



Question1 W:It would help me if you could go over last week and give me an idea how muchbeer drank each evening.M:Well, let me see, I went on to the bar 4 times last week, and drank about 3pints each evening.Question:How much beer did the man drink last week?

Question2 W:Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night? M:Don’t worry about so much things about work.I know, I know, easily said thandone.W:Should I stay home from work? M:No, I don’t think that necessary.Just remember to stay calm.Question:What did the doctor suggest the woman do?

Question3 W:How is with your feeling in general? M:No complaints really.Question:What does the man mean?

Question4 W:Our managing director is going to give you a raise.M:Really? Are you kidding me? W:Absolutely!He thinks you would!Question:What does the woman say?

Question5 W:I’ve been so worry about my daughter.She is so different and temperament forme.We are not always on the same wheeling.M:That’s quite common with mothers and daughters.W:She is a further personality and very much on the ball, but she is an excitedball child.Question:What does the woman mean?

Question6 W:Where is your injury? M:Here, my ankle.W:How did it happen? M:I tripped over on the evening and twisted it.It was swollen and very painful.Question:What is true about the woman?

Question7 W:John wants to move upwards and onwards within his new company.M:He is well qualified and the boss was into him.W:So you think he will achieve his goal? M:Year!For a better he will.Question:What did the man mean? Question8 M:Take the slip to the front desk and then arrange an appointment for the tests.W:Thanks doc!Have a nice day!Question:What will the woman do?


M:There is one girl on my school who everybody picks up.W:Why? M:Because she doesn’t wear everybody wears.Question:What can be inferred about the girl in question?

Question10 M:What’s your coming for today, Mrs.Sanderson?

W:I’ve been having some pains in my joints, especially the knees!Question:Where does the conversation most probably take place?

Question11 W:How long does the pain last when you get it? M:It comes and goes!Sometimes I hardly feel anything, other times it can lastfor half an hour or more.W:Is there any type of food that seems to cause the strong pain or other types? M:Um, heavy foods like stake insonnia usually bring it on, I’m trying to avoid those.Question:What kind of food seems to cause strong pain to the man?

Question12 W:Carl, your bicycle is too old, it’s not safe for you to ride.M:Year!I think I need to buy a new one, but it will go with time.Question:What did the man mean?

Question13 M:How long could you have these symptoms? W:Oh, I have the cough for two weeks, but feeling ill just be part a few days.Question:What do we know about the woman’s illness?

Question14 W:I think I could recover the cough at the end of this year.M:I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but the stock index still ranges between 1900 and2900 after every year.Question:What does the man mean?

Question15 M:I just want check to understand which pills to take and when? W:The yellow one in the morning and the others, Oh, I think no, maybe, Ah, you’dbetter to write it down!Then you won’t forget!

M:Here is some paper!The yellow one once a day before breakfast, the large roundone three times a day after meals, the small ones when you need one forsleeping.Question:Which of the following statements is true?

W:Hi, Patrick, how is your feeling today? M:A bit better!W:That’s good to hear!Are your still feeling nausea? M:No, I haven’t feel sick to my stomach since you switched my medication.W:Great!See, your test results come in this morning.M:I’s about time!Is it good news or bad? W:I get it a bit of both!Which do you want first? M:Let’s get the bad news over with it.W:OK, it looks like you are going to need a surgery to remove the tumor from yourleg.After the operation, you are going to have to stay off your feet for atleast 3 weeks, that means no soccer!M:Oh, I’m afraid you are going to say that!

W:Now for the good news!The biopsy shows that the tumor is benign, which meansit’s not cancerous.We are going to take it off any way just to be on the safeside!M:Wow, that’s a load off my mind!Thanks doctor!

W:Don’t get too excited!We still need to get the bottom all this way loss!M:I probably just been so worry about this stupid lump!W:These things often our stressed related.But we are still going to have a fewblood tests just to rule off things out!M:Like what? Cancer? W:Actually I’m thinking more of the line of food allergy!

Question16 Whydid the man have to switch medication? Question17 What’sthe bad news for the man? Question18 Whatmedical procedures has the man already undergone? Question19 Whydid the doctor ask the man to take a few blood tests? Question20 Whichof the following could best describe the man’s feeling in the end?

Women may be more susceptible to the lung-damaging effect to smoking than man.According to New research by Inassessali Sohine, MD, and her colleagues from Chiming laboratory,Briven and Women Hospital at University of Bourger, Norway.They analyzed data from the Norwegian case control study, including 954 subjects with chronic obstructed pulmonary disease(COPD)and 955 control, all are current or ex-smokers.The COPD subject have moderate or severe COPD.A role our analysis indicated the women may be more vulnerable to the effect of smoking, which is something previously suspected the(norkuven?), said Dr.Sohine.The study result would be presented on may 18, at the 105 international conference of the American directive society in San Diego.Examining the total study sample there is no gender differences with respect to lung function and COPD severity, but the women were on average younger, and they smoked significantly less than the man.To experience the differences further they also analyzed two subgroup a six study samples.COPD subject on the age of 60 and COPD subject with less than 20 pack years.In both subgroups women have more severe disease and great impairment to the lung function than men.New(flims?)that female smokers in our study experienced reduced lung function at a lower level of smoking exposure and at earlier age than men, said Dr Sohine.It is long been suspected that the effective Smoking on lung function may be modified by gender.Interaction analysis confirm that being female represent a higher risk of reduced lung function and severer COPD.This gender reset were less pronounced when smoking exposure is low.According to Dr Sohine, the reason why the women may be more susceptible to the effect of cigarette smoke is still unknown.But there are four possible explanations.Women have small airways, therefore eat cigarettes may be more harm.Also there are gender differences in the metabolism of cigarette smoke.Genes or hormones could also be important.Question No.21: what is the most likely surface topic for this talk? Question No.22: How many subjects the Dr.Sohine recruited in the study? Question No.23: When and where the Dr Sohine presented their study result? Question No.24: According to the talk, When is the gender difference most likely to be obvious in COPD susceptibility? Question No.25: which of the following is not the explanation for user great susceptibility to the effect of smoking?


一、做好听力预测, 化被动为主动

学生往往有这么一种感觉, 听老师用英文授课比听听力磁带难度要低。其原因之一是学生在上课前对教学内容已有预习, 对上课内容有所准备, 即有所预测, 这样在授课期间就可以主动去听, 在师生共有的知识场的作用下, 即使学生没全部听懂, 也可猜出个八九不离十。而听磁带时, 学生事先根本不知道会出现什么样的内容, 听得非常被动。这时预测的重要性就凸显出来了。听力理解是一个积极主动去理解的过程, 掌握预测技巧并熟练地运用到听力测试中, 可以化被动为主动, 达到事半功倍的效果。

听力开始前要先读题。一般来说, 选项越长, 提供的预测信息就越多。对话型的问题可分为两大类。第一类为细节题, 即针对时间、地点、人物身份及关系等所提的问题。这类题目选项字数不多, 供预测所用的信息较少, 应对策略为在听的过程中把握住关键词即可。

第二类问题为归纳判断的综合题, 一般选项字数较多, 供预测所用的信息也就较多。首先长句化短, 找出每个选项的核心信息, 再将四个选项的信息归纳分析, 确定该题的听力重点。例如, 有如下四个选项:

A) The man wants to go Los Angeles.

B) The man wants to go to San Francisco.

C) There are no flights to Los Angeles for the rest of the day.

D) There are two direct flights to Los Angeles within the nex two hours.

将四个选项的信息点归纳起来, 听材料时的重点是寻找该男子的目的地、出行时间及有无航班。

从实用技能的角度来说, 读题时应把握住一个原则。正确答案必有干扰项, 首先, 根据相似性原则, 缩小选择范围。如果两至三个选项包含的信息点有较高的相似点, 则正确答案在其中的可能性较高, 即选项中出现频率越高的信息, 越有可能是对话中会提及的信息, 包含这些信息的选项也是正确答案最可能存在的选项, 另一个与其它三个选项毫不相关的基本可以排除。其次, 根据对立性原则圈定重点。如果有两个选项包含的信息点截然相反, 那么, 其中一个是正确答案的可能性极高。在此处还有一个重要的原则, 即立即排除的选项往往会指向正确答案。

以上文的四个选项为例。A、C、D三个选项中出现了一个相同的信息点, 即Los Angeles, 这时选项B基本可以排除。选项C、D中出现了相同信息flights, 该男子应当是搭乘飞机出行, 但有无航班, C、D的信息又构成对立, 答案出现在其中一个的可能性较大。但选项A、B的信息亦构成对立, 因B已经排除, A是正确答案的可能性最大。

对于长对话和短文理解, 除了对单个题目可以用上述方法读题, 还需将同一对话或短文的几道题结合起来, 构建信息框架。在听音过程中, 不要等全部对话或短文结束后再答题, 否则短期记忆会受到很大的影响。正确的做法是在确定听力重点的基础上, 在听的过程中一听到相应的信息点, 就进行排除或选择。

预测是为了主动地从听力材料中获取所需信息而做的必要准备, 通过预测掌握的信息越多, 心理准备越大, 在听的过程中就可以有的放矢, 事半功倍。但切不可抱有投机取巧的心理, 以猜题代替答题, 究竟哪一个是正确答案, 一切都要听完材料后才见分晓。

二、克服焦虑心理, 逾越听力障碍

听力比较差的学生往往陷入一种恶性循环:因为基础较差, 材料听完后大脑一片空白, 对听力就越发地恐惧。焦虑心理如滚雪球般越来越严重, 以致于有些学生一戴上耳机就全身发抖, 紧张到无以自抑。焦虑心理如不克服, 势必影响到学生听力能力的培养及提高。

克服焦虑心理, 首先要树立自信心。树立自信心, 要从巩固基本功开始。听力理解要求将声音与意义整合起来, 即用听到的声音构建意义。这时学生是否掌握了正确的发音及语音知识至关重要。如果学生本身发音就有问题, 那么听到正确的发音反而反应不过来。因此巩固基本功须从语音入手, 让学生能自觉地模仿和纠音, 正确掌握说话的节奏感, 同时强化语音基础知识的学习, 熟悉常见的语言现象, 如:连读、失爆、同化、弱读、陈述句、疑问句和祈使句的语调等。并注意语段中语音轻重、节奏变化和新旧信息传递之间的关系。从单词到词组到句子到句群到段落, 循序渐进, 熟悉英语发音规律, 逐渐养成良好的发音和朗读习惯。

其次, 要通过阅读等多种输入手段扩大词汇量, 巩固语法, 真正做到英语知识“私有化”。英语中任何一种技能的训练都不是孤立的, 而是相辅相成、彼此促进的。听力技能的培养就要与说、读、写、译相结合。对于相当一部分学生而言, 有些听力材料莫说听了, 看都很难看懂。如果没有扎实的综合全面的英语基础知识为支撑, 单方面训练听力技能只是一句空话。听不懂的时候不要硬听, 放下耳机, 拿起录音文本, 先解决阅读上的问题, 在读懂的情况下再去听。

此外, 听力障碍的出现还有一大原因, 即学生不熟悉文化背景知识。语言是文化的载体, 不了解他国的文化, 在听的过程中产生一些困惑也就在所难免。如有这么一段对话:

M:Please buy two packs of cigarettes for me while you are a the store.

W:I am not going to any store.I’m going to see Aunt Mary, but I will get them for you at the gas station.

Q:Where will the woman stop on her way?

内容并不难, 问题也很简单, 但学生就产生了困惑, 在加油站怎么能买到香烟呢, 因此在选择时就犹豫不决, 殊不知在美国加油站通常也兼卖一些日用杂货的。因此, 在外语学习中还应注重拓宽文化背景知识。

要真正克服心理障碍, 还需在听力训练的实战中进行。听并不只是耳朵的工作。在听的过程中, 要做到眼到、耳到、脑到、手到, 多方协调。眼到:看选项;耳到:听材料;脑到:作判断;手到:做笔录。而要做到这些身体器官的协调运作, 并非一朝一夕之功, 持之以恒地坚持训练是必不可少的。

做笔录这一点往往为学生所忽略, 认为会干扰听音过程。但做笔录是听力训练中必要的一个环节。做笔录并不是说要把听到的原文一字不漏地记下来, 事实上这也不可能做到。在听的过程中, 应该把一些重要的信息记录下来。而如何辨别重要信息, 一者结合预测所做的心理预期, 再者要掌握寻找关键信息的线索。在听的过程中把握住转折优先、因果优先、总结优先、递进优先的原则, 重点留意but, however;therefore, as a result, because;in short, in conclusion;moreover, in addition, besides这一类单词, 这些单词后出现的都是重要信息, 往往也是出题点。日常训练中, 要注意提高对这些词的敏感度。

听力技能的提高不是一蹴而就的, 要有一个循序渐进的过程, 要加大日常训练, 接触最新资料。精听与泛听相结合。精听是有目的地听, 对一份听力材料不仅要听懂, 而且对其中的语言现象要分析掌握, 储存到自己的知识库中;而泛听同样重要。通过收听英语广播、观看英文原版影视节目、欣赏英文歌曲等, 扩大知识面, 培养语感, 增强反应能力。如今网络资源丰富, 如VOA、BBC等节目在网上都有在线收听及下载服务, 题材多样, 难易搭配, 学生可根据个人情况, 由浅入深, 由易到难, 逐步提高自己的英语听力水平。而且泛听可以在轻松的氛围下进行, 对学生缓解焦虑心理有很大的好处。


听力难, 但并不难于上青天。听力是一门综合语言技能, 其水平的提高需要学生掌握有效的听力学习策略;重视预测的重要性, 积极主动地去听;巩固英语基本功, 树立自信心, 克服焦虑心理, 掌握有效的听力技巧;加大日常训练, 大量接触听力材料, 循序渐进, 持之以恒, 与英语其他技能的训练相辅相成, 提高听力技能并不是不可能完成的任务。


[1]程晓堂, 郑敏.英语学习策略[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2003.

[2]束定芳, 庄智象.现代外语教学——理论、实践与方法[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2004.

上一篇:四川省公务员面试下一篇:关于农村道路交通安全宣传的几点想法 铁岭县公安局交警大队 王喆