




Learning aims: 学习目标:

Master the grammar of this unit. ------直接引语和间接引语Direct Speech & Indirect Speech

Teaching procedures: 学习过程

一、 自主学习(self-study)

Step 1 了解学习背景


Step 2. 什么是直接引语和间接引语


1. 引用别人的原话,被引用的部分叫直接引语,直接引语放在引号内,不用连词连接;

2. 用自己的话转述别人的话,叫间接引语,不用引号,但通常用连词与主句连接。


例如:Mr. Black said, “I am busy.” --------( ) 引语

Mr. Black said that he was busy. -------( ) 引语

二、合作探究(Co-exploration )


直接引语变间接引语的3种情况 (陈述句,疑问句,祈使句)


1. 陈述句

直接引语如果是陈述句,变间接引语时,谓语动词后常用连词that 引导(that在口语中常省略),主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的said, 也可用told来代替。可以说sb. said that或 sb. said to sb. that,或sb. told sb. that,不可直接说sb. told that


He said, “I have been to the Great Wall.”

→ He said to us that he had been to the Great Wall.

→He said that he had been to the Great Wall.

→He told me that he had been to the Great Wall.


1) 人称的变化

He said, “I like it very much .” -------He said that he liked it very much.

He said to me, “I’ve left your book in my room.”------He told me that he had left my book in his room.

(学生自我检测: 你能找出哪些人称发生了变化了吗?)

2)时态的变化 (牢记下列规则)

时态的变化 例句(直接引语→间接引语)

一般现在时 → 一般过去时 She said, “I need a pen.” → She said that she needed a pen.

现在进行时 → 过去进行时 He said, “I am expecting a call.” → He said that he was expecting a call.

现在完成时→ 过去完成时

Tom said, “Our team has won the game.” →Tom said that his team had won the game.

一般过去时→ 过去完成时

Mary said, “I took it home with me.” →Mary said that she had taken it home with her.

过去完成时→过去完成时 He said, “I had finished my work before supper.” → He said that he had finished his work before supper.

一般将来时→过去将来时 Paul said, “I will call again later.” →Paul said that he would call again later.


1. 直接引语表述的是客观真理,变为间接引语时,时态不变

The geography teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.” →

The geography teacher told us that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

2. 主句谓语动词的时态是现在时态或将来时态,在引述时,时态不变。

She says, “I’ll never forget the days in the country.” →She says that she’ll never forget the days in the country.

He will say, “The boy was lazy.” → He will tell you that the boy was lazy.

3. 直接引语是一般过去时,并且和具体的过去时间连用,时态不变。

She said, “I was born in 1983.” → She said that she was born in 1983.

(学生自我检测: 你发现上述时态发生了变化了吗?试试你记住这些规定了吗?)

1 一般现在时 →( ) 2 现在进行时 → ( )

3 现在完成时→ ( ) 4 一般过去时→ ( )

5 过去完成时→ ( ) 6 一般将来时→ ( )



指示代词: 1 this → 2 these →

时间状语: 3 now → 4 ago → 5 four years ago →

6 today → 7 tomorrow → 8 yesterday →

9 this week → 10 last week → 11 next month →

12 the day after tomorrow →

13 the day before yesterday →

地点状语: 14 here →

趋向性动词的变化:15 come → 16 bring →

2. 疑问句 (一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句)

一般疑问句变为由if /whether引导的宾语从句,其他方面变化同陈述句的变化,

即句型:sb. asked (sb.) if/ whether +陈述句


即句型:sb. asked (sb.) what/when/who +陈述句

选择疑问句 变成whether…or句型来表达,而不用if…or…,也不用either…or…

例如: He asked, “Do you speak English or French?” →He asked me whether I spoke English or French.

I asked, “Will you take bus or take train?” → I asked him whether he would take bus or take train.

He said, “Are you interested in English?” →He asked whether I was interested in English.

He asked us, “How many car factories have been built in your country?”

→He asked us how many car factories had been built in our country.

3. 祈使句

转述祈使句时,将祈使句的动词原型变为动词不定式,并在不定时to 前根据句子的意思加上tell, ask, order 等动词,形成3 种句型

(1) 表示邀请、请求某人做某事时用ask sb. to do sth.

(2) 表示叫、吩咐某人做某事时用tell sb. to do sth

(3) 表示命令某人做某事时用order sb. to do sth .

表示否定时,在不定式前加not,构成句型ask sb. not to do sth., tell sb. not to do sth, order sb. not to do sth

例如: The old man said, “Don’t smoke in the hall.” → The old man told us not to smoke in the hall.

The officer said, “Go away.” → The officer ordered us to go away.

She said to us, “Please have a seat,” → she asked us to have a seat.

注意: 1. 当祈使句的直接引语变间接引语时,因为祈使句表示请求、命令等语气,所以不存在时态的变化,但是人称、指示代词、时间、地点状语等还要做相应的变化。

2. 祈使句中的please 在间接引语中必须省去,用句型ask sb. to do sth.

拓展: 1. 如果直接引语是表示“建议”的祈使句或疑问句,通常变为suggested that sb. should do sth或suggested doing sth

例如:He said, “ Let’s go to the park.” → He suggested (our) going to the park.

→ He suggested that we should go to the park.

2. 直接引语是感叹句时,间接引语可以用what或 how引导,也可以用 that引导

She said, “What a lovely day it is !” → She said what a lovely day it was!

→ She said that it was a lovely day.



I. Change the Direct Speech into Indirect Speech (解题技巧:先判断句子类型,再套相应句型)

1. “Shut up. ”she said to him.


2. “Speak louder, please,” he said to her.


3. “Can you speak louder?” he asked her.


4. “Don’t wait for me,” he said to them.


5. “Use your knife to cut the boots open,” the officer said to the guard.


6. He said, “Light travels much faster than sound.”


7. She said, “Did you see him last night?”


8. “What do you call your diary?” Anne’s sister asked her.


9. “When did you go to bed last night?” Father said to Lucy.


10. He said, “These books are mine.”


II. 单项填空 ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. He asked ________for the computer.

A did I pay how much B I paid how much

C how much did I pay D how much I paid

2. “Have you seen the film?” he asked me. → He asked me__________.

A had I seen the film B have I seen the film

C if I have seen the film D whether I had seen the film

3. “ I am a teacher,” Jack said. → He said_____________.

A that I am a teacher B I was a teacher

C that he is a teacher D he was a teacher

4. “You have already got well, haven’t you?” she asked. → She asked___________.

A if I have already got well, hadn’t you B whether I had already got well

C have I already got well D had I already got well

5. He asked, “Are you a Party member or a League member?” → He asked me ____________.

A am I a Party member or a League member

B was I a Party member or a League member

C whether I was a Party member or a League member

D whether was I a Party member or a League member

6. He asked, “How are you getting along?” →He asked____________.

A how am I getting along B how are you getting along

C how I was getting along D how was I getting along

7. He asked me _______with me.

A what the matter is B what the matter was

C what’s the matter D what was the matter

8. The mother asked her daughter__________.

A what did she do the day before B where did she find her lost watch

C when she got up that morning D that if she had finished her homework

9. Mary said, “I went to China in .” →Mary said she _______to China in 1998.

A went B had gone C have gone D go

10. He said, “ Mother, the boy is very naughty.” → He ________very naughty.

A said his mother that the boy was B said to his mother that the boy is

C told his mother that the boy was D spoke to his mother that the boy was

11. Mr. Smith warned her daughter ________after drinking. (浙江高一检测)

A never to drive B to never drive C never driving D never drives

12. A famous website was making an online survey asking us ________the film Jaws.

A how do we like B how we liked C how did we like D how we like

13. The teacher asked us ________so much noise.

A don’t make B not make C not making D not to make

14. -----Please don’t stamp the grass.


-------I ___________stamp the grass. (20山东高一检测)

A tell you don’t B tell you not to C told you didn’t D told you not to

15. As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when _______and see him.

A you will come B will you come C you come D do you come

四. 反思感悟(Reflection)

I have learned a lot about the grammar----direct speech and indirect speech.

I know___________________________________________________

五、作业 ( homework)

Key 1: 直接 , 间接

Key 2: 1一般过去时 2过去进行时 3过去完成时 4过去完成时 5过去完成时 6过去将来时

Key 3: 1 that 2 those 3 then 4 before / earlier 5 four years before / earlier 6 that day 7 the next /following day 8 the day before 9 that week 10 the week before 11 the next month 12 in 2 days’ time 13 2 days before / earlier 14 there 15 go 16 take

Key 4

1. 祈使句 She told him to shut up. 2. 祈使句 He asked her to speak louder.

3. 一般疑问句 He asked her if she could speak louder.

4. 祈使句的否定句He told them not to wait for him.

5. 祈使句 The officer ordered the guard to use his knife to cut the boots open.

6. 陈述句 He said that light travels much faster than sound.

7. 一般疑问句 She asked (me) if /whether I had seen him the night before.

8. 特殊疑问句Anne’s sister asked her what she called her diary.

9. 特殊疑问句 Father asked Lucy when she went to bed the night before.

10. 陈述句 He said that those books were his.

Key 5 1----5 DDDBC 6----10 CDCAC 7 What’s the matter? 做宾语时语序不变

Key 6 11---15 ABDDA


Unit 1 Friendship Teaching goals:


1.to talk about friends and friendship, and interpersonal relationship

2.to practise expressing attitudes, agreement and disagreement, and certainty 3.to master some sentences about giving advice

4.to learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1): statements and questions

5.to learn about communication skills


1.to develop listening skills by doing exercises in listening task

2.to develop speaking skills by finishing the speaking task and other activities like discussion and oral practice

3.to develop reading skills through the reading materials in this unit 4.to learn to write a letter of advice


1.to know about friend and the real meaning of friend 2.to learn how to get along with others


1.to arouse the interest in learning English

2.to learn to express their feeling of friends and friendship

Teaching key points:

1.how to improve students’ speaking and cooperating abilities

2.learn to use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech(1):statements and questions 3.master some words and expressions

Teaching difficult points:

1.train the students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing abilities 2.how to improve students’ cooperating abilities

Teaching methods:

Student-focus approach and task-based approach Learning methods: Cooperative study Teaching aids: Computer

The First Period(Warming up &Speaking)

Teaching aims:

1.to know about different kinds of friendship

2.to learn some words of describing friend and friendship 3.to master some useful words and expressions

Teaching methods:


2.cooperative learning

Teaching materials: Warming up Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in 1.Free talk: Something about friend and friendship

Ask the Ss to describe one of their friends----their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.Qs: What’s your friend like?

What does he/she like to do in his/her spare time?

What personality does he/she have? Step Two: Discussion 1.Writing the following statement on the blackboard

We all agree that to have a good friend , you need to be a good friend.1.Ask the Ss:

What do you think of this statement and how can you be a good friend?

Let the Ss express their views 3.Have the Ss get into groups of four to list some qualities of a person they would like as a friend.Ss may list: honest, friendly, open-minded, generous, helpful, patient, good-tempered, trustworthy, careful, full of love, caring, responsible, interesting, brave, easygoing, outgoing, warm-hearted, kind, selfness, tolerant, intelligent…

4.Have a member of each group report on what their lists have and list them on the blackboard 5.Ask the class whether or not they agree with all the qualities listed Step Three: Doing the survey and explanation 1.Have the Ss do the survey in the textbook and let them work out their score.2.Teacher explain each item

Question 1 deal with how thoughtful you are towards others.The scoring reflects your concern for others.So one point for A gets the lowest score because it is the most selfish response.B get the highest score because it show a concern for your friend as well as your wish to go to see a film.C gets a slightly lower score because although it shows you want to go with your friend(because you change the plan), you do not help your friend.Question 2 is concerned with fairness.A gets the lowest score because you are not giving your friend another chance to behave better this time.B gets a higher score because you let your friend borrow the camera again.This shows kindness and forgiveness or the trouble you had when it was returned broken.But you are not balancing his heeds against your own.That is why C gets the highest score.You are showing your friend that

you will trust him/her with the camera again but this time you are giving him / her rules in case it gets broken.Question 3 deals with your concern for others.A get the lowest score because you would put anything else that needed to be done aside and concentrate only on your friend.This is not responsible.You have things that you need to do.Of course your friend is important but not more important than you responsibilities.B gets a higher score because it shows some concern for your friend and some understanding that you have important things to do too.But it does not show any real interest in his / her problem.C get the highest score because it not only shows concern for your friend but a recognition that you have responsibilities too.Question 4 is concerned with responsibilities to a friend.A provides the correct amount of responsibility to your friend.You recognize that it was your fault and will put it right and pay for the damage.So it gets the highest score.B provides some understanding that you are responsible.You put the situation right but you do not pay for the damage yourself.So it does not get the highest score.C gets the lowest score because you expect your friend to pay for your mistakes even though you were doing your friend a favour.Question 5 is concerned with honesty.If you let your friend look at your paper or somebody else’s paper, you are helping them to cheat.That is not honest, so answers A and C get no marks.But it takes courage to tell your friend that they should have studied and that they cannot look at your paper.That is also the honest answer.So you get 6 points for B, which is more than any other in the quiz.Step Four: Language points Teacher explain language points with some slides 1.add v.1)to put together with something else so as to increase the number, size, importance, etc.增加,添加

eg.Please add something to what I’ve said, John.2)to join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total eg.Add up these figure for me, please.常用结构:

add up / together sth.把…加起来,合计 add sth.to sth.把…加到/进 add to(=increase)增加了… add up to 合计,共计 add in 包括…,算进

1.pay to get it repaired 花钱让人去修理

2.upset adj.worried;annoyed 不安的;使心烦意乱的

v.cause to worry, to be sad, to be angry, not to be calm, etc.烦意乱

eg.He was upset when he heard the news.His cheating in the exam upset his teacher.4.ignore vt.to pay no attention to sth.忽视;对…不予理睬 eg.Ignore the child if he misbehaves and he’ll stop soon.ignorant adj.无知的;不知的 ignorance n.无知;愚昧 5.calm vt.to make sth./ sb.become quiet 使镇静;使平静

adj.not excited, nervous or upset 镇静的;沉着的

calm down 镇静;平静


calm down sb.=calm sb.Down 使某人镇静 sb.calm down(vi.)某人平静下来

eg.The excited girl quickly calmed down.He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.1.have got to do sth.(口语)=have to do sth.不得不做某事;必须做某事

eg.Since you’re no longer a child now, you have got to make money to support the family.*have got to在变疑问句或否定句时,不再另加助动词,而have to则须加助动词do.have got to前不用情态动词,而have to前则可以。如: eg.Have you got to writ an assignment for your teacher?

1.7.be concerned about / for : be worried about

eg.We’re all concerned about her safety.1.cheat vt.1)to act in a dishonest way in order to win 欺骗;作弊 eg.Any student caught cheating will have to leave the classroom.2)to take from(someone)in a dishonest way 骗;骗取

eg.They cheated the old woman(out)of her money by making her sign a document she didn’t understand.1.1)an act of cheating 作弊行为

2)one who cheats 骗子

Step Five: Speaking 1.Get the Ss to work in groups of 4.2.Ask the Ss to use the questionnaire in Warming up as an example and discuss about designing questions.3.Follow the steps in this part and start the discussion like this:

A: Now let us design a questionnaire to find out what kind of friend one is.B: OK.First we must think of four questions and three possible answers to each question.C: What about the first question? Have you got one in mind?

D: Suppose your friend has taken away your book by mistake.What will you do or say to him / her?

4.Teacher go around in the classroom and check their discussion.Step Six: Assignments 1.Ask Ss to consider the following question;What is / are the most important quality / qualities that a friend needs to have?

2.Prepare for Reading

The Second and Third Period(reading and language points)Teaching aims:

1.to know about the story of Anne’s Diary

2.to promote the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension 3.to learn about the following words and expressions:

radon;list;go through;hide away;set down;a series of;outdoors;crazy;spellbound;on purpose;dare;happen to do sth.;It’s the first time that…

Teaching methods:

1.reading and discussion

2.cooperative learning and speaking

Teaching materials: Reading, Comprehending Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in Ask their opinions on the question mentioned in the assignment of last period.Step Two: Pre-reading Let the Ss think about the questions in Pre-reading, and express their own views to the whole class.Step Three: Reading 1.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and the heading, guess what the text might be about.2.Get the Ss to skim the passage and answer the following questions:

What’s Anne’s best friend?

What does her diary mainly talk about?

(1.Anne’s best friend is her diary.2.It’s about Anne’s feeling of hiding away.She especially missed going outside and enjoying nature.1.Let the Ss read the passage and discuss the following questions:

1)Imagine what it might be like if they had to stay in their bedroom for a whole year.You could not leave it even to go to the WC or get a cup of tea.How would they feel? 2)If you are only allowed to have five things with you in the hiding place because there is very little room, what would you choose? 3)Try to guess why the windows had to stay closed.4)Guess the meanings of the word “crazy” and “spellbound” according to the context.Step Four: Discussing the style Ask the Ss: 1.What do you think is the purpose of this passage? Why did Anne write it? 2.Do you think it is successful? Do you understand Anne’s feelings?

3.What is Anne’s tone? In other words, is the author angry, sad, happy or thrilled? 4.What is Anne’s point of view? Do you agree with it? If so, why? If not, why not?

Step Five: Listen to the text and comprehend it

Step Six: Language points 1.go through

1)to examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究 eg.I went through the students’ papers last night.2)to experience 经历;遭受或忍受

eg.You really don’t know what we went through while working on this project.2.hide away

3)vi.to go somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found 躲避;隐匿

hide away +地点

eg.The thief hid away in a friends’ house for several weeks after the robbery.4)to put or keep sth./sb.in a place where they / it can’t be seen or found 藏;隐蔽

hide away sth./ hide sth.away

eg.Why do you hide your thoughts away from me? 3.set down

5)write down 写下;记下

eg.I’ll set down the story as it was told to me.6)put down 放下;搁下

set down sth./set sth.down

eg.He set down a basket on the ground.4.series n.(单复数同形)

a series of 一连串的;一系列的.crazy adj.7)mad, foolish 疯狂的;愚蠢的

It is crazy of sb.to do sth.= sb be crazy to do sth.eg.It’s crazy to go out in such hot weather.8)wildly excited;very interested 狂热的;着迷的

grow / be crazy about sb./ sth.eg.The boys are crazy about the girl singer.9)like crazy 发疯似的;拼命地

eg.He talked like crazy;I couldn’t understand what he said.6.I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that ….*I wonder if / whether…

eg.I wonder if you can help me? *It’s because …

it is 后的表原因的从句中,只能用because来引导,不能用since或as.eg.Why did you go to school on foot? It is because my bike had broken.7.spellbind v.to hold the complete attention of 吸引人,迷人;使入迷

eg.The children watched spellbound as the magician took rabbits from his hat.1.stay v.to continue to be in a particular state or situation

系动词,表是状态。后跟名词或形容词,不能用于被动语态和进行时态。eg.He stayed single all his life.10.on purpose

1)故意地(反义:by chance / accident)

eg.I think she lost the key on purpose.2)on purpose to do sth.为了要…而特地

eg.He went to town on purpose to sell one of his paintings.1.far adv.“过于;…得多” ,表示程度,经常与too或形容词、副词的比较级连用。

eg.She speaks English far better than I.This room is far too warm.cf.very, much, far 1.dare 1)modal.v.多用于否定句、疑问句、条件状语从句、whether(if)等名词性从句或有否定意义的句中,后接动词原形。没有人称和数的变化,其时态只有现在时和过去时。否定式在其后加not.eg.How dare he say such a word!If you dare do that again, you’ll be punished.2)vt.敢,胆敢。有人称、数和时态的变化。在否定句和疑问句中,dare后的to可保留也可省略。

eg.I wonder how he dare to day such words.12.happen to do sth.It so(just)happened that…


eg.I happened to be out when he came.= It so happened that I was out when he came.13.It’s the first time that…

eg.It is the first time that I have seen the sea.Step Seven: Comprehending Get the Ss to do the exercises in this part.Step Eight: Consolidation Listen to the text again to appreciate it.Step Nine: Assignments

1.Read the key sentences in the text 2.do the exercises on WB(Page 41-42)

The Fourth Period(Listening)

Teaching aims:

to train and develop listening skills by listening to the listening exercises in this unit Teaching methods: Listening and speaking Teaching materials: listening parts on Page 6 and Page 41 and Page 43 Teaching procedures:

Step One: Revision Check the answers to the homework Step Two: Listening 1.Listen to the exercises on Page 6

2.Guess the words by listening to the tape and write them down

Step Three: Listening to the passage Fill in the blanks on Page 41 Step Four: Speaking Listen to the tape and discuss questions in groups of four, express your own views.Step Five: Listening task

1.Discuss with the Ss whether they always do what their parents tell them.2.Have the Ss listen to the passage.3.Fill in the table

4.Work in pairs to give some advice to Anne 5.Do the exercises on Page 42(Ex 1,2)6.Revise the Object Clause

Step Six: Assignments

The Fifth Period(Discovering Useful Structures)

Teaching aims:

Let the Ss use the Direct Speech and Indirect Speech Teaching methods:

1.discovery learning 2.cooperative learning

Teaching materials: Page 5 Teaching procedures:

Step One: Revision 1.Check the homework with the Ss 2.Revise the Object clause Exercise: Rewrite the following sentences.1.I go to school by bike.(He said…)

2.Will you forget to do your homework?(Mary asked him…)3.When did you come here?(They asked me…)4.What has he said?(Do you know…)

5.Anne is watching TV now.(Mother told me …)

Step Two: discovering useful structures 1.Present some sentences for Ss

1)My friend says, “ I will come here tomorrow?”


My friend says she / he will come here tomorrow? 如果时间变了,地点不变,你来转述,应该说: My friend said she / he would come here the next day.如果地点变了,时间还是今天,你来转述,应该说: My friend sayd she / he will go there tomorrow.如果时间地点都变了,你来转述,应该说:

My friend said She / he would go there the next day.如果由别人转述,时间地点都变了,应该说: He/ She said he /she would go there the next day.*使用直接引语和间接引语要注意具体语境。

2)“Do you go to the park yesterday?” He asked me.He asked me if / whether I went to the park the day before.3)Kate said to John, “What’s your favourite food?” Kate asked John what his favourite food was.1.Get the Ss to have a look at Part1 in“Discovering useful structures” and sum up this grammar point.人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等的变化。

Step Three: Practice 1.Do the first tow sentences in Part 2 as examples.2.Check the answers together.3.Wb, Page 42, 43(Individual, Groups)4.2.Prepare for Reading on Page 44

Step Four: Assignments

The Sixth Period(Reading)

Teaching aims:

1.to learn about friendship in Hawaii

2.to promote the Ss’ abilities of reading comprehension 3.to learn about the following words and expressions:

way;the second important;It’s believed that…;in peace;those who …;etc.Teaching methods:

1.reading and discussion

2.cooperative learning and speaking

Teaching methods: Reading(Page 44)Teaching procedures:

Step One: Leading-in 1.Ask the Ss if they can think of any place in the world where Chinese and Western cultures live side by side.(Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, the Philippines, San Francisco, etc.)Step Two: Reading 1.Get the Ss to read the passage and try to finish the table in Ex1.2.Read the passage carefully again and discuss the questions in Ex2.3.Report their discussion

4.the way to do sth./ the way of doing sth.5.the second most important

Step Three: Listening to the text and comprehend it Step Four: Language points the second + adj.(最高级)the third + adj.(最高级)

eg.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.China is the third largest country in the world.1.to enjoy the land = in order to enjoy the land

eg.To make the w8th Olympic Games the game ever, Beijing will make several changes.* to do和 in order to do可以置于句首、句末,而 so as to do只能置于句末。

1.Indeed, Hawaii is a place where ….small communities.2.It’s believed that the islands can be a paradise ….It’s believed that …= People believe that …

eg.It’s believed that they arrived more than 30,000 years ago.1.in peace

2.… they are really talking about all those who live on the islands.those who…=people who … “凡…的人”

eg.The teacher praised those who had done good deeds.We find it our duty to help those who are in trouble.1.Living in peace, Hawaiians has developed …

现在分词短语作原因状语,相当于 As they are living in peace.1.Perhaps this is how most visitors will remember their new friendship.Step Five: Listening to the text and enjoy it

The Seventh Period(Speaking Task and Writing)

Teaching aims:

1.to develop Ss’ speaking ability and learn to express their own views 2.enable Ss to write a letter of advice

Teaching methods:

1.tasked-based learning 2.speaking

Teaching procedures:

Step One: Speaking task Task One: Ex1(Page 45)1.Get the Ss to work in pairs, have them read the situations and choose one to discuss.2.Ask the Ss to present their dialogue.Task Two: Ex2(Page 45-46)

1.Ask the Ss to look at the pictures.2.Work in groups of four and talk about whether they are doing is cool or not.3.Try to express their own views to the whole class.4.Get the S to read the letter on Page 7 and understand it.5.Ask the Ss to work in pairs and talk about how to answer the letter.6.Write the letter in reply down.7.Read the proverbs carefully.8.Write a passage to express their own opinions.9.Fill in the form in Sum up(Page 8)

10.Fill in the form in Checking yourself(Page 47)

Step Two: Writing Task One: Ask the Ss to write a letter of advice


朱绍禹先生在论及语文教材发展变化的趋势时指出, 语文教材的发展可分为三个阶段。“第一阶段的教材, 是往昔时代的教材。它们是教材, 但又没有从社会一般读物中分离出来, 其为教学服务的特征并不明显。第二阶段的教材, 是我们现在应用中的教材。它们已经有了独立的地位, 有了明确的特有对象, 但还只是教师手中的工具。第三阶段的教材, 是为学生服务的教材, 它应该名副其实的成为学生手中的工具。这第三阶段的教材, 将使教学效果不再单方面的取决于教师个人的素质, 而是依靠编写者提供的条件, 教师稍加指导, 学生就可以独立阅读, 独自研究。同时由于它较少需要教师的指导, 教师也得以从传统的教材方式中解脱出来, 便于完善自己的工作。” (2) 朱先生的话, 指明了教材发展的方向, 其中教材发展的第三阶段, 就是我们所说“学本化”阶段。

当前, 多种版本的新课标语文教材在“学本化”方面都呈现出多方面的特色和创意, 本文将以人教版七年级下册第一单元 (以下简称“人教版教科书第一单元”) 和翰林版 (国文1下) 第一单元 (以下简称“翰林版教科书第一单元”) 为例来看语文教材的“学本化”趋势。

1 单元编排学本化比较

人教版教科书和翰林版教科书都采取主题单元的编排模式, 两种版本教科书单元编排整理如表一。

“单元是整套教材基本结构单位, 基本按照说明、议论、记叙三大文体组织, 并以列的方式出现在整套教材中, 但每册的单元组织结构大致相同。” (3)

由表一中, 我们可以看到, 翰林版教科书以单元专题的形式, 大致包括专题名称、导语、学习板块、问题讨论与运用练习。

(1) 主题名称。对主题内容起标识性作用。如“诗韵之美”, 一看就知本主题围绕诗歌话题展开。直接明了。

(2) 导语。用简练概括的语言引导学生进入专题的学习。如“诗韵之美”专题的导语是这样的:

上学期认识近体诗《绝句》的结构, 这学期我们要进一步了解“律诗”的作法, 并欣赏它的对仗之美。第一册中读过《夏夜》, 认识了童诗, 本册我们要从篇幅极短的《小诗》去体会现代诗的意象美。


(3) 学习板块。一个单元主题包括两至三个学习板块不等。每个学习板块由选文及与选文相关的学习材料构成。如“诗韵之美”主题, 包括“律诗选”、“小诗选”两个板块。其中, “律诗选”板块包括《过故人庄》、《闻官军收河南河北》两篇文章及相关学习材料。

(4) 问题讨论与应用练习。几乎每个单元主题设置了“问题讨论与应用练习”板块, 这部分内容是对整个主题思想内容方面的总结, 侧重对文本的记诵、课外语文活动、写作实践等提出要求并给予指导。学生可以有效地进行自测与自解。


(1) 导语。用简练概括的语言引导学生进入专题的学习。如第一单元的单元导语是这样的:

在我们成长的过程中, 有幸福的回忆, 美好的向往, 也会有小小的烦恼。这个单元的文章, 或纪录作者成长的轨迹, 或展示他人成长的历程, 都给我们以有用的启迪。

学习这个单元, 要整体把握课文内容, 并结合自己的经历和体验, 深入体会文中的情感, 注意学习文章的表达技巧。

人教版教科书非常注重导语 (引言) 的作用, 并且, 在导语 (引言) 中, 做出整体概述, 提示学习方法, 显露学习要点。

(2) 学习模块。一个单元包括四到五个学习板块不等。每个学习板块由选文及学习材料构成。如第一单元, 包括现代散文, 现代诗歌和文言文板块。其中, 现代散文有《从百草园到三味书屋》《爸爸的花儿落了》《丑小鸭》, 现代诗歌有《诗两首 (假如生活欺骗了你、未选择的路) 》, 文言文有《伤仲永》共5篇文章及相关学习材料。

(3) 研讨与练习。人教版教科书由过去的“练习”变为“研讨与练习”, 增加了三个字, 实则是教育理念的重大转变。练习在注重积累与应用的同时, 更加注重拓展与开放。

2 单元选文的学本化比较

所选取的都是同一个学段的第一单元, 其选文整理如下表:

在这一单元中, 无论是人教版教科书还是翰林版教科书, 都有现代诗。但也有各自特色。

翰林版教科书集中于诗歌的学习, 作为一个专题的形式。古代的律诗, 现代的小诗, 内容较为浅显, 适合朗读, 便于自学, 与前一阶段的学习相连贯, 易于形成系统。系统的学习, 便于知识的掌握, 合服学生学习的心理学特征。

而人教版教科书则将诗歌, 散文, 文言文的学习穿插在一起, 多种样式相结合, 富于变化, 内容丰富, 适合多种层次的学生, 学习具有选择性。但在大班的教学中, 很难做到照顾到每一个学生的学习程度, 因为, 容易造成学生学习能力的参差性, 不能做到以学生为主的新课程理念。

3 单元助读内容的学本化比较

新课程背景下, 专家学者大力提倡中学语文要实现从“教本”到“学本”的转变, 更好地为学生服务, 并且这一观点也得到了大家的一致认可。那么, 如何实现这一重要转变呢?课文系统正文部分固然重要, 但课文助读系统越来越发挥着至关重要的作用。一般而言, (课文) 单元助读内容包括资料、图片、问题、作业、注释等一些内容。

首先, 将人教版和翰林版语文教科书的“单元助读内容”之特色整理统计如下表所示:


在课文助读内容方面, 人教版和翰林版语文教课书相比较, 两者有许多的异同点:

人教版语文教科书重视每一课之前的引言, 通过引言, 激发学生学习兴趣, 提示本课学习的重难点知识, 注重引导学生对课文重难点知识的深入探究。

而注释和阅读资料方面, 则是翰林版教科书的一大特点, 注释详尽, 阅读资料丰富, 并且善于运用到极致。如《律诗选》一课中, 通过“语文小视窗”的方式, 对“律诗”进行了详细的解释, 通过资料, 不仅帮助了学生释疑解难, 而且扩大了他们的知识面。

在单元/课文插图上, 翰林版教科书则更为讲究。古人云:“索象于图, 索理于文”, 可见图片和文字在课文中扮演着重要的角色, 因此, 语文教科书中所出现的图片有着重要的价值:对学生而言, 插图能提高学习兴趣, 增加想象空间, 释疑解难;对教师而言, 插图对教学的帮助也很大。教育学者指出:“凡课文中提到的人、地、事、物, 应尽量有图, 而且要选择较具代表性与意义者;至于与课文内容无关的插图, 或对教学功用不大者, 皆可舍弃或更换。”同样为诗歌部分, 翰林版教科书有对作者、作品、地名、事物的插图, 而人教版对诗歌部分教科书则没有出现插图。

人教版和翰林版在助读内容方面各具特色, 同样两者之间也有许多共性, 如两种版本教材在每一课或单元之前都有引言;课文注释合理恰当, 等等。

4 单元练习设计

“练习内容, 从广义上讲, 它是教科书有计划地按照一定目标为学生所提供的各种口头的或书面的练习题、思考题或活动方案等。从狭义来讲它是指教科书课后练习和单元练习的总和, 也就是教科书中为巩固学生学习效果所安排的各类作业的总称。从这个意义上讲, 练习内容又可以狭义地成为‘练习题’。” (4) 语文教科书中的练习题在形式上更为丰富、多样, 在内容上更具扩展性和生活性, 其作用更为不可忽视。

语文教科书习题是对课文的进一步解读, 是语文课堂的延伸, 它能帮助学生巩固所学内容, 培养兴趣, 锻炼思维能力, 提高学习水平。人教版教科书第一单元和翰林版教科书第一单元的课文中, 所设计的练习整理情况为:

人教版第一课是3个过程性练习, 2个检测性练习, 1个发展性练习;第二课是1个过程性练习, 2个检测性练习, 1个发展性练习;第三课是4个过程性练习, 1个检测性练习, 2个发展性练习;第四课是1个前置性练习;3个检测性练习;第五课是3个过程性练习, 2个检测性练习, 1个发展性练习;外加一个单元练习, 单元练习为发展性练习。而翰林版在练习的习题上, 第一课是3个前置性练习, 2个过程性练习, 3个检测性练习;第二课是3个前置性练习, 2个检测性练习, 1个发展性练习;没有设单元练习。

而在这两个版本第一单元中的共同文体部分———诗歌 (现代诗) 两个版本则为:人教版设计了1个前置性练习, 1个检测性练习, 2个发展性练习;而翰林版在练习的习题上, 却设计了3个前置性练习, 2个检测性练习, 4个发展性练习。

在习题的分布上, 我们把习题分为课文前、课文中、课文后三种分布状态。课文前的习题类型, 主要是引导学生进入本课的学习, 同时使学生很快抓住将学内容要领, 明确学习重点, 它们起了激励和引导作用。主要体现在每单元/课文前的引言、预习部分。在这一方面, 翰林版教科书则体现的较为明显, 每一课都有课前预习。

课文中类型习题, 通过课文的思考题, 帮助学生深入思考、理解、领会、掌握新知识, 使学生所产生的思维活动在感知和掌握新知识的过程之中。在这方面, 两种版本教材都没有对其进行设计, 而是将这一部分的练习隐藏了, 并由教师或者学生在解读文本时进行挖掘, 将主动权交给教师, 交给学生。

课文后类型习题主要功能是帮助学生回忆、巩固、检查已获得的知识, 并迁移所获得知识进而技巧和能力。无论是人教版还是翰林版教科书, 都以这一习题分布状态为核心, 将习题集中于此。但是, 课堂是灵活的, 学习也是灵活的, 分布于此的习题, 往往作为预习课文、解读文本的手段, 供学生和教师之用。

在习题的呈现方式上, 翰林版的教科书在习题呈现上则较为单一, 以“直接提问式”为主。这类提问方式往往简洁明了, 直接就课文重点内容进行设问, 使学生掌握、巩固重要历史知识内容。如:“《风筝》这首诗, 哪几句诗的意象开阔?请说说你的看法。”

人教版的较为丰富多样, 有“直接提问式”、“材料+提问式”、“探究活动式”、“争鸣式”等类型。如:“《假如生活欺骗了你》通篇都是劝说的口吻, 没有什么具体的形象, 它却是一首著名的诗, 为世界各国人民广为传颂。你喜欢这首诗吗?为什么?”通过此种形式使学生进入问题情境, 使其有身临其境的感觉, 从而提升学习兴趣, 激发他们分析问题、学会思考的动机。

总而言之, 两个版本的教科书在习题的设计上都尽量体现了教育理念, 以学生学习为中心, 引导学生积极、主动参与教学过程, 培养参与意识和自主学习能力, 促使学生学习方式由被动接受型向主动参与型转化。问题设计更开放, 并不要求非得出结论, 更不需要什么统一答案。在提问方式上, 引入趣味性浓, 有挑战性的提问方式。如使用“请思考”“请讨论”的词汇的提问和建议, 代替了原来的祈求式、命令式的提问, 能适应不同层次的学生。但也存在着某些思考题偏难, 有些建议开展的活动不易操作和实施等问题。

5 讨论与思考

“‘学本化’是语文教材发展的必然趋势。” (5) 在当前的教科书设计中, 都力求体现这一特点, 两种版本教材各有千秋, 各有侧重。教材的编写上, 应该相互借鉴, 探索符合实际情况的教材编写方式。但是, 当前的语文教材在“学本化”建设中仍然存在一些问题, 如导学模式简单化, 重结果而轻过程, 不能有效引导学生自主学习;选文内容设计没能真正体现“为学生学习服务”的特点;练习内容科学化水平不高, 影响了练习的真正目的所在等等。这些, 都是在教科书设计、编排过程中有待进一步关注与思考的问题。

另外, 教材“学本化”所带来的学生的学习, 教师的教学, 学校的管理, 教育系统职能, 社会与家庭等一系列所关联的链条上的影响与变化, 都是值得思考的问题。

摘要:新世纪以来, 中国大陆和台湾地区都推行了课程改革, 在此背景下, 两岸的初中语文教科书也经历了一场深刻的变革。本文选取同一个学段的大陆人教版语文教科书和台湾翰林版国文教科书作为比较的蓝本, 以大陆人教版七年级下册第一单元和台湾翰林版 (国文1下) 第一单元为切入点, 通过两岸教科书学本化趋势方面的对比, 做此概述。



[1]吴晓菲.从上教版高中语文必修课本的作业系统看看语文教科书的“学本化”[J].重庆:民办高等教育研究, 2010, (6) .


[3]课程教材研究所中学语文课程教材研究开发中心义务教育课程标准实验教科书 (语文) 七年级 (下) 北京:人民教育出版社, 2007.


◆in order to 为了……

课文原句:In order to survive, Chuck develops a friendship with an unusual friend — a volleyball he calls Wilson.

In order to后接动词原形,多在句中作状语,表目的。这个词组经常和so as to放在一起考查,所以一定要弄清二者的区别与联系。In order to 和so as to 都表示“为了”,都作目的状语,都有时态和语态的变化:其一般现在时或将来时的主动语态为to do;完成时态则用to have done;一般现在时和完成时的被动语态则分别用to be done和to have been done。二者的区别在于:so as to一般不放于句首,而in order to 放在句首、句中和句尾均可。


All these gifts must be mailed immediately ____ in time for Christmas. (2005辽宁)

A. in order to have received

B. in order to receive

C. so as to be received

D. so as to be receiving

解析:本题考查的是in order to和so as to作目的状语时的语态。很明显句中“礼物是被收到的”,应使用被动语态,而A、B、D三个选项都不是被动语态,只有C选项正确。整句话的意思是:所有这些礼物必须马上寄出去,以便(收件人)圣诞节时能及时收到。

◆should have done 本应做(某事)

课文原句:He also learns that he should have cared more about his friends.

Should have done表示“本来应该做某事但实际没有做”,含有责备的意味。在这里的意思是:他认识到他本来应该多关心他的朋友,但事实上他没有做到。其否定形式shouldn't have done则表示“本不该做某事,却做了”,如:I feel sick. I shouldn't have eaten a lot. (我觉得难受。我本不应该吃那么多)。此外,情态动词may/must/can后接完成时态,也可表推测,如:have done表示对过去的推测;may have done表示过去可能做了某事;must have done表示过去肯定做了某事,语气较may have done更为肯定;can't have done表示过去不可能做了某事。使用时一定要注意区分。


Mr. White ____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn't show up. (2004全国)

A. should have arrived B. should arrive

C. should have had arrivedD. should be arriving

解析:本题考查的就是should have done的用法,这句话的意思是:怀特先生本来八点半就应该到会场的,但是他没有出现。整句话用的是一般过去时态,表示过去应该做某事,但实际上没做,用should have done暗含一定的责备意味,选A。

◆so... that + 从句如此……以至于……

课文原句:Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has little time for his friends.

这是结果状语从句最典型的句型之一,原文中定语从句的意思是:他这么忙,很少有时间和朋友们交流。其实在高考中经常考到的结果状语从句除了such... that,还有so...that。二者引导结果状语从句有所不同,要注意区分。


1) So + 形容词 + a/an + 单数可数名词 + that从句,如:He is so good a student that all teachers like him. 他是这么好的一个学生,所有的老师都喜欢他。

2) So + many/much/few/little(表数量) + 复数可数名词或不可数名词 + that从句,如:There is so much water in the bucket that he can hardly lift it out of the well. 桶里有这么多水,他几乎无法从井里把水提上来。


1) Such + a/an + 形容词 + 单数可数名词 + that从句,如:It was such a moving film that he burst into tears. 这部电影如此感人,他的眼泪夺眶而出。

2) Such + 形容词 + 名词复数/不可数名词 + that从句,如:It's such fine weather that most of us want to go on an outing. 天气这么好,我们大多数人都想出去玩。



We were in ________ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets. (2003上海)

A. a rush so anxious

B. a such anxious rush

C. so an anxious rush

D. such an anxious rush

解析:本题考查的就是so和such引导的结果状语从句,要注意so和such后面的语序,so后面紧接形容词构成so + adj. + a/an + 可数名词单数,而such后的语序则为:such+ a/an + adj. + n.,只有D选项的语序是正确的,符合语法结构。

[Unit 2]

◆except for 除了……以外

课文原句:In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or a second language.

Except for 意思是“除了”,后面一般接名词。在这句话中,except for后面的those指代的是香港学生。Except for从“中国学生”这个整体中排除了“香港学生”这部分。 但“those”一般指代较近的名词,所以这句话最好改为“English is learnt as a foreign language by all the chinese students at school, except for those...”

在高考题中,要区分四个表示“除了”的词:except/but/besides/except for。Except/but用法相同,表示“除了……以外”,用于同类事物的排除,后面可接名词、介词短语或that从句,如:We have lessons every day except/but Sunday. (除了周日,我们每天都有课)。Except for是从整体中排除,但排除的是不同类的事物,后面接名词,如:I like your apartment except for the decoration. (我喜欢你的公寓,除了装修)。Besides意思是“除了……之外还有”,包括所排除的部分,后面多接名词,如:She helps to cook and wash besides looking after the child. (她除了要照看小孩,还要帮着做饭和洗衣)。


The suit fitted him well ____ the color was a little brighter. (2005 上海)

A. except for B. except that

C. except when D. besides

解析:本题考查的是except和besides的用法,空格后面是一个完整句子the color was a little brighter,只有except后面可以接that从句,besides不可以接从句,因此只有B选项正确。同样,A选项错在except for后面多接名词,不接句子。

◆come about 出现,发生,产生

课文原句:How did this difference come about?

Come about表示“出现”或“产生”时,相当于happen,是一个不及物动词,后面一般不接宾语。与come有关的词组还有很多,如:come across突然想起来,偶遇;come along一起来,跟着来;come back回来,苏醒;come by从旁走过,得到。


It's already 10 o'clock, I wonder how it ____ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. (2006 湖北)

A. came overB. came out

C. came aboutD. came up

解析:本题考查的就是come组成的短语。根据题意:现在已经十点了,我想知道她怎么走如此短的路程要迟到两个小时。How it come about意思是“怎么发生的?”“怎么可能?”;come about作不及物动词,相当于“happen”,表示偶然发生;it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。其余几项意思分别为:come over过来,顺便来访;come out结果是,出版;come up 走近,显现,出现,均不符合题意。选C。

[Unit 3]

◆see sb. off 为某人送行

课文原句:Is anybody seeing you off?

See sb. off 意思是“为某人送行”,如果sb. 是代词,则放在see和off之间;如果sb. 是名词,则既可放在see和off之间,也可放于off之后。易混淆的词组有see about(料理)、see to(照料)。


John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will ____ him ___ at the airport. (2005 广东)

A. send away B. leave off

C. see offD. show around

解析:根据语境暗示:约翰明天就要离开伦敦了,那我去机场自然应该是送他。为某人送行用see off。A选项是“派遣,打发”之意;B选项是“从……中去除”,D选项的意思是“带领某人参观”,均不符合题意。选C。


课文原句:You should not go rafting unless you know how to swim, and you should always wear a life jacket.

Unless意为“除非,如果不”,引导条件状语从句,相当于“If...not...”,后接表示条件的句子,且所接的句子要用肯定形式(不能用包含not的双重否定),翻译为“如果不……就不……”,或者“除非……才能……”,如:You will miss the bus unless you get up early. (除非你早点儿起床,你才能赶上公交车)。另外,这句话中的should表示一种警戒或劝告。


We won't keep winning games ____ we keep playing well. (2006 浙江)

A. becauseB. unless

C. when D. while



课文原句:The name "whitewater" comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.



Along with the letter was his promise ____ he would visit me this coming Christmas. (2004上海春)

A. which B. thatC. whatD. whether


The First Period

Step 1. Greeting

1. Greet the Ss ,using the following :

---Happy New Year!

---The same to you.

---Nice to see you!

--Nice to see you ,too.

2. Talk about new wishes for the new year ,using the topic” The early bird catches the worm.”

Good morning, everyone! A new term is coming. Last term, we made great progress in English and our school life. After a long winter holiday, I think most of us may become lazy. That’s too bad.

As we know , the early bird catches the worm. Let’s get up early and come to school on time. Listen to our teacher carefully and do our homework carefully. Do sports and keep healthy. Let’s help each other and learn from each other, OK?

Thank you for listening!

Step 2 Presentation

1. Teach the advs about frequency by talking the T’s daily activities by presenting the following on the Bb.

I’m always busy.

I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning.

I often have milk and bread for breakfast.

I sometimes come to school by bus. Sometimes I come by car.

I seldom go home by taxi.

I never go home by train or by plane.

2. Get the Ss to explain the meanings of the advs and then complete the chart in 1b, Section B.

3. Remind the Ss the positions of the advs in the sentences , pay more attention to “ sometimes.”.

4. Get the Ss to find out the words about means of transportation .Then ask them to say more and write them down . Then finish 2a. Section . Present the following on the Bb.

by bike / motorbike/bus /car/taxi/train/subway(underground)/plane(air)/ship(sea)/ boat (water)/on foot

Step 3 Practice

1. The T talks about how she comes to school .

My home is far from our school. So I sometimes come to school by bus. Sometimes I come by car because I can’t ride a bike or drive a car. Ask some Ss some questions. Then get the Ss to practice the following in a chain drill.

----How do you usually come to school?

----I usually come to school on foot/ by car---.What about you?

--- I usually come to school by bus---

2. Practice the following in pairs while the other Ss are talking about how they come to school .

---How does A usually come / go to school?

---He / She usually comes / goes to school ---

3. Look at pictures in 1b. Talk about how the kids come / go to school by asking and answering questions.

4. Choose the right sentence for each picture.

Step 4 Make a survey

Use the from in Part 3 and hand out the form to the leader of each group and get them to make a survey .Then give a report to the class.

Step 5 Listening

1. Listen to 2b. Match the means of transportation with the right people. Ask the Ss to write down the sentences is there is time.

Mr. Zhang often goes to Shanghai by plane.---

2. Listen to 1a. Answer the questions :

(1) Does Kk have a new bike?

(2) How does Kk usually come to school?

(3) How does Helen usually come to school? How about Jane?

3. Retell the dialog using the following passage:

It’s a new term . Kk meets Helen and Jane at the school gate. Kk has a new bike. It looks very nice. He often comes to school by bike. Helen usually comes to school by subway. Jane always comes to school by bus.

4. Get the Ss to practice similar conversations in groups in the next period.

Step 6 Homework

1. Copy and recite 1a.

2. Make 6 sentences with the advs of frequency.

3. Write a passage ,using the information in 2 b.

4. Preview 1a and 2a in Section B.

The Second Period

Step 1 Revision

1.Duty report The Early Bird Catches the Worm

2,Review the advs of frequency by going through the dialog in 1a .After listening and reading, circle the advs.Explain the difficult points if necessary.

3.Act out the similar dialog in 1a , Section A in groups.

Step 2 Practice

Get the Ss to practice the advs by making sentences. Try to use the advs as many as possible.

eg. I usually come to school by bike. Sometimes I come to school by bus. I never come to school by car.

Step 3. Presentation

1. Talk about the pictures in 2a ,using:

---How does Maria sometimes go home?

---She sometimes goes home by subway.

Practice the rest pictures in the same way.

2..Read the sentences in 2a. Then complete the sentences. Get them to pay attention to the similar sentences.

(1) Maria sometimes goes home _______ __________.

→Maria sometimes ________ ________ _________home.

(2) Li Xiang often comes to school ______ _____.

→Li Xiang often goes to school ______ _____ _______.

→Li Xiang often _______ __________ _______ to school.

(3) We usually go to the park _________ _________.

→We usually __________ __________the park.

(4)They always go to the zoo _______ ________.

→They always _______ _______ ______to the zoo.

3.Present more sentences like the above.

(5)They often go to Beijing by plane.

They often _____ ______Beijing.

(6)My father goes to Guangdong by car.

My father __________ ______ ___________to Guangdong.

Step 4 Consolidation

Show a form on the Bb to let the Ss learn them by heart.

Step 5 Presentation

1.The T talks about her weekends, using the phrases in Part 2 and Part 3 in Section.C. While listening, ask the Ss to find out and underline the phrases they hear.

I ‘m always happy at weekends. I usually meet my friends and go shopping with them. Sometimes I watch TV or listen to music at home. I like to cook for my family , too. It’s fun. I can cook nice food. I seldom go to the park or the zoo. I never go fishing or go swimming.

2. Get the Ss to ask and answer like the following:

---What do you usually do after school?

---I usually meet my friends. (play soccer/ play basketball/go swimming / go fishing /

go shopping/ go to the zoo / go to the park/ watch TV / see a movie /listen to music

/ play computer games---)

Step 6 Practice

1.Practice the short dialog in Part 2. in pairs.

---What does Hai Qing usually do after school?

--He usually plays soccer, but he doesn’t play basketball.

2.Teach “How often do you---?” by asking and answering questions like the following:

----Do you often meet your friends?

---Yes, I do. / No , I don’t.

----How often do you meet your friends?

----Very often. / Every day./ Seldom / Never.

Once a week. / Twice a week. /Three times a week.

3. Make sentences ,using the phrases of frequency.

Step 7 Consolidation

1. Listen to Part 3 in Section B. Then check the answers.

2.Try to retell the passage. Then ask the Ss to write down the passage after class.

Step 8 Homework Write a passage ,using the information in Part 3.Section B.

The Third Period

Step 1. Revision

1. Duty report. Get the Ss to talk about their daily activities. Try their best to use the advs of frequency.

2. Revise the similar sentences taught in 2a, Section B by translating sentences in different ways.

Step 2 Practice

1. Listen to Part 3, Section D. Then check out the answers.

2. Ask questions about the sentences.

eg. (1)How does Miss Yang always go to Wuhan?

(2)How often does Mr. Rui go to Nanjing by train?

(3)How does Mr. He sometimes go to his office?

(4)How does Ms.Wang often go to the Great Wall?

(5) How often does Tom go to Xi’an by bus?

Step 3. Practice

Ask and answer questions about the Ss daily life.

(1) ---What time do you usually get up ---

----I usually get up at ---

have breakfast go to school have lunch play soccer go home / get home do one’s homework go to bed

(3) What time do classes begin in the morning? (2) How many classes do you have in the morning and in the afternoon?

(4) What do you often do after school?

(5) How often do you play soccer?

(6) What do you often do after dinner?

Step 4 Presentation

1. Lead to the passage in Part 2, Section D. Get a student or two to change the subject “Jane “into “I “ and read the passage. While he/ she is reading, the others complete the table as quickly as possible.

2. Check out the answers by answering the questions.

What time does Jane ---?

What does she do at ----/ after---?

3. Read through the whole passage and find out the difficult points. Explain them if necessary.

(1) Classes begin at eight.

(2)She takes the subway home.

(3) She gets home at five thirty.

(4) She often does her homework and then watches TV for a little while/ for a short time

Step 5. Consolidation

Guide the Ss to talk about their daily activities . If there is time,get one or two Ss to talk about it in class.

Step 6. Homework

Write a passage with the topic “ My Day.”

The Fourth Period

Step 1.Revision

1. Duty report. Get some Ss to talk about “My Day.”

2. Say something about “Jane’s Day” by using the key words on the card.

Step 2. Practice

1. Get a student to act as Michael and introduce his school life ,The passage may come from 1a. Section C.

Hello! I ‘m Michael. I come from the U.S.A. Now I ‘d like to talk about the school life of the American Ss. They usually take a school bus or walk to school. Very few Ss ride bikes to school. They often have lunch at school. They seldom eat out on weekdays. They don’t have a short rest after lunch. Classes begin at 1:30 in the afternoon. School is over at 3 :00. In their free time, they often play basketball or soccer, go swimming and so on, They have ball games four times a year.

2, Answer the questions in 1B after listening.

3. Get another Ss to act as a Chinese Ss and talk about the school life of the Chinese Ss.

Hello! My name is --- I ‘m from China. I think our school life is different from that of the American Ss. We usually come to school by car or by bike. We usually have lunch at home or at school. We can have a short rest after lunch. Classes begin at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. School is over at 4:45. We can’t do many things after school because we are busy, We have to do much homework.

Step 3 Consolidation’

Show a form to compare the differences about the school life between the American Ss and the Chinese Ss.

Step 4. Presentation4. Talk about the differences according to the form

1. Present the interview in 1a . The T acts as the interviewer and one Ss acts as Michael. Act out the dialog before the class.

2. Get the Ss to listen to the dialog and underline the difficult points. Explain them if necessary.

Step5.Pair work

Practice the dialog in pairs. Act out the dialog if there is time.

Step 6 Homework




1. 理解动量的概念,知道动量的定义,知道动量是矢量 2. 理解冲量的概念,知道冲量的定义,知道冲量是矢量 3. 知道动量的变化也是矢量,会正确计算一维的动量变化。

4. 理解动量定理的含义和表达式,能用动量定理解释现象和进行有关的计算。


1. 冲量I:


单位 牛·秒





2. 动量P:





3. 对动量定理Ft=mv’-mv的认识







4. 如何计算力的冲量与物体的动量(或动量的变化量)




例1. 质量为m的足球以v0的速率水平飞来,足球运动员在极短的时间内将它以原速率反向踢出去,求该运动员对足球的冲量。

分析与解:运动员对足球的冲量是变力的冲量,且作用力及作用时间均未知,故只能由动量定理求解,设足球后来的动量方向为正方向,则末动量为mv0,初动量为-mv0,由动量定理得I=mv0-(-mv0)=2mv0 运动员对足球的冲量方向与足球的末动量方向相同。


分析与解:本题既可由ΔP=mv’-mv求解,也可由动量定理求解。如果用前一种方法解,要用矢量三角形求解,较为麻烦,而如果由动量定理求解,则很简便。因为手榴弹在平抛过程中只受重力作用,帮手榴弹动量的变化量应等于其重力的冲量,又重力为恒力,则有 Δp=mgt t向下。

5. 动量定理在解题中的妙用


例1 如图1所示,质量M=10kg的木楔ABC静置于粗糙水平地面上,动摩擦因数μ=0.02。在木楔的倾角θ为30°的斜面上,有一质量m=1.0kg的物块由静止开始沿斜面下滑。当滑行路程S=1.4m时,其速度v=1.4m/s,在这过程中木楔没有动。求地面对木楔的摩擦力的大小和方向。(g取10m/s2)解析







选取A和B组成的系统为研究对象. 对A和B组成的系统而言,碰撞过程中的相互作用力为内力,其总冲量为零.故知系统所受摩擦力作用的总冲量等于系统动量的增量.







1. 本课预习题





A. 某一物体的动量改变,一定是速度的大小改变 B. 某一物体的动量改变,一定是速度的方向改变。C. 物体的运动速度改变,其动量一定改变。D. 物体的运动状态改变,其动量一定改变。(3).如图所示,一个物体在与水平方向成θ角的拉力F的作用下匀速前进了时间t,则()

A. 拉力F对物体的冲量大小为Ft。B. 拉力对物体的冲量大小为Ftsinθ。C. 摩擦力对物体的冲量大小为Ftsinθ.D. 合个力对物体的冲量为零。(4).下列说法中正确的是()

A. 物体所受的合外力越大,合外力的冲量一定越大 B. 物体所受的合外力越大,物体的动量一定越大。C. 物体所受的合外力越大,物体的动量变化一定越大。D. 物体所受的合外力越大,物体的动量变化率一定越大。(5).下列说法中正确的是()

A. 物体动量的方向与它所受合外力的方向相同。B. 物体动量的方向与它所受合外力的冲量方向相同。C. 物体动量变化的方向与它所受合外力的方向相同。

D. 物体的动量变化率的方向与它所受的合外力的方向相同。本课预习题参考答案:





(5)CD 2. 基础题(1).一个质量为m的物体沿倾角为θ的固定斜面匀速滑下,滑至底端历时为t,则下滑过程中斜面对物体的冲量说法正确的是()A.大小为mgtcosθ

B。方向垂直斜面向上 C.大小为mgsinθ


(2)关于物体的动量,下列说法中正确的是()A. 物体的动量越大,其惯性也越大。B. 同一物体的动量越大,其速度一定越大。C. 物体的动量越大,其受到的作用力的冲量一定越大。D. 动量的方向一定沿物体的运动方向。







(3)D 3. 应用题

(1)如图所示,某人身系弹性绳自高空P点自由下落,图中a点是弹性绳的原长位置,c点是人所到达的最低点,b是人静止时悬吊着的平衡位置.不计空气阻力,下列说 法中正确的是().

A.从P至b的过程中重力的冲量值大于弹性绳弹力的冲量值 B.从P至b的过程中重力的冲量值与弹性绳弹力的冲量值相等 C.从P至C的过程中重力的冲量值大于弹性绳弹力的冲量值 D.从P至C的过程中重力的冲量值等于弹性绳弹力的冲量值(2)一粒钢珠从静止状态开始自由下落,然后陷入泥潭中,若把在空气中下落的过程称为Ⅰ,进入泥潭直到停止的过程称为Ⅱ,则()A.过程Ⅰ中钢珠动量的改变量等于重力的冲量


C.过程Ⅱ中阻力的冲量大小等于过程1与过程Ⅱ中重力的冲量的大小 D.过程Ⅱ中钢珠动量改变量等于阻力的冲量(3)质量为m的物体在光滑水平面上以速度V1匀速运动,受到一个跟水平方向成α角斜向上拉力作

用后,经一段时间t速度变为V2,如图所示,求这段时间t内拉力的冲量. 应用题参考答案:


人从P点至a点做自由落体运动,只受重力作用;从a点至b点,受重力和绳的弹力作用,但重力大于弹力,所以人仍做加速运动,到b点时,合力为零,加速度也为零,速度达到最大值;从b点至C点,弹力大于重力人做减速运动,到c点时,人的速度变为 零.由动量定理知,从 P至 b点的过程中。人的动量增大,重力的冲量值大于弹力的冲量值;从P至C点的过程中人的动量变化是零,重力的冲量值等于弹性绳的冲量值.所以选项A、D正确.(2)AC

(3)m(V2-V1)/cosα 本题不知拉力大小,利用冲量的定义无法求解,可借助动量定理求解,但应注意宣中的力是合外力,由动量定理知:Fcosα·t=mv2-mv1 Ft= m(V2-V1)/cosα

4. 提高题


A.FA>FB,方向相反 B.FAIB,方向相反

(2)物块 A和 B用轻绳相连悬在轻弹簧下端静止不动,如图所示;连接A和B的绳子被烧断后,A上升到某位置时速度的大小为v,这 时B下落的速度大小为v’,已知A和B的质量分别为m和M,则在这段时间里,弹簧的弹力对物快A的冲量为(). A.mv B.mv-Mv’ C.mv+ Mv’ D.mv+mv’(3)水力采煤是用高压水枪喷出的水柱冲击煤层而使煤掉下,所用水枪的直径 D=3cm,水速为 60m/s,水柱垂直射到煤层表面上,冲击煤层后自由下落.求水柱对煤层的平均冲力是多少?





2.如图所示,两个质量相等的物体,在同一高度沿倾角不同的两个光滑斜面由静止自由滑下到达斜面底端的过程中,相同的物理量是()A.重力的冲量 B.弹力的冲量 C.合力的冲量




3.在以下几种运动中,相等的时间内物体的动量变化相等的是()A.匀速圆周运动 B.自由落体运动 C.平抛运动


4.质量相等的物体P和Q,并排静止在光滑的水平面上,现用一水平恒力推物体P,同时给Q物体一个与F同方向的瞬时冲量I,使两物体开始运动,当两物体重新相遇时,所经历的时间为()A.I/F B.2I/F C.2F/I D.F/I 5.A、B两个物体都静止在光滑水平面上,当分别受到大小相等的水平力作用,经过相等时间,则下述说法中正确的是()A.A、B所受的冲量相同 B.A、B的动量变化相同 C.A、B的末动量相同



A.相同时间内,动量的变化大小相等,方向相同 B.相同时间内,动量的变化大小相等,方向不同 C.动量的变化率大小相等,方向相同 D.动量的变化率大小相等,方向不同


B.物体所受外力的冲量大小等于物体动量的变化大小 C.物体所受外力的冲量方向与物体动量的变化方向相同 D.物体的动量变化方向与物体的动量方向相同




1.D 2.F 3.BC 4.B 5.D
