



(听力部分 共30分)


( ) 1、A. park B. dear C .near D. bear

( ) 2、A. hand B. behind C. site D .under

( ) 3、A. start B. star C. sit D. art

( ) 4、A. toilet B. garden C .table D. tennis

( ) 5、A. telephone B .lamp C. elephant D. music

( ) 6、A. lesson B. listen C. kitchen D. chicken

( ) 7、A. brother B.blanket C. basketball D. building

( ) 8、A .housework B. homework C. Sunday D. Saturday

( ) 9、A. classroom B. reading room C. bedroom D. sitting room

( ) 10、A. rectangle B. triangle C. circle D. diamond


( ) 1. A. I’m reading a storybook. B. I like reading storybooks.

C. Yes. I am reading a book.

( ) 2. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she can.

( ) 3. A. To the shops B. Sorry, I don’t know. C. I’m walking.

( ) 4. A. Yes, it’s a cake. B. It‘s a rectangle. C. It’s a birthday cake.

( ) 5 . A. I can see three. B. It’s three. C. No , I can’t.


( ) 1. A. in the study B. in the bedroom C.in the sitting-room

( ) 2. A. Yes, she can. B. No, he can‘t. C. No, she can’t.

( ) 3. A. A toy car. B. A toy bear. C. A toy dog.

( ) 4. A. A rectangle. B. A diamond. C. A square.

( ) 5. A. A telescope. B. A camera. C. A Walkman.


1. My _________ is ____________ clothes now.

2. Su Yang and Su Hai are _________ the windows and the ___________.

3. Look. Ben and his __________ are in the __________.

4. Mr Zhang ________ a tin-opener in ________ bag.

5. ---Can you __________ this song ? ---No, I __________.




( ) 1、bus student use excuse

( ) 2、after dance black mask

( ) 3、fish pig milk bike

( ) 4、girl short horse small

( ) 5、good foot look zoo


1放风筝__________________ 6 the new term_________________

2一张中国地图____________ 7 happy New Year_____________

3下棋____________________ 8 ride a horse__________________

4一罐鸡肉_________________ 9 a camping site________________

5互相 ___________________ 10 listen to music________________

三、选择题 (10分)

( ) 1.There ____ a lamp. Here’s a lamp ____ you.

A. isn’t; to B. isn’t; for C. aren’t; to

( ) 2. ―Are there ________ swings in the garden?

―Yes, there are.

A. some B. any C. one

( ) 3. How many ______are there in the street? There are four.

A. bus B. buses C. a bus

( ) 4.--What’s in the basket?

-- ______ some bread. And ____ two tins of chicken, too.

A. They are; They are B. There is; There are C It’s; It’s

( ) 5. I can ____, but I like _____.

A. skate; skiing B. skating; ski C. skate; ski

( )6. Please come and _______ us how to make a card.

A. show B. make C. say

( )7. She’s ________ a picture in the classroom.

A. writing B. drawing C. looking

( ) 8. What is Miss Li doing? She _______ .

A. is having a lesson B. likes writing books C. is in the playground.

( ) 19. ―________ are they playing? ―They’re playing in the playground.

A. What B. Where C. Who

( ) 10.Nancy ________a toy car. Her parents ________ two cars.

A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have



( ) 1. Do you like horses? A. Yes, they are.

( ) 2. Are there any toilets in the building? B. No, he is reading newspapers.

( ) 3. Can you ride bikes? C. There are some eggs.

( ) 4. I can put an egg on my head. D. Yes, there are three.

( ) 5. What’s on the plate? E. Yes, we can.

( ) 6.How many triangles can you see? F. Yes, I like them very much.

( ) 7. Is your brother playing with a yo-yo? G. Fifty-eight yuan.

( ) 8. Listen to the music now. H. I can see six.

( ) 9. How much are these lanterns? I. OK.

( )10.Are they having a Music lesson? J. Good.


1.There are some apples on the plate .(改为一般疑问句)

______there______ apples on the plate ?

2.The sandwich is a triangle . (对画线部分提问)

______ ______is the sandwich?

3.Tom has many puzzles. (改为否定句)

Tom ______ ______ many puzzles.

4. me ,come ,my ,Maths ,you ,and ,can ,help ,with ,(?)

5.the ,the ,classroom ,girls ,cleaning ,are ,(.)

六、完成句子 (15分)


Are _______ ______ _______in the park?


What you ? I can the guitar


What he ? He’s .


Please show make a cake.


A 阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“ F” 错误的写 “T ”

Today is David’s birthday. There’s a party in his home. There are a lot of presents for David. David’s grandpa buys a big toy car for him. It’s a circle. It’s black and white. His mother buys a box of chocolates for him. The box is a star. It’s green. His good friend, Jack, buys a pencil case for him. It’s a rectangle. It’ brown. His mother’s friend , Aunt Ding buys a cake for him. It’s a square. It’s white. Today David is very happy.

( ) 1.Today is Jack’s birthday.

( ) 2.There are lots of presents for David.

( ) 3.David’s grandma buys a big toy car for him.

( ) 4.The box of chocolates is a triangle.

( ) 5.Aunt Ding buys a pencil case for David.

B 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容选择正确答案:

It’s 7:30 in the morning. The telephone rings and Mary goes to answer it.

“ Hello. Who’s that?” She asks.

“It’s me, Peter.” Peter is a friend of Mary’s eight-year-old brother John..

“ Oh, hello, Peter. What do you want?” says Mary.

“ Can I speak to John?”

“ No.” says Mary, “ You can’t speak to him now. He’s getting ready for(为…做准备)school. He’s eating his breakfast. Grandmother is combing(梳) his hair. Father is under the table, putting his shoes on. Mother is getting his books and putting them in his school bag. Goodbye, I have to go now, I have to open the door. The school bus is coming.

( ) 1. Who is Peter?

A. He’s John’s friend. B. He’s Mary’s friend. C. He’s Mary’s brother.

( ) 2. How old is John?

A. Seven. B. Eight. C. We don’t know.

( ) 3. What is John doing?

A. He’s putting on his shoes. B. He’s speaking to Peter.

C. He’s having breakfast.

( ) 4. Who’s combing John’s hair?

A. Mary. B. Mother. C. Grandmother.

( ) 5. How do John and Mary go to school?

A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.



1 near 2 behind 3 start 4、garden

5 elephant 6 listen 7 blanket 8、Saturday

9、reading room 10 triangle


1 What are you doing? Ht

2 Are Mike and Liu Tao in the teacher’s office?

3 Where are you walking to ?

4 What shape is the birthday cake?

5 How many trees can you see?


1 Dad, is mum in cooking? No,she is sleeping in the bedroom?

Where’s mum?

2 Can you make a kite,Yang Ling? No ,I can’t. But I can fly a kite.

Can Yang Ling make a kite?

3Oh,what a nice toy dog.! Yes , my grandma buys it for me.

What does grandma buy for me?

4 Look at my picture. It’s a diamond.

What shape is the picture?

5 I have a Walkman. What do you have, Miss Li? I have a telescope,see?

What does Miss Li have?


1. My ___mother______ is ____washing________ clothes now.

2. Su Yang and Su Hai are __cleaning_______ the windows and the _doors__________.

3. Look. Ben and his ___family_______ are in the ___sitting-room_______.

4. Mr Zhang ___has_____ a tin-opener in ____his____ bag.

5. ---Can you ___sing_______ this song ? ---No, I ____can’t______.















6.a fantastic goalkeeper

7.stand on one’s hand


三、判断,把错的一项的代号写入题前括号中,并在横线上改错。(1.He wants to wore it.()




2.I like Sam skip with me.()




3.You shouldn’t ran in the road.()




4.Do you feeling sad?





5.I’m going to make a cake to you.()







you come back?

Next week.A.did



()2.Did you

in London yesterday? A.lived




you come back?

Last Monday.A.did




you come back?

Every week.A.did



()5.Please ________ careful.A.is

B.be C.are

()6.There _____ enough time.A.are


C.isn’t()7.I control the ball_____.10分)



C.good()8.He likes _______ on the bed.A.jumps


C.jump()9.Tom is ___________ a cake.A.making


C.make()10.Thank you very much.A.No, you don’t.B.It’s wrong.C.That’s all right.五、根据上下文提示,用括号中所给单词的合适形式填空。(16分)

Sam and Amy are _______(argue)now.Amy says Sam _______(take)her T-shirt yesterday and he wanted to ________(wear)it.Sam says it isn’t ________(she).Then Ms Smart says ________(they)T-shirts are on the line.Ms Smart washed ______(they),but she didn’t _______(wash)________(Lingling).Amy and Sam saysorry to Lingling together.六、短文理解。(10分)


Tom and his brothers, Jack and Bob, are playing.Their mum comes in and says, “Here is a box of sweets for you.Tom, Share it with your younger brothers.” “Thank you, Mum!” Tom says happily.“There are eighteen sweets.” Tom says to his brothers, “Let’s share(共享)them.”

“One for Jack and one for me.One for Bob and one for me.One for Jack and one for me.One for Bob and one for me…” Tome is dividing(分)the sweets.“ON, no, Tom, that’s not fair(公平)!” His brothers cry.()1.Jack is Bob’s ________.A.sister

B.brother C.father()2.Mum give them _______.A.a bottle of milk

B.a bag of apples C.a box of sweets()3.There are________.A.18 sweets

B.80 apples

C.80 sweets()4.Tom divided(分开)the sweets.Was that fair? A.Yes

B.No.C.We don’t know.()5 ________ felt sad.A.Jack


C.Jack and Bob B.阅读短文并选择判断正误。(5*2)

The sky is grey today.Little Bear is really bored.He takes his colours.He paints a strawberry with his red colour.He paints a lemon with his yellow colour.He paints a leaf with his green colour.He paints jeans with his blue colour.The sun comes out again.Little Bear sees a rainbow with all the different colours.How beautiful it is!1.The sky is blue today.()

2.Little bear feels very bored.()

3.He paints a lemon with his yellow colour.()4.He paints a leaf with his yellow colour.()

5.Little bear sees a rainbow with the same colours.()



1.6.3737……精确到十分位是 ( ) , 保留两位小数是 ( ) 。

2.两个因数相乘的积是0.36, 其中一个因数扩大10倍, 另一个因数也扩大10倍, 积现在是 ( ) 。

3.6.5小时= ( ) 小时 ( ) 分4m5cm= ( ) m

5.6kg= ( ) kg ( ) g 0.72km= ( ) m


5.去掉3.14的小数点, 也就是把它的小数点向右移动了 ( ) 位, 它的值相应扩大了 ( ) 倍。



( ) > ( ) > ( )


9.长方形的面积计算公式用字母表示是 ( ) , 如果a=2m, b=1.5m, 则长方形的面积是 ( ) m2。

10.1个面包0.8元, 买a个应付 ( ) 元

l1.《故事会》每本2.5元, 《故事大王》比《故事会》贵x元, 《故事大王》每本 ( ) 元。

12.图书角有a本图书, 借走b本, 还剩 ( ) 本。

13.妈妈买了4kg苹果, 每千克y元, 付给售货员50元, 应找回 ( ) 元。

14.三个连续自然数, 中间一个是a, 较小数是 ( ) , 较大数是 ( ) 。

15.小明读一本a页的故事书, 已经读了5天, 平均每天读b页, 剩下的c天读完。

(1) 5+c表示 ( )

(7) 5b表示 ( )

16.小明住在南湖花园10号楼3单元的2楼02室, 记作:10-3-202。小英家住在13号楼4单元的1楼01室, 应记作: ( ) 。

17.四年级爬竿比赛, 前5名的成绩是5m、7m、6.5m、4m和4.5m, 他们的平均成绩是 ( ) m, 这组数据的中位数是 ( ) 。

18.当一组数据的个别数据严重偏大或偏小时, 用 ( ) 数来描述该组数据的一般水平较合适。

19.转动指针, 停在3号方格的可能性是 ( ) ;如果转动指针100次, 指针大约会有 ( ) 次停在1号格上。

20.有四张卡片2 3 4 5, 从中抽出一张, 有 ( ) 种可能, 可能性都是 ( ) 。摸出卡片的数字大于3的可能性是 ( ) 。


l.6x-4>是方程。 ( )

2.x=5是方程3x+5=20的解。 ( )

3.当m=3时, m2+7的值是13。 ( )

4.含有未知数的式子叫做方程。 ( )

5.两个面积相等的三角形一定可以拼成一个平行四边形。 ( )

6.面积单位比长度单位大。 ( )

7.三角形的面积等于平行四边形的一半。 ( )

8.等底等高的三角形, 它们的面积一定相等。 ( )

9.一个平行四边形的高是6cm, 底的长度是高的5倍, 它的面积是180cm2。 ( )


1.一个平行四边形的面积是5.4cm2, 高是0.9cm, 底是 ( ) cm。

(1) 0.6 (2) 6 (3) 12

2.一个三角形与一个平行四边形面积相等, 底边的长度也相等, 平行四边形的高是6cm, 三角形的高是 ( ) cm。

(1) 6cm (2) 12cm (3) 3cm

3.将用木条钉成的一个长方形拉成一个平行四边形, 它的面积比长方形 ( ) 。

(1) 大 (2) 小 (3) 相等

4.一个三角形的面积是40cm2, 底是8cm, 它的高是 ( ) cm。

(1) 10 (2) 5 (8) 20

5.一个梯形的面积是16dm2, 把这样的两个梯形拼成一个平行四边形, 这个平行四边形的面积是 ( ) dm2。

(1) 32 (2) 16 (3) 8





4.脱式计算。 (能简便的要用简便方法计算)



五、动手画高, 并进行相应测量, 求出下列图形的面积

(测量时, 保留一位小数, 单位:cm)



这是从 ( ) 面看到的。

这是从 ( ) 面看到的。

这是从 ( ) 面看到的。

是从 ( ) 面看到的。



1.《少儿童话》每本价格为5.40元。五 (1) 班订阅了55本, 五 (2) 班订阅了45本。这两个班共花了多少钱订购《少儿童话》?

2.李老板购进200米彩条, 卖出108米, 剩下的准备扎成花篮出售, 每个花篮需用彩条2.5米, 一共可以扎多少个这样的花篮?

3.玩具厂计划生产2600只机器猫。前5天每天生产18只, 为了赶在交易会前交货, 余下的要在8.5天内完成, 每天应生产多少只机器猫?

4.小青买了2本日记本, 付出10元, 找回4.4元。每本日记本多少元?

5.南山广场种樟树365棵, 比柏树棵数的4倍还多13棵。柏树种了多少棵?

6.甲、乙两地相距350km, 一辆汽车以每小时45km的速度从甲地开往乙地, 行驶几小时后, 汽车距乙地正好80km?

7.有一块平行四边形的麦地, 底是20m, 高是35m, 共收小麦840千克, 平均每平方米产小麦多少千克?

8.一个梯形的高是4.8cm, 比上底长1cm, 下底比高长1.2cm, 它的面积是多少?

9.一张等边三角形卡片的周长是18cm, 高是4cm, 这张卡片的面积是多少?

10.一块长方形平面钢板, 长1.5m, 宽0.8m, 从这块钢板上截下一块底长0.4m、高0.5m的三角形钢板, 剩下钢板的面积是多少平方米?

11.桌子上摆着9张卡片, 分别写着2 3 4 5 6 78 9 10各数。如果摸到单数小明赢, 如果摸到双数小红赢。

(1) 这个游戏公平吗?为什么?

(2) 小红一定会赢吗?为什么?

(3) 你能想出一个什么办法使这个游戏公平。

12.下表是五 (1) 班七名同学投垒球的成绩。

(1) 求出这组数据的平均数和中位数。

(2) 为什么中位数比平均数小?


(1) 求出中位数。


1.0.8== =20∶()=12 )=()%

2.某同学计算一个数除以 时误看成了乘以 ,计算出的结算是,这道题正确的结果应是()。

3.如果a和b互为倒数,那么 =()。

4.小时=()秒35千克=( )吨

5.一面国旗长495厘米,宽330厘米,长和宽的最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。

6.将一根长80厘米的电线截去 米,还剩()米;如果再用去它剩下的 ,则剩下()米。




10.圆是一个轴对称图形,()是它的对称轴,它有( )条对称轴。

11.用圆规画一个周长是12.56厘米的圆,圆规两脚间的距离是( )厘米,这个圆的面积是( )平方厘米。

12.现有含盐5%的盐水400克,如果再加30克盐,则盐占盐水的( )。



3.把3千克种子平均分给4户农民,每户平均分得75%千克。( )

4.一种商品,先降价10%,过几个月后又提价10%,这时现价相当于最初定价的99%。( )

5.根据纳税种类的不同,应纳税额的计算方法也有所不同。( )

6.将一个圆的半径扩大2倍,则它的周长和面积都扩大了2倍。( )


1.一条公路,已修的比没修的少 ,这时修了这条路的( )。

A. B. C.



A.2∶3 B.1∶4 C.1∶6


5.有一个皮带传动装置,大轮半径是0.75米,小轮半径是0.25米。大轮转一周,小轮转( )周。

A.3 B.3.14C.30


A.甲先到 B.乙先到 C.同时到达




x- x =2018-150%x=7.5












6.学校食堂有一个长方体油桶,装了半桶食用油,把桶里的油倒出40%后,桶内还有油24升。已知油桶的高是 米,求油桶的底面积。







1.( ) A. both B. boats C. boots

2.( ) A. mail B. nail C. fail

3.( ) A. false B. fifth C. fourth

4.( ) A. toothache B. tooth C. toothless

5.( ) A. behind the house B. beside the house C. between the house

6.( ) A. 7:55 B. 8:05 C. 8:55

7.( ) A. on May 15th B. on March 15th C. on May 5th

8.( ) A. present B. pleasant C. pleasure

二、 选出你所听到的句子(5%)

1.( ) A. Are you going to North Country Park by bus?

B. Are they going to North Country Park by bus?

C. Are they going to North Country Park by bike?

2.( ) A. Fires can be in forests, in schools, and at homes.

B. Fires can start in schools, in forests and at home.

C. Fires can begin in forest, in schools and at home.

3.( ) A. Sometimes the windmill moves slowly.

B. Sometimes the wind moves slowly.

C. Sometimes the windmill moves quickly.

4.( ) A. The Yangtze River is very , very long.

B. The Huangpu River is in Shanghai.

C. The Huangpu River is part of the Yangtze River.

5.( ) A. Our classroom is on the fifth floor.

B. Our classroom is on the fifteenth floor.

C. Our classroom is on the fourteenth floor.

三、 听小对话,选出正确的应答句(10%)

1.( ) A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By underground.

2.( ) A. On March 11th. B. On March 12th. C. On March 14th.

3.( ) A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.

4.( ) A. Strongly. B. Heavily. C. Slowly.

5.( ) A. She’s doing her homework. B. She’s doing a puzzle.

C. She’s playing computer games.

四、 听短文判断,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示(10%)

1.( ) Yaz lives in a house.www .Xk b1.coM

2.( ) Yaz doesn’t like raw meat. He hates it.

3.( ) Yaz throws a piece of meat into the fire.

4.( ) The cooked meat tastes nice.

5.( ) Yaz and his family cook their meat on a stove.

五、 听录音,在空格中填上你所听到的单词。(7%)

Kitty and her grandma is in the _____________. They are____________ some coffee. First, Grandma ___________ some water. __________ she puts some coffee powder(粉)in the cup. Then they __________ the hot water into the cup. ___________, Kitty puts some sugar and milk into the cup, too. __________ it. How nice! They are drinking coffee in the living room now.

II 笔试部分 60%

一、 正确书写,注意大小写和标点符号3%

hows your new home peter its very nice


1.( ) first worker 2.( ) sick sign

3.( ) trip drip 4.( ) pour sour

5.( ) cough rough 6.( ) medicine second

三、选择 10%

1.( ) It is _______ today. I need an umbrella.

A. windy B. cloudy C. rainy

2.( ) There are some ______ in the box.

A. match B. matchs C. matches

3.( ) There is ________ water in the bottle.

A. a lot of B. much C. both A and B

4.( ) ___________. How do I get to the zoo, please?

A. Hello B. Sorry C. Excuse me

5.( ) ______ do you go to Beijing by plane? Twice a year.

A. How long B. How C. How often

6.( ) Look _________ the window. It’s raining heavily.

A. at B. out of C. to

7.( ) We are going to have a picnic _______ Saturday morning.

A. in B. on C. at

8.( ) Today is your birthday. There are five puppets here. You can have ______ the toys. Thanks.

A. both B. all C. one

9.( ) The weather is nice today. The sun shines, and the wind blows___________

A. gently B. gentle C. strongly

10.( ) The Double Ninth Festival is a festival ______ old people.

A. to B. for C. with

四、用所给词的适当形式填空 10%

1. What _____ Jane’s mother ____(do) at 6:00 p.m? She _____(wash) the dishes.

2. December is the _________(twelve) month of the year.

3. Are the biscuits ___________(same) or different?

4. Ben, __________ (not play) with matches.

5. Where are the _________(potato)? In the basket.

6. Look. The men are ________(swim) in the river.

7. I have a toothache today. I should________(brush) my teeth every day.

8. The children are flying their kites __________(happy).


1.Lanlan goes to school on foot.(按划线部分提问)


2.Grandma is making some tea.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)


3. I like the big bedroom. (用which改写句子)


4. You should wear warm clothes. (改为否定句)


5. I take the medicine three times a day.(按划线部分提问)


6. This bird is in the cage. That bird is in the cage ,too.(两句合成一句)


六、完成对话 7%

A: How do I get to Shanghai Museum, please?

B: Walk ______ Yanan Road. Turn left at the first _______. Then you can see it.

A&C: ________. Thank you very much.

A: How beautiful!

C: Let’s look at the ______ of the museum.

A: What do you _______ to see?

C: I want to go to the fourth _______. There are many pictures.

A: I want to see the furniture.

C: OK. We can go to the third floor first. Then we go to the fourth floor.

A: Let’s _______.

七、 阅读理解 15% (一) In the shop

One day, Lucy goes to a clothes shop. There are many clothes in it. Lucy can see some shorts, some blouses, and so on. Lucy wants to buy a dress. Because the old one is too small for her. She is looking at the dresses. She likes the blue one because it has pockets. It’s pretty. But it’s too dear(贵的). It’s ninety yuan. Lucy only has fifty yuan. She finds a pink dress. It doesn’t have pockets. But it’s lovely. It’s forty-five yuan. Lucy takes the pink one. When she puts on the dress, everyone says,‘It looks great on you!’


1.( ) Lucy wants to buy a blouse.

2.( ) Lucy can’t afford (承担) the blue dress.

3.( ) The pink dress is not dear.

4.( ) The pink dress fits.(合适)

5.( ) At last, Lucy left ten yuan.

(二)Have lunch

Mr White works on a farm. He and his wife grow a lot of plants and they have some cows. Every day they work hard from morning to night. One day, Mr White says to his wife“Let’s go to Portsmouth next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.” His wife is very happy when she hears this, because they always eat a lot, and she doesn’t like cooking three times a day. They go to Portsmouth by bus and walk for about an hour(小时). At twelve o’clock, they want to have lunch. In front of one restaurant, they see a notice. It says, “Lunch 12:30 to 2:30, 1.5 pounds.” “Well, that’s good,” Mr White says, “This is the place for us.”


( )1. Mr and Mrs White are _____________.

A. farms B. farmers C. doctors

( )2. They ________ to Portsmouth.

A. take a car B. ride their bicycles C. take a bus

( )3. Mrs White doesn’t like _______________.

A. eating in the restaurant B. cooking C. that restaurant

( )4. They want to _____________ in Portsmouth.

A. have lunch B. go to the cinema C. Both A and B.

( )5. Mr and Mrs White can eat for ___________hours.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 1.5

(三)Seeing the doctor

A dentist begins his work. Suddenly a man runs into the dentist’s. His hand is red and he could only say ‘Quick! Quick!’ The dentist thinks the man must have a toothache. Then the dentist gives him some medicine to make him sleep. He looks in the man’s mouth and pulls out all the bad teeth. As soon as the wakes up, he says in a low voice, ‘Quick! Quick!’ ‘That’s all right now.’ the dentist tells him. ‘You don’t understand.’ says the man, ‘Your house is on fire.!’


1.Who runs into the dentist’s?________________________________________

2.Does the man have a toothache?_____________________________________

3.What does the man want to tell the dentist?____________________________

4.Does the dentist pull the bad teeth out?_______________________________

5.Is the dentist clever?______________________________________________

八、写作 5%

以“Near my home”为题,围绕所见所闻及活动的内容等,介绍一下自己家附近的场所景物等,不少于5句话三种句型。












一、Listen and choose.(听音,选择你所听到的单词)

( ) 1. A. helpful B. healthy C. hungry

( ) 2. A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday

( ) 3. A. sandwich B. salad C. sweet

( ) 4. A. sing B. song C. strict

( ) 5. A. cartoon B. clever C. clock

( ) 6. A. behind B. between C. bike

( ) 7. A. forest B. front C. fresh

( ) 8. A. play B. polite C. plant

( ) 9. A. like B. live C. lake

( )10. A. wash B. watch C. weekend

二、Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确图片。)

( )1、A. B. ( )2、A. B.

( )3、A. B. ( )4、A. B.

( )5、A. B.

三、Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的句子。)

( )1.A. Is he young? B. Is he funny?

( )2.A.Is there a river in the forest? B. Is there a lake in the forest?

( )3.A. What’s he like? B. What’s your favourite food?

( )4.A. Are there any animals? B. Are there any tall buildings?

( )5.A.I can sing English songs B. I can draw cartoons.

( )6.A. There is a big bed in my room. B. There is a photo in my room.

( )7.A. What would you like to eat? B. What would you like to drink?

( )8.A. I’d like some water. B. I’d like a sandwich.

( )9.A. Can you dance? B. Can you cook?

( )10.A. Do you often read books? B. Do you often play football?

四、 Listen and choose.(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)

( ) 1. A. No, I don’t. B. No, I can’t.

( ) 2. A. He is kind. B. He is our teacher.

( ) 3. A. Here you are. B. A sandwich, please.

( ) 4. A. I can play the pipa. B. I’d like some water.

( ) 5. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are.

Writing Part(笔试部分)


( )1 window A. /əʊ/ B. /aʊ/

( )2 tea A. /e / B. /i: /

( )3 book A. /ʊ: / B. / ʊ /

( )4 Monday A. / eɪ/ B. /e /

( )5 house A. /aʊ / B. /u: /


( )1. A. old B. funny C. fish

( )2. A. watch TV B. read books C. water bottle

( )3. A. weekend B. behind C. in front of

( )4. A. fresh B. salad C. healthy

( )5. A. river B. swim C. lake


1( ) hard-working A.说英语 2.( )delicious A. 做体育运动

( )speak English B.辛勤的 ( )draw cartoons B. 外祖父(母)

( ) play football C.洗衣服 ( )ice cream C. 冰激凌

( ) wash my clothes D.踢足球 ( )grandparent D.画漫画

( ) go boating E.去划船 ( )play sports E.美味的

八、Read, choose and write(读句子,看图,选择恰当的词语填空)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1.My math teacher is ____________.

2. Do you often ______________ in the park?

3. I’d like a ___________ ,please.

4.We can _____________ for the party.

5. There is a ____________ in the park.


( )1.What’s your favourite food? A. Yes, I can.

( )2.What’s he like ? B. Beef. It’s healthy.

( )3.What do you have on Mondays? C. I have Chinese and math.

( )4.Can you swim? D. Yes, there is.

( )5.Is there a lake in the park? E. He’s tall and strong


( )1. ________ your father like?

A. What’s B. Who’s C. What

( )2. Is he young?

A. Yes, she is B. Yes, he isn’t. C. Yes, he is.

( )3. He_____ funny.

A. is B. am C. are

( )4. What _____ you _____ on Mondays?

A. do ,has B. are ,have C. do, have

( )5. Can you play_____ pipa?

A. / B. the C. a

( )6. Do you often read books on the weekend?

A. Yes, I do. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I don’t.

( )7. There ____ a hill in front of the house.

A. is B. are C. has

( )8. We’d like some _________.

A. pears and potatoes B. pears and potatos C. pear and potato

( )9. Are there any _____ there?

A. buildings B. building C. a building

( )10.What ______ you like _____?

A. do, eat B. would, to eat C. would, eat


1. like, What’s ,she (?)

2. Thursdays, What, you, have, do, on (?)

3. drink, What, you, like, to, would (?)

4. English, can, I, songs, sing (.)

5. there, a river, Is, forest, the, in (?)

十二.Read and finish(读短文,完成文后练习)

Dear Jack,

My name is Tom. I like English very much. My favourite food is beef, noodles and fish. I’m very helpful. I can do kung fu, play the pipa and play ping-pong. Today is Saturday. I often read books, do my homework and watch TV on Saturdays. My house is beside a hill. There is a river behind my house. There is a road in front of my house. You can see two bridges over the river .Welcome to my home . What about you? Please tell me?

Your friend,


(一) Read and tick.(读短文判断正误。对的打√,错的打×)

( ) 1. Tom likes beef ,salad and fish.

( ) 2. Tom can do kung fu.

( ) 3. Tom often reads books on Saturdays.

( ) 4. There is a river beside Tom’s house.

( ) 5. There is a bridge over the river.

(二) Now you’re Jack, write a letter to Tom


Dear Tom,

My name is Jack. I like Chinese very much. My favourite food is beef

and ________ . My favourite day is ________ . I

can ______________ . My house is near a nature park.

There is a _______ in front of my house. My room is small. There

is a_______ and a photo in my room. It’s nice. I like it.

Your friend,





一.Listen and choose. (听音,选择你所听到的单词)

1.helpful 2.Friday 3.sweet 4.sing 5. clever

6.bike 7.forest 8.polite 9.lake 10.wash

二、Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确图片。)

1.old 2.Friday 3.hambuger 4.bike 5.play kung fu

三、Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你所听到的句子。)

X|k |B| 1 . c|O |m

1.Is he young?

2.Is there a river in the forest?

3.What’s your favourite food?

4.Are there any tall buildings?

5.I can sing English songs

6.There is a big bed in my room.

7.What would you like to drink?

8.I’d like a sandwich.

9.Can you cook?

10.Do you often play football?

四、 Listen and choose.(听问句,选择恰当的答语。)

1. Do you often watch TV?

2. What’s he like?

3. What would you like to eat?

4. What can you do ?

5. Is there a river in the park?



一. (10分)1-10 ABC ABC ABC A

二. (5分)A B AB A

三. (10分)1-5AABBA 6-10ABBBB

四. (5分)AABAA

五. (5分 )ABBAA

六. (5分 )CCABB

七. (10分 )BADCE EDCBA

八. (5分 )略

九. (5分)BECAD


十一. (10分) 略

十二. (20分)×√××√ 略




( ) 1. A. forest B. floor C. finger

( ) 2. A. soft B. stocking C. story

( ) 3. A. both B. books C. thing

( ) 4. A. really B. swing C. read

( ) 5. A. put B. pretty C. pudding


( ) ( )


( )1. A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isn’t.

C. There are three.

( )2. A. She has five. B. She’s five. C. It’s five.

( )3. A. I like singing. B. I like it. C. I don’t like it.

( )4. A. She’s a cook. B. He’s a cook. C. I’m a cook.

( )5. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I’m not. C. Don’t worry.



( )1. cousin doctor ( )2. umbrella put

( )3. water what ( )4. fly my


( ) 1. There some juice in the glass.

A. are B. is C. am

( ) 2. How many rooms are there in our school?

A. computer B. a computer C. computers

( ) 3. I have a rabbit. Nancy two fish.

A. have B. is C. has

( ) 4. Rubber duck like sunny weather, he likes the rain.

A. does B. don’t C. doesn’t

( ) 5. Su Hai and Su Yang like .

A. dance B. dancing C. dances

( ) 6. --- Let’s go this afternoon. --- Great!

A. skating B. skate C. skates

( ) 7. --- Hi, Mike, let’s go and play football.

--- Oh, . Let me do my homework first.

A. you play B. I’m not C. wait a minute

( ) 8. I play the piano at four o’clock in the .

A. evening B. morning C. afternoon

( ) 9. People always eat a on Christmas Day.

A. turkey B. noodles C. rice

( ) 10. --- Does he Chinese lessons? --- No, he .

A. has; does B. have; doesn’t C. have; isn’t

( ) 11. Look, it’s the National flag(国旗) of .

A. China B. Australia C. Canada

( ) 12. --- Where does father Christmas put the presents? --- .

A. In the stocking B. On the table C. Under the bed

( ) 13. In the US, we call a policeman a “ ”.

A. fireman B. cop C. milkman

( ) 14. We always have a lot of at weekends, we’re happy.

A. fun B. sad C. worry

( ) 15. Billy eats too much and like sports(运动) , so(因此) he is fat.

A. always; doesn’t B. sometimes; 不填

C. often; very much



What’s him?


, we presents for our family and friends.


My mother is a . She in a factory.


There are three bears her.


My doll has long and long , she can

and .


A: Lily, let’s make a fruit salad.

B: OK, but let me send to my e-friend Mary.

A: Oh, you have an e-friend. Where she live?

B: She in the UK.

A: What she do?

B: She an English teacher.

A: What does she doing?

A: She likes the piano at home.

八、阅读短文,选出一个能填入短文空白处的最佳答案,使短文意思清楚、完整, 并将序号写在题前括号里。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

In my family, there are 1 people, my mother, my father and I. My mother 2 cooking, she can cook nice food(食物), and my father likes 3 . We play together a lot, and we are very happy. My mother always looks after(照顾) me, and my father looks after me 4 . I 5 my parents!

( ) 1. A. three B. four C. five

( ) 2. A. like B. doesn’t like C. likes

( ) 3. A. read B. reading C. reads

( ) 4. A. either B. too C. to

( ) 5. A. love B. likes C. lovely



An old(年老的) tiger lives in the forest. He does not want to look for(寻找) food now. He often tells other animals to bring(带来) him something to eat.

One day, he sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, Monkey. Go and bring me a fat pig.”

“Oh, Mr Tiger,” says the monkey. “I cannot do that now. There is a strong (强壮的) tiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.”

“What?” cries the old tiger, “Show me that tiger. I will talk to him.”

“Come with me,” says the monkey.

The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge(桥) over the river.

“Now look down at the river,” says the monkey, “Do you see the head, the white teeth and the big green eyes of a tiger?”

“Yes, I do.” cries the old tiger, “I will eat him up!”

With these words, he jumps into the water.

( ) 1. The old tiger wants to eat a fat pig.

( ) 2. The monkey is very clever(聪明).

( ) 3 The monkey and the tiger get to the forest.

( ) 4. There is really a strong tiger in the water.

( ) 5. The tiger jumps into the water.


Mr White looks out of his window. There is a boy at the other side of the street, and there is a very thin dog in the street, too.

The boy takes some bread out of a bag and begins to eat. He says to the dog, “Come here, good dog. I’ll give you some bread.” The dog is hungry and it goes to the boy, but the boy does not give it any bread. He kicks(踢) the dog. The dog runs away.

Mr. White comes out of his house and says to the boy, “Come here, my boy. I’ll give you one yuan.”

The boy is happy, then he goes to Mr White. But Mr. White doesn’t give him one yuan. He hits(打) the boy with a stick (拐杖).

The boy cries and says, “Why do you hit me? I don’t ask you for any money.” “No, you don’t.” Mr. White says, “But the dog doesn’t ask you for any bread either, and you kick it.”

( ) 1. First, Mr. White is .

A. in the street B. in his house C. beside the boy

( ) 2, There is a dog in the street.

A. hungry B. thin C. A and B

( ) 3. The boy does not give any bread to the dog. It is and runs away.

A. happy B. sad C. nice

( ) 4. Mr. White hits the boy with a .

A. stick B. foot C. hand

( ) 5. The boy Mr. White for any money.

A. is asking B. asks C. doesn’t ask

小学五年级英语 听力部分




女男:1. There is a bear in the forest.

2. I put the stocking on my bed.

3. They both like swimming.

4. You are really good at skating.

5. I’d like some pudding.


1.女:Look, there are some birds in the tree. 男:How beautiful!

2.男:What do you often do at weekends? 女:We often fly kites.

3.女:Does he like playing basketball? 男:No. He likes playing football.

4.男:What do they do? 女:They are farmers.

5.女:What subjects do you like? 男:I like Chinese and PE.


女男:1.How many music rooms are there in our school?

2. How old is your sister?

3. What do you like doing?

4. What does your father do?

5. I’m not good at swimming.


小学五年级英语 参考答案


一、 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) A B A A C

二、 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 4 2 3 5 1

三、 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) C B A B C


四、(共4小题;每小题1分,满分4分) T F T T


1-5: B A C C B 6-10: A C C A B 11-15: C A B A A


1. wrong; with 2. Then/Next (必须大写); buy

3. worker ;works 4. in; front; of

5. arms; legs(必须复数); sing; dance


an/the/this/that/my; email/e-mail; does; lives; does; is; like; playing

八、(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) A C B B A

九、(一) (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) T T F F T
