






这就是两个消息! 好消息・・ 坏消息






























无论我们 发现了什 么 ,“发现”本身就是成就。修行就是去发现, 然后才谈得上对话。

总之, 每一个坏消息后面都一定跟着一个好消息。

而最坏的 坏消息可 能是:好久都没有任何消息,你一直处在昏沉和愚痴中。


Series Four, Episode Six: Good News, Bad News

(Sound of a pile of magazines thumping[砰然地响] down on a table with a sigh)

Tony: Blimey, what have you got there, Bindyu?

Bindyu: Holiday brochures.

Magda: Holiday brochures?

Bindyu: Yes, um, magazines which show us all the places we can go on our honeymoon.

Magda: What’s a “honeymoon”?

Tony: After a couple get married, er, they go away on holiday somewhere.

Magda: Oh yes, we have the same thing in Poland, but we call it the “honey month”.

Tony: A month! Blimey…that’s a long time.

Magda: So, Bindyu, where are you going on your honeymoon?

Bindyu: Well, I was thinking of somewhere exotic[异国情调的]—the Mediterranean, oh, a little island somewhere, perhaps the Seychelles or the Maldives…

Magda: Wow…that sounds great.

Bindyu: But Harry, of course, has different ideas…

Magda: (laughs) Harry always has different ideas, doesn’t he?

Bindyu: (ironically/disapprovingly) Yes, he does. I’ll stop that!

(door’s open)

Harry: Hey there!

Magda: Hi Harry…we were just talking about your honeymoon.

Harry: Oh yeah, that…

Bindyu: You should sound more excited, dear.

Harry: Erm, yeah, I am excited, but…well, there are so many problems.

Magda: What problems?

Harry: I still haven’t decided who my best man’s going to be yet…and now this to think of…

Bindyu: Well, I’ll help you. Here are some brochures to look at.

Harry: Hmm…they look very nice, but…

Bindyu: But what?

Harry: Well, you know, I was thinking more of, well, something simpler.

Bindyu: (groans) Like what?

Harry: Going camping…

Bindyu: Camping?

Harry: Yeah!

Bindyu: You mean, like, with a tent!

Harry: A tent! Exactly!

Bindyu: Where?

Harry: Well, here in Britain somewhere—in the countryside—Cornwall, or Wales perhaps…

Bindyu: Harry, I hope you’re joking.

Harry: Erm, no…I’m not actually.

Bindyu: I see…Uh, we shall have to discuss this. Come on Harry!

Harry: (sighing) OK…bye all!

Magda / Bindyu: Bye!

(door’s open)

Fadi: Hi there! Are you just leaving?

Harry: Yeah…sorry Fadi…can’t stop! Bye!

Bindyu: Here’s Sarah too! Sorry, can’t stop!

Sarah: (laughs) Bye!

(door’s close)

Tony: Always coming and going here…It never stops!

Fadi: Cheer up Tony—it’s good to be busy!

Tony: Too busy for me…

Fadi: Hey Sarah, thanks for that piece about Carlos’ restaurant, by the way. I put it up on our website.

Sarah: Great! I’m just waiting for Carlos now. I hope people read it. Oh, here he is!

(door’s open)

All: Hey Carlos!

Sarah: Hey! How’s it going?

Carlos: Not bad, thanks. It was a good night last night. There were loads of people in. I was so busy.

Sarah: Fadi put my review onto his FindLondon website…

Carlos: Yes! I know! Some of my customers said they’d seen it—and that was why they’d come to the restaurant!

Sarah: Ah, excellent!

Fadi: Good news for me too! If a lot of people visit the website, I can get more advertisers!

Sarah: Ah, yes!

Johnny: (door’s open) Hi!

All: Hi Johnny!

Johnny: What are you lot all so happy about?

Magda: Fadi’s website is getting lots of hits, and Carlos’ restaurant was packed out for the first time!

Johnny: (gloomily) Well. I’m really pleased for you all.

Fadi: Hey, Johnny, that’s not like you—what’s up?

Johnny: I’ve lost my job.

All: What?!!!

Fadi: I don’t believe it!

Sarah: You were going to be a millionaire!

Johnny: Yeah, I know.

Fadi: So what happened?

Johnny: I got an email.

Sarah: That’s all?

Johnny: Yeah.

Carlos: What did it say?

Johnny: “Unfortunately, due to the current financial situation, we are having to make staff cutbacks…”

Magda: Cutbacks?

Fadi: Yeah. It means they’re firing people…

Johnny: “Therefore, we will not be able to renew your contract after the end of this week.”

Carlos: At the end of this week?

Magda: That’s quick!

Johnny: I know.

Sarah: Well, do you at least get a redundancy


Johnny: No.

Fadi: Nothing?

Johnny: Nothing.

Fadi: That’s hard, man.

Johnny: I know.

Sarah: What are you going to do now?

Johnny: I don’t know.

Magda: Hey, come on Johnny. It’s not the end of the world.

Johnny: No, no. I suppose it isn’t.

Sarah: With all your skills and talents…

Johnny: (cheering up) Hey, yeah, you’re right…

Fadi: You’ll easily be able to get another job…

Johnny: Yeah. Yeah, of course I will. I’ll find another job!

Fadi: Yeah!

Sarah: I bet loads of people would like to employ you!

Johnny: Yes. I think so too. With all my skills and talents…

Magda: You could get a better job…

Johnny: Yeah, a better job!

Fadi: More money.

Johnny: More money!

Sarah: It’ll only take a few days.

Johnny: Yeah! By the end of this week I’ll have another job, a better job! I’ll show them!!!!

















Magda: Fantastic!

Olivia: Really? I’m amazed.

Sarah: Yeah, you were so worried about your new job.

Magda: Well, I had some good news.

Olivia: Yeah? What?(enter Johnny)

All: Hi Johnny!

Johnny: Hi! I’ve got some good news.

Sarah: 1)Makes two of you then!

Johnny: At least I think it’s good news...I’m not really sure.

Olivia: Tell us!

Magda: Can’t I tell you my good news first?

Sarah: Wow, this is getting complicated...and I’m afraid I’ve only got some bad news.

Magda: Oh no...2)what a shame! What’s the problem?

Olivia: Yeah, go on, bad news first, then the good news will cheer us up!

Sarah: OK, well, I 3)had a row with my landlord, finally! And I’m moving out.

Magda: Oh no!

Sarah: Oh yes! So, I need a new flat.

Olivia: Again!

Magda: Oh dear...

Olivia: What a shame. I hoped it was going to work out.

Sarah: Yeah, but I didn’t get on with the landlord.

Magda: Have you told Fadi yet?

Sarah: No. I’m worried what he might think. The landlord is his cousin, after all.

Olivia: Well, let’s just wait until he comes in. I was going to tell him you weren’t happy—now I’ll tell him you’re leaving!

Magda: Is it good news time yet? Sarah: Yes! Go on! What’s your good news?

Magda: I’ve been offered a job! Johnny: Me too!

Olivia: Hang on! Wait a minute! You’ve already got a job, haven’t you Magda?

Sarah: And you have too, Johnny, haven’t you? You talk about it all the time.

Magda/Johnny: But...

Magda: Go on...

Johnny: No, you first, please...

Magda: I’ve been offered a 4)permanent job, with the same company! I’ll be a proper architect! Olivia: Wow! That’s fantastic!

Magda: But...

Olivia: There’s always a “but”...

Magda: I have to get a 5)distinction in my master’s degree.

Sarah: Phew...that’s not easy.

Magda: No, but I’m doing well.

Olivia: 6)Fingers crossed then.

Sarah: Let’s hope!

Johnny: That’s amazing—I’ve got the same news!

Olivia: What? You’re going to be an architect?

Johnny: No!

Sarah: You’re doing a master’s degree?

Johnny: No!

Magda: What then?

Johnny: A job...I’ve been offered a new job!

Olivia: Oh yes, you said.

Johnny: And there’s a “but”...


Olivia: I told you there was always a “but”...

Johnny: It’s not in London.

Olivia: You’d have to leave.

Johnny: Yeah...

Olivia: Well, where is it? New York?

Johnny: No.

Magda: Paris? Berlin? Where?

Johnny: It’s back in China.

Sarah: Oh...Beijing? Shanghai?

Johnny: No, it’s in Chongqing.

Olivia: Where?

Johnny: Chongqing!

Magda: Where’s that?

Sarah: Southwest China. It’s a really interesting place...growing really quickly.

Johnny: Yeah, it’s a great opportunity.

Olivia: But?

Johnny: But I love it here so much. I’m not sure I want to go back to China yet—I’d miss all my friends.

Olivia: You’ll have to choose!

Sarah: It’s big decision time! Oh no...here comes Fadi and Harry.(enter Fadi and Harry)

All: Hi Fadi! Hi Harry!

Fadi: How’s it going everyone?

Olivia: Don’t ask.

Magda: I’ve been offered a new job, a really good job—if I get a good degree!

Johnny: I’ve been offered a new job, a really good job—but I have to go back to China!

Harry: Wow! Busy day everyone’s having...I’ve got some news too.

Olivia: Oh no.

Harry: Oh yes—I been 7)sacked!

Magda: “Sacked”?

Harry: Yes—I’ve lost my job, been made 8)redundant, unemployed, no longer working!

Magda: Oh no!

Harry: Don’t worry—I don’t care. I hated that job anyway. I’ll soon find another job. A man with my skills and abilities is always in demand!

Johnny: Somebody from my company sacked you? Why?

Harry: I told them I wasn’t going to work at the weekend—Saturdays and Sundays. If I worked on Saturday and Sunday, when could I play football!? So I said “no”, and they said“goodbye”.

Magda: What will you do now?

Harry: I have absolutely no idea! The future is an open book.

Sarah: Very poetic!

Fadi: Well Sarah, at least you’re OK...with your new flat and everything.

Sarah: Oh...er..well...

Olivia: Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that...cousin.

Fadi: You wanted to talk to me?

Olivia: (whispering) Yeah, well, you see, Sarah’s a bit embarrassed.

Fadi: (whispering) What’s up?

Olivia: She wants to leave the new flat...she doesn’t get on well with the landlord.

Fadi: My cousin?

Olivia: Yes, your cousin.

Fadi: I’m not surprised!

Olivia: Eh?

Fadi: I said I’m not surprised! My cousin’s horrible! I can’t stand him!


Olivia: (laughs) Oh that’s a relief.

Fadi: Sarah—I’m sorry if I got you involved with my cousin. I thought you were desperate for a place to live. I know my cousin’s horrible!

Sarah: Oh, never mind Fadi—thanks for trying to help anyway...Now I need a new place to live though.

Magda: If I get this job, I’ll have more money—we could get a place together.

Sarah: That’d be great.

Johnny: If I take the job in China, I’ll have to leave my flat.

Sarah: And we could move in.

Olivia: What a lot of “if’s”.

Sarah: It’s exciting.

Magda: But also worrying.

Johnny: And confusing.

Harry: And that’s not all.

Fadi: What?

Harry: I’ve just been speaking to the owner of the café.

Oliva: And?

Harry: They’re closing down—next week!

All: What? Oh no...

Johnny: That’s terrible.

All: What are we all going to do?



等了好长时间的队伍,终于把书借了。我看一下时间,还有二十几分钟,可以再玩一会,我看其他人都打开电脑看自己喜欢看的视频,所以我也打开一台电脑,进入校园网站,想看看自己得了几等奖,那一刻,我的心怦怦直跳。张思洋帮我找成绩,找到了 ,我立刻一丝不苟地看着上面的字,上面写着:我钢笔二等奖,毛笔二等奖,画画三等奖。我和同学看着上面的字,又兴奋又高兴,因为我们班的同学有好几个得奖了,王老师一定会很高兴的。















小动物们也苏醒了,一个个走出洞穴,来到美丽的世界,鸭子一个个跳入水中,在水里自由自在[注: 形容没有约束,十分安闲随意。]地游泳;麻雀在树上唧唧唧的唱歌;小刺猬从洞里走出来,采着新鲜的野果;蜜蜂也开始采甜美的蜂蜜了;蝴蝶们有的在天空中翩翩起舞[注: 形容轻快地跳起舞来。],有的在和花儿比美;燕子在空中飞来飞去,好像在寻找春的消息,飞累了,就停在电线上,多么像五线谱啊!燕子变成了音符,演奏出一首春之歌。


在这个美好的季节,五个福娃也做好迎接四面八方[注: 指各个方面或各个地方。]宾客的准备了。看,它们在向五湖四海[注: 指全国各地,有时也指世界各地。现有时也比喻广泛的团结。]的客人招手呢!









