



Module 1(总分:100分 答题时间:40分钟)听 力 部 分 一、听单词,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词,并将答案标号写在题前括号内(10分)()1.A.shy B.my C.why()2.A.nine B.rice C.nice()3.A.where B.clever C.what()4.A.cute B.pupil C.pencil()5.A.little B.a bit C.window 二、听单词,从每小题中选出你所听到单词对应的图片,并将答案标号写在题号下边的方框内(10分)题号 6 7 8 9 10 答案 三、听句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到的句子,并将答案标号写在题前括号内(10分)()11.A.She's a bit shy.B.He's a bit shy.C.Her sister is a bit shy.()12.A.This is my teacher.B.This is my sister.C.This is my brother.()13.A.Mother is tall.[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K] B.Father is tall.C.Brother is tall.()14.A.You're the winner.B.I'm the winner.C.He's the winner.()15.A.He's cool.B.He's very naughty.C.She's nice.四、听句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出你所听到句子的恰当答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内(10分)()16.A.Yes,I am.B.Yes,I has.C.No,I haven't.()17.A.It's clever.B.It's half past nine.C.It's fine.()18.A.Yes,she doesn't.B.No,he doesn't.C.Yes,she does.()19.A.I'm nine.B.I'm a teacher.C.I'm Daming.()20.A.I'm fourteen.B.Good.C.Fourteen.笔 试 部 分 一、慧眼识珠(5分)Between friends all is common.朋友之间不分彼此。


()1.Maomao is very________.A.ball B.girl C.tall()2.This is my little sister._______ cute.A.She B.She’s C.Her is()3.Sam is ________ English boy.A.a B.an C.不填()4.There are many boats________ the river.A.about B.under C.on()5.These________ my books.A.are B.is C.am 二、我会说英语。把符合要求的句子的序号填在横线上(10分)1.你要告诉别人,这是我哥哥。用英语应该说:________ A.This is my mother.B.This is my big brother.C.This is my sister.2.她是个非常聪明的女孩。用英语应该说:________ A.She is a very clever girl.B.She is very clever girl.C.She is a clever girl.3.她是个友善的老师。用英语应该说:________[来源:学_科_网] A.She is a nice doctor.B.She is a nice girl.C.She is a nice teacher.4.看小明的弟弟。用英语应该说:________ A.Look in Xiaoming's little brother.B.Look at Xiaoming's little brother.C.Look at Xiaoming's brother.5.你是一个顽皮的医生。用英语应该说:________ A.You’re a doctor.B.You’re a clever doctor.C.You’re a naughty doctor.三、连词成句我最棒(注意大小写和标点)(10分)1.is this big my sister(.)________________________________________________________________________ 2.Smart is Ms nice teacher a(.)________________________________________________________________________ 3.has she little curl a(.)________________________________________________________________________ 4.at his little look brother(.)________________________________________________________________________ 5.is she a nice teacher(.)________________________________________________________________________ 四、单词拼写(10分)6.Ms Smith is very n____ ____e(好的). 7.My brother is a little n____ugh____y(淘气). 8.Amy is very cl____v____r(聪明). 9.Don't be s____y(害羞的). 10.It's a b____t(有一点)cold.Cheats never prosper.骗人发不了财。

五、火眼金睛。选出每题中错误的一项,并将正确答案写在后面线上(10分)()1.are.________()2.is Ms Smart.is a nice.________()3.Parrot naughty.________()4.Lili a clever.________()5.little.________[来源:学。科。网] 六、我是大力士。分分类,单词大搬家。把单词写在对应的房子里(10分)brother he nice I naughty is cool father sister am shy she clever are mother21世纪教育网版权所有 七、读读画画(5分)In the park,there is a lake.One boat is on the lake.Near the lake,there are two trees.Some birds are on the trees.Some boys are under the trees.They are playing chess.[来源:学§科§网Z§X§X§K] Module 1  [听力材料] 一、1.shy 2.nice 3.clever 4.cute 5.window 二、6.bike 7.shy 8.naughty 9.banana 10.biscuits 三、11.She's a bit shy.12.This is my brother.13.Father is tall.14.I'm the winner.15.He's cool.四、16.Have you got a tiger? 17.What's the time? 18.Does she like Chinese?[来源:学.科.网] 19.How old are you? 20.How many girls? [参考答案] 听力部分 一、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 二、6.B 7.E 8.C 9.A 10.D 三、11.A 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.A 四、16.C 17.B 18.C 19.A 20.C 笔试部分 一、1.C 解析:tall作形容词,意为“高的”。

2.B 解析:girl为女孩 3.B 解析:English以元音音素开头,用an。

4.C 解析:on the river指“在河面上”。

5.A 解析:these为复数形式,用are与之对应。

二、1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 三、1.This is my big sister.2.Ms Smart is a nice teacher.3.She has a little curl.4.Look at his little brother.5.She is a nice teacher.四、1.book 2.rice 3.bread 4.kite 5.swim 6.nice 7.naughty 8.clever 9.shy 10.bit 五、1.C friends 2.B She 3.B a 4.A is 5.A Look at 六、家庭成员:brother,father,sister,mother 形容词:nice,naughty,cool,shy,clever 系动词:is,are,am 主语:he,I,she 七、略


Module 1单元检测 一、按正确的字母排列写出单词 二、在下列各组单词中找出不同类的一个()1.A.food B.fire C.pear D.banana()2.A.teacher B.worker C.farmer D.England()3.A.bus B.car C.bike D.house()4.A.brother B.sister C.grandchildren D.lady()5.A.miss B.read C.write D.listen 三、根据划线部分字母的发音分类,同类用线连起来 四、选择正确答案序号()1.I ______ a television programme about England last night.A.watch B.watched C.watches()2.An old lady talked ______ her life ten years ago.A.on B.with C.about()3.Many years ago my grandmother didn’t have a television ______ a radio, A.and B.or C.with()4.There ______ any buses or televisions many years ago.A.aren’t B.wasn’t C.weren’t()5.I hope you are ______.A.good B.bad C.fine[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K] 五、选词填空 life grandchildren any different televisions Interviewer: How was it different?[来源:学。科。网][来源:Z_xx_k.Com] Old lady: There weren’t _______ buses.There weren’t any _______.We lived in a small house.We didn’t have enough food.Interviewer: How about now? Old lady: There are lots of buses and cars.We live in a big house.We have got lots of food.I watch TV every day.Yesterday I watched TV with my _______ 六、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号 1.any, buses, weren’t, there, ago, many, years _______________________________________________________________ 2.live, a, in, house, big, we, now _______________________________________________________________ 3.was, life, different, very, China, in, years, ago, five _______________________________________________________________ 4.I, yesterday, TV, watched, my, with, grandchildren _______________________________________________________________ 5.food, didn’t, have, we, enough _______________________________________________________________ 七、用动词的适当形式填空 1.Look!She’s ________(come).2.Now there ________(be)lots of planes.3.There ________(be)no televisions many years ago.4.I ________(talk)to my friend last night.5.She ________(work)in the fields yesterday.6.My grandmother ________(live)in a small house 2 years ago, but now she(live)in a big house.[来源:Z§xx§k.Com] 7.Thank you for ________(help)us.8.She could ________(read)and ________(write).八、阅读短文,判断下面的句子是(√)否(×)正确,并回答下面的问题 We watched a television programme about China last night.An old lady talked about her life many years ago.She cooked on a fire.She didn’t have a television or a radio.She didn’t have a telephone.She worked in the fields.She couldn’t read or write.[来源:Z|xx|k.Com]()1.We watched TV yesterday.()2.There is an old lady in television programme.()3.She talked about her family.()4.She couldn’t listen to the radio.()5.She worked in the fields.问题:.What did we do last night? 2.Who talked about her life many years ago? 3.Where did she cook? 4.Did she have a television or a radio? 5.Could she read or write? 参考答案 —、略 二、1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.A 三、1-3,2-4,3-5,4-2,5-1 四、1.B.2.C 3.B.4.C 5.C 五、略 六、略.七、1.coming 2.are 3.were 4.talked 5.worked 6.1ived is living 7.helping 8.read,write 八、1.√2.√3.× 4.√5.√问题答案略


()1.Tina’s family have dinner at noon.()2.There are many things to eat.()3.Tina often washes her hands before dinner.()4.Mother often asks her to wash her face.()5.Tina doesn’t wash plates after dinner.十一、小作文。(12分)请根据提示,写一篇短文,介绍你在周日的活动,至少五句话。

参考词语: get up, breakfast, do one’s homework, go shopping, do some cleaning, supper, watch TV, go to bed.答案:





3.sweets糖果(复数)4.bread面包 5.turn on打开



8.fruit 水果

9.today今天 10.come in进来

11.of course当然可以 12.birthday生日








1.Happy Birthday生日快乐

2.be hungry饥饿的3.some soup一些汤 4.some sweets一些糖

5.some bread一些面包

6.be very hungry非常饿

7.come here过来

8.be very dark非常黑

9.turn on the light打开灯

10.some biscuits一些饼干

11.some fruit一些水果

12.some cake一些蛋糕

13.Happy Birthday to you祝你生日快乐

14.Happy Halloween万圣节快乐

15.come in进来

16.of course当然可以

17.Here you are.给你。

18.some rice一些大米


1.Can I have some soup?我可以喝一些汤吗?【在第六模块学习的can you+动词原形

„..?你能„.吗?回答:Yes ,I can.No ,I/ can’t.;这课学习的Can I have some „..? 我能吃/喝一些„.吗?回答:Yes ,you can./No/Sorry ,you can’t./(Here you are.给你)】再如:Can I have some bread?Sorry,you can`t.我能吃一些面包吗?对不起,你不能。练习:我能吃些水果吗?(否定回答)_________________________? Sorry,_____ ________

我能吃一些面条吗?(肯定回答)_______________some _______ ?

,_____ ________ ,2.Happy Birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!【Happy....祝...快乐;Happy...to sb.祝某人...快乐。】再如:Happy Halloween,Tom!祝万圣节快乐,汤姆!练习:祝你新年(元旦)快乐!

Keys:1.Can I have some fruit?Sorry,you can`t.Can I have some noodles?Yes.you can.2.Happy New Year(to you)!万圣节的由来: 万圣节(HALLOWEEN)为每年的11月1日,源自古代凯尔特民族(Celtic)的新年节庆,此时也是祭祀亡魂的时刻,在避免恶灵干扰的同时,也以食物祭拜祖灵及善灵以祈平安渡过严冬,是西方传统节日。当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集糖果。主要流行于英语世界,如不列颠群岛和北美,其次是澳大利亚和新西兰。


万圣节(11月1日)其实是赞美秋天的节日,就好像五朔节是赞美春天的节日一样。古代高卢、不列颠和爱尔兰的祭司--德鲁伊德有一个赞美秋天的盛大节日,从10月31日午夜开始,次日1 1月1日持续整整一天。他们认为,在那天晚上他们伟大的死神--萨曼把那年死去人的鬼魂统统召来,这些恶鬼要受到托生为畜类的惩罚。当然,只要想到这种鬼魅的聚会,就足以令当时那些头脑简单的愚民胆战心惊的了。于是他们点起冲天的篝火,并严密监视这些恶鬼。


节日形象:万圣节是西方的“鬼节”,因此万圣节的象征物许多都来自鬼怪、魔怪的主题,不过当中也有南瓜灯、稻草人这样惹人喜爱的象征物。无论是手里提的“杰克灯”或者餐桌、餐厅里的摆设,都以南瓜为主要形象。“杰克灯”(南瓜灯)Jack-O-Lantern 的样子十分可爱,做法也极为简单。将南瓜掏空,然后在外面刻上笑眯眯的眼睛和大嘴巴,再在瓜中插上一支蜡烛,把它点燃,人们在很远的地方便能看到这张憨态可掬的笑脸。这可是孩子们最喜欢的玩物了。然而万圣夜的重头戏还是在餐桌上,你既要准备好美食来招待那些前来捣乱的“小鬼”,更要在这个特别的节日为你的餐桌装扮一番。千万不要让你的客人们小瞧了你哦!


万圣节的食物:由于万圣夜临近苹果的丰收期,太妃糖苹果(toffee apples)成为应节食品。其他特色食品还有:粟米糖、热苹果酒、烘南瓜子。万圣节的传统食物是苹果汁、爆玉米花、南瓜馅饼和女巫状的香料生姜饼等。“不给糖就捣乱”万圣节的一个有趣内容是“Trick or treat(不给糖就捣乱)”,这习俗却并非源自爱尔兰,而是始于公元九世纪的欧洲基督教会。那时的11月2日,被基督徒们称为 “ALL SAINT DAY”(万灵之日)。在这一天,信徒们跋涉于僻壤乡间,挨村挨户乞讨用面粉及葡萄干制成的“灵魂之饼”。据说捐赠糕饼的人家都相信教会僧人的祈祷,期待由此得到上帝的佑护,让死去的亲人早日进入天堂。这种挨家乞讨的传统传至当今竟演变成了孩子们提着南瓜灯笼挨家讨糖吃的游戏。见面时,打扮成鬼精灵模样的孩子们千篇一律地都要发出“不请客就要捣乱(不给糖就捣蛋)”的威胁,而主人自然不敢怠慢,忙声说“请吃!请吃!”同时把糖果放进孩子们随身携带的大口袋里。还有一种习俗,就是每家都要在门口放很多南瓜灯,如果不请客(不给糖),孩子们就踩烂他一个南瓜灯。▪ 新年(1月1日)

▪ 复活节(春分月圆之后第一个星期日)▪ 感恩节(11月的第四个星期四)

▪ 情人节(2月14日)▪ 万圣节前夜(10月31日)▪平安夜(12月24日)



1.go straight on 直着走

2、be lost丢失3.live in…..住在…..4.No.2,West Lake Road西湖路2号5.Excuse me对不起/打扰了 6.turn right向右转

7.turn left向左转8.next to紧挨着的/隔壁/临近的/在….傍边

9.Thank you so much=Thank you very much非常感谢 10.You`re welcome!不用谢/不客气

11.up the hill向山上上/上山12.down the hill下山13.near the houses在房子附近

14.at the station在车站15.left foot左脚16.right foot右脚

17.Marching all day整天行军18.all night整夜19.come on ,kids!孩子们,加油!


1、I live in No.2,West Lake Road.我住在西湖路2号。【live in…..住在…..。No.2,West Lake Road西湖路2号。No.在这儿不讲“不”,它是“Number”的缩写,是“第......号”的意思。注意英语中地点的说法顺序,从小到大。先说第2号,再说“西湖路”。】再如:I live in No.35 ,Jiefang Road.我住在解放路35号。练习:我住在政府路4号。

2、Excuse me.Where`s No.2,West Lake Road,please?打扰了,请问西湖路2号在哪儿?【Excuse me对不起/打扰了。经常问路时或者做某事时,需要麻烦、打扰别人用“Excuse me.”;问什么地方在哪儿?用“Where`s+地方?”这是问路的句子。】再如:Where`s Beijing?北京在哪儿?练习:上海在哪儿?红旗街5号在哪儿?

3、Turn left.Go straight on.Turn right.It`s next to a supermarket.左转。直走。右转。它就在一个超市傍边。【这些都是指路的用语。It`s next to a supermarket.的结构是It+is+介词短语。】再如:Excuse me.Where`s the supermarket,please?Go straight on.Turn right.打扰了。请问超市在哪儿?直走。右转。练习:打扰了。请问学校在哪儿?右转,直走。

4、Where is Train 1?It`s up the hill.火车1在哪儿?它在山上。【Where is+某物?可询问某物在什么地方?Up向上。up the hill向山上走,down the hill 下山,near the houses在房子附近,等这些都是介词短语,其结构“介词+the/a/物主代词+名词”】练习:在学校附近你家在哪儿?(它)在超市隔壁。








1、I live in No.4,Zhengfu Road.2、Where`s Shanghai?Where`s No.5,Hongqi road/Street?




2、in America在美国

3、send an email to...给...发送电子邮件

4、my family in China在中国的家人

5、want to do sth.要做某事

6、Chinese shops and restaurants中国商店和饭馆

7、Chinese dancing中国舞蹈

8、postcards from China来自中国的明信片

9、the Changjiang River长江

10、the Tian`anmen Square天安门广场

11、riding bicycles to work骑自行车上班

12、the West Lake西湖

13、the Huangshan Mountain黄山

14、noodle shop面馆


1、I`m sending an email to my family in China.我正在给中国的家人发送电子邮件。【send an email to...给...发送电子邮件;my family in China在中国的家人。】再如:My friend sent an email to me yesterday.我的朋友昨天给我发了一封电子邮件。练习:我正在给我的堂兄发送电子邮件。

2、Do you miss China?你想念中国吗?【这是一个一般问句,miss在这里是动词讲“思念”,还可讲“错过”;名词且首字母大写讲“小姐”】再如:I missed the early bus.我错过了早班车。Miss Liu is a doctor.刘小姐是一名医生。练习:我非常思念我的祖母。

3、There`s a Chinatown in New York.在纽约有一条唐人街。【There`s...表示“有.....”本句是“there be”的句型,表示“某时/某地存在某人或某物”。动词be随着它后面的名词不同而变化,There is +可数名词单数/不可数名词+某时/某地;There are+可数名词的复数+某时/某地。Chinatown唐人街(中国城),是国外华人居住处,在世界上很多国家都有唐人街。】再如:There are lots of people in our city.我们的城市里有许多人。练习:许多国家有唐人街。我的包里有一张美丽的明信片。

4、Let`s go to Chinatown now.让我们现在就去唐人街吧。【Let`s....让我们.....吧!Let`s=Let us,后面跟动词原形,用来表示提出建议。】再如:Let`s have our class.让我们上课吧。练习:让我们进行野餐吧。

5、You do miss China!你确实很思念中国呀!【本句中的“do”用在动词前用来加强语气,起强调作用,可译为“的确、真的”】再如:He does have a toy car.他的确有个小汽车玩具。练习:我的确喜欢香蕉!

6、阅读:Look!There are my postcards from China.Look at this one.There are lots of bicycles in china.People ride them to work.And there are lots of beautiful lakes.This is the West Lake.It is in Hangzhou.There is a very famous river,the Changjiang River.It is about 12,600 li long.I like this postcard.There is a famous square in the middle of Beijing.It`s Tian`anmen Square.And there`s a very famous wall in China,the Great Wall.It`s six thousand seven hundred kilometres long.Of course, there are also many mountains in China.There is a famous mountain in Anhui.Look!This is the Huangshan Mountain.7、拓展阅读:Chinatown in New York

New York City`s Chinatown,the largest Chinatown in the USA,is located on the lower east side of Manhattan(曼哈顿)。It occupies(占地)two square miles and has a population estimated(估计)at between 70,000 and 150,000 people.Chinatown is the favoured destination(目的地)point for Chinese immigrants(移民,侨民),though in recent years, the neighbourhood(邻近地区)has also becomehome to Dominicans(多米尼加人),Puertoricans(颇多黎各人),Burmese(缅甸人),Vietnamese(越南人)and Filipinos(菲律宾人),among others.8、习作欣赏:MY BEDROOM

This is my bedroom.In the bedroom,you an see two bookcases(书橱),a desk,a chair and a bed.In the bookcase there are a lot of books.Between the bookcases is the desk.It`s under the window.On the desk, you can see a computer.Behind the computer there is a video tape(录像带).Mybackpack(双肩书包)is on the floor.Under the bed,there is a baseball(棒球)and a soccer(英式足球).Oh,there is also something like a hat.It`s my cat.On the wall,you can see some pictures.They are very beautiful.Keys:



1.live in住在....2.still in England仍然在英国3.a programme about China一个关于中国的节目4.I`m coming!我就来!5.old lady老女士(an old lady一位老女士)6.in China在中国7.many years ago许多年以前8.in a small house在一个小房子里9.enough food足够的食物10.How about....?....怎么样?11.lots of许多12.every day 每天13.watch TV看电视14.Thank you for.....为...而感谢你15.talk to....和.....谈话16.miss China想念中国

17.four years ago四年以前18.a television programme about China一个关于中国的电视节目

19.last year去年20.talk about her life谈论她的生活21.on a fire在火上22.work in the fields在田里干活23.nothing stay with the same没有什么留下是一样的(相同的)24.the world 世界25.go round the circle转圆圈26.not...at all一点也不


1.I`m coming!我就来!再如:--Tom,supper is ready.Come quickly.---Ok,I`m coming.汤姆,晚饭准备好了。快过来。好的,我就来!

2.Life was very different in China many years ago.在中国,许多年以前的生活非常不同。【本句由于有many years ago这个过去的时间,说明事情是发生在过去,所以谓语动词be要用一般过去时态was。一般过去时态是表示过去经常发生的动作和存在的状态。谓语动词要用其过去式。动词过去式的变化规则:1.一般在动词原形后加-ed。如look-looked;2以不发音的e结尾的只加-d如:live-lived;3.末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed.如:stop-stopped;4.末尾是辅音字母加y的动词,现变y为i,再加-ed.如:study-studied.5,不规则的动词过去式需特殊记忆:am/is--was;are--were;go--went;come--came;take--took;have/has--had】再如We lived in a small house many years ago.许多年以前我们住在小房子里。练习:许多年前,我们在火上做饭。

3.There weren`t any buses.没有任何公共汽车。【any一些,任何。常用在否定句和疑问句中。Some一些。常用在肯定句中。】请用some any填空:buses and cars now.buses or cars.4.We didn`t have enogh food.我们没有足够的食物。【enough后面可以加“可数名词的复数”,也可以加“不可数名词”。】再如:Now we have enough houses.现在我们有足够的房子。

5.Thank you for talking to us.谢谢你和我们交谈。【Thank you for......“为什么而感谢”。for后面可加名词也可加动词ing的形式。】

6.She didn`t have a television or a radio.她没有一台电视机和一台收音机。【or和and都可以讲“和”的意思,or用在否定句中,and用在肯定句中。】填空:She couldn`t readwrite.write.7.There were no cars or aeroplanes,there were only bikes.没有任何的(一辆)汽车和飞机,仅仅有自行车。【上句=There weren`t any cars or aeroplanes,there were only bikes.句中的“no=not any加复数或不可数名词;no=not a/an+可数名词单数”。】再如:There is no pen or pencil.=There isn`t a pen or a pencil.没有一支钢笔和铅笔。





2014秋外研版小学英语(三起)四年级上册全册教案 Module 1 Unit1 Go straight on教学目标:

1、让学生掌握turn left turn right go straight on。

2、学会用Where’s...? 来问路。


1、会用Where’s...? 来打听道路。



1、New York纽约

2、in the east在东部

3、be called 被称作…

4、the USA美国(the United States of America美利坚合众国)

5、speak English说/讲英语

6、in America在美国

7、That`s right.不错/那是正确的。

8、Washington D.C.华盛顿

9、the capital of ….…的首都

10、San Francisco旧金山

11、a nice city一座好城市

12、in the west在西部

13、in the north在北部

14、a famous city一座著名的城市

15、in the south在南部/方

16、love holidays喜欢假期

17、want to visit England想参观/旅游英国

18、go to Landon去伦敦

19、the Chinese children中国孩子们


1、New York is.纽约在东部。【sth.+is+in the east/west/north/south.某物在东部/西部/北部/南部。.在东部/东边。这个结构是“in+the+ east/west/north/south.”表示方位。】再如:Washington D.C.isin the east.华盛顿在东部。练习:旧金山在西部。

2、This is my project.这是我的综合实践活动。【“This is+…..”是介绍的句型。project是“综合实践活动”】

3、It`s about America.它是关于美国的。【It`s about….是“关于…..”和“It`s a book about London”中的about意思相同,但注意句型不同。】练习:它是一本关于中国的书。它是关于中国的。

4、It`s also called the USA.它也被称作美利坚合众国。【be called…被称作/叫做…。“also”也,可以放在句首,也可放在句中。而“too”只放在句末。】再如:He is called Lao Wang.他被叫做老王。

练习:中国也被称作/叫做中华人民共和国(PRC).5、People speak English in America.在美国人们说英语/美国人说英语。【speak+语言。讲什么语言要用“speak”。】再如:People speak English in England.在英国人们讲英语。


6、Washington D.C.is the capital of the USA.华盛顿是美国的首都。



7、My cousin,Dalong ,lives there.我的堂兄,大龙,住在那儿。【live in+地方(名词);live+there/here(副词)】再如:I live in Beijing.我住在北京。


8、纽约在哪儿?它在东部。【where是对地点的提问。这叫特殊疑问句。语序是“特殊疑问词+一般疑问句”。】再如:Where are you?I am at school.练习:上海在哪儿?它在东部。

对下列句子划线部分提问:New york is in the east.9、Sanya is a famous city in China.三亚是中国著名的城市。【注意“中国著名的城市”顺序是先说“a famous city”再说“in China”.】再如:San Francisco is a famous city in America.旧金山是美国著名的城市。练习:西安是中国著名的城市。

10、我要去英国旅游,也要去伦敦。【“”要做某事】I want to go swimming.我要去游泳。


1、San Francisco is in the west.3、It`s a book about China.It`s about China.4、China is also called PRC(the People`s Republic of China).5、People speak Chinese in China.6、London is the capital of England,;Beijing is the capital of China.7、Sam lives in New York.Amy lives there,too.8、Where is Shanghai ?It`s in the east.Where is New York?
