




新目标八年级英语下Unit8教案   Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf ? Analysis of Unit 8 Teaching goals : 1. 掌握如何表达应该给别人买什么礼物,掌握如何建议别人买礼物的表达法,掌握如何比较物品的品质。 2. 通过学习如何赠送礼物,对比中西方文化的不同。 Important points : 1. What should I get sb ? 2. Why don’t you get/buy sb sth ? 3. What about /How about sth ? 4. It’s/They are too + adj . 5. Present perfect tense . Difficult points : 1. too + adj : 太… 2. adj + enough :足够 Sructures: 1. What should I get my sister ? 2. Why don’t you get a camera ? hat’s too expensive . 3. How about some tennis balls ? hey are too cheap . 4. What about a watch ? That’s too personal . 5. What’s the best present you have ever received ? A bike . Period 1 Teaching of new lesson Step 1 Assign the task In this unit students learn to compare qualities . SB Page 60 , 1a . 1. Ask Ss to read the list of gifts and any words they don’t understand .Use simple drawings or use the words in other sentences to explain their meaning . 2. Point to the column heads and ask Ss to write the name of each gift under one or more other gifts you can think of ? Add them to the chart . 3. Discuss the answers . SB Page 60 , 1b . 1. Point out the picture and the gifts in the second boy’s thought bubbles .Ask Ss to say the name of each gift . 2. Then ask a pair of students to read the conversation . 3. Play the recording the first time .Ss only listen . 4. Then play the recording a second time .Number the sentences from 1 to 4 . 5. Check the answers . SB Page 60 , 1c . 1. Read the instructions and then have Ss work in pairs . 2. Check the answers by calling on several different pair of students to say their conversations to the class . Step 2 Warm up SB Page 61 , 2a . 1. Point out the chart and read the instructions .Say , You will hear three conversations .After each conversation , put a check after the name of the person who is going to receive the gift . 2. Play the recording and ask Ss to make checkmarks in the chart . 3. Check the answer . SB Page 61 , 2b . 1. Point out the suggestions and Comments .Review the meaning of any terms students are not sure of . 2. Point out the sample answers . 3. Play the recording several times .Fill in the suggestions and comments on this chart . 4. Correct the answers . SB Page 61 , 2c . 1. Ask two students to read the example in the sample dialogue in activity 2c .Say , Please work with your partner . 2. Ask one or tow pairs of students to say their answers to the class . Step 3 Grammar Focus Review the grammar box .Ask students to say the statements and responses . Exercise Cdesigning for Period 1: 汉译英 1. 我该给爸爸什么样生日礼物?照相机怎么样?那太贵了! 2. 为什么你不给妈妈买一条围巾呢?那不够有趣。 教学后记   Period 2 Teaching of new lesson Step 1 Pre-task SB Page 62 , 3a . 1. Point out the chart in activity 3a .Review the meaning of any words Ss don’t understand . 2. Ask Ss to work in pairs . 3. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Then complete the first question and answer exchange with a student . 4. Ask the pairs to continue on their own .Move around the room checking the progress of the pairs . 5. Correct the answers . SB Page 62 , 3b . 1. Read the instruction .Say ,This activity is just like activity 3qa .But this time you are going to talk about real gifts that you have received . 2. Ask a pair of students to read the example in speech bubbles to the class .Ask several other students to do this . 3. Then ask Ss to work in pairs .As they talk , move around the room checking progress and offering language support as needed . Step 2 While-task SB Page 62 , Part 2 . 1. Read the instructions .Ss can practice several times . 2. Ask two students to read the dialogue . 3. Ask Ss to complete the work in pairs . 4. Ask a few students to share the sample conversation . Exercise designing for Period 2: 完成对话 A: What’s the best  Vera has ever  ? B: A bracelet . A: When  Vera  it ? B:  his tenth birthday . A: Who  it to him ? B: His grandma . A:  a lucky guy ! 教学后记:   Period 3 Teaching of new lesson Step 1 Assign task SB Page 63 , 1a . 1. This activity reviews earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words . 2. Point out the pet shop in the picture .Ask different students to point to and say the names of the animals they see there . 3. Read the instructions .Ask Ss to write the names of the animals in the picture in the correct parts of the diagram . 4. Discuss the answers . SB Page 63 , 1b . 1. Ask a student to read the example in the sample dialogue . 2. Ask Ss to do the activity in small groups . 3. Ask different students of each group to tell the class what is the most unusual pet and most popular pet . SB Page 63 , 2a & 2b . 1. Point out the write-on lines on front of each pet .Say , You will listen to the recording and write your answers on these lines . 2. Read the instructions and answer any questions students may have. 3. Play te recording . 4. Correct the answers . SB Page 63 , 2c . 1. Read the instructions for the activity 2. Point to the example .Ask two students to read the questions and answers to the class . 3. Then have Ss work in pairs . 4. Check the answers by calling on different pairs to do one question and answer each . Step 2 While-task SB Page 64 , 3a . 1. Read the story to the class .After you finish ,ask if Ss have any questions about the words or phrases on the article . 2. Say ,Now read the story again .Write the answers to the two questions . 3. Check the answers . SB Page 64 , 3b . 1. Point to the picture and read the instructions . 2. Point out the list of good and bad things about hamster . 3. Ask Ss to finish the writing on their own .Ask Ss work , move around the classroom checking the work . 4. Ask a student to read his or her completed article to the class . SB Page 64 , 3c . 1. Read the instructions . 2. Remind Ss not to say the name of the animal they are writing about on their articles . 3. Ask Ss to write their articles on their own . SB Page 64 , Part 4 . 1. Read the instructions .Ask if any students have pets .If so ,ask about the advantages and disadvantages of such pets . 2. Ask a few groups to share their lists . 教学后记:   Period 4 Teaching of new lesson Step 1 Self Check SB Page 65 , Part 1 . 1. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks on their own . 2. Check the answers . 3. Ask Ss to make their own sentences with the words ,preferably sentences that are meaningful . SB Page 65 , Part 2 . 1. Read the instructions . 2. Ask Ss to read the passage on their own . 3. Ask Ss to work on their own . 4. Ask a few groups to share their lists . Step 2 While-reading 1. Ask Ss what English songs they like best .Then look at the picture .Ask Ss to describe what is happening in the picture . 2. Read the reading strategy with the students. Encourage Ss to use it to read the story . 3. Ask Ss to read the article once .Ask Ss to raise their hands and say which words and sentences they don’t understand . 4. Ask Ss to read the article again for comprehension . SB Page 67 , 3a . 1. Ss complete the task .Remind them to look at the story again for extra help . 2. Check the answers . SB Page 67 , 3b & 3c . 1. Read the instructions with the students . 2. Ss complete the task . 3. Check the answers . Exercise designing for Period 4 : 按要求写出下列单词 1. cheap(反义词)  2. interesting(反义词) 3. person(形容词) 4. lucky(名词)  5. friend(形容词)  6. agree(反义词) 7. good(最高级) 8. usual(反义词) 9. care(副词)  10. spend(过去式)  教学后记:



































29. 疑问词+ (do)

to live. (how,what)

to buy. (how,what)




32. 该到某人做某事的时间了


大家知道, 运用文本特征帮助解读文本, 是有效的学习策略之一。教材中的文本特征包括标题、插图、图形、表格、方框、说明、字体颜色等等。作为阅读的辅助手段, 文本特征可以帮助读者快速处理信息, 从而提高解读文本的效果。按照Field的观点, 文本特征主要有以下九大功能, 即:激活背景知识;概括主次要点;综合信息;强调重点;列清单组织信息;为重要观点提供视觉强化;用图片、表格等进行概念视觉化;提供补充信息;对主要观点进行摘要 (Field, 2007) 。文本特征这些功能决定了其能影响读者的阅读心理, 决定了是否有兴趣继续深入地读下去。因此, 解读文本, 一定要解读文本特征, 通过解读文本特征获取相关信息, 为解读文本内容做好铺垫, 同时可以根据文本特征寻求设计阅读教学活动的切入点。

鉴于文本特征所独具的价值和功能, 本文将以人教版《新目标英语》八年级下册第八单元Section B的2b阅读材料“A Country Music SongChanged Her Life Forever”为例, 探讨教师如何指导学生利用文本特征来解读阅读文本, 以达到有效解读文本的目的。

一、读前活动:利用文本特征, 走进文本解读

在文本阅读前, 如果对阅读材料的主要内容、文章结构有了一定的了解, 那么就会大大提高阅读的速度。因为根据现代图式理论, 人们的知识以图式的形式储存在人们的长期记忆中, 在处理外界信息时, 人们要利用这些图式进行预测、解释、组织并吸收这些信息。读者的阅读理解过程是对大脑图式自下而上 (bottom-up) 的资料驱动加工和自上而下 (top-down) 的概念驱动加工 (李爱军, 2011) 。所以阅读前, 首先要利用背景信息激活读者大脑中的背景知识, 从而激活大脑图式, 帮助学生理解。同时, 阅读前仔细查看阅读文本的特征是走进文本解读的第一步。因为利用文本特征进行预测、激活已有背景知识、猜测中心思想, 是阅读教学中有效解读文本的重要方法。

(一) 锁定标题, 导入文本话题

俗话说, 标题就是文章的题眼, 从标题中不仅能揣测作者的写作意图, 也能预测文章的主题和大致框架, 还能获得更多的文本隐含的信息, 为对正文的深入解读确定正确的方向。更重要的是, 它能激发学生参与自主阅读的激情和欲望。为了能够发挥导读作用, 作者总是将标题写得简洁明了, 力求用最少的文字表达最多的信息, 使读者通过阅读标题便能一目了然地了解文本, 抓住中心要点。把握好了标题就等于抓住了文章的主线, 而有了主线的引领, 在解读文本时就会准确把握方向, 学生在教师的指导下, 对文本的理解和感悟也能更为深入和透彻。因此, 阅读前, 教师要指导学生学会锁定标题, 根据标题去预测文本的内容。这样, 学生就能快速带着好奇和激情主动地投入到阅读中, 从而不断走近文本。

教学活动1: (细读标题, 预测主旨大意) Whatis this passage mainly about according to the title?

学生反馈:从标题“A Country Music SongChanged Her Life Forever”来看, 作者想告诉我们乡村音乐如何永远改变了她, 这里可能要讨论的是两件事情:What is the country music? 和Howdid the country music song change her life forever, 同时也可以让我们了解主人公Sarah的过去和现在的状况。

其实, 标题可以起到提纲挈领的作用, 从标题导入引起学生对阅读内容的猜测, 给学生提供一个由题猜文的入口, 可以激活他们的背景知识, 引发学习需要。教授每篇文章时, 教师可以依据文本引导学生运用预测、质疑、推断等策略, 探究标题的含义和文本结构等。这样学生的注意力会快速集中, 从而顺利引出文本的话题。

(二) 善用插图, 激活文本背景

插图是对文字的图解, 不仅提供直观的视觉信息和教学媒体, 还给学生提供了想象的空间, 可以让学生结合自身的知识和生活经验, 对文本内容进行大胆推测或预测。教材阅读文本的插图能起到“导教”和“导学”的作用, 形象逼真的画面再现文本的主要内容。教师可以指导学生对图片信息进行提取, 有助于学生对阅读文本有粗略的了解, 快速把握文本内容主要脉络, 合理地对信息进行处理。所以, 教师要学会利用插图解读文本内容, 让学生走近文本。

1.借助插图, 导入文本话题。如《新目标英语》八 (下) Unit 8的Section B 2b阅读文本的插图是一个清纯少女在广阔的蓝天下悠然自地得弹吉他, 让学生了解文中主人公Sarah的年龄特征及爱好, 从弹吉他联想到乡村音乐, 结合文本标题, 可以让学生明白乡村音乐改变了Sarah的生活爱好。这就会自然而然地导入文本的话题, 也为进一步学习做好铺垫。

教学活动: (细看插图, 预测女孩个性) Whatcan you infer from the picture?

学生反馈:Sarah is a teenager and she likesplaying the guitar, I think she also likes countrymusic.

教师补充 :Yes, you are clever. Sarah likescountry music, but she used to be a problem girl.The country music song changed her life a lot.

2.借用插图, 预测文本内容。还可以让学生根据Section B 2b阅读文本的插图预测文本内容是关于音乐的。以此激发学生的求知欲, 提高课堂教学效率。

教学活动: (细看插图, 预测内容) What canyou predict from the picture?

学生反馈 :I think the passage is about thegirl and her music dream.

教师补充 :Yes, you are smart. The text isabout Sarah, the country music and Sarah’s dream.

二、读中活动:利用文本特征, 深入文本解读

在阅读过程中, 教师可以根据文章内容和结构设计相应的图示和框架图来指导学生运用已有经验, 了解文本结构、文本要点和故事发展情况等, 从而深入解读文本内容。本节课笔者指导学生直接利用课后的图表练习和问答练习, 加强理解文本内容。

(一) 借助表格, 帮助理解文本

教学活动: (快速阅读课文, 完成下列表格)

通过完成以上表格的任务, 学生可以快速了解文本的一些要点, 尤其可以掌握country music相关的知识点, 为文本理解奠定基础。这一文本特征可以综合文本信息, 使阅读材料更具视觉效果。

(二) 借助问答, 厘清文本结构

为了让学生进一步掌握文本的具体细节, 笔者要求学生完成课后2c任务 (如下表) , 通过分段回答问题, 学生可以深入了解文本的内容。同时仔细观察后可以发现:这个表格的设计充分关注了文本特征对学生阅读的影响。三个表格用了三种颜色, 不仅美观, 而且能体现排序作用, 帮助学生把握文本故事情节发展过程和文本结构。

教学活动: (再次细读课文, 回答下列问题)

First paragraph

1.Who is Sarah?

2.Where is she from?

3.What does she like?

Second paragraph

1.What is country music?

2.What is country music about?

Third paragraph

1.What is Sarah’s dream?

2.Who is Garth Brooks?

学生反馈:通过第一段三个问题的回答, 让学生了解主人公Sarah的基本情况;第二段两个问题的答案让学生了解什么是乡村音乐和乡村音乐能带给人们哪些美好的回忆;通过第三段两个问题的回答让学生知道Sarah’s dream和音乐家Garth Brooks的一些信息。在回答问题的过程中, 学生可以详细地了解文本的具体内容, 理顺作者写作思路及文本结构。

三、读后活动:利用文本特征, 升华文本解读

在读后环节中, 教师指导学生再次回头关注文本特征, 可以使学生更好地深入理解文本的主旨大意和作者写作意图, 可以升华文本解读。

(一) 巧用插图, 突破文本难点

针对不同的教学内容、教学对象、教学环境等, 突破难点的方式很多。其中, 巧妙利用插图作为解决难点的突破口, 往往会将教学内容化难为易, 使学生学得轻松且愉快。

教学活动: (再看插图, 重新认识女孩) Whatdoes she look like from the photo?

学生反馈答案:She is a beautiful and outgoing girl and she is also full of sunlight等。然后让学生对比文章第一段句子:When Sarah was ateenager, she used to fight over almost everythingwith her family. 从中可以领悟Sarah的变化, 进一步认识到Sarah从桀骜不训的问题少女变成成熟文静的好少女与乡村音乐戚戚相关。

(二) 品读标题, 感悟文本内涵

标题是文本的点睛之笔, 是文章的灵魂, 也是作者对文本内容的浓缩、提炼和概括。在文本阅读结束后, 教师要再次让学生回到标题, 回忆并巩固文本的主要内容, 就会产生很好的阅读效果。同时教师也可以指导学生通过质疑、反思、重拟标题等活动, 将阅读提高到更高的层次, 升华对文本解读 (杨谢友, 2011) 。

教学活动: (再次细读标题, 感悟文本内涵) Why can the country music change her life?

学生反馈:根据学生的回答, 得到以下信息:The country music made a great difference toSarah. She used to fight over almost everythingwith her family, now she falls in love with thecountry music very much and knows the importance of the family and life, her dream is to go toNashville and see Garth Brooks sing live one day.I think music is the medicine of the breakingheart. (音乐是医治心灵创伤的良药, 这句话是笔者帮助他们翻译的。)

然后, 笔者进行补充:Music is the medicineof the breaking heart. I hope we should learn toenjoy music and love life. 通过此活动, 不但使学生在问题的引领下领悟了文本隐含的内涵, 而且让学生懂得热爱音乐和享受生活, 进一步实现教材情感目标教育。


教材中的阅读文本特征是一种重要课程资源, 在阅读文本解读中的作用不可小觑。通过本节课, 笔者发现, 如果教师在阅读教学的各环节中能有意识地开展基于文本特征的教学活动, 就可以加深学生对文本的理解, 优化阅读教学, 提高学生的阅读理解能力。所以, 在阅读教学中, 教师应有意识地关注文本特征, 揣摩编者意图, 挖掘文本特征的内涵, 最大限度地发挥文本特征在文本阅读中的教学价值。同时, 教师要巧妙地运用教材所提供的文本特征开展教学活动, 引导学生借助文本特征去解读文本, 深化文本理解, 提升阅读能力。

摘要:在英语阅读教学过程中, 如阅读前、中后各环节能围绕文本特征设计阅读教学活动, 可以充分发挥文本特征在文本解读中的引领作用, 加深学生对文本的理解和感悟, 提高阅读理解能力。具体方法有:利用文本特征, 走进文本解读, 深入文本解读和升华文本解读。



[1]Field, Mary Lee.Text Feature and Reading Comprehension[M].Beijing:People’s Education Press, 20007.

[2]刘道义, David Nunan等.新目标英语 (Go for it) 八年级下册[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 2013.

[3]王燕.利用文本特征设计阅读教学[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2009, (6) .

[4]李爱军.运用文本特征, 提高初中生英语阅读能力[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2011, (6) .

[5]杨谢友.充分利用文本特征, 提高学生阅读能力[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2011优秀论文专刊.


答 date意为“日期”,指的是具体的某年某月某日;day作可数名词,意为“一天;一日”,没有具体到哪一天。例如:

The date of her birth is February 2nd, 1996. 她的出生日期是1996年2月2日。

We cant go there today. Lets go there another day. 我们今天不能去那里,改天去吧。

问 什么叫序数词?基数词变序数词有什么规律可循吗?

答 英语中的数词分基数词和序数词两大类。基数词表示数目,序数词表示次序。基数词变序数词是有规律可循的。请同学们牢记以下口诀:

“基”变“序”很容易, 词尾加上“th”;

“一”“二”“三”无规律, 理应单独来记忆;

“八”减“t”、“九”去“e”, “f”来把“ve”替;

“二十”到“九十”, “ty”变成“tie”;

若是遇到“几十几”, 只变个位就可以。


1. 在基数词变为序数词时,多数是在基数词的词尾加-th。如:four→fourth, seven→

seventh, eleven→eleventh等。

2. one, two, three的序数词依次为first, second和third, 必须逐个记忆。

3. eight的序数词加h,即为eighth;nine在变ninth时应去掉e; five和twelve在加th之前要先把ve变为f, 即为fifth, twelfth。

4. twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty和ninety这些整十的基数词在加th之前应先将y变为ie。

5. “几十几”的基数词在变序数词时,只需把个位数变为序数词即可,而十位数、百

位数、千位数等不变。如:forty-three→forty-third, two hundred and six→two hundred and sixth等。

问 能讲讲英语中日期的写法吗?

答 好的。日期的写法有多种,我们仅介绍最常见的一种。

1. 表示月、日时,先写月再写日。例如:

6月1日:June 1(st)

2. 表示年、月、日时,要将年份放在最后,其前用逗号与月、日隔开。例如:

2006年10月19日:October 19(th), 2006

问 My mothers 40 years old. 和My mothers birthday is November 12th. 两句中的My mothers用法有什么区别?

答 第一句中的My mothers是My mother和系动词is的缩写;第二句中的My mothers是名词所有格,作定语,用来修饰birthday。

问 什么叫名词所有格?它是怎么构成的?有何用法?

答 名词所有格表示名词的所属关系,有两种形式:一种是“s”形式;另一种是“of +介词短语”形式。本单元出现的主要是“s”形式的名词所有格。其构成及用法如下:


1. 在多数情况下,直接在名词的词尾加s就可以构成名词所有格。例如:

Toms dog汤姆的狗

2. 以-s或-es结尾的复数可数名词形式的所有格是在其词尾只加,不加s。例如:

the students reading room学生阅览室

3. 不以-s或-es结尾的复数可数名词形式的所有格是在其词尾加s。例如:

Childrens Day 儿童节



This isnt Anns bag. 这不是安的包。

My bike is old, but Bills is new. 我的自行车是旧的,但是比尔的是新的。


Ⅰ. 用day或date填空。

1. —Whats the ______ today?

—It is December 31st.

2. There are twenty-four hours in a ______.

Ⅱ. 写出下列基数词相对应的序数词。

1. one ______ 2. two _____

3. three ______ 4. five ______

5. eight ______ 6. nine _____

7. twelve _____ 8. nineteen ______

9. twenty ______ 10. thirty-six ______

Ⅲ. 选择填空。

( )1. This is ______ backpack.

A. AnnaB. Annas

C. AnnasD. Annas

( )2. These apples are ______.

A. Guo PengsB. Guo Pengs

C. Guo PengD. Guos Peng

( )3. —Whose (谁的) coat is this?

—Its ______.

A. my teacherB. my teacher

C. my teachersD. my teachers

( )4. There are usually (通常) ______ days

in a month.

A. thirtyB. thirtieth

C. thirtyth D. thirtys

( )5. March is the ______ month of a year.

A. threeB. thirdC. threethD. thirdth

( )6. Fifteen and ______ is thirty.

A. fifteenB. fiftyC. fifteenthD. fiftieth

( )7. April 4th is Toms _____ birthday.

A. fourteenB. fourteenthC. fourD. nineth

( )8. Lisa is _____ years old.

A. eightB. eighth

C. eightthD. eighteenth

( )9. Today is October ______.

A. oneB. first







11、are_________________12.is__________________ 13.hang__________________14.swim__________________ 二.短语翻译。

1.去海滩__________________2.去动物园__________________ 3.和朋友闲逛__________________4.在…结束的时候__________________ 5.在…开始的时候 __________________6.go to the aquarium__________________

7.get one’s autograph________________8.all day__________________

9.have a great time________________10.after lunch_______________________________ 11.那听起来很有趣__________________12.开车兜风__________________ 13.和朋友闲逛__________________14.在将来__________________ 15.很快乐的做某事__________________16.take notes of__________________ 17.for sale __________________18.in one’s opinion__________________ 19.win the first prize__________________20.a busy day off __________________ 三.词汇运用。..1.They don’t live here now.They m______(搬到)to Beijing last year.2.I h______(闲逛)out with my friends in the mall the day before yesterday.3.Luckily, I m______(遇到)him at the movie theatre.4.What do you want to do in the f______(将来)?He went for a d______(兜风)with his girlfriend just now.6.I was busy the w______day(整天), I was busy d______(做)chores.7.Jim had much fun s______(滑冰)last Sunday.8. What e______(其他事情)did you do on your last day off?=What o______(其他的)things did you do on your last day off?

9.Many v______(游客)from Xiamen came to our school last Friday.10.He w______(赢得)first prize in the competition yesterday.11.At the e______(结束)of the day, Gina was very happy because she bought many books.12.The story s______(听起来)interesting, and we are i______(感兴趣)in it.13.He can play basketball______(好)四.单项选择。


()1.We took a lot of photos _____ the school trip.A.inB.onC.at

D.for()2.We all felt _____ after such a long walk.A.tiredB.tiringC.interestingD.happily

()3.His mother is ill.He has to have two days _____.A.ofB.outC.offD.down()4.Mary didn’t like math._____, she liked Chinese history very much.A.AndB.ButC.HoweverD.So()5.Yesterday I met Liu Xiang._____, I got his autograph.A.HappyB.HappilyC.LuckyD.Luckily()6.I think there _____ less pollution in the future.A.will be




()7.I heard there _____ more pollution in this town in the past.A.will beB.wasC.isD.had

()8.Last Sunday we went to the aquarium and _____ a dolphin show.A.seeingB.watchingC.sawD.watched

()9._____ the end of the street you can find the shop.You can’t miss it.A.AtB.ByC.InD.On()10.Though it rained hard, they still played football _____ the rain.A.underB.forC.inD.with()11.The weather was terrible.They didn’t have fun _____ in the park.A.to playB.playedC.playD.playing()12.“_____ was your day off?”“”It was just so-so.”





()13.How many students _____ there in the aquarium last Saturday?A.isB.wasC.areD.were()14.Do you know who _____ a prize in the singing contest?A.wonB.tookC.madeD.had()15._____ my opinion, the school trip was really interesting.A.AboutB.InC.ToD.With()16.Don’t make your child _____ all day.It’s bad for his health.A.studyB.to studyC.studyingD.studied


1.两小时前我们做完了作业。We _________ our homework _________ _________ _________.2.昨天我看了一部有关未来生活的电影。Yesterday I saw a movie ______ living ______ ______ ____.3.Lucy在上周的唱歌比赛中获得了第一名。Lucy __________ __________ __________ __________ in the singing competition last week.下个休息日我打算去长城。On _______ _______ ______ _______, I am going to the Great Wall.5.你还有另外什么想告诉我们吗? __________ __________ would you like to __________? 6.上周星期天整天都在下雨。我们只得呆在家里。

Last Sunday it rained ________ ________.We ________ ________ stay at home.7.假日你们玩的高兴吗? __________ you __________ __________ on your day __________.十、书面表达根据汉语提示,用My Happy School Trip为题写一篇不少于70词的短文。提示:1.上周同班上同学一起去野餐(picnic);2.坐公共汽车到达山脚下(at the foot of),然后开始爬(climb)山;3.山上景色很美;4.大家一起唱歌跳舞,吃野餐并拍照;



1.give sb sth =send sb sth送给某人某东西get sb sth=buy sb sth给某人买某东西

2.tennis balls羽毛球3.photo album相册 3.make a special meal做一餐

特别的饭4.comment on sth /sb就某人、某物发表评论

5.a pot-bellied pig named connie一只名叫康妮的大肚子猪5.too…for sb to

do sth对 某人来说太。。而不能做某事6.make sb sth =make sth for sb为

某人做某事7.spend some time with sb与。。一起度过时间8.easy to

take care of 容易照看9.be noisy吵闹的be quiet 安静的10 all day and all night 整天整夜 11.give away 赠送12.rather than…与其。。。不

如。。。好、是。。而不是。。。13.improve English提高英语14.from across

china来自全中国across china =all over china 全中国15.take part in


16.sing clearly清醒地演唱17.make progress 取得进步18.encourage sb to do sth

鼓励某人做某事19.hear of /about sth 听说20.take an interested in …=be

interested in..对。。感兴趣21.make friends with sb …与。。交朋友22.in

different ways 用不同的方式23.a native speaker of English 说英语的本地人


1.What do you think of the gifts ?你觉得这些礼物怎么样?

They’are cheap /expensive/boring /interesting/too personal/not special enough/not creative


2.What should I get my mom for her birthday ?我该买什么送给我的母亲做为她的生日礼物呢?

How about /What about a scarf ?一条围巾怎么样?

Why don’t you buy a scarf ?你为什么不买条围巾呢?=Why not get her a scarf ?

That’s a good idea.那是一个好主意/That sounds good.那听起来不错/She’ll like it.她会喜


3.What’s the best gift you have ever received?你曾经收到的最好的礼物是什么?A watch.一块手表

Who gave it to you ?谁送给你的? My mother.我的母亲。

When did you get it ? 你什么时候收到的?On my tenth birthday.在我十岁生日的时候。

4.What a lucky guy!一个多么幸运的家伙!

5.The shoes aretoo big for me to wear.这双鞋对于我来说太大了不能穿。.I don’t have enough time to spend with her.我没有与她度过足够的时间。

7.The same gift may be given away to someone else.这同样的礼物可能被送给其他人。

8They will pay for a park bench or a tree to remember a person.他们会买一条公园的长


9.Some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buy them gifts.一些人请求他们的家人和朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不是买礼物送给他们。.In Sweden ,doing something for someone is the best gift.在瑞典替某人做事是最

好的礼物。Instead, making a meal is enough.相反,做一餐饭就足够了。

11Some of these singers were able to sing English songs just as well as native speakers.这些歌手中的一些人能够唱得和本地歌手一样的好。

12.She said that singing English songs made her more interested in learning english.她说唱英文歌曲使得她对学英语更感兴趣

13.This kind of contest encourages people in China to speak English.这种比赛鼓励中国人说英


14.Have you ever heard of the Beijing Speaks English program ? 你曾经听说过北京人说英语的节目吗?

15.Besides singing English songs ,there are many other fun ways to learn English.除了唱英文


16.The pen cost me 10 dollars.=I spent 10 dollars on the pen.=I paid for 10 dollars.我花了10




1.amusement park 游乐园water park 水上公园water city水上城市

2.have/has been to …去过某地have /has gone to …去某地了

3.end up结束4.all the time始终,一直

5.take a ride乘坐6..have fun doing sth 做某事有乐趣

7.reason for…------的理由8.think about 思考,考虑9.in fact实际上

10。want to do sth想要做某事want to be想要成为。。11.all year round 一年到头

12.be close to ….=be near to… 靠近------13.have a hard /difficult time with sth /doing

sth=have any problem doing sth 做某事费力14.in Southeast Asia 在东南亚

15.a wonderful place to take a holiday 一个度假的好地方.16.three quarters of the

population17.I fear that ….我担心,我害怕--------18.an excellent place to try new

food 一个尝试吃新食物的最佳地方19.something to eat /drink 一些吃的、喝的东西

a good place to practice English 操练英语的好地方the best time to read books 读书的最佳



1.Ihave never been to New York.我从没去过纽约。/Me neither.我也没去过。

I have ever been to Wuhan.我曾经去过武汉。/ Me too.我也去过。

Have you ever been to New York ? 你曾经去过纽约吗? No,I haven’t.不,我没有去过。

/Yes,I have.是的,我去过。

Has he ever been to Wuhan ?他曾经去过武汉吗?Yes ,he has.是的,他去过。/No, he


2,I’ve known Li Lei for three years.我认识李雷有三年了。

They have lived here since 1996.自从1996年他们一里直住在这。

She has taught us since I came to this school.自从我来到这


How longhave you worked in this library ? 你在这个图书馆工作了多长时间?

I have been a flight attendant for two years.我成为一名空中服务员已有


The school has really helped me learn english.这个学校真的帮助我学会了英语。

We have seen Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in movies.我们在电影中看过米老鼠和

唐老鸭。Have you ever eaten fish and chips ?你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗?

I’ve just lost my scince book.我刚刚丢了我的科学书。

I’ve never been to that farm before.以前我从没去过那个农场。

I haven’t learned the word yet.我仍然没有学会那个单词。

4..Where is Lucy ? She has gone to Shanghai.露西哪儿去了?她去上海了.5.When I was a young girl ,all I ever wanted to do was travel ,and I decided that the best way to

do this was to become a flight attendant.当我还是一个小女孩时,我曾经想要做的全部就是去

旅游。我认定做到这一点的最佳方法就是成为一名空中服务员。I discovered that the most

important requirement was to speak English well.我发现最重要的条件就是英语讲得好。

6.I want to travel ,especially to English speaking countries such as the United States and Australia.我想要去旅行特别是去说英语的国家,如美国、澳大利亚。I know that I have to improve my

english ,so I’ve started taking lessons at the Hilltop Language School.我知道我必须提高我的英

语,所以我已经在山顶学校上课。It might seem strange to go to a zoo when it’s dark.天黑时去动物园似乎很奇怪。but if

you’ve ever been to a zoo during the daytime ,you might understand why this zoo is so special.但

是如果你在白天曾去过动物园,你可能会理解为什么这个动物园是如此的特别。You can

watch these animals in a more natural environment than a normal zoo.你可以看到这些动物在比



91..am/is-----was-----been 是(单数)are-----were----been 是(复数)。see-----saw-----seen 看见3.give-----gave------given 给4.eat-----ate------eaten吃

5.forget-----forgot----forgotten忘记 6.become----became----become 变成7.break----broke----broken 弄坏8.come----came----come 来9.do/does-----did-----done

10.go---went---gone 去11.write-----wrote-----written写12.say----said----said 说

13.bring----brought------brought 带来14.buy----bought-----bought 买

15.cost---cost----cost花费16.cut-----cut-----cut 切、剁17.leave----left----left离开

18.make----made----made 做、使19.meet----met-----met 遇见 20.put-----put-----put 放
