第二册UNIT 26 Lesson 10


第二册UNIT 26 Lesson 10(共6篇)

篇1:第二册UNIT 26 Lesson 10

第二册JEFC BoobⅡUnit 6 Lesson 22

Topic: JEFC BoobⅡUnit 6 Lesson 22

Period: One Period(45 minutes)

Teaching Aims:

1. Improve Ss abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing.

2. Asking the ways and giving the ways. Expressing needs.

3. Education Ss in moral character to help people in trouble.

Important and Hard Points:

1. Asking the ways and giving the ways.

2. Expressing needs.

Teaching Aids: CAI and objects.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Organizations. Free talk and daily report.(2 minutes)

Step 2: Lead in(Presentation). (2+2 minutes)

CAI presents Picture 1 (P27) and introduce Mr Zhang, the policewoman and the city


Begin with: Mr Zhang is new in

London. He wants to go to the different places. But he doesn’t know the way. Who can help him?

Step 3: Practice. (4+4 minutes)

CAI shows Picture 2 (Piv): Present CAI and ask four groups to ask and answer.

1). From A to Museum. Mr Zhang asks a girl the way, but she doesn’t know. Then Mr Zhang asks the first policewoman.

2). From B to Bus Stop. Mr Zhang asks the second policewoman.

3). From Bus Stop to Train Station. Mr Zhang asks the third policewoman. It’s far away. Mr Zhang must catch a bus there.

Step 4: listening.(8+5 minutes)

Play the tape and listen to the dialogue of Lesson 22 twice.

Step 5: Showing BL design.(13+2 minutes)

CAI presents the BL design and explain the BL design.

JEFC Unit 6

Asking the ways: Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?

Giving the ways: Walk along this road, and take fourth turning on the left. It’aboutfour kilometers away. You’d better catch a bus.

Expressings needs: Which bus do I need? You need a number 16 bus.

Step 6: Translation.(15+2minutes)

Ask three groups to read and put the dialogue into Chinese.

Step 7: Reading.(17+2)

Ask Ss to read the dialogues like these, All read together, boys ask and girls answer, Row 1 ask and Row 2 answer.

Step 8: Acting.(19+3 minutes)

Ask three groups to act out the dialogues of Lesson 22.

Step 9: Exercises.(22+6 minutes)

CAI shows the following exercises and have Ss do them.

1).Choose the right answers:

(1). Walk this road,and you can see it. A. along B. on C. at

(2). Take the fourth on the left. A. turn B. turns C. turning

(3). I t’s about 100 long. A. metre B. metres C. meter

(4). The nearest is about 4 km . A. far B. away C. alongs

(5). You’d better a bus. A. to catch B. catching C. catch

(6) number do I need? A. What B. Which C. How

(7). Do you need help? A. some B. a C. any

(8). He gets up early and the early bus. A. gets B. keeps C. catches

(9). Some are over there. A. polices B. policemen C. policemans

(10). I need a rest. A. to have B. having C. has

2).Complete the dialogue:

A: Excuse me. Is there a station near here?

B: Yes, walk this street, and the first on the left. It’s about 100 metres on the left.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You are .

3).Translate the sentences into Chinese:






Step 10: Discussions.(28+ 7 minutes)

CAI presents Picture 2 (Piv) and ask Ss to discuss. If you are at A. You want to go to Police Station.

1). How many asking ways?

Ask Ss to say the answers and then CAI shows the answers:

Excuse me. Where’s the nearest police station?

Excuse me. Is there a police station near here?

Excuse me. Which is the way to the nearest police station?

Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest police station?

2). How many giving ways?

There are a lot of giving ways. Ask Ss to say four giving ways.

Step 11: Dictation.(35+4 minutes)

Have a dictaion . Write two passages and then CAI presents the two passages.

Passage One

A: Excuse me. Is there a bookshop near here?

B: Yes. Go along this road, and take the first turning on the left, and the second turning on the right. It’s next to the Blue Sky Hotel.

A: First left, and second right. Thank you .

B: You are welcome.

Passage Two

A: Excuse me. Where’s the nearest hospital, please?

B: I’m sorry, I don’t know. You’d better ask that policeman.

A: Thank you all the same.

Step 12: Acting in the class.(39+3 minutes)

Each desk in the classroom is regarded as a building in a city. The room between the desks is regarded as a road or a street. Ask three groups to act in the class.

1). From Farm to Park.

2). From Bookshop to Hotel.

3). From Hospital to School.

Step 13: Summary.(42+1 minutes)

CAI shows the summary and talk about it.(The summary is the same as BL design)

Step 14: Moral Educations.(43+1 minutes)

Tell Ss “When others are in trouble, we always help them. We should help each other in our studies and lives.”

Step 15: Homework.(44+1 minutes)

Homework after class. Get Ss make up a dialogue about asking ways and giving ways

篇2:第二册UNIT 26 Lesson 10

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)







ecology summarise premier prosper sustainable alternative hurricane erupt sanitation sulphur swear responsibility


access, in harmony with, affect, on end, flee, knock about/around



1、20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water.

这是on earth = in the world/on the earth在这个世界上之意又例:

New York is the largest city in the world.

on (the) earth.

转义时只用on earth/in the world,位于疑问词后,以强调语气:

What in the world are you doing that for? 你到底为什么干那事?

on earth

2、… there exist serious problems … 存在严重问题

这是there be结构的变体,又例:

There lived a very old witch in the small village.

There stood a leaning tower in the west of the city.

There sat four people around the fire.


×There built a bridge across the river.应为:There a bridge was built across the river.

3、And if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated, there is a good chance that we will see less violence and fewer wars.


less of a problem是英语中名词的比较,比较问题的轻重,一些有程度等级差别的名词都可以使用这种比较:

He is more of a fool than I thought he was.

In this developing country government corruption is more of a problem than any other thing.

It is as much of a success as I expected.

less of a success than

4、flee v.i./v.t. 逃离

v.i. The robbers tried to flee, but they were caught.

His troubles fled. (转义)他的烦恼已烟消云散。

Color fled from her cheeks. (转义)她脸色变得苍白。

v.t. The boy fled the kidnappers and phoned the police.


They all fled (from) the burning hotel.

The great musician fled his nativeland during the Cultural Revolution.



①由as, though, that引导强调让步从句,只是表语或状语,偶或谓语一部分提前,从汉语习惯似为倒装:

Rich as he is, (yet) I don’t envy him.

Child as he was, he knew that was the right thing to do.



Much as we admire Shakespeare’s comedies, we cannot agree that they are superior to his tragedies.

Try as he would, he might fail again.


△“It was cold yesterday.”

“So it was.”

△“He has passed the exam.”

“So he has”


Seated around the fire were a group of children.

Visiting our school were 100 Japanese students.



Away with him! 叫他滚!

Off with your hat! 脱帽!

Down with dictatorship! 打倒独裁!


That I could go with him to England!

Oh that he were here!

Would that I had known it!

If only I had taken father’s advice!

Oh, to be in England! 哦,在英国多好!

Oh, for a friend to keep and advise us! 哦,有个朋友关照我们多好!


To think that in just a few days we’ll be parting! 想想几天就要分开,真扫兴!

To think of your leaving us soon! 没想到你要那么快就离开我们!


How come they left you alone here ? 他们怎么能留你一个人在这儿?

How come you didn’t tell me about this before? 你为什么以前不告诉我?

What about playing pc games?

How about some more drink.

What if/though World War Ⅲ (should) happen? 第三世界大战爆发会是怎么样的?

Why go there alone?

Why not close the windows?


×Why not clean the classroom yesterday? 应该改为Why didn’t you clean …?



1、Not until I began to work _______ has much time I had wasted.

A. didn’t I realize B. realized I C. did I realize D. I realized

2、“John won first prize in the contest.”


A. So he did B. So did he C. He did so, too D. So was he

3、No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything _____ going on in the world.

A. it is B. what is C. as it is D. there is

4、So ______ that no fish can live in it.

A. the river is polluted B. polluted is the river

C. polluted the river is D. is the river polluted

5、On the bus the plain policeman caught a girl ______ her hand into the pocket of a passenger.

A. to put B. to be putting C. put D. putting

6、Luckily, we brought warm clothes, without ______ we would be frozen in the sudden snowstorm.

A. that B. which C. them D. what

7、With a year’s pay _______, the poor peasant jumped into the river to drown himself.

A. stolen B. robbed C. stealing D. to rob

8、Even if ______ according to the direction, the drugs would have side effects on you.

A. taking B. taken C. to take D. to be taken

9、_______ our football team will defeat the team of Class 3.

A. There is possible B. It is a good chance

C. It is perhaps D. There is a good chance

10、What ______ the traffic accident to happen?

A. forced B. made C. caused D. got

11、You can’t find such a person in ______ life.

A. true B. virtual C. actual D. real

12、Would you mind if I use your cell phone?

A. Yes, please B. Of course C. Go ahead D. Sure

13、It’s _____ day; we’d better stay home.

A. too cold a B. a too cold C. too a cold D. too cold

14、We’ll check _______ the door is locked. Choose the wrong answer:

A. that B. if C. whether D. for

15、They didn’t succeed in the experiment, but they __________.

A. could B. had to do C. could have D. should have done

16、You’ll find a true friend _____ Max.

A. in B. on C. with D. of

17、The Italian food didn’t _____ me; I felt sick.

A. fit for B. agree with C. taste for D. fit

18、I remember ______ my laptop on my desk, but now it is ________.

A. to put, lost B. putting, missed C. to put, gone D. putting, gone

19、We often _______ ideas about how to play CS.

A. share B. share in C. exchange with D. share for

20、“I slipped on the ice. I think my arm is broken.”

“Oh, I ________.”

A. don’ t hope B. hope not C. I hope not to D. don’t hope to


Today, air travel is far safer than driving a car on a __1__ motorway. But there is a danger that __2__ every year. Airliners get larger and larger. Some __3__ over 300 passengers. And the air itself becomes more and more crowded. If one giant airliner crashed into __4__ in mid-air, 600 lives could be __5__.

From the moment an airliner takes off to __6__ it lands, every movement is __7__ on radar screens, Air traffic controllers tell the pilot __8__ when to turn, when to climb and when to come down. The air traffic controllers around a busy airport __9__ London-Heathrow may handle 2500 planes a day. __10__ of them actually land at the airport. Any plane that flies near the airport comes __11__ the orders of the controllers there. Even a small __12__ on their part could cause a disaster.

Recently such a disaster almost happened. Two large jets were flying __13__ the airport. One , with 69 passengers, had come from Toronto, and the other, with 176 passengers, __14__ Chicago. An air traffic controller noticed on his radar screen that the two planes were __15__ close to each other. He ordered one to turn to the right __16__ to climb. But he made a mistake. He ordered the __17__ plane to do this. So __18__ turning away from the second plane, the first plane turned towards it. Fifteen seconds later it flew directly __19__ the second plane. They avoided each other by the smallest part of a second. The __20__ between them was less than that of a large swimming pool. This is an example of the danger that grows every year.

1、A. wide B. narrow C. busy D. country

2、A. faces B. grows C. rises D. drops

3、A. carry B. have C. bring D. fetch

4、A. the other B. another C. others D. the others

5、A. crushed B. dead C. missing D. lost

6、A. where B. the place C. the moment D. the airport

7、A. made B. watched C. known D. started

8、A. exactly B. correctly C. straight D. carefully

9、A. of B. as C. like D. in

10、A. All B. A few C. Many D. Not all

11、A. out of B. under C. on D. to

12、A. mistake B. pause C. shortcoming D. hesitation

13、A. off B. in C. at D. towards

14、A. from B. to C. at D. in

15、A. so B. very C. too D. just

16、A. not B. or C. but D. and

17、A. very B. larger C. wrong D. right

18、A. not B. without C. not by D. instead of

19、A. in front of B. away from C. behind D. after

20、A. way B. room C. distance D. area


Most teachers are anxious to help their students in any way they can, and it is polite for the students to help the teacher when they see something they can do, especially if the teacher is a woman and the student a young man. Sometimes the blackboard needs to be cleaned, or the door or window shut or opened. Sometimes there are papers to collect or give out. This kind of help is always appreciated. The writer knows a woman teacher, rather small and not very strong, who carried her bicycle for years up three short flights of steps to the school building, where her students stood waiting for her!

Few students like to talk in class while their teacher is giving the lessen. If he has something to say on the subject, the student should wait till he has a chance to say it to the whole class. If it is not on the subject, keep it till the class is over. Who has not been annoyed by having his attention taken away from something interesting he really wants to hear? And it is especially rude to the teacher, making it very difficult for him to continue the lesson.

1、Students should help their teacher _______.

A. when he gives lessons B. if she is a woman teacher

C. unless he gets into trouble D. in any way they can

2、It is not polite for a student _______.

A. to be free to talk in class B. to put up his hand before answering the question

C. to carry the bike upstairs for a woman teacher

D. to talk to his teacher

3、The writer gives us ______ in the passage to show the good manners for a student to help his teacher.

A. many examples B. one example

C. two examples D. two examples in class

4、When the teacher tries to teach his students everything he knows, his students should ________.

A. do everything they can after class for him in return

B. help each other

C. show off their cleverness or knowledge in class

D. show respects to their teacher in every way

5、Which of the following is correct?

A. Greeting the teacher is the only way the students have respect to their teacher

B. It is especially polite to the teacher to clean the blackboard.

C. Good manners at school are important to happy relations between teachers and students

D. It is impolite to wait for a chance to say something on the subject in class.


Men sometimes say, “We are better and clever than women. Women 1._______

never invent things, but we do.” It is true that man invented many 2._______

useful things, but women invented one very important thing, that 3.________

has changed history. They invented agriculture.

After the invention, men were all hunters. They were hunting every 4.________

day. Sometimes they killed animals; sometimes animals killed themselves. 5._______

Life was too difficult. Women had to go out, too. They had to hunt for

food as roots, fruits and grasses. Then, one day thousands of 6._______

years ago, a woman dropped some grass seeds. They grew and

the first wheat born. The idea grew, too. Women planted roots 7._______

and fruit trees. Then they should stay home and look after 8._______

children and animals. They kept the first man-raised animals: 9._______

dogs, cows, sheep and goats. Then their husbands didn’t have to

go hunting. They built villages or cities. Men began civilization 10._______

but it was after women invented agriculture.

参 考 答 案

一1、C 2、A 3、D 4、B 5、D 6、B 7、A 8、B 9、D 10、C 11、D 12、C 13、A 14、D 15、C 16、A 17、B 18、D 19、A 20、B

二、1、C 2、B 3、A 4、B 5、D 6、C 7、B 8、A 9、C 10、D 11、B 12、A 13、D 14、A 15、C 16、D 17、C 18、D 19、A 20、C

三1、D 2、A 3、A 4、D 5、C

篇3:第二册UNIT 26 Lesson 10


教学内容:北师大版高中英语必修4 Unit 10 Lesson 3 When less is more



(一) 教学内容分析

本课例的教学文本选自北师大版高中英语必修4 Unit 10 Lesson 3 When less is more, 本单元的主题为Money。语篇主要通过与学生探讨5元钱的作用, 以黄河水土流失严重这一事实为依托, 让学生意识到5元零花钱可以买一棵小树保护黄河水土, 发展当地经济, 改善人民生活。通过阅读语篇引领学生树立正确的消费观, 希望学生能够从身边的小事做起, 树立社会责任感。

话题的切入点是5元零钱的作用。第一段提出5元钱办不了多少事情, 只能买些零食, 然后提出“何不用5元钱买棵树呢?”以引起学生的兴趣。第二段描述黄河水土流失的原因以及给当地居民造成的影响。第三段提出保护黄河是每一个人应尽的义务和责任的观点。第四、五段解释5元钱是如何给黄河以及当地人民带来好处的。经过前几段内容的铺垫, 最后一段总结升华, 呼吁学生正确使用自己微不足道的零花钱, 如将其用在植树造林、建设绿色家园以及共创美好未来的伟大事业中。

文章结构清晰, 语言地道, 浅显易懂。从内容上看, 教师可以从语言技能、学习能力、文化品格、思维品质等英语核心素养方面着手设计教学目标, 培养学生的综合英语语言能力。文本所体现的英语课堂上的德育渗透功能十分明显, 且与学生实际生活密切相关。基于文本材料, 通过相关课堂活动设计, 可以在更高层次上升华对学生的德育渗透。

(二) 学情分析

授课对象是山东省青岛市第五十八中学高二学生。通过课前5分钟的交流, 笔者了解到学生整体语言素养比较高, 已具备一定的阅读能力和阅读技巧。笔者设计了一部分具有开放性和挑战性的教学活动, 在课堂上根据学生的具体反应灵活应对, 充分利用生成性资源。

(三) 教学目标

基于体现英语学科核心素养的要求制订本堂课的教学目标。课堂活动从语言技能、学习能力、文化品格、思维品质等方面整体设计, 综合叙写。

1. 语言能力

(1) 学生能够用英语表达对“Your Money—when less is more”的深层理解;

(2) 学生能够通过对文本的理解有效猜测生词;

(3) 学生能够对文章中相关的观点进行评价;

(4) 学生能够以小组合作的形式设计出自己的“less is more”项目, 升华文本主题。

2. 文化品格

(1) 学生能够意识到保护母亲河———黄河的重要意义;

(2) 学生能够树立较强的环保意识和社会责任感。

3. 思维品质

(1) 学生能够升华、拓展对文本主题“less is more”的深层理解;

(2) 学生能够形成正确的金钱观;

(3) 学生能够树立帮助他人的意识和保护环境的社会责任感。

4. 学习能力

(1) 学生能够运用skimming、scanning阅读技巧获得文章的大意和细节信息;

(2) 学生能够根据语境理解并猜测生词词义;

(3) 学生能够通过阅读理解文本背后的深层意义, 如正确的金钱观和社会责任感等。


(一) 备课思维过程

本次活动是高中英语阅读教学德育渗透优秀课例展评, 强调教师在教授语言知识的同时, 还要实现立德树人的德育渗透目的。笔者在备课过程中根据文本的特点, 在设计英语语言学习活动的同时, 凸显出立德树人的教育目的, 把德育润物细无声地渗透在英语课堂中。如何将二者有机结合是笔者在备课过程中所主要考虑的。

(二) 课堂教学活动

本堂课主要设计了以下几个教学活动 (见图1) :

教学设计分为读前、读中和读后三个环节, 笔者在每个环节中都设计了相应的阅读任务。阅读任务的设计既基于文本特点, 又高于文本。活动设计既符合学生实际, 又具有开放性, 以便于在完成阅读任务的同时渗透德育。


(一) Before reading

Step 1:Warming up

关于零花钱, 笔者组织学生进行ST free talk活动。提问:“How much pocket money do you usually get from parents?”“What do you usually do with it?”“If you have 5 yuan left, what will you do with it?How to make your less money into more?”

【设计意图】通过讨论与学生日常生活相关的“零花钱”问题, 激发学生的兴趣, 活跃课堂, 拉近了师生之间的距离。同时, 通过free talk让学生进行热身活动, 然后导入本课主题。

(二) While reading

Step 2:Skimming

The passage is mainly about changing 5 yuan into more by___________________. (Tip:When reading for main idea, topic sentence or key information should be focused.)

【设计意图】在一堂阅读课中, 读是进行信息输入的必要手段。阅读中既要有阅读的目的, 也就是任务, 又要注意阅读技巧的训练和体现。通过快读的形式让学生找到文章的main idea, 有助于学生对文章的主题和结构有一个整体的理解和把握。

Step 3:Scanning

Task 1:Get facts about the Yellow River (见图2)

【设计意图】文章的主题虽然是5元钱的作用, 但5元钱所带来的巨大好处是通过列举黄河水土流失的严重性反衬出来的。学生通过精读细节, 加深了对文章主题“Your money—when less is more”的理解。在讲解的过程中, 通过引导学生猜测生词erosion, approximately的意思, 训练学生的猜词技能。另外, 本活动在培养学生学习能力的同时, 提高了学生保护黄河的责任意识;在服务于主题理解的同时, 又培养了学生的文化品格和思维品质。

Task 2:Free talk

1. Who should play the most important role in stop-ping Yellow River erosion?

2. Do all the people believe that stopping Yellow River erosion should be done by us?

3. Which one do you support?Why (not) ?

【设计意图】该活动的主要目的是阅读文本, 让学生找出“谁应该承担保护黄河水土流失的责任”的不同观点, 并以此为切入点, 让学生发表自己的看法, 对文章中的不同观点进行评价。教师则根据学生的反馈信息和课堂情况, 帮助学生树立正确的价值观, 渗透德育。

Task 3:How can 5 yuan work?

With 5 yuan, we can buy a tree→make soil stay on the land→grow crops→make a living→earn money→buy goods and services→develop local economies

【设计意图】通过精读, 以关键词的形式让学生找出5元钱能够做哪些事情。其目的是让学生从整体上对5元钱的作用及起作用的方式有个清楚的感知, 并由此引出作者想通过文章对学生进行德育渗透:So when you have 5 yuan in your pocket next time, think twice about how to use the money.Remember you can use it to buy a tree and create a green future for our motherland, our people and yourself.通过齐读的方式, 让学生加深对文本的理解。

(三) After reading

Step 4:Deep thinking

Task:Enjoy a short video about“less is more”, and then have a deep understanding of the title.

【设计意图】通过欣赏联合国公益宣传视频“没用的5分钱”, 让学生体会小小的5分钱的作用———可以帮助贫困地区的孩子喝上两天干净的水;可以买一本书, 让孩子们重返校园等, 以加深学生对文本的理解, 同时拓展、提高学生的思维品质和学习能力。另外, 以头脑风暴的形式让学生说出“小钱”可以带来的好处, 深化主题理解, 强化德育渗透, 引导学生树立正确的人生观和价值观。

Step 5:Group work

Task:Design your own“less is more”project to call on people around you to join in your project, and offer their“less”, then change their“less”into“more”.

【设计意图】通过小组合作的形式让学生以“less is more”为主题, 设计类似于希望工程的宣传海报。在小组活动之前, 笔者给出提前设计好的海报, 要求学生按照模板, 设计出海报的主题、内容、方式和目的, 以及海报的LOGO。该活动的目的是升华文本的主题, 让学生通过学习和理解文本, 真正从小事做起, 肩负起社会责任, 不仅自己要去做, 还要呼吁身边的人积极参与。

Step 6:Summary

【设计意图】Moral lesson既是对整堂课的总结, 又是对文本主题的升华, 同时强化了德育渗透。以“爱的奉献”的音乐为背景, 总结升华文本主题———A drop of water can make a sea;a tree can de-velop into a forest.As long as everybody starts from less, the world will become better and better。最后, 全班学生大声喊出“Let’s start from less”, 结束整堂课。

Step 7:Assignment

【设计意图】作业分为两部分:一是让学生课下上网查询更多关于lessismore的信息, 这一部分是文本的延伸阅读, 进一步加深学生对文本主题的深层理解;二是让学生以写作的形式去发现自己日常生活中遇到的lessismore的事例, 并在下堂课以speech的形式与全班同学分享。这两部分作业内容既紧扣课堂教学目标, 又高于文本;既源于文本, 又升华了主题。


篇4:第二册UNIT 26 Lesson 10

二年级下学期,第二单元第 1课时




本节课主要学习天气的表达,所以我首先给学生播放英文歌曲How's the weather?的视频,在欢快的乐曲中,学生既感受到了英语课堂的轻松与快乐,也为接下来学习天气的话题做了铺垫。然后我又把中央电视台天气预报的视频播放给学生看来吸引学生的注意力,从而导出Weather Report.


1.全体同学能说新单词snowy rainy windy sunny cloudy 句型What’s the weather like today in…?It’s …in…









课前两分钟内容:Sing a song


(一)学习Part A:




(二)学习句型What’s the weather like today in…?

It’s …in…



3.共同解疑:采用Let’s guess 猜一猜的形式来引导学生用It‘s +天气来回答What’s the weather like? 并继续进行反复操练。

(三)学习Part B: Listen and draw.






1.What’s the weather like today in Beijing?

2.What’s the weather like today in Harbin?

3.What’s the weather like today in Xi’an?

4.What’s the weather like today in Shanghai?

5.What’s the weather like today in Shenzhen?

6.What’s the weather like today in Heihe?


根据课上上网查找的六个城市的天气情况运用今天所学习的句子编写Chant. 课后说给爸爸妈妈听。

例:It’s sunny in Beijing.

It’s snowy in Harbin.

It’s windy in Xi’an.

It’cloudy in Shanghai.

It’s rainy in Shenzhen.

It’s sunny in Heihe.


Teaching Objectives: Students should master the dialogues and useful expressions

Language FOCUS: Welcome (back) to…, on duty, have fun (doing sth) , best wishes, this term, the first lesson, call one’s name, because clause traffic (a), on time.

Properties: Tape recorder, some pictures, a calendar

Teaching Procedures:

I. organizing the class

Teacher: Good morning, class.

Students: Good morning, sir.

T: Welcome to school.

S: (They may have different answers, never mind)

II. Warming up

After a long vacation, students may feel hard to speak English, so give them a few minutes to talk about their holidays in groups.

III. Leading in

Go round the classroom and greet them individually “Good morning, welcome back to school” then get them to greet other students in the same way.

IV. Presentation

Take out some pictures with People doing things happily and show them to the students to learn and practice “have fun doing sth. eg. The children are having fun playing football”, “The farmers have fun working on the farm.” etc.

Call students’ names and help them answer “I’m here.” or “Here.” Then explain the phrase “call one s names” .

Draw a crowded street (many cars, people, buses and bikes, etc) and teach the phrase “bad traffic”, draw and teach “traffic limits” “traffic signs” to help students to grasp the meaning of “traffic”.

First write the phrase “on time” on the blackboard, then give them some example sentences, let them understand the meaning eg. “He lives far from school, but he gets up very early, so he gets to school on time,” etc.

V. Practise

Play the tape for the students to listen and read three times, then get them to read out by themselves. Play the tape two more times for them to repeat and practise . At last get them to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

VI. Presentation

Show students the calendar, and teach “Teachers’ Day” with a sign on Sept.

10th, “Women’s Day” when point to March 8th, “Children’s Day” pointing to June lst.

Get someone to clean the blackboard and say “Thank you for cleaning the blackboard for me.” Get some more students to do things and teach “Thank you for doing sth.”

Play the tape once for them to find any problem, then play it again for them to read and practise in pairs.

Act it out

VII. Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks

1. Welcome back ________School.

2. The boys always have fun ____ basketball (play).

3. The students say “here”____ the teacher call their names.

4. Mary always gets to school ____ time.

5. I m not ____ duty today.

6. I made a card ____ my friend Tom.

7. Thank you ____ your coming to see me.

Answers: 1.to, 2.playing, 3.when, 4.on, 5.on, 6.for, 7.for.

VIII. Homework

1. To make a card for your teacher, parents or friends.

2. To make sentences with: have fun (doing sth) on time, welcome …to

篇6:第二册UNIT 26 Lesson 10


Time:Sun.4:00-6:00 Teaching type&title: new lesson 70 red for danger Teaching contents&aims: bullfight drunk wander ring unaware bull matador remark apparently sensitive criticism charge clumsily bow safety sympathetically

介词for with of to at from in on about与动词的搭配

Key points: drunk wander ring unaware remark apparently sensitive criticism charge clumsily safety sympathetically

介词for with of to at from in on about与动词的搭配 Difficulties: runk wander unaware apparently sensitive criticism charge safety

介词for with of to at from in on about与动词的搭配 Procedure: Step one


ask and answer Step two

new lesson 1.Lead in: Have you drunk the redbull? It’s a kind of drink and it makes you very energetic.Bull is a kind of animal.in Rome, there are lots of bullfights.Do you think it is dangerous or not? 2.Introduce the story: A drunk walked into a ring and he didn’t know it was very dangerous.3.Listen and answer: How was the drunk removed from the ring? 4.Words 5.Listen,imitate and learn:



Mary is sensitive to smells.You’re too sensitive.Mary has a sensitive ear.★charge


① vt.&vi.要价,收费

They charged us too much for repairs.How much do you charge for this dress?

② vt.指控,指责

The police charged him with murder.He charged Gary with speeding.③ vt.&vt.猛攻,冲向,冲锋,向前冲

The bull charged at the drunk.★bow


① vt.&vt.鞠躬,欠身,低下(头等)

The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.As she couldn’t answer the question, she bowed her head.② vi.让步,屈服,服从

Why did you bow to their decision? He finally bowed before money and married the other girl.③ vt.压弯,压倒

My mother is bowed with age.The little tree is bowed with snow.【课文讲解】

1、The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger.be unaware of…


While she read the book, she was unaware of the noise around her.I was unaware that you were coming.我不知道你要来。

2、The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.catch sight of…


As I came out of the shop, I caught sight of Dan in the crowd.3、The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself.be/feel sure of oneself


She’s always so sure of

herself.4、Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at thedrunk.sensitive to criticism


charge at …


5、The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.break into cheers


break into…


On hearing the news, she broke into tears.When Sally saw the woman wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse, she broke into laughter.6、Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.look on


Many people just looked on while the two men robbed a woman.out of the way


While making meat pies, I always order the children to keep out of the way.在做肉馅饼时,总是命令孩子们不要碍事。

Step three

Key structures

与 for,with,of,to,at,from,in,on和 about连用的形容词

与 for 连用的形容词:eager for(渴望),enough for(足够),famous for(以……而闻名),fit for(合适),grateful for/to(因……而感激),qualified for/in(能胜任),ready for/to(准备好),responsible for(对……负责),sorry for(对……感到遗憾),sufficient for(充足的),thankful for/to(感谢),valid for(有效期为……)

We have enough apples for the children.They were eager for the performance to begin.My aunt is famous for her beauty.与 with连用的形容词:angry with sb./at sth.(因某人或某事生气),busy with/at(忙于……),consistent with(与……一致),content with(对……满足),familiar with/to(与……熟悉),patient with(有耐心),popular with(为……所喜爱)

Why was Mary angry with you?

She wasn’t content with her life.Uncle Sam is always popular with children.与of 连用的形容词:afraid of(害怕),ahead of(在……前面),aware of(知道),capable of(能够),careful of/with(小心),certain of(确信),conscious of(意识到),envious of(妒忌),fond of(爱好),guilty of(有……罪的),ignorant of(不了解),independent of(独立于),jealous of(妒忌),kind of/to(对……和蔼),north/south/east/west of(在……的北/南/东/西面),short of(缺乏),shy of(顾虑),sure of(肯定),worthy of(值得)

She is careful his coming.她注意衣着。

I was short of money at that time.与to连用的形容词:close to(接近于),contrary to(与……相反),cruel to(对……残忍),dearto(对……很重要),equal to(与……相等),faithful to(忠于……),fatal to(对……是致命的),harmful to(对……有害的),identical to(与……相同的),indifferent to(对……不关心),inferior to(劣于……),liable to(对……有义务的),new to(对……没有经验),obedient to(对……服从),obvious to(对……清楚的),polite to(对……有礼貌),previous to(先于),rude to(对……粗暴无礼),sensitive to(对……敏感),similar to(与……相似),useful to(对……有用)

Most people are sensitive to criticism.Though the bicycle is old, it is very dear to me.虽然这辆自行车破旧,但我很珍视它。

All these words are new to me.所有这些单词我都是第一次遇到。

It’s obvious to everyone that he’s lying.大家都清楚他在撒谎。

My car is similar to yours.我的车与你的车相似。

与 at 连用的形容词:bad at(不善于……),clever at(擅长),efficient at(能胜任的),expert at/in(能熟练做……),good at(善于),indignant at(对……感到愤慨),quick at(很快),sad at/about(因……而悲伤),slow at(对……迟钝),skillful at/in(熟练)

I am good/bad at swimming.Tom is quick/slow at learning new things.与 from 连用的形容词:away from(距……远的),different from(与……不同的),far from(远离),safe from(无危险的)

The man was far from comfortable while being confined to the wooden box.那人被闷在木箱里时一点儿也不舒服。

与 in连用的形容词:deficient in(缺少),fortunate from(在……很幸运),honest from(对……很诚实),weak from(在……薄弱的)

You’re fortunate in having a house of your own.Frank is honest in business.I’m weak in/at chemistry.与 on连用的形容词:dependent on(依赖于……),intent on(专心于……),keen on(热心于……)

She was keen on tennis.You shouldn’t be so intent on making money.Are you still dependent on your father? 与 about连用的形容词:curious about(对……好奇的),doubtful about/of(对……有疑问),enthusiastic

about(对……热心),reluctant about/to(勉强),right about/in(在……是正确的),uneasy about(对……感到不安)

She is uneasy about her future.她为自己的前途担心。

I’m doubtful about/of his words.Step four review and do the exercises
