, 就是规定的销售费用的预算与实际支出费用的比例, 主要包括促销费、差旅费、业务招待费、公关费、售后服务费等。量化考核如表5所示:

(3) 销售回款率。销售回款率, 是指回款总金额与应收账款的比值。企业在经营中, 资金链健康运转是企业正常运转的保障, 销售经理时刻要记住“现金为王”的铁律。量化考核如表6所示:

(4) 工作态度。即销售人员对工作的态度, 如积极进取、服从指挥、团队精神、开拓精神等, 这是一个综合的软性的指标。这个指标体系的设计思想, 是把营销售人员的销售业绩指标与他的市场运作的管理结合起来, 通过指标体系的完善设计, 来引导他的行为。量化考核如表7所示:








































自我评价 Ten years of experience leading international sales organizations and multinational teams to

exceed revenue and profit goals.Proven track record of driving multimillion-dollar growth and global expansion.Specialized skills in B2B technology sales to diverse-industry clients worldwide.Strong command of international business protocols and experience conducting business with foreign governments and executives across the globe.Expert relationship builder, channel developer, negotiator and sales strategist.主要技能 Global Market Expansion Strategies

Business & Channel Development

Sales Team Training & Management

Complex Negotiations & Sales Cycles Territory Startup & Turnaround Strategic Partnership Building Key Account Management Forecasting & Market Analytics 财富500:

XYZ, Inc.Retail Giant Corp.J-Mart, Inc.主要客户 顶级制造商: ABC Global, Inc.Widgets, Inc.Industry Corp.国外客户: France, Spain, Brazil Hong Kong, Malaysia Saudi Arabia, Jordan

职业经历 ACME, INC.— New York, NY / Mexico City, Mexico / London, UK

International Sales Manager, 2004 to 2009 European Sales Manager, 1998 Latin American Sales Manager, 1999 to 2003 Account Executive, 1997

Progressed through a series of promotions, culminating in challenge to direct Fortune 1000 IT solution provider’s global sales organization.Supervised a multinational sales force of 25+ AEs located throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, South America, Mexico, Hong Kong and Malaysia.Managed a $22M+ portfolio of global accounts and led all forecasting, market analytics and sales team training/development programs.突出成就 Earned repeated commendations for sales leadership throughout +11-year tenure with Acme,Inc.Significant results include:

As International Sales Quadrupled revenues from international accounts, catapulting non-U.S.sales from $40M in Manager(2004 to 2009):2004 to $161M in 2009.Achieved 100% of quota in first year as international sales

manager and exceeded targets in all ensuing years by up to 235%.Built an A-caliber team of multinational sales talent.Recruited staff;led ongoing

mentoring/training on Acme’s full suite of software and network monitoring solutions;and coached consultative sales, customer care and closing best practices.突出成就

(continued)Landed Acme’s first foreign government contracts(ranging from $2M to $18M), leveraging expert abilities in relationship-building and multilingual skills to conduct adept

negotiations in Arabic, Farsi, French, Spanish and English.Opened new distributor and VAR channels in 12 countries, which directly resulted in two dozen key account wins totaling $35M.Closed some of the largest contracts in company history, including two $20M+ wins with Global 2000 manufacturers.Penetrated new markets, landing first-time wins in countries including Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia and Turkey.Harnessed strengths in forecasting, opportunity identification, goal-setting and motivation to outdistance the competition and drive peak productivity from +25-member sales force,resulting in record-setting sales year-over-year.As Latin American Sales Elevated Latin American account sales by $48M(growth of 100%)from 1999 to 2003.Met or Manager(1999 to 2003):exceeded sales targets every year despite challenges presented by an aging product

platform and dwindling technical support resources.Helped revamp Acme’s website and marketing/presentation materials to improve customized

messages/appeals to Latin American nations.Delivered first-ever business wins in Costa Rica, Venezuela and Brazil while growing existing

accounts in Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina and the Caribbean.As European Sales Manager(1998):

Demonstrated strong crisis management skills in preventing the threatened loss of $75M+ in

business from key accounts in Europe.Took immediate, decisive steps that repaired damaged relationships, rebuilt trust and cemented

loyal customer partnerships that have continued to the present day.教育背景

###大学 1996-2000 市场营销 本科

MBA Candidate, Major in International Business, degree expected: 2010 BS in Business Administration, dual minor in Spanish and French, 1996



MS Office(Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Access/Project), Streaming Media, WebTrends, ACT!, Salesforce.com, HP OpenView, Windows, UNIX

Have traveled extensively throughout the globe during the past ten years, living and/or conducting business in:

   


International Travel




Value Offered

Ten years of experience leading international sales organizations and multinational teams to exceed revenue and profit goals.

Proven track record of driving multimillion-dollar growth and global expansion.

Specialized skills in B2B technology sales to diverse-industry clients worldwide.

Strong command of international business protocols and experience conducting business with foreign governments and executives across the globe.

Expert relationship builder, channel developer, negotiator and sales strategist.

Key Skills

Global Market Expansion Strategies

Business & Channel Development

Sales Team Training & Management

Complex Negotiations & Sales Cycles

Territory Startup & Turnaround




Key Account Management

Forecasting & Market Analytics

Representative Clients

Global 2000 Manufacturers:

ABC Global, Inc.

Widgets, Inc.

Industry Corp.

Foreign Governments:

France, Spain,


Hong Kong, Malaysia

Saudi Arabia,


Fortune 500 Retailers:

XYZ, Inc.

Retail Giant Corp.

J-Mart, Inc.



ACME, INC. — New York, NY / Mexico City, Mexico / London, UK

International Sales Manager, to 2009

European Sales Manager,

Latin American Sales Manager, to 2003

Account Executive,

Progressed through a series of promotions, culminating in challenge to direct Fortune 1000 IT solution provider’s global sales organization. Supervised a multinational sales force of 25+ AEs located throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, South America, Mexico, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Managed a $22M+ portfolio of global accounts and led all forecasting, market analytics and sales team training/development programs.

Achievement Highlights

Earned repeated commendations for sales leadership throughout +11-year tenure with Acme, Inc. Significant results include:

As International Sales Manager (2004 to 2009):

Quadrupled revenues from international accounts, catapulting non-U.S. sales from $40M in 2004 to $161M in 2009. Achieved 100% of quota in first year as international sales manager and exceeded targets in all ensuing years by up to 235%.

Built an A-caliber team of multinational sales talent. Recruited staff; led ongoing mentoring/training on Acme’s full suite of software and network monitoring solutions; and coached consultative sales, customer care and closing best practices.




Landed Acme’s first foreign government contracts (ranging from $2M to $18M), leveraging expert abilities in relationship-building and multilingual skills to conduct adept negotiations in Arabic, Farsi, French, Spanish and English.

Opened new distributor and VAR channels in 12 countries, which directly resulted in two dozen key account wins totaling $35M.

Closed some of the largest contracts in company history, including two $20M+ wins with Global 2000 manufacturers.

Penetrated new markets, landing first-time wins in countries including Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia and Turkey.

Harnessed strengths in forecasting, opportunity identification, goal-setting and motivation to outdistance the competition and drive peak productivity from +25-member sales force, resulting in record-setting sales year-over-year.

As Latin American Sales Manager (1999 to 2003):

Elevated Latin American account sales by $48M (growth of 100%) from 1999 to 2003. Met or exceeded sales targets every year despite challenges presented by an aging product platform and dwindling technical support resources.

Helped revamp Acme’s website and marketing/presentation materials to improve customized messages/appeals to Latin American nations.

Delivered first-ever business wins in Costa Rica, Venezuela and Brazil while growing existing accounts in Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina and the Caribbean.

As European Sales Manager (1998):

Demonstrated strong crisis management skills in preventing the threatened loss of $75M+ in business from key accounts in Europe.

Took immediate, decisive steps that repaired damaged relationships, rebuilt trust and cemented loyal customer partnerships that have continued to the present day.




New York, NY

MBA Candidate, Major in International Business, degree expected:

BS in Business Administration, dual minor in Spanish and French,


Expert written and verbal fluency in Spanish, French and English

Conversant in Arabic and Farsi


MS Office (Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Access/Project), Streaming Media, WebTrends, ACT!, Salesforce.com, HP OpenView, Windows (all), UNIX

International Travel

Have traveled extensively throughout the globe during the past ten years, living and/or conducting business in:

— UK

— Germany

— Spain

— France

— Saudi Arabia

— Morocco

— Turkey

— Jordan

— Mexico

— Venezuela

— Costa Rica

— Brazil

— Hong Kong

— Malaysia

— Indonesia


Personal Data:

Sex: male

Native Place: Suzhou, Jiangsu , China

Email: ***@wenxm.cn.

Office phone: 0577-65597777 Mobil: 13600680907

Educational Background

Major: International Trade

Graduate school: Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute



Nanjing Normal University

Majored English Language


Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute

Majored International Trade

Academic Main Courses:

Management/Marketing/International Trade, Import/Export Business, Foreign Trade

English, Computer Skill and so on

English Skills:

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.

Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of Windows / Office

Self Assessment:

Good professional skills. team work spirit. high liability and attribution. nice characters.

self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure atmosphere. energetic, adaptable and able man, cooperative and honest to others

Employment Experience :

1993/2--/12 worked in St. Mila Co., (Russia), sold leather coats in Russian market and lived in Moscow city.

/2-2000/10 worked in Masterstaff

Travel Co., (Russia), managed overseas Chinese traveling.

/2-/12 worked

in Alfa Group Co., (Russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas Chinese lives.

/9-/6 worked in Wujiang Jinfeng Wood door Co., manage overseas market business.

2005/7-/2 worked in Dongguan Jinzhong Electric Co., managed all exporting business.

Position Wanted:

To obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market.


Dear sir,I am seeking a position as a sales manager, which was advertised in the internet.the position seems to fit very well with my education, experience and career intereste.Electronic business in computer studies, july,2011, shandong foreign trade vocational college.my studies have included courses in electronic business, java servlet pages , photoshopcs2 , sales marketing and internet marketing.I am highly organized with demonstrared leadership skil in coordinating and motivating workers and in my recent internship at caijing electronic imp./exp.corporation in jiangsu.My background and goals seem to match your requirements well.some time ginen,i should have it much better.i am attaching my resume and some writing samples so you may appreciate what i am already able to do, and how much more i should learn to become a full-fledged communications professional.i would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my possible internship with uniglobal could benefit both your company and myself.


Ima Champion

150 Blue Street

Winner, Maryland 0



To obtain an executive sales position with a progressive company.


XYZ Corp.(-Present)

National and Key Account Manager(August -Present)

Responsible for sales of new national accounts in Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia with a focus on data services to customers billing over $10,000 per month. Primary duties include:

Prospecting for new customers, closing the sale and managing account implementation team to ensure proper installation of services

Always 110%-120% of quota

Establish relationships with key executives of new and existing accounts

Train newly hired national account managers in sales strategies, product line and use of mainframe computer system

Major Account Representative(December -August 1999)

Primary emphasis on providing dedicated voice and data services to customers billing over $5,000 per month. Responsibilities included:

Prospecting for new opportunities via cold call, research of leads, and vertical market strategies

Focused on application selling of data products

Management of contract negotiations with client executive managers

Increasing the revenue stream from existing customer base

Completed Professional Selling Skills by Learning International, Inc.

Account Representative(October 1996-December 1997)

Responsible for sales, service and retention of new corporate accounts. Daily activity focused on door to door cold calling combined with telephone prospecting and follow-up.


3-time Top Performer Award winner

2-time Star Achievement Award winner

2-time Presidents Award winner

Vision in Action Award winner

Three Month Showdown Award winner

Reach for the Stars Award winner


Strong work ethic, accustomed to exceeding employer and customer requirements

Excellent communication skills and highly proficient in executive level presentations

Self-motivated, self-directed and comfortable with significant responsibility


State University
