









本单元是围绕 In the circus开展活动和练习,将话题和功能紧密结合。通过控制性练习,为学生提供练习活动。并通过游戏活动,为学生提供在真实语言环境中运用语言的机会。教学各步骤环环紧扣,在语言功能和交际功能之间建立一种联系,使学生的学习循序渐进,逐步提高。



《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》 (教育部, 2003) 指出:高中学生学习英语, 可以促进心智、情感、态度与价值观的发展, 可以促进他们的综合人文素养的提高, 可以促进他们的全面发展。的确, 英语课堂一定要能够通过多种方式提高学生的知识水平和能力水平, 从而帮助学生拓展视野。阅读课在英语教学中占主导地位, 是实现这一目标的主阵地。可以说, 要真正实现这一目标, 提高高中英语课堂教学的实效性是关键。本人在英语阅读教学中, 一直牢记这一理念, 以切实提高英语阅读教学课堂的有效性为宗旨。下面, 我以《牛津高中英语》 (译林版) 第一模块第二单元 (Growing Pains) Reading部分的文章———Home Alone为例, 就如何提高高中英语课堂教学的有效性提几点浅见。

二、注重教学设计, 有针对性地备课

教学设计是课堂教学有效性的关键, 成功的课堂教学设计有利于英语课堂教学的科学化, 有利于发挥学生的创意和想象力, 调动学生的积极性, 使学生有机会表达自己的看法和观点, 提高课堂教学的有效性。我在对这一课时进行教学设计时, 着重从以下几点入手:


这堂Reading--Home alone是整个单元Growing Pains的一部分。应该说, 这个单元的话题贴近学生生活, 反映了许多在成长过程的学生的身心, 能够引起他们的共鸣。因此, 在进行这堂课的教学设计时, 我就希望通过这堂课的学习, 不仅能提高学生的阅读技能, 同时也要让学生们在这堂课中得到成长, 让学生们知道Growing Pains是每个人成长的过程都会经历的, 让他们通过本课的学习更加地理解父母, 感受父母对他们的爱。

另外, 在对这堂课进行设计时, 我已了解我们班学生大部分属于性格活泼开朗的, 接受能力都比较快, 愿意接受新事物, 但是部分学生学英语还处于哑巴英语的层面, 在语言表达能力方面有一定困难。因此, 我选择资料时, 尽量挑选了一些形式较活泼且又接近日常生活容易表达的资料, 让每个学生都有信心充分地表达自己, 畅所欲言。


英语课堂教学目标的制定应建立在分析教材内容和学生特点的基础上。本课的教学目标分为:A.技能目标:能通过本课的学习, 一方面, 学生提高阅读能力和理解能力及阅读解题技巧的能力;另一方面, 让学生讨论自己在成长过程中遇到的困惑、讨论自己在平时和父母相处的过程中, 跟父母之间由于代沟所造成的不愉快。B.知识目标:通过本课的学习, 学生掌握一些语言的常用表达方式, 不仅拓宽了知识面, 也积累一些词汇量和基本的句子结构。C.情感态度目标:通过课堂学习, 学生意识到父母的不易, 以及父母对他们的期盼和深切的爱, 从而更加珍惜父母给他们的学习机会, 同时也会更加理解和感恩父母, 一定也能够和父母更好地和谐相处!

3.挖掘教材, 搜集资料, 进行科学有效的教学设计。

在确定了本课的教学重点和教学目标之后, 我对本课的教学有了一个大致的思路。然后, 我再利用网络资源, 搜集了一些视频和图片资料, 对本课进行了细致的教学设计。我的主要教学设计及过程如下:

(1) Step 1:Lead in

Show some pictures to the stu- dents.

(2) Step 2:Fast Reading

Read the passage quickly and an- swer three questions according to the passage.

(3) Step 3:Careful Reading

Read the passage carefully and finish some multiple choice exercises.

(4) Step 4:Listening

Listen to the passage and finish the blanks according to the passage.

(5) Step 5:Consolidation

Use “Task-based” exercise to consolidate what the students have learnt.

(6) Discussion

(7) Homework

4.及时解决在教学设计中遇到的困惑, 找到有效的解决策略。

在进行教学设计时, 我碰到的困惑主要在于如何让学生在掌握课文内容、 把握课堂知识点的基础上同时获得情感的升华, 真正学有所得。针对这一困惑, 我请教了组里其他老师, 并下载了多个教学资源, 认真学习了别人的宝贵教学心得。同时, 在学习的基础上, 结合我班实际, 在设计问题的时候, 尽力做到一方面紧扣教材, 结合教学内容, 另一方面也能引起学生的共鸣和思考, 从而有效地实现学生情感的升华。

三、激活教学氛围, 创设有效的课堂教学

1.遵照教学设计, 精心组织课堂教学。

按照备课环节所进行的教学设计, 我精心组织了课堂教学。在课堂导入部分我展示了一些学生们非常熟悉的也是深有体会的几张图片, 如父母不分青红皂白批评小孩回家晚了, 上网, 带他们参加各种补习班, 干涉他们追星等。这些图片一下子就把学生的热情调动起来了。 随后我问了他们几个问题:1) Have you had this kind of experience? 2) Do your parents interfere with your life and make decisions for you? 3) Do your parents trust you? 4) Will you talk with your parents when you have problems?听到这些问题, 我发现同学们不停地点头或是摇头, 有些同学甚至大喊理解万岁。通过这些图片的导入, 很自然地引导了Generation Gap上, 并且通过一个视频短片《小鬼当家》导入到今天的主题———Home alone.

本着提高学生快速阅读能力的这一宗旨, 在快速阅读部分, 我设计了三个小问题, 让他们在对文章有个大概了解的基础上, 快速找到问题的答案。

在学生进行了快速阅读, 对文章有了大致的了解后, 我又让他们进行细读, 并依照高考阅读理解的题型, 设计了几个选择题, 让学生进行操练。这样, 大部分学生都对文章有了一个较好的理解。

为了加深他们的印象, 并且提高学生听和写的能力, 我让学生把书合上, 听了一遍录音, 然后我要求他们完成一篇我在课前对课文进行的改写的短文。

最后, 通过一篇任务型阅读, 对学生们的掌握情况进行检测。通过这几个步骤, 大部分同学都很好地理解了课文。

在对课文进行了梳理之后, 我们进入了今天最重要的一个环节—讨论:Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents? If so, what’s the best way to solve the problem?这个环节可以说是这堂课的精华与高潮部分, 真正实现了对学生的情感教育。在这一环节中, 我班同学讨论异常热烈, 尤其是平时感觉经常和父母发生冲突的学生, 更是感觉自己平时受了不少的委屈, 终于有人和他们有相同的经历, 可以理解他们。在讨论了一段时间后, 同学们都能意识到父母的不易, 以及父母对他们的期盼, 对他们深切的爱。都希望和父母进行沟通, 消除和父母的分歧。他们都表示在今后要通过给父母写信, 发email, 聊天, 打电话, 一起散步, 旅游等各种方式, 同父母进行交流沟通, 减少与父母的分歧。可以说, 通过这种方式, 许多同学不仅抒发了自己的感情, 也通过与自己的同龄人交谈这种方式更好地了解了自己的父母, 真正理解和懂得了父母给他们的爱是世界上最无私最不求回报的爱, 懂得了父母所做的一切都是为了他们好, 也深深地体会了“养儿方知父母恩”这句话的深层含义。相信通过今天这堂课的学习, 我们的同学一定能够更好地成长, 也能更好地体会自己父母的不易, 从而更加珍惜父母给他们的学习机会, 同时也会更加理解和感恩父母, 一定也能够和父母更好地和谐相处!

2. 根据教学节奏和学生的学习情况, 关注好教学细节。

在本堂课的教学实施过程中, 我主要关注了以下几点:

(1) 以学生为主体, 关注全体学生的主动参与, 注重学生的个体差异。

在英语的课堂教学中, 只有真正实现教师的主导作用、学生的主体作用, 真正地调动全体学生主动参与课堂的积极性, 才能真正切实地提高课堂效率。在这堂课中, 我准备了很多学生活动, 如回答问题、单选、任务型阅读、填空、讨论自己和父母存在的代沟等。通过这些活动, 积极引导全体学生主动参与到课堂教学中来, 使他们真正成为课堂的主人和主导者。但是, 高中学生学习方式存在着差异, 在知识和能力发展水平上也有差异。 因此, 我就要满足不同层次类型的学生的需要, 真正做到面向全体学生, 共同发展。在这堂课上, 我通过有趣的视频和图片, 巧妙地引导学生, 使他们在不知不觉中参与到我们的教学中来。并且, 在问题的设计上, 我进行了精心的分析和准备, 由易到难, 并且根据学生学习能力层次的不同, 对学生进行提问, 可以说真正做到了面向全体学生, 使全体学生得到发展和进步。同时, 通过这种形式多样的课堂教学, 也能满足不同学生的个性发展, 为每个学生提供自我发展的机会。

(2) 培养学生自主学习的能力, 提高学生的综合素养。

新课改要求高中英语课程的设计与实施要有利于学生优化英语学习方式, 使他们通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法, 充分发挥自己的学习潜能, 形成有效的学习策略, 提高学生自主学习的能力。提高学生自主学习的能力就是要使学生改变传统的被动记忆﹑机械训练的学习方式, 使他们通过接触与他们生活密切相关的语言材料, 通过观察﹑ 体验﹑探究等积极主动的学习方法, 发挥自己的学习潜能, 从而提高自己的综合素养。在本课的课文教学部分, 我通过听、说、读、写等各种方式, 一方面保证了学生对课文的理解和掌握, 另一方面也让学生在解决问题的过程中, 通过自我探索的方式, 找到适合自己的解决问题的方式, 提高他们的解题技能。此外, 通过合作讨论等方式, 鼓励学生自主学习, 在自我探讨的过程中, 提高学生的语言表达能力, 同时也发展他们听说读写的综合素养。

(3) 创设良好的学习环境、吸引学生的兴趣。

良好的学习环境有助于吸引学生的兴趣和注意力, 从而提高学生的学习效率。因此, 在英语课堂教学的过程中, 我们教师也一定要能够积极探索, 为学生创设良好的课堂学习环境。这就要求我们老师在教学的过程中, 一定要发挥好自己的主导作用, 充当好学生的引导者, 把课堂还给学生, 充分发挥学生的主体作用, 让学生成为自己学习的主人。只有这样, 学生才能积极地参与到课堂教学中来, 也才能有效地提高课堂的效率。

(4) 注重学生情感, 营造宽松、民主、 和谐的教学氛围。

积极向上的情感和自信心能有效地促进自主学习, 提高学习效率。学生只有对自己、对英语、对英语学习以及英语文化有积极的情感, 才能保持英语学习的动力并取得成绩。在这堂课中, 我通过利用学生感兴趣的视频和图片, 不断地鼓励学生参与课堂教学, 关注每个学生的情感, 特别关注性格内向或学习有困难的学生, 鼓励他们做出努力尝试, 提高学生的自信心和主动性, 使整个课堂气氛轻松活泼, 大大地调动了学生的学习积极性。

此外, 在整堂课的教学过程中, 我始终牢牢把握和谐课堂的要求, 通过师生之间、生生之间的互助合作, 力争做到师生之间、生生之间、教与学之间的和谐。 在民主、和谐的课堂教学中, 实现提高课堂效率、培养学生综合素养的目标。

(5) 注重对学生进行积极有效的评价。

苍白无力的教学评价不仅对课堂教学毫无益处, 甚至还会引起学生的反感。而积极有效的教学评价, 对学生具有激励和调控的功能, 具有积极的作用, 这就要求教师在教学过程中, 要懂得评价的艺术, 善于运用多样化的、有创造性的评价手段, 及时对学生进行合理有效地评价, 调动学生参与课堂教学的积极性和主动性, 从而提高课堂教学的有效性。

四、及时进行教学反思, 在反思中提高

在新课程形式下, 一个教师想要不断地提高自己的专业素养, 从而提高自己的课堂教学实效, 就要不断地进行教学反思。在本课的教学中, 我认为本课的成功之处主要包括以下几点:

1.在本课的教学实践中, 教学目标明确, 教学内容面向全体学生。

2.教学过程的安排合理到位, 科学地利用了教学时间和现代化的教学手段, 创设积极、和谐的教学氛围, 善于启发学生思维, 调动了学生的积极性, 同时, 组织和鼓励了学生的自主学习, 培养和提高全体学生的综合能力素养。

3.在课堂教学过程中, 牢牢把握教师的主导地位、学生的主体地位, 从而真正实现高效地组织课堂教学。

4.实现了教学目的, 完成了教学任务, 在调动学生积极性的基础上, 使大多数学生能当堂理解和掌握所教内容, 形成良好的学习方法。

5.利用积极有效的课堂教学评价, 使学生真正地体会到成功后的喜悦, 也能更有效地调动他们主动参与课堂的积极性。

当然, 本课也存在一些不足之处, 如少部分性格内向的学生在进行讨论的时候还比较害羞, 没有很好地融入到讨论中。此外, 由于课堂时间有限, 给学生思考反思的机会还不够。

摘要:新课程理念下的高中英语课堂对高中英语教师提出了新的要求。英语教师要能够适应课程标准的要求, 把理论和实践结合起来, 不断地对自己的课堂教学进行分析和反思, 从而提高自己的英语教学水平、提高英语课堂教学的有效性。鉴于阅读理解在高考中的重要性, 本文结合阅读教学实例, 重点探讨阅读课堂教学的实效性, 并进行及时的分析与反思。




本单元的内容还是比较容易理解,从句型上来说,是在以前What’s in/on/...?的基础上加以新内容,教学的`重点放在处理介词方位上,如何更有效地记住这些单词,并能够准确运用。在进行介词新授时,我设计了“猜方位”的小游戏,从中引出各种介词,在学生快速的掌握好方位介词后,及时的将介词用于重点句型“What’s in/on/...? There’s ….”

在操练句型“What’s in/on/...? There’s ….”时,我充分利用教室中的事物,与学生开展问答。由于问答贴近学生的实际,吸引了学生的兴趣,学生积极地参与到学习中来。我尽量采用“任务性”的教学途径,根据目标结合教学内容。在巩固句型时,我利用Yang Ling’s bedroom的图片,让学生巩固介词的学习。在学生仔细观察卧室图片后,我及时的提出问题:“What’s in/on/...?”,让学生能够有效地操练句型。此外,我利用多媒体出示classroom, playground, office的图片, 为学生提供更多语言操练的机会。






本单元所面对的是刚入学的一年级学生。由于是初学英语,所以他们的语言积累几乎为零,可以运用的只能是前一单元所学的内容,因此课前的复习必不可少。学生只有完全掌握了这些单词后,才能顺利地进行后面的词组跟读等练习。刚入学的学生生性好动,如何让他们在“玩中学”,是上好课的关键。在Yes or No这个练习中,我要求学生回答时配以一定的动作,如做小兔子表示对,做小猪表示错,增加了练习的童趣,受到学生的欢迎。

同时在日常生活中注重语言的积累,养成用英语打招呼的习惯,“Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening,先让学生听,紧跟着说,然后过渡到听短语,用学习用品来展示。整个练习中,学生始终处于“动”的状态,而他们这种“动”是围绕授课内容有目的`地动,对习得语言起着积极的帮助作用。


牛津初中英语9A Unit 2Grammar (第一课时) 。


1. 能听、说、读、写句型would rather...than...和pre-fer...to...

2. 能运用would rather...than...和prefer...to...的句型来表达自己喜欢做的事。

3. 能读懂语法部分出现的图及文章, 看懂语法部分的英语讲解。

4. 能用would rather...than...和prefer...to...造句, 正确地使用不定代词, 完成评价手册中相关的练习。


能运用would rather...than...和prefer...to...的句型来表达自己喜欢做的事。


能区分would rather...than...和prefer...to...的用法, 学会用英语表达选择和喜好。



Step 1.Revision.

让学生从已学过的Comic strip和Reading中找出含有would rather...than...和prefer...to...的句子, 并说出中文意思。

Step 2.Presentation.

1. 导入新课。

用PPT呈现学生感兴趣的图片, 问学生的喜好。引出新授句型would rather...than...和prefer...to...

(设计理念:利用多媒体的图片问学生的喜好, 从而引出表示选择和喜好的句型的复习, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 拉近师生距离。)

2. 新课的讲解。

(1) 教师板书would rather...than...和prefer...to...句型, 并进行教学。

(2) Work in pairs.根据PPT图片, 学生用would rather...than...和prefer...to...来谈论个人的偏好。

(设计理念:利用多媒体教学手段展示形象生动的画面, 充分地调动了学生的积极性, 吸引了全体学生的注意力, 同时小组合作不仅可以训练学生的口语和听力, 同时也促进学生间的合作和交流。)

(3) 引导学生自己初步总结出怎样用would rather...than...和prefer...to...句型来谈论个人的偏好。

(设计理念:教师从旁指导、学生自己总结的效果比教师直接讲解的效果更好, 学生的印象会更加深刻。)

Step 3.Practice.


2.学生之间问答, 表达自己在色彩、服装、食品、活动等方面的偏好。

3. 点名让学生汇报。

4. 学生独立完成第31页的练习。

(设计理念:用多种操练方式来培养学生运用英语的能力, 符合“词不离句”的认知规律。同时由口头练习转换到笔头练习, 让学生在合作交流中练习了口语, 也兼顾了学生的笔头练习, 让学生进一步了解了这两个句型的用法。)

Step 4.Consolidation.

1.小练习。用would rather...than...和prefer...to...结构造句。

(1) sleep/go out.

(2) buy books/buy clothes.

(3) walk to the mall/take the bus.

(4) eat Chinese food/eat Western food.

(5) go to the cinema/watch TV.

2.学生先独立思考, 后小组讨论完成“Work out the rules!”部分。

(设计理念:通过小练习来巩固所学内容。总结规律时, 学生不仅学会了独立思考, 还再次在合作小组中展开了积极的讨论。)












在热身阶段,我通过改编生日歌曲,把Good morning巧妙地放入歌曲中,引入课题。 激起学生学习兴趣的同时,也达到了铺垫新知的作用。为了让孩子们在真实情境中感知学习内容,我通过介绍Amy的一天学生家庭生活,让所学的句型Good morning/afternoon/evening穿插在故事中,即联系实际,又能激发学生的学习兴趣。

此次听课教研活动的主题涉及一年级学生课堂常规,为了让孩子们从小养成良好的课堂学习习惯。现代教育观认为,教育不仅要让孩子学到科学文化知识,更重要的是让孩子掌握学习的方法和途径,而良好的方法有赖于良好的学习习惯。好的习惯可以克服惰性、化解困难、培养自信。差的习惯让人玩物丧志、不思进取。小学是基础教育时期,在打好孩子基本功的同时,培养他们良好的学习习惯是关键。我结合自身的.教学风格,设计了各种活动,比如炸弹游戏,拍手游戏等来巩固所学的新知Good morning/afternoon/evening,让孩子们在玩中学,学中完,真正达到了寓教于乐的目的。同时,我还通过各种评价方式,调控课堂的同时,激励学生学习的兴趣。

当然,通过这一堂课,我也认识到自己还有很多待改进的地方。比如,在一年级英语课堂教学中,教师不必顾忌使用,有时候中文的提示往往会达到事半功倍的效果。 Amy的一天这个故事,没能充分利用好,可以在巩固拓展环节时,和学生一起,把故事复述一遍。既达到了复习的目的,又可以让学生在真实场景中运用所学知识。整节课下来感觉“前紧后松”,前半节课节奏很快,但新单词未深入,导致后面学生很难在真实场景中运用,难点难以突破。板书设计可以更科学,应把三个重点句型一直贴在黑板上,起到提示的作用。最好的Homework全是英文,学生看不懂,不应该为了展示而去设计,要充分考虑到学生的实际特点和需要。



Home alone


Teaching Aims:

To grasp the general idea of the play.

To know about American family life and problems that happen between American teenagers and their parents

To know how to solve problems between teenagers and parents

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

Learn to analyze the emotions of each character from the instructions of the play.

Learn to solve the solve problems between teenagers and parents

Teaching Methods:

Discussion in pairs or in groups; task-based in-class activities; writing a letter, performance

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom; a basketball ,a suitcase

Teaching Procedures:


Show three family photos to students.

Get students to think about the following questions:

Do you always have a good relationship with your parents?

Have you ever argued with them?

What have you argued about ?

Step Ⅱ Fast Reading

1. Get students to read the play and finish the following two questions:

(1)Why do the parents get angry?

(2)Why is money for dog food gone?

Step ⅢCareful reading

Task One :True or False

Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to the play.

Mon and Dad were back from their holiday a week earlier. F week→day

Eric was happy when seeing his mother. F happy→ frightened

Parents left Daniel in charge. T

The boys spent the money seeing the vet for Spot. T

The room was very clean and tidy when their parents came back. F clean→in a mess

Daniel didn’t have a chance to explain what had happened. T

Mom felt regretful for what they said to Daniel. T

Boys didn’t use up the money from their parents F didn’t use→ used

Task Two: Detailed information

1. Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the form

Characters Things they doFeelings

Mom and Dad just coming back from vacation excited, dis

disappointed, angry

Eric playing soccer at home surprised and frightened

Daniel stay in another room sorry, angry

2. Please read Act Two carefully and fill in form:

Characters Things they do Feelings

Danielexpressing his angerangry

Eric comforting his brother calm

Mom talking about the things that happened today sorry and regretful

Dad strong-willed/ stubborn

3. Choose the best answer.

(1) The reason why the dog walks slowly is that the dog B .

A. ate too much to walk fast B. was seriously ill

C. was just tired D. was given nothing to eat

(2) What did the boys do with the money the parents left? D

A. They lost it. B. They had a party with it.

C. They bought some food to eat with it. D. They sent the dog to the hospital with it.

(3) Why were the boys angry? The reasons are as follows except that C .

A. the parents didn’t give the boys a chance to explain

B. the parents didn’t believe in the boys

C. the boys were attacked by the dog

D. the parents thought the boys were of great fault

(4) The reason why the house was so dirty is that D .

A. Spot pulled the dirty out of the trash can B. the boys forgot to clean the room up

C. the parents were back one day earlier than expected

D. the boys had no time to clean it

(5) Which sentence is TRUE according to the text? A

A. The parents thought the boys would act as adult. B. Eric slammed the door.

C. Spot was one of the parents’ sons. D. The parents asked Spot something instead of shouting at the boys.

Step ⅣDiscussion

If you were a psychologist, please help Daniel to solve his family problem. Please find out the reasons and solutions

Step ⅤWriting

Help Daniel to write a letter to his parents to explain the truth.

Step VI Homework


- To introduce vocabulary used in British English and American English

- To distinguish between British and American usage

- To sort out vocabulary


British English American English

1. American football

2. autumn

3. break

4. corridor

5. dustbin

6. lift

7. film

8. football

9. ground floor

10. Maths

11. rubber

12. secondary school 1. football

2. fall

3. recess

4. hall

5. garbage can

6. elevator

7. movie

8. soccer

9. first floor

10. Math

11. eraser

12. high school

Pre-task activities 1. Have my students read the words after the teacher. Pay attention to the pronunciation and the spelling of words.

During-task activities 2. Check the answers in pairs, then in class.

British English American English

13. American football

14. autumn

15. break

16. corridor

17. dustbin

18. lift

19. film

20. football

21. ground floor

22. Maths

23. rubber

24. secondary school 13. football

14. fall

15. recess

16. hall

17. garbage can

18. elevator

19. movie

20. soccer

21. first floor

22. Math

23. eraser

24. high school

3. Practice.

1) Say the words after the teacher.

2) Practice in pairs.

3) Make sure my students are able to use the words.

4. Have my students do Part B, on Page 19.

Check the answers in class.

Practice reading the words.

Post-task activities

Unit 2 School lives (Pp. 20 – 22) Reading


- To guess general meanings from pictures and keywords.

- To understand feelings and opinions.

- To identify specific information about school life.

Language focus:

1. life in a British school (l. 1)

life in an American school (l. 16)

2. in Year 8 (l. 3)

in 9th grade (l. 18)

3. a mixed school (l. 4)

4. have lessons together (l. 4-5)

5. my favourite subject (l. 5)

6. how to do things for myself (l. 6-7)

how to cook healthy and tasty meals

7. have a reading week (l. 9)

8. bring in books and magazines from home (l. 11)

9. the end of each class (l. 12 - 13)

10. talk to our friends about our books (l. 13)

11. our friends’ books (l. 15)

12. as well (l. 15)

13. in Denver (l. 19)

14. have driving lessons (l. 20)

have a driving lesson

15. every day 16. twice a week (l. 23)

17. play softball (l. 23)

18. spend a lot of time practicing (l. 24)

19. go to a ‘buddy club’ (l. 24-25)

20. at the buddy club (l. 25)

21. older students (l. 25)

22. enjoy this a lot (l. 26)

23. a senior in 12th grade (l. 27)

24. help me learn (l. 27)

25. help me with my homework (l. 28-29)

26. listen to my problems (l. 28)

27. my hero (l. 28)

my heroes

28. during lunchtime (l. 29)

29. meet my friends (l. 29)

30. have a great time (l. 29)

31. talk to each other (l. 29-30)

32. go to shopping malls (l. 30)

33. after class (l. 30)

Pre-task activities Brainstorming and Free discussion:

What do you like in our school?

What makes you unhappy?

Which is your favourite subject?

What subjects do you study at school?

What subjects do you want to study at school?

Do you want to study in Britain?

Do you want to study in America?


During-task activities 1. Fast reading

Read the articles on Page 20 as quickly as possible. Fill in the blanks below.

Name John Nancy

School Woodland School Rocky Mountain High School

Grade 8 9

In class

(Subject) Home Economics Driving lessons

After class

(activities) A reading week Play softball; go to a ‘buddy club’

2. Detailed study of the articles and word guessing

Life in a British School

1) About a mixed school

What kind of school is Woodland School? (A mixed school.)

Who studies in a mixed school? (Boys and girls. They have lessons together.)

There are some schools for girls only. Is our school a mixed school or not? (Yes, it is.)

2) About Home Economics

Home Economics is John’s favourite subject. It is one of the subjects in Woodland School.

What can students learn in this subject? (How to cook healthy and tasty meals. ‘Tasty meals’ means meals with a pleasant taste.)

Exercise 1

Hi everybody

My name is John. I am in Year 8 at Woodland School near London. It is a mixed school. Boys and girls have lessons together. My favourite subject is Home Economics. I like learning how to cook and sew. I did not know how to do things for myself before I came to this school. Now, I know how to cook healthy and tasty meals.

3) About the reading week

Suppose you are John. Answer my questions:

- How often do the students in Woodland School have the reading week? (Every year. = once a year.)

- Can the students read all the books from the school library? (Yes, they can.)

- What can you bring in (the library) from home? (Books and magazines.)

- What must you do if you want to read books and magazines from home? (Tell our English teacher what we are reading. ‘have to’ = ‘must’)

- Who can you talk to about your books near the end of each class? (Our friends.)

- Do you like the reading week? Do you think it is too long? Why not? (We want to read all our friends’ books as well. ‘as well’ = ‘too’)

Exercise 2

Our school has a reading week every year. My classmates and I (我和我的同学们) love it. We can read any books from the school library. We can even bring in (把……带来) books and magazines from home but we have to (必须) tell our English teacher what we are reading. Near the end of (在……的结尾) each class we can talk to our friends about (对……谈论关于……) our books. The reading week is always too short because we want to read all our friends’ books as well (也).

Life in an American School

1) About driving age in the USA

- Students at 17 years old are in 12th grade in the USA.

- Students in 11th grade can have driving lessons.

Exercise 3

Hi guys,

I’m Nancy and I’m 14 years old. I’m in 9th grade (在九年级) at Rocky Mountain High School in Denver. My brother’s name is Jim. He is 17 years old. He had driving lessons (驾驶课) in school last year. Now, he drives me to school (开车送我上学) every day. This is great because it’s faster than (比……快) taking the bus.

2) About softball

- When do you play softball?

- How often do you play softball?

3) About the ‘buddy club’


1) Home Economics

2) Tasty

3) As well

4) Softball

5) Buddy

4. Detailed study of the text


Post-task activities

Unit 2 Making comparisons (Pp. 26 – 27) Grammar


- To compare two things using ‘like’ and ‘alike’

- To make comparisons using ‘the same as’ and ‘different from’

Language focus:


- Amy’s sweater is like Millie’s sweater.

- (Amy’s shoes are like Millie’s shoes.)

- Amy’s sweater and Millie’s sweater are alike.

- My uniform is the same as Simon’s uniform.

- My uniform is different from Simon’s uniform.


Words about Stationery: ruler, paper, pencil, rubber, notebook


Pre-task activities 1. What are they wearing?

Look at the picture on page 26.

- How many students are there in the picture? (Four.)

- What are they wearing?

(Daniel is wearing a yellow jacket and a scarf.)

(Simon is wearing sports clothes.)

(Amy is wearing a red sweater.)

(Millie is wearing a red sweater, too.)

- Amy’s sweater is like Millie’s sweater.

- Amy’s sweater and Millie’s sweater are alike.

Have my students read the sample sentences and remember them.

During-task activities 2. Things that are similar

1) Have my students do Part C1.

2) Check the answers in pairs.

3) Ask my students to read the sentences aloud and check the answers in class.

3. What stationery do you have?

Have my students list the stationeries they have now. Teach the words ‘notebook’ and ‘paper clips’.

Post-task activities 4. Things in your school bags.

- My pen is like yours.

- Our notebooks are alike.

Pre-task activities 5. What are they wearing?

Look at the pictures on page 27. What are the boys wearing? (They’re wearing school uniforms.)

- Daniel’s uniform is the same as Simon’s (uniform).

- Daniel’s uniform is different from John’s (uniform).

It’s better to use what my students are wearing as the presentation.

During-task activities 6. Same or different?

1) Have my students do Part D1.

2) Check the answers in pairs.

3) Ask my students to read the sentences aloud and check the answers in class.

4) Then, go through Part D2 the same way.

Post-task activities Exercises on the Workbook:

How are their daily lives? (Pp. 26 – 27)

Unit 6 An accident report (Pp. 100– 101) Integrated skills

Language focus:


1) New words:

2) Numbers in English

Structure: more … than; fewer … than; less … than

1) There are more students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Woodland School.

2) There are fewer students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.

3) Rocky Mountain High School has more students than Woodland School.

4) Rocky Mountain High School has fewer students than Woodland School.

5) Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British Students.

6) British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students.

Pre-task activities 1. John’s school, Nancy’s school and your school

1) Which school is John in? (Woodland School, Britain.)

2) Which school is Nancy in? (Rocky Mountain High School, the USA.)

3) Which school are you in? (Nanjing No. 13 Middle School.)

4) Which class are you in?

5) How many students are there in your class?

6) How many boys are there? How many girls are there?

(There are more / fewer boys than girls in my class.)

7) How many students are there in your grade?

8) How many students are there in your school? How many teachers?

9) How many students / teachers are there in Woodland School / Rocky Mountain High School?

During-task activities 2. Numbers of students, teachers and classrooms; length of summer holiday

A. Read the chart on Page 28.

1) How many students are there in Woodland School? (550.)

2) How many classrooms are there in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School? (45.)

3) How many classrooms are there in Rocky Mountain High School? (35.)

4) How long do the Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students have their summer holiday? (7 weeks.)

‘long’ & ‘length’

B. Listen to the conversation between Sandy and Daniel. Complete the table of Part A1, on Page 28.

- There are 550 students in Woodland School.

- The students in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School have 7 weeks off in the summertime.

D. Structures

1) There are more students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Woodland School.

2) There are fewer students in Rocky Mountain High School than in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.

3) Rocky Mountain High School has more students than Woodland School.

4) Rocky Mountain High School has fewer students than Woodland School.

5) Chinese students have more weeks off in the summertime than British Students.

6) British students spend less time doing their homework than Chinese students.

E. Comparing Schools, Part A2, Page 28.

F. Comparing Schools, Part A3, Page 29.

Unit 2 Talking about different schools (P. 29) Speak up


- To develop fluency in asking and answering questions about school.

- To develop interactive skills by responding appropriately.

- To transfer a model conversation to a personal situation.

Language focus:

Vocabulary: kilometre


1) How far do you live from your school?

How far is it from your home to school?

2) Do you walk to school?

Do you go to school on foot?

3) I usually take the school bus.

I usually go to school by bus.

4) What if it rains or snows?

What are you going to do / do you do if it rains or snows?

5) It doesn’t snow / rain, etc.

6) I don’t mind the rain.

Pre-task activities Mini-task I: How do you go to school?

- How do you go to school every day?

- How long does it take?

1) T – S

2) S – S

During-task activities Mini-task II: How do they go to school?

1. Listening task

- Daniel goes to school by bus.

- John walks to school

2. Reading aloud

Read after the tape twice.

3. Language studies

7) How far do you live from your school?

How far is it from your home to school?

8) Do you walk to school?

Do you go to school on foot?

9) I usually take the school bus.

I usually go to school by bus.

10) What if it rains or snows?

What are you going to do / do you do if it rains or snows?

11) It doesn’t snow / rain, etc.

12) I don’t mind the rain.

4. Role-play

Post-task activities Additional exercises on language points:

I. Fill in the blanks

Nancy: How far do you live from your school?

John: About two kilometres.

Nancy: Do you go to school on foot?

John: Yes, I walk to school every day. I like walking. And you?

Nancy: I usually ride my bicycle to school. (I usually go to school by bike.)

It’s fun (funny).

John: What if your bicycle doesn’t work?

Nancy: I don’t mind. I can take a bus then.

(I can go to school by bus then.)

II. Translation

1) The air pollution in Sunshine Town is less than that (the air pollution) in other areas of Beijing.

There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.

2) British students spend less time (in) doing their homework than Chinese students (do).

3) How far is your home from your school? About 10 kilometres.

How far do you live from your school?

About 10 kilometres.

4) I don’t mind if it will rain tomorrow.

Unit 2 My ideal school (Pp. 31 – 32) Main task


- To complete a questionnaire with personal information.

- To select specific information for an ideal school week including the choice of favourite activities.

- To generate and organize ideas about an ideal school and write an article about it for website audience.

Language focus:

Vocabulary: finish, tick, baseball, table tennis, tennis, chess, drama, support, ideal, pop, tennis court


1. get up late

2. my ideal school

3. start at 9 a.m.

4. finish at 3 p.m.

5. have lots of time for after-school activities

6. have an hour for lunch

7. a big dining hall

8. eat lunch and chat

9. listen to pop music

10. in the hall

11. eat fruite and vegetables

12. every day

13. have Maths

14. love computers

15. have Computer Studies

16. before lunch 17. wear school uniforms

18. wear ties

19. be quite small

20. in each class

21. have a park

22. on one side

23. the other

24. have a big library with lots of useful books

25. have a tennis court and a swimming pool

26. lots of clubs

27. after-school activities

28. have half an hour of homework

29. at weekends

30. go on a school trip to a museum or a theatre

Pre-task activities Mini-task I: Your ideal school

1) When does your school start / finish? When do you get up?

2) How much time do you have for lunch? What do you do after lunch?

3) What subjects do you have every day? How many students are there in your class? Do you have to wear uniforms and ties?

4) Where is your school? What is around your school? What is your favourite place in your school?

5) What do you do after class? Every month? Every year?

During-task activities Mini-task II: Daniel’s ideal school

1) Introduction: starting and finishing time of school

2) Lunchtime: length, location, food

3) Subjects, school uniform and size of classes

4) Environment and facilities

5) Clubs and activities

Post-task activities Where do you want to go on with your studies after your leave No. 13 Middle School in ?

Unit 2 Showing surprise (P. 30) Pronunciation


To recognize and use intonation patterns

To recognize and use falling voice to indicate the end of a statement

To recognize and use rising voice to show surprise

Language focus


1. monkey n.

- Joe wants to get a pet monkey.

2. news n.

- Did you hear the news?


1. Laura hurt her leg on Monday.

2. She won’t be able to play basketball for three months.

3. Look out the window. It’s snowing!

4. Mr. Wu is going to be on TV tonight.

5. Joe wants to get a pet monkey.

6. You just ate four hamburgers.

7. We’ll have cakes for dinner tonight.

8. Did you hear the news? Liu Mei is going to move to Canada.

I don’t believe it.

During-task activities Mini-task I: Poor Laura

A. Amy and Sandy are talking about their classmate Laura. Try to fill in the blanks below.

Amy: Laura hurt her leg on Monday.

Sandy: Oh, really!

Amy: She has to stay in hospital for a month.

Sandy: A month!

Amy: Yes. She won’t be (be) able to play basketball for three months.

Sandy: Three months!

B. Amy and Sandy are talking about their classmate Laura. Listen to their conversation and fill in the blanks.

C. Listen to the conversation. Pay attention to the intonation patterns. Read after the tape.

D. Role-play

Mini-task II: Intonation

A. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks.

1) Look out the window. It is snowing (snow)!

2) Mr. Wu is going to be (be) on TV tonight.

3) Joe wants (want) to get (get) a pet monkey.

4) I’m hungry.

Hungry? You just ate (eat) four hamburgers.

5) We will have (have) cakes for dinner tonight.

6) Did you hear (hear) the news? Liu Mei is going to move (move) to Canada.

B. Read the sentences and put an arrow at the end of each sentence.

C. Listen to the tape and check the answers.
