




by-2006-11-29 20:22:20


那么在教学的具体过程中,我主要是从点到面逐渐展开的。首先,我从复习各个月份以及日期的表达法开始来引入英语中“年”的表达法,然后再介绍这三者结合在一起的具体读法。接着,我就以向学生提问的方式来引入今天的课题“When was he born?”在具体的教学过程中,我主要是以出现大量的体育明星来展开这堂课的话题的。一堂课下来,基本上大部分的学生都能熟练的运用所操练的句型了。这堂课的主要目的也就达到了。


在一些老师给我评课的过程中,我发现自己本身存在一定的问题。首先,我在调动课堂气氛方面还是做得有点欠缺,这一点是我今后要努力的。其次,上课的时候,我的语速普遍较慢,这可能是由我自己的性格所造成的,但是另外一个重要的原因是我自己太低估学生的能力了,因为我觉得如果我讲得太快了的话,学生有可能不能接受。还有,上课的时候我很喜欢用口头禅,比如“Am I right?” “Yes, good.”但是一些具有实效性的评价却是很少。




英语(新目标)八年级(下)Unit 2第一课时教学反思Daning _yiwan英语目标八年级unit2第一课教学反思 《英语(新目标)》八年级(下)Unit 2第一课时以对话的形式呈现怎样谈论问题以及建议,这是本课也是本单元的重点。我为本课设计了一个中心任务──根据自己存在的问题,向同学寻求建议。我在设计教学任务时,创设了大量教学情景,优化教学过程,给学生提供一种自然的情景学外语。课前我为本课确定了几个教学任务或目标,在此基础上,逐步细化,将分解后的小任务落实到若干个教学活动中去,使学生能随着活动的完成而掌握知识点,同时也获得成就感,激发学生参与、探索与创新。下面通过展示以下不同的教学活动过程来谈一下我的课后思考与启示。【教学设计】

Theme:What should I do ?

Function:Talking about problems and give advice Structure:could,should,Why don’t you...?(formulaic)

Main and difficult points:How to talk about problems and give advice Teaching aids:recorder,CAI and pictures Teaching aim:(1)Learn to talk about the problems by using: What’s wrong ?/ What’s the matter ?/What’s the trouble ?

(2)Learn to talk about giving advice by using :could,should,Why don’t you...? Teaching process: Step 1:Leading-in Duty report(A story about someone who was in trouble and ask for help)Step 2:Pre-task 1.Warming up:Guessing pictures.(Teacher show the Ss some pictures in which some people are in trouble.TheSs guess:What ’s the matter with he/she ?)2.Discussion(Talk about the trouble in different pictures among different people,and give some advice to them.)

Step 3:While-task 1.Listening comprehension(Listen to the tape and circle the problems they hear in activity 1a.)2.Reading comprehension(Ask and give advice according to the dialogue in pairs.)

3.Role-play(Practice the dialogue and then act the dialogue after listening and repeating the tape.)

4.Listening comprehension(Listen to the tape and draw lines to match the advice and the reasons.)

5.Problem solving(Teacher :I don’t feel very well.I feel very tired.What should I do ?Ss give advice.)6.Find and solve(Students in small groups try to find out what problems they have,write down the problems;others try to find out advice for them.)

7.Singing(Ss sing out the following song by changing the words)12 3 1 | 12 3 1 | 3 4 5 | 3 4 5 | What’s the matter?What’s the matter?I...56 54 31| 56 54 31 | 2 1| What should I do?What should I do?You should...Step 4:Post-task The results

Step5:Homework Changes in assignments(Ss find out what problems their classmates had and write down the advice they give them.)【课后反思】



T:What happened to him?Did he feel happy? S:No.(by most of the students)

T:What should he do?Can you give him some advice? S:Yes./ No.(The answers may different.)

T:Maybe he should...Today we are going to learn how to talk about the problems and give others some advice.学生带着学习任务进入这节课。开门见山,非常直接。2.多媒体课件──激发兴趣。

课堂上,我通过多媒体课件将机械的问题变得充满乐趣。我用Flash把一些如:“play the stereo too loud”的图片加以处理,使它们能局部呈现。我首先问:“What’s the matter with him ?Did he sing?”等。随着画面的渐趋完整,讨论的气氛愈加热烈,直到我最终展现全图时,90%学生会产生一种成就感,因为他们不仅参与了游戏,而且还为自己创造了大量说英语的机会。3.歌曲演唱──化难为易。歌曲深受学生喜爱。学生在唱歌过程中不仅可以缓解学习中的紧张气氛,而且可以把本节课的重难点轻松地记住。因为任务型教学理念认为,仅靠英语知识的传授(学得),不会导致真正的语言习得,语言学习应强调“做中学”,使学生通过完成教师精心设计的任务来习得语言。







《英语课程标准》提出了新的学习方式:“自主学习、合作学习、探究学习。”英语学习方式的变革, 是实施新课程最为核心和最为关键的环节。课堂教学中应遵循“以学生为主体, 以教师为指导, 以学生自主探究为核心”。

1.运用“任务型”的教学途径, 培养学生综合语言运用能力;

2.突出交际性, 在用中学、在交际中学, 启发学生认识到学习英语的目的在于交流。


(一) 教学内容分析

本单元是以“邀请”为话题开展的教学活动, 学习如何正确使用can引导的句子表达邀请。

(Can for invitations)

1a-1c为本单元的导入部分, 主要通过邀请别人参加聚会的图文及听力活动导入单元话题, 要求学生掌握prepare for an exam, have the flu, help my parents, go to the doctor, meet my friend等短语, 学会使用Can you come to...?Sure, I’d love to./Sorry, I can’t.I have to/must...等句型进行有效交际。活动1a主要呈现话题词汇短语和基本句型, 1b通过听力练习加深学生对单元重点句型和词汇短语的认知, 1c则要求学生结合主题图内容展开问答活动, 完成简单的语言输出。

(二) 学生情况分析

学生已经学习过使用be going to do来谈论未来的计划和安排, 并已学习过have to作为“不得不”的表达法, 因此, 学生在讲述拒绝邀请的理由时遇到的困难不大。相对而言, 由于文化差异的因素, 学生在本单元中对英语语言中邀请以及接收、拒绝的交际用语的把握有一定的难度。

对于交际用语的使用, 笔者设置情景邀请学生参加乔迁派对, 并呈现接收和拒绝的表达方式;通过听力给学生提供真实的邀请交际模板, 让学生模仿交际以及语音语调。在此基础上让学生根据自己的实际情况邀请并回复各式各样的活动, 熟练运用目标语言, 并最终让学生能自如使用交际用语来书写邀请卡和邀请邮件。


(一) Knowledge goals

Words:exam, flu, invite, invitation

Phrases:prepare for an exam, go to the doctor, have the flu, meet friends, help parents.

Sentence structure:Can you come to my party?

Sure, I’d love to./Sure, I’d like to.

Sorry, I can’t.I have to...

(二) Ability goals

1.To make the students know how to make, accept and decline invitations.

2.Use have to, must to talk about obligations.


Teaching important points:How to make, accept and decline invitations.

Teaching difficult points:How to refuse others by using the phrases politely.


(一) lead in

Watch a video It’s party time! (如图1所示) , ask students to sing along with it.

Design statement:At the beginning of the class, the video can arouse the students’interests and their eager to learn English.

(二) Types of the party

What kind of parties do you know?What are they?

The students can learn birthday party, family party, wedding party, barbecue party, Halloween party according to the pictures (如图2-图6所示) .

Design statement:To get the students know the culture of foreign countries and to learn how to say different parties.

(三) Sentences

I have a new house.It’s beautiful.I’m going to have a housewarming party.I want to invite many people to my party, can you help me?

Ask the students:How to invite others?

Write the sentence patterns on the blackboard:

Can you come to my party?

Sure, I’d love to./I’d like to.,

Sorry, I can’t.I have to...

Sorry, I’m not free.I’m going to...

Ask students to go to the teacher’s party.Students can answer the question in real situations.

Design statement:The teacher provides the students with real situation to lead in the sentence structure.

(四) Phrases

If you can’t come to the party, you have to give a reason.I have asked my friends to come, but some of them refused, can you guess the reasons?

They are the real reasons. (如图7-图11所示)

Use the pictures to learn the phrases:have the flu, go to the doctor, meet friends, help parents, prepare for an exam.

Design statement:When we use pictures, it’s easy for students to know the meaning of the phrases and remember them.

(五) Practice on the book (1a, 1b)

Match the phrases with the pictures. (如图12所示)

Listen, Sun Ning is going to have a party, how many people can come to his party?Read the name lists:Ted, Tim, Kay, Wilson, Anna.

(六) Groupwork

There are some envelopes in my hand.In each of it, there is something special.For example, if you see a concert ticket, one of you in the group should ask, “Can you come to the concert with me?”The other students should answer it by using the sentences we have learnt today.

The things include:

movie tickets, plane ticket, swimming glasses, the paper-cut of the Chinese character“喜”, the baby’s bottle full of candies, a ping-pong ball and so on.

Ask students to perform their dialogues.

Design statement:In this way, the students have a chance to practice the language in real situations, and all of them can speak.

(七) Invitation e-mail

My families live far away from me.How can I invite them?I can send them an invitation e-mail.

I wrote an e-mail last night.Please have a look to see if it is good enough.

Design statement:It takes a long time if we ask the students to write an e-mail.So after the speaking, just ask them to fill in the blanks about an e-mail.They can write and use the words we have learnt today.

(八) Homework

Suppose you are having a weekend party, please write an invitation e-mail to invite all your classmates and teachers.

Design statement:After class, students can write down an e-mail by themselves like this.In this way, we can check how much they have learnt and mastered.


本堂课的课型是听说课, 笔者将教学重点放在引导、教授和对目标语言的运用上, 并在活动中创设较为真实的情景让学生运用目标语言。回顾反思, 本堂课的成功之处主要体现在以下几个方面:

(一) 整合教材内容, 合理设计教学

目前的教材内容丰富, 但在实际教学中, 并不一定需要每一个环节, 也不可能照顾到方方面面, 这就要求教师在备课的过程中整合教材, 合理取舍, 根据教学目标和教学重难点安排教学。本堂课的教学重难点突出, 设计合理。

(二) 教学设计思路清晰, 具有层次性, 高效性

将听说读写各教学环节落实到位。整堂课从引入、复习、教授、练习、听力、巩固到运用环节, 由易到难, 层层递进。每一步都关注了学生的配合状态, 随时对教学步骤进行调整, 是一堂真实的课堂。

(三) 创设了较多的情景, 能使学生在情境中运用所学知识

由于学生学习能力较强, 教师针对教学内容进行了拓展, 运用生活中普遍存在的事物, 让学生产生联想, 并运用目标语言组成对话, 小组合作。注重了对学生语言能力的培养和跨文化交际的理解。

(四) 师生互动、生生互动频繁



He went out just now. 他刚出去。

Her mother was ill yesterday. 她妈妈昨天病了。

We had a great time in those days. 那段日子我们过得很愉快。



last night昨晚

last week/month/year上个星期/月/去年

last Sunday上个星期天


at that time/moment那时

just now刚才


a few days ago几天以前



I wanted to ask if I could borrow your bike.


2. 不规则动词的变化规律。


1. i变为a2. i变为o






give→gave4. o变为a

3. o变为ecome→came


grow→grew5. e变为o




6. 去e加t,即:7. 变d为t







8. 词尾加t10. 无变化



9. 变y为i再加dset→set







一、用did(didn’t), was(wasn’t) 或were(weren’t)完成下列各句:

1.——____ you working when I rang?

——No, I ____.

2.——____ you see me on television?

——Yes, I ____.

3.——What ____ you doing when they arrived?

——I ____ reading the paper.

4.——____ they working hard?

——No, they ____.

5.——____ she crying when you saw her?

——Yes, she ____.

6.——____ they speak to you when you met?

——No, they ____.

7.Peter ____ still sleeping soundly in bed so he ____ hear the doorbell.

8.——____ the police find the man?

——No, they ____. He ____ hiding in an empty building.

9.We ____ shouting to you. ____ you hear us?

10.I ____ looking for some photos when you rang, but I ____ find them.


1.Lucy and I ____(play) football at this time yesterday afternoon.

2.Tom’s sister came into the bedroom while he ____(dance).

3.____ she ____(lie) on the ground at nine yesterday evening?

4.What ____ Tim ____(write) when the teacher came in?

5.It’s seven o’clock. I ____(have) breakfast.

6.——What ____ you ____(do) last Sunday?

——I went to the park.

7.____ the children ____(do) their homework this time last night?

8.——What are you going ____(do) this evening?


9.The Greens ____(not have) lunch when I got to their house.

10.Let me ____(help) you to carry the big box.



1.We were having an English class at four yesterday afternoon.(改为否定句)

We ____ ____ an English class at four yesterday afternoon.

2.Kate was reviewing her lessons at eight last night.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯、否定回答)

____ Kate ____ her lessons at eight last night?

____, she ____.

____, she ____.

3.He ran in the park. (用at this time yesterday改写)

He ____ ____ in the park at this time yesterday.

4.They were playing computer games at nine last night.


____ ____ they ____ at nine last night?

5.I was reading a novel at three yesterday afternoon. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ you ____ at three yesterday afternoon?


6. What is he doing? (when his parents came back)


7.Who are you talking to? (when I called you last night)


8.It’s raining heavily outside. (when I woke up this afternoon)


9.Is your father cooking in the kitchen? (when the telephone rang)


10.I often look out of the window. (when the teacher asked me a question)




They ____ ____ basketball at that time.


____ he ____ TV when you came back?


____ ____ he ____ for you yesterday?


He ____ ____ his homework when I left.


While they ____ ____ the floor, the teacher came in.


Period 1

Section A 1(1a-2d)

教学反思 何玉梅

1、巧妙导入。熟话说得好:良好的开端,成功的一半。这节课从一个Guessing game得出的一个谚语:One apple a day, keep the doctor away.再询问学生喜欢什么饮料到分别给学生品尝香蕉奶昔,极大地刺激了学生的兴奋神经,一下把他们吸引住了,连后进生也跃跃试试,积极配合。本节课做到了这一点,从学生的反应看,这种导入方式是值得肯定的。



4、学生是学习的主体,不但要跟随教师学习,也应在学习过程中善于归纳总结,自己得出结论。所学的知识才印象深刻,牢固掌握。把别人的知识经验变成自己的知识经验。我在处理how much与how many的区别用法时让学生自己发现总结出来,然后通过几个简单练习来巩固。


teaching goals: 1.general aims:

talk about recent past events 2.language goals: how was„.? it was „

what did „do last weekend? 3.grammar focus : the simple past tense.regular and irregular verbs.4.useful words and phrases: words: was, did, went, studied, visited, stayed, beach, test phrases: did one’s homework, played soccer, cleaned one’s room, went to the beach, played tennis, went to the movies, studied for the test, practiced englishon saturday morning, last weekend.teaching difficulty: the simple past tense teaching method:

listen, read and say teaching procedures:

step 1: introduce myself and greet each step 2: review and warm-up free talk with students.ask them some questions like this: when is it today? what’s the weather like today? step3: presentation

1、show four pictures to the class, asking the students “what is he/she doing?” to review the present progressive tense.students answer the questions.then check the answers together.2、show the target sentence structure: “what did he / she do last weekend?”.let them guess how to answer it with the picture.explain the meaning of “last weekend” to the class.3、introduce the target grammar: the simple past tense

4、introduce some regular and irregular verbs.repeat them as possible.step4: listening

1、show one picture with a dialogue: a: what did lucy do last weekend? b: on saturday morning, she played tennis.2、let the students listen and write carefully in 1b.first listen and match the verb phrases with the picture, then listen and write the words like “morning” ”afternoon” or “night”.the check the answers.3、practice the dialogue about “what did lucy do last weekend?”

4、listen to a short conversation in 2a to answer several questions:(a)what did emma do over the weekend?(b)what did ben do over the weekend?(c)what did carol do over the weekend? then check the answers.step 5: practice(pairwork 2c)

1、let the students to make conversations in pairs, by using the information in the box.then ask some pairs to present their dialogues.2、fill in the blanks in a short passage and choose “t” and “f” of the questions according to the passage.then check the answers.how did they spend weekend?


Section A Period I I.Teaching aims and demands: 1.Knowledge Objects:(1).Function: Students learn to make polite requests and ask for permission.(2).Key vocabulary: rubbish, living room, sweep, do the dishes, take out the rubbish, sweep the floor, fold your clothes, make the bed.stay out late, get a ride.(3).Target Language:--Could you please sweep the floor?--Yes, sure.----Could I please use the car?---No, you can’t.I have to go out.2.Ability Objects: According to designing some tasks, train students’ listening skill and speaking skill.3.Moral Objects: Remember to be polite when you ask for help, and to be a good child.II.Teaching key and difficult points: 1.Key Vocabulary in this period.2.Target language in this period.III.Teaching methods: Audio-lingual methods and PPT IV.Teaching aids: a tape recorder, macromedia V.Teaching procedure: Step 1.Revision &Warming-up 1.Greetings 2.Ask and answer between the teacher and the students.Who is the busiest in your family, your father ,your mother or yourself? Why? What chores does your mother do at home? 3.Show students some pictures about chores and learn the new words and phrases: clean the room ,dish ,do the dishes ,sweep, sweep the floor ,make the bed ,rubbish ,take out the rubbish ,fold ,fold the clothes Step 2.Presentation 1.Activity1a.How many chores do you usually do at home? Then ask and answer in pairs about the chores.Do you usually do the chores? 2.Activity 1b Listening Now look at the chart.There are three columns here, Chores, Mom and Peter.Listen to the tape and answer: What chores does Peter’s mom do? What chores does Peter do? And finish the chart.Check the answers with the students.Step 3:Pairwork Before working in pairs, students should review the information about the chores in the picture and the expressions of the chores in 1a. After that, ask students to practice the conversation with the target language.Then follow the sample dialogue to make conversations with their partners: A: Could you please sweep the floor? B: Yes, sure.(by performing the action)A: Could you please do the dishes? B: Sorry, I can’t.I have to do my homework.The teacher moves around the classroom and give some help as needed. Step 4: Listening 1.Activity 2a.The teacher asks students to be familiar with the content of the chart and think about the situation that is: everyone need some help or give some help.if someone can’t give any help, he must be reasonable.Now play the recorder and let students to check what Peter’s father says, “Yes” or “No” with “√” by listening to the tape.2.Activity 2b.The teacher asks students to look at the chart in 2a, and be familiar with the content of the chart to make sure they should know what to do.Then ask students to listen to the tape and draw lines to the reasons why Peter’s father says “no” in the chart above.Then check the answers with students.Step 5: Practice Student A acts as Peter and asks if he can do the things Student B acts as Peter’s father saying “yes” or “no”.If student B says “no”, he should give a reason.According to the information in the chart in 2a, students make a dialogue to start oral practice using the target language and following the sample like this: A: Could I please use your computer? B: Sorry.I’m going to work on it now.A: Well, could I watch TV? B: Yes, you can.But first you have to clean your room.(Finish 2c)Step 6:Summary This lesson ,we have learnt some new words and phrases about chores.And we also have learnt how to express :make polite requests and ask for permission.Step 7:Homework 1.List all the main phrases of doing chores that you know.2.Make a conversation between you and your partner, using the sentence pattern “Could you please „?”

Blackboard Design: Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?


Would you mind turning down the music?

Period: The first period.

Content: Section A. From 1a to 2c.

Properties: Computer; Overhead projector; Pictures.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Functions: Make requests by using “Would you mind doing/not doing...?”

2. Target language:

Sentence structures: Make requests with the sentence pattern:

Would you mind +gerund (formulaic)

And make responses according to the different situations, such as “No, not at all”. “Sorry, I’ll do it right away.” “OK….” and so on.

3. Vocabulary: mind, turn down, yard, right away=in a minute, dish,

Teaching procedure:

Step1: Introduction and presentation:

1. Hello, everyone, do you like the song? (*Turn up the music.)Do you like the song now? Why not? It’s too loud. You don’t like the noise. You mind the noise. So what should I do then? *Turn down the music. Is it OK now? Can you tell me the name of the song? What is the name of the band?

2. What is the name of today’s new teacher? Let me introduce myself. I’m from WFLS. My family name is Huang. I haven’t got married yet. So you can call me …(Miss Huang) And my English name is Helen. You can also call me Helen. Do you want to know more about me? You can ask me some questions.

3. (How old are you?) Oh, it’s a secret. I don’t like to tell others my age. (that’s because...) I mind it. Would you mind asking right questions? (*PPT)

4. It’s your turn to let me know you. That lovely girl, would you please come to the front and tell me something about you? Great! But you are a little shy. Please don’t be so shy. Can you give her more advice? Please use some polite ways. What are polite ways? You can use please…; Can you …; Could you please…?; Would you please…?(BB) (look at us;speak louder,;…)

5. We can also use “Would you mind…?”(BB)( +doing/not doing) This is a new way of making requests. And it is a more polite way. Let’s use the polite way to make your requests again. Let most of the Ss repeat the sentences one by one.

Step 2: Practice:

1. (*Ps:) In which picture we should use “Would you mind…?” Why? We often use “Would you mind…?” when we are annoyed.

2. Look at the picture(*PPT), some people in the picture are annoyed. Can you tell me who are annoyed? They are all annoyed with their neighbors, so what will they say to their neighbors? Please use the new way to make requests.

Step3: Pair work:

1. (*PPT)Look, the two parents are also saying: Would you mind turning down the music? Who are they saying the sentence to? Xiaoxin. What do you think of the boy? (naughty, bad) But I think he will be a good boy if you make polite requests. Now Xiaoxin is here, you can make requests to him according to the given pictures. And pay attention to his responses.

1) No, not at all.

2) Sorry, I’ll do it right away=in a minute.

3) OK. I’ll do it in a minute.

2. Do you remember his responses? Would you mind not being so forgetful? Teach the responses. (*PPT)

Step4: Listen and read:

1. Open your books to Page 53, 2a and 2b. Listen to the tape and number the pictures in the order you hear them.

2. 2b. Match the requests with the responses. Check the answers in pairs.

Step5: Quick response:

In these short dialogues, who do you think makes the requests? Who else often makes requests? Teachers and classmates. Here is a picture of a classroom (*PPT). Does someone in your class often play ball games in the classroom? Who? Can you make requests to them? What are your responses?

Step6: Practice: Make a dialogue:

1. Do the other things happen in your class? Please make a dialogue in pairs. One makes a request and the other one makes a response. Please be polite. You’ll have one minute.

2. Check the dialogue.

Step7: Writing ( Group work):

1. Most of you act politely at school. Are you polite out of school? Do you want to be good citizens of Wenzhou? Yeah, you are great! But some people are not polite enough. Look, where are they?(*PPT) They are in the cinema, in the restaurant, in the park and where else? (on the bus, …)

2. Let’s make requests to help them and make our city better. --- Each group chooses one of the pictures and discuss together. Then write down your requests. If you choose the last picture, it means you can talk about any place you like. You will have five minutes to get ready for it.

3. Check their requests: Ask some students to write their requests on the BB.

Step8: Discussing:

Actually there are different ways to deal with the troubles.(*PPT) Some people keep silent, some quarrel with others who annoy them, while some people make requests politely. Which way is best? The second way. Why?

Because “ Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.”(*PPT)

Step9: Homework:

1. Listen and read after the tape for 15 minutes. Finish the exercises in Section A.

2. What else annoys you in your daily life? What will you say if something annoys you? Make up a dialogue by using the sentences structures taught today .


