





























































(Go for it)新目标九年级英语全册教案Unit4      Unit 4  What  would you do 06.9.25 (一)(学习目标)Language Goals 1. Talk about imaginary situations. (谈论一些假设的、虚拟的情况。) 2. Hypothetical Conditionals. (初步学习虚拟语气) 3. Give some advice with the target language. (使用虚拟句提出建议) (二)语言结构(Language Structures) 1. 虚拟语气(掌握与现在事实相反或与将来事实相反的虚拟条件句) (三)目标语言(Target Language) 1. If I were you , I’d wear a shirt and tie.   如果我是你,我就会穿衬衫打领带。 2. If I were you , I’d take an umbrella.   如果我是你,我就带把伞。 3. What would you do if you won a million dollars ?如果你赚了一百万美元,你会做什么? 4. What if I don’t know anyone ?   如果我一个人也不认识怎么办? 5. You should eat lots of fruits and vegetable and drink lots of water.  你应该吃大量水果、蔬菜,大量喝水。 6. What are you like ? I think I’m outgoing.你的性格如何?我想我很外向。 (四)Key phrases (重点词组) 1. won the lottery 赢得抽奖 2. in public 公共的、公众的 3. in the slightest 一点也;根本  4. plenty of 很多的、足够的 5. get along with 与…相处  6. let …down 使…失望、沮丧 7. come up with 提出、想出(问题)  8. medical research 医学研究 9. what if 如果…怎么办  10. be late for迟到… 11. be nervous 紧张的  12. get nervous (变得)紧张的 13. take a long walk 散步  14. ask one’s permission 征求某人的许可 15. without permission 没得到许可  16. introduce oneself 自我介绍 17. rather than 而不是   18. a circle of good friends 朋友圈子 06.9.26 (五)语法重点(Grammar Focus) 虚拟语气 1. 语气就是我们常说的说话人说话的口气。 在汉语中,语气是由说话人说话的语调、情节等等表现出来的,动词没有任何变化。而在英语中,除了语调之外,最主要的是动词发生变化而表示不同的语气。 在英语中语气分为三类:陈述语气、祈使语气、虚拟语气。 2. 虚拟语气:如果我们所说的不是事实,也不是要求、命令、劝告等,而只是一种假设、愿望、建议 是一种实现不了的空想就用虚拟语气。 3. 虚拟语气常用在条件句中,及其他一些从句中。 注意:条件句分两种,真实条件句和虚拟条件句。只有在虚拟(非真实)条件句中,  才  用虚拟语气,而在真实条件句中,要用陈述语气。 请比较:(1)If it is sunny tomorrow , we’ll go to the zoo.  如果明天天气好,我们将会去公园。在这句话中,明天天气好是完全有可能实现的,并非虚拟、幻想, 因此是真实条件句。在本句中,适用“主将从现。” (2)If I were you , I would go at once.  (如果我是你的话,我立刻就走。)在这句话中,条件句,“如果我是你”,但事实上,我不可能成为 你,这只是假设的情况,没有实现的可能。当条件实现的可能性很小,甚至可以说没有时,就需要用虚拟语气来表示,动词发生了变化。 4. 在虚拟语气中,句子动词的时态比真实条件句中的时态后退一步 即: 现在时→过去时(该用现在时时,用过去时)   过去时→过去完成时(该用过去时时,用过去完成时)  将来时→过去将来时(该用将来时时,用过去将来时)  过去将来时→过去将来完成时(该用过去将来时时,用过去将来完成时) 在这一单元中,我们只要求初步接触虚拟语气的.用法及结构,学习表示与现在事实相反的情况下如何体现虚拟语气。  06.9.27  5. “表示与现在事实相反的情况”的虚拟语气 请看例句: If I were you , I would take a small present. 如果我是你的话,我就带上一个小礼物。 (注:在这个句子中,即“If I were you 中,一定用were ,而不能用was”) (这句话中,是与现在的事实相反,“现在如果我是你的话。”事实上,我不可能成为你,也就根本没有实现的可能) 请大家注意主句与条件从句中动词时态的变化。 形式:从句(用过去时) 主句(用过去将来时)If +主语+ 主语+  注:虚拟语气中的were 除了在If I were you 的结构中不能改动外,其它情况下有时可用was。 又如: If I won a million dollars , I’d give it to charities.  如果我赢了一百万英镑,我要捐给慈善机构。 (在此句中,If条件句中,动词用过去式won,主句则用should / would 加动词原形。现实情况是我没赢一百万英镑;虚拟的情况是假如我赢了一百万,这种虚拟是不可能变成现实的,因此用虚拟语气。) 6. 虚拟语气的疑问式,除了动词相应的变化外,其他变化与陈述语气相同 如:(1)What would you do if you were in the lion’s cage ?   如果你在狮子笼里,你会怎么做? (疑问词在句首,主句中助动词提前,从句跟在主句后面。) If I were in the lion’s cage , I’d call for help. 如果我在狮子笼里,我会大呼救命。 If I were in the lion’s cage . I’d get out fast. 如果我在狮子笼里,我会迅速出来。 (2)What would you do if you won the lottery ?如果你赢了抽奖,你会做什么?  I’d give it to medical research.我会用于医学研究。   Or I’d put it in the bank.我会存到银行。    Or If I were a millionaire , I would buy a big house in the country.     如果我是百万富翁,我就在乡村买座大房子。 关于虚拟语气,我们要学习的东西还有许多,同学们会在今后的学习当中,慢慢接触到。 06.9.28 (六)Key points (疑难解析) 1.bring的意思是把某人或某物“带来”,“拿来”,强调方向,即从别处拿到说话人这儿来。 e.g. Next time you come , bring me that book , please. 下次你来的时候,把我的书带来。 take的意思是把人或物“带走,拿走”,即从说话人这儿带到别处去。 e.g. Who has taken away today’s newspaper ? 谁拿走了今天的报纸? 另外,相似的词还有get 和fetch ,表示到某地找到某人或某物并带回来,强调一去一回。 e.g. Go and get some water. 去弄点水来。    Can you fetch me some paper ?你能给我取点纸吗? 2. He might not know anyone at the party. 他可能在晚会上谁也不认识。 might 的用法如下:  (1)是情态动词may的过去式 eg. He said that I might borrow his bike. 他说我可以借他的自行车。 (2)是may的虚拟语气形式,不表示过去,而表示现在或将来“可以,可能”,但语气更委婉、客气, 有时表示对可能性有所怀疑。 e.g. a. Might I borrow your bike ?我可能借你的自行车吗?(语气比may更委婉)    b. He might come today . 今天他可能会来。(对“他来”的可能性有所怀疑) 06.9.29 3. What if “如果…怎么办”、“即使…又有什么关系?” 这是一个固定搭配,引导带条件从句的疑问句。 eg. What if they don’t come ?他们不来怎么办呢? What if I don’t know anyone ?如果我一个人也不认识,怎么办呢? 4. I get nervous before big parties. 在大的晚会之前,我会感到紧张。 get nervous 变得紧张,get是系动词,nervous 是形容词做表语。 又如:be nervous 或feel&n



本单元的话题是谈论一些发明的历程及用途。学生可以针对这些发明的用途及特点, 发表自己的看法及理由。教师利用这些发明者的经历, 潜移默化地渗透“努力学习, 坚持自己的理想, 就会成功”的情感目标。本课时是在前面学习了被动语态的基础上, 阅读介绍茶叶的发明过程到仿写同一话题的作文, 是一节典型的阅读写作课, 具有一定的难度。


1.语言知识目标:学习课文中的重点词汇ancient, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, pie, by accident, according to, fall into, throw, 达到四会;掌握并熟练运用一般过去时的被动语态。



4.文化意识:了解世界上各种发明的由来, 学会做传承文化的使者。

5.情感态度:通过学习中国古代发明的文章, 激发学生的民族自豪感。


重点:通过阅读文章, 准确把握文意, 提炼出撰写关于发明的记叙文的要素。

难点:根据范文, 学会使用被动语态仿写关于发明的短文。

【教学方法及手段】任务型语言教学法, 多媒体, 自制收纳盒, 飞盘, MP3, 矿泉水


S te p I Le a ding-in (3 minute s)

Greet to the class.

T:Hi, boys and girls!First let me introduce myself.I come from No.6 Middle School.My name is Du Hongmei.You can call me Miss Du.So nice to meet you, everyone!

S s:Nice to meet you, Miss Du!

T:Who put the paper notes here?It’s really in a mess.

(Teacher collects the paper notes in the box.Then show the box to the class.)

T:What is it?

S s:It’s a paper box.

T:What’s it used for?

S s:It’s used for putting small things/holding...

T:Why did we invent it?

S s:To collect things easier and make our room much tidier.

T:We have lots ofinventions tosolve the problemin dailylife.

T:When we listen to English, what do we use? (a TV?a computer?a mobile phone or a tape recorder?)

S s:A tape recorder.

T:But when you listen to English, can you take a recorder everywhere?

S s:No, we can’t.

T:In order to solve this problem, what people invented?Can you guess?

S s:MP3.

(Teacher takes out an MP3 and shows it to the class.)

T:What is it?What’s it used for?

S s:...

T:Yes, it’s used for listening to English or music any time and anywhere without disturbing others.

T:As we know, inventions like MP3 are changing our world all the time;they can make our life more convenient and more comfortable.Today we are going to talk about the inventions around us.We are going to learn Unit 9 When was it invented?Section B 3a~4b.

S te p II P re s e nta tion (10 minute s)

T:Next, we are going to learn some words about the invention of tea.Read the following stories carefully, try to guess the meaning of the red words.

(Show the stories on the screen and get the students to guess.)

(Teacher explains the usages of the newwords.)

S tory One

Long time ago, a shepherd (牧羊人) noticed his sheep became more active after eating some red fruit from a bush.He boiled some and it produced a pleasant smell, so coffee, one of the most popular drinks was invented.

(Teacher explains the usages of the new words and give examples.)

S tory Two

The Cowherd and the Weaver is a famous Chinese ancient legend.Now a new movie is made according to the story, lots of people go to see it in the theatre.

S tory Thre e

Once a boy fell into a big vat (缸) full of water.The other kids ran help.Only Sima Guang remained there.He picked up a big stone and threw it at the vat.The vat was broken and the boy was saved.

Read the new words after the teacher together.Then students read them together once.

Say out the new words and phrases according to the Chinese meanings.One reads twice.

S te p III Re a ding (20 minute s)

T:I’m thirsty now, what should I do?

S s:You should drink some water.

(Showa bottle of water.)

T:Water is one kind of beverage.Beverage means drink.Read after me.

T:Next we are going to talk about another beverage, tea.Do you knowhowtea was invented?

S s:...

T:Please open your books and turn to Page 72.Read the article quickly and find out who invented tea.

(Students read the article and answer.)

T:Read silently and carefully and discuss the following questions in groups of 4.

(Get each group to answer one question.)

T:Let’s read the article aloud together.

T:Well, next let’s read one paragraph after one and analyze the article.Please look at the screen.

P a ra gra ph One

Did you know that tea, the most popular drink in the world (after water) , ...invented...?

T:The first paragraph tells us what was invented.It's the thing of invention.

P a ra gra ph Two

Although tea wasn't brought to the Western world until1610, this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.According to an ancient Chinese legend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire.

(Teacher explains the word over in this paragraph.Let the students sum up the main points according to the red words.)

S s:It tells us the time, the person and the place.

T:Yes, it tells us when it was invented, who it was invented by and where it was invented.

P a ra gra ph Thre e

Some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time.The emperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.Later he decided to taste the hot mixture.It was quite delicious.

T:The third paragraph tells us the process of the invention.It tells us how tea was invented.

P a ra gra ph Four

And in this way, one of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.

T:The last paragraph tells us how important tea is.It tells us the importance of the invention.

T:Next please discuss on how to write about an invention in groups of four and fill in the form on the study plan.

(Lead the students to sum up the main points and write onthe blackboard.)

T:If there is time, place, person, cause, process and result in an article, we call it a narrative.

(Explain the six elements and narrative in Chinese.)

T:Look, it’s a flying disk.Read after me, flying disk.Who can play it?It’s an important invention because it can bring us a lot of fun.Read the article and try to find out the six elements of narrative.Discuss in pairs, fill in the chart using the question like:—What was invented?—Flying disk.

From pie pla te to flying dis k

The flying disk was invented by college students.The original flying disk was really a metal pie plate from a bakery in Bridgeport, Connecticut (布里奇波特, 康涅狄格州) .The students liked to eat the pie and then threw the pie plates each other.In the 1950s, a company began making plastic disk.Now there are flying disk clubs, a flying disk magazine, and even a national flying disk festival each September.

(Get several pairs to act out their conversations.Show the correct chart on the blackboard.)

S te p IV Writing ta s k (5 minute s)

T:We have learnt two articles about invention.I think you have known how to talk or write about an invention.If you are a magazine reporter, you want to introduce an invention.You can choose either of them to write about.Write it on your papers.

(Students:Write their compositions on the paper.Teacher goes around giving help if necessary.)

S te p V Comme nts (5 minute s)

T:Do you know how to check a composition?Let me give you some advice on it.

(Teacher shows the ways to check a composition on the screen and make two or three examples.)

S te p VI S umma ry&Home work (2 minute s) T:What have we learnt in class?

S s:...

T:Which country did Shen Nong come from?

S s:China.

T:Tea was invented by Chinese.But tea is drunk by people all over the world.What do you think of it?Don’t think that Chinese people are great and wise?

S s:Sure.

T:I think we should be proud of our motherland and our Chinese people.You can also be a great inventor.First, you should have the idea, next you should work hard and hold on to your dream, you can achieve your dream one day.


【关键词】扣“纲”依“本” 有的放矢 查漏补缺 对症下药导控 信息反馈
















知识要点 本单元用虚拟句谈论一些假设的情况


1. 学会谈论一些假设的、虚幻的情况;

2. 达到如何使用虚拟句提出建议的目标;

3. 学会表示与现在的情况相反的虚拟语气的结构;

4. 学会用虚拟语气表述自己的还没有实现的愿望


million、pimple、energetic、confident、shirt、tie、medical、research lottery、million、

trouble、energetic、confident、in public、social


1. won the lottery 赢得抽奖 2. in public 公共的、公众的

2. in the slightest 一点也;根本 4. plenty of 很多的、足够的

get along with 与…相处 6. let …down 使…失望、沮丧

7. come up with 提出、想出(问题) 8. medical research 医学研究

9. what if 如果…怎么办 10. be late for 迟到…

11. be nervous 紧张的 12. get nervous (变得)紧张的

13. take a long walk 散步 14. ask one’s permission 征求某人的许可

15. without permission 没得到许可 16. introduce oneself 自我介绍

17. rather than 而不是 18. a circle of good friends 朋友圈子


1. If I were you , I’d wear a shirt and tie. 如果我是你,我就会穿衬衫打领带。

2. If I were you , I’d take an umbrella. 如果我是你,我就带把伞。

3. What would you do if you won a million dollars ? 如果你赚了一百万美元,你会做什么?

4. What if I don’t know anyone ? 如果我一个人也不认识怎么办?

5. You should eat lots of fruits and vegetable and drink lots of water.你应该吃大量水果、蔬菜,大量喝水。

6. What are you like ? I think I’m outgoing. 你的性格如何?我想我很外向。


What would you do if you won a million dollars ?

I’d give it to medical research .

I can’t sleep the night before an exam .What should I do ?

If I were you , I’d take a long walk before going to bed .


Section A

Step 1 Free Talk

Talk about good habits of the students. Say, “ Wd all have some good habits. Can you tell the other students what good habits you have.” For example, getting up early, reading, helping others, not wasting money, etc.

When they talk, write some on the blackboard. Get the students to think about if they don’t hav have these good habits what will happen.

Step2 Talking and writing

Say, “Please imagine, what would you do if you had a lot of money?” The students discuss with the partners. Then get them to write some other situations in the list and share the answers. Point out: The sentences here are imaginary situations. They may not come true, just imaginary. So we often use the past tense and “would ” to express this kind of situation.

Step 3 Listening and talking

1b. First talk about some information in the picture. Say, “ We are going to listen to a conversation about their ideas about how to spend a million dollars.”

Students listen to the tape and number the pictures.

Then help the students practice the similar dialogue simply in 1c.

Step 4 Listening

First ask “ What would you do if you went to a party? What would you wear? What would you bring? What would you feel if you don’t know anyone at the party?”

After talking about the questions, come up with the question in 2a “ Why is Larry nervous?” Then listen.

2b. Listen again. Check the four things Larry’s sister says to him. Then check the students’ answers.

Step 5 Pairwork

According to the listening Text above, get the students to practice the conversation by looking at the instruction in 2c.

Ask some pairs to act out their own dialogues.


Step 1 Free talk

Say “Imagine, what would you do if you were very old?”

“What would you do if you were teachers?”

“ What would you do if you had a lot of money?”

Get the students to talk about the questions. Collect their answers and write some on the blackboard.

Step 2 Grammar Focus

Point out the sentences on the blackboard all belong to imaginary situations. Ask the students to find out the rules in the sentences. Then look at the sentences in Grammar Focus. Comprehend them. Talk about some information about imaginary situations.

Step 3 Reading and watching

Ask “ Do you have some trouble during your daily life?” The students talk about their trouble and ask the other students to give advice. Then 3a, ask the students match each problem with the correct advice. Check the answers. Then comprehend the sentences.

Step 4 Game

Ask the students to write their problems on a piece of paper. Ask one student to choose some paper with problems on and read the problems. After he / she reads one problem, the other students try to give advice by using “ You should…” or “ If I were you…”.



1. He doesn’t know ______________( 穿什么) at the party.

2. _____________ (如果我是你), I would buy a small present.

3. What would you do ______________ (如果你获得了第一名)?

4. You’d take a long walk ______________ (在吃过晚餐之后).

5. I ______________(变得紧张) before big exams.


Section B

Step 1 Word competition

Say “ We usually use adjectives to describe a person. Do you know those words? Let’s have a competition.”

Get representatives of boys and girls to come to the front and write the words about description on the blackboard as many as they can.

Step 2 Giving definitions

Say “ Just now we had the word competition. Then let’s try to give definitions of these words in English.” Discuss with partners and give definitions.

Step 3 Writing and competition

Get the students to understand the instructions in 1a. Understand the meaning of every word. Then fill in the blanks with the words. Check the answers.

After students write the words, have a competition of making up sentences. Say, “ Please make up sentences by using these words. Let’s see who can make up more sentences , boys or girls?”. Then do it.

Step 4 Listening

2a. At first help the students understand the instruction. Look at the personality survey. Explain “ give a speech, without permission, introduce oneself to sb.” Then listen. Check the questions Celia asks.

Some points:

1. give a speech = make a speech, give a talk 演讲

2. without permission (未经允许) with permission (经过允许)

permission n. “允许” permit v. “允许”

permit sb to do sth 相当于allow sb to do sth 意思是“允许某人做某事”

例:The teacher didn’t permit us to swim in this river.

= We can’t swim in this river without the teacher’s permission.

3. introduce oneself to sb. 意思是“向某人自我介绍”

例:Let me introduce myself to you. I am Jim.

2b. Listen again. Circle Bill’s responses. Then check the answers.

Step 5 Practice

Get the students to practice the similar conversation in 2c by looking at the personality survey.



1. 他害怕在公众场合讲话。

2. 这个女孩很善交际。她有许多朋友。

3. 莫扎特是个很有创造力的音乐家。

4. 男孩们总是精力旺盛。他们几乎从不感觉到累。


Step 1 Free talk

Ask questions like “What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school? What would you do if someone took away your things without permission? What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie? What would you do if you wanted to be friends with a new student?”

Get the students to talk about them.

Step 2 Reading

Ask the students to read the passage in 3a and fill in the blanks in the results with “a”, “b” or “c” according to the survey in 2a. Then help the students comprehend the whole passage.

Some points:

1. pretty ① 相当,非常 相当于very, quite

② 漂亮 相当于beautiful

2. in the slightest 意思是“根本,一点也”

not….in the slightest 意思是“根本不,一点也不”,相当于not…. at all.

slight 是adj. 表示“轻微的,不重要的”

例:I have a slight cold. 我有点轻微的感冒。

3. company ① 陪伴 (不可数n.)

② 公司 (可数n.)

例:I feel at home in your company. 和你在一起令我轻松自在。

He is a driver in a bus company. 他是一家汽车公司的司机。

4. rather than, would rather…than 意思是“与其……倒不如”,“宁愿…...而不愿”

例:I want to stay at home rather than go to school.

I would rather stay at home than go to school.


After explaining the points, ask the students to read the passage.

Step 3 Groupwork

Divide the students into several groups with four students in each. Design a personality survey according to the example in 3b. The survey must include at least two questions. Then discuss about the questions with the group members.

At last share the students’ answers and make a conclusion, such as “Student….. is very outgoing. Student … is very friendly” and so on.


Recite the passage in 3a.


Step 1 Warming up

Ask the students make examples about good or bad personality. Discuss about the personality the students like.

Step 2 Self check

For Ex 1, fill in each bland with the correct word given. Understand the Chinese meaning of every sentence.

For Ex 2, read the e-mail and comprehend it.

Then read the passage. Write a reply according to this email. Ask some students to read their replies.

Step3 Just for fun

Students read the funny cartoons at last.


Step 1 Warming up

Talk about the questions “ Do you often surf the Internet? Do you have a net friend? What would you do if the net friend wanted to meet you?”

Step 2 Reading

Say “ In our daily life, we would meet lots of situations. And what would you do if something happened? Then let’s study the passage.”

Give a reading task to the task to the students. “ Find out all the accidents and problems in the reading text.” After the students finish the task, help them comprehend the passage.

Some points:

1. If I were you, I’d have a first-aid…..

此句使用了虚拟语气,对现在的事情进行假设,表示与现在事实相反的一种假设。此时,主句中谓语动词使用“should / would + v原形”的结构。If从句中谓语动词使用一般过去时态,如果该动词是be动词,则一律用were.

例:If I knew this, I would tell you.

2. burn-burned – burned 或burn – burnt – burnt 意思是“烧伤,烧坏”

例:The house is burning.

如果表示“被烧死”,则常用be killed by fire / in the fire, 也可用be burnt to death.

3. injure “伤害,损伤”,指事故中肉体上受到伤害,也指精神上的损伤,常用人作主语。

例:She was badly injured in an accident.

4. hurt “疼痛”,可用疼痛的具体部位作主语,也可用人作主语。

例:My head hurts.

She hurt herself yesterday.


Section A


Where would you like to visit?

I’d like to visit somewhere relaxing.

Step 1 Warning up

Show a map of the world to the students.

T: What kind of countries do you know in the map?

S: China, the U.S.A, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, …

T: What kind of cities do you know?

S: Beijing, New York, London, Sydney, Paris….

T: What do you think about the countries and cities?

Ask the students to say out adjectives to describe these places. Write the words on the blackboard and read them.

Then read the instructions, and use the words from the box to describe the vacations. Write them in the chart.

Step 2 Presentation

Lead-in the drill like this:

T: Where would you like to visit?

S: I would like to visit USA.

T; Why would you like to visit USA?

S: Because it is beautiful.

The students can have different answers to the questions in the drill above.

Show pictures of some places, like the Great Wall, the scenery of Guilin, Sydney Opera House, Big Ben in London. Ask the students to practice the similar conversations.

Then look at the picture in 1a. Practice the dialogue by two groups.

Step 3 Listening

1b, first, read the instruction. Then play the tape. The students finish the chart. Play again, the students read after the tape sentences one by one.

2a. Comprehend the sentence first. Tell the students to point out the Attributive Clause. Then listen to the tape and number the statements in the order.

2b. Listen again. Match each place with a reason person do not visit the place in the chart. Check the answers. Then read the listening text together.

Step 4 Role play

Get the students to use the information in 2a to role play conversations.


Comprehend the sentences in Grammar Focus and recite them.



1. 能运用语言和语法知识进行阅读并理解文章意思。

2. 能比较流利地描述一个自己想去的地方。

Step 1 Competition

Have a competition about the sentences in Grammar Focus by groups. Every group chooses a 8representative to write the sentences on the blackboard.

Step 2 Reading

Before reading, ask “ Where would you like to visit when you grow up? Please tell us the things you like in that place. ”

Show a picture of Effiel Tower in Paris, ask “ Do you know what is it? Where is it?” After the students answer, say, “ Today we’re going to learn a passage about a famous travel spotlight: Paris.”

Then study the passage carefully.

Some key points:

1. consider doing sth 意思是“考虑做某事”

例:I’m considering changing my job.

consider + 从句,相当于think+从句

例:I consider that he is a kindman.

2. cost 当“花费”用时主语是物或事,常用sth cost sb some money / time

spend 主语是人,常用sb spend some money / time on sth 或sb spend some money/ time ( in) doing sth

take 常用结构为It takes sb spend some money/ time to do sth. 或sb take some money / time to do sth.

pay当“花费,支付”用时主语是人,常用sb pay (sb) some money for sth.

例:This dictionary cost me five dollars.

I spent five dollars on this dictionary.

I spent five dollars (in) buying this dictionary.

It took me five dollars to buy this dictionary.

I took five dollars to buy this dictionary.

I paid five dollars for this dictionary.

3. quite adv.意思是“相当地”

① quite + a / an + n.

例:It’s quite a nice car.

② quite + adj = very + adj.

例:The car is quite nice.

3. unless conj. 意思是“如果不,除非”= if…not

例:You can not get good grades unless you study hard.

= You can not get good grades if you don’t study hard.

Then the students read the passage by themselves.

Step 3 Practice

Look at the instructions in 3b. Ask two students to read the conversation. Point out “ be supposed to = should”, “ pack = put things into bags for vacations or business.” Then look at the information, ask the students to make new conversations using the information. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.

Step 4 Homework:

Read the passage in 3a.


Section B

Step 1 Revision

Review the passage in 3a. Ask students to retell the text.

Step 2 Talking and writing

T: What are important to you when you go on vacation?

S: The weather is the most important thing. I like to go somewhere warm.

Encourage the students to say as much as possible.

Then Part 1. Let the students write the things that are important to them when they go on vacation.

Step 3 Listening

2a. Before listening to the tape, ask students to talk about three pictures. Then listen and number the pictures.

2b. Listen to the conversations and complete the chart.

Then students read the listening text after the tape.

Step 4 Pairwork

2c. Get the students to practice the conversation similar to the one in the box. Then ask pairs to act out their own conversations.

Step 5 Exercises


1. 我想去温暖点的地方。

I’d like to ________________.

2. 我喜欢天气凉爽的地方。

I’d love places _____________.

3. 我们更喜欢人们真的很诚实而友好的地方。

We prefer places ____________.

4. 天凉了,最好穿上温暖些的衣服。

It’s cool. _____________ to wear warm clothes.




Step 1 Free talk

Ask “ Do you like traveling? How do you often travel with your family, by yourselves or by travel agency?” Talk about the questions. Then ask some to share their answers with the class.

Step 2 Reading

First, get the students to look through the passage and find out the answer to the questions “ Where do they want to go for a trip? What do they want the firm to offer?” After this simple comprehending passage, learn it carefully.

Some key points:

1. in eastern China = in the east of China

2. provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 意思是“为某人提供某物”

例:The boss provided his workers houses.

= The boss provided houses for his workers.

offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 意思是“ 提供某物给某人”,可以与以上例句转换。

3. It has to be a place where we do lots of outdoor activities.

此复合句中where we can do lots of outdoor activities 为定语从句,修饰先行词a place。其中where是关系副词,才从句中担任状语。

例:The factory where my father works is in the east of the city.

That is the house where we lived last year.

4. It’s best to do sth 意思是“最好做某事”= You / We had better do sth.

例:It’s best to visit Beijing in spring or autumn.

= You’d better visit Beijing.

Then read the passage with the tape and finish the task below it.

Step 3 Writing

Ask the students to write an e-mail message to S.T. Zhang. Tell where they think he / she should go on vacation. Share their replies then.

Step 4 Groupwork

Complete the survey using words from the box and any other words. Then survey three students. Agree on the best place to go.

Step 5 Homework

Read the passage in 3a.




Step 1 Revision

Review the passage in 3a. Ask some students to retell it.

Step 2 Self check

For Ex 1, fill in each bland with the correct word given Check the answers then. And later ask the students to make their own sentences with each word.

For Ex 2, look at the instructions. Then ask students to write an article about why they would like to go to their ideal places.

Step 3 Exercises


1. It’s best ______ (do) our homework by ourselves.

2. Could you please ______ (give) me some suggestions?

3. It’s a good place _______ (visit) in summer.

4. I hope _______ (see) the Great Wall in Beijing one day.

5. Hong Kong is a wonderful place for _______ (shop).



Step 1 Free Talk

Talk about the dreams with students. Ask “ Do you have your dreams? What would you like to do after you finish school? What will you do to make your dream come true?”

Step 2 Reading

First, students scan the passage and find out the main idea of it: “ It’s about dreams. Then learn the passage carefully.”

Some key points:

1. dream about / of sth, dream about / of doing sth 意思是“梦想做某事”

例:Lots of teenagers dream of flying to the moon one day.

2. continue doing sth = go on doing sth 意思是“继续做某事”

3. quite a few = a lot of / lots of 表示“许多”,但quite a few后接可数名词复数。

4. It was clear from the survey that teenagers have similar hopes.

此句中it 是形式主语,that….是真正主语,表示“很清楚….”

例:It is clear that he can finish his task in time.
