




1.Bill Gates is smiling again.The boyish enthusiasm is back, and the grueling burdens of monopoly lawsuits and dotcom downturns are receding.America’s best-known billionaire is back to doing what he has always done best-designing exciting new products and making barrels of money.The Launch of Office XP,a sophisticated rethink of Microsoft’s most popular business toll at the end of this May,marks merely the opening shot in a forthcoming technological blitz that Gates is serenely convinced will cement his companuy’s status as the unshakable colossus of computing.“It’s great to see people enthused about what we are doing.”Gates happily declares.2.China,the world’s most populous nation,joined the World Trade Organization on November 10,2001,thus ending 15 years of negotiations,offering China a new place at the table of nations and giving new life to centuries of dreams.The admission is one of China’s most significant diplomatic achievements since it displaced Taiwan and took a seat on the United Nations Securities Council in 1971,soon after which then President Richard Nixon made his famous trip to Beijing.Admission means China will enjoy protection against the imposition of barriers on its goods.The United States will cease the annual review




Congress considers ending”normal trade relations” with China based on its human rights performance.中口翻译答案


5月底,微软将其最受欢迎的办公商务软件的经典改进版Office XP投放市场,打响了该公司即将闪电式推出一系列新技术产品的第一炮。盖茨深信,这些产品将巩固其公司作为计算机行业不可动摇的“航空母舰”地位。







Direction: Translate the following passage into English and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

本届会议将围绕“新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作、促进共同繁荣”的主题,审议 5 个方面的议题,以期促进亚太地区和全球经贸的发展。



① 本届会议将围绕“新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作、促进共同繁荣”的`主题,审议 5 个方面的议题,以期促进亚太地区和全球经贸的发展。

译文 1 : This meeting will discuss the topic of “new century, new challenge: participate , cooperate and promote common prosperity covering 5 areas with a view to enhancing the development of economy and trade between the Asian-Pacific region and the rest world.

译文 2 : This meeting will center round the theme of “Meeting new challenges in the new century: achieving common prosperity through participation and cooperation” under 5 heads with a view to promoting the economic and trade development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.

考点: 意译:“新世纪、新挑战:参与、合作、促进共同繁荣”如译文 1 翻译纯粹采取直译,把字面意思翻译出来,而译文 2 把这句话的含义翻译出来,值得推荐。

转性译法:动词 → 名词 参与 →participation 合作 →cooperation

② 今年的亚太经济贸易合作组织会议将主要侧重两个方面:一是加强亚太经合组织成员之间的合作,共同应对可能出现的经济衰退,重树信心;二是继续推进亚太经合组织贸易投资自由化进程,推动世界贸易组织尽早开始新一轮谈判。

译文 1 : The APEC meeting in this year will focus mainly on two aspects: one is on strengthening the cooperation among all the APEC members to cope with the possible economic recession through rebuilding up confidence; the other is on promoting the liberalization of trade and investment of APEC for the start of a new round of negotiations/talks for WTO.

译文 2 : This year’s APEC meeting will focus on two key missions: one is to strengthen the cooperation among APEC members in dealing with a possible economic slowdown to build up new confidence; the other is to continue to advance the process of APEC trade and invest liberalization and facilitation and urge the WTO to initiate a new round of talks as soon as possible.


1.A 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B 21.C 22.B 23.B 24.C 25.C 26.C 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.C 33.C 34.D 35.A 36.B 37.B 38.B 39.C 40.D 41.A 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.D 46.B 47.B 48.A 49.C 50.A


1.AB 2.ACD 3.CD 4.BC 5.ABC 6.AB 7.AD 8.AB 9.ABC 10.AD 11.AD 12.BD 13.CD 14.AD 15.ACD 16.BC 17.AC 18.ABC 19.ABCD 20.AB


1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.× 6.× 7.√ 8.√ 9.× 10.√ 11.× 12.√ 13.√ 14.× 15.× 16.√ 17.√ 18.× 19.× 20.√



2. (1) 2011年净利润=18 000× (1+20%) ×15%=3 240 (万元)

额外股利= (3 240-2 240) ×10%=100 (万元)

每股股利=3+100/1 000=3.1 (元)

(2) 预测2011年需增加的营运资金增加的流动资产=18 000×20%×28%=1 008 (万元)

增加的流动负债=18 000×20%×12%=432 (万元)

2011年需增加的营运资金=1 008-432=576 (万元)

(3) 预测2011年需从外部追加的资金

2011年发放的股利=1 000×3.1=3 100 (万元)

2011年留存收益提供的资金=3 240-3 100=140 (万元)

需从外部追加的资金=576-140=436 (万元)

(4) 每张债券筹资净额=82-2=80 (元)

需要发行的债券数量=436×10 000/80=54 500 (张)

债券筹资成本=100×4%× (1-25%) /80=3.75%

3. (1) 债券成本率=[15%× (1-34%) ]÷[ (1-1%) ]=10%

普通股成本率=19.4%÷ (1-3%) =20%


(2) 各年税后经营现金净流量= (90-21-19) × (1-34%) +19=52 (万元)

(3) 净现值=-200+52×5.650+10×0.322=97.12 (万元)

评价:计算表明该项目净现值大于0, 说明该方案可行。

4. (1)

(2) 计算表明, B政策的收账成本较A政策低, 故应选用B政策。

5.每日耗用量=540 000÷360=1 500 (千克)

平均交货期=8×0.1+9×0.2+10×0.4+11×0.2+12×0.1=10 (天)


平均缺货量= (1×0.2+2×0.1) ×1 500=600 (千克)

缺货成本=600×8=4 800 (元)

保险储备相关总成本=4 800+0=4 800 (元)

假设保险储备量为1 500千克

平均缺货量=0.1×l×1 500=150 (千克)

缺货成本=150×8=1 200 (元)

保险储备的持有成本=1 500×10×10%=1 500 (元)

保险储备相关总成本=1 200+1500=2 700 (元)

假设保险储备量为3 000千克

保险储备的持有成本=3 000×10×10%=3 000 (元)

保险储备相关总成本=0+3 000=3 000 (元)

所以, 该企业合理的保险储备应该是1 500千克。

6. (1) 最低投资收益额=200×15%-10=20 (万元)


(2) 剩余收益=30÷ (16%-10%) =500 (万元)

(3) A中心的利润=200×15%=30 (万元)

B中心的利润=500×16%=80 (万元)

集团公司的利润=30+80=110 (万元)

集团公司的总投资额=200+500=700 (万元)


(4) 剩余收益= (30+12) - (100+200) ×10%=12 (万元)

投资利润率= (30+12) ÷ (100+200) =14%

(5) 剩余收益= (80+20) - (500+100) ×10%=40 (万元)

投资利润率= (80+20) ÷ (500+100) =16.67%

(6) 由于追加投资后, A的投资利润率由15%降低到14%

所以, 不会接受投资;而由于B的投资利润率由16%提高到16.67%, 因此, B会接受投资。

(7) 由于剩余收益均增加了, 所以, A、B均会接受投资。

(8) 从集团角度看应向B中心追加投资, 理由是增加的剩余收益[40-30=10 (万元) ]大于向A中心追加投资增加的剩余收益[12-10=2 (万元) 。]

(9) 追加投资后集团公司投资利润率= (80+20+30) ÷ (500+100+200) =16.25%

7. (1) 假设北京代表处也是分公司, 则北京代表处和上海代表处均不具备独立纳税人条件, 年企业所得额需要汇总到企业总部集中纳税。

则:今年公司应缴所得税= (1000+200-20) ×25%=295 (万元)

总部和分支机构今年应缴纳的所得税总额=295+0=295 (万元)

假设北京代表处是子公司, 则今年企业总部应缴所得税= (1 000-20) ×25%=245 (万元)

北京代表处今年应缴所得税=200×25%=50 (万元)

总部和分支机构今年应缴纳的所得税总额=245+50=295 (万元)

(2) 假设北京代表处也是子公司, 则:

北京代表处今年应缴所得税=200×25%=50 (万元)

上海代表处今年亏损, 不需要缴纳所得税

企业总部应缴所得税=1 000×25%=250 (万元)

分支机构今年应缴纳的所得税总额=250+50=300 (万元)

假设北京代表处是分公司, 则:企业总部应缴所得税= (1 000+200) ×25%=300 (万元)

上海代表处今年亏损, 不需要缴纳所得税

分支机构今年应缴纳的所得税总额=300+0=300 (万元)

(3) 通过上述计算可知, 把上海的销售代表处设立为分公司形式对企业更有利。

8. (1) 年初权益乘数=年初资产总额/年初股东权益总额

即, 2.5=年初资产总额/1 200

年初资产总额=3 000 (万元)

年初负债总额=3 000-1 200=1 800 (万元)


即2.2=年末资产总额/1 680

年末资产总额=3 696 (万元)

年末负债总额=3 696-1 680=2 016 (万元)

(2) 年末的产权比率=负债总额/股东权益总额=2 016/1 680=1.2

(3) 年末的普通股每股净资产= (1 680-84) /210=7.6 (元)

(4) 净利润=400-100=300 (万元)

归属于普通股股东的当期净利润=300-60=240 (万元)

基本每股收益=240/200=1.2 (元)

每股股利=84/210=0.4 (元)

(5) 普通股每股市价=10×1.2=12 (元)

(6) 可转换债券的年利息=100×4%=4 (万元)

可转换债券可以转换的普通股股数=100/1 000×80=8 (万股)

(7) 调整后的归属于普通股股东的当期净利润=240+4× (1-25%) =243 (万元)

调整后的发行在外的普通股加权平均数=200+8=208 (万股)

稀释每股收益=243/208=1.17 (元)

(8) 平均股东权益= (1 200+1 680) /2=1 440 (万元)

平均资产总额= (3 000+3 696) /2=3 348 (万元)

权益乘数=3 348/1 440=2.33

(9) 今年的销售收入=3 348×1.5=5 022 (万元)

今年的销售净利率=300/5 022×100%=5.97%











销售净利率变动对权益净利率的影响= (5.97%-4%) ×1.2×2.5=5.91%

总资产周转率变动对权益净利率的影响=5.97%× (1.5-1.2) ×2.5=4.48%

权益乘数变动对权益净利率的影响=5.97%×1.5× (2.33-2.5) =-1.52%


1. (1) 每万元销售收入的变动资金= (160-110) / (3 000-2 000) =0.05 (万元)

不变资金=160-0.05×3 000=10 (万元)

(2) a=10+60+100- (60+20) +510=600 (万元)

b=0.05+0.14+0.22- (0.10+0.01) =0.30 (万元)


(3) 2010年销售额=3 000× (1+40%) =4 200 (万元)

资金需要总量=600+0.3×4 200=1 860 (万元)

需新增资金=3 000×40%×0.3=360 (万元)

(4) 2010年的净利润=4 200×10%=420 (万元)

支付的股利=1 000×0.2=200 (万元)

留存收益=420-200=220 (万元)

外部筹资额=360-220=140 (万元)

(5) 债券资本成本=1 000×8%× (1-25%) /[ (1 100× (1-2%) ]×100%=5.57%

股票资本成本=5%+1.5× (10%-5%) = 12.5%%


2. (1) ①2010年边际贡献=10 000×100-10 000×40=600 000 (万元)

②2010年息税前利润=600 000-100 000=500 000 (万元)


= (500 000-50 000) × (1-25%) /1 000 000=337 500/1 000 000=33.75%

④2010年留存收益率=162 000/337 500=48%


⑤2010年股数=200 000/10=20 000 (万股)

2010年发放的股利=337 500×52%=175 500 (万元)

2010年每股股利=175 500/20 000=8.775 (元)

⑥2011年经营杠杆系数=600 000/500 000=1.2

(2) ①产销量增长率= (12 000-10 000) /10 000×100%=20%


②增加流动资产= (230 000+300 000+400 000) ×20%=186 000 (万元)

增加流动负债= (30 000+100 000) ×20%=26 000 (万元)

需要筹集外部资金=186 000-26 000-12 000×100×33.75%×48%+154 400=120 000 (万元)

(3) ①增发普通股股数=120 000/20=6 000 (万股)

②方案1的普通股数=20 000+6 000=26 000 (万股) , 利息为50 000万元

方案2的普通股数为20 000万股, 利息费用=50 000+120 000×12%=64 400 (万元)

(EBIT-50 000) × (1-25%) /26 000= (EBIT-64 400) × (1-25%) /20 000

EBIT=112 400 (万元)

③2011年息税前利润=500 000× (1+24%) =620 000 (万元)

由于实际的息税前利润620 000万元大于每股收益无差别点112 400万元, 所以应该采取发行债券的方法, 即采取方案2。

3. (1) 根据资料一计算与旧设备有关的下列指标:

①旧设备的变价净收入=130 000-1 000=129 000 (元)

②因旧固定资产提前报废发生净损失而抵减的所得税额= (189 000-129 000) ×25%=15 000 (元)

(2) ①因更新改造第一年初增加的净现金流量

NCF0=- (329 000-129 000) =-200 000 (元)


= (329 000-50 000) /5- (129 000-10 000) 5=32 000 (元)

③△NCF1=50 000× (1-25%) +32 000+15 000=84 500 (元)

NCF2-4=50 000× (1-25%) +32 000=69 500 (元)

NCF5=69 500+ (50 000-10 000) =109 500 (元)


(3) ①更新设备比继续使用旧设备增加的投资额为750 000元

②B设备的投资额=750 000+129 000=879 000 (元)


(4) 企业要求的投资报酬率=8%+4%=12%

(5) 甲方案的差额内部收益率△IRR=27.85%>12%, 甲方案经济上是可行的。

乙方案的差额内部收益率△IRR=10.44%<12%, 乙方案经济上是不可行的。

由于甲方案可行, 所以, 企业应该进行更新改造, 选择甲方案。

4. (1) 计算该企业2010年的下列指标:

①变动成本总额=3 000-600=2 400 (万元) .

②变动成本率=2 400÷4 000=60%

(2) 计算乙方案的下列指标:

①应收账款平均收账天数=30%×10+20%×20+50%×90=52 (天)

②应收账款平均余额=5 400÷360×52=780 (万元)

③维持应收账款所需资金=780×60%=468 (万元)

④应收账款机会成本=468×8%=37.44 (万元)

⑤坏账成本=5 400×50%×4%=108 (万元)

⑥采用乙方案的信用成本=37.44+108+50=195.44 (万元)

(3) 计算以下指标:


②乙方案的现金折扣=5 400× (2%×30%+1%×20%) =43.2 (万元)

③甲方案信用成本前收益=5 000× (1-60%) =2 000 (万元)

乙方案信用成本前收益=5 400× (1-60%) =2 160 (万元)

甲乙两方案信用成本前收益之差=2 000-2 160=-160 (万元)

④甲方案信用成本后收益=2 000-140=1 860 (万元)

乙方案信用成本后收益=2 160-195.44-43.2=1 921.36 (万元)

甲乙两方案信用成本后收益之差=1 860-1 921.36=-61.36 (万元)


(上海新东方学校口译教研组成员 郭中宝)


Spot-dictation:本次考试沿袭了2002以来的题材,即对社会现象的分析。短文主要讲述了office environment 中colleagues 之间的interpersonal communication。文章内容比较大陆化,没有新奇的观点。这样出题的目的有二:一是为了稳定考生的情绪;二是为了将考查的重点更多地聚焦在考生的英语基本功上。今年反映出来的主要问题有:1.单词拼写速度和准确度比较差。现在的考生往往借助Office Word或金山词霸帮助自己纠正拼写, 因此建议考生在笔考前增加英语书写练习。 2. 空格与空格之间的时间间隔比2004年的两次考试都要短,所以建议考生在考前完善自己的“简写符号”,比如用:std代表standard, 用dpt代表department等。

Listening comprehension: 此项 是考生得分率比较高的一项。本次考试的第一篇passage依然是环保类的题材;新闻中又出现了老生常谈的话题“巴以冲突”和“印巴问题”;还有一篇文章是关于entrepreneur,这与《高级口译听力教程》中的一篇文章极为相似。 考生在考试前有必要针对高频出现的题材进行突击式的单词积累。这样再听到同一题材的新闻,就能积极地调动自己的词汇/背景知识储备,帮助自己更好地理解文章的内容。《高级口译笔试备考精要》中有详细的高级口译听力单词分类。

Note-taking & Gap-filling:本次考试的Note-taking & Gap-filling,与高级口译考试2002年秋季的Note taking & Gap filling文章题材如出一辙,都是讲述社会心理学的一些基本现象。但是题目的难度有所加大,这就要求考生在备考中注意两点:一、从语音、词汇、背景知识方面完善自己的基本功,保证自己能听懂文章的中心意思;二、在理解的基础上,做出高质量的笔记。有些考生认为自己这部分的分数低主要是记不好笔记,其实这里面更大的原因在于他们对文章的内容根本就没有理解。记笔记要用“脑袋控制手,而不是用耳朵控制手”。笔记的目的是为了辅助记忆。 Listening Translation的难度一般,但主要问题仍然出现在记笔记上。


(上海新东方学校口译教研组成员 陈绮)



从2001年开始,中级口译阅读文章的题材就体现出了多样性和时效性的特点,越来越多的文章出自近期英美主流报刊。本次考题中不仅涉及环保控制、茶的保健作用、交通工具发展史、驾驶与健康的关系等司空见惯的话题,还考到了一些时髦的话题,如美国总统选举等。可见考生除了要对环保、医药、生物等热点领域的分类词汇了然于胸外,还要关心时事,积累一些背景词汇。如对美国总统选举一文中的electoral vote(选举人选票)和winner-take-all(赢者囊括全票原则)等词的理解就是正确解题的关键。


从题型上看,主题题、细节题、词义题和判断题这四大主力题型所占的题量分别为4、15、3和7题(另有一题是推断题),和以往的分布情况大致相仿,因此考生还是应该按照上课时的既定策略,按照先抓主题后找细节的方法,一旦定好主题就不要在个别词句上浪费时间。如茶的保健作用一文的首段:Americans are far more sophisticated about beverages than they were 20 years ago. Witness the Starbucks revolution and you誰l know where the trend goes. Now, spurred on by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of cancer and heart disease and retard the aging process, tea is enjoying a similar jolt... 据分析,当文章的前三分之一篇幅内出现时间强对比,并且体现对新事物的高度评价时,主题就呼之欲出了,下文必然是对茶的保健作用的例证。所以看到这里已不必再一字一句往下读,对于细节题只要靠关键词定位,并按照课上归纳的“九大考点”按图索骥,找到答案即可。


由于文章大多来自于原汁原味的英美报刊,所以作者对于辞藻的选择体现了报刊语言的特色,那就是偏爱短词,这一点除了能体现作者的文字功底和对其选题的熟悉程度外还符合报纸一贯的简明风格,而这样的词往往就是考查的要点。如这次就考到了rub的名词含义,rub作动词表示摩擦,而作名词就是trouble的意思。在报刊文章里这样的短词随处可见,考生应通过多读外文报刊杂志来加以积累。另外,外来词也是报刊文章的常客,如本次出现的oolong(乌龙茶)。关于背景词的积累前面已经举过例子,这里就不再赘述,再举一例:government by the people对很多考生来说很不起眼,可是对美国历史稍有涉猎的同学都会知道,美国政府被林肯(Abraham Lincoln)誉为“民治、民有、民享的政府”,其英文原文就是the government of the people, by the people, for the people。在美国总统选举一问中,首段作者就对选举的公正性提出了疑问,所以试题中问到government “by the people”引号的作用时,我们应该选择的是“achieve sarcasm(讽刺作用)”。对于词汇的积累可以参照《中高级口译考试词汇必备》一书。



(上海新东方学校口译教研组翻译课题组组长 张驰新)





(邱政政 上海新东方英语综合能力部主任、口译教研组副组长)

一 《英语中级口译岗位资格证书》考试




二 《英语高级口译岗位资格证书》考试




篇5:中级口译Unit 8答案

West 河西走廊 the Hexi Corridor 塔里木盘地 the Tarim Basin 帕米尔山区 the Pamir mountain region 阿富汗 Afghanistan 伊朗 Iran 伊拉克 Iraq 叙利亚 Syria 地中海 the Mediterranean 丝绸制品 silk cloth and goods 火药 gunpowder 造纸术 paper making technique 印刷术 paper printing technique 佛教 Buddhism 伊斯兰教 Islam 石榴 pomegranate

香水 perfume

历史文物 historical relics

散居 scatter

少数民族 ethnic minority

天方夜谭 exotic

吐鲁番 Turpan


workmanship 风味小吃

local delicacies


烹调 cook/cooking

节庆膳食 special traditional foods 象征意义 symbolic significance 昏君 corrupt court 贬官放逐 exile/in exile 农历 lunar calendar

端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival 忠臣 loyal minister

糯米粽子 glutinous rice dumpling 祭祀亡灵 sacrifice departed soul 龙舟比赛 dragon boat race

中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival 满月 full moon

蜜饯 candied preserved fruit

豆沙 bean paste 蛋黄(egg)yolk 家禽 poultry 饺子 jiaozi/ boiled dumplings 年糕

New Year Cake

八宝饭 babaofan, steamed sweet glutinous rice pudding 谐音

be homonymous with 耍龙灯

The Dragon Dance 舞狮子

The Lion Dance 踩高跷

walk on stilts 吉祥如意 propitious and happy new year 贴对联

put up an couplet 团圆饭


promise 17.make compromise 18.does not work 19.be ready

20.agreed on a solution 3.a powerful opportunity 4.denying

5.lead to


7.how to

8.state the problem 9.clearly define 10.both of you agree

Part B: Listening Comprehension 1—5 CABCB

11—15 CDBAD

21-25 CABDA

Part C: Listening and Translation



16-20 DACCB 26-30 DACCD I.Sentence Translation 1.如今,家庭成员往往在晚上、周末或其他闲暇时间观看电视节目,不再读书或闲谈。





II.Passage Translation Passage 1 我是一名电脑程序员。我的难处是因为我母亲。她现在已经70多岁,确实需要人顾,因为我父亲在10多年前因车祸死亡。然而她住在乡下,那里没有我可以做的工作,没有 点点英语——专业致力于四六级、考研和口译口语

mon people should benefit most directly from the attainment of this goal.They will live more comfortably in bigger space.Among the basic necessities of life—food, clothing, shelter and transportation—housing is an important element, accounting for a big portion in the money they spend.In 2007, the average per capita living space in Shanghai will increase by a big margin.In addition, the common people‟s spending on such services as education, information and traveling will grow substantially.To put it in a nutshell, in the future the common people will live a better life, a life of the same standard as enjoyed by those in the middle-ranking developed countries.16-20 ACCCA 26-30 DCBBA 听力测试题录音文字稿: SECTION 1:LISTENING TEST 点点英语——专业致力于四六级、考研和口译口语

promise, you can achieve win-win situations.In today‟s lecture, I shall outline a few steps on how to transform a conflict into a solution in which both parties win.First, state the problem.Explain the problem to the other party.You should clearly define the conflict, it‟s hard to fix something before both of you agree on what is broken.Second, understand all points of view.Ste aside your own opinions for a moment and take the time to understand the other points of view.When people feel that they have been heard, they‟re often more willing to listen.Third, brainstorm solutions.Dream up as many solutions as you can and evaluate them one by one.This step will require time and honesty.Talk about which solutions will work and how difficult they will be to implement.Your solutions need to be acceptable by both parties, so you should be prepared to make compromise.Later, you will need to review the effectiveness of the accepted solution.If it does not work, be open to making changes or be ready to bring about a new solution.Finally, implement.When you both have agreed on a solution, decide who is going to do what by when.They keep your agreements.Relationships change for better or for worse.But if you are honest, patient and quite flexible in seeking a resolution for the conflict, your painstaking efforts will certainly pay off.Part B: Listening Comprehension I.Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements.These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE.And you will not find them written on the paper;so you must listen carefully.When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard.Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Question No.1.(Man)I‟m afraid Mr.Baker, our board director, had decided last night not to attend this morning‟s committee meeting.点点英语——专业致力于四六级、考研和口译口语

pleted sixty days ahead of the schedule.Question No.8.(Man)As an assistant manager, her attendance record was perfect except for once when she was down with a severe cold.Question No.9.(Woman)Had he realized the possible consequences, he wouldn‟t have made the suggestion at the committee meeting last week.Question No.10.(Woman)The Gardening Expo was supposed to open tomorrow, but will be delayed until Friday, due to the bad weather conditions.II.Talks and Conversations Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations.After each of these, you will hear a few questions.Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE.When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question.Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following conversation.(Woman)(Nervously)Good afternoon, Mr.Tigers.Did you have a good lunch?(Man)

Yes, thank you, Miss Bradley.It was very good.Did anyone phone while I was out?(Woman)No, Nobody phoned, but … er … Mr.Powell came.(Man)

What? But he‟s the man I told you about!

(Woman)Yes, I know, He came in for something urgent.He said he wanted to see you right away, but …


Well, then, why didn‟t you phone me? We all know that Mr.Powell has some very important information.I wanted to talk to him as soon as possible.I told you all that before I left.Didn‟t you understand me?(Woman)Yes, of course, I understood you, Mr.Tigers, but …


I even gave you a card with the name and phone number of the restaurant!I put it on your desk.(Woman)But that‟s just it!You didn‟t give me the card.You didn‟t put it on my desk!点点英语——专业致力于四六级、考研和口译口语

e part of the Labour Party‟s programme, that is, to give educational opportunity to those people who, for one reason or another, had not had a chance to receive further education.By August 1970 the Open University, as it is now called, had received 40,000 applications.But only 25,000 could be accepted for the first four „foundation‟ courses offered that year.And the University had to add a fifth course to cater for the increasing number and demand of candidates.In January 1971, the first teaching programmes appeared on the air and screen, with clerks, farm workers, housewives, teachers, policemen and many others as students.The Open University offered carefully-prepared correspondence units to its students and gave additional necessary equipment for a “mini” home laboratory to its science students.A number of study centers have been set up all over the country so that students can attend lectures once a week.Once a year the students are invited to spend a week or so at one of the university‟s summer schools.Although some critics complain of the cost the availability of the subjects and the lack method of spreading further education in Britain.Question No.15.According to the talk, at what time were the first Open University programmes put on the air? Question No.16.Which of the following are NOT given by the Open University? Question No.17.What is one of the advantages of the Open University? Question No.18.For what purpose were the study centers set up? 点点英语——专业致力于四六级、考研和口译口语

munity or the authority.They need law years, do they?(Man)

What made you decide to take up law as a career?(Woman)Well, I was good at making a speech at school and I think I had a certain feeling for communication and persuasion.My teachers encouraged me and said I had a bent for law or the like.I suppose my personal qualities made me choose law, and not art or architecture, for instance.Of course, in my country lawyers are respected and well paid.And they are in great demand.(Man)

But, will you find it difficult to become recognized in your own country?(Woman)To a certain extent, yes.But I expect that a woman lawyer alxo9 has some advantages in the court.Especially for some kinds of cases, for example, if my client is a woman who claims certain rights from her divorced husband, a woman lawyer can understand better and do a better job.(Man)

But why have you chosen America for your studies, why not some other country?(Woman)Ah well, there are lots of reasons.But I‟m not sorry because you‟ve got some of the best law schools in the world.Question No.19.What is the woman? Question No.20.For what reason does the woman choose law as her career? Question No.21.According to the woman, what advantage does a woman lawyer have in the court? Question No.22.Why does the woman go to an American university for her studies?

Questions 23 to 26 are based on the following talk.(Man)Good morning.I‟ve been interested to read your last week‟s composition assignments on the Englishman‟s obsession with the weather, which is a characteristic noted with amusement and surprise by so many of our visitors from abroad.It‟s true that talking about the weather is a staple topic of conversation in this country , but as a native speaker and an expert on socio-linguistics, I an of the opinion that the reasons for this practice are not only climatic but also social.Greeting people with expressions such as “Lovely day, isn‟t it?” or “What terrible weather we‟re having, aren‟t we?” is our way of being friendly or starting a conversation.It may have very little to do with the state of the weather as such when the conversation starts.As a matter of 点点英语——专业致力于四六级、考研和口译口语

mittees? Many of them have been doing wonderful work during the past decade.(Woman)I agree, but that doesn‟t excuse the local councils that are inefficient and don‟t take enough interest.Don‟t you think it is shocking that in our modern civilization there are still families who have nowhere to live? Do you think it‟s right that whole families should have to sleep in the ruins of empty buildings or under bridges or in 点点英语——专业致力于四六级、考研和口译口语

fortable than prisons.In any case, my point is that we shouldn‟t need so many hostels for homeless families because there shouldn‟t be any homeless families!


Mrs.Brown, I think many people would say that you are exaggerating and drawing attention to the worst housing conditions instead of looking at the situation as a whole.Would you agree that you belong to a “pressure group” which is trying to bring pressure on the government to do something about the housing problem?(Woman)If that‟s what belonging to a pressure group means, the answer is “yes”!But I‟m not exaggerating.Housing is the most serious problem of our welfare state.If it weren‟t, would we hear so much about that excellent charity organization, Shelter, which does such wonderful work in finding homes for the homeless? Question No.27.According to the government figures, how many people are homeless? Question No.28.Whom does the woman blame for the “shocking” housing situation? Question No.29.According to the woman, why are there so many homeless families? Question No.30.What is “Shelter”, as is mentioned at the end of the conversation?

Part C: Listening and Translation I.Sentence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences.You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE.After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.Now let‟s begin Part C with Sentence Translation.Sentence No.1.Nowadays, instead of reading or talking, family members often spend their evenings, weekends or other leisure times watching programmes on television.Sentence No.2.Young people today have few guidelines on which to base their choice of career.This is because they have no previous practical experience of employment.Sentence No.3.We have seen Asia offer an enormous potential for growth in our bilateral trade and investment relations.I want this growth to continue and accelerate.Sentence No.4.The emergence of e-commerce and the fast-growing Internet economy are providing new growth opportunities in China‟s foreign and domestic trade.Sentence No.5.In our country, people‟s living conditions are improving.More than 3 million children have health insurance now, and more than two and a half million families have been lifted out of poverty.II.Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages.You will hear the passages ONLY 点点英语——专业致力于四六级、考研和口译口语

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