




1、 询问做什么事/活动:—What do you do …? —I often play ping-pong…

询问星期几上什么课:—What do you have on…? —We have English class…

2、一般疑问句的问与答:—Do you often read books? —Yes, I do. —No, I don’t.

3、 on+具体某一天(年月日,星期),如:on Monday/Tuesday…

课外 at+具体时刻(…点钟),如:at 12 o’clock 在十二点整

补充: in+大致时间(年月,早中晚),如:in 在 in the morning/afternoon/evening

4、play + 球类、棋类、娱乐活动,如:play football/ping-pong

补充:play + the + 乐器(第四单元知识),如:play the pipa/piano/violin…


1、描写一周的生活,如:My week


(1)开头:简单的自我介绍:My name’s…/ I’m…

(2)中间:1) 介绍周一至周五的情况,可以着重介绍自己最喜欢的那一天:

I go to school from Monday to Friday. I like…because I have…

2)介绍自己周六、日的活动:I often watch TV/…on the weekend.

(3)结尾:This is my week. What about yours?


My week

My name is Li Ming. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I like Tuesdays and Thursdays, because I have music and PE. I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. I often play ping-pong on Sundays.


1.—What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么? —A sandwich, please. 请给我一个三明治。

—What would you like to drink? 你想喝什么? —I’d like some water. 我想喝点水。

2. —What’s your favourite food? 你最喜欢吃什么食物?

—Noodles. They are delicious. 面条。面条很好吃。

3. My/His /Her favourite food is fish. 我/他/她最喜欢的食物是鱼。

4. I’m hungry/thirsty. 我饿/渴了。

5. I don’t like beef but chicken is OK. 我不喜欢牛肉但是鸡肉也可以。

6. Onions are my favourite vegetable. 洋葱是我最喜欢的蔬菜。

7. I like vegetables but not carrots. 我喜欢吃蔬菜但不喜欢胡萝卜。

语 音

] uE 字母组合ow在单词中的发音:[ au ] ,[

例:[ au ] cow 奶牛 flower 花 wow 哇 down 向下 how 如何,怎样 now 现在

slow 慢的 snow 雪 yellow 黄色 window 窗户 snowy 下雪的 tomorrow 明天 ] uE [


1、询问想要吃/喝什么:—What would you like to eat/drink? —I’d like…



语文五年级上册二单元的主题为“自然奥秘”, 安排了这些内容:

第四课《去打开大自然绿色的课本》是一首清新、明快的现代诗, 鼓励学生通过“观察”开启大自然之门, 领略大自然的绚丽多姿。文题蕴涵丰富而又明快生动, 召唤学生从大自然这“绿色的课本”中汲取丰富营养。在文本诵读中, 培养学生观察的热情, 激发学生热爱大自然的情感。

第五课《装满昆虫的衣袋》是一篇写人的文章。课文主要叙述了法布尔小时候的两件事:一是他独自寻找“纺织娘”, 到傍晚忘记了回家;二是放鸭子时, 他却花了大量时间观察昆虫并把捉到的虫子装在了衣袋里, 父亲的责骂并没有改变他对昆虫的迷恋。虽然课文并没有写法布尔是怎样成为一名昆虫学家的, 但正是由于他对昆虫具有浓厚的兴趣, 并养成了耐心观察的好习惯, 最终成为著名的昆虫学家。教学这篇课文时, 要引导学生紧扣文中描写法布尔迷恋昆虫的重点语句, 体会要打开自然课本、走进大自然不仅需要观察, 还需要锲而不舍、孜孜以求的精神。

第六课《变色龙》采用叙事的方式, 巧妙地展示了变色龙三个方面的特点。教学中让学生体会作者通过看、问、试验等方法进行观察, 描写了变色龙的静态、动态的主要特点。通过这篇文章的学习, 让学生逐步掌握运用多种方式观察动物的方法, 从而激发学生对大自然的热爱之情。

第七课《金蝉脱壳》极其生动地介绍了金蝉脱壳的过程, 展示了那奇特动人的情景。作者淋漓尽致地刻画了蝉儿脱壳前后的颜色变化以及动作过程, 不仅是因为观察仔细, 更重要的是进行了持久的跟踪观察, 并通过一定顺序有条理地表达观察内容, 让学生领悟跟踪观察的方法和有序生动的表达效果, 提高学生观察能力, 养成良好的观察习惯。

以上的四篇课文内容都是围绕核心知识点“学习观察”而构架安排的, 主要聚焦“动物”。“慧眼细察出佳作”, 习作2是写一个小动物。课文的学习激发了学生观察的兴趣, 让学生掌握了一定的观察方法。让学生到生活中去观察, 写出动物外形或动作的主要特点。巩固过渡句的使用, 使文章前后段之间更紧密, 从而有条有理地表达观察的内容, 形成观察能力。

练习2的内容也突出了“学习观察”这个核心知识点, 其中两个部分与观察有直接的联系。一是“诵读与积累”, 内容是三位名人有关“观察”的名言, 从不同方面强调了观察的意义与价值。教学中通过反复诵读, 深刻感悟观察对于积累知识、拓宽视野、发展思维、培养写作能力都有重要意义。二是“想想说说”, 这是口语交际训练, 让学生观察图画说话, 教学中要求学生仔细观察, 注意前后联系, 发挥想象, 合理推想。这样的训练除了培养学生口头表达能力外, 还注重学生观察力和想象力的协同发展。

可见, 这一单元围绕核心知识“学习观察”系统地编排了教学内容。观察是人类与自然、社会乃至自身交往的一种重要手段, 对探索大自然奥秘发挥重要作用。语文学科视野中的“观察”与培养学生的“说”“写”等能力是分不开的, 不仅帮助学生认识客观世界, 丰富自己的感受, 更能帮助学生积累习作素材, 提升表达水平。本单元在第三学段的开始, 既要注意与前面学习的联系, 又要注意区别, 突出本学段的重点, 为后续学习打好基础。


在苏教版语文教材一、二学段中, 围绕“观察自然”的课文很多, 包括观察植物、动物、景物的, 还有观察的小故事、实验文章等。在五年级上册教材之前, 学生对观察已有一定的经验基础:知晓一些观察方面的知识, 如观察要有目的, 由上而下、由远而近, 由整体到部分等观察顺序;初步掌握一定的观察方法, 通过看、听、闻等手段进行自然观察、实验观察、跟踪观察、对比观察等。在习作上, 一、二学段通过指导学生运用正确的方法观察书中图画、自然界植物、生活中景点等, 让学生积累素材, 写出图意或事物特点, 适当展开想象。另外, 口语交际训练、综合性学习也注意训练观察能力、提高表达能力。通过这些内容的学习和训练, 一方面注重培养学生的观察能力, 引导学生养成留心观察的良好习惯;另一方面帮助学生积累习作素材, 提高学生的习作水平。

在一、二学学段中, 与本单元核心知识“学习观察”有着紧密联系, 教学时值得我们注意的有这些内容:

二年级上册《有趣的发现》通过介绍达尔文对海洋中小岛上昆虫的观察从而感悟道理, 培养学生学习达尔文仔细观察、认真思考的科学精神。这与《装满昆虫的衣袋》都是介绍名人观察的故事, 以榜样感召学生观察大自然, 培养热爱观察、热爱大自然的精神。二年级下册《蚕姑娘》一课生动形象地介绍了蚕孵化后生长、结茧、由蛹变成蛾的过程, 激发学生观察、研究昆虫的兴趣。这与本单元第七课《金蝉脱壳》有相似之处, 两位作者都采用的是同一方法, 即跟踪观察的方法。但在表达观察的结果时, 前者是粗细条勾勒, 后者是细描刻画, 语言表达更加生动。这种安排符合不同学段学生的学情。

四年级上册“培养学习习惯”中将“留心观察事物”作为教学内容, 在指导学生看图表达内容时, 初步让学生了解留心观察的方法并养成良好的习惯。留心观察是一种很好的习惯, 它可以锻炼我们的观察能力, 促使我们开动脑筋思考问题, 不仅对语文学习和学习其他学科的知识十分重要, 而且可以陶冶学生热爱生活, 热爱自然的思想感情。教学时要初步让学生知道观察静态事物时应注意以下四点:要按一定顺序观察;有重点观察;观察以后要展开想象;养成留心观察、合理想象、勤于动笔的好习惯。四年级下册一单元的《燕子》这篇写景散文描写了燕子外形、飞行和休息的情景, 感受燕子的可爱和春天的美丽, 激发学生对大自然的热爱。学习作者通过看、听等两种方式仔细观察, 既描写静态、又描写动态, 而且语言准确生动。这与本单元第六课《变色龙》静态与动态相结合, 有些类似, 但这两篇课文的文体显然不同。

三年级下册的习作3“写写自己的新发现”。教学前先布置学生到校外去有目的地观察, 把自己的发现写下来, 而且要写得有意思。通过例文, 激发学生发现和探究的兴趣, 鼓励学生用自己的一切感官去观察身边的事物, 力求有新的发现。例文就是通过小作者细心的观察、简洁的描述, 展现了一个表面静悄悄、实则活生生的世界。

四年级下册的习作3“写写自己生活中的新发现”, 要求学生选择自己生活中的一个新发现, 具体地写出来。通过这次作文训练, 使学生明白善于观察生活十分重要。四年级下册习作5写“一两种植物”, 要求学生先确定观察对象, 对选择的对象进行仔细观察, 并在此基础上认真研究。最后把观察结果有条理地记录下来。教师应该在教学过程中不断引导、强化学生的观察意识, 促进学生良好习惯的养成。这些习作的练习为五年级上册习作2“写动物”打下了很好的基础。


第三学段中除了这一单元外, 与核心知识“学习观察”有关的课文不多, 在教学这一单元时, 我们要利用教学内容有意识地指导学生学会观察, 继续巩固学生的观察能力, 学会表达观察, 培养学生观察的兴趣, 养成良好的观察习惯, 增强学生自学能力。

五年级下册《灰椋鸟》一课讲了作者去林场观察灰椋鸟的经过, 生动具体地描写鸟儿归林与栖息的壮观场面, 表达了作者爱鸟的心情并赞扬林场工人的辛勤劳动。全文情真意切、情理贯通, 让学生体会作者有顺序、有重点、有感情地观察, 才能准确生动地表达观察内容。

六年级下册四单元《夜晚的实验》记叙了意大利科学家斯帕拉捷通过多次夜晚实验, 终于揭开蝙蝠飞行秘密的经过, 学习科学家细心观察、善于思考、不断实验、潜心研究的科学精神。这一课很好地回应了伽利略的名言“一切推理都必须从观察和实验中得来。”

学生平时观察有一定的随意性和盲目性, 看后印象不深, 笔下写不来。这是学生普遍的问题。六年级下册《莫泊桑拜师》这篇文章中福楼拜指导莫泊桑观察对学生有很大的启发:观察要有顺序, 否则观察显得乱七八糟、杂乱无章。观察时, 在对事物有了比较清晰的全貌了解之后, 要抓住重点进行再观察, 否则观察的主次不清。只有突出重点、细致观察, 才能使文章主次分明、惟妙惟肖。在观察过程中, 边观察边想象, 教师应要求学生把自己的感情与事物相交融, 深刻体验自己的感情变化以及心理活动的过程, 这是因为写作不仅要写观察到的人、事、物, 还要表达自己的情感体验。

学会观察并在观察的基础上积累素材是作文成功的重要基础。课标在第三学段指出:“养成留心观察周围事物的习惯, 有意识地丰富自己的见闻, 珍视个人的独特感受, 积累习作素材。”这样的教学要求进一步强调要引导学生“有意识丰富自己的见闻”, 要求学生的观察目的更明确、方法更具体, 观察与积累、想象等相结合, 提高表达水平。

五年级下册习作1“观察一种自然现象后写一篇习作”。观察一种自然现象, 把它的特点写出来。训练学生仔细观察与跟踪观察相结合, 写好习作。六年级下册习作4“记一次实验”。习作要求就是观察实验的过程和结果, 或自己边实验、边观察, 做好记录, 养成勤于观察、多动手, 多动脑的良好习惯。这些习作训练都是对本单元教学后的巩固与提升。


1.知识目标:①能听说认读单词flower,river ,grass,lake ,forest, path,sky ,cloud, mountain等九个单词. 





四会单词的学习以及在句型There is /are…中的操练。


grass, forest,path,以及mountain的发音。





1. Free talk

T:Hi ! boys and girls. Stand up,please.

Good morning, everyone!

T:How are you today?

T:Nice to meet you!

T: Do you like singing songs?

T: Let’s sing a song : Bingo.(播放录音唱)

T:Sit down,please.

T:Now,Group1,2,3,4,5.Let’s climb up the mountain. If you can pass the words, the sentences and the paragraphs, you are the winners. Let’s have some competitions. OK?Ss:OK!


1. T:Now,please look at the pictures.What are these? ( 课件: 风景名胜) 

T:Yes,they are beautiful places.Do you want to go there to have a look?

Now,look,who am I?(Teacher拿上旅游旗)

T:Yes,I’m Miss Guide. Would you like to go and see the beautiful places with me?


T: OK! Let’s go! Look. Where are we? ( 课件: 自然公园)

T: Yes , We are in a Nature Park.

2. 课件:T:nature park教读nature park


T:Look! What can you see?

T:It’s a river.教读单词卡。读,齐读,开火车或抽读。

T:River,river,there is a river.

T:Now,What else can you see?

T: Grass,grass,there is some grass.


T: Well, There is apath . Can you see it now?



T:Look,What’s this?Is this a river?


T:It’s a … .教读,lake, lake. I can see a lake. There is a lake. big lake , small lake教读,抽读。


T:Now,many trees are here.There is a forest now. 

There is a forest in the nature park.



T:(师拿出花 闻)Mm, how fragrant! What’s this?拿出卡片学生读。Flower.抽读,齐读。




① T:Now, boys and girls. Let’s play games.

T:Look at my cards carefully, 

Guess.What’s missing?

② Picking apples.

课件T: If you can read the word, please pick the apple and read the word. Or: He or she point at the word, you please read it out.师示范,请生点一个读一个。评比。

③ Find friends: 

Look at the pictures and the words, match them please.(所有單词都会的组前进一步)

④ Sentences: Now, boys and girls, look at another pictures. Try to say some sentences with the new words.

提示学生说There is a __________.(然后请生自由说句子, 注意用 There is/ are … or I can see…句式)

⑤ Chant 

T: Now , look at the screen, there is a chant. Listen to it carefully, then say it with me.

Flower, flower, there are some flowers.

River , river , there is a river .

Lake , lake , there is a lake.

Grass , grass , there’s some grass.

Forest, forest, there is a forest.

Path , path , there is a path. 


1. 小组活动(1)Page 70, Part 2 Compare with Picture 1, what difference in Picture A/B /C? Now, let’s see who has the fiery eyes?

Find out the differences:

Discuss in your group. 生说 There is a _____ in Picture A /B….


2. 口头作文:

T: Congratulations! Let’s go on. Now,look ! Where are we now? Yes ! We are in Jiangjin now.(师提示,引导读。) 

课件: 

There is a big river along our city. It's the Yangtze River. 

There is a Binjiang road by the river . There are many flowers , trees and some grass on it. There is a path to Aiping Mountain.

Marshal Nie Rongzhen said:"Jiangjin is a good place."

Welcome to our city -Jiangjin.

Well, boys and girls. Do you want to be a guide, and show everybody around the beautiful places in the world?OK! Have a try ,please.(请生来当小导游)

Take out your pictures,say something about your pictures in your group.请生说,评价,奖励

T:Congratulations.You did fairly well . All of you are the winners.


Well,so much for today .Thank you .

Please turn back and say:“Thank you . Goodbye!”


PEP Book 5 Unit 6 In a Nature Park Part

A Let’s learn

river grass path lake forest

flower mountain cloud sky

There is a / an ….


(1)find out 查明,弄清

(2)be ready to do 准备好做某事

(3)dress up 装扮,乔装打扮

(4)take sb`s place代替,替换

(5)do a good job 干得好??

(6)think of +名词或动词短语??认为….

(7)game shows游戏节目

(8)learn from向…学习从…..获得

(9)talk shows 脱口秀

(10)soap opera肥皂剧

(11)go on 发生

(12)watch a movie观看一场电影

(13)one ofthe main reasons 最主要的原因之一

(14)watch a sitcom观看一部情景喜剧

(15)action movies 动作电影?

(16)come out 出版,发行

(17)try one’s best 尽力,竭尽全力??

(18)a pair of一双,一对…

(19)as famous as一样著名

(20)look like 看起来像

(21)around the world 世界各地

(22)have a discussion about…就…….讨论

(23)one day有一天

(24)such as比如

(25)a symbol of…..的象征?

(26)something enjoyable令人愉快的东西

(27)interesting information有趣的资料

(28)happen to do sth.碰巧做某事

(29)expect to do sth.盼望做某事??

(30)TV shows 电视节目


(1)What do you think of talk shows?I don’t mind them.


去干嘛用go +动词ing

如: go swimming; go fishing;

go skating;

go camping;

go running;

go skiing;

go rowing…


than 前用比较级;as…as之间用原级。

如:My mother is two years younger than my father.


Liu Tao jumps as far as Ben.



用like +动词ing或like+ to + 动原。

如: Su Yang likes growing flowers.


The children like to play with lanterns at Spring Festival.



用 would like +to+动原或want + to +动原。



Halloween 万圣节前夕

at Halloween 在万圣节

Happy Halloween 万圣节快乐!

trick or treat 不请吃就捣蛋

give 给,送

festival 节日

an autumn / a spring / a winter festival 一个秋天的/春天的/冬天的节日

scary 吓人的,可怕的

scary clothes

mask 面具

neighbour 邻居

night 夜晚,夜间

Easter 复活节

look at 看……

on the hat 在帽子上

Easter hats 复活节帽子

chick 小鸡

chocolate 巧克力

chocolate eggs 巧克力蛋

Easter eggs 复活节蛋

yammy foods 美味的食物。


have a fabulous time

Christmas 圣诞节 (用介词at )

the Spring Festival 春节 (用介词at )

the Mid-Autumn Festival 仲秋节 (用介词at )

Mother’s Day / Father’s Day / Children’ s Day 母亲节/ 父亲节 / 儿童节 (用介词on)

poster 海报

make a poster 做海报


1. You look + 形容词 你看起来……

例句:You look scary.

She looks nice.

2. What + do / does + 主语 + 动词原形+……+?一般现在时的特殊疑问句,What用来提问就做什么。

例句:What do children do at Halloween?

What do their neighbours do ?

What does your father do ?

3. How many + 可数名词复数 + are + there ? 一般现在时的特殊疑问句,How many用来提问数量多少。

例句:How many eggs are there ?

回答用There be 句型. There be句型中be动词的单复数形式由最挨近的一项名词的单复数决定.

例句:There is only one. / There’re ten.


译林版小学英语五年级Unit2 A new student (Storytime部分)


本课时是小学英语五年级Unit2的第一课时, 在Unit1里我们已经初步了解There be结构句式的陈述的形式

这一部分内容是让学生进一步学习There be结构句式的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句形式以及它们答语, 对于小学生来说这与部分内容是很难的, 学生不易接受, 为此我要从分挖掘教学资源, 创设各种情景, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 力求使这节课最完美化。


1.理解, 掌握对话内容, 用正确的语音语调朗读对话, 初步表演对话。

2.正确运用日常交际用语Can you show her around?How many…?Is there a…?Yes, there is.No, there isn’t.Are there any…?Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.Let’s go and…

3.能正确的听、说、读单词:a r t r o o m, c l a s s r o o m, computer room, library, music room, playground


1.能正确理解对话内容, 朗读对话, 初步表演对话。

2.流畅地朗读对话, 并能在理解对话内容的基础上表演对话。




Step 1 Warm up.


1) T:Hello, boys and girls, tody is a fine day.there is no cloudy in the sky.Walk into my school, all boys are lovely and all girls are beautiful.I am very happy.Are you happy?


Let us play a game.Would you like?


T:I act and you guess. (What do I like doing?)

(教师做几个动作学生猜, 老师喜欢画画, 然后老师介绍昨天老师画了一幅我们校园的画, 并问学生Where is there in the school?)

2.Lead student to step into learn new lesson.

(设计理念:通过自由对话和游戏能够拉近师生之间的距离, 让学生在没有压力的情况下轻松投入到学习中.)

Step2.Learn the new words and sentences

1.Show computer room and ask:“Where is it?”Lead students to answer“It is a computer room.”

Lead student to read some times.

Point students to read one by one.

Ask students to read in groups.

Ask students to read together.

Teacher ask student to watch carefully and tell the teacher

“Where is the computer room?”

Step into learn new word“third”.Ask student to pay attention the red letters. (强调序数词前必须加the)

(设计理念:通过PPT播放各室所在的位置让学生自己说出学校里有什么, 它们的位置在哪, 这样既直观有形象, 既可以激发学生的学习兴趣, 也可以提高学生的观察能力。)

2.Teacher the words“classroom, library, playground, second First”in the same way.

3.Show the picture of Yang lin’s school and introduce

the people in the picture.

Teacher ask students“Boys and girls, would you want to know

“What are they doing?”

Student answer“Yes”

T:Yang lin is showing Nancy around her school.


4.Student watch PPT carefully, after then the teacher ask students“What place have they visited?”

Show the words music room and table tennis room.

Learn the two words.

5.Teacher ask:Boys and girls“How many classrooms are there in the school?”

Lead students to answer“There are 24 classrooms in the school.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)

6.Are there any computer rooms?

L e a d s t u d e n t s t o a n s w e r“Ye s, t h e r e a r e./N o, t h e r e aren’t.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)

7.Is there a music room and table tennis room?

L e a d s t u d e n t s t o a n s w e r“Ye s, t h e r e i s./N o, t h e r e isn’t.” (Lead student to read the sentences and the teacher teach the sentences)









(1)基本掌握核心词汇When, birthday, autumn, spring, March, September, October,及短语happy birthday. 能说,能简单运用。


When is your birthday?It’s March 12th.

How old are you?I’m eight years old.







Step1 Greetings and warm-up

Step2 Set the scene

(1)T: Today is my friend’s birthday. I have a gift for her.

(Ss review and read the word: gift.) Here is a birthday gift. 引入课题,板书课题: birthday.(Ss read and practice the pronunciations).

Let’s sing it!

Ss: Sing a birthday song together, and say “happy birthday” to the friend.


Watch the flash and think about the question: Whose birthday is it? (It’s Mocky’s birthday.)

(3)Read the story one sentence by one sentence.

Show the pictures of the four seasons and a calendar, learn spring, autumn, October, September, and October.

(4)Read the story again, and repeat: Today is Mocky’s birthday.

T: When is Mocky’s birthday? How old is Mocky?

Write down the dialogue and read.

(5)Then do the exercise: T or F.

Step3 Paper work:

(1)Show table 1 and fill Mocky’s birthday and age.

Then read the story again and complete the table 1 in groups.

Check the answers.

(2)Show a calendar again, and ask Ss to answer:

When is your birthday? How old are you?(Point at the right picture and talk about it.)

Ask 3 friends about their birthdays, and complete the table 2.

Ask 2-3 to show their table and read the sentences.

Step4 小结: 新单词和句型.

T:Today we learned five new words…

Ss: Spring, autumn, March, September, October.

T: And how to ask and answer your friends’ birthday and age?

Ss: How old are you? I’m … . When is your birthday? It’s … .

Step5 Say Goodbye.


Unit 4 Mocky’s birthday

When is Ken’s birthday? How old is Ken?

It’s March 12th.

He’s 10 years old.

New words:





1.Read the story.

2.Tell your parents your birthday in English.


“Mocky’s birthday”是小学英语北师大版第九册第四单元的内容。本单元的重点是关于询问及介绍生日,年龄的句型,以及十二个月份的学习。本堂课的教学选择了第一课时,关于课文教学。课文由Mocky看到桌上的礼物,猜测是谁过生日,由此引入关于询问和介绍自己生日和年龄的对话。








two years ago两年前

look different 看起来不一样(不同)

for 达,计 (for two years )

different 不同的

feed sth 喂……(feed the birds, feed them)

bench 长凳

desk 桌子

the pictures of our school 我们学校的照片

then 那么,就

playground 操场,运动场

in the playground 在操场上

How about …… ……怎么样

on the floor 在地板上

little trees <------->tall trees

small playground <------> big playground

talk about 谈论,讨论 (talk about changes)


1. This is ……vs This was……

2. There be 句型的一般现在时 There is / are

3. There be 句型的过去时There was/were

4. There be一般过去时否定句 there was/were not

如:There wasn’t a clock here before.

There weren’t any benches here before.

5. 一般现在时的一般疑问句结构:Do/Does +主语+动词原形+……+表时间的词语+?



例句:Does London look different now ?

回答: Yes, it does (主语+ do/does) / No, it doesn’t. (主语+ do/does+not )

例句:Do you like the park now ?

回答:Yes, I do. (一般疑问句中的主语是第二人称的,回答要变为第一人称I或we)
