





6月7日 语文9:00-11:30 数学15:00-17:00

6月8日 物理/历史9:00-10:15 外语15:00-17:00

6月9日 化学8:30-9:45 地理11:00-12:15 思想政治14:30-15:45 生物学17:00-18:15。











clean the street while we are sill in the sweet sleeping dreams.On the other hand, they also suffer from less respect and lower pay, working all day on the street no matter it is sun shines strongly or snow, wind heavily.Nobody could imagine what an bad environment we would live in if there were no cleaners in the city.Wherever we go, there is rubbish.Maybe we would soon be drowned in the mountain of rubbish.Even worse, if there were no change about that, diseases would spread at a very quick speed.Is there anything that can be worse than this!

From the above, I can draw the conclusion safely that even the smallest and the most ordinary job, such as cleaning the street is also the necessary part to keep the society going smoothly.Consequently, those who do those most insignificant微不足道的jobs should get respected as much as those being engineers or doctors.答案解析:

1.C 由下文的两个实验来看,都是数理的“变化”。其他三个选项“上升”“样式”“趋势”与文中内容几乎毫无关系。






4.A 把这只鸟“通常”会离开,因为这个具体的例子是用来说明“many birds have good number sense”这个主题的。“真诚地”“无意地”“故意地”不合语境。



6.A 与上文中good number

sense(良好的数字感)中的good相对应,也与第2题的答案surprising相对,故选“amazing(令人惊异的)”,近义复现。其他选项“讨厌的”“令人满意的”“ 烦扰的”不合语境。

7.D 与left相对,“离开”“返回”这两者也叫同现;与下文中return to the


8.C 从下文看,这个人有了一个“主意”或想了一个“办法”。其他选项“约会”“借口”“解释”均不合语境。

9.A 由but可知,他们并没能“欺骗”那只乌鸦。与下文fool the




11.B 那只乌鸦直到所有人都“不见了,消失了”才会回来。



13.B 由下文But when the number goes beyond three or


14.D 由but可知,后文是表示与always





16.found 在主格人称代词he后应为谓语动词,由语境可知用一般过去时。

17.nor 构成并列连词neither…nor。

18.why 因why not do sth(何不做某事)?是固定句式。

19.reasonable 在名词前作定语要用形容词。

20.who 引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语,先行词是人,故填who。

21.at 因名词a low price在句中不作主语、动词的宾语,应为介词的宾语;根据习惯搭配,用介词at。

22.for 固定搭配show respect for表示“尊重”。

23.possibly 修饰谓语动词作状语,用副词。

24.a 因a small amount of(少量的)是固定搭配。

25.thinking 因everyone与think是主动关系,故用现在分词短语作added的伴随状语。

26.A 细节题。由第一段最后一句He came through several

operations and a lot of


Epstein, in his book If I Make It to Five, tells a story he

heard from one of his friends about Tom可知,有关Tom的事情是Dr.Epstein从他的一个朋友那里听来的,因此可排除选项D(他是Dr.Epstein的病人)。

27.D 推断题。由第三段第三四句Hearing this, the mother hesitated for a

while.She had avoided buying the expensive costume(戏装), finally



avoided buying the expensive costume可排除选项A;由finally she


28.B 细节题。由第四段第一句Tom appeared as the powerful Superman, showing

off through the hospital halls and coolly waving his hand to the

people greeting him along the way可知,他的行为就像是一个超人。



the person you need to become to win over your challenge and do it

in your mind first可知,选项C(要成为一个内心强大的人)正确。

30.D 目的题。由文章首句Imagination and fantasy can play an

important role in achieving the things we fear.可全文末句So, let your

imagination run wild, and dare to




32.B 代词指代题。代词是意义衔接的手段之一,此处的代词that替代前句中的set a goal and then

gradually make it more practical,故选B。

33.D 细节理解题。题眼出现在第三段第一句This is a big reason why many successful people advise you to do something you

love.但其中的this就是指代上文的内容,即第二段的第后两句话的内容one needs to spend at least

10,000 hours studying and practicing.To become great at certain

things, it’ll require even more time, time that most people won’t

put in,这两句就告诉我们,要成功需要花费大量的时间。

34.C 推理判断题。由第一句they have put in a huge part of their life to

get there at a huge cost可推知。

35.C 主旨归纳题。由第二段开头的However可知,本文的中心论题不是第一段而在第二段

to succeed in

life, one first needs to… needs to…,再结合最后一段第一句if you want to become

great at it, you need to work day in and day out, almost to the

point of addiction, and over a long period of


36.C 推理判断题。因David失去了家人,怎么可能兴奋呢?可排除选项A;由He kept walking up and

down restlessly, his face pale, and his hands shaking


head teacher had referred him to



37.A 细节理解题。由第二段How could I help him? There are problems

psychology doesn’t have the answer to, and which no words can



the best thing one can do is to listen openly and


38.B 细节理解题。第四段告诉我们David喜欢跟作者在一起,第五段中作者的推测Perhaps he simply

needs someone to share his pain with.Perhaps he senses that I

respect his suffering可知,选B。

39.A 推理判断题。从第六、七、八段的叙述,即从Some months

later至Now he had really started to

live his own


40.D 细节理解题。由第三段中的After that he played chess with me every

Wednesday afternoon一in complete silence and without looking at

me和最后一段第二句But I also learned that one一without any words一can reach

out to another person可知,选D,是作者同David的无声交流改变了David。

41.D 推理判断题。由第三段第一句In the battle against


42.A 词义推断题。由第二段的具体描述来看,这是防止作弊的先进技术,另外,也可以从




43.B 细节理解题。由第三段最后一句Only with solid measures against cheating,experts say, can Internet universities show that their exams and

diplomas are valid可知,只有有了打击作弊的强有力的措施,网络大学才能表明他们的考试和文凭是有效的。

44.A 细节理解题。由最后一段第二句recognize possible cheaters by analyzing

whether difficult test questions are answered at the same speed as

easy ones可知,是通过分析答题的速度来判断是否作弊,故选A。




2. 阅读理解测试考生阅读理解书面英语的能力


2.1 理解短文中的具体信息


2.2 根据上下文推断词义或句意


2.3 作出简单判断和推测


2.4 理解文章主旨和大意


2.5 理解文章的基本结构


2.6 理解作者的态度、观点和意图


3. 高考英语阅读理解试题答题策略


【例】It was a very happy family.The life was fairly well off.Father, Leopold, was a music master in Austria.Mother was warm hearted.There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old.Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practiced.How patient her father was, and how cleverly he showedMarianne how to play some particularly difficult pieces!She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. (1) And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when Marianne was practicing.

One evening at sunset Leopold patted Marianne’s shoulder, saying she had done well.At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father’s knee and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered.What a joke that was!Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said, (2) “Look at your small hands.You must wait, little man!”

(3) There was no end of fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece.When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes.Suddenly Leopold got up. (4) “Listen!”said he in a surprised voice.“Listen!”“Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!”

But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.

His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other.He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness.“I love it.”whispered the child.

It was the beginning of Mozart’s life of music.

1.Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practiced the piano because______.

A.he liked his sister

B.he loved music

C.he didn’t feel well

D.he didn’t want to make a noise

解析:推理判断题。根据判断, 关键词应为Wolfgang, quiet。用它们去文中扫描, 在第一段最后找到句子 (1) , 说Wolfgang不用别人提醒就会自觉安静下来听姐姐演奏, 表明他喜爱音乐, 故选B。

2.Wolfgang’s father told him he couldn’t play the piano yet because_______.

A.he was too small

B.his sister was taking lessons

C.he had to help his mother

D.he had to wait for his sister to finish practicing

解析:细节理解题。题干中出现told一词,跟说话有关,可能要在引号中找答案。在第二段最后找到句子 (2) ,说Wolfgang手太小,要等(到长大),故选A。

3.At tea time the family had______.

解析:细节理解题。根据判断,关键词应为tea。用它们去文中扫描,在第三段第一句找到句子 (3) ,其中“no end of fun”说明应选C。

4.Shortly after tea Leopold heard the music from upstairs.He was astonished because_______.

A.Marianne had never played the piece so beautifully

B.Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen

C.Wolfgang was playing in the darkness

D.Wolfgang loved the piece so much

解析:细节理解题。题干中出现after tea,说明答案出处在第3题之后,且关键词应为astonished。但用它去文中第三段以后扫描,却找不到。我们在句子 (4) 中找到了它的同义词surprised,从该句知道应该选A。


摘要:文章对照2013年福建省高考《考试说明》, 结合对近几年高考试题的分析, 认真研究《考试说明》, 了解新课程高考英语试卷特点, 适用有效答题策略, 提高复习效率。










⑵运用To be specific, More specifically, Exactly speaking, To be exact(具体地说)在主题句后用2-3句进一步阐述该要点。



(主题句)From my point of view, it is not a good idea to encourage children with money. To be specific, to give money to children as a way of encouraging them actually would spoil them surely. What’s worse, it is likely that children would have no idea of their purpose of the study.

2. 第二个要点的关键词为“影响”,因为命题要求举例说明这一影响,因此考生需要描述自身的经历即通过讲故事的方式加以说明。但为了防止考生用过多的文字描述自身经历,造成正文篇幅不一,一般建议考生以3-4句话简单描述即可。


The article reminds me of my English teacher who helped me the most. To be specific, it was she that enabled me to know myself and realize my own value. What’s more, it was she that offered me the chance to recognize that confidence is the vital key to success.

When it comes to the impact my English teacher had on me, a good case in point is what happened to me when I was in senior two. I lost in the oral English contest on a Friday, feeling disappointed. My English teacher helped me get rid of the depression. With her help, I gradually regained my confidence.

In my opinion, the influence that a teacher has on the students is of great significance. To be exact, it is certainly beneficial to the students’ growth and their study. Moreover, it absolutely contributes a lot to bettering the students’ self-development as well as realizing their dreams.


1. 描述回忆。

⑴ It reminds me of one of my friends who helped me a lot when I was in trouble last year.这让我想起了去年在我身处困难时给予我很多帮助的一位朋友。

⑵ Having reading the article, I can’t help recalling the men who helped me out that night. 在读完这篇文章后,我禁不住想起那晚给予我帮助的人。

⑶ To be honest, it recalls something that happened to me when I was in the middle school.老实说,这让我想起了我读中学时的一件事。

⑷ It suddenly occurred to me that it was confidence that helped me overcome the difficulties last year.我突然想起去年是自信帮助我克服了困难。

2. 举例说明。

⑴When it comes to the harm of dishonesty, a good case in point is what happened on my last holiday.当谈到不诚实的坏处,我上次度假发生的事就是一个很好的例子。

⑵ I think perhaps nothing can illustrate the influence my teacher had on me better than the example of her teaching me how to be myself.我想可能没有比老师教会我如何做自己的例子更能说明老师给予我的影响了。

⑶A good example of this changed attitude can be best provided by the case of a student who stressed openly that going to the key university is not the prime objective of today’s students. 说明年轻人态度变化的一个很好的例子是一名学生公开声明上重点大学并不是今天的学生所追求的首要目标。

3. 表达看法。

⑴I deem that/ I hold the opinion that the influence that my mother has on me is of great significance/importance.我认为,妈妈给予我影响是十分重要的。

⑵In my opinion/From my point of view, it is a good idea to raise people’s awareness of obeying rules and regulations.就我看来,提高人们遵守规章制度的意识是个好主意。


⑴It is certainly beneficial to helping the students to get to know the significance of study.这确实有益于帮助学生了解学习的重要性。

⑵It absolutely contributes a lot to the protection of people’s right and their duties.这确实有益于保护人们的权利和义务。

⑶It definitely benefits me a lot when I am really eager to regain my confidence. 当我很迫切地想要重拾信心时,这确实让我受益颇多。

⑷It is surely helpful in promoting the spirit of the Universidad.这确实有益于推广大运精神。


2. 以约120个词就成长过程中朋友给予的帮助谈谈你的想法,内容包括:






Having reading the article, I can’t help recalling one of my friends who helped me the most. To be specific, it was she that offered me the chance to know nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

I think perhaps nothing can illustrate the impact of my friend’s help better than the example of the one that happed when I was in senior one. I remembered that day after knowing the results in the exam, I became depressed because I didn’t do well in it. However, having talked to my best friend, I felt confident again, because she enabled me to know as long as I worked hard, I would succeed one day.

I deem that the influence that my friend’s help has on me is of great importance. More specifically, it definitely benefits me a lot when I badly need help and encouragement. Besides, it is helpful in strengthening the friendship between my friend and me.



















Part A: Reading Aloud

录像原文:根据音频朗读并标出重音′、停顿 /、连读⌒、升调↗、降调↘,并注意黑体单词音标。

In 1939, on the eve of the Second World War, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the American President.The letter was about an application of Einstein’s famous equation, E equals MC squared, and his fear that the Nazis could use it to build an atomic bomb.E equals MC squared is the symbol of Einstein’s genius.It’s an equation that sums up one of the most powerful truths about the universe.It combines two ideas, which until Einstein came along, no one had ever dreamed could be connected in such a powerful way.The idea of mass and the idea of energy.Part B: Role Play




1.Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips.(1)Please get ready to ask the first question in English.提问:?

(2)Please get ready to ask the second question in English.提问:?

(3)Please get ready to ask the third question in English.提问:?

2.Please get ready to answer five questions in English.(1)Please get ready to answer the first question.回答:.(2)Please get ready to answer the second question.回答:.(3)Please get ready to answer the third question.回答:.(4)Please get ready to answer the fourth question.回答:.(5)Please get ready to answer the fifth question.回答:.1

Part C: Retelling



关键词:black cloud黑云;queen bee蜂王;police警察;beekeeper养蜂人;wheel车轮


Part A: Reading Aloud

录像原文:根据音频朗读并标出重音′、停顿 /、连读⌒、升调↗、降调↘,并注意黑体单词音标。

In 1939, on the eve of the Second World War, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the American President.The letter was about an application of Einstein’s famous equation, E equals MC squared, and his fear that the Nazis could use it to build an atomic bomb.E equals MC squared is the symbol of Einstein’s genius.It’s an equation that sums up one of the most powerful truths about the universe.It combines two ideas, which until Einstein came along, no one had ever dreamed could be connected in such a powerful way.The idea of mass and the idea of energy.In 1939, on the eve⌒of the Second World War, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the American President.The letter / was about an application↗of Einstein’s famous equation, / E equals MC squared, and his fear / that the Nazis could use it⌒to build↗an atomic bomb.E equals MC squared is the symbol of Einstein’s genius↘.It’s an equation that sums⌒up↘one of the most powerful truths about the universe↘.It combines two ideas, which until Einstein came⌒along, no one had ever dreamed could be connected in such⌒a powerful way↘.The idea / of mass↘and the idea / of energy↘.Part B: Role Play

角色:你是团队负责人Tom 任务:(1)和前辈Mary谈论团队合作的问题;(2)根据谈话内容回答同学们的提问。


Mary: Hi, Tom.You look worried.Tom: I’m having trouble with my work.Mary: What’s the trouble?

Tom: Er, I am in charge of a team.Working with five other people on the project.But we’re not very productive.Mary: Is the project too hard for everyone to work on?

Tom: No, but no one is working together on it.What do you think the problem is?

Mary: I guess your group is not good at teamwork.Tom: But I don’t know what to do about it.Everyone is just doing his or her own separate work on it.Mary: That’ s too bad.If your group does not come together.Then they would not know what is done and what needs to be done.1.Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips.(1)Please get ready to ask the first question in English.中文呈现:我怎样才能使他们共同工作? 提问:How can I make them work together? 回答:(电脑回答)You should call everyone together for a meeting and you should make them know that working as a team is important.(2)Please get ready to ask the second question in English.中文呈现:你认为什么时候召集开会最好?

提问:When is the best time to call a meeting, do you think? 回答:(电脑回答)As soon as possible, you should play the role of monitor in the meeting, getting to know what they have done so far and finding out what is still needs to be done.In this way, you will be sure that the project is done correctly.(3)Please get ready to ask the third question in English.中文呈现:作为领导,我应该怎样对待团队成员? 提问:As a leader, how should I treat the team members? 回答:(电脑回答)You can’t just tell them what to do or how to do things.A good leader listens to his teammates as well as direct them.By listening to your teammates, you get to know how much they have achieved and you know...2.Please get ready to answer five questions in English.(1)Please get ready to answer the first question.提问:(电脑回答)How many people do you need to work with? 回答:Five people.(2)Please get ready to answer the second question.提问:(电脑回答)What does Mary think the problem is? 回答:The group is not good at teamwork.(3)Please get ready to answer the third question.提问:(电脑回答)What should your teammates know in the meeting? 回答:Working as a team is important.(4)Please get ready to answer the fourth question.提问:(电脑回答)What role should you play in the meeting? 回答:The role of the monitor.(5)Please get ready to answer the fifth question.提问:(电脑回答)Why do you need to listen to your teammates?

回答:Because you get to know how much they have achieved and you know.Part C: Retelling



关键词:black cloud黑云;queen bee蜂王;police警察;beekeeper养蜂人;wheel车轮

