




( )skirt ( )pencil

( )these ( )between

( )orange ( )where

( )please ( )green

( )touch ( )supermarket


( )1、A、It’s steak.

B、My name’s Peter.

C、It’s pink.

( )2、A、Yes, I am.

B、No, I don’t.

C、No, they aren’t

( )3、A、My name’s Peter

B、Your name’s Peter.

C、His name’s Peter.

( )4、A、Yes ,I can.

B、He’s sad.

C、We’re happy.

( )5、A、They’re cold.

B、She likes tennis.

C、He likes soccer.



1. ______ aremy pants?They’re ______ the bed.21世纪教育网版权所有

2. Are these______?No, they aren’t.

3. ______ isthat?It’s a white ______.



( ) 1. A.pens B.peaches C.grapes

( ) 2. A.door B.window C.black

( ) 3. A.short B.lamp C.tall

( ) 4. A.where B.pants C.jackets

( ) 5. A.blue B.brown C.bed


( ) 1.l__ __p

( A.灯 B.钟 C.门 )

( ) 2.w__nd__w

( A.床 B.窗 C.毛毯 )

( ) 3.p__ __ ch

( A.芒果 B.葡萄 C.桃子 )

( ) 4.waterm__l__n

(A. 西瓜 B.草莓 C.苹果 )

( ) 5.__nd__r

( A.在…下面 B.在…上面 C.在…之间 )


1、I like pears.

2、Where are my socks?

3、It’s a pink lamp.

4、They’re big.

5、What’s that? It’s a bed.


( ) 1. 你向朋友介绍你爸爸的时候,你会说:___________.

A. This is myfather .

B. That is my father .

C. This is my brother .

( )2. 你想知道珍妮是否开心,你会问:___________?

A. How are you, Jenny?

B. Are you happy, Jenny ?

C. You are happy, Jenny?

( ) 4.如何用英语表达“我很冷”。__________.

A. I’m big .

B. I’m cold .

C. I’m hot.21教育网

( ) 5._____ you like basketball ?

A. Are

B. Do

C. Is

( )6.-Where’s my shirt? -It’s ______ the bed.

A. n


( )7.-Is that a clock? -Yes, _____ _____ .

A. itisn’t

B.it is

( )8.-What are these? -______ are bananas.

A. They


( )9.Where ______ my socks?



( )10.______ your books,please.





1.send an email发电子邮件2.a computer message电脑信息3.go from one computer to another computer从一台电脑发/传到另一台电脑4.send sth.to sb.把...发给某人5.That`s a good idea!这是个好主意!6.click on“Email”点击“电子邮件”7.click on“Write”点击“写信”8.click on “Send”点击“发送”9.write your message写信息

10、Dad`s computer at work爸爸正工作着的电脑11.an email from....一封来自....的电子邮件12.How to make a poster如何做明信片13.put on the wall贴/挂在墙上14.be home在/到家15.at seven o`clock在七点钟16.Thank you for.....为...而感谢17.It was a surprise.这是一个惊喜。18.work very hard非常努力工作19.at the office在办公室20.be very busy非常忙 21.see you later再见/以后见22.at school在学校23.on the train在火车上

24.clever little girls聪明的小女孩们25.lots of=alot of许多26.an English word一个英语单词

27.learn to type the name学会打你的名字28.use the mouse用鼠标29.learn English frome our English book从/向我们的英语课本学英语30.stand up起立31.run to the blackboard向黑板跑来

32.write...on the blackboard把...写在黑板上


1.Let`s send an email to Dad.让我们给爸爸发个电子邮件吧!【Let`s+do sth!这个句型经常是建议做什么的句型,翻译为“让我们干什么吧!”Let`s=let us.let`s后面用动词原形。】再如:Let`s go to school!让我们去上学吧!练习:让我们去踢足球吧!

2.Click on “Email”.Now click on“Write”.点击“电子邮件”。现在点击“写信”。【click[klik],动词“敲、击、(鼠标)点击”现在分词:clicking;过去式:clicked;第三人称单数:clicks;Click on 是“打开,启动”的意思。】练习:点击“复制”。

3.It goes from one computer to another computer.它从一台电脑传到另一台电脑。【goes翻译为“传送”。From...to....从....到.....。】如:You will count from one to one hundred.你将从一数到一百。

4.The message will go to Dad`s computer at work.信息将会传到爸爸正用的电脑上。【at work在工作、在上班。At在英语中是最活跃的介词之一,它的用法很多。1.at在表示时间时,可以指时间上的一点、一刻,也可指短暂的一段时间。如某个节日等。如:at noon在中午,at ten o`clock在十点钟,at New Year在新年;2.at表示“在...附近”时,多指有目的的行为所处的位置。At the table在桌旁(在吃饭),at work在工作3.at表示地点时,可用于指较小的地方,也可用于具体的门牌号码。At the station在车站,at 115 Zhongshan Road在中山路115号。4.at表示原因时指“听到、看到、想到”等,At the news they felt very sad.听到这个信息他们感到很悲伤。】


5.I will be home at seven o`clock.我七点钟会在家。【be home回家,表示回家的状态,也就是在家。Will将、将要,=be going to后面都是用动词的原形。】如:She is at the park now.She will be home at seven o`clock.她现在在公园,七点钟她将会在家。



/ k/舌后软腭爆破音:舌后部隆起,紧贴软腭。形成阻碍,然后突然离开,气流冲出口腔。清辅音。读这个音的字母组合有:k:kite,king,make.take,ck:back.black,clock,C:cook,cool.clockx:six,sixteen,tai


[关键词]七年级英语 阅读 教学策略

[中图分类号] G633.41 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 16746058(2015)190029


新课程提倡学生在教师指导下进行自主、合作、探究的学习,让每一位学生能在课堂上感受到学习语言的喜悦和成就感,进而促进学生积极参与良性发展,提高语言综合运用能力。《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011版解读)对初一学生语言技能阅读的标准为:(1)能正确地朗读课文。(2)能理解并执行有关学习活动的简短书面指令。(3) 能读懂简单故事和短文并抓住大意。(4)能初步使用简单的工具书。(5) 课外阅读量应累计达到4万词以上。如何让学生随着知识和词汇的增加逐步提高阅读水平,增强阅读兴趣,养成良好的阅读习惯,就需要教师立足课堂教学,开展有效的阅读教学。在阅读教学中,我一般采用以下四个策略,即导入策略、词汇策略、分析理解策略和课后巩固策略。



1.对故事性较强的阅读课文,以设问导入。如进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 8 Story time 教学时,学生通过学习unit1的故事,对Goldilocks这个小女孩非常感兴趣,想知道小女孩在进入小熊家之后发生了什么事,于是在上unit2阅读课时,我通过设计问题来引入阅读课文:What did Goldilocks do when she saw the three bears? Did Goldilocks go for a walk in the forest again? 通过提问激起学生学习的兴趣,因为兴趣是促成他们阅读的动力。

2.对学生感兴趣的话题,以讨论导入。如进行七年级上册(外研版新标准)Module 5 My school day教学时,因为学生对贴近学习生活的话题比较感兴趣,因此上课时我以What is your school day like ?为主线,让学生以小组为单位进行讨论,以表格的形式将日常的学习、生活时间、具体内容呈现在活动卡上,讨论结束后,小组成员还可以到其他组参观其他成果,讨论的气氛变得相当热烈。这样对于转入阅读课文就很自然,学生的课堂状态很好,阅读欲望很高,阅读效率自然就高。

3.对文化意识的话题,以视听形式导入。根据课文内容选出一些话题,用视听的形式呈现,吸引学生的注意力。如进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 6 Around town的教学时,通过课前播放视频,让学生了解英国首都伦敦的一些著名景点,从而进一步自然过渡到课文的学习。




1. 表演呈现,感悟词汇的趣味

运用表演法进行词汇教学。表演法就是教师运用动作(body language)和表情来教学具有动感或感情色彩的词汇。实际上,表演也是创设真实情景的有效手段之一,教师可以与学生一起做动作,促进学生积极参与词汇学习活动。如在学到七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house时,让学生进行与这个主题相关的词汇演绎活动,根据新单词asleep、return、cry、shout、jump、point at、 in pieces,学生以两人为单位,一位学生读单词,另一位学生做动作,这样既提高了单词记忆效率,又激发了学生学习后面阅读课文的兴趣,有效地促进了后面阅读课文的理解。


词汇的意义在于特定的语境中,只有在上下文中词义才能明确和具体,如果脱离语境进行词汇教学,即使学生记住了词汇的形式和意义,也很难将其运用于实际交际活动中。因此,词汇教学应融入句子和语篇的教学中,做到词不离句,句不离篇。教师应为学生创设运用所学语言的语境,深化学生在语境中熟悉词义,掌握其用法,理解词汇的意蕴。针对学生学习词汇的这种倾向,在阅读教学中有意识地创设情境教学,让学生参与到学习理解生词的教学活动中,通过上下文的语境来理解识记,而不是死记硬背。在进行七年上册(外研版新标准)Module 7 Computers的阅读单元时 ,我设计了一段话让学生猜词, You can use your computer to do lots of things on the Internet. you can listen to music or watch movies on it. You can search information. If you want to travel, you can buy train tickets on it. You can also check your email, or send emails to friends. When you are free, you can play lots of computer games.通过上下文语境的联系,大多数学生都能猜测、理解和掌握这些词语,在真正的语言环境中理解了词语的含义。

3. 阅读后的词汇巩固

学生对阅读理解课中的词汇掌握不是单靠一两个环节就可完成,需要不断地重复、加强和巩固。特别是对于七年级学生来说,由于没有较多的英语知识积累,学得快忘得快,因此需要以不同的方式不断呈现巩固。通常在教完一篇阅读课文后,让学生用所学的关键词汇来概括归纳或缩写课文,在语境中运用词汇,熟悉课文内容,巩固所学词汇,做到学以致用,切实地提高了他们的阅读理解能力。例如,学完七年级下册(外研版新标准)module 7 的阅读单元,我就设计了短文填空,让学生运用刚学到的重要的单词、短语来完成短文。Quincy is a small town on the east coast of America, two presidents of the US were born here. Betty was also born there twelve years ago. She lived in a comfortable house with a big living room, a kitchen , a bathroom and three bedrooms . Behind the house ,there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it . There was lots to do there, so Betty wasnt bored.


著名教育家叶圣陶先生说:“教是为了不教”。吕叔湘先生也指出:“教学 ,教学,就是教学生学”。可见教师的主导作用还在于做好学生学习的向导,使学生不仅学到知识,而且懂得如何去学。

首先,要教会学生猜测、概括或推理的策略。教师要指导学生选择合适的猜词技巧:根据上下文提供的内容猜测;根据题目来猜测。其次要鼓励学生对每一篇文章运用自己的背景知识来分析文中可能会出现的观点或情景。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 3 Unit 2 We are going to cheer the players这篇文章的教学时,要求学生讨论自己在周末或假期时打算做的事,带着自己的计划走入文中,感受be going to 结构的用法。


最后,要教给学生精读的策略。精读的目的在于理清句、篇的正确意思。当阅读遇到一些生词、难句,教会学生正确利用语境理解文章思想和内涵。如在进行七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module5 Shopping中take 一词教学中,因为之前已经接触过take的两种意思,这单元的出现已是第三种意思了,所以应该适当讲解。但还是通过句、篇理解更为恰当,如:1. Tom often takes a bike to school . 2. I will take this T-shirt. 3. Shopping usually takes a lot of time. 通过以上句子的比较,让学生自己体验take在不同句子中的不同意思和用法。


在经过了导入和阅读阶段的训练,学生对文章的整体有了较好的理解。为了帮助学生构建知识框架,深化文章内涵领悟,教师有必要设计形式多样的练习,以巩固学习的效果,如:复述或角色表演、提炼文章、背诵课文、书面表达等。如在学习七年级下册(外研版新标准)Module 8 Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house后,可以让学生分组将故事情节进行表演,每位学生都参与到表演中,再次升华学习的内容,充分调动学生的学习兴趣。此外,七年级英语教材中,每个单元都有一个话题。学生经过了以上阅读知识的输入和大量的练习巩固后,可以根据每单元的话题,借鉴课文中背诵的经典词句,进行拓展性的书面写作,提高学生学习后的综合运用能力。


[ 参 考 文 献 ]

[1]陈琳, Simon Greenall. 新标准英语初一上、下学生用书[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2013.





( )1. I want _________ and a cola.

A. a hot dog B. a hamburger C. some noodles

( )2. CHow much is it? CIt’s ______ dollars and twenty-five cents.

A. fifteen B. thirteen C. thirty

( )3. Tomorrow, it’s going to ________ in Harbin.

A. rain B. snow C. windy

( )4. Look! She’s trying to ___________ the bus.

A. get on B. get off C. drive

( )5. Mum, I ________ a book for you.

A. buy B. bought C. born


( )1. A. I want a hamburger. B. I want a cola. C. It’s nine dollars.

( )2. A. A hamburger and a cola. B. At half past twelve.

C. It’s going to rain soon.

( )3. A. I’m playing the trumpet. B. He’s playing the trumpet.

C. She’s playing the trumpet.

( )4. A. I’m tired. B. I’m sad. C. I’m happy.

( )5. A. In 1994. B. In France. C. Louis Braille.


( )1. Yesterday I went to the park with my friends.

( )2. It was a rainy day.

( )3. We took many photos.

( )4. I sent a book to my grandma and grandpa.

( )5. I will give sweets to my friends.



( )1. A. hamburger B. orange juice C. hot dog D. chicken

( )2. A. Thursday B. yesterday C. Friday D. Sunday

( )3. A. trumpet B. baseball C. football D. basketball

( )4. A. Helen Keller B. Confucius C. Yang Liwei D. Dad

( )5. A. bought B. did C. sold D. have


A. Simon’s family gave it to me.

B. I want a hot dog, please.

C. We are going to eat at 12.30.

D. It’s about animals.

E. Sorry, I can’t.

F. Yes, I am.

G. She was born in 1880.

H. Because it’s going to rain.

I. Eighty-seven yuan, please.

J. He was born in France.

( )1. What do you want?

( )2. How much are they?

( )3. When are we going to eat?

( )4. Who can help me?

( )5. Who gave it to you?

( )6. When was Helen Keller born?

( )7. Why are you wearing a raincoat?

( )8. Are you going to go to middle school this September?

( )9. Where was Louis Braille born?

( )10. What’s the book about?


( )1. We’re going to have a in the park.

A. picnic B. class C. holiday

( )2. I you this book.

A. buyed B. bout C. bought

( )3. It’s easy to make with English.

A. friends B. mistake C. mistakes

( )4. ______October 2003,Shenzhou V flew ______space with Yang Liwei.

A. On, in B. In, in C. In, into

( )5. I bought you a book _______America.

A. about B. for C. with

( )6. It’s raining and we are ________a tree.

A. in B. under C. on

( )7. Now the train is coming _______the station.

A. to B. at C. in

( )8. C is it? CIt’s eighty dollars.

A. How many B. How much C. How old

( )9. C are we going to eat? CAt half past twelve.

A. When B. What C. Where

( )10. C are you wearing a raincoat?

CBecause it’s going to rain.

A. What B. When C. Why


front, driver, more, fast, hospital

“Please don’t drive so ,” Mrs. Lee said to her husband. “If you don’t slow down, we’re going to have an accident(事故).” “Don’t worry, my dear,” said her husband. “I’m a very good . You are quite safe. We must hurry. If we don’t, we’ll be late for the party.”

“If you don’t slow down,” said his wife, “we’ll never get to the party. We’ll be in .”

Just then a car came out of a side road and crossed in of their car. Mr. Lee stepped hard on the brakes (刹车) and the car stopped suddenly.

“You are right, my dear,” said Mr. Lee. “We are going too fast. I’ll go slowly.”


1. It’s thirteen d and twenty-five cents.

2. In this photo, the sun is s .

3. Daming is have a birthday party, b the phone is ringing.

4. China sent a man into s in this spaceship.

5. Helen Keller was b in America in 1880.


A Naughty Boy

Tom has some bad habits. He is often late for class. Tom seldom(很少)cleans his room. He loves watching TV before he finishes his homework. He loves football and always breaks(打破)the windows of the neighbours. His mother is very angry with him. She tries to change his bad habits and Tom does not listen to his mother. So they sometimes quarrel(争吵)with each other.

Today Tom comes back from the football field. He washes his hands before coming to the dinner table. His mother is very surprised. He tells his mother that this is good for his health. He wants to be a strong football player. He has to be more careful with his health and everything else.

( )1. Tom is often late for _________.

A. class B. supper C. lunch D. meetings

( )2. He loves football and often __________.

A. breaks the neighbours’ door B. quarrels with the neighbours

C. breaks the neighbours’ windows D. plays with mother

( )3. Today Tom comes back from __________.

A. the cinema B. the neighbour’s house

C. the classroom D. the football field.

( )4. His mother is ______ to see Tom wash his hands before dinner.

A. surprised B. excited C. angry D. unhappy

( )5. Does Tom have any bad habits?

A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, he has.

C. No, he doesn’t. D. No, he hasn’t.


1. speak, We, Chinese, to, going, are

2. on, you, your, Why, head, have, cups, got

3. couldn’t, She, couldn’t, see, hear, and

4 Yang Liwei, about, hours, spent, in, twenty-one, space


第一部分 听力(40分)

一、听录音,把你所听到的字母或单词的序号写在题前的括号内(10分)。()1.A.C O B.G O C.J K()2.A.n v B.a p C.m l()3.A.small B.big C.middle()4.A.first B.second C.third()5.A.Sunday B.Monday C.Tuesday()6.A.read B.write C.listen()7.A.Chinese B.English C.math()8.A.running B.jumping C.cooking()9.A.aunt B.uncle C.cousin()10.A.centre B.late C.early

二、听录音, 选择正确的图片,并给它们排上序号,将序号写在括号内(10分)。


三、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将其序号填在题前的括号内(10分)。()1.A.7:00 B.6:00 C.10:00()2.A.get up B.go to school C.have lunch()3.A.Breakfast B.Lunch C.Dinner()4.A.read B.write C.listen()5.A.plane B.kites C.bird


()1.A.Yes.B.By bike.C.Sorry.()2.A.Yes, I do.B.No, I do.C.Yes, I don’t.()3.A.No, he isn’t.B.She is a doctor.C.He is a teacher.()4.A.Yes, please.B.It’s twenty yuan.C.No, you can’t.()5.A.It’s three yuan.B.They are three yuan.C.There is three yuan.第二部分 笔试(60分)


1.G 2.r 3.BOWL 4.white 5.PAPER __________ 6.seat __________ 7.YEAR __________ 8.stone _________


1.c,t,o,a 2.g,g,e 3.s,h,r,t,o __________ 4.h,n,a,d 6.h,m,o,e __________ 6.m,s,t,o


1.was not(缩写形式)2.meat(同音词)3.few(比较级)4.small(反义词)5.loud(副词)6.watch(复数形式)

八、单项选择:从所给答案中选择正确的一个,将序号填在题前括号内(20分)。()1.--How do you do?--A.How are you? B.I’m fine.C.How do you do ?()2.Lingling is playing piano.A.a B.the C.不填()3.It’s the first of may.A.on B.in C.of()4.Tom is American boy.A.a B.an C.the()5.I come to school foot.A.on B.by C.in()6.--How old is he?--He is.A.fine B.twelve C.OK()7.She a strange man yesterday.A.seeing B.saw C.see()8.--What’s five and three?--It’s.A.nine B.six C.eight()9.Peter is in our class.A.the tallest B.the tall C.taller()10.--Would you like some milk?--Yes,.A.I can B.please C.I am


A.Where,where.B.Thank you!C.No, no.()2.你想知道对方明天要去干什么,你应该问: A.When are you going to do? B.What did you do yesterday? C.What are you going to do tomorrow?()3.当你看到一个小孩在公园里摘花,你应该这样说:

A.Don’t pick up flowers.B.No smoking.C.Don’t talk in the park.()4.你想知道Tim的妈妈是做什么工作的,你应该这样问:

A.Who’s you mother? B.How’s your mother? C.What’s your mother?()5.你的朋友遇到了麻烦,你应该这样问他: A.What’s the matter with you? B.What are you? C.Where are you?






9、A、Spring Festival

B、New Year






1、My favourite toy is _____.G

a T

g R

q H

h I

l L

t Q




























(((((((A、a kite


C、a song

2、--What are they?

--They are ____.A、monkey



3、--Do you like fish?

--____.A、Yes, I don’t

B、No, I don’t

C、Yes, he does

4、--Does Xiaoyong like apples?

--____.A、Yes, he do

B、Yes, he doesn’t

C、No, he doesn’t

5、--Pass me the rice, please!

--____.A、Yes, I am

B、No, It isn’t

C、Here you are

6、--What __ she do __ the weekend?

--She plays basketball.A、does, at

B、does, in

C、do, at

7、This book is ____ Spring Festival.A、on



8、--It’s Christmas today.– Happy ____!

A、New Year


C、Spring Festival


9、It’s spring.It’s____ in spring.A、warm



10、--Has Sam got a sweater?

--Yes, ____.A、he has

B、he hasn’t

C、he does()

11、She goes to school ___ bike.A、on



12、--___ is this?

--A present for you.A、Where



13、In ___ , Daming walks on the snow.A、winter



14、--What’s the time?

--_____.A、It’s half past twelve

B、It’s four thirty o’clock C、It’s six half



1、Do you like sweets?

A、No, I haven’t.()

2、Have you got a car?

B、Yes, I do.()

3、How do you go home?

C、I watch TV.()

4、What’ s nine and eleven?

D、It’s nine o’clock.()

5、What do you do at the weekend?

E、It’s twenty.()

6、What’s the time?

F、By bike.五、根据情景选择填空。(10分)()


A、How do you go to school?

B、How do you go school? C、Where is the school?



A、What do you do at school?

B、What’s your school? C、What do you have at school?



A、What’s your favourite toy?

B、What’s your favourite colour? C、What’s your favourite food?



A、Have you get a new coat?

B、Has you got a new coat?

C、Have you got a new coat?




一、Useful phrases(有用短语 收拾干净 tidy up 占用 take up 一点 a bit 一套„„的收藏品 collection of 拉小提琴 play the violin 一直 all the time 对„„感兴趣 be interested in 在„„末尾 at the end of 接受采访 give an interview 例如,比如 such as 照顾 look after 发展兴趣 develop interests 和„„一样 as well as 出版,开(花)come out 花费(金钱、时间)spend … on sth.花费(金钱、时间)spend …(in doing 结果 as a result 将来 in the future 一生中 in one‟s life 省钱,存钱 save money

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.是什么让你对音乐感兴趣?What made you so interested in music? 2.我经常听他拉小提琴。I often listen to him play the violin.3.在2000年的夏天,他在夏令营呆啦四个星期。

During the summer holiday of 2000, he spent four weeks on a summer camp.3.我利用一些空闲时间在校队打排球。

I spent some of my free time(in playing volleyball for my school team.Module Two

一、Useful phrases(有用短语 稍等 Hold the line 事实上 in fact

两个,数个 a couple of 觉得 feel like 和„„不同 be different from 和„„交朋友 make friends with 顺便说说 by the way 遥远(be)far away 结果 as a result 害怕 be afraid of sth.担心 worry about 如常 as usual 在那时 at that moment 一天天 day by day 对„„微笑 smile at 开始 at first 不再 not … any more 保持现状 stay the same

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.我问你的秘书她会不会来。I asked your secretary whether she could come or not.2.我能问一下你是否想念英国或你的亲戚吗? Can I ask if /whether you miss the UK,or your relations? 3.感觉如何?What does it feel like? 4.你觉得怎样?How do you like it?=What do you think of it? Module Three

一、Useful phrases(有用词语

1、小心 look out for

2、„„的分数 the score of

3、愿意做某事 would like to do

4、感谢你做某事 thank you for doing

5、喜欢做某事 like doing sth.6、带某人参观 take/show sb around

7、停止做某事 stop doing sth

8、最新消息 the latest news

9、需要做某事 need to do sth

10、继续做某事 keep doing sth

11、以„开始 begin with

12、讨厌做某事 hate doing/to do

13、开始做某事 begin doing/to do

14、同意某人意见 agree with sb

15、通过收音机 on the radio

16、在电台 at the radio

17、在„„附近be close to

18、记得做过某事 remember doing

19、亲自 in person 20、看起来似乎„ It seems(that

21、在„岁时 at age of

二、Key Structures(关键句型


We ‟d like to thank you for taking us around Radio Beijing.2、不可气,我喜欢带来访者到处参观。Don ‟t mention it.I enjioy showing visitors around.3、我想回答你的问题,不过记得要记住那盏红灯。

I want to answer your quesrions,but remember to look out for the red light.4、我记得当我四到五岁的时候,我坐在客厅的收音机旁„„

When I was about four or five years old,I remember sitting close to the radio in the living room…

Module Four

一、Useful phrases(有用的短语

1、拍录像 take vedios

2、回放 play back

3、打开 turn on

4、赶快 come on

5、借给某人某物 lend sth to sb

6、等待 wait for

7、把„连接到„ connect to

8、拉小提琴 play the violin

9、找出 find out

10、救某人的命 save one‟s life

11、捡起 pick up

12、拍照 take a photo of

13、咬某人的手 bite sb on the hand

二、Key Structures(关键句型


If you want to turn on the recorder, press the blue button.2、如果有蛇咬你,用你的手机拍张照片。这可能救你的命。

If a snake bites you,take a photo with your mobile phone!It may save your life.Module 5

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1、能,会 be able to

2、一起 all together

3、在„结束时 at the end of

4、拿走,起飞 take off

5、至少 at least

6、犯错 make a mistake

7、毕竟 after all

8、零用钱 pocket money

9、赶快 hurry up

10、宁可,较喜欢 rather …than

11、提醒做某事 warn sb to do sth

12、有机会 have a chance

13、以„为自豪 be proud of

14、要求 ask for

15、出错 go wrong

16、送走 send away

17、用„做某事 use sth for doing sth

二、Key structures(关键句型

1、假如我演奏得好,我就会在“明星大搜索”的演奏会上独奏。If I play well,‟ll play the solo during the Starsearch concert.2、如果她去了别的学校,我就不能见到我最好的朋友了。If she goes to a diffent school, I won‟t see my best friend.Module 6

一、Useful phases(有用短语

1、发生 take place

2、醒来 be awake

3、谈论 talk about

4、想念某人 miss sb

5、交朋友 make friends

6、拉小提琴 play the violin

7、担心 be worried about

8、照顾 look after

9、面对面的 face to face

10、以某人的观点 in one‟s opinion

11、除„之外 except for

12、出版 comr out

13、反映真实生活的 be true to life

14、扮演某人 play sb

15、建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth

16、加入 jion sb

二、Key structures(关键句型


She said that she was with some classmates from London.2.她解释说她的访问时为了交朋友。

She explained that her visit was about making friends.3.所以她知道他有很多朋友。So she knows that she is among the friends.Module 7

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1、休假,放假 time off

2、照顾 look after

3、全中国 all over China

4、绕„„而走 walk around

5、过桥 cross the bridge

6、爬上 climb up

7、其余的„„ the rest of

8、说出真相 tell the truth

9、叫某人(别)做某事 ask sb.(not to do sth.10、听见某人在做某事 hear sb.doing sth

11、因„„出名 be famous for 12.看起来像 look like

13、知道,了解 know about

14、在夜间 during the night

15、仿佛,好像 as if

16、叫醒 wake up

17、发现,查明 find out

18、指向 point out

19、希望,期待 hope for sth.20、单独留下某人 leave sb.alone

二、Key structures(关键句型

1、她问我是否练习太多了。She asked if I was practising too much.2、她问我发生什么事。She asked me what was the matter.3、我告诉她不要担心。I told her not to worry.4、他还说摘叶子还是不对的。He also said that it was wrong to pull leaves.Module 8

一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1.劳动节 Labour Day 2.去度假 take a vacation 3.在…方面花费… spend … on/ doing sth.4.一„„就„„ as soon as 5.„„的开端 at the start of/ beginning of 6.变凉 get cooler 7.在不同日期 on a different date

8、结束 be over

9、休息一天 have one day off

10、制定计划 make a plan

11、以相同的方式 in the same way

12、依赖 depend on

13、玩得开心 have fun

14、倒数 count down

15、聚会 get together

16、出去走走 go out for a walk

17、下决心 make resolutions

18、„„的清单 a list of

19、帮助„„克服困难 help out 20、保证做 promise to do

二、Key structures(关键句型


While we‟re staying with them, we‟re going to spend a few days in Qingdao.2、让我们玩得开心,知道回到学校。Let ‟s enjoy ourselves until we go back to school.3、今天是新学年开始前的最后一天。

And it‟s the last day before the new school year begins.4、当九月到来,天气开始转凉。When September comes, it starts to get cooler.5、一到十二点,所有人都大声喊叫。

As soon as it‟s 12 o‟clock, everyone shouts very loudly.一、Useful phrases(有用短语

1.目的是 so that 2.擅长 be good at 3.独自 on one‟s own

4.期待 look forward to 5.出现,发生 come up 6.献身于 give one‟s life to 7.继续做某事 continue doing sth 8.尽管 in spite of 8.9.„„和„„都 both … and… 10.最后 in the end 11.就某人的命 save one‟s life 12.为了 in order to 13.照顾 take care of 14.成千上万的 thousands of

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.她错过了最后的排练,所以Kylie 可以演奏。She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play.2.她们站起来因为她们俩都将要演奏。

They „re standing up because they‟re both going to play.3.说她的手疼所以Kylie 可以独奏。

Sally said her hand hurt so Kylie could play on her own.一、Key phrases(有用的短语

1.如此„„以致于„„ so … that… 2.上大学 go to college 3.一点也不 not … at all 4.送别 see off 5.出错 go wrong 6.保持联络 stay/keep in touch 7.给某人穿衣服 dress oneself/sb.8.依赖,依靠 depend on 9.去度假 go on holiday 10.受„„欢迎 be popular with 11.用„„填满„„ fill … with … 12.和„„一样 as … as 13.照顾 look after 14.一„„就„„ as soon as

15.知道„„才„„ not … until 16.依某人看in one‟s opinion 17.譬如 such as 18.坐火车 take a train 19.一路顺风 have a safe trip 20.别傻了!Don ‟t be silly!

二、Key structures(关键句型

1.如果我有时间就会去看你。I would visit you if I have time.2.他如此努力工作以致于忘记吃午饭。He worked so hard that he forgot to have lunch.3.虽然他想去伦敦,但是他不想坐飞机。
