高考英语陷阱题总结--强调句 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


高考英语陷阱题总结--强调句 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)(共4篇)

篇1:高考英语陷阱题总结--强调句 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)



1. I found her sitting in the corner, reading _____ newspaper, with _____ in her eyes.

A. a, tear B. a piece of, tears

C. a, tears D. a piece of, tear

【陷阱】误选D,许多学生错误地认为,既然news(消息)和 paper(纸)均为不可数名词,那么newspaper(报纸)也应是不可数的;同时认为“眼泪”即“泪水”,“水”不可数,“泪水”和“眼泪”也应该不可数。

【分析】最佳答案为C。newspaper和 tear均为可数名词,它们不仅可以连用不定冠词、可以用复数,而且还可以连用数词。

Her eyes filled with tears. 她热泪盈眶。

She dried her tears with a handkerchief. 她用手帕擦干了眼泪。

The newspapers were full of lies. 报纸上一片谎言。

A newspaper is a publication. 报纸是一种出版物。

顺便说一句,若不是将 newspaper 当作是供阅读或传递信息的一种东西,而只是把它当成一种“纸”来看待,也可用作不可数名词,如:

Wrap it in (a sheet of) newspaper. 把它用张报纸包起来。

2. Her father works as a ______ in a hotel and her mother a ______ in a private company.

A. cooker, typewriter B. cook, typist

C. cooker, typist D. cook, typewriter

【陷阱】误选A,许多同学想当然地认为:cook 用作动词,表示“煮饭”,所以 cooker 应是其相应的名词,表示“煮饭的人”,即“厨师”;type 用作动词,表示“打字”,所以 typewriter 应表示“打字员”。


3. “Why couldn’t they meet us at five o’clock?” “Because they were delayed by ________.”

A. heavy traffic B. heavy traffics

C. crowded traffic D. crowded traffics


【分析】对于此题,首先要明确traffic为不可数名词,没有复数形式,故排除B和D。另外,汉语习惯说“交通拥挤”,而英语习惯上却不能用crowded 来修饰 traffic,要表示汉语的“交通拥挤”,英语通常说heavy traffic,即选A。如下面一题也是选A:

She is not a competent driver and can’t cope with driving in _______.

A. heavy traffic B. heavy traffics

C. crowded traffic D. crowded traffics

4. In fact, _______ one cause that leads to the problem.

A. cattle is B. cattle are

C. cattles are D. the cattles are



For this many cattle were killed. 为此宰了不少牲畜。

The prisoners were herded like cattle. 囚犯像牲口一样被赶到一起。

类似地,police(警察),people(人),police(警察),poultry(家禽)等也具有同样用法,即只有单数形式,但却表示复数意义;用作主语时谓语通常也用复数;不与 a(n) 连用,但可与the连用(表示总括意义和特指)。如:

The poultry have been fed. 家禽已经喂过饲料了。

In Britain police do not usually carry guns. 在英国警察通常不带枪。

It annoys me when people forget to say “thank you”. 遇到有人忘记道谢的时候,我就不痛快。

5. By all _______, you must try every _______ to help him.

A. mean, mean B. means, means

C. means, mean D. mean, means


【分析】其实,means是一个单复数同形的名词,并且永远带有尾-s。换句话说,在表示“方式”、“方法”时,不存在mean这一形式(mean主要用作动词,表示“意思是”;也可用作名词,表示“中间”、“中庸”)。此题正确答案为C,by all means为习语,意为“一定”、“尽一切办法”。顺便说一句,means用作主语时,其谓语的数需根据句意来确定。比较:

All possible means have been tried. 所有可能的办法都已经试过了。

Every possible means has been tried. 每种可能的办法都已经试过了。


Is [Are] there any other means of getting more money? 还有其他什么办法可弄到更多钱吗?

6. Jim is ______ person, and everyone is willing to be ______ with him.

A. so kind a, friends B. so a kind, friends

C. so kind a, friend D. so a kind, friend

【陷阱】误选C或D。认为 friend要用单数。

【分析】其实此题最佳答案为A。so kind a person相当于such a kind person,注意两者中冠词的位置不同。be friends with是习语,意为“与……友好”、“跟……做朋友”,与之同义的类似地还有make friends with。值得说明的是,这类短语中的名词总是用复数,即使句子主语为单数也是如此。如:

He is friends with me. 他与我是朋友。

He has made friends with everyone here. 他与这儿的每个人交上了朋友。

7. We already have ______ pencils, but we need two ______ pens.

A. dozen of, dozen B. dozens of, dozens

C. dozens of, dozen D. dozens of, dozen of

【陷阱】误选 B。


(1) 当它与具体数字连用时,既不加复数词尾-s,也不后接介词of。尽管有的词书也有 two dozen of 这样的用例,但这已属过时用法,在考试中应避免,如1992年全国高考有一道单项选择题就认为two dozen of为错误选项:

Shortly after the accident, _____ police were sent to the spot to keep order.

A. dozens of B. dozens C. dozen of D. dozen [D]

(2) 当它不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要加复数词尾-s,而且要后接介词 of,此时可将dozens of(许多,几十)视为习语。如:

I’ve been there dozens of times. 我去过那儿几十次。

She’s got dozens of boy-friends. 她的男朋友很多。


Pack them in dozens. 按打装袋吧。

(3) 当与 a few, several 等数目不很具体的词连用时,加不加复数词尾-s均可,但需注意:不加复数词尾-s时,其后的介词of可以省略;加词尾-s时,其后介词 of不能省略。如:

several dozen (of) pencils=several dozens of pencils几打铅笔

注:英语较少使用many dozen的说法,要表示类似意思可用dozens of。

(4) 当它后面的名词受 the, these, those 等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是us, them这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of。如:

two dozen of these eggs 两打这种鸡蛋

three dozen of them 它们中的3打

注:score, hundred, thousand, million等也具有以上类似用法。

8. She raised her finger to her lips as _____ for silence.

A. an idea B. a mark

C. a sign D. a word


【分析】应选C,sign与mark的区别是:sign 的意思是“迹象”、“征兆”gesture or movement made with the hand, head, etc, used to give information, a command, etc(用手或头等做出示意动作以传递信息或命令等),mark 的意思是 written or printed symbol or figure, line etc made as signor an indication of sth(书写与印刷的符号或图、线等记号)。根据此二词的语义区别以及常识可知答案为C。类似地,下面两题的答案也是C:

(1) Those black clouds are a sure _____ that it’s going to rain.

A. thing B. mark

C. sign D. one

(2) Just as a famous Chinese saying goes, a timely heavy snow is a ______ of good harvest next year.

A. mark B. track

C. sign D. appearance


The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a(n) _____ of courage and power.

A. example B. sign

C. mark D. symbol


9. “May I take your order now?” “We’d like three black _______ and two green _______.”

A. coffee, cups of teas B. coffees, teas

C. cups of coffee, tea D. cup of coffees, teas


【分析】选B。有的同学认为 coffee 和tea是物质名词,不可数,不能用 three coffees, two teas 这样的表达。其实,coffee既可用作不可数名词,表示“咖啡”这种物质,也可用作可数名词,表示“一杯咖啡”,即在口语中 three coffees 就等于 three cups of coffee。同样,“三杯茶”既可说成 three cups of tea,也可说成 three teas;“三杯啤酒”既可说成 three glasses of beer,也可说成 three beers。

10. _____ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

A. Walk B. Walking

C. The walk D. To walk



(1) 首先,选项D不如选项B佳,因为,不定式通常表示特定的动作,而动名词才表示习惯性的动作。

(2) 尽管walk用作名词时可以表示“散步”,但它是可数名词,指的是一次一次的具体的散步,而不表示抽象意义或泛指意义的“散步”,要表示此义,要用动名词 walking。比较:

How about going for a walk? 出去散散步如何?

Walking does good to your health. 散步对你的健康有益。

类似地,dance 和 dancing 以及 swim 和 swimming 的区别也是一样:

(1) 名词的 dance表示“跳舞”,是可数名词,指的是一次一次的具体的跳舞,而不表示抽象意义或泛指意义的“跳舞”,要表示后者的意思,要用动名词转化来的名词 dancing。比较:

Let’s have a dance. 我们跳曲舞吧。

He is interested in dancing. 他对跳舞感兴趣。

(2) 名词的 swim表示“游泳”,是可数名词,指的是一次一次的具体的游泳,而不表示抽象意义或泛指意义的“游泳”,要表示后者的意思,要用动名词转化来的名词 swimming。比较:

She had a swim every day. 她每天游一会儿泳。

She loves swimming. 她喜欢游泳。


1. Ten years had passed. I found she had _______.

A. a few white hairs B. a little white hair

C. some white hair D. more fifty hair

2.-Hi, this way, please.

-OK.I sometimes have no sense of ______ when I arrive at the crossroad.

A. position B. direction

C. situation D. condition

3. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ________.

A. intention B. attempt

C. purpose D. desire

4. I didn’t have to work all weekend - I did it by _______.

A. chance B. choice

C. accident D. myself

5. “Did you get _____ to the party?” “Yes, I replied to it this morning.”

A. an answer B. an invitation

C. a question D. a letter

6. I paid him £50 for the painting, but its true ______ must be at least £500.

A. price B. money

C. value D. importance

7. His letter was so confusing that I could hardly make any ______ of it.

A. explanation B. meaning

C. sense D. guess

8. You’ve just missed your ______, and you will have to wait for the next round.

A. chance B. turn

C. time D. part

9. -Li Lin is very bright and studies hard as well.

-It’s no ______ he always gets the first place in any examination.

A. question B. doubt

C. problem D. wonder

10. -How can I use this washing machine?

-Well, just refer to the _______.

A. explanations B. expressions

C. introductions D. directions

11. Jim was late for two classes this morning. He said that he forgot both of the ______.

A. rooms number B. room number

C. room’s numbers D. room numbers

12. -Hello, I’d like to speak to Henry.

-Oh, which _______? There are two ______ in our office.

A. Henrys, Henrys B. Henries, Henries

C. Henry, Henrys D. Henrys, Henries

13. Electricity, like other forms of ______, has greatly increased in price in recent years.

A. pressure B. force

C. strength D. energy

14. In order to learn the _______ of the family business, Bill took a job as messenger boy in one of the offices.

A. ins and outs B. dos and don’ts

C. heads and tails D. t’s and i’s

15. -I’ve got an “A” in the examination.

-That’s a good ______. You will surely win a second.

A. result B. news

C. start D. idea


1. 选A。hair 可用作可数或不可数名词,用作可数名词时,指一根一根的毛发或头发,如说 There’s a hair in my soup (我的汤里有根头发);用作不可数名词时,则是整体地指一个人的头发。

2. 选B。需根据句意来分析。have no sense of direction 意为“没有方向感”。

3. 选B。需根据句意来分析。attempt 在此表示“尝试”。

4. 选B,由于上文说 didn’t have to work,所以下文相应的语境应是 did it by choice。类似地,下面一题应选D,也是因为choice与下文的have to do it 相呼应:

Were you given a _____, or did you have to do it?

A. job B. duty

C. request D. choice

5. 选 B。注意其后的 to the party 和 replied to it。

6. 选C。value 指“价值”。

7. 选C。make sense of 意为“明白”、“理解”。比较:make sense 意为“有意义”、“意思清楚”、“有道理”。如下面一题选D:

What he told us about the situation simply doesn’t make any ______.

A. use B. reason

C. value D. sense

8. 选B。miss one’s turn 电为“错过机会”,注意下文的 …have to wait for the next round 所表示的语境。

9. 选D。it’s no wonder (+that从句)的意思是“难怪”,也可说成 No wonder (+that从句)。

10. 选D。directions 的意思是“使用说明”,空格前的 refer to 意为“查看”、“参考”。

11. 选D。room 为无生命名词,不用 room’s 这样的所有格形式,在此可直接用名词作定语。类似地,下面一题要选B,也是一样的道理(名词作定语通常用单数不用复数):

The boy was very happy that his mother bought him a new pair of shoes at a ______ yesterday.

A. shoes shop B. shoe shop C. shoes’s shop D. shoe’s

12. 选C。在通常情况下,专有名词具有“独一无二”性,因此它通常没有复数形式,即不可数。但是,专有名词的独一无二性有时是相对的,随着范围的扩大,这种独一无二性便会受到破坏。如在一个星期(week)内,只有一个星期六(Saturday), 一个星期日(Sunday)等,但是在一个月中甚至一年中,便有多个星期六,多个星期日了。所以我们有时可以说:We have spent many happy Sundays there. 我们在那儿度过了许多个愉快的星期日。另外一点值得注意的是,与一般的名词单数变复数不同,以“辅音字母+y”结尾的专有名词,其直接加词尾-s,而不将y改为i。

13. 选D。从常识来考虑,electricity 属于 energy,结合全句的语境,只有D最合适。同样地,下面一题从常识和语境来考虑也应选D:

(1) Some countries are increasing their use of natural gas, and other forms of ______.

A. source B. material

C. power D. energy

(2) The ______ has become extremely tense. A war could break out any time between the two sides.

A. pollution B. friendship

C. condition D. situation

14. 选A。ins and outs 意为“细节”,dos and don’ts 意为“注意事项”,heads or tails 为掷钱币打赌时用语,意为“你赌正面还是赌反面”,p’s and q’s主要用于 mind one’s p’s and q’s,意为“留意自己的言行”。结合句意,选A最合适。

15. 选C。从语法上看,news 不可选,因为它不可数;从意义上看,D不可选,因为选D意思不通;比较A和C,选C最合适,因为 start与下文的 a second 相吻合。


篇2:高考英语陷阱题总结--强调句 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


1. I’m sorry, _____ I won’t be able to come tonight.

A. forB. and

C. butD. then

【陷阱】容易误选A,因为空格后的句子是用以说明 I’m sorry 的原因的,所以便想当然地认为要选for来表示原因。

【分析】事实上,I’m sorry 后习惯上不接表示原因的连词 for,而接表示转折的连词 but(也可省略 but),用以委婉地提出一个使对方不快的事实。又如:

Oh, sorry, but she’s out. 哦,不好意思,她出去了。

I’m sorry, but I have to disagree. 对不起,我不敢苟同。

I’m sorry, but I have already had another appointment. 对不起,我已经有约会了。

注:I’m sorry 后虽然不能接表原因的连词for,但却可接介词 for.如:

I’m sorry for shouting at you. 对不起冲你嚷嚷了。

I am sorry for what I said to you. 我后悔不该对你讲那些话。

2. The point is not who said the words, _____ they are true or not.

A. but whether B. and whether

C. but how D. and how


【分析】最佳答案为A.此题涉及两个搭配:一是 not … but …(不是……而是……),二是 whether … or not (是否)。请看类例:

He was not an actor, who often appeared on stage, _____ a writer, writing stories.

A. but B. and

C. then D. so

答案选A,主要考查 not … but … 结构。

3. Just because they make more money than I do, _____ they seem to look down on me.

A. so B. and

C. but D. 不填

【陷阱】但容易误选A,将汉语的“因为……所以……”直译为 because … so …。

【分析】此题正确答案为D,但是按英语语法,because 为从属连词,用以引导原因状语从句,它表明整个句子为复合句;而 so 在表示“所以”时,它是并列连词,用以连接两个简单句使之成为并列句。由于在同一句中既用了从属连词 because,又用了并列连词 so,使得该句一半像复合句,一半像并列句,从而导致错误。正确的做法是,任意去掉 because 和 so 中的一个,使之要么成为复合句,要么成为并列句。

4. Although he had only entered the contest for fun, _____ he won first prize.

A. but B. and

C. even D. 不填

【陷阱】容易误选A,将汉语的“虽然……但是……”直译为 although … but …。

【分析】正确答案选D.按英语语法,although 为从属连词,用以引导让步状语从句,它表明整个句子为复合句;而 but 在表示“但是”时,它是并列连词,用以连接两个简单句使之成为并列句。由于在同一句中既用了从属连词 although,又用了并列连词 but ,使得该句一半像复合句,一半像并列句,从而导致错误。正确的做法是,任意去掉 although 和 but 中的一个,使之要么成为复合句,要么成为并列句。其实,此题与上面一题的分析思路是一样的。这里顺便说一句,许多同学(包括许多老师和教学参考书)为了便于记忆,将此题与上面一题的知识点简单地归纳为“按英语习惯,because和so不可连用,although 与 but 不可连用”。这种说法在通常情况下无疑是对的,也是有效的,但同学们一定要在明白以上道理的情况下来使用此规则,如果只是死记该规则,有时遇到一些语言特例仍然会出错。如:

But I didn’t know that then, although I learned it later. 但我当时的确不知道此事,尽管后来我还是知道了。

此句既用了并列连词 but,又用了从属连词 although,但它并未造成错误,原因是此句与上面所讨论的情形有所不同,即此句 but 用于 although 之前,but 在此仅起到与上文转折的作用,but 后的 I didn’t know that then, although I learned it later. 仍为一个复合句。

I tried doing the accounts, but although I knew some maths I found it very difficult. 我试着算这些账,但尽管我懂点数学,仍感到很困难。

此句将 but 与 although 用在一起,但此句也没有错误。该句从总体来看,它是一个以并列连词 but 连接的并列句,而在该并列句的后面一句又是一个包含让步状语从句 although I knew some maths 的复合句--这种句型就是所谓的并列复合句。此句也可改写为 I tried doing the accounts, but I found it very difficult although I knew some maths.

5. When the last prize had been awarded _____ everybody cleared off.

A. and B. so

C. or D. 不填


【分析】句首 when 引导的是一个时间状语从句,它暗示整个句子为复合句;而so, and, or 为并列连词,无论选哪一个,都表明整个句子为并列句,从而导致前后矛盾,所以A、B、C均不能选择。此题正确答案选D,everybody cleared off 为整个复合句的主句。请看类似例子:

(1) If wishes were horses, _____ beggars would ride.

A. and B. so

C. or D. 不填

(2) If I’m mistaken, _____ you are mistaken too.

A. so B. and

C. or D. 不填

(3) Just before I left London, _____ I sent him a telegram.

A. and B. so

C. or D. 不填

(4) After they had each said a few words, _____ Lloyd George took the floor.

A. and B. so

C. or D. 不填

答案均选D,空格前分别为 if, when, before, after 引导的状语从句,空格后为整个复合句的主句。


1. “Shall we stop for lunch _____ shall we drive on?” “Let’s stop for lunch, but the driver can’t drink _____ drive.”

A. and, and B. or, or

C. and, or D. or, and

2. “_____ when does the pub stay open?” “About midnight.”

A. SinceB. Before

C. UntilD. After

3. “Would you like tea _____ coffee?” “_____, thanks.”

A. or, No B. and, Either

C. or, Neither D. and, Each

4. He imagines that people don’t like him, _____ they do.

A. and B. then

C. so D. but

5. I firmly believe _____ he said at the meeting was right.

A. that B. which

C. that what D. what that

6. Will you deliver, _____ do I have to come to the shop to collect the goods?

A. and B. or

C. so D. then

7. It shocked me to see ______ my neighbors treated their children.

A. why B. whether

C. how D. since

8. _____ the government agrees to give extra money , the theatre will have to close.

A. Until B. Unless

C. Since D. While

9. We were just about ready to leave _____ it started to snow.

A. when B. before

C. after D. since

10. -I don’t like chicken _______ fish.

-I don’t like chicken, _______ I like fish very much.

A. and, andB. and, but

C. or, butD. or, and

11. -Would you like to come to dinner tonight?

-I’d like to, ___ I’m too busy.

A. and B. so

C. asD. but


1. 选D,第一空填 or,表选择;第二空填 and,can’t drink and drive 指不能同时既喝酒又开车,即不能酒后开车。

2. 选C,句意为“这家酒店开门到什么?(或这家酒店什么时候关门?)”

3. 选C,选项A用No来回答选择疑问句,不妥;选项B用 and 连接 tea 与 coffee,说明问句并非提供选择,而答语却用了 either 这样表选择性的词语,也不妥;选项D与语境不符。高

4. 选D,前后意思转折,故选 but.注:but they do = but they like him.

5. 选C,that 为引导宾语从句的连词,在 that what he said at the meeting was right 这一宾语从句中,又包含有what he said at the meeting 这一主语从句,而在该主语从句中,what用作动词 said 的宾语。

6. 选B,or 表选择。

7. 选C.how 修饰谓语动词 treated.

8. 选B,从句意推知。

9. 选A,when 在此用作并列连词,意为“这时(突然)”。

10. 选C.第一空填 or,在否定词后用or,表示否定两者;第二空填but,表示转折。

11. 选D.but表转折,符合语意。而表并列的and, 结果的so,原因的as都不符合句意。

篇3:高考英语陷阱题总结--强调句 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


1. “You went late _______ the stadium yesterday evening, didn’t you?” “Yes, my wife was a little late _______ the supper.”

A. to, with B. for, with

C. for, for D. at, for

【陷阱】容易误选 B 或D。

【分析】答案应选 A。第一空填to 比较好理解,因为此处的late为副词,用以修饰 go to the stadium 中的动词go;而第二句的 with 则是许多同学不容易想到的,相反,更多地可能是想到 for,现将两者区别如下:be late for表示做某事迟到,而be late with 表示做某事做晚了(=be late in doing sth)。比较:

We were late for dinner. 我们吃饭迟到了。

We were late with dinner [=in having dinner]. 我们吃饭吃得迟。

句中 my wife was a little late with the supper 的意思是“我妻子准备晚饭稍迟了一点”。

2. We were all worried over _______ you were sick.

A. that B. which

C. what D. the fact that

【陷阱】容易误选 A 或 B。

【分析】答案应选 D。按英语习惯,除except, but 等极个别介词外,英语介词后通常不能直接跟 that 从句作宾语。遇此情况,通常是在 that 从句前加上 the fact,此时 the fact 用作介词宾语,而其后 that 从句则用作 the fact 的同位语。请看类似试题(答案选均D):

(1) They knew nothing about ______ he was a thief.

A. that B. which

C. what D. the fact that

(2) She must face up to _______ she is no longer young.

A. that B. which

C. what D. the fact that

(3) What he said at the meeting referred to _______ he was interested in the project.

A. that B. which

C. what D. the fact that

(4) Their belief is proved by the fact that the death penalty prevents murder.

A. that B. which

C. what D. the fact that

(5) The writer is not satisfied with _______ buses are too crowded.

A. that B. which

C. what D. the fact that

3. Sometimes our opinions differ _______ what we choose to observe and how we deal with what we’ve observed

A. which B. since

C. because D. because of

【陷阱】容易误选C。因为按英语语法习惯,because是连词,其后接句子;而because of是复合介词,其后接名词、代词或动名词等。

【分析】此题答案选D。because 作为从属连词,主要用于引导原因状语从句,既然是引导一个从句,也就是说它的后面不能再连用“引导词”。如:

He was angry because we were late. 他很生气因为我们迟到了。

They can’t have gone out because the light is on. 他们不可能出去了,因为灯还亮着。

Bread is cheap in this supermarket because they bake it themselves.这家超市的面包是自制的,所以便宜。

假若,一个从句已经有了自己的“引导词”,那么它前面就不宜再用 because 这个连词了。如:

She got angry because of what you said. 她哭是因为你说的话。

句中的 what 相当于 the thing that,也就是说 what you said 相当于 the thing that you said。其中 the thing 用作 because of 的宾语,而that you said 为修饰 the thing 的定语从句。

He lost his job because of how he treated his boss. 他因为对老板的态度(不好)而丢了工作。

句中的 how 相当于 the way in which,也就是说 how he treated his boss相当于 the way in which he treated his boss。其中 the way 用作 because of 的宾语,而in which he treated his boss 为修饰 the way 的定语从句。

4. “How long have you been an actor?” “_______ 1995, when I graduated from college.”

A. After B. In

C. From D. Since



“When did you became an actor?” “_______ 1995, when I graduated from college.”

A. After B. In

C. From D. Since

此题选B,因为问句问的是when(何时),所以用 in 1995 来回答便顺理成章。


(1) “How long have you worked on the farm?” “____ the end of last year.”

A. In B. By

C. At D. Since

答案选D,用 since the end of last year 回答 how long,即问句问“工作了多久”,答句说“自去年年底至今”。

(2) “How long will you work on the farm?” “____ the end of next year.”

A. In B. By

C. At D. Since


(3) “When did you leave the farm?” “____ the end of last year.”

A. In B. By

C. At D. Since


5. Don’t be angry _______ me for not having written. I was really too busy.

A. about B. with

C. to D. for


【分析】最佳答案为 B。按英语习惯,要表示对某人生气,通常用 be angry with [at] sb,要表示对某事生气,通常用 be angry at [about] sth(在美国英语中也用 be angry with sth,但不说 be angry with sb)。比较以下表达,其中的“对”也不用to来翻译:


误:Did you feel satisfied to the arrangements?

正:Did you feel satisfied with the arrangements?


误:Teachers should be strict to their students.

正:Teachers should be strict with their students.

6. In those days, we had no phones, so we have to keep in touch _____ writing often.

A. with B. of

C. on D. by

【陷阱】容易误选A。根据 keep in touch with (与……保持联系)这一常用搭配推出。

【分析】正确答案是D。by 在这里表示方式,by writing 意为“通过写信”,全句意为“我们通过经常写信保持联系”。请再看几例(均与介词搭配有关):

(1) We’ve talked a lot _______ films. How _____ television now?

A. of, with B. with, towards

C. about, about D. for, about

此题不要受 a lot of的影响而误选A。若第一空选 of,a lot of cars 即为动词 talk 的宾语,但实际上动词 talk 是不及物动词,不能后接宾语。最佳答案应是C,句中的a lot是修饰动词 talked 的状语,talk about才是一个动词短语。 全句意为“我们对电影已谈了不少,现在谈谈电视怎么样?” What about…意为“……怎么样”,用于征求意见。

(2) We all regarded the poor old man ____sympathy.

A. as B. with

C. of D. by

有的同学一看到句中的 regard 和选项中的 as,马上就联想到 regard … as … (把……当作……)这一搭配,从而断定此题应选A。但是错了,原因是将此搭配套入原句,句子意思不通。正确答案是B,句意为“我们大家都很同情这位老人”。


1. So far, several ships have been reported missing _______ the coast of Bermuda Island.

A. off B. along

C. on D. around

2. “How long have you stayed in this hotel?” “Not long, just ______ this Monday.”

A. on B. since

C. until D. after

3. The lift in that tall building went wrong and got trapped _____ floors. People in it had no way to get out.

A. in B. between

C. among D. on

4. “What a terrible rain we are having!” “Yes. We are asked to pay more attention to the information about the rain ______ flood.”

A. as well as B. so long as

C. because of D. in case of

5. _____ their inexperience, they’ve done a good job.

A. Given B. Supposed

C. Considered D. Concluded

6. They promise that the work would all be finished _____ next week.

A. until B. in

C. by D. to

7. _______ reading the letter, what has he done?

A. Because of B. Except

C. Besides D. But for

8. “How did the robber get in?” “______ an open window on the first floor.”

A. Past B. From

C. Over D. Through

9. She knew nothing about his journey _______ he was likely to be away for three months.

A. Except B. except for

C. except that D. in addition

9. 选 C。在四个选项中,只有except that 后可接句子。

10. He usually goes to work by bike _______ it rains.

A .except B. except when

C. except for D. except that

11. I found the island a wonderful place for our experiments _______ the hot weather.

A. besides B. except for

C. except D. except that

12. ______ the weather, we had a pleasant time.

A. Except B. Except for

C. But D. Besides

13. He always did well at school ______ having to do part-time jobs every now and then.

A. in spite of B. instead of

C. in case of D. in favor of

14. As it was almost time for the flight, all the passengers got ______ the plane.

A. around B. abroad

C. aboard D. ahead


1. 选A。off 用作介词时可表示距离,此时尤其用于指距离某一大路或靠近某海面。又如:

Our house is about 20 meters off the main road. 我们家离大路大约有20米远。

The ship anchored a mile off the coast. 轮船抛锚停泊在离海岸1英里的地方。

2. 选B。此答句为省略句,补充完整为:I’ve stayed in this hotel since this Monday.

3. 选 B。between floors 指在两层楼之间。类例地,以下各例也选between:

Don’t eat anything ______ meals if you want to lose weight.

4. 选D。复合介词in case of有两个意思,一是表示条件,意为“如果”;二是表示目的,意为“以防”。如:

In case of fire, call 119. 万一失火,就打119电话。

Take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 带把雨伞,以防下雨。

5. 选A,given 在此用作介词,意为“考虑到”。又如:Given the low price, I decided to buy it. 考虑到价格很低,我决定把它买下。

6. 选C,by 意为“最迟到……之前,到……的时候已经”。类例地,下面一题也选by:

The train leaves at 6:00 p.m. So I have to be at the station _______5:40 p.m. at the latest.

A. until B. after

C. around D. by

7. 选C。besides 意为“除……之外,还”。又如:

He has another car besides this. 除了这辆车外,他还有一辆。

Besides being a teacher, he was a poet. 除了是位教师外,他还是位诗人。

Did he do anything besides hitting you? 除了打你之外,他还有没有别的什么举动?

8. 选D。through 意为“穿过,贯穿,经过,透过”。又如:

The train ran through the tunnel. 火车穿过隧道。

I saw you through the window. 我是透过窗子看到你的。

9. 选 C。在四个选项中,只有except that 后可接句子。

10. 选B。except when 和 except that 后均可接句子,但前者含“当……的时候”的意思,而后者则没有这个意思。

11. 选B。except 与 except for的区别是:前者主要用来谈论同类的东西;后者主要用来谈论不同类的东西,在说明情况后作细节上的修正,有时含有惋惜之意。

12. 选B,except 和 except for 均可表示排除,但若是表示谈论不同类的对象,通常用 except for。另外,except 通常不用于句首。

13. 选A。比较:in spite of=虽然,尽管…仍;instead of=代替,取而代之;in case of=假设,万一;in favour of=赞同,有利于。

14. 选C。aboard 用作介词时意思“在(船、飞机、车)上”、“上(船、飞机、车)”。

篇4:高考英语陷阱题总结--强调句 (人教版高三英语下册教学论文)


1. “Mike is often absent from class.” “Tell him he _____ answer for it if he goes on behaving like that.”

A. shall B. will

C. would D. can


【分析】最佳答案选A.shall 用作情态动词主要有以下两个用法:

(1) 用于疑问句中征求意见。如:

Shall I help you? 要不要我帮帮你?

Shall I open the window? 要我把窗子打开吗?

(2) 用于陈述句中表示允诺、告诫、警告、威胁、命令、规定、必然性等(可用于各类人称)。如:

You shall suffer for this. 你会为此事吃苦头的。(表威胁)

Each competitor shall wear a number. 每个参赛者要戴一个号码。(表规定)

You shall hear everything as soon as you come. 你一来就可听到所有情况了。(表允诺)

请做以下试题(答案均选 shall):

(1) “I promise that she _____ get a nice present on her birthday.” “Will it be a great surprise to her?”

A. should B. must

C. would D. shall

2. You _______ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.

A. cannot B. shouldn’t

C. mustn’t D. needn’t



You can’t be too careful. 你越仔细越好。

You can’t praise the too much. 这本书值得大加赞扬。

We cannot work too much for the people. 我们为人民做工作是不可能做过头的。

A woman cannot have too many clothes. 女人买的衣服再多也不算多。

注:有时也可用 can never, impossible 等与too连用来表示类似意思。如:

It is impossible to get there too soon. 去那儿越早越好。

3. “Is John coming by train?” “He should, but he _____ not. He likes driving his car.”

A. must B. can

C. need D. may


【分析】最佳答案为D.may 表推测,may not 意为“可能不(会坐火车来)”。句中的 He should 为 He should come by train 之省略,由于其后出现转折连词 but,说明语意有变化,再结合下文的 He likes driving his car,便可决定此题选D.注意,不能选B,因为can表示推测时通常不用肯定陈述句。

4. “I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter.” “It ____ true because there was little snow there.”

A. may not be B. won’t be

C. couldn’t be D. mustn’t be


【分析】此题最佳答案为C,主要由下文的 because there was little snow there 这一语境所决定,既然“没下什么雪”,那么“滑雪”就应是“不可能”,所以选 couldn’t be,即选C.

5. “Do you think he is lazy?” “I _____ so once, but I don’t now.”

A. may have thought B. can have thought

C. may think D. might think

答案选A.从答话人的语境可知,空格处的意思“曾经这样想过”,即对过去情况作推测,故应用“情态动词+动词完成式”;又因为 can 表推测不用于肯定句,故选A.请看类例:

Their answers are exactly the same - one of them ______ from the other.

A. must copy B. must have copied

C. should copy D. should have copied


6. You _____ be right, but I don’t think you are.

A. can B. could C. must D. should


【分析】从语境上看,C、D不宜选,在剩下的A和B中,许多同学想当然地选了A,认为整个句子为现在时态,所以选can,而不选过去式 could,但是最佳答案却是B而不是A.按照英语语法,情态动词can 用于推测表示可能性时,通常只用于否定句或疑问句中,而不用于肯定句中;但 could 用于表推测时,却不仅可用于否定句和疑问句,也可用于肯定句,且此时的 could 并不是 can 的过去式,与 can 也没有时间上的差别,只是 could 比 can语气更委婉,所以答案选B.注:can 在以下特殊情况下,也可用于肯定句。一是表示抽象的可能性,即从理论上或逻辑上分析是可能的,但是实际上未必会发生。如:Anyone can make mistakes. 任何人都可能会犯错误。二是后接“be (get, seem, become)+形容词”,表示“有时会”、“时常会”等。如:My father can be very unreasonable. 我父亲有时候很不讲道理。


1. “I thought you wouldn’t mind.” “Well, as a matter of fact I don’t, but you _____ me first.”

A. should ask B. should have asked

C. must ask D. must have asked

2. “I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didn’t recognize her voice.” “Oh, it _____ my aunt Jean.”

A. must be B. must have been

C. might be D. can have been

3. That car nearly hit me; I ______.

A. might be killed B. might have been killed

C. may be killed D. may been killed

4. It’s a very kind offer, but I really _____ accept it.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t

C. can’t D. don’t

5. The police still haven’t found her, but they’re doing all they _____.

A. may B. can

C. must D. will

6. You _____ practise the drums while the baby is sleeping.

A. needn’t B. mightn’t

C. mustn’t D. won’t

7. You _____ him the news; he knew it already.

A. needn’t tell B. needn’t have told

C. mightn’t tell D. mightn’t have told

8. As she’s not here, I suppose she _____ home.

A. must go B. must have gone

C. might go D. might be going

9. Are you still here? You ______ home hours ago.

A. should go B. should have gone

C. might go D. may have gone

10. “I called you yesterday. A woman answered, but I didn’t recognize her voice.” “Oh, it _____ my aunt Jean.”

A. must be B. must have been

C. might be D. can have been

11. I _______ have met him a long time ago. Both his name and face are very familiar.

A. may B. can

C. would D. should

13.“Shall we go shopping?” “Sorry, we _______ buy anything now because none of the shops are open.”

A. mustn’t B. needn’t

C. can’t D. shouldn’t

14. They often go to the restaurants for meals. They _____ be very poor.

A. mustn’t B. can’t

C. may not D. needn’t

15. I didn’t see her in the meeting room this morning. She ______ have spoken at the meeting.

A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t

C. needn’t D. couldn’t

17. He ______ the test again, in which case, his mother will be very disappointed.

A. might fail B. must have failed

C. should fail D. could have failed

18. “Why didn’t she come to the meeting yesterday?” “I’m not so sure. She ______ ill.”

A. should be B. should have been

C. must be D. might have been

19. Why did you just sit and watch? You _______ me.

A. could help B. should help

C. could have helped D. must have helped

20. “You ______ your teacher for help. He is kind-hearted.” “Yes. A whole day _______.”

A. can ask, will waste

B. must have asked, had wasted

C. could have asked, was wasted

D. shouldn’t have asked, would be wasted

21. “Is there a flight to London this evening?” “There _______ be. I’ll phone the airport and find it out.”

A. must B. might

C. would D. can

22. “Show me your permit, please.” “Oh, it’s not in my pocket. It ______.”

A. might fall out B. could fall out

C. should have fallen out D. must have fallen out

23. “Look at these tracks. It _______ be a wolf.” “Don’t be so sure. I think it _______ be a fox.”

A. must; could B. may; might

C. need; must D. could; need

25. “Did Jim come?” “I don’t know. He _______ while I was out.”

A. might have come B. might come

C. mush have come D. should have come


1. 选B,should 后接动词完成式表示“本来应该做某事,结果未做”,此处含有责备之意。

2. 选B,对过去情况的肯定推测,宜用“情态动词 + 动词完成式”,再根据句意,可确定答案为B.注:can 表示推测通常不用于肯定陈述句。

3. 选B,表示过去可能发生而实际上未发生的事,用might + 动词完成式。若只是推测过去可能已经发生的事,则可用 may [might] + 动词完成式,如 He may [might] have gone. 他可能已经走了。

4. 选C.由句意可知。

5. 选B,do all one can 意为“尽力”或“竭尽全力”。

6. 选C,mustn’t 在此相当于 can’t,且语气更强。

7. 选B,“needn’t + 动词完成式”的意思是:本来不必做某事,但实际上做了。上句意思是“你本来不必告诉他这个消息的,因为他(当时)已经知道了”。注意,句中 knew 为过去式。

8. 选B,must 后接动词完成式表示对过去情况的肯定推测,意为“一定已经做了某事”。

9. 选B,should 后接动词完成式表示“本来应该做某事,结果未做”。

10. 选B,对过去情况的肯定推测,宜用“情态动词 + 动词完成式”,再根据句意,可确定答案为B.注:can 表示推测通常不用于肯定句。

12. 选A.may have done sth 表示对过去可能发生的事进行推测,意为“可能曾经”。

13. 选C.根据上下文的语境推知。can’t 意为“不能”。

14. 选B.根据上下文的语境推知。can’t 表推测,意为“不不能”。

16. 选D.couldn’t have done sth 表示对过去情况进行推测,意为“过去不可能发生过某情况”。

17. 选A.根据下文的 will be 可知,“他考试再不及格”是将来的事,据此可排除B和D.再根据语意,排除C.

18. 选D.从时间上看,由于是昨天没来开会,所以推测他生病也应指昨天,故排除A和C.从语境上看,既然上文说 I’m not so sure,那么说明说话者对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选D.

19. 选C.根据上文的过去时态可知,此句谈的是过去的事,故排除A和C.根据语境排除D.

20. 选C.couldn’t have done sth 结构在此表示责备,指过去本来可以做某事但实际上未做。第二空填 was wasted,陈述的是过去的一事实。

21. 选B.根据下文的 I’ll phone the airport and find it out 可知,说话人对自己的推测没有很大把握,故选 might.若选A,语气太强,不合语境;若选D,不合语法习惯,因为can 表推测通常不用于肯定陈述句中。

22. 选D.既然“通行证现在不在口袋里”,那么它“掉出去”应发生在过去,故排除A和B.比较选项C和D所表示的意思,选D更恰当。

24. 选A.根据 Don’t be so sure 可知前面一空应填must.第二空填的could表示推测,虽为过去式形式,但表示现在意义,语气较委婉,它与表推测的 can 主要用于否定句和疑问句不同,它可以用于肯定陈述句。

25. 选A.根据句中有关时态可知“他来”发生在过去,故排除B;根据 I don’t know 可知选项C语气太肯定,不合适;选项D的意思是“本来应该来”,与语境不合。
